Orbital-Vampire-Tower OSR v1

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“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 1

Dungeon Age
an adventure for level 3
Written by Joseph R. Lewis © 2021


The ancient world of Harth withers This adventure is intended for low- The names and settings used in this
beneath its dying sun…but it’s not level characters (around level 3). It adventure are drawn from the
dead yet. is focused mostly on exploration, world of DUNGEON AGE.
with several social encounters and Obviously, you can and should
High in the night sky, a vampire’s
opportunities for deadly combat. change whatever you want to fit in
tower is torn apart by a rampaging
your campaign setting.
angel. People and monsters are It runs 3 to 5 hours.
trapped. Magical treasure lies The creatures in this adventure
There are many unique magical
scattered everywhere. range in challenge rating from easy
items and unique monsters.
to deadly. Obviously, you can and
It’s all yours for the taking, if you
should adjust the creatures to meet
can find a way out before the angel
your needs or style of play.
finds you.
But you already knew that, right?
The DM’s read-aloud text looks
Oh, also, don’t tell your players the
STYLE like this. It’s brief!
title of this one-shot before you
Descriptions of locations focus play it. It spoils the surprise.
This adventure is a one-shot
only on key adventure items. You
dungeon-delve into a wizard’s
may assume that any “missing”
tower. In space. With vampires.
details are obvious, such as a pot in OSR CONVERSION
This is an alien-survival-horror- a kitchen.
movie of an adventure (or at least, This adventure was first written for
Items that are further explained in
you can choose to play it that way). 5e and then modified into this Old
their own bullet or section are
School-compatible version.
The party is trapped and deadly bolded and underlined.
threats lurk everywhere. There are I know that’s not ideal.
multiple ways to escape, but all are
appear at the end of the adventure. A few 5e artifacts may remain in
risky. Plus there is weird magical
the language. The layout and
loot all over the place.
presentation of the stat block is an
Direct combat is ill-advised. Many original house style.
encounters are deadly.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 1

“Orbital Vampire Tower” is published by audio representations; names and descriptions Trademark or Registered Trademark in
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“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 2

The party finds an ancient, Between 3 and 5 hours. It depends Once the PCs arrive in the tower,
forgotten teleportation stone. on how many areas the PCs choose they are in a dark, steamy, flashing
to explore and how complex the environment. Try to maintain a
The stone sends them to an orbital
NPC interactions are. sense of tension. They don’t know
vampire tower. Everything is dark
how to escape. They don’t know
and smashed. Lights flicker.
who to trust. There are deadly
The vampire’s captive angel has things all around. Have fun!
gotten free, and it is wildly,
viciously, murderously insane. The PCs will explore many rooms
of the tower. The layout is simple IS THIS BALANCED?
The teleportation stone in the
and PCs cannot get lost.
tower is broken. The party must
No! Some areas are safe, they just
find a way to escape! OPTION: The map on page 6 can
look dangerous. Other areas might
be an actual diagram found on the
Also, a pair of treasure hunters kill someone pretty quickly.
wall of every level of the tower, like
teleports on board later. And if the
in an office building. At level 3, this adventure is deadly
party is very unlucky, a ship of
survival-horror. At level 5, the
mercenaries may arrive to pillage
combat challenges become more
the tower for another vampire.
“fair” for the PCs.
There are opportunities for
THE SOLUTION(S) combat, but fighting the vampires PREP WORK
or the angel will be deadly. PCs
A few possibilities:
need to focus more on escaping As always, I encourage you to skim
¤ Find the missing part of the from these threats. the whole adventure to have a
teleportation stone (in the sense of it. But this is a straight-
I recommend that you have the
Cistern) and teleport home. forward dungeon crawl. The most
PCs meet either the Thieves or the
dynamic elements are the two
¤ Cram into the vampire’s Mercenaries, but not both. Have
factions: the thieves who teleport
lifeboat and fly away. the angel kill the ones that the PCs
in whenever you want, and the
¤ Steal the nightship from the do not meet to show how
mercenaries who fly over whenever
mercenaries and fly away. dangerous the angel is.
you want.
¤ Or maybe something else? Aside from that, just explore the
rooms, fight the monsters,
negotiate with the NPCs, and try to
There is gold, but mostly there are get out alive.
strange and unique magical items.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 3

There are a bunch: (Deep breath.) To get started, you need the PCs to
use a teleportation stone to beam
¤ REVELIUS ONAR, vampire lord. Ancient vampires live in space, in
up to the orbital vampire tower.
orbital towers safe from the sun in
¤ REV, newborn clone.
the shadow of the world of Harth. If you are running a one-shot,
¤ SKARLET ANZI, vampire mage. then you can simply say:
The vampire REVELIUS ONAR has a
¤ LEECH, human butler. tower (the “Manse of Onar”) ¤ “On your travels, you find a
¤ GRISELLE, human maid. where he conducts experiments to circular white stone platform
cure his sunlight “allergy”. He has a with a short pillar in the center.
¤ DR MAHKOI, skeleton surgeon.
butler and maid, a skeleton doctor, When you touch the hand-
¤ AURA JATHEED, vampire lord. an assistant, and some clones. shaped indent on top of the
¤ CLEANERS, vampire mercs. pillar, you are all instantly
Revelius also captured an angel
transported to a dark room.”
¤ THIEVES, treasure hunters. NOVAAD and a cosmic horror
And go straight to the
GORJ for his research.
¤ DELILAH, security gargoyle. 9. Foyer.
RECENTLY, the butler LEECH freed
¤ GORJ, cosmic horror. If you are inserting this adventure
the angel NOVAAD. The insane
¤ NOVAAD, insane angel. into your campaign, then you can
metal angel rampaged through the
place the first teleportation stone
There are notes for each NPC to tower, and everyone either died or
literally anywhere:
help you roleplay them. hid behind locked doors.
¤ The PCs stumble upon an
Now the angel NOVAAD is asleep
ancient teleportation stone.
in the blood cistern, with the
Perhaps it is covered in ivy in
missing piece of the broken
the forest, or wrapped in spider
teleportation stone.
webs in a dungeon, or buried in
The horror GORJ has divided into ash in a ruin, or covered in dust
three smaller versions of itself to in an evil library.
hide from the angel.
See the next page How to Get
Also, the vampire AURA JATHEED Started for more detailed options.
in a neighboring orbital tower
would very much like to pillage the
Manse of Onar.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 4

