1098214-Horror of NoSpace v03
1098214-Horror of NoSpace v03
1098214-Horror of NoSpace v03
Contents Credits
Adventure Summary Horror of Nospace version 3.0
Designer: Anders Martin Helle
Part 1 - Introduction
4 Layout: Anders Martin Helle with template by
Nathanaël Roux
Part 2 - The Timeskipper
4 Art: The cover and art in this adventure is generated with
Midjourney and composited by Anders Martin Helle
01 - Waking up.......................................................................
Editing and Feedback: Jan Emil Heibø
02 - A voice from the hallway.............................................
03 - Further into the ship.....................................................
04 - The Timeskipper...............................................................
The Limb Flayer
Part 3 - Finale
01 - The other side.................................................................
02 - The Artifact Chambre...................................................
03 - Ending..............................................................................
Appendix A: Maps
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names,
and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Anders Martin Helle and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Adventure Summary Adventure hooks
Horror of Nospace is a 2 to 4 hour one-shot adventure for The characters can find out about the ship itself from
3 to 4 PCs at 2nd level. The adventure is horror-themed rumors and news going around Wildspace. Here are some
with elements of mass death, body horror and cosmic possible suggestions:
horror. In a game like this consent is important, so make
• A person or object the characters need will be traveling
sure your players are okay with the elements that exist in
on the ship.
the adventure before running it. Changes can be made to
• The characters are brought on the ship as crew.
the narration while running the adventure to lessen the
• The characters are tasked with escorting an important
horror-elements if needed.
person on this journey. This person should survive the
This adventure is designed to be used on its own, but
initial event and the players need to keep them alive
can be adapted to fit into any Spelljammer game.
throughout the adventure.
The Krynnish gnomes have teamed up with the Dwarven
Running the adventure
Citadel to make express travel between Wildspace systems To run this adventure you need the Dungeon Masters
a possibility. No longer will travelers have to spend days Guide. You may also want the Monstrous Compendium Vol 1:
flying to and from the Astral Sea. Using a brand new Spelljammer Creatures at hand for the Gadabout stat block.
artifact imbued with plane-bending magic, the state of the To add some more character specific dread to the final
art ship Timeskipper can travel through the unstable plane scene, consider asking the players before the beginning of
of Nospace. the session what their characters biggest regret is? Or what
The ship is about to take its first commercial voyage they are trying to escape from? This can be used to make
from its shipyard in orbit around the planet Radole. the finale feel more personal to each character.
From there it will jump to the flying cities of the Orc The map of the ship in the appendix is meant as
Angel Celestial before heading towards every known reference for the DM. This adventure works best without
Wildspace system. a map to increase the tension and confusion of where
The characters have bought, won or stolen some tickets different things are. But you know your players best, if
to attend this first trip into Nospace. But in the unstable they like a crawl, feel free to use the map. In this case
plane the ship is attacked. A set of spectral glowing jaws expect the runtime of the adventure to increase.
are feeding on the power from the artifact, causing weird
and deadly consequences across the ship. The characters
must find a way out of the plane or perish as the ship
is consumed.
Adventure structure
Part 1
The characters are introduced into the Mess Hall of
the ship. At this point each player can introduce their
characters and get an introduction to the brand new
Part 2
The characters wake up in a ship full of dead people. They
are hurt and close to death. They are contacted by Vinn
Argo, an apprentice navigator scared to death and hurt.
He informs them that the Nospace artifact is damaged and
needs to be shut down.
Part 3
The characters explore the ship, making their way to the
artifacts chamber. Meanwhile a monster has animated and
is stealing body parts from the dead. This monster starts
hunting the characters.
Part 4
The characters cross a weird 300 ft perfectly cut tear in the
ship filled with Time-orbs before facing a set of spectral
jaws that feed on the ships Nospace artifact.
Part 1 - Introduction Part 2 - The Timeskipper
At the start of the session, or as the players are boarding
the ship, read or paraphrase the following:
01 - Waking up
To start of this part of the adventure, have the players
You make your way on board the Timeskipper, the fastest
roll Constitution saving throws to determine the order
Spelljammer ever constructed. Carved from the most
durable stone from the Dwarven Citadel, reinforced with
they wake up in. They wake up badly bruised and sluggish
steel plating and accented with glowing blue crystals, each with half of their HP total. Read or paraphrase the
it is an engineering marvel. The new Nospace artifact following as the first player wakes:
skips travel through the Astral sea by bending the planes The first thing you feel is something heavy crushing your
themselves around the ship. No more days spent in left arm. Before your eyes manage to open you smell it.
