Orbital-Vampire-Tower OSR v1
Orbital-Vampire-Tower OSR v1
Orbital-Vampire-Tower OSR v1
Dungeon Age
an adventure for level 3
Written by Joseph R. Lewis © 2021
A lone amber lantern lights the Smoky red candles flicker in brass
room. Pale blue syrup coats the sconces. Murals cover the
floor. A dented table cradles vaulted ceiling. Portraits hang
broken vials. Five tall glass tubes shredded on each paneled wall.
stand shattered by the wall. In the center of the floor is a
round white platform.
¤ SYRUP. Warm, sticky, sweet.
Drink to heal 1d6. ¤ MURALS. Children in grassy
MAN: fields, turbaned merchants on
¤ VIALS. Red, green, and violet
¤ REV-5. Vampire clone, shaggy camels, armored knights
fluids mingle around melting
immune to sunlight. Appears riding flame-belching snails.
and broken glassware.
30, is only a few hours old. ¤ PORTRAITS. Twelve dark oil
¤ TUBES. Each contains a body in
Gray skin, red eyes, fangs. paintings of a man (REVELIUS
a shallow pool of warm syrup.
¤ Thin, bald, squinty, stammers. ONAR) at ages 12 to 256.
They are clones of Revelius
Onar, attempts at becoming Speaks and acts like an adult. ¤ SHREDDED. By the razor-sharp
immune to sunlight. The faces ¤ Has no idea what is going on halos of the angel NOVAAD.
all look alike: or who he is. Terrified, timid. ¤ PLATFORM. Identical to the
Follows you everywhere. first one. Rings of hand-carved
(1) An adult male corpse with
¤ Mildly interested in drinking runes. One foot high. Fifteen
rough bark-like skin. Dead,
your blood. If you don’t mind. feet across. The center pillar is
impaled on shards of his broken and missing.
broken glass tube. ¤ Any vampire that drinks his
blood becomes a daywalker ¤ MISSING. The broken pillar is
(2) An adult male corpse with (immune to sunlight). in the Cistern. If the pillar is
leathery wrinkled gray skin. His put back, the party can touch
face is twisted in misery. Dead, the indent and teleport back to
slashed and scorched. LOOT AMONG VIALS: the surface where they began.
A dozen tiny lanterns glow dimly A long corridor ends in a warped The corridor ends in a geometric
amid the chaos of smashed cages chamber of murky red resin. chamber of gleaming lavender
and shattered tanks. Pale liquids The dark bulbous room is barely steel mesh. The shiny metallic
pool on the floor. Dark lumps lie large enough for two people. room is large enough for two
motionless everywhere. A small Shards of red glass cover the people. Slivers of steel litter the
figure moves in the shadows. floor. Gold slime drips from the floor. Blood drips from the
gouged walls. shredded walls. A heap of human
¤ CAGES. Cat-sized. Wire mesh
remains lies on the floor.
torn apart. Small bowls and ¤ CHAMBER. The cell that held
bottles. Wood shavings. the cosmic horror GORJ. ¤ CHAMBER. This was the cell
that contained the angel
¤ TANKS. Also cat-sized. Broken ¤ RESIN. Wyrm glass. Secreted
glass shards. Gravel and kelp. by cosmic horrors. One of the
¤ LIQUIDS. Fresh water, salt few materials that can contain a ¤ MESH. Tetrium steel. The only
cosmic horror. known material that can
water, blood, and urine.
contain an angel. Kills all
¤ SHARDS. When handled by
¤ LUMPS. Recently killed vampires on contact.
bare skin, suffer 1d6 psychic
specimens. Black ravenwolf
damage. You find one club. ¤ SLIVERS. Holy, Lawful. Deals
puppy. Tiny transparent frilled
1d6 radiant damage to all
lizards. Tiny brown birds with ¤ SLIME. Freshly secreted resin
Chaotic creatures on contact.
needle beaks. Spotted cat with from GORJ when attacked by
You find one dagger.
flat leather tail. Furry white NOVAAD. Highly toxic. When
salamander. Trench piranha. handled by bare skin, suffer ¤ BLOOD. Leech’s.