WHERE IS THIS? A shallow pit spews dark smoke A partially collapsed corridor
into the sky. Blackened stone and twists down to a dusty chamber.
¤ Literally anywhere, but there metal pepper the ground. Tattered tapestries dangle from
are three options to get you Flaming wreckage crackles and the walls. Tiny glass lizards skitter
started over there → snaps. A round white platform over a round white platform.
lies unharmed in the debris. Four
burnt corpses shuffle nearby. Depict a gray man in black
¤ No one.
¤ STONE. Burnt masonry. Parts robes bathing in pools of red.
WHAT HAPPENS HERE? of curved brick walls. ¤ PLATFORM. Wayfarer Stone.
¤ Find the teleportation stone ¤ METAL. Melted panels, rods,
and unrecognizable tools.
¤ Get teleported up to the
orbital vampire tower ¤ WRECKAGE. Wooden splinters, WAYFARER STONE
cloth tatters, bone fragments.
A white marble platform sits on
¤ PLATFORM. Wayfarer Stone. the ground. Rings of hand-carved
¤ CORPSES. Solar zombies. runes cover the surface. A small
They think you look cold and pillar stands in the center with a
want to hug you, which will hand-shaped indent on top.
burn you to death. ¤ PLATFORM. One foot high,
fifteen foot diameter. Magical.
Undamaged. Cool to the touch.
OPTION 2: SWAMP RUINS ¤ RUNES. Arcane. Conjuration
Cracked stone pillars lean in the
dense swamp, smothered by moss ¤ PILLAR. Three feet high, one
and ivy. A single shaft of sunlight foot diameter. When any
falls on a round white platform person touches the hand-
half-sunken in the muck. Three shaped indent on top, everyone
filthy monkeys watch you from standing on the stone is
the fetid puddles. They giggle. teleported to the 9. Foyer.
¤ PILLARS. Ancient. Runes tell of
visitors who drink blood and
wield great magic.
¤ PLATFORM. Wayfarer Stone.
¤ MONKEYS. Mud pucks. They
want to drown you in mud, and
turn your corpse into mud.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 5


“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 6

WHERE IS THIS? ¤ You teleport into 9. Foyer. The insane metal angel NOVAAD
starts out resting in 17. Cistern at
¤ The tower is in orbit on the ¤ OPTION: On the wall you see a
the bottom of the tower.
dark side of the world of Harth map of the tower. See page 6.
Be aware that this may ruin the NOVAAD hates Chaos. (Irony!)
¤ It is a vampire space station surprise that this strange tower
¤ But basically it is a wrecked is in SPAAACE! What triggers NOVAAD to come
wizard tower out and attack?
¤ Each location has a door: open
or closed, intact or shredded, ¤ MERGE any two fragments of
WHAT HAPPENS HERE? the cosmic horror Gorj.
as noted in its description.
¤ Discover that the teleportation ¤ Have a COMBAT that lasts
¤ The layout is simple. A central
stone here is broken, you need more than two rounds.
stairwell lets you access all of
to find a way home!
the levels. Each room has a ¤ BREACH any room and blow its
¤ Meet the vampire lord single door that opens to the contents out into space.
REVELIUS ONAR central stair. See below.
¤ Meet the vampire SKARLET and
¤ Encounter the fragmented
cosmic horror GORJ and the Roll 1d6 for adventure when the
insane metal angel NOVAAD party changes levels.

¤ Deal with thieves and mercs 1 A crack in the wall sprays a

blinding jet of flames as a
¤ Play with weird machines and
trapped angel wing lashes out
magical rooms
from the bulkhead!
¤ Fight monsters, get treasures,
2 You hear a fast metallic clicking
the usual
as three hall monitors attack!
¤ SPACE. This is a wizard tower
IN SPACE. If a window or 3 A blast of steam erupts from a
wall is breached, then the air nearby pipe as a whirling angel
(and everything else nearby) is fragment shoots out at you!
sucked out into space! 4 A crack in the wall sprays a
¤ DOORS. All doors are pressure scorching jet of flames, 1d6.
hatches and can contain a hull
5 A blast of blinding steam erupts
breach. If a door is “intact”
from a nearby pipe.
then it seals properly. If a door
is “shredded” then it is useless. 6 You hear a fast metallic clicking
that slows…and then stops.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 7

A wide straight stair ascends to a DOOR. Intact. Closed.
polished rosewood door. The
humid air smells and tastes of A sultry rainforest presses in
flowery oils and earthy decay. close around you. The eternal
Chitters and squawks echo night sky glitters above a soaring
within. A thin film of mud and glass roof. Colorful creatures
moss oozes from under the door. roam the canopy.
¤ RAINFOREST. Kapoks, bananas, CREATURES:
cashews, oil palms, figs.
¤ ROGUE MONKEYS. Red, fuzzy,
DM NOTES ¤ SKY. Beautiful stars, silver cute, aggressive thieves.
moon Qamar, red moon
Qaray, a golden tower in
¤ Greenhouse “Novaad will kill us all…”
distant orbit (Aura Jatheed).
“Stop it! Stop repeating me!”
WHO IS HERE? ¤ ROOF. Armored triangular
¤ SHOCK FROGS. Tiny, purple,
glass panes. If broken,
¤ Rev-4, vampire clone 1d6 lightning when touched.
everything flies out into space.
¤ ZENACONDA. Massive, green,
¤ FOOTPRINTS. Stumbling,
always asleep, two desiccated
crawling from the doorway
corpses crushed in its coils.
deep into the jungle to a starlit
grove. A young naked man lies ¤ FIRE ANTS. Ants on fire.
on the ground, shivering. Swarming up a tree to attack a
family of adorable red monkeys
MAN: in the branches above.
¤ REV-4. Failed vampire clone,
requires sunlight to survive, is
starving on starlight. Glassy
skin reveals muscles and bones,
red eyes, fangs.
¤ Appears 30, is only 3 hours old.
Speaks and acts like an adult.
¤ Thin, bald, dying. Too weak to
walk. Requires real sunlight or
angel-light to recover.
¤ In pain, angry at the world.
¤ Has a vague idea that he is a
failed experiment of some sort.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 8

