This oath focuses on controlling the battlefield and protecting allies. Its tenets emphasize might, valor, bravery, and virtue. Its abilities include damaging and slowing enemies, granting resistance, and conjuring weapons to aid in battle.
This oath focuses on controlling the battlefield and protecting allies. Its tenets emphasize might, valor, bravery, and virtue. Its abilities include damaging and slowing enemies, granting resistance, and conjuring weapons to aid in battle.
This oath focuses on controlling the battlefield and protecting allies. Its tenets emphasize might, valor, bravery, and virtue. Its abilities include damaging and slowing enemies, granting resistance, and conjuring weapons to aid in battle.
This oath focuses on controlling the battlefield and protecting allies. Its tenets emphasize might, valor, bravery, and virtue. Its abilities include damaging and slowing enemies, granting resistance, and conjuring weapons to aid in battle.
At 7th level, you exude an aura that extends 15 feet in
Battle any direction (but not through walls) that further Those that took this oath became masters of controlling dissuades enemies from attacking those you stand the battlefield. Initiates of this oath would learn each beside. tenet individually, learning the true meaning of each When a creature is forced to move or has their before gaining its associated ability. movement speed reduced as a part of a spell that you Tenets of Righteous Battle cast or an effect that you create, that creature takes Might: Your strength must overcome the greatest of psychic damage equal to your charisma modifier, foes, and your might must belong to all. once on each of their turns. Valor: Never give up even in the face of overwhelming At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 odds. Those that depend on you are counting on your feet. valor. Bravery: Though you may feel fear, do not give in to it. Eternal Vigil Show bravery in the face of true evil. At 15th level, when you hit a creature with an Virtue: Remember why you fight, and that which you opportunity attack, that creature is placed under the fight for. Your virtue is the shield upon which darkness effects of Compelled Duel until the end of your next breaks. turn. Oath Spells Beacon of Righteous Battle Paladin Level Spells At 20th level, once per long rest as an action, become 3rd Heroism, Compelled Duel battle incarnate. May your foes fall before your 5th Spiritual Weapon, Warding Bond righteous hand, and your allies be bolstered by your 9th Thunder Step, Spirit Guardians devotion to your tenets. Spectral weapons dot the 13th Guardian of Faith, Banishment battlefield within 30 feet of you for the next minute, 17th Wall of Force, Conjure Volley giving you strength and enhancing your abilities. You Channel Divinity gain the following benefits: When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the two You may attack any creature within this area with a following Channel Divinity options. melee weapon attack as though they were within 5 Righteous Blade: As an action, conjure a giant sword feet of you. and swing it in front of you. All creatures of your choice You can use Righteous Blade treating any spot in a 15 foot half circle must make a dexterity saving within this area as the origin of the arc. throw or take (a number of d8s equal to half your You can make an attack of opportunity against any paladin level rounded up) radiant damage, taking half creature that moves within this area, and you can damage on a success. Creatures that fail the saving make an opportunity attack once on each creature’s throw also have their movement speed reduced by 10 turn. feet. Creatures of your choice within this area have their Battle Ward: When a creature within 60 feet of you movement speed halved. takes damage, you may use this channel divinity as a reaction to grant that creature resistance to all damage until the start of their next turn, including the damage of the triggering hit or effect.
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