CHL ChloroMaticLifeguard IOI
CHL ChloroMaticLifeguard IOI
CHL ChloroMaticLifeguard IOI
WARNING: Failure to follow these instructions and comply with all applicable
codes may cause serious bodily injury and/or property damage.
2 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 31
8.1.2. RE-CALIBRATING PH PROBE................................................................................................... 33 ON THE DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL...................................................................... 33 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.3. OVERRIDING/IGNORING PH PROBE....................................................................................... 34 ON THE DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL...................................................................... 34 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 36
8.2. ORP/CHLORINE CONTROL....................................................................................................... 37
8.2.1. ADJUSTING ORP SET POINT.................................................................................................... 38 ON THE DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL...................................................................... 38 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 40
8.2.2. RE-CALIBRATING ORP PROBE................................................................................................. 42 ON THE DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL...................................................................... 42 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 43
8.2.3. OVERRIDING/IGNORING ORP PROBE..................................................................................... 43 ON THE DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL...................................................................... 44 USING THE APP.......................................................................................................................... 45
8.3. SALT LOW WARNING................................................................................................................. 47
8.4. SALT LOW ALARM...................................................................................................................... 47
9. ADVANCED FEATURES........................................................................................................................... 47
9.1. VSD SET POINT.......................................................................................................................... 48
9.2. SYSTEM MODE.......................................................................................................................... 49
9.2.2. ACTIVATING SYSTEM MODE ON DAVEY APP......................................................................... 51
9.3. SCHEDULE MODE...................................................................................................................... 52
9.3.1. ADJUSTING SYSTEM MODE ON DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL............................. 52 ADDING A TIMER........................................................................................................................ 52 ACTIVATING SCHEDULE MODE................................................................................................ 54
9.3.2. ADJUSTING SCHEDULE MODE ON DAVEY APP..................................................................... 56 ADDING A TIMER........................................................................................................................ 56 REMOVING A TIMER.................................................................................................................. 58 ACTIVATING SCHEDULE MODE................................................................................................ 59
9.4. BOOST MODE............................................................................................................................. 60
9.4.1. ACTIVATING BOOST MODE ON DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL............................... 60
9.4.2. ACTIVATING BOOST MODE ON DAVEY APP........................................................................... 62
9.5. WINTER MODE........................................................................................................................... 63
9.5.2. ACTIVATING WINTER MODE ON DAVEY APP.......................................................................... 65
9.6. SERVICE MODE......................................................................................................................... 67
9.7. BACKWASH MODE..................................................................................................................... 67
9.7.2. ADJUSTING BACKWASH MODE ON THE APP......................................................................... 69
9.8. SPA MODE (FOR USE IF NO ORP PROBE IS CONNECTED).................................................. 69
9.8.1. ACTIVATING SPA MODE ON DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL..................................... 69
9.8.2. ACTIVATING SPA MODE ON DAVEY APP................................................................................. 70
9.9. COVER MODE (FOR USE IF NO ORP PROBE IS CONNECTED)............................................ 72
9.9.1. ACTIVATING COVER MODE ON DAVEY LIFEGUARD CONTROL PANEL............................... 72
9.9.2. ACTIVATING COVER MODE ON DAVEY APP........................................................................... 74
9.9.3. ACTIVATING COVER MODE REMOTELY.................................................................................. 75
9.10. SPA & COVER MODE (SIMULTANEOUS).................................................................................. 76
9.11. HEAT PUMP CONNECTION – “DAVEY HEAT PUMP”............................................................... 76
9.11.1. CONNECTING LIFEGUARD TO A “DAVEY HEAT PUMP”......................................................... 76
9.11.2. CONNECTING LIFEGUARD TO A “DAVEY NIRVANA HEAT PUMP”......................................... 79
9.11.3. ADJUSTING SET TEMPERATURE OF HEAT PUMP VIA LIFEGUARD..................................... 82
10. GENERAL INFORMATION....................................................................................................................... 84
10.1. RECOMMENDED POOL WATER LEVELS................................................................................. 84
10.2. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE YOUR POOL WATER CHEMISTRY........................................... 85
10.2.1. CYANURIC ACID......................................................................................................................... 85
10.2.2. SODIUM BICARBONATE............................................................................................................ 85
11. MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................................................ 86
11.1. PROBE DAMAGE........................................................................................................................ 86
11.2. WINTERISING THE PROBES..................................................................................................... 86
12. TROUBLESHOOTING.............................................................................................................................. 87
12.1. WARNINGS AND ALARMS......................................................................................................... 87
12.2. RECOVERING DRY PROBES ................................................................................................... 88
12.3. ADDITIONAL TIPS ...................................................................................................................... 88
13. SPARE PARTS ......................................................................................................................................... 92
13.1. EXPLODED DIAGRAM................................................................................................................ 92
13.2. PARTS LISTING ......................................................................................................................... 92
A. 2 x 40/50mm unions; J. 1 x Acid feed injection point;
B. 1 x QRG (Quick Reference Guide); K. 1 x Probe and injection point housing;
C. 1 x Incoming power lead; L. 1 x RJ45 connection cable;
D. 1 x Davey Lifeguard controller; M. 4 x pH calibration solution;
E. 1 x Acid dosing pump kit; N. 4 x ORP calibration solution; and
F. 1 x Antenna; O. 1 x TDS calibration solution
G. 1 x pH probe; P. 1 x pump connection cable
H. 1 x ORP probe; Q. Wall plug and screw kit.
I. 1 x Salt/temperature probe;
Pool Control
ce Guide |
Quick Referen stem
| Pool-Kontrollsy
Kurzanleitung della piscina
di controllo
| Sistema esysteem
Guida rapida ad control
ding | Zwemb e de Piscina
Korte handlei de Control
cias | Sistema de piscina
de referên de control
Guia rápido | Sistema
cia rapida piscine
Guia de referen contrôle de
Système de
ce rapide | DPLGEU
Guide de référen
| Modèles:
| Modelos
| Modelli |
Models | Modelle
Salt Pool Chlorination System
Models: DES2-15E, DES2-15EL, DES2-25E,
DES2-25EL & DES2-35E
WARNING: Failure to follow these instructions and comply with all applicable
codes may cause serious bodily injury and/or property damage.
2x 1x
| StarFlo
Reference SF
Quick | StarFlo
Kurzanleitung | StarFlo SF
rapida | StarFlo SF
Guida | StarFlo
handleiding SF
Korte de referências | StarFlo
rápido rapida SF
Guia | StarFlo
de referencia rapide | Modèles:
Guia | Modelos
de référence | Modellen
Guide | Modelli DSF1350
| Modelle DSF1100,
Models DSF900,
StarFlo SF
of this equipment.
Please pass
these instructions
on to the operator
| StarFlo
Reference| StarFlo
Quick SF
| StarFlo
rapida | StarFlo | StarFlo SF
de referências
| StarFlo SF
Korte rapida | StarFlo
| Modèles:
de referencia
rapide | Modelos
de référence
| Modellen
| Modelli
Guide | Modelle DSF1100,
Models DSF900,
ATTENTION: Before carrying out any operation on the equipment, disconnect the power
supply. Any and all electrical work installing, servicing or decommissioning should be
handled by suitably qualified personnel.
• Acid: A chemical compound that lowers pH by contributing hydrogen ions to a water solution.1
• Acid dosing pump: Peristaltic pump to provide measured amounts of acid to the pool water to facilitate
pH correction by lowering pH.
• Alkaline (a.k.a. Base): A chemical that neutralises solids, usually by furnishing hydroxyl ions (OH-). The
opposite of an acid.1
• Balanced Water: The correct ratio of hardness, alkalinity, temperature, dissolved solids, and pH that
prevents pool water from being either corrosive or scale forming.1
• Calcification: Formation of calcium carbonate scale on pool walls or the surface of circulation system
components due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate.1
• Calcium Hardness: The calcium portion of the total hardness. The level of calcium determines whether
water is overly soft (too little) or hard (too much). Excessively high hardness levels may cause cloudy
water and scale. Excessively low levels may harm the pool.1
• Calibration: The process of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a
measuring instrument.1
• Chlorine: A common oxidiser used as a disinfectant and algicide in swimming pools.
• Cyanuric Acid (C3N3O3H3) (a.k.a. Stabiliser): A chemical that restricts the loss of chlorine because of
ultra-violet rays from sunlight.
• Hardness (water): Refers to the quantity of dissolved minerals, chiefly calcium and magnesium
compounds in the water. May be measured as Total Hardness (TH) or Calcium Hardness (CH). Not to be
confused with Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) which is different.
• Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) (a.k.a. Muriatic Acid): A strong acid used to reduce the pH and total alkalinity as
well to clean scale or acid wash surfaces. It is also generated in the reaction of chlorine gas and water.1
• Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl): An unstable acid with excellent bactericidal and algicidal properties. The
active agent by which chlorine serves as a disinfectant. It is in dynamic equilibrium with hypochlorite ion
(OCl-), dependant on the pH of the water.1 The equilibrium value where HOCl and OCl- are equal is at pH
of 7.5. The correct pH in pool water is very important to ensure chlorine is able to disinfect efficiently.