Polished marble stairs spiral up DOOR. Intact. Locked. VAMPIRE LORD:
and down through the center of
this circular chamber. Dozens of A black velvet canopy obscures ¤ REVELIUS ONAR, centuries old.
burning tapers cast a warm the bed. Dozens of wine bottles Gray skin, red eyes. Imperious,
golden light over scratched walls. gleam on polished ebony racks. cunning. Red robe, black cowl.
Four doorways ring the space. Hundreds of leather-bound ¤ Terrified of sunlight.
Three doors stand closed, and the volumes litter the floor. A
fourth hangs in splinters. circular door stands on the back ¤ Wants to become immune to
wall between two windows. sunlight. Has been growing
clones of himself to find a
¤ BED. The vampire hisses, “Get cure. Does not know (yet) that
DM NOTES out of my house, you vermin!” REV-5 is immune to sunlight.
¤ BOTTLES. Contain inhuman ¤ Must feed on REV-5 to become
blood, a vampire delicacy. a daywalker. If he does, then he
¤ Master Suite Toxic to humans, 1d6 poison. escapes in his lifeboat to rule
¤ Dark Boudoir ¤ VOLUMES. Vampire history, the world below!
¤ Escapatorium (broken door) poetry, philosophy, medicine. ¤ Offers 500 GP reward to get
Read for 1 hour to learn that rid of the angel NOVAAD.
¤ Observatory tetrium steel kills a vampire Recommends blowing it out a
instantly on contact. window into the eternal night.
Suggests using a Chaotic
¤ Revelius Onar, vampire lord TETRIUM STEEL. A bright
creature as bait. He will not risk
lavender metal. The only known
¤ Skarlet Anzi, vampire mage helping you directly.
material that can contain (but
¤ Gorj-A, cosmic horror not harm) an angel.


This magical velvet robe renders
¤ DOOR. Locked. Leads to the the wearer immune to Radiant
lifeboat, a nightship. damage. When the wearer is in
Lacquered red chitin panels, dim light or darkness, they are
golden wire trim, and white invisible. Value: 2,000 GP
bone detailing. Only responds
to Revelius’s blood (or his
clones’ blood). Obeys verbal
This twisted white wand lets the
user Control Metal for one
¤ 945 GP. round. Value: 1,000 GP
¤ A black pearl earring.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 9

DOOR. Intact. Closed. DOOR. Shredded. Open.

Dim red candles illuminate a Yellow candles flicker on a OCTOPUS:

modest bed with black silk sheets swinging chandelier above a ¤ GORJ-A. Red skin, gold eyes.
on a red carpet. Two mounted slashed blue settee between three 1/3 of the cosmic horror
skulls flank an ebony armoire. A closed curtains of heavy blue GORJ. If two GORJ meet, they
round window looks out at the velvet. A closet door hangs open merge. Telepathic raspy voice.
stars. A woman hovers outside beside the entrance.
¤ Begs to go to the red moon
the window. ¤ CURTAIN 1. A sandy path leads Qaray to be safe and free.
¤ BED. Sinfully decadent. to a white beach and blue
¤ RAVENOUS. Will eventually try
lagoon. Gulls fly forward and
¤ SKULLS. Humanoid, fanged. to eat you.
back on a loop. Dolphins are
Vampires. Skarlet’s treacherous
frozen in mid-jump. On the ¤ Fears the angel NOVAAD.
lovers Sasha and Rudo.
sand, two swimsuits and a
¤ ARMOIRE. Unlocked. Dark red Ring of Gills. A red octopus
evening gowns and work suits. digs in the sand. A tsunami of
¤ WINDOW. Five feet wide. turtles smashes the beach. 1d6
psychic damage. RING OF GILLS
¤ WOMAN. Skarlet Anzi, This magic ring lets the wearer
vampire mage. Gray skin, red ¤ CURTAIN 2. A snowy path
grow gills for 1 hour per day to
eyes, black hair, sharp nails. winds through the pines. A
breathe underwater.
Cold, aloof, brilliant. Assistant wolf hangs frozen as it pounces
Value: 300 GP
to REVELIUS ONAR. on a deer. Fir trees ripple in
rainbow hues. In the snow, two
¤ Wants to cure her fatal allergic snowshoes and a Ring of Fur.
reaction to sunlight. Must feed A white-out blizzard hides the
on REV-5 to do so. RING OF FUR
exit. 1d6 psychic per minute. This magic ring lets the wearer
¤ Fears the angel NOVAAD. ¤ CURTAIN 3. A dingy hall leads grow a coat of fur for 8 hours
¤ Fled outside in mist form. to a glaring white light. In the per day to become Immune to
Re-enters the same way. wall, a Black Dagger. Walk Cold damage.
forward to emerge in 10. Glass Value: 300 GP
¤ Will help you if she can feed
Hatch (one-way portal).
on one of you, 2d6 necrotic.
¤ CLOSET. Empty hangers and
LOOT: empty jewelry boxes.
¤ Eyes of Darkness. Shadows cling to this magic
¤ Skarlet’s Red Jade Ring. obsidian blade. On a hit, the
DM NOTE. The curtains lead to target is blinded until their next
¤ Two warm bottles of inhuman
illusory vacations damaged by turn ends.
blood, 1d6 poison.
NOVAAD. PCs can be harmed Value: 500 GP
¤ 323 GP. psychically inside the illusions.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 10

DOOR. Intact. Closed.

