Physics Lab
Physics Lab
Physics Lab
4 Stand NA 2
5 Detector NA 1
Using Snell’s law, the maximum angle within which light will be accepted into and guided through
fiber is
at the same angle from output end. Therefore, the far field at the output end will also appear as a
cone of semi angle a emanating from the fiber end.
1. Optical source should be properly aligned with the cable.
2. Distance of the launch point from cable should be properly selected to ensure that maximum
amount of optical power is transferred to the cable.
3. The optical fiber provided should be handled carefully so as to prevent cracks.
1. Light from the laser is coupled into the given optical fiber by using microscope objective.
2. Place the output end of the fiber on the rotating stage.
3. A detector, whose output is connected to the voltmeter, is mounted on the base and aligns it
for maximum intensity (Imax) such that the pinhole is at the same horizontal level as the fiber
4. Connect the output of the detector to Multimeter using wire provided with the apparatus
having BNC socket at one end and banana plugs at other end (with red wire V+ socket and
black wire to Com socket) and select Imax mode.
5. Without disturbing the input coupling, rotate the output fiber end spot in suitable steps and
at each angular position the detector output is recorded.
6. Plot and extrapolate graph showing the output of detector vs. angular position.
7. From the graph, find out the angle 2a corresponding to the 0.05 Imax below from the
maximum detector reading and hence obtain a..
-1 0. 1, 0.345
0.35 imax/2.71=0.38/ .71=
2, 0.28 0.14
-3, 0.175 0. 3, 0.18
.0 0. , 0 07
-6 -4 -2
Review Questions
1. What do you mean by numerical aperture?
2. What could be the maximum value of numerical aperture?
3. What should be the numerical aperture of the fiber used for short distance communication?
4. What are the advantages of using optical fiber over conventional communication systems?
5. Is numerical aperture always constant for a particular optical fiber?
6. What are the different components of an optical fiber?
7. What is the relation between acceptance angle and numerical aperture of an optical fiber?
8. What do you understand by the term LASER?
9. What is the principle of light propagation in an optical fiber?
10. Is it possible to find numerical aperture of an optical fiber with any ordinary source of light?
The following video will give you more clear vision of the NUMERICAL APERTURE.
LINK 1 :- Demonstration of NA
T1. Sharma Saroj,“Physics Experiments for engineers”, Edition Ist, (2009), Oscar publications, New Delhi.
T2. Shukla R. K., and Srivastava Anchal, “Practical Physics”, Edition 1st,(2006), New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
T3. Arora C.L.,” B.Sc. Practical Physics”, Revise Edition, (2007), S. Chand & Company Limited.
R2. Chattopadhyay D., Rakshit P. C., and Saha B., “An Advanced Course in Practical Physics”,Edition 2nd,1990), Books &
Allied Ltd., Calcutta.
R3. Waves and vibrations George C. King School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Manchester,
UK ISBN 978-0-470-01188-1 – ISBN 978-0-470-01189-8
Buy at Amazon Arora C.L.,” B.Sc. Practical Physics”, Revise Edition, (2007), S. Chand & Company Limited.
Buy at Amazon Sharma Saroj,“Physics Experiments for engineers”, EditionIst, (2009), Oscar publications, New Delhi.
4. Stand NA 2
Diffraction is the slight bending of light as it passes around the edge of an object. The amount of
bending depends on the relative size of the wavelength of light to the size of the opening.
Diffraction grating is a set of thousands of narrow, closely spaced parallel slits; typically the
distance between the lines is comparable to the wavelength of light. Distance between two
consecutive slits (lines) of a grating is called grating element (d)
Light rays that pass through such a surface are bent as a result of diffraction, related to wave
properties of light. The diffraction angle depends upon the wavelength of the light, for a given
Grating light with larger wavelength has larger diffraction angle. More precisely a single wavelength
can simultaneously have multiple discrete diffraction angles called diffraction orders.
(a+b) sin θ =n λ
d sin θ = n λ ................................................................. (1)
Where θ is the angle of diffraction, (a+b) is the grating element n =0, ±1, ±2,……….and λ is the
wavelength of light used.
Fig. 1
Formula Used:
Where, θ is the angle of diffraction,
d is the grating element
Observations &Calculations:
Wavelength of Diode laser, λ=650 nm
Distance between diffraction grating and screen. D= cm
Standard Grating element, d (cm) =2.54/N, where N is no. of lines per inch in diffraction grating
a. if we were having diffraction grating of 15000 lines per inch, then standard grating
element will be
d= 2.54/15000=0.000169 cm
b. if we were having diffraction grating of 500 lines per inch, then standard grating
element will be
d=2.54/500=0.00508 cm
Table 2:
Conclusion: - We found out a diffraction grating has a very large number of equally spaced slits.