1d6 psychic damage and spend
¤ FIGURE. Fast. Slippery. Squishy. ¤ REMAINS. The slashed corpse
1d6 minutes trapped in an
An octopus aberration feeding of the butler LEECH. He
eldritch nightmare.
on the dead specimens. thought it was wrong to
imprison an angel so he let it
¤ OCTOPUS. Gorj-B. Red skin,
out. It killed him.
gold eyes. 1/3 of the cosmic
meet, they merge. Telepathic This lump of red glass resonates
with Chaotic madness. Deals ¤ Leech’s Alarming Ring.
raspy voice. Begs to go to the
red moon Qaray. May try to eat 1d6 psychic damage plus 50% ¤ 3 sour hard candies.
you. Fears the angel NOVAAD. chance to Stun for one round.
Value: 250 GP
SURVIVING SALAMINK This blade of lavender steel
This tiny furry white salamander resonates with Lawful intent.
is gentle, timid, and very cute. Deals 1d6 piercing, plus 1d6
Value: 5 GP radiant to Chaotic creatures.
Value: 500 GP
A matrix of rotating metal halo blades circling three A broken wing of metal blades connected by a limb
orbs of golden fire. Insane. Immortal. of celestial fire. Mindless. Flailing.
Vampire mercenary in black leather armor carrying Vampire mercenary in black leather armor carrying
a wand and orb. Professional. Smart. Twitchy. a flaming sword. Professional. Survivor. Careful.
An amorphous mass of red flesh with shifting An amorphous mass of red flesh with shifting
tentacles and golden eyes. Hungry. Selfish. tentacles and golden eyes. Hungry. Selfish.
Terrier-sized white ceramic spider with four legs and A person with orange fungal growths in a haze of
a green crystal eye. Zaps trash and intruders. spores. Slow. Mindless. Want to spread spores.
A plump monkey made of mud with drooping ears
A corpse covered in charcoal and flame. Animated
and shovel-like hands. Playful. Cruel.
by sunlight. Lies helpless in the dark. Mindless.
A young woman in old leather armor. Flamboyant Shriveled ancient vampire in a heavy black hooded
swashbuckler. Confident. Greedy. robe. Gray skin, red eyes. Vicious. Proud.
Shadows cling to this magic obsidian blade. On a NECRO’S WAND OF DEATH
hit, the target is blinded until their next turn ends. Action: This magic wand unleashes a thin ghostly
Value: 500 GP finger that touches a single target, causing 7 (2d6)
necrotic damage. Three charges per sunrise.
Value: 1,000 GP
These darkly tinted lenses allow the wearer to act
in bright sunlight without impairment. ONAR’S BLACK COWL
Value: 25 GP This magical velvet robe renders the wearer
immune to Radiant damage. When the wearer is in
dim light or darkness, they are invisible.
Value: 2,000 GP
This crystal ball can turn any mundane weapon
into a magical flying weapon. One charge left.
This golden raven leg is a magic wand with 3
charges left. Each charge lets the user Control Air
for one minute.
This magic ring detects approaching creatures.
Each day at dawn, choose one type of creature.
This simple copper ring will quietly vibrate when
such a creature comes within 60 feet. ONAR’S IVORY WAND
Value: 250 GP This twisted white wand lets the user Control
Metal for one round per charge. The wand regains
1 charge per hour that it spends submerged in a
liquid, up to a maximum of 3 charges.
Value: 1,000 GP
Press the emerald in the hilt to make this magic
tool heat up to cut through any non-magical
material for 1 round. Two charges per sunrise.
Value: 500 GP
Copyright © 2021 Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Illustrations and maps by Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Edition: May 2021
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.