Black candles line a plush red

carpet path into a spherical
chamber of dark wood panels and
polished brass fittings. An
orichalcum mirror hovers in the
air over a luxurious red couch.
¤ MIRROR. 20 ft wide, 10 ft tall.
It is a magic screen controlled
by the couch.
¤ COUCH. Red velvet gently
massages your back. Armrest
has three jeweled buttons:
pearl, ruby, and obsidian.

¤ PEARL. The mirror shows a

¤ WOMAN. Aura Jatheed. Rival
silvery moonscape covered in
vampire lord. Proud, cunning,
meditating people. You hear
greedy. Demands news of
thousands of men and women
Revelius. If Aura Jatheed
chanting prayers. You feel
believes that anything is amiss
soothed and refreshed. All
at your tower, she sends her
status effects are removed.
Cleaners to kill everyone and
¤ RUBY. The mirror shows a red loot the tower for her.
moonscape covered in giant
¤ CLEANERS. A nightship arrives
writhing tentacles. You hear
at the Glass Hatch in ten
bestial roaring and inhuman
minutes. The vampires Torch,
screaming. You will have
Necro, and Sever begin killing
nightmares about this every
everyone they find. All three
night for the next month.
are grizzled cigar-chomping
¤ OBSIDIAN. The mirror shows mercs who are gettin’ too old
an elegant lounge of black for this.
velvet and golden candles
around a black and gold couch.
A gray woman in black and
gold looks at you. “Revelius?
Who is this? Why are you
calling me at this hour?”

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 11

Creaking ebony stairs spiral up DOOR. Shredded. Open. DOOR. Intact. Locked.
and down through the center of
this circular chamber. Brass A flickering red torch reveals a Eight glaring white crystals flood
lanterns cast a cool white light cramped gray room with three the room with sterile light.
over the scratched walls. Five narrow bunks. The three flimsy Blood streaks the white marble
doorways ring the space. Three closet doors lie in battered pieces tiles. Supplies lie jumbled on a
doors are smashed open, one on the floor. tray. A woman lies bandaged on
door is closed, and one doorway the operating table. A skeleton
¤ CLOSETS. Tattered black dress
has no door at all. A smeary trail stands beside her.
suits and gray jumpsuits.
of blood leads to the closed door. ¤ LIGHT. These white crystals
¤ SURPRISE. An orange cat
incinerate germs. Anyone with
named Lucky leaps out and
a disease is healed.
hisses when least expected.
DM NOTES Highly irritable. Will scratch if ¤ BLOOD. Griselle’s.
touched, 1d6 slashing damage.
WHAT IS HERE? ¤ SUPPLIES. Used bandages,
needle, thread, scalpel.
¤ Servants (broken door)
¤ WOMAN. Griselle, 37. Short,
¤ Surgery LOOT IN BUNKS: thin, rebellious. Maid. Struck
¤ Nursery (broken door) ¤ 17 GP. by NOVAAD. Now dying.
¤ Foyer (no door) Wounds from Lawful angelic
¤ A silver amulet, displays the
halos refuse to heal due to
¤ Glass Hatch (broken door) open rose of Saint Helena the
Griselle’s Chaotic nature.
Silent Healer.
WHO IS HERE? ¤ SKELETON. Dr Mahkoi, 206.
Undead in a white coat. Skilled
¤ Lucky, mean cat
surgeon. Professional, loyal,
¤ Griselle, dying maid AMULET. The sight of the gruff. Thinks you’re all crazy,
amulet offends the vampires, but will help you if it helps his
¤ Dr Mahkoi, skeleton surgeon who revere Saint Kyree the master REVELIUS ONAR.
¤ Rev-5, vampire clone Dread Maiden. Also, the touch
of silver burns them, 2d6.
¤ Vixen and Rooster, thieves
¤ Torch, Necro, and Sever, LOOT IN CABINETS:
vampire mercenaries ¤ Two healing potions, 1d6.
TRAIL OF BLOOD: ¤ One antitoxin potion.
¤ The angel NOVAAD attacked ¤ Lantern and oil.
the maid GRISELLE. The doctor
¤ 2 CP (for corpse eyes!)
dragged her into the Surgery.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 12

DOOR. Shredded. Open. DOOR. None.

A lone amber lantern lights the Smoky red candles flicker in brass
room. Pale blue syrup coats the sconces. Murals cover the
floor. A dented table cradles vaulted ceiling. Portraits hang
broken vials. Five tall glass tubes shredded on each paneled wall.
stand shattered by the wall. In the center of the floor is a
round white platform.
¤ SYRUP. Warm, sticky, sweet.
Drink to heal 1d6. ¤ MURALS. Children in grassy
MAN: fields, turbaned merchants on
¤ VIALS. Red, green, and violet
¤ REV-5. Vampire clone, shaggy camels, armored knights
fluids mingle around melting
immune to sunlight. Appears riding flame-belching snails.
and broken glassware.
30, is only a few hours old. ¤ PORTRAITS. Twelve dark oil
¤ TUBES. Each contains a body in
Gray skin, red eyes, fangs. paintings of a man (REVELIUS
a shallow pool of warm syrup.
¤ Thin, bald, squinty, stammers. ONAR) at ages 12 to 256.
They are clones of Revelius
Onar, attempts at becoming Speaks and acts like an adult. ¤ SHREDDED. By the razor-sharp
immune to sunlight. The faces ¤ Has no idea what is going on halos of the angel NOVAAD.
all look alike: or who he is. Terrified, timid. ¤ PLATFORM. Identical to the
Follows you everywhere. first one. Rings of hand-carved
(1) An adult male corpse with
¤ Mildly interested in drinking runes. One foot high. Fifteen
rough bark-like skin. Dead,
your blood. If you don’t mind. feet across. The center pillar is
impaled on shards of his broken and missing.
broken glass tube. ¤ Any vampire that drinks his
blood becomes a daywalker ¤ MISSING. The broken pillar is
(2) An adult male corpse with (immune to sunlight). in the Cistern. If the pillar is
leathery wrinkled gray skin. His put back, the party can touch
face is twisted in misery. Dead, the indent and teleport back to
slashed and scorched. LOOT AMONG VIALS: the surface where they began.