• ORP (a.k.a. Oxidation Reduction Potential): A method of measuring the potential, which often relates to
the concentration of an oxidiser in the water.1 In swimming pools this is generally measuring the chlorine
available for use as an oxidiser. When measured by a probe the value should normally be 650mV but may
vary by ±15mV. Too high indicates too much chlorine while too low indicates chlorine levels are low.
• pH: A measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A pH of below 7.0 is considered acid. A pH
above 7.0 is considered alkaline.1 The pH of humans is between 7.35 and 7.45, i.e. slightly alkaline.
• Probe (a.k.a. Sensor or Electrode): A device placed in the pool water piping system that measures
specific water properties. The measurements provided are interpreted by the Davey Lifeguard controller to
either take corrective action or to initiate an alarm or warning that action is required.
• Re-climatising probes: the process of reinstating probes to their normal operating condition after being
allowed to dry out.
• Total Alkalinity: A measure of the ability of the water to maintain a desirable pH when acid is added
to the water.1
• Total Dissolved Solids: (a.k.a. TDS) refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions and some,
usually small amounts, of organic matter that are dissolved in water. Total dissolved solids (TDS) in a pool
commonly reflects the salt levels in the water. This can be measured with a conductivity probe.
• Total Hardness (TH): The total of all calcium hardness and magnesium hardness in water.1
Ref: 1: National Swimming Pool Foundation Pool and Spa Operators Handbook 2017
• Cordless drill; • 20L container suitable for use with HCl acid storage;
• 6mm drill bit; • Clippers, or knife to cut acid feeder tube;
• 7/32” wood drill bit; • Hacksaw;
• # 2 Phillips head screwdriver; • Teflon “plumber’s” tape;
• Cable ties; • PVC primer; and
• 5L HCl acid; • PVC glue.
• Chemical handling PPE (see section 4.3);
In order to operate, the Davey Lifeguard requires first, the installation of an Nipper. If this
is yet to be fitted, please refer to the instructions supplied with the Nipper. An electronic
copy of the full installation & operating instructions can be downloaded from the following
URL, or by scanning this QR code.
Figure 4.1
A: Clear cover of acid dosing pump;
B: 24VDC power lead;
C: Acid feeder tube;
D: Mounting screw;
E: Wall plug for mounting screw;
F: Double sided tape for assisted wall mounting;
G: Mounting bracket;
H: Locating lugs for clear cover of acid dosing pump;
I: Suction filter
J: Suction feeder tube drum weight;
K: Squeeze tube locking nuts, for acid feeder tube;
L: Squeeze tube;
M: Squeeze tube roller; and
N: Acid injection point fitting.
4.3.2. General information about the acid dosing pump
ATTENTION: If any of the instructions here contained is not respected, there can
be damage to persons &/or incorrect working, or damage to the apparatus. Davey
recommends the use of 5L HCl acid, added to 15L of tap water. This should be done
in a container suitable of use with HCl acid. Do not use Sulphuric Acid. Suitable
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn during the process. Consult
warnings on chemical containers where necessary.
ATTENTION: The acid drum should be located at least 2 metres from any other pool
equipment. If the acid drum is located inside a room or an area with limited ventilation
then a vent hole needs to be drilled in the lid and tubing run out to open area.
Davey recommends the use of low fuming pool acid.
Acid fumes will damage equipment and will not be covered by warranty.
The acid dosing pump needs to be installed a minimum of 2m away from the chemical drum, but no
higher than 1.5m above it. When installing the pump, read the labels and verify the following:
• Tubing material is compatible with the liquid;
• The pressure at the injection point is lower, or equal to the pump nominal pressure;
• Acid (suction) feeder tubing is inserted in the liquid container, fitted to the suction connection of the
pump (represented on the lid with r) and tightened with the proper nut;
• Acid (delivery) feeder tubing is fitted to the delivery connection of the pump (represented on the lid
with s), tightened with the proper nut;
• Allow sufficient length of feeder tubing to reach the proposed probe & acid dosing injection housing;
• The locating lugs for the clear cover of acid dosing pump are correctly seated.
IMPORTANT: Davey recommends ensuring that all feeder tubing and probe cables
be attached to pipework where possible. Use “cable ties” or “sticky/electrical tape”.
This is good practice as it not only looks more professional, but also limits potential
damage to feeder tubes and probe cables by becoming entangled, or pulled by users
during servicing of equipment etc.
Before carrying out any operation on the pump, disconnect the power supply.
The acid dosing pump needs to be installed a minimum of 2m away from the acid chemical drum (not
included), but no higher than 1.5m above it.
7 Installation with the provided bracket:
• Fix the bracket with the provided screw;
• In case of tiled, or low friction walls, use the supplied adhesive tape as follows:
- Peel off one of the two protective foils from the tape;
- Stick the tape to the bracket;
- Peel off the second protective foil; and
- proceed to fix the bracket with the provided screw.
• Fix the pump on the bracket ensuring tongues on the back of the pump slides onto the bracket. Suction filter installation:
• Feed the acid feeder tube through the lid of your acid container. A 7/32” drill bit is ideal to make this hole;
• Always ensure you drill a venting hole in the lid too (refer Figure 4.2). This is particularly important
if the chemical container is stored in an unventilated area, as the venting port should be used to
extract fumes from the area;
• Insert the end of the tubing in the weight so that it exits from the flared part (refer Figure 4.3);
• Insert the suction filter in the same end of the tubing (refer Figure 4.3);
• Replace the acid drum lid with the tube, weight and filter inside the drum. Allow for enough tube for
the weight to sit at the bottom of the acid drum;
• It is strongly recommended to use the suction filter in all situations. It is the combination of the hose
weight and suction filter that ensures that the acid tube intake does not suck itself flat against the
bottom of the acid drum; and
• Clean it periodically to avoid dry residual of product, accumulation of dirt.
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
4.4.1. Components of the probe & injection point housing
Figure 4.4
4.4.2. General information about the probe & injection point housing
The probe housing comes with 3 x probe sealing blanks (labelled A in Figure 4.4). These will be useful for
winterising the pool, or in the event of servicing. This will allow continued operation of the pool system,
without the probe(s) fitted. Inside the 3 probe locking nuts (labelled B in Figure 4.4), there is an o-ring
and washer for fitting each probe.
4.4.3. Plumbing the probe & injection point housing
IMPORTANT: When installing the probe & injection point housing, it is critical that
the housing be installed correctly.
Figure 4.5
ü û
• The housing is installed so as water flow moves in the correct direction, shown by arrow markings on
the housing (refer Figure 4.6);
Figure 4.6
ü û
Figure 4.7
ü û
• The housing is installed up-flow of the Nipper cell housing (refer Figure 4.8);
Figure 4.8
ü û
IMPORTANT: When installing the probe & injection point housing, the installation
should ensure the probes remain wet, especially during the pump’s off period.
If water is found to drain from pipework and especially from the probe and injection point housing, it is
possible that the probes may dry out. Should this occur, please refer to the troubleshooting section that covers
recovering dry probes. Where pipework is found to drain, the probe housing should be installed to allow a low
point, to keep water in the housing, ensuring the probe ends remain submerged (refer Figure 4.9).
Figure 4.9
4.4.5. Plumbing the probe & injection point housing to acid dosing pump
Following section 4.2.2, the acid (delivery) feeder tubing should be fitted to the delivery connection of the
pump (represented on the lid with s), and tightened with the locking nut.
IMPORTANT: Davey recommends ensuring that all feeder tubing and probe cables
be attached to pipework where possible. Use “cable ties” or “sticky/electrical tape”.
This is good practice, not only as the installation looks more professional, but it also
limits potential damage to feeder tubes and probe cables by becoming entangled, or
pulled by users during servicing of equipment etc.
• Screw the acid injection point, into the probe injection point housing (refer Figure 4.10). This will require
plumbing thread tape only. DO NOT USE SEALING COMPOUNDS, OR PIPE DOPE.
Figure 4.10
• Attach the other end of the acid injection point to the acid (delivery) feeder tubing and tighten the nut on
the acid injection point (refer Figure 4.11).
Figure 4.11
• Attach the other end of the acid (delivery) feeder tubing to the acid dosing pump and tighten nut
(refer Figure 4.12).
Figure 4.12
4.4.6. Wiring the acid dosing pump to the Davey Lifeguard controller
The acid dosing pump is powered by an ELV (extra low voltage) 24VDC supply. On the end of the acid
dosing pump power lead is a Tamiya connector (refer Figure 4.13).
The Tamiya connector needs to fit into the back of the Davey Lifeguard controller (refer Figure 4.13).
The connector is deliberately designed such that it fits only one way.
Figure 4.13
4.4.7. Plumbing probe blanks into probe and injection point housing:
On the probe and injection housing, under each of the 3 x probe locking nuts, is an o-ring and washer
(refer Figure 4.14). Remove the first probe locking nut on the housing (where it’s marked pH);
Figure 4.14
• Carefully slide the probe locking nut, then the washer, then the o-ring, onto the probe blank
(refer Figure 4.15);
Figure 4.15
• When sliding the blanking plug into the housing, ensure that the blank is located ½ way into the probe
housing (refer Figure 4.15);
• Hand tighten the probe locking nut onto the probe housing, that will in turn tighten the washer onto the
o-ring (and create a seal). Repeat the process for all remaining probe blanks.