Wildspace systems to reach the Astral sea. Travel between Iron. Fresh blood. Forcing yourself awake you see what
systems will happen in hours. is trapping your arm. Someone has passed out on top of
it. You manage to pull free. Sitting upright you take in the
This is the Timeskippers maiden voyage and you all have sight of the mess hall. Red emergency lights flash on and
a front row seat to a new chapter in Wildspace history. off in a slow rhythm. Bodies everywhere. Blood staining the
In a few minutes you will leave your orbit around Radole, floor and walls. Serving trays sticking out from backs ans
headed for the floating cities in the Orc Angel Celestial. skulls. Lifeless eyes staring at you. What do you do?
After wandering around the ship you find yourselves in the The characters wake up in one by one in the order of their
mess hall in the middle deck. A large cafeteria is serving rolls. Let them explore a bit before moving on.
a buffet for the passengers. Spread around are tables
and seating, mostly filled with people. A few of the staff
go from table to table cleaning up where guests have left 02 - A voice from the hallway
their meals. Suddenly there is a noise from the hallway.
At this point ask each player in turn to describe their Suddenly, you hear something in the hallway leading to
character as they enter the mess hall to find food and a seat. the rest of the ship. The noise of a distorted sending stone
followed by a whisper:
The jump “Hello? Is anyone there? Ev… everyone’s dead. Please,
When the characters are introduced move on to read, or someone answer.”
paraphrase, the following:
The person trying to reach out over the Sending Stone
As you eat your food a chime echoes around the hall. The communication system is apprentice navigator Vinn
ships voice-pipe-system turns on projecting the captains Argo. He is terrified and attempts to contact anyone
voice across the ship. who can help.
“Welcome aboard. We will shortly begin our journey and Vinn Argo
make the leap to Nospace. You will feel a slight turbulence
Apprentice navigator on the Timeskipper. This is his
when this happens, but this is nothing to worry about.
first trip on any Spelljammer vessel. He is dressed in a
When the jump is in progress, consider a trip to the viewing
dome on the upper deck. Have a lovely trip.” naval uniform colored the same blue as the accents on the
ship. Currently his leg is broken and he is in a lot of pain,
The voice-pipe shuts down and you feel it. A slight shake as wincing as he speaks.
the ship jumps. Then everything goes dark.
The hallway
As the characters come to the intersection, read or
Outside, the hallway leads towards the middle of the ship paraphrase the following:
where an intersection branches off in different directions.
Several floating platforms designed to take multiple people
As the characters enter the hallway, read or paraphrase
up and down levels stand still in the center of the room. On
the following: the outside walls, illuminated by faint red crystals, you see
The red emergency lights blink in a slow rhythm, a ladder leading to the different levels of the ship. Scanning
illuminating chunks of hallway as if moving ahead into the the ladder you catch movement at the top deck. A leg is
ship. Here too are corpses. Broken. Bleeding on the floor. pulled over the edge, vanishing into the dark above.
The sleek metal of the wall panels are now dented from
the impact of the several crew members dead on the floor.
Pipes and arcane crystals exposed. The air around you is
growing cold. The taste of iron constant.
04 - The Timeskipper
In this section of the adventure the characters may explore
Close by the door you see a communications unit, marked the ship as they wish. But they are not alone. A Limb Flayer
by a glowing blue light behind a glass panel. Inside you see has appeared after the ship got ripped out of its travel.
a sending stone, an emergency alert rune and some vials of It is hunting them, looking for fresh body parts to keep
healing potions. A pang of static escapes the sending stone rebuilding itself.
before you hear the voice again: Let the characters explore a room or two before the
monster attacks, ideally when they get too comfortable.
“Can someone hear me? Please… Please answer.” More info on how to run the Limb Flayer at page 7.
Inside the communications unit are the following items: There are communication units placed around the ship.
2 x Potion of healing So when needed, Vinn Argo can reach out to the players
Hooded lamp - shines bright light in a 30 ft cone, then dim and nudge them back towards their objective of shutting
light for 10 ft down the crystal engine.
Behind the glass panel you see the sending stone on top of
a tool box with a metal wrench and other tools inside.
If the characters speak to Vinn, he has the following
information to share:
• The back half of the ship is shaking more and more. He
is convinced that the Nospace artifact is releasing waves
of energy. If it is not shut down soon, it will destroy the
The tools inside the communications unit can be used in the
final encounter.
U3 - Viewing port:
The outer walls of this room are replaced by a glass dome
allowing passengers to have an incredible view of Nospace
as it warps around them. The view is now completely
still, the galaxies and star systems stretched in a myriad of
different ways. Arranged out from the middle of the dome
are seating areas with comfortable leaning chairs to look
up at the passing sky. Here, as well as most places on the
Multiattack. Limb Flayer makes two attacks.