¤ Healing potion, 1d6. (red)

(3) An adult male corpse with
soft bubbling red skin. Dead, ¤ Sleep potion, 1 hour. (green)
DM NOTE. Half-way through
partially exploded arm, leg, and ¤ Enlarge potion, 1 hour. your session, treasure hunters
belly. His face a rictus of pain. (violet) teleport into this chamber:
(4) Smashed. Empty. ¤ Reduce potion, 1 hour. (blue)
don’t want a fight, but they
¤ Two empty vials. don’t want to leave empty-
(5) An adult man, naked, gray handed either.
skin, red eyes, shivering. He
stares in confusion and fear.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 13

DOOR. Shredded. Open.

This lightless lounge has marble

floors and teak paneled walls, all
slashed and cracked. A bench lies
in pieces beside a coat rack. A
stone arm lies on the floor. The
circular glass hatch reveals a sea
of stars and, far below, the dark
curve of the world of Harth.
¤ BENCH. Green velvet and dark ¤ GARGOYLE. 30 feet away,
mahogany. A note under the tumbling slowly in space,
seat reads: “I agree. The missing an arm. Named
master’s experiments have DELILAH. Ancient, loyal, simple,
gone too far. I’ll take care of direct, violent. Serves Revelius
everything. Be ready.” Onar by guarding the tower
(Written by butler LEECH.) from intruders. Was hurled
outside while fighting the angel
NOVAAD. She may attack the
¤ ARM. Gray stone, short, thick, PCs or help them, depending
a clawed hand. Smashed off a on their actions.
gargoyle by the insane angel
DM NOTE. This room can also
¤ If PCs go to 5. Observatory be reached by going to the
¤ HATCH. Airlock, armored. A
and call Aura Jatheed, then 4. Escapatorium and walking
dazzling view of the stars and
she will (probably) send her through Curtain 3. The illusion
the night-side of the planet
three mercenaries to kill you. hallway is broken and has
Harth below. Directly ahead, a
jagged gray gargoyle floats in ¤ Torch, Necro, and Sever created a magic portal to the
the dark. A ruby switch beside come to kill the party (and Glass Hatch room. This is a
the door opens it. At game everyone else), and loot the one-way portal, and there is no
start, there is nothing else here. tower for their mistress. evidence of the portal in the
If the CLEANERS arrive, then Glass Hatch room.
their nightship docks here.
¤ NIGHTSHIP. A claustrophobic
sphere of pale Titan bone, red
wyrm glass, and gold lumosilk
that sails on starlight. Obeys
verbal commands. Can crash-
land on a world’s surface.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 14

Rusty iron stairs spiral up and DOOR. Shredded. Open. DOOR. Intact. Open.
down through the center of this
circular chamber. Red flames in Dying torches smoke above Irregular flashes of sparks fall
bronze braziers cast an angry gleaming steel tables. Twisted from the burning ceiling and
crimson light over the scratched metal objects litter the room and reflect off the scratched metal
walls. Five doorways ring the hang impaled in the walls. A small walls. Shattered glass cabinets
space. Three doors have been device twitches on the floor. contain dozens of broken vials.
torn to pieces, and two stand ajar. Thick green fumes rise from the
¤ TABLES. Workbenches. All
liquids bubbling on the floor.
scratched and slashed by the
metal halos of NOVAAD. ¤ CABINETS. Gouged wood,
DM NOTES ¤ OBJECTS. Broken tools and crooked shelves.
unfinished projects. Hammer, ¤ VIALS. Acids, solvents,
drill, tongs, clamp, level, saw. cleansers, oils, adhesives.
¤ Tinkery (broken door) You find a Smoky Knife and ¤ FUMES. Toxic. Take 1d6 poison
¤ Laboratory Humming Orb. for each minute in the room.
¤ Menagerie (broken door) ¤ DEVICE. Gofer. Small ¤ FLOOR. Acids are eating
construct, white ceramic, thin
¤ East Corridor (broken door) through the floor. In 10
limbs, single green crystal eye. minutes, the floor collapses
¤ West Corridor Trapped under debris. This into space and everything is
simple automaton follows any sucked out. Solutions: (1) Mix
WHO IS HERE? commands given by anyone. a new chemical to neutralize
¤ Gofer, construct Polite. Weak. Slow. the acid. (2) Close the door
¤ Gorj-B, cosmic horror and don’t come back.


Press the emerald in the hilt to This crystal ball can turn any This gummy blob of goo can
make this magic tool heat up to mundane weapon into a magical hold any two objects together
cut through any non-magical flying weapon. One charge left. for 24 hours. Also works on
material for 1 round. Two Value: 1,000 GP incorporeal objects and
charges per sunrise. creatures, such as ghosts.
Value: 500 GP Value: 2,000 GP

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 15

DOOR. Shredded. Open. DOOR. Shredded. Open. DOOR. Intact. Open.

