DL 2109T11 Ing

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DL 2109T11


DL 2109T11

1 20200214 Copyright © 2018 De Rev.
Lorenzo S.p.A.
DL 2109T11


1. SAFETY Pag. 3


3. DL 2109T11 - MILLIAMMETER Pag. 5



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DL 2109T11

The use of the module must be done with awareness and responsibility under teacher’s su-
This module is intended for general purpose uses in didactic applications. It cannot be