When parallel light is incident on a diffraction grating each slit acts as a source of diffracted waves.
Those waves therefore interact with one another. Diffracted lights shine on a distant screen which
has a central bright spot labelled m=0 and a higher order bright fringes that can also be observed.
Review Questions
Q1. What is diffraction?
Q2. Define Grating?
Q6. How many orders of spectra possible for grating of 15000 lines per inch?
Q7. How replica of diffraction grating formed?
T1. Sharma Saroj,“Physics Experiments for engineers”, EditionIst, (2009), Oscar publications,
New Delhi.
T2. Shukla R. K., and SrivastavaAnchal, “Practical Physics”, Edition1st,(2006), New Age
International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
T3. Arora C.L.,” B.Sc. Practical Physics”, Revise Edition, (2007), S. Chand & Company Limited.
R2. Chattopadhyay D., Rakshit P. C., and Saha B., “An Advanced Course in Practical
Physics”,Edition 2nd,1990), Books & Allied Ltd., Calcutta.
R3. Waves and vibrations George C. King School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK ISBN 978-0-470-01188-1 – ISBN 978-0-470-01189-8
3. Stand NA 1
Introduction/Theory: The term LASER is the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of radiation. It is a mechanism for emitting electromagnetic radiation via the process of
stimulated emission. There are lasers that emit a broad spectrum of light, or emit different
wavelengths of light simultaneously. A laser beam with a narrow beam divergence is greatly used
to make laser pointer devices. Generally, the beam divergence of laser beam is measured using
beam profiler. Like all electromagnetic beams, lasers are subject to divergence, which is measured
in mill radians (milliradian) or degrees. For many applications, a lower-divergence beam is
preferable. The divergence of a laser beam is proportional to its wavelength and inversely
proportional to the diameter of the beam at its narrowest point.
One of the chief advantages of a laser is that it produces a beam of light whose edges are parallel.
Any deviation from perfect parallelism eventually causes the beam to diverge and spread out its
energy, becoming weaker and weaker with distance.
In this figure, Z-axis is chosen as direction of propagation of laser beam and origin is chosen at
the point where waist size is minimum. Since Gaussian beam remains Gaussian at all locations,
thus the waist size W1 of the beam at a distance Z is given by the relation:
ɵo = W1/Z or W1= ɵo Z
W12= ɵo 2 Z2
Similarly, W1, W2 and W3 are the diameters circles of the laser spot formed at distance
(Z+D) and (Z+2D) respectively from the origin, Then
ɵo = W2 / (Z+D) or
W2= ɵo (Z+D)
Or W22 = ɵo 2 (Z+D)2
And ɵo= W3 / (Z+2D)
OR W3= ɵo (Z+2D)
W3 = ɵo 2 (Z+2D) 2
But the laser source cannot be a point source. It has a finite size through small.
Here W1 = minimum waist size, ɵo is the angle of divergence
To find the angle of divergence ɵo, we set up three equations:
W 2
= ɵ (Z+D) = ɵ 2Z2 +2Z ɵ 2 D+ɵ 2D2
2 2
2 o o o o
W 2
= W 2 + ɵ 2 (Z+2D) = ɵ Z +ɵ 2 (4D2) +4ZD ɵ
2 2 2 2
3 o o o o o
1 W 12 -2W22 +W32
ɵ= √
1 W 12 -2W22 +W32
ɵ= √
𝐷 2
(i) Spot size should be measured accurately.
(ii) Laser light should not fall directly to the eyes of the observer.
(i) Arrange the apparatus as shown.
(ii) Pencil, draw the circular spot on the paper and measure the vertical and horizontal
diameters of the circular spot. Calculate the mean of both values to get the accurate
value of the diameter. This is the waist size W1
(iii) Now distance screen in the direction of beam propagation by a known distance D (total
distance from laser becomes Z+D) and measure spot size W 2 as measured in previous
(iv) Now displace screen further away by same value D, so the new distance becomes
(Z+2D). Measure spot size W 3
(v) Put the values in the formula and calculate laser divergence.