A dozen tiny lanterns glow dimly A long corridor ends in a warped The corridor ends in a geometric
amid the chaos of smashed cages chamber of murky red resin. chamber of gleaming lavender
and shattered tanks. Pale liquids The dark bulbous room is barely steel mesh. The shiny metallic
pool on the floor. Dark lumps lie large enough for two people. room is large enough for two
motionless everywhere. A small Shards of red glass cover the people. Slivers of steel litter the
figure moves in the shadows. floor. Gold slime drips from the floor. Blood drips from the
gouged walls. shredded walls. A heap of human
¤ CAGES. Cat-sized. Wire mesh
remains lies on the floor.
torn apart. Small bowls and ¤ CHAMBER. The cell that held
bottles. Wood shavings. the cosmic horror GORJ. ¤ CHAMBER. This was the cell
that contained the angel
¤ TANKS. Also cat-sized. Broken ¤ RESIN. Wyrm glass. Secreted
glass shards. Gravel and kelp. by cosmic horrors. One of the
¤ LIQUIDS. Fresh water, salt few materials that can contain a ¤ MESH. Tetrium steel. The only
cosmic horror. known material that can
water, blood, and urine.
contain an angel. Kills all
¤ SHARDS. When handled by
¤ LUMPS. Recently killed vampires on contact.
bare skin, suffer 1d6 psychic
specimens. Black ravenwolf
damage. You find one club. ¤ SLIVERS. Holy, Lawful. Deals
puppy. Tiny transparent frilled
1d6 radiant damage to all
lizards. Tiny brown birds with ¤ SLIME. Freshly secreted resin
Chaotic creatures on contact.
needle beaks. Spotted cat with from GORJ when attacked by
You find one dagger.
flat leather tail. Furry white NOVAAD. Highly toxic. When
salamander. Trench piranha. handled by bare skin, suffer ¤ BLOOD. Leech’s.
1d6 psychic damage and spend
¤ FIGURE. Fast. Slippery. Squishy. ¤ REMAINS. The slashed corpse
1d6 minutes trapped in an
An octopus aberration feeding of the butler LEECH. He
eldritch nightmare.
on the dead specimens. thought it was wrong to
imprison an angel so he let it
¤ OCTOPUS. Gorj-B. Red skin,
out. It killed him.
gold eyes. 1/3 of the cosmic
meet, they merge. Telepathic This lump of red glass resonates
with Chaotic madness. Deals ¤ Leech’s Alarming Ring.
raspy voice. Begs to go to the
red moon Qaray. May try to eat 1d6 psychic damage plus 50% ¤ 3 sour hard candies.
you. Fears the angel NOVAAD. chance to Stun for one round.
Value: 250 GP

SURVIVING SALAMINK This blade of lavender steel
This tiny furry white salamander resonates with Lawful intent.
is gentle, timid, and very cute. Deals 1d6 piercing, plus 1d6
Value: 5 GP radiant to Chaotic creatures.
Value: 500 GP

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 16

Slimy stone stairs spiral up from DOOR. Intact. Closed.
the center of this circular
chamber. A single smoldering A ramp slopes down into moist
torch casts a faint amber light brown waste. Flies buzz.
over the scratched walls. Two Wriggling worms glow over a
doorways flank the space. One mound of orange fungus.
door is torn apart, and the other Mushrooms dot the floor and
is closed. walls. Three corpses lie beside a
golden raven talon. A red lump
of flesh digs in the filth.
DM NOTES ¤ WASTE. Rotten food, and
¤ FUNGUS. A growth of the
¤ Midden Heap Mycotic Sprawl. Highly
¤ Cistern (broken door) resilient, fast growing. A cloud
of spores hangs in the air. ¤ GORJ-C. Red skin, gold eyes.
WHO IS HERE? 1/3 of the cosmic horror
¤ SPORES. Anyone who inhales
GORJ. If two GORJ meet, they
¤ Gorj-C, cosmic horror them rolls 1d6. On a 1, you are
merge. Telepathic raspy voice.
infected and begin growing
¤ Novaad, insane angel ¤ Begs to go to the red moon
orange mushrooms on your
skin. After 7 days, you only Qaray to be safe and free.
care about spreading spores ¤ RAVENOUS. Will eventually try
and protecting the Sprawl. to eat you.
¤ MUSHROOMS. Toxic, 1d6. ¤ Fears the angel NOVAAD.
¤ CORPSES. Desiccated flesh,
brittle bones, tattered gray
clothing. Covered in thick
lumps of fungal matter. When
approached, these three
Mycotic Zombies attack.


This golden raven leg is a magic
wand with 3 charges left. Each
charge allows the user to
Control Air for one minute.
Value: 750 GP

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 17

DOOR. Shredded. Open.

Your breath mists in the dark as

you step out onto a small
platform suspended above a vast
tank of still liquid.
¤ DARK. The only light comes INHUMANITY (1D6):
from the stairwell.
These effects are permanent unless
¤ PLATFORM. Metal. Sways. you find a way to change them.
¤ LIQUID. Inhuman blood. Dark 1 Your body triples in mass
red, sticky, and warm. (your appearance is unchanged).
Creatures that enter the blood Other creatures cannot move
must roll for Inhumanity. you. Your speed is reduced by
¤ NOVAAD. The insane angel is 10. You cannot swim.
listening to saintly prayers at 2 Your bones soften into fluid
the bottom of the Cistern. The sacs. You can squeeze through
missing PILLAR of the tiny spaces. Your vague facial
teleporter lies beside it. If features are impossible for
anyone touches the angel, then anyone to remember.
NOVAAD wakes and resumes
rampaging. 3 Your skin turns red. You are
immune to Fire damage, but
always shiver and sweat.

DM NOTE. Nothing can kill an 4 Your tongue triples in length,

angel. Even this crazy angel. making it difficult to speak. If
you taste blood, you can identify
the creature it came from and
one fact about that creature.
5 Your eyes turn red and you are
¤ A 10-foot whirling matrix of blinded. You gain Blindsight up
golden blades, feathers, hands, to 30 ft, and you can hear
faces, and crowns surrounding heartbeats up to 60 ft away.
three radiant eyes.
6 You are healed of all
¤ Ancient, immortal, insane. conditions, and become
¤ Hates Chaos. Hunts chaotic immune to disease and poison.
creatures, and detects scenes of You reek of decaying flesh.
“regular” chaos like fighting,
arguing, and destruction.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 18

