1 164048signed-Draft

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HRCO-11/;.(" -1 , ..


I Personnel Section
/ 646044 i ?O2 4 BSNL Corparale Office,
-,-? wffiflTi-qrqfurqfrfttt
#.f iqrErrsn+lacsc)
4!n Floor, Biarat Sanchar Bhawan,
Janpath New Delhi - 110001. { v B${AnAT $ftiltnnn LTMITEII HTGAM
Ph 01 1-2371 1034 {A Gov{. 6l t.Ua Ehlorpri5ol

I{o. BSNICO-PERSI 19{ r2l/2/2* j Dated: u1'.o4,2o24


All Heads of Telecorr Circles/Metr: iJistr';-rs i.* Other Administrative Units

All FffMs/Sr. GMs/GMs oI BSIrl, ,. ii li'.r,. I.",r{hi
IJharal S*nchar $trigam Limiled

Sub:- Processing of e-APAR of I'1,;

Porta] for year ?,A?.3-2** re!, . "

Ref:- BSNLC0-PERB/1S(1?)1zl2Ul:l r,lrks:-Parti3) llateti: {}4.M.2024 (available on

Inrranct ponal).

in continuation of this ofliie i.:.i::: ur i,er rejerent.e please tind enclosed herewith
the timelines for processing :'f i:.:!-f iil:is' is :qs.trr:i lf N*n-executive empioyees cf
BSNL for year ZOZS-24 ar ,r , ..',' {.,., r {,s;iii to }fE$u ar}d AaUsnrre-'B}
for "I[89 & Above" leve1.

All concemed are advised to compl;' '1 ,..ir 'ir'l riirlt-i*(ls i:-r ' ;'rc':t-ssing of e-APARt

This issues with the approval o[ conrpr:l'--rri i --t]' ..i iqy"

SSI{L CO, ller l}elhl

Enslosures: A.s above.

fqi6-{ HqI: HRCO-11/20 (4gl/g/2O2A-HR .c,,,,ju A*t,iiri rni{iqi U[E[T[1T, OLaq-ZOZq

ykFmfu (ii$ria grr s[rt +etrh qTuzm R I .*1o;1- elir e4q:'iT4; t.iqp'k fmq 3Tfktr fr wrft f,: -
1. glfr BA/unit Heads eRilun gi**r:l
2. Tdrmiqo (frd) aRgrun qR{sa G1{:ili !

3. 5s 3TFq;f,r 1fr9f,) / 5w 3tftn : ' ' , ,rr: l;'.j-i $'ieo Eftqlun frt eiqrar t

4. rlfrffi{f,q.fflt Yfui-strfiP ''' I

4T. 5, Tdr. ERqTUil

(qnq sqlqa)

3rEirdl - 133001.
HRCO-11/20(49)/3/2020-HR AND ADMIN
3060251/2024/HR & ADMIN - HR CO
Personnel Section
BSNL Corporate Office,
4th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Janpath New Delhi - 110001. BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED
Ph:011-23711034 (A Govt. of Indja Enterprise)


Time Schedule for Preparation/ Completion process of e-APAR

for NE1 to NE8" (for Reporting of Financial year 2023-24) :
Task to be performed Date
Last date for Initiation and writing of e-APARof Non
1 executive employee (NE1 to NE8) by the reporting/ 30.06.2024
reviewing officer
The date on which
Disclosure of APAR to concerned Non-executive APAR 0s reported/
employee. reviewed** (Auto
disclosed immediately
after review).

Receipt of representation, if any from the date of Within 15 Days of

disclosure of APAR. disclosure of APAR.

Last date for Forwarding of Representation by

Reporting/Reviewing officer to concerned APAR
4 15.09.2024
Administrator/Custodian for disposal by Appelate
Time for Disposal of representation by the
5 competent authority (Off line Mode) from the date 1month
of receipt of representation.
Last date for Communication of the decision of the
competent authority on the representation and its
6 15-11-2024
updation into the ERP Portal by the APAR
Last date for updating of No Report/ No Review
7 Certificate with Un-Completed APARS by APAR 21-11-2024
End of entire APAR process. 30-11-2024

1. Mid-term e-APARs in case of transfer (within BSNL) /Retirement, should be completed
(Initiated/ Reported/Reviewed) within one month time, irrespective of APAR structure.
Other time lines shall be as above.
2. The e-APAR initiated by venture of transfer (outside of BSNL) of Reporting/Reviewing,
should be completed within three month time, irrespective of APAR structure, as the
ESS login (Only APAR Tab) of Reporting/ Reviewing officer shall remain active only for
three months from the date of transfer (outside of BSNL) as per letter dated 08.07.2019.
3. Note**. Reviewed e-APAR is reflected and auto disclosed in the APAR inb0x of the
officer reported upon immediately after report/review of e-APAR.
HRCO-11/20(49)/3/2020-HR AND ADMIN
3060251/2024/HR & ADMIN - HR CO
Personnel Section
BSNL Corporate Office,
4th Floor, Bharat
Sanchar Bhawan,
Janpath New Delhi - 110001.
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Time Schedule for
for NE9 & Above" (for Reporting
process of e-APAR
of Financial year 2023-24) :
Task to be performed Date
Last date for Submission of self-appraisal
1 (NE9 & above) to the reporting officer.
By concerned Non
executive 15.05.2024
Last date for reporting of APARS and further
2 submission to next stage. 30.06.2024
By Reporting officer
Last date for Reviewing of APARS.
By Reviewing officer
The date on which
Disclosure of APAR to Non-executive employee. APAR is reviewed**
(Auto disclosed
immediately after

5 Receipt of representation, if any from the date of Within 15 Days of

disclosure of APAR. disclosure of APAR.

Last date for Forwarding of Representationby

Reviewing officer to concerned APAR
Administrator/Custodian for disposal by Appellate 15.09.2024
Time for Disposal of representation by the
7 competent authority (Offline Mode) from the date 1 month
of receipt of representation.
Last date for Communication of the decision of the
competent authority on the representation and its
updation into the ERP Portal by the APAR
Last date for updating of No Report/ No Review
Certificate with Un-Completed APARS by APAR 21.11.2024
10 End of entire APAR procesS. 30.11.2024

1. Mid-term e-APARs in case of transfer (within BSNL)/Retirement, should be
completed (Initiated/ Reported/ Reviewed) within one month time, irrespective of
APAR structure. Other time lines shall be as above.
2. Thee-APAR initiated by venture of transfer (outside of BSNL) of Reporting, should be
completed within three month time, irrespective of APAR structure, as the ESS login
(Only APAR Tab) of Reporting officer shall remain active only for three months from
the date of transfer (outside of BSNL) as per letter dated 08.07.2019.
3. Note** Reviewed e-APAR is reflected and auto disclosed in the APAR inbox of the
officer reported upon immediately after review of e-APAR.

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