• The o-ring should not be lubricated when being fitted please ensure it is completely dry.
Figure 4.16
Figure 4.17
On the back of the controller at the base, use the cable retention slots for all cables & leads,
ref Figure 4.20.
Figure 4.20
Figure 4.21
ATTENTION: Power connections and wiring must only be carried out by suitably
electrically qualified personnel. Both the Davey Lifeguard and Nipper must remain
powered and communication lead firmly connected until the Nipper has been
programmed. The Nipper will look like (refer Figure 4.24).
Figure 4.24
4.6.3. Connecting Lifeguard to PM400BT
For the Davey Lifeguard controller to communicate to the ProMaster PM400BT pool pump, an RJ45
connection cable must be used. Plug the RJ45 connection cable into the back of the Davey Lifeguard
controller (refer Figure 4.25). Plug the other end of the RJ45 connection cable into the port of the Davey
PM400BT (as explained in its I&OI – refer
Figure 4.25
For adequate weatherproofing, the wall or post that Davey Lifeguard is mounted
to, should be flat and at least as wide as the unit. Ensure the top and bottom of the
Lifeguard is not protruding higher than what it is mounted to. Davey recommends
installation under cover or eaves.
Figure 4.26
The wall plug and screw kit provided should be used to mount the Davey Lifeguard controller. Davey
recommends Davey Lifeguard mounting holes be drilled 170mm higher than the top of the current Nipper
power supply box (refer Figure 4.27).
Figure 4.27
Figure 5.1
Power indicator
System On/Off (lit when on)
Alarm indicator
Menu up/down (flashes when alarm active)
Time out
Menu/setting select (whenever device is left for 30 seconds
without input from user, settings are saved,
Menu/setting cancel (go back) and home HOME SCREEN displayed)
Figure 6.1
• Scroll to your preferred language by using the menu up/down buttons. Options include:
- English; - Spanish;
- French; - German; and
- Dutch; - Italian.
- Portuguese;
• Once your preferred language is highlighted, press menu/setting select.
• The next screen shown is the CLOCK FORMAT menu (refer Figure 6.2);
Figure 6.2
• Scroll to your preferred clock format by using the menu up/down buttons. Options include:
- 12 hour clock; and
- 24 hour clock.
–>02 1 1 PM
Figure 6.3
• Starting with the clock hours, use the menu up/down buttons to adjust until correct, then press
menu/setting select.
• Repeat this process with clock minutes adjustment and AM/PM toggle (if 12 hour clock format has
been chosen);
• The display will then request clock confirmation (refer Figure 6.4);
02 1 1 PM
Figure 6.4
• The next screen shown is the POOL VOLUME menu (refer Figure 6.5);
pool volumE:
–> 18 kl
Figure 6.5
• Use the menu up/down buttons to adjust the POOL VOLUME menu until correct, then press
menu/setting select.
• The next screen shown asks if the pH probe is currently connected and to be used (refer Figure 6.6);
is the ph probe
Figure 6.6
• Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle between yes and no;
ph calibration:
put probe into
ph 7 solution
Figure 6.7
ATTENTION: When packaged, the probe comes connected to a bottle of chemical
solution (refer to technical specifications section for MSDS availability). Do not drink
the solution. The excess solution should be kept for future winterising of probes.
• Carefully unscrew the bottom half of the bottle, from the bottle’s lid (refer Figure 6.8). Do not attempt to
pull the whole bottle off the probe as you risk damaging the probe end;
• Now carefully slide the lid and o-ring off the end of the probe. Ensure the probe end remains intact
and ideally untouched (refer Figure 6.9). If the probe end is broken, the probe will need to be replaced
(refer to spare parts section at the back of this manual). If the probe is touched, simply use a soft cloth,
or tissue to clean, then resoak the probe in its chemical solution for 60 seconds;
Figure 6.10
• At this point, ensure that the pH probe is placed into the pH 7 solution (ref Figure 6.10). Currently
the probe blanking plug should be plumbed into the probe & injection point housing, you will need to
remove it. Ensure that your circulation pump isn’t running, or isn’t about to run. For above ground
pools (or pools where the water level is higher than the equipment) it may be necessary to close
isolation valves to ensure water doesn’t flood from the pool;
Figure 6.11
ph calibration:
in progress . . .
Figure 6.12
• Once complete, the display will instruct you to remove the probe (refer Figure 6.13).
ph calibration:
remove probe
Figure 6.13
• The probe can then be removed from the pH calibration solution and installed into the probe and
injection housing. The injection housing has written in the moulding which probe is mounted where
(refer Figure 6.14);
Figure 6.14
• On the probe and injection housing, under each of the 3 x probe locking nuts, is an o-ring and washer
(refer Figure 6.15). Remove the first probe locking nut on the housing (where it’s marked pH);
Figure 6.15
• Carefully slide the probe locking nut, then the washer, then the o-ring, onto the probe
(refer Figure 6.16);
• The o-ring should not be lubricated when being fitted, please ensure it is completely dry.
End of probe
Figure 6.16
• When sliding the probe into the probe housing, ensure that the probe is located more than ½ way into
the probe housing (refer Figure 6.17).
Probe not in
far enough
ü ûProbe in
too far
Figure 6.17
• Hand tighten the probe locking nut onto the probe housing, that will in turn tighten the washer onto
the o-ring (and create a seal).
• It is a good idea to periodically check the nuts securing the probes onto the manifold to ensure they
haven’t come loose.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the probe isn’t inserted too far into the probe housing.
Pushing the probe against the inside of the probe housing (on the underside) risks
breaking the glass. Do not over tighten the probe locking nut onto the probe housing.
• Press menu/setting select, the display then shows the pH set point (refer Figure 6.18);
The factory default pH set point is 7.4, however you may wish to change this once the Davey Lifeguard is
installed. It should be noted that Chlorine’s effectivity is greatly influenced if pH levels are too high, or too
low. Davey recommends the pool chemistry levels shown in section 10.
ph set point:
-> 7.4
Figure 6.18
• Use the menu up/down buttons to scroll to your desired set point;
• The next screen shown asks if the ORP probe is currently connected and to be used (refer Figure 6.19).
Unlike the pH probe, the ORP probe needs to be left to soak in its calibration solution for 10 minutes prior
to calibrating. You may wish to elect to come back this step later, or if you’ve chosen not to use the ORP
probe, skip to step 6.7 of this manual. The ORP probe can always be re-calibrated after initial installation,
refer Section 8.2.2;
Figure 6.19
• Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle between yes and no. Once correct, then
press menu/setting select;
• If you’ve chosen not to use the ORP probe, skip to step 6.7 of this manual;
• If you’ve chosen to use the ORP probe, the next screen will instruct you to put the ORP probe into the
ORP solution (ref Figure 6.20);
ORP calibration:
put orp probe
into solution
Figure 6.20
ORP calibration:
in progress . . .
Figure 6.21
• Once complete, the display will instruct you to remove the probe (refer Figure 6.22).
orp calibration:
remove probe
Figure 6.22
• The probe can then be removed from the calibration solution and re-installed back into the probe &
injection housing.
• On the probe and injection housing, under each of the 3 x probe locking nuts, is an o-ring and washer
(refer Figure 6.23). Remove the second probe locking nut on the housing (where it’s marked ORP);
Figure 6.23
• Press menu/setting select, the display then shows the ORP set point (refer Figure 6.24).
The factory default ORP set point is 650mV, however you may wish to change this once the
Davey Lifeguard is installed.
ORP set point:
-> 650 MV
Figure 6.24
It should be noted that Chlorine’s effectivity is directly related to the pool water’s ORP level as explained
in section 3. Davey recommends following the pool levels shown in section 10. Adjustment to the ORP set
point can be made as follows:
• Use the menu up/down buttons to scroll to your desired set point. Once correct, then
press menu/setting select.
Should you select NO for “Is the ORP probe connected?” you will be shown a screen to choose a Chlorine
Output. This step is only necessary if you select NO ORP probe. Should you wish to control the Chlorine
output manually, Lifeguard’s Chlorine output works the same as explained in the Nipper manual. Refer to
the relevant section following URL
• The next screen shown asks if the salt/conductivity probe is currently connected and to be used
(refer Figure 6.25);
Figure 6.25
• Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle between yes and no. Once correct, then
press menu/setting select.
• If you’ve chosen not to use the salt probe, skip to section 7 of this manual;
• If you’ve chosen to use the salt probe, the next screen will display 0ppm salt (refer Figure 6.26).
actual reading
-> 0 ppm
Figure 6.26
• Carefully unscrew the bottom half of the bottle, from the bottle’s lid. Do not attempt
to pull the whole bottle off the probe as you risk damaging the glass probe end;
• Place the salt probe into the TDS solution, press the menu up/down buttons to scroll to show
3000ppm, then press menu/setting select;
• The next screen asks if the temperature probe is currently connected and to be used (refer Figure
6.27). The temperature probe is the same probe as the salt probe, but it does plug into the Davey
Lifeguard controller by a separate socket;
is temp probe
Figure 6.27
• Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle between yes and no.