1 W 12 -2W22 +W32
Distance ɵ= √
S. No. (cm) 𝐷 2
1. Z= W1
Z+D= W2
Z+2D= W3
Review Questions
1. What is Divergence of a laser beam?
2. What is LASER?
3. What are the characteristics of laser radiation?
4. What is a Semiconductor Diode Laser?
5. What is the cause of divergence of a laser beam?
6. Why population inversion is essential for stimulated emission?
7. Differentiate between stimulated emission and spontaneous emission.
8. What are the components of laser?
9. What are the examples of two level, three level and four level laser?
10. What are the units of angle of divergence?
T1. Sharma Saroj,“Physics Experiments for engineers”, Edition Ist, (2009), Oscar publications,
New Delhi.
T2. Shukla R. K., and Srivastava Anchal, “Practical Physics”, Edition1st,(2006), New Age
International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
T3. Arora C.L.,” B.Sc. Practical Physics”, Revise Edition, (2007), S. Chand & Company Limited.
R2. Chattopadhyay D., Rakshit P. C., and Saha B., “An Advanced Course in Practical
Physics”,Edition 2nd,1990), Books & Allied Ltd., Calcutta.
R3. Waves and vibrations George C. King School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK ISBN 978-0-470-01188-1 – ISBN 978-0-470-01189-8
Buy at Amazon Arora C.L.,” B.Sc. Practical Physics”, Revise Edition, (2007), S. Chand &
Company Limited.
Buy at Amazon Sharma Saroj,“Physics Experiments for engineers”, EditionIst, (2009), Oscar
publications, New Delhi.
When a semiconductor is doped with impurities of the III periodic group elements it then has a
lack of electrons in the valance band. Similarly doped semiconductors with V periodic group
elements so as to have excess electrons, which then overpopulate the valance band and form a
conduction band. These are P and N type semiconductors respectively, P for positive, and N for
negative. When coupled we have what is called a P-N junction. In this system the bands don’t
always line up and there then exists a barrier potential. If a bias voltage is passed across the diode,
which is equal or greater than the difference in the energy of the bands, i.e. the barrier
potential, then the bands will ’line up’ and a current will flow. When current flows, electrons flow
from the conduction band of the N type conductor and are forced up into the conduction band of
the P type. Since the P type conductor’s valance band is lacking in electrons and we are
overpopulating its conduction band with the bias voltage the electrons readily fall into the ’holes’
in the valance band of the P type conductor. When they fall this energy is released in the form of
a photon. The energy of this photon is equal to the band gap energy of the diode. It follows that if
the linear portion of the voltage vs. current graph is extrapolated back to the x-axis the intercept
should be the point at which the voltage equals the barrier potential. The energy of the photons
emitted should then be the same as the energy of a given electron.
Formula Used:
E= hʋ (1)
E=eV (2)
We then solve equation (1) for h and replace the E term with the equivalent of E in equation (2),
as well as replace υ with:
υ=c/ λ
We then get:
V=hc/e λ (4)
Precautions: -
1. The experiment should be performed such that the glow of LEDs is properly visible.
Procedure: 1. Connect the L.E.D. to the jack provided on the front panel and switch ON the unit.
2. Take the different voltage and current measurement of LED (as tabulated below) for V-I
characteristic of LED:
4. Now plot the V-I characteristics of all the LEDs on graph paper and take voltages corresponding
to a constant current as shown on graph in next page.
Table 2:
1 Red 650
2 Green 510
3 Yellow 570
4 Blue 475
Now plot a graph between voltage (V) vs. 1/λ and determine the slope of the line.
Chart Title
y = 0.5117x - 1.1481
2 R² = 0.7357
1 Series1
Linear (Series1)
0 2 4 6 8
Substitute the values of c = (3×108 m/s) and e = (1.6×10-19 C) and determine the value of
Planck’s constant h.
Conclusion: Our experimental value of Planck’s constant was well within the limits set by
experimental uncertainty.
Review Questions
4. Does the violet light have more energy or the red light?
2 Stop watch NA 1
Introduction/Theory: Kater’s pendulum consists of a long metallic rod R of circular cross section
weighted at one end so that the centre of mass is much nearer to one end. To do this, a heavy
metallic cylinder W1 and an identical wooden cylinder W2 are placed at the two ends of the rod. It
has two movable knife edges K1 and K2. A much smaller metallic cylinder W is kept at the middle
of the rod. All the five can be moved along the rod and fixed at any position using screws. This
configuration ensures that the centre of gravity lies near one of the knife edges.