On initiative 20 the glowing jaws pull energy from the
02 - The Artifact Chamber crystals. This will cause a rush of air and pull along any
There are two doors leading into the chamber. One on creature in the room. If a creature fails a DC 14 Dexterity
the middle deck and one on the lower deck. Both doors saving throw it will be pulled 10ft towards the jaws and
have the same type of damage. When the characters make start its turn falling its full movement towards it, unless it
their way towards the engine room read or paraphrase can find a way to stop itself.
the following: On initiative 10 the crystal releases a wave of energy
As you come down the hallway you see a set of double steel in a random direction. Choose one creature the energy
doors, evenly indented, almost pulled into the Nospace attacks. This creature will see the shape of someone they
artifacts chamber by a great force. Moving closer you can know lashing out at them from the energy. They need to
hear a slight hissing sound and feel a draft rush through do a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d6 psychic
where the two doors meet. damage on a failed save.
The doors are damaged because of decompression inside
the chamber. There are many ways to get inside the doors,
Shutting the engine down
There are multiple ways to shut down the engine. Here are
here are some possible scenarios:
some possibilities:
• The door can be broken down with a DC 16 Strength
• Investigating the bolts reveal that they can be removed
with an appropriate tool (located in room U2). There are 4
• The door has 20 hit points and an AC of 12
bolts, each takes an action to remove.
• A crawlspace underneath the floor panels lead to an
• A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a crack in
unlocked maintenance hatch
the glass surrounding the crystal. Breaking it will release
the crystal. The glass has an AC of 10 and 25 HP.
Inside the chamber • A spell like Dispel Magic will shut the engine down.
When the players open the door a sudden rush of air will • With a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana check) they can
pull them along. figure out that there is a sequence to stop the energy
Every creature within 30ft of the doors need to make a flowing into the crystal. Using 2 actions a character with
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or start their turn flying out proficiency in arcana can disable the crystal, returning
of control into the room. the ship to Wildspace.
On the lower level there are pillars holding up the
second level walkway that they can grab on to. On the
middle level the railing of the walkway can be used to stop
their flight.
03 - Ending
This adventure has two potential end states:
When the characters rush into the room, read or
paraphrase the following:
The first thing that grabs your attention is the glowing
purple crystal. It seems to move, shift and distort as you If the party is killed during the final encounter, read or
look. Short flashes of color and images from different paraphrase the following:
planes cross its shape. Around it, holding it in place, you
After the Timeskipper vanished during its maiden voyage
see a glass cylinder. It is bolted down to the floor by the
many attempts were made to find and retrieve the ship
glowing runes of an arcane control panel.
and any survivors. As more and more ships vanish in
their attempts, the inhabitants of Wildspace came to an
You also notice that where there should be a back wall to
agreement. Nospace was too unsafe to travel through,
the room, there is none. It is torn open. Beyond it warped
leaving only daring adventurer to explore and tame the
galaxies, stretched stars and many rows of glowing blue
teeth. Their movement quicker than their size should allow. unstable plane.
It is feeding of the crystal. Each gulp rushing along a stream
of purple energy and now, you as well.
Roll initiative. When the ship returns to Wildspace the tear along the
The goal of this encounter is to shut off or destroy the middle will be fixed in an instant. The ship can be flown by
crystal and return the ship to Wildspace. While the any creature capable of controlling a Spelljammer.
characters attempt this, two environmental challenges will As the players succeed, read or paraphrase the following:
hinder them. And maybe the monster if it has followed Time bends and shifts around you. The galaxies and stars
them this far. twist and snap back into their regular shapes. Looking out
through the open hole in the engine room wall you see a
familiar sight. Wildspace. You have returned to tell the tale
of the horrors of Nospace.
Appendix A: Maps
Upper Deck
To the tear
Intersection U1 U3
Main Deck
To the tear
Intersection M1
Lower Deck
To the tear
Intersection L1
L4 L2
The Bridge
Main Deck
To the tear
Lower Deck
To the tear
Nospace Artifact
Appendix B: Magic Items
Ring of X-Ray Vision
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring, you can use an action to speak
its command word. When you do so, you can see into and
through solid matter for 1 minute. This vision has a radius
of 30 feet. To you, solid objects within that radius appear
transparent and don't prevent light from passing through
them. The vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker
substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead.
Wand of Emergency
Wand, rare
This wand holds one charge of Dispel Magic. It can be
used by any creature. When the charge is used, the wand
breaks apart.
Holding the Wand of Emergency, a character
will notice that a note is rolled around the handle.
The note reads:
This wand has one (1) charge of Dispel Magic.