SaO OathOfTheHorseman v1.1

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Art: Unsung Hero - The Twilight Bark}

Dominik Mayer}



he oath of the horseman binds Divine Ward: Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your
Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity, granting
a paladin to take up the mantle of a guardian
yourself, your mount or one allied creature within 5 ft. of you temporary
of the innocent, bound to protect those who
hit points equal to the damage dealt by Divine Smite.
cannot protect themselves. Most often
travelling on horseback, they defend the AURA OF THE HORSEMAN
inhabitants of an area or region at all costs.
7th-level Oath of the Horseman feature
TENETS OF THE HORSEMAN Starting at 7th level, you emanate an aura of steadfastness. Enemies that
make an attack roll against friendly creatures within 10 ft. of you must
Defend the Defenseless. Bringing justice to wrongdoers is not enough-
roll a d4 and substract the number rolled from the attack roll.
ensure the wellbeing of those who have been wronged.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Trample the Enemy. If your presence alone is not enough to do so, use
your might to drive out evil swiftly. THE MEANING OF HASTE
Remain Stalwart. Remain as a bastion in the face of great danger, for
15th-level Oath of the Horseman feature
those behind you rely on you.
At 15th level, when a hostile creature within 30 ft. of you that you can
OATH SPELLS see makes an attack against a friendly creature, you may use your
reaction to move up to half your walking speed towards that enemy. If
3rd-level Oath of the Horseman feature
you move more than 10 ft. as part of this reaction, you may make one
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of the
melee weapon attack against the offending hostile creature.
Horseman Spells table. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how oath
If you are mounted, your mount moves with you, using the mount’s
spells work.
movement speed instead. Additionally, you can choose whether you or
Oath of the Horseman Spells your mount makes the weapon attack.


3 Beast Bond, Zephyr Strike 20th-level Oath of the Horseman feature
5 Find Steed, Warding Bond At 20th level, you have mastered the bond between mount and rider to
9 Crusader’s Mantle, Phantom Steed such an extent that you can become a living embodiment of mounted
13 Find Greater Steed, Freedom of Movement combat prowess. As a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for 1
17 Holy Weapon, Steel Wind Strike minute:

Any spell cast by you with a range of self applies to both you and
your mount or a different creature of your choosing within 10 ft. of
3rd-level Oath of the Horseman feature you.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel If you or your mount are reduced to 0 hit points, either creature is
Divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how Channel immediately healed for half their maximum hit points. This benefit
Divinity works. only occurs once per use of this feature.
Interposing Maneuvers: As an action, you can intercept hostile attacks When you deal damage to an enemy creature against whom your
and redirect them. For 1 minute, you can use your reaction to force any attack rolls have advantage, you may reroll the damage dice once and
attack made by enemies within your reach to target you instead. If the take either result.
weapon with which the attack is made does not have the reach to hit you
under normal circumstances, the attack is made with disadvantage Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish
instead. a long rest.

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