Kater’s pendulum is a compound pendulum based on the principle that the centre of suspension
and centre of oscillation are interchangeable. The movable cylinders, knife edges and the metallic
weight are so adjusted such that the time periods of the pendulum about the two knife edges
situated asymmetrically with respect to the centre of gravity are exactly equal. Then, the distance
between the knife edges is equal to the length of equivalent simple pendulum whose time period
is given by
And hence, g may be calculated. We resort to Bessel’s approximation where we do not require
making the two time periods to be exactly equal because it is quite difficult and time-consuming
to set the Kater’s pendulum for this configuration.
If T1 and T2 represent two nearly equal time periods (in sec) for positions of K1 and K2 distant Ɩ1
and Ɩ2 (in cm) from C.G.
g= 𝑇12+𝑇22 𝑇12−𝑇22
𝑙1+𝑙2 + 𝑙1−𝑙2
Formula Used: The following formula is used for the determination of acceleration due to gravity
8𝜋2 …………………………………………(1)
g= 𝑇12+𝑇22 12−𝑇22
𝑙1+𝑙2 𝑙1−𝑙2
When T1 and T2 are very close to each other (difference less than 1 percent),
The above expression becomes as: 8𝜋
𝑇12+𝑇22 …………………………….(2)
2. The amplitude of vibration should be small so that the motion of the pendulum satisfies the
condition of simple harmonic motion.
3. To avoid any irregularity of motion the time period should be noted after the pendulum has
made a few oscillations.
1. Suspend the pendulum from the knife edges K1 and K2 in turn and oscillate it. Find for 20
oscillations and obtain the time periods.
2. The time periods are made nearly equal as much as possible by moving M either upward or
downward and finally using the micrometre screw for the final adjustment of mass m.
4. Measure the distance (l1 + l2) between the two knife edges K1 and K2.
5. by knowing the value of (l1 + l2) and time periods T1 and T2 the value of g can be calculated by
applying the formula in equation (1).
6. Change the distance between two knife edges and again repeat the experiment.
Observations &Calculations:
Table 2:
Min. Secs Total Min. Secs Total
. .
1 20 … … … … … … … … … … …
2 25 … … … … … … … … …
1 20 … … … … … … … … … … …
2 25 … … … … … … … … …
1 20 … … … … … … … … … … …
2 25 … … … … … … … … …
Review Questions:
3. How will you find the value of g if the two time periods are not exactly equal?
2. Hall probe NA 1
5 Electromagnet NA 1
Jx=I/wt (1)
If the magnetic field is applied along negative z-axis, the Lorentz force moves the charge carriers
(say electrons) toward the y-direction. This results in accumulation of charge carriers at
the top edge of the sample. This set up a transverse electric field Ey in the sample. This develop a
potential difference along y-axis is known as Hall voltage VH .
A current is made to flow through the sample material and the voltage difference between its top
and bottom is measured using a volt-meter. When the applied magnetic field B=0, the voltage
difference will be zero.
We know that a current flows in response to an applied electric field with its direction as
conventional and it is either due to the flow of holes in the direction of current or the movement
of electrons backward. In both cases, under the application of magnetic field the magnetic Lorentz
force, causes the carriers to curve upwards. Since the charges cannot escape from
the material, a vertical charge imbalance builds up. This charge imbalance produces an electric
field which counteracts with the magnetic force and a steady state is established. The vertical
electric field can be measured as a transverse voltage difference using a voltmeter. In steady state
condition, the magnetic force is balanced by the electric force. Mathematically we can express it
Circuit diagram:-
Where 'e' the electric charge, 'E' the hall electric field developed, 'B' the applied magnetic field and
'v' is the drift velocity of charge carriers.
And the current 'I' can be expressed as,
Where 'n' is the number density of electrons in the conductor of length l, breadth 'w' and
Using (1) and (2) the Hall voltage VH can be written as,
Formula Used:
Hall voltage
1. There should be no magnet, magnetic substances and current carrying conductors near the
3. Current should remain constant and should be reversed for each observations
4. To avoid error due to parallax, the eye should be placed such a way that pointer covers its
image in the mirror below.
1. Connect ‘Constant current source’ to the solenoids.
2. Four probes is connected to the Gauss meter and placed at the middle of the two solenoids.
3. Switch ON the Gauss meter and Constant current source.
4. Vary the current through the solenoid from 1A to 5A with the interval of 0.5A, and note the
corresponding Gauss meter readings.
5. Switch OFF the Gauss meter and constant current source and turn the knob of constant
current source towards minimum current.
6. Fix the Hall probe on a wooden stand. Connect Constant Current Generator and milli
voltmeter in the Hall Effect apparatus
7. Replace the Four probes with Hall probe and place the sample material at the middle of the
two solenoids.