• Once correct, then press menu/setting select;
• If you’ve chosen to use the temperature probe, use the menu up/down buttons to display the
current temperature of the pool’s water.
• You can also watch the demo video on the first screen.
Figure 7.2
This symbol confirms Davey Lifeguard’s connection to Nipper. If the “N” is flashing,
Lifeguard is attempting to connect. If the “N” is solid, the connection is made;
This symbol confirms Davey Lifeguard’s connection to the internet. If the symbol
is shown solid, it indicates that Davey Lifeguard is connected to the internet. If it is
flashing, Davey Lifeguard isn’t connected to the internet; and
system on 100%
slt 0 t 26°c
orp 459 ph 7.4
Figure 7.3
• To update your Chloromatic Nipper, hold down the menu/setting cancel (go back) button
on your Lifeguard controller for approx 5 seconds..
• The display will again go blank & the software update will occur.
Firmware versions can be checked on the Davey Nipper by turning the unit off at the power and turning
back on, the screen will display the current version.
On the Lifeguard unit, the firmware version can be found in the ‘about’ section in settings or in the ‘device
information’ section in the app settings.
If your WiFi signal drops out or stops working, your Davey Lifeguard will automatically reconnect when
the signal is restored.
There is no need to attempt a manual reconnection.
If you experience dropouts of the Lifeguard connection while the WiFi is working correctly you may need
to install a WiFi extender to maintain a strong signal at the unit. Refer to section 7.0 for recommendations
on WiFi extenders.
WiFi signal strength can be effected by:
• Network traffic
• Physical obstructions
• Other wireless networks and devices
• Distance from the modem/router
In a swimming pool application, control of the water’s pH is essential in order to allow Chlorine to
correctly and efficiently oxidise pathogens in the water. The Davey Lifeguard’s HOME SCREEN (refer
Figure 8.1) shows the current pH of the pool water, as measured from the Davey Lifeguard’s pH probe.
system on 100%
slt 1782 t 19°c
orp 650 ph 7.4
Figure 8.1
This can also be observed from the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app (refer Figure 8.2).
Figure 8.2
8.1.1. Adjusting pH set point
The factory default pH set point is 7.4, however you may wish to change this once the Davey Lifeguard is
installed. It should be noted that Chlorine’s effectivity is greatly influenced if pH levels are too high, or too
low. Davey recommends following the pool chemistry levels shown in section 10. Adjustments to pH set
point can be made as follows. On the Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.3);
-> modes
Figure 8.3
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to settings (Figure 8.4);
-> settings
Figure 8.4
• Press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the settings menu (Figure 8.5);
-> ph set point
orp set point
Figure 8.5
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen ask “is the pH probe connected?”
(Refer Figure 8.6);
is the ph probe
Figure 8.6
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen shows the current pH set point
(Refer Figure 8.7);
ph set point:
-> 7.6
Figure 8.7
• Should you wish to change the setting, use the menu up/down buttons to scroll the display
to your desired pH set point. Once your desired pH set point is displayed, press the menu/
setting select button. The change is then saved, and the display reverts back to the settings menu.
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN. Using the app
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, press “probe settings” (refer figure 8.8);
Figure 8.8
• In the probe setting menu, you’ll notice that the current pH set point. From the probe settings menu,
press “edit” (ref figure 8.9);
Figure 8.9
• From the pH adjustment menu, scroll the dial onscreen to edit the pH set point (refer figure 8.10);
Figure 8.10
• Once your preferred set point is shown, press “save” (refer figure 8.11);
Figure 8.11
• Once you’re back to the probe setting menu, you’ll notice that the pH set point has changed
(refer figure 8.12);
Figure 8.12
• Now simply press the back arrow button at the top left corner to return to the dashboard of the
Davey Lifeguard app (refer figure 8.13).
Figure 8.13
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.14);
-> modes
Figure 8.14
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to maintenance (Figure 8.15);
-> maintenance
Figure 8.15
-> calibration
clean cell
replace cell
Figure 8.16
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to PH CAL (Figure 8.17). Then press the
menu/setting select button;
-> ph cal
orp cal
salt cal
Figure 8.17
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.18);
-> modes
Figure 8.18
-> settings
Figure 8.19
• Press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the settings menu (Figure 8.20);
-> ph set point
orp set point
Figure 8.20
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen will ask “is the pH probe connected?”
(Refer Figure 8.21);
is the ph probe
Figure 8.21
• Should you wish to change the setting, use the menu up/down to scroll the display to “NO”
(refer Figure 8.22);
is the ph probe
Figure 8.22
• Then press the menu/setting select button. The change is then saved, and the display reverts
back to the settings menu. Using the app
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, press “probe settings” (refer figure 8.23);
Figure 8.23
Figure 8.24
• From the pH adjustment menu, under “Probe connected”, press no, then press
“save” (refer figure 8.25);
Figure 8.25
• Once you’re back in the probe setting menu, where the pH reading was previously shown, it will
now read “no probe” (refer figure 8.26).
Figure 8.26
• Press the back arrow to return to the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app (refer figure 8.27).
Figure 8.27
system on 100%
slt 1782 t 19°c
orp 650 ph 7.4
Figure 8.28
This can also be observed from the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app (refer Figure 8.29).
Figure 8.29
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.30);
-> modes
Figure 8.30
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to settings (Figure 8.31);
-> settings
Figure 8.31
• Press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the settings menu (Figure 8.32);
-> ph set point
orp set point
Figure 8.32
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to ORP set point (Figure 8.33);
-> ph set point
orp set point
Figure 8.33
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen will ask “is the ORP probe connected?”
(Refer Figure 8.34);
Figure 8.34
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen shows the current ORP set point
(Refer Figure 8.35);
Figure 8.35
• Should you wish to change the setting, use the menu up/down buttons to scroll the display
to your desired ORP set point. Once your desired ORP set point is displayed, press the menu/
setting select button. The change is then saved, and the display reverts back to the settings menu.
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN. Using the app
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, press “probe settings” (refer figure 8.36);
Figure 8.36
Figure 8.37
• From the ORP adjustment menu, scroll the dial onscreen to edit the ORP set point
(refer figure 8.38);
Figure 8.38
• Once your preferred set point is shown, press “save” (refer figure 8.39);
Figure 8.39
• Once you’re back to the probe setting menu, you’ll notice that the ORP set point has changed
(ref figure 8.40);
Figure 8.40
• Press the back arrow to return to the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app (refer figure 8.41).
Figure 8.41
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.42);
-> modes
Figure 8.42
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to maintenance (Figure 8.43);
-> maintenance
Figure 8.43
-> calibration
clean cell
replace cell
Figure 8.44
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to ORP CAL (Figure 8.45). Then press the
menu/setting select button;
ph cal
-> orp cal
salt cal
Figure 8.45
• Now follow the instructions for ORP calibration from section 6.6. Using the app
Note: the ORP probe cannot be calibrated via the app.
8.2.3. Overriding/ignoring ORP probe
Should the need arise whereby the ORP probe needs to be isolated (turned off, or ignored) this is
possible both via the Davey Lifeguard control panel, or via the Davey Lifeguard app. This may become
necessary if the probe is damaged during a maintenance clean. If the probe is damaged, refer to
maintenance section 11.
Note: If you turn off your ORP probe, you will be prompted to enter a % output for the chlorinator
to maintain chlorine levels in your pool without the ORP measurement. Please refer to Davey
Chlormatic Nipper installation and operating instructions for guidance on setting the output.
43 On the Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. This will now show the
main menu (Figure 8.46);
-> modes
Figure 8.46
• Press the menu up/down to scroll down to settings (Figure 8.47);
-> settings
Figure 8.47
• Press the menu up/down button to scroll down to ORP set point (Figure 8.48);
-> ph set point
orp set point
Figure 8.48
• Press the menu/setting select button. The next screen will ask “is the ORP probe connected?”
(Refer Figure 8.49);
Figure 8.49
• Should you wish to change the setting, use the menu up/down to scroll the display to “NO”
(refer Figure 8.50);
Figure 8.50
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll to your chosen CHLORINE OUTPUT
(Figure 8.51);
• This step is only necessary if you select NO ORP probe. Should you wish to control the Chlorine
output manually, Lifeguard’s Chlorine output works the same as explained in the Nipper manual.
Refer to the relevant section following URL
chlorine output:
Figure 8.51
• Then press the menu/setting select button. The change is then saved, and the display reverts
back to the settings menu. Using the app
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, press “probe settings” (refer figure 8.52);
Figure 8.52
Figure 8.53
• From the ORP adjustment menu, under “Probe connected”, press no, then press
“save” (refer figure 8.54);
Figure 8.54
• Once you’re back in the probe setting menu, where the ORP reading was previously shown, it will
now read “no probe” (refer figure 8.55).
Figure 8.55
• Now simply press the back arrow button at the top left corner to return to the dashboard of
the Davey Lifeguard app (ref figure 8.56).