A nightship can sail a short Cosmic horrors, also known as Angels, also known as the Creator’s
distance in open space. There are Immortal Dreamers, also known as Hands, also known as the
four visible destinations. the YUGHARIM, are the oldest ANGELIM, were created to build
creatures in the world. and organize the world.
¤ SILVER MOON. Named responsible for mutations and responsible for the rules of the
Qamar. The gray surface is random events in the world. They cosmos that make life possible as
dotted with glowing saints: are mostly arms and eyes. They are we know it.
men and women of all ages and bizarre, otherworldly, alien, and
dress, sitting in meditation to They are also whirling masses of
respond to the prayers of the celestial fire and metal. And after
people living on Harth. They On the other hand, they like to countless Ages of service, they are
do not wish to be disturbed. torture people telepathically, and beginning to break down, go astray,
eat everything in their path, so… and fall into madness.
¤ RED MOON. Named Qaray.
they are somewhat knowable.
The surface is hidden beneath a In the beginning, NOVAAD was an
thick writhing mass of red The “Elder” Horrors are massive angel of balance, ensuring that
tendrils and fleshy bulbs dotted and most of them have migrated to forces and masses remained
with huge golden eyes. These the red moon of QARAY. There constant and equal. Now, the
cosmic horrors are telepathic, they are unconstrained by gravity insane angel blindly destroys
controlling, and ravenous. and ignored by angels, free to grow everything they touch.
¤ GOLDEN TOWER. Home of the and dream as they wish.
In this adventure, NOVAAD is
vampire Aura Jatheed. Quick, GORJ is one of the “Young” impossible to kill. It may be wisest
invent another tower! Horrors. Still small, still vulnerable, to lure the angel away and flush
¤ DYING PLANET. Named Harth. still trying to reach the red moon. them out an airlock.
Home, sweet home. In this adventure, it is challenging
to kill GORJ in a straight fight,
especially if all three fragments
merge back together. It may be
wiser for the party to kill them
piece by piece, or lock them up and
ignore them entirely.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 19


A matrix of rotating metal halo blades circling three A broken wing of metal blades connected by a limb
orbs of golden fire. Insane. Immortal. of celestial fire. Mindless. Flailing.

Large celestial. Lawful neutral. Small celestial. Unaligned.

Save as Fighter 5. Save as Fighter 2.
HP —. AC chain. Hover 30. Attacks 2. HP 8. AC chain. Move 30. Attacks 1.
IMMUNITY. Everything. IMMUNITY. Necrotic. Radiant.
SHREDDER. Whenever the angel moves, it damages SLASH. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the walls. If the walls of one room are shredded one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
three times, the room breaches into space. BLAZE. Ranged Magic Attack: +4 to hit, reach 15
SLASH. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) radiant damage.
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
BLAZE. Ranged Magic Attack: +6 to hit, reach 15
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) radiant damage.
BACKLASH. Reaction: When the angel is hit by any
attack, the attacker suffers 3 (1d6) radiant damage.


A whirling hand-sized halo of metal blades circling

a glimmer of celestial fire. Mindless. Flailing.

Tiny celestial. Unaligned.

Save as Fighter 1.
HP 4. AC leather. Fly 30. Attacks 1.
IMMUNITY. Necrotic. Radiant.
WHIRL. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
FLARE. Ranged Magic Attack: +3 to hit, reach 15 ft.
cone. Hit: Blinded until end of next turn.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 20


Vampire mercenary in black leather armor carrying Vampire mercenary in black leather armor carrying
a wand and orb. Professional. Smart. Twitchy. a flaming sword. Professional. Survivor. Careful.

Medium undead. Neutral evil. Medium undead. Neutral evil.

Save as Fighter 5. Save as Fighter 5.
HP 20. AC chain. Move 30. Attacks 2. HP 20. AC chain. Move 30. Attacks 2.
FEATURES. Spider Climb. Heal 4 HP per round. FEATURES. Spider Climb. Heal 4 HP per round.
Take 4 radiant damage per round in sunlight. Take 4 radiant damage per round in sunlight.
WAND OF DEATH. Ranged Magic Attack: +4 to hit, FIREBRAND. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) fire damage.
ORB OF UNLIFE. Reaction: A shield of ghosts reduces PARRY. Reaction: When hit by a melee attack, a
all incoming attack damage by half. sword flourish reduces the damage by half.


Vampire mercenary in black leather armor carrying

a dagger and sickle. Professional. Quiet. Cruel.

Medium undead. Neutral evil.

Save as Fighter 5.
HP 20. AC chain. Move 30. Attacks 2.
FEATURES. Spider Climb. Heal 4 HP per round.
Take 4 radiant damage per round in sunlight.
STAB. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
LEG HOOK. Reaction: When missed by a melee
attack, use the sickle to trip the attacker prone.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 21


An amorphous mass of red flesh with shifting An amorphous mass of red flesh with shifting
tentacles and golden eyes. Hungry. Selfish. tentacles and golden eyes. Hungry. Selfish.

Tiny aberration. Chaotic neutral. Medium aberration. Chaotic neutral.

Save as Fighter 1. Save as Fighter 3.
HP 4. AC leather. Move 30. Attacks 1. HP 12. AC leather. Move 30. Attacks 3.
TENTACLE. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 TENTACLE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage. one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
SHRIEK. Ranged Magic Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 SWIPE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
ft. radius. Hit: 3 (1d6) psychic damage and drop all one target. Hit: Grab one held item and throw it far
held items. away.
SHRIEK. Ranged Magic Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10
ft. radius. Hit: 3 (1d6) psychic damage and drop all
held items.

An amorphous mass of red flesh with shifting

tentacles and golden eyes. Hungry. Selfish.

Small aberration. Chaotic neutral.

Save as Fighter 2.
HP 8. AC leather. Move 30. Attacks 2.
TENTACLE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
SHRIEK. Ranged Magic Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
ft. radius. Hit: 3 (1d6) psychic damage and drop all
held items.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 22


Terrier-sized white ceramic spider with four legs and A person with orange fungal growths in a haze of
a green crystal eye. Zaps trash and intruders. spores. Slow. Mindless. Want to spread spores.