8. Switch ON the constant current source and CCG.
9. Carefully increase the current I from CCG and measure the corresponding Hall voltage VH.
Repeat this step for different magnetic field B.
10. Thickness t of the sample is measured using screw gauge.
11. Hence calculate the Hall coefficient RH
Observations & Calculations:-
Thickness of the sample (t) = 0.70 (mm)
Table 2:
Review Questions
2. Hall probe NA 1
5 Electromagnet NA 1
Formula Used:
1. Ge crystal is very brittle. Use only the minimum pressure required for proper electrical contacts.
2. Do not use the instrument in wet environments.
3. Connect the outer pair of probes (red/black) to current terminals and inner pair (yellow/green)
leads to the probe voltage terminals.
1. Set the pole piece distance of the Electromagnet, to nearly 19mm.
2. Now place the Hall probe of Gaussmeter the magnetic field and switch on the electromagnet
power supply and set it to maximum (4A). Rotate the Hall probe till it become perpendicular to
magnetic field. Magnetic Field will be maximum in this adjustment.
3. Now lower the current to minimum and slowly increase the current and tabulate the magnetic
field as in Table-1.
4. Next unscrew the screws given at the top of probe to lower the base plate. Put the sample on the
base plate of the four probe arrangement. Slowly screw both screws evenly to apply a very gentle
pressure on the four spring probes. Check the continuity between the probes for proper electrical
5. Connect the outer pair of probes (red/black) leads to the current terminals and the inner pair
(yellow/green leads) to the probe voltage terminals.
6. Switch on the mains supply of Magnetoresistance Setup, and put the digital panel meter in the
current measuring mode through the selector switch. In this position LED facing mA would glow.
Adjust the current to a desired value (Say 4mA).
7. Now put the digital panel meter in voltage measuring mode. In this position LED facing mV
would glow and the meter would read the voltage between the probes.
8. Now place the probe in the magnetic field and switch on the electromagnet power supply and
set it to maximum (4A). Further rotate the Magnetoresistance probe till it become perpendicular
to magnetic field. Voltage will be maximum in this adjustment.
9. Vary the magnetic field by varying the current step by step and note the change in Voltage
reading as in Table-2.
Observations &
CalculationsTable 2:
S.No Current(I) A Magnetic Field(H) KG
Table 3:
Probe Current I = 4.0 mA (Constant for the whole set of readings), Resistance R without
magnetic field H=……..
S.No Current Magnetic Voltage Rm=Vm/I ∆R/R*10-3 Log(H*10-2) Log(∆R/R*10-3)
(I) Field(H) Vm KG
(A) KG (mV)
Graph: H Vs. ∆R/Rand log H Vs. log ∆R/R as per table -1 and 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Magnetic field KG
0.5 1.5 2.5
Result(s): The graph increases linearly
Conclusion: It is noticed that the resistance of a sample changes when the magnetic field is turnedon. This
phenomenon is known as Magnetoresistance. This is due to the fact that the drift velocityof all the carriers
is not same. With the magnetic field on; the Hall voltage compensates exactly the Lorentz force for carriers
with average velocity; slower carriers will be over compensated and faster ones undercompensated,
resulting in trajectories that are not along the applied field.This results in an effective decrease of the mean
free path and hence an increase in resistivity.
Review Questions
1. What do you understand by magnetoresistance?
2. What is Hall voltage?
3. What is the relation between magnetic field and resistance of the materials?
4. What is Lorentz force?
5. Can all materials have magnetoresistance?
6. What is the application of this phenomenon?
Aim: To calculate the velocity of ultrasonic sound through different liquid media.
Ultrasonic interferometer is a simple device which yields accurate and consistent data, from which
one can determine the velocity of ultrasonic sound in a liquid medium. Ultrasonic sound refers to
sound pressure with a frequency greater than the human audible range (20Hz to 20 KHz). When
an ultrasonic wave propagates through a medium, the molecules in that medium vibrate over very
short distance in a direction parallel to the longitudinal wave. During this vibration, momentum is
transferred among molecules. This causes the wave to pass through the medium.
Generation of ultrasound:
Ultrasonic can be produced by different methods. The most common methods include
of the field. Thus, a properly oriented rapid alternating electric field causes a piezoelectric crystal
to vibrate mechanically. This vibration, largest when the crystal is at resonance, is used to produce
a longitudinal wave, i.e., a sound wave.