Figure 8.56
There are several advanced features available in the Davey Lifeguard. These modes can be found in the
main menu (Figure 9.1). For any modes to be active the Davey Lifeguard must be on.
-> modes
Figure 9.1
The Lifeguard controller can control the speed of your connected circulation pump (if compatible. The
Davey ProMaster PM400BT pool pump is an example of a compatible pump). To correctly operate the
VSD pool pump control, ensure that the compatible pump is wired into the Lifeguard controller (refer
Section 4.6.3).
9.1.1. Adjusting VSD set point on Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. Press the menu down to
scroll down to SETTINGS (ref Figure 9.2), then select by pressing the menu/setting select button.
-> settings
Figure 9.2
• Press the menu down to scroll down to VSD SET POINT (ref Figure 9.3), then select by pressing
the menu/setting select button.
Figure 9.3
• You will be asked if a compatible VSD pump is connected. Use the menu up/down
buttons to toggle YES/NO when appropriate (refer Figure 9.4) and then pressing the
menu/setting select button.
Figure 9.4
• The current speed setting will be shown next (refer Figure 9.5). Use the menu up/down
buttons scroll the speed setting between 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, then press the
menu/setting select button to confirm.
Figure 9.5
system on 100%
slt 3967 t 1 1°c
orp 77 1 ph 7.2
Figure 9.6
When set to “SYSTEM OFF”, the home screen will still display dashes where the last recorded probe
readings were (refer Figure 9.6), and the circulating pump will not run. Nor will the salt cell produce
Chlorine, or acid dosing pump feed acid.
system on 100%
slt 3967 t 1 1°c
orp 77 1 ph 7.2
Figure 9.7
When set to “SYSTEM OFF”, the home screen will still display dashes where the last recorded probe
readings were (refer Figure 9.8), and the circulating pump will not run. Nor will the salt cell produce
Chlorine, or acid dosing pump feed acid.
slt –––– t –––°c
orp –––– ph –––
Figure 9.8
• System Mode can change between System on or off by pressing the manual on/off button from
the HOME SCREEN or via the Modes section in settings.
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button and go into MODES
(refer Figure 9.9).
-> modes
Figure 9.9
Figure 9.10
• The setting can be ON, or OFF. Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle YES/NO depending on
your needs (refer Figure 9.11). Then press the menu/setting select button to confirm.
-> ON
Figure 9.11
Figure 9.12
• In the “modes” menu, manual mode can be toggled on (as shown), or off by simply sliding the switch
(ref Figure 9.13).
Figure 9.13
• You can now return to the dashboard by using the home button (refer Figure 9.14).
Figure 9.14
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button and go into MODES
(refer Figure 9.15).
-> modes
Figure 9.15
Figure 9.16
• From the TIMER 1 menu use the menu up/down buttons to scroll down and select EDIT
(refer Figure 9.17).
Figure 9.17
• From the TIMER 1 menu, you will be asked to select a speed you wish to run your VSD pump at,
during this specific time (refer Figure 9.18). If you do not have a compatible pump connected, or
you have not set your VSD speed control (refer Section 9.1), skip this step.
Figure 9.18
• Next, you will be asked to select the TIMER 1 ON time (refer Figure 9.19). Adjust this time setting
as you adjusted clock settings for first time setup (refer Section 6.3).
TIMER 1 on:
hrs : mins
->04 01 Pm
Figure 9.19
• Next, you will be asked to select a TIMER 1 OFF time (refer Figure 9.20).
Adjust this time setting as before.
hrs : mins
->07 59 am
Figure 9.20
• Once time settings have been made to TIMER 1, press the menu/setting select button to re-
enter the TIMER 1 menu (refer Figure 9.21).
Figure 9.21
• Use the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to ON (refer Figure 9.22).
Figure 9.22
• Then press the menu/setting select button to confirm. This process can be replicated for
TIMER 2. Activating Schedule Mode
• Schedule Mode can change between Schedule on or off by pressing the manual on/off button
from the HOME SCREEN or via the Modes section in settings.
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button and go into MODES
(refer Figure 9.23).
-> modes
Figure 9.23
• From the MODES menu, use the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to SCHEDULE (refer
Figure 9.24). Then press the menu/setting select button to confirm.
Figure 9.24
• Use the menu up/down buttons to toggle ON/OFF as required (refer Figure 9.25).
Then press the menu/setting select button to confirm.
-> ON
Figure 9.25
• As a reminder, to correctly operate schedule mode, there must be at least one timer set and turned on
(refer Section 9.3 and Figure 9.26).
Figure 9.26
9.3.2.Adjusting Schedule Mode on Davey App Adding a timer
• From the dashboard, go to the “modes” menu by using the modes button (refer Figure 9.27).
Figure 9.27
• In the “modes” menu, click the “Add Timer” button (refer Figure 9.28).
Figure 9.28
• The first time to set will be the start time for your timer. You can see this as the “Start Time” field is
highlighted yellow initially (refer Figure 9.29). Consider this as the time you want the system to turn on.
If you have compatible equipment, you can also elect a pump run speed, for this timer (refer Section
9.1). You can also elect to turn on/off your heat pump (refer Section 9.11).
Figure 9.29
• Adjustments can be made to the scheduled start time by scrolling the hours &/or minutes up and down
with your finger on the screen (refer Figure 9.30).
Figure 9.30
• To set the end time, first ensure you push the “End Time” button (refer Figure 9.31), then adjust the
time as above.
Figure 9.31
• To save the timers you’ve set, simply click save at the bottom of the screen. You can now return to the
dashboard by using the home button (refer Figure 9.32), or activate Schedule Mode
(refer Section
Figure 9.32
• Should you wish to add two separate timers, repeat the process above. They will appear in the Modes
menu as shown (ref Figure 9.33).
Figure 9.33
Figure 9.34
• In the “modes” menu, click the timer you wish to remove (refer Figure 9.35).
Figure 9.35
• Once a specific timer has been chosen, push the trash can logo on the right of the screen
(refer Figure 9.36).
Figure 9.36
• The Modes screen should no longer show that specific timer. You can now return to the dashboard
by using the home button (refer Figure 9.37).
Figure 9.37
Figure 9.38
• Schedule Mode can now be toggled on/off by simply sliding the switch (ref Figure 9.39).
Figure 9.39
• You can now return to the dashboard by using the home button (refer Figure 9.40).
Figure 9.40
Probes aren’t resistant to high levels of chlorine for extended periods of time as it
may reduce the life of the probe. Davey recommends removing the probes from the
manifold when increasing chlorine in the pool.
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. Press the menu up/down
buttons to scroll down to MODES (ref Figure 9.41), then select by pressing the
menu/setting select button.
-> modes
Figure 9.41
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to BOOST (ref Figure 9.42), then select by
pressing the menu/setting select button.
Figure 9.42
• Boost mode can now be toggled ON/OFF where appropriate by using the menu up/down buttons
(ref Figure 9.43), then select by pressing the menu/setting select button.
-> Off
Figure 9.43
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN
(refer Figure 9.44).
Figure 9.44
• Once back at the HOME SCREEN the display will toggle to show BOOST ON (refer Figure 9.45).
BOOST on 0%
slt 3486 t 17°c
orp ---- ph 7.4
Figure 9.45
• To turn off BOOST MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “BOOST MODE: OFF”.
9.4.2. Activating Boost Mode on Davey App
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, go to the “modes” menu by using the modes button
(refer Figure 9.46).
Figure 9.46
• In the “modes” menu, BOOST MODE can be toggled on, or off by simply sliding the switch
(ref Figure 9.47).
Figure 9.47
• Return to the dashboard now by using the home button (refer Figure 9.48).
Figure 9.48
• Once back at the dashboard “Boost Mode Active” will now appear (refer Figure 9.49).
Figure 9.49
• To turn off BOOST MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “BOOST MODE: OFF”.
During winter months the conductivity is affected by low water temperatures, this can have a significant
effect on the life of cell. There is also typically less chlorine demand as the pool is not likely to be used.
WINTER MODE reduces the cell current across the cell plates to 85% to protect the cell and allow the
ability to run in low conductivity conditions.
For example:
• When the Lifeguard is running the Nipper Chlorinator and WINTER MODE is off. The chlorinator cell
current (typically measured in Amps) will be operating at 100% capacity;
• However, when Lifeguard is running the Nipper chlorinator, but WINTER MODE is on: the chlorinator
cell current (typically measured in Amps) will only be operating at 85% capacity.
9.5.1. Activating Winter Mode on Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. Press the menu up/down
buttons to scroll down to MODES (ref Figure 9.50), then select by pressing the
menu/setting select button.
-> modes
Figure 9.50
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to WINTER (ref Figure 9.51), then select by
pressing the menu/setting select button.
boost Off
-> winter OFF
service OFF
Figure 9.51
• WINTER MODE can now be toggled ON/OFF where appropriate by using the menu up/down
buttons (ref Figure 9.52), then select by pressing the menu/setting select button.
winter mODE:
-> Off
Figure 9.52
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN
(refer Figure 9.53).
boost Off
-> winter On
service OFF
Figure 9.53
• Once back at the HOME SCREEN the display will toggle to show WINTER ON (refer Figure 9.54).