Small construct. Unaligned. Medium undead. Neutral.

Save as Fighter 1. Save as Fighter 1.
HP 4. AC chain. Move 30. Attacks 1. HP 6. AC unarmored. Move 20. Attacks 1.
FEATURES. Spider Climb. IMMUNITY. Necrotic, Poison.
STAB. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., EMBRACE. +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. Target is grappled and takes 3 (1d6) poison
ZAP. Ranged Magic Attack: +3 to hit, reach 30 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) fire damage. MYCOTIC HAZE. When a creature starts their turn
within 5 ft. of the zombie, they take 3 (1d6) poison
ALARM. The monitor makes a loud squawk. At the
damage. Roll 1d6: On a 1, the target is infected.
end of the round, another monitor arrives.
They will become a mycotic zombie in 1 week.

A plump monkey made of mud with drooping ears
A corpse covered in charcoal and flame. Animated
and shovel-like hands. Playful. Cruel.
by sunlight. Lies helpless in the dark. Mindless.

Small elemental. Chaotic evil.

Medium undead. Neutral.
Save as Fighter 1.
Save as Fighter 1.
HP 4. AC unarmored. Move 30. Attacks 1.
HP 6. AC unarmored. Move 20. Attacks 1.
CLOD. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 20
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
COLLIDE. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
DEATH SPATTER. When the puck dies, it explodes.
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) fire damage.
All creatures within 5 ft. take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
damage. OVERLOAD. When the zombie is struck by multiple
light sources, it overheats and explodes. All
creatures within 5 ft. take 3 (1d6) fire damage.
FREEZE. When the zombie is in darkness, it falls
prone and cannot move or act.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 23


A young woman in old leather armor. Flamboyant Shriveled ancient vampire in a heavy black hooded
swashbuckler. Confident. Greedy. robe. Gray skin, red eyes. Vicious. Proud.

Medium humanoid. Chaotic neutral. Medium undead. Lawful evil.

Save as Fighter 2. Save as Magic User 5.
HP 8. AC leather. Move 30. Attacks 2. HP 20. AC leather. Move 40. Attacks 2.
RAPIER. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 FEATURES. Misty Step. Heal 4 HP per round.
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. Take 4 radiant damage per round in sunlight.
WHIP. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage and target one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic damage to target
drops one held item. and the vampire heals the same amount.
Options: Hurl object, disarm target, or knock target
prone. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

A young man in old leather armor with tall spiky red

hair. Nervous. Careful. Greedy.

An athletic woman with gray skin, red eyes, and

Medium humanoid. Chaotic neutral.
black hair. Intelligent. Honest. Cold.
Save as Fighter 2.
HP 8. AC leather. Move 30. Attacks 2.
Medium undead. Lawful evil.
DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
Save as Magic User 5.
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
HP 20. AC leather. Move 40. Attacks 2.
CROSSBOW. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. FEATURES. Misty Step. Heal 4 HP per round.
Take 4 radiant damage per round in sunlight.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic damage to target
and the vampire heals the same amount.
RING OF CONTROL BLOOD. Range 30 feet. Options:
Meat puppet, twisted flesh, fall prone. Hit: 7 (2d6)
psychic damage.

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 24



This gummy blob of goo can hold any two objects Reaction: This magic amber sphere conjures a
together for 24 hours. Also works on incorporeal wall of ghosts that prevent all damage to you until
objects and creatures, such as ghosts. the beginning of your next turn. One charge. To
Value: 2,000 GP recharge it, place it in a fire for 1 hour.
Value: 500 GP

Shadows cling to this magic obsidian blade. On a NECRO’S WAND OF DEATH
hit, the target is blinded until their next turn ends. Action: This magic wand unleashes a thin ghostly
Value: 500 GP finger that touches a single target, causing 7 (2d6)
necrotic damage. Three charges per sunrise.
Value: 1,000 GP

These darkly tinted lenses allow the wearer to act
in bright sunlight without impairment. ONAR’S BLACK COWL
Value: 25 GP This magical velvet robe renders the wearer
immune to Radiant damage. When the wearer is in
dim light or darkness, they are invisible.
Value: 2,000 GP
This crystal ball can turn any mundane weapon
into a magical flying weapon. One charge left.
This golden raven leg is a magic wand with 3
charges left. Each charge lets the user Control Air
for one minute.
This magic ring detects approaching creatures.
Each day at dawn, choose one type of creature.
This simple copper ring will quietly vibrate when
such a creature comes within 60 feet. ONAR’S IVORY WAND
Value: 250 GP This twisted white wand lets the user Control
Metal for one round per charge. The wand regains
1 charge per hour that it spends submerged in a
liquid, up to a maximum of 3 charges.
Value: 1,000 GP

“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 25

This magic ring lets the wearer grow a coat of fur This blade of lavender steel resonates with Lawful
for 8 hours per day to become Immune to Cold intent. Deals 1d6 piercing, plus 1d6 radiant to
damage. Chaotic creatures.
Value: 300 GP Value: 500 GP


This magic ring lets the wearer grow gills for 1 This magic sword ignites when exposed to the air.
hour per day to breathe underwater. On a hit, the blade deals an additional 3 (1d6) fire
Value: 300 GP damage. While the blade is burning, you are
Immune to Fire damage.
Value: 750 GP


This warm red ring lets the user Control Blood
for one round per charge. The wand regains 1 WYRM GLASS CLUB
charge per hour that it spends immersed in blood, This lump of red glass resonates with cosmic
up to a maximum of 3 charges. madness. Deals 1d6 psychic damage plus 50%
Value: 1,000 GP chance to Stun for one round.
Value: 250 GP

Press the emerald in the hilt to make this magic
tool heat up to cut through any non-magical
material for 1 round. Two charges per sunrise.
Value: 500 GP

Copyright © 2021 Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Illustrations and maps by Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Edition: May 2021

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



“Orbital Vampire Tower” A Dungeon Age Adventure Page 26

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