Magnetostriction generator: In this method, the magnetostriction method is used for the production
of ultrasonic. Frequencies ranging from 8000 Hz to 20,000Hz can be produced by thismethod.
Ultrasonic Interferometer:
In an ultrasonic interferometer, the ultrasonic waves are produced by the piezoelectric method. In
a fixed frequency variable path interferometer, the wavelength of the sound in an experimental
liquid medium is measured, and from this one can calculate its velocity through that medium. The
apparatus consists of an ultrasonic cell, which is a double walled brass cell with chromium plated
surfaces having a capacity of 10ml. The double wall allows water circulation around the
experimental medium to maintain it at a known constant temperature. The micrometre scale is
marked in units of 0.01mm and has an overall length of 25mm. Ultrasonic waves of known
frequency are produced by a quartz crystal which is fixed at the bottom of the cell. There is a
movable metallic plate parallel to the quartz plate, which reflects the waves. The waves interfere
with their reflections, and if the separation between the plates is exactly an integer multiple of half-
wavelengths of sound, standing waves are produced in the liquid medium. Under these
circumstances, acoustic resonance occurs. The resonant waves are a maximum in amplitude,
causing a corresponding maximum in the anode current of the piezoelectric generator. If we
increase or decrease the distance by exactly one half of the wavelength (λ/2) or an integer multiple
of one half wavelength, the anode current again becomes maximum. If d is the separation between
successive adjacent maxima of anode current, then,
The velocity (v) of a wave is related to its wavelength (λ) by the relation v=λf, where f is the
frequency of the wave.
Then v=λf=2df
The velocity of ultrasound is determined principally by the compressibility of the material of the
medium. For a medium with high compressibility, the velocity will be less.
Formula Used: The velocity (v) of a wave is related to its wavelength (λ) by the relation
1. The middle portion ofthe ultrasonic interferometer should be thoroughly cleaned and filled
with the liquid, say water.
2. Do not use acidic medium for performing the experiment.
3. Wait for five minutes, after the instrument is switched ON, and then start making the
adjustments, and noting down readings with the apparatus.
4. Lower side reading is to be taken on the micrometer scale.
1. Insert the quartz crystal in the socket at the base and clamp it tightly with the help of a
screw provided on one side of the instrument.
2. Unscrew the knurled cap of the cell and lift it away. Fill the middle portion with the
experimental liquid and screw the knurled cap tightly.
3. Then connect the high frequency generator with the cell. The cell is filled with the given
liquid and the frequency of the generator is set at a desired value.
4. There are two knobs on the instrument- “Adj” and “Gain”. With “Adj”, position of the
needle on the ammeter is adjusted. The knob “Gain” is used to increase the sensitivity of
the instrument.
5. Then ultrasonic waves are reflected back from the movable plate, and standing waves are
formed between the quartz crystal and the reflector plate.
6. The micrometer screw is moved till the anode current reaches maximum.
Micro ammeter readings are noted for ‘n’ number of maxima / minima.
7. The distance ‘d’ between two successive maxima and minima is obtained fromthe readings
8. The wavelength of the ultrasound is calculated using the ‘d’ value and hence velocity of
the ultrasonic wave can be calculated using the known frequency.
Observations and Calculations:
Table 2:
Review Questions
5 Stand NA 5
6 Detector NA 1
1. The optical fibre provided should be handled carefully so as to prevent cracks. The cracks
produced in the fibre may lead to higher losses.
2. Connections should be made neat and tight.
1. Measure the length of the optical fiber with the measuring tape.
2. Arrange the microscopic objective in front of the laser source and place the photo detector in front
of it so that the light from the laser source falls normally on the photo detector after passing through
the microscopic objective. Note down the reading Pi in the powermeter. Re-arrange the three and
again such readings.
3. Remove the photo detector and mount the optical fiber on fibre chucks. Arrange the apparatus and
taking care that the lasers source, the microscopic objective, the input and output ends of the fiber
and the photo detector are all the same horizontal level. The photo detector now receives light from
the output end of the fiber.
4. Note down the reading P0 in the powermeter. Take three such readings.
Conclusion: Optical fibers are essential for optical communication. It is important to understand the
characteristics of the fiber especially with how power is lost as light propagates down the fiber. Withan
understanding of the attenuation characteristics of the fiber, an efficient communication system can be
Review Questions
1. What are the different types of losses that occur in Optical fibre?
2. What do you mean by Attenuation?
3. How Attenuation loss varies with distance?
4. Explain Power in Optical Fibre?