04:3 1 PM
winter on 0%
slt 3465 t 17°c
orp 650 ph 7.4
Figure 9.54
• To turn off WINTER MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “WINTER MODE: OFF”.
9.5.2. Activating Winter Mode on Davey App
• From the dashboard, go to the “modes” menu by using the modes button (refer Figure 9.55).
Figure 9.55
• In the “modes” menu, WINTER MODE can be toggled on, or off by simply sliding the switch
(ref Figure 9.56).
Figure 9.56
• Return to the dashboard now by using the home button (refer Figure 9.57).
Figure 9.57
• Once back at the dashboard “Winter Mode Active” will now appear (refer Figure 9.58).
Figure 9.58
• To turn off WINTER MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “WINTER MODE: OFF”.
The service mode menu is only accessed by the manufacturer &/or it’s Authorised Service Representatives.
When using a media filter, there will occasionally come a need to backwash the pool’s filter. During the
backwash process, water is typically expelled from the pool’s filter, out to waste (rather than through the salt
cell & back to the pool). The backwash mode in Lifeguard disables the Lifeguard app, to ensure that the
pumps are only turned on & off (during the maintenance), by the person operating the controller. In addition,
backwash mode automatically triggers the pool pump (if compatible – refer Section 9.1) to vary the speed
of its motor & fluctuate the flow of water through the media bed. This enables a more thorough clean of the
media & ultimately a more effective backwash, using less water.
9.7.1. Adjusting backwash mode on the Davey Lifeguard control panel
If you plan to run a backwash of a media filter, first switch the system to SYSTEM OFF (refer Section 9.2).
Also ensure that the pump is not set to come on again via any means, remote or otherwise (refer Section
9.3). Then turn your media filter to backwash setting.
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button and go into MODES
(refer Figure 9.59).
-> modes
Figure 9.59
• From the MODES menu, use the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to BACKWASH
(refer Figure 9.60).
Figure 9.60
• In the backwash menu, use the menu up/down buttons to toggle ON/OFF as required (refer
Figure 9.61). Then press the menu/setting select button to confirm.
-> NO
Figure 9.61
• The pump will turn on and in the case of a compatible pump (refer Section 9.1), the flow will begin to
vary as the motor speeds up and slows down. During this time, the probes will not show a reading (refer
Figure 9.62) as water will be passing from the pool filter to waste. This will continue for ~ 2 minutes. The
pump will then stop.
slt –––– t –––°c
orp –––– ph –––
Figure 9.62
• If the sight glass of your media filter was yet to clear in that period, repeat the steps above for another
2-minute cycle. If the sight glass did clear, turn your media filter to rinse setting and allow the pump to run
again for another 2-minute cycle. When the pump again stops, your filter can be returned to its normal/
filter setting.
Lifeguard BACKWASH mode should now be returned to normal (refer Figure 9.63), following the
steps above.
-> NO
Figure 9.63
• You can now turn back on the system, either by SYSTEM ON (refer Section 9.2), or by SCHEDULE ON
(refer Section 9.3).
9.7.2. Adjusting backwash mode on the app
Backwash mode control is not available via the app and must be controlled by the Lifeguard control panel.
This ensures that the operator is present, with the pool equipment during the maintenance.
9.8 SPA MODE (for use if NO ORP probe is connected)
The Davey Lifeguard is compatible with large swimming pool applications as well as much smaller spa
applications. Turning on the SPA MODE reduces the chlorinator cell duty cycle by 80% of its current setting.
For example:
• If the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 50%, but the SPA MODE is
off: the Nipper cell duty cycle is 5 hours of that day.
• However, if the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 50%, and
SPA MODE is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 1 hour of that day.
• Similarly, if the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 25%, and
SPA MODE is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 30 minutes of that day.
Reminder: SPA MODE can only be selected from the menu if ORP probe is not connected.
9.8.1. Activating Spa Mode on Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. Press the menu up/down
buttons to scroll down to MODES (ref Figure 9.65), then select by pressing the
menu/setting select button.
-> modes
Figure 9.65
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to SPA (ref Figure 9.66), then select by pressing
the menu/setting select button.
backwash Off
-> spa OFF
cover OFF
Figure 9.66
• SPA mode can now be toggled ON/OFF where appropriate by using the menu up/down buttons
(ref Figure 9.67), then select by pressing the menu/setting select button.
spa mODE:
-> Off
Figure 9.67
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN
(refer Figure 9.68).
backwash Off
-> spa On
cover OFF
Figure 9.68
• Once back at the HOME SCREEN the display will toggle to show SPA ON (refer Figure 9.69).
1 2:44PM
spa on 0%
slt 3463 t 18°c
orp ---- ph 7.5
Figure 9.69
• To turn off SPA MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “SPA MODE: OFF”.
9.8.2. Activating Spa Mode on Davey App
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, go to the “modes” menu by using the modes button
(refer Figure 9.70).
Figure 9.70
• In the “modes” menu, SPA MODE can be toggled on, or off by simply sliding the switch
(ref Figure 9.71).
Figure 9.71
• Return to the dashboard now by using the home button (refer Figure 9.72).
Figure 9.72
• Once back at the dashboard “Boost Mode Active” will now appear (refer Figure 9.73).
Figure 9.73
• To turn off SPA MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “SPA MODE: OFF”.
9.9 COVER MODE (for use if NO ORP probe is connected):
The Davey Lifeguard is compatible with large swimming pool applications as well as much smaller
spa applications. Turning on the COVER MODE reduces the chlorinator cell duty cycle by 80% of
its current setting.
For example:
• If the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 50%, and COVER MODE
is off: the Nipper cell duty cycle is 5 hours of that day.
• However, if the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 50%, and
COVER MODE is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 1 hour of that day.
• Similarly, if the Nipper is on for 10 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 25%, and
COVER MODE is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 30 minutes of that day.
Reminder: COVER MODE can only be selected from the menu if ORP probe is not connected.
9.9.1. Activating Cover Mode on Davey Lifeguard control panel
• From the HOME SCREEN, press the menu/setting select button. Press the menu up/down
buttons to scroll down to MODES (ref Figure 9.74), then select by pressing the
menu/setting select button.
-> modes
Figure 9.74
• Press the menu up/down buttons to scroll down to COVER (ref Figure 9.75), then select by
pressing the menu/setting select button.
backwash Off
spa OFF
-> cover OFF
Figure 9.75
• COVER MODE can now be toggled ON/OFF where appropriate by using the menu up/down
buttons (ref Figure 9.76), then select by pressing the menu/setting select button.
cover mODE:
-> Off
Figure 9.76
• Press the menu/setting cancel (go back) button twice to revert back to the HOME SCREEN
(refer Figure 9.77).
backwash Off
spa OFF
-> cover ON
Figure 9.77
• Once back at the HOME SCREEN the display will toggle to show SPA ON (refer Figure 9.78).
0 1 : 1 8PM
cover on 0%
slt 3453 t 18°c
orp ---- ph 7.5
Figure 9.78
• To turn off COVER MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “COVER MODE: OFF”.
9.9.2. Activating Cover Mode on Davey App
• From the dashboard, go to the “modes” menu by using the modes button (refer Figure 9.79).
Figure 9.79
• In the “modes” menu, scroll the screen to reveal COVER MODE. COVER MODE can be toggled on,
or off by simply sliding the switch (ref Figure 9.80).
Figure 9.80
• Return to the dashboard now by using the home button (refer Figure 9.81).
Figure 9.81
• Once back at the dashboard “Cover Mode Active” will now appear (refer Figure 9.82).
Figure 9.82
• To turn off COVER MODE, repeat the process shown above, but opt for “COVER MODE: OFF”.
9.9.3. Activating Cover Mode remotely
• COVER MODE can also be triggered remotely by an automated pool cover controller. By closing the
terminal block contacts on the rear of the Nipper power supply (ref Figure 9.83), Davey Lifeguard will
remotely switch to COVER MODE. This can be overridden by user intervention, by following the steps
explained previously.
Figure 9.83
Should it be necessary to run SPA MODE and COVER MODE simultaneously, the chlorinator cell duty
cycle is only reduced by 80% That is, the cell duty cycle isn’t reduced by 80%, followed by a further 80%.
The HOME SCREEN display will toggle between showing COVER and SPA. As previously mentioned,
neither COVER, or SPA mode is necessary when Davey Lifeguard is working with an ORP probe.
For example:
• If the Nipper is on for 8 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 50%, but the COVER MODE
is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 48 minutes, of that day;
• If the Nipper is on for 8 hours per day, the CHLORINE OUTPUT is set to 25%, but the COVER MODE
is on: the Nipper cell duty cycle is only 24 minutes, of that day.
COVER MODE can also be triggered remotely by an automated pool cover controller. By closing the
terminal block contacts on the rear of the Nipper power supply (ref figure 9.2), Davey Lifeguard will
remotely switch to COVER MODE. This can be overridden by user intervention, by following the steps
explained previously.
The Lifeguard app (not the controller itself) can control the set temperature of your connected pool heat
pump (if it’s a compatible model). The following models are examples of compatible heat pumps covered
by this section. Some alternate models are covered by Section 9.12.
The instructions for connecting the heat pumps do differ slightly depending on the model of heat pump
you have. Please ensure you use the correct section following. The instructions for the Davey Heat Pump
assumes that the heater is already turned on. Turning the heat pump on/off can not be controlled by
the Lifeguard, only the temperature adjustment. The Heat pump will run automatically while the filtration
cycle is on or while in manual mode and will show a flow alarm (E3 for DHP models) while not running,
this is normal.
If you would like the heat pump not to run at all, you can isolate the power to the heat pump or set the
temperature to 0°C.
9.11.1. Connecting Lifeguard to a “Davey Heat Pump”
• From the dashboard, go to the “settings” menu by using the modes button (refer Figure 9.84).
Figure 9.84
• Press the “Heat Pump” button (refer Figure 9.85).
Figure 9.85
• If you are looking to sync a “Davey Heat Pump”, then press the respective button (refer Figure 9.86). If
you are looking to sync a “Davey by Nirvana” heat pump, go to section 9.11.2 of this manual.
Figure 9.86
• It is important to ensure that your device is connected to the WiFi network you wish to use. This must
be a 2.4GHz WiFi network, not a 5GHz WiFi network. To continue, simply press “Connect Now”.
Alternatively, should you need to cancel, you can via the back button (refer Figure 9.87).
Figure 9.87
• Ensure the current network shown is the same network that your smart device is connected to. Enter
the WiFi password now (refer Figure 9.88). Follow instructions relating to touchpad controls on the heat
pump, before clicking “Connect Now”.
Figure 9.88
• Allow a couple of minutes to connect Lifeguard to your Davey Heat Pump. Your app with show the
connection is in progress (refer Figure 9.89). This screen will continue for ~ 10 seconds.
Figure 9.89
• Once connection between Lifeguard and the Davey Heat Pump is complete, the confirmation will show
(refer Figure 9.90). Click “Done” to return to the dashboard.
Figure 9.90
9.11.2. Connecting Lifeguard to a “Davey by Nirvana” Heat Pump
• If you are looking to sync a “Davey Heat Pump”, go to section 9.11.1 of this manual.
• On your ‘Davey by Nirvana’ heat pump, press the menu button to go into the main menu.
• Use the up and down buttons to scroll down to WIFI and press the button to confirm.
Figure 9.91
Figure 9.92
• It will then ask you to confirm or cancel the reconfigure. Use the down button to move the selection
to RECONFIGURE and then press the button to confirm.
Figure 9.93
Figure 9.94
• It will then confirm that the RECONFIGURE has been successful and display the MAC address or Heat
Pump ID. You will need to write this down.
Figure 9.95
• Open your phone settings and go to the Wi-Fi settings, you will see a Nirvana SSID. Click on this to
connect to your heat pump (Figure 9.96).
Figure 9.96
• A screen should open from the Nirvana site (Figure 9.97). If it doesn’t open automatically, open a web
browser manually. Please enter your Wi-Fi SSID or username and password and click connect.
Figure 9.97
• From the dashboard, go to the “settings” menu press the “Heat Pump” button
Figure 9.98
• Enter your MAC or heat pump ID in the format shown. Then press “Connect Now”
Note: It is important to enter the MAC or heat pump ID number in this format XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
Figure 9.99
• Once connection between Lifeguard and the Davey by Nirvana heat pump is complete, no confirmation
will show, the app will return to the home screen.
9.11.3. Adjusting set temp of Heat pump via Lifeguard
• From the dashboard of the Davey Lifeguard app, press “probe settings” (refer figure 10.0)
Figure 10.0
• With the heater already on, press the button for “Water Temp” “Edit” (refer Figure 10.1).
Figure 10.1
• Ensure that “Probe Connected?” is shown as “YES”, as indicated by yellow highlight (refer Figure 10.2).
Adjust to the pool set temperature by scrolling the set point up and down with your finger on the screen.
Figure 10.2
• Once you’re happy with the change, press “Save” (refer Figure 10.3).
Figure 10.3
• Now the change is reflected in the Probe Settings screen, press the back button to return to the
dashboard (refer Figure 10.4).
Figure 10.4
output of
Add Soda Add Buffer
sanitiser. Add Calcium Add Cyanuric
To increase Ash (Sodium (Sodium Add salt
Add chlorine. Chloride Acid
Carbonate) Bicarbonate)
filtration time.
Decrease Partially drain
output of Add & refill pool Partially drain
Hydrochloric Partially drain
To decrease sanitiser. Hydrochloric with lower & refill pool to
Acid or Dry & refill pool to dilute
Decrease Acid hardness dilute
filtration time. water to Dilute
Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Regularly Regularly
of testing
Figure 10.5
10.2.1. Cyanuric Acid:
• Cyanuric Acid (aka Stabiliser as explained in section 3) is used in swimming pools that are exposed
to UV, to help retain Chlorine in the water and limit rapid Chlorine breakdown. The recommended
cyanuric acid range in most outdoor swimming pools is 25-50ppm.
What is not commonly known is the effect cyanuric acid has on ORP (also defined in section 3).
It should be realised that your pool water’s ORP can be reduced by an increase of cyanuric acid
(refer Figure 10.6).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
CYA (ppm)
Figure 10.6
This reduction of ORP can be confused by Lifeguard to be a low Chlorine level. In reaction to the
perceived low Chlorine level, Lifeguard will increase it’s Chlorine production (unnecessarily) and
elevate the Chlorine level in the pool.
If the stabiliser levels in your pool are higher than 25ppm, Davey recommends adjusting your ORP
setpoint down to achieve the correct chlorine level.
• Only adjust in increments of 25mV per day.
• Take water tests after each filtration cycle until the correct chlorine level is reached.
• It is a good idea to regularly check your pool chemistry at your nearest pool shop.
10.2.2. Sodium Bicarbonate:
• Sodium Bicarbonate (aka Buffer as explained in section 3) is used in swimming pools to increase a
pool’s Total Alkalinity, to assist in the control of pH balance. The recommended Total Alkalinity range in
most pools is 80-150ppm.
What is not commonly known is that adding Sodium Bicarbonate to a swimming pool also will also
(temporarily) cause pH fluctuations. This “pH bounce” must be acknowledged as it will affect Lifeguard’s
ability to control pH during the time. It is recommended that immediately after a dose of Sodium
Bicarbonate, the pH control side of Lifeguard should be switched off (refer section 8.1). The effect should
be considered proportionate to the pool volume and the quantity of Sodium Bicarbonate being added.
For example, to add 2kg of Sodium Bicarbonate to a 30,000L pool, it is recommended that the automated
pH control be switched off for 24 hours. Similarly, if 4kg of Sodium Bicarbonate is added to a 30,000L
pool, it is recommended that the automated pH control be switched off for 48 hours.
This section should be read in conjunction with the maintenance section of your ChloroMatic Nipper manual.
Refer to
Should one of the probes become damaged, the system needed be completely shut down. During the time
it takes to replace the damaged probe(s), simply use the probe blanks in place. This will allow the continued
circulation and filtration of your pool water. To fit the probe blanks, follow the relevant part of section 4.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to turn off the probe in the Lifeguard menu, following the
relevant part from section 6.
When re-fitting the replacement probe, following the relevant part from section 6.
When winterising the pool, if the pool equipment is to be completely switched off, Davey recommends the
probes be unplumbed from the pipework and stored in a “winterising solution”. Using the original probe
bottles, the salt/conductivity probe should be stored in distilled water. The ORP and pH probes should be
winterised in a 3M~3.5M KCl solution.
This solution can be made by dissolving 22g of Potassium Chloride into 100mL of distilled water.
Warning or Alarm on Davey Cause for Alarm How alarm is cleared
Low Salt Models - salt reading Once the Davey Lifeguard registers a
of 1200ppm or below. salt concentration within range the alarm
Low Salt Alarm SALT LOW
Regular Models - salt reading will clear and the Davey Lifeguard will
of 2500ppm or below. return to normal operation.
Figure 12.1
Pool chlorine is high but the probe is showing normal or low ORP
• Check that the setpoint of your ORP level isn’t set too high. Your ORP may need to be adjusted down.
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
• Pool chemistry levels such as pH, alkalinity and stabiliser/cyanuric acid levels will affect your ORP
reading. If a pool test shows that their levels are outside of the recommended range you will need to
ignore/disconnect your ORP probe using the app or at the Lifeguard unit and correct the levels of the
other chemistry. If your stabiliser/cyanuric acid levels remain out of range, adjust your ORP setpoint
down to compensate when the probe is reconnected and recalibrated.
Pool chlorine is low but the probe is showing normal ORP
• Check that the setpoint of your ORP level isn’t set too low. Your ORP may need to be adjusted up.
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
Pool salt is low but the probe is reading normal/high TDS
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
• The low salt models of the Davey Lifeguard and Nipper are designed to operate down to 1500ppm
TDS, check if you have a low salt model.
• Add more salt to increase it to within the recommended levels.
Pool salt is normal but the probe is reading a lower TDS
• Check that the Salt probe is installed correctly and in the correct position in the manifold.
• Check that the probe lead is correctly connected into the back of the Lifeguard and is in the correct
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
Pool salt is normal but the Lifeguard has a low salt alarm
• Your electrolytic cell may require cleaning. Please refer to your Nipper instructions on how to clean
your cell.
• Check that the Salt probe is installed correctly and in the correct position in the manifold.
• Check that the probe lead is correctly connected into the back of the Lifeguard and is in the correct
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
If calcium levels in the pool are high, you will notice more build up on your electrolytic cell and more
instances of a low salt alarm. For these applications, it’s possible to change your polarity reversal time to
help clear the build up.
• Enter the service mode from the main menu
• Passcode is 1234
• Change the reversal time for your cell
Regular cleaning will still be required to maintain the cell and prolong life.
Probe is reading low or negative levels
• Check that the probes are installed correctly and in the correct position in the manifold.
• Check that the probe lead is correctly connected into the back of the Lifeguard and is in the correct position.
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
Pool pH is not adjusting itself
• Check that your pH probe is correctly reading the pH levels, you may need to recalibrate the probe.
• Check that your acid drum is not empty and your feeder tubes haven’t been blocked or broken. Please
follow the instructions for the acid pump if you require changing the tubes.
• Check that your pH pump is connected in the back of the lifeguard unit.
• Your acid pump will not run if the pH exceeds 9.0, manually add acid to your pool to bring the level
down and ensure all other chemistry levels are within recommended levels.
• If your acid pump will still not run you may need to replace it, this is available as a spare part
from Davey.
• Your unit may need repair, please call your nearest Davey pool dealer
Lifeguard is not maintaining the chemical levels
• Make sure your schedule is set for enough time to allow for the lifeguard to reach the setpoints.
Note: Always have your schedule set to allow for the pool volume to turnover 2 times per day. This will
ensure that the Lifeguard has sufficient time to maintain your pH and Chlorine levels.
pH pump is running continuously
• Make sure your acid probe is correctly connected to your lifeguard.
• If it is not connected, reconnect or follow the instructions in the manual to ignore the probe.
• The probe may need recalibration, please follow the instructions in your manual to recalibrate the
probe. You should recalibrate each of your probes every 3 months to maintain accuracy. If the problem
isn’t resolved you may need to replace the probe.
No power to Lifeguard
• Check that the IEC plug in the back of the lifeguard is inserted properly and secured through the cable
retention feature.
• Check that the power to your power outlet is switched on
• Your unit may need repair, please call your nearest Davey pool dealer
Nipper is not connected to lifeguard
• If your Nipper chlorinator is not displaying Lifeguard on the screen check that the RJ45 cable is
connected from the back of your Nipper to your Lifeguard.
• Check the (nipper symbol) on your lifeguard is solid.
• Lifeguard will need to be powered before the Nipper on first time start up.
• EU only - Lifeguard should be always powered, the Ecosalt2 should be run on a timer/schedule.
• It may be necessary to force a software update – make sure your lifeguard is connected to wifi then
hold the down button on your lifeguard down until the screen goes blank, it will update your lifeguard
to the latest version. Once complete, hold the back button down until the screen goes blank, this will
update your Nipper chlorinator.
• Your unit may need repair, please call your nearest Davey pool dealer
Lifeguard is showing low flow alarm
• If your pump is running check that the set speed is high enough for your pool installation, you may
need to increase the speed.
• Ensure any valves including the filter multiport valve is set to the correct position.
• Check that your flow sensor isn’t jammed off and is free from any debris and is in the correct flow direction.
• Check that your pump is plugged into your nipper chlorinator (or power outlet).
• Check that your nipper is being powered (au) – the screen should read LIFEGUARD.
• You may need to Backwash your sand filter to reduce the flow restriction.
Lifeguard is showing low salt alarm
• Check that your salt levels are in range.
Lifeguard screen is black
• If your unit is in direct sunlight this can occur.
• Screen should return to normal when cool.
• Install shade or move unit out of direct sunlight.
Lifeguard screen is blank
• Ensure there is power to the unit.
• Try resetting the lifeguard by disconnecting and reconnecting the power to the unit.
• Your unit may need repair, please call your nearest Davey pool dealer
Clicking sound coming from Nipper Chlorinator
• This usually indicates that the flow is a bit too low for your installation and the flow switch is not staying
on consistently. Increase the speed on your pump to correct the problem.
• You may need to Backwash your sand filter to reduce the flow restriction.
I cannot connect to wifi
• Check that your home wi-fi is working and you have a full strength wi-fi signal at your pool equipment
installation (refer Section 7).
• You may need to install a wi-fi extender to boost the signal to that area.
• Check that your antenna is properly installed on your lifeguard unit.
• (make sure your wifi password isn’t over 20 characters) if issue isn’t fixed
Notes: A. DPLGEU available exclusively in Europe.
B. DCLGAU available exclusively in Australia & New Zealand
1 48722B-1SP Barrel union assyEU63mm O-ring A 2
1 48722BSP Barrel union assyAU50mm O-ring B 2
2 33086SP Probe and injector housing w probe seal kit x 3 1
3 9900071016SP Acid injection point 1
4 16166SP lifeguard pH probe 1
5 16167SP Lifeguard ORP probe 1
6 16168SP Lifeguard Temp sensor & TDS probe 1
7 403621SP Lifeguard std. Antenna 1
8 33079SP Lifeguard controller c/w antenna 1
9 16141SP Acid dosing pump 1
10 403370SP Power supply lead - DCLGAU B 1
10 403371SP Power supply lead - DPLGEU A 1
11 33134SP Acid pump tube service kit incl. roller, all tube 1
12 33132 Probe seal kit 3
- 403393SP Reducing bush - DPLGEU B 2
- 33133SP Probe calibration solution kit w 3 x pH and ORP 1 x TDS 1
- 16207SP Lifeguard pump cable 3m 1
- 16142SP RJ45 connection cable nipper 1
- 9900106162SP Acid pump suction filter & weight 1
- RIC0151303SP Clear face plate pH pump 1
Davey Warranty
Davey Water Products Pty Ltd (Davey) warrants all products sold will be (under normal use and service) free of defects in
material and workmanship for a minimum period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase by the customer as
marked on the invoice, for specific warranty periods for all Davey products visit
This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear or apply to a product that has:
• been subject to misuse, neglect, negligence, damage or accident
• been used, operated or maintained other than in accordance with Davey’s instructions
• not been installed in accordance with the Installation Instructions or by suitably qualified personnel
• been modified or altered from original specifications or in any way not approved by Davey
• had repairs attempted or made by other than Davey or its authorised dealers
• been subject to abnormal conditions such as incorrect voltage supply, lightning or high voltage spikes, or damages from
electrolytic action, cavitation, sand, corrosive, saline or abrasive liquids,
The Davey warranty does not cover replacement of any product consumables or defects in products and components that
have been supplied to Davey by third parties (however Davey will provide reasonable assistance to obtain the benefit of any
third-party warranty).
To make a warranty claim:
• If the product is suspected of being defective, stop using it and contact the original place of purchase. Alternatively, phone
Davey Customer Service or send a letter to Davey as per the contact details below
• Provide evidence or proof of date of original purchase
• If requested, return the product and/or provide further information with respect to the claim. Returning the product to
the place of purchase is at your cost and is your responsibility.
• The warranty claim will be assessed by Davey on the basis of their product knowledge and reasonable judgement and will
be accepted if:
- a relevant defect is found
- the warranty claim is made during the relevant warranty period; and
- none of the excluded conditions listed above apply
• The customer will be notified of the warranty decision in writing and if found to be invalid the customer must organise
collection of the product at their expense or authorise its disposal.
If the claim is found to be valid Davey will, at its option, repair or replace the product free of charge.
The Davey warranty is in addition to rights provided by local consumer law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a
major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
For any internet connected products the consumer is responsible for ensuring a stable internet connection. In the event of a
network failure the consumer will need to address the concern with the service provider. Use of an App is not a substitute for
the User’s own vigilance in ensuring the product is working to expectation. Use of a Smart Product App is at the User’s own
risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law Davey disclaims any warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness or reliability
of App data. Davey is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss, damage or costs to the User arising from its reliance on
internet connectivity. The User indemnifies Davey against any claims or legal actions from them or others relying on internet
connectivity or App data may bring in this regard.
Products presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished products of the same type rather than being repaired.
Refurbished parts may be used to repair the products. The repair of your products may result in the loss of any user-generated
data. Please ensure that you have made a copy of any data saved on your products.
To the fullest extent permitted by law or statute, Davey shall not be liable for any loss of profits or any consequential, indirect
or special loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from Davey products. This limitation does
not apply to any liability of Davey for failure to comply with a consumer guarantee applicable to your Davey product under
local laws and does not affect any rights or remedies that may be available to you under local laws.
For a complete list of Davey Dealers visit our website ( or call:
® Davey is a trademark of Davey Water Products Pty Ltd. © Davey Water Products Pty Ltd 2021. DWP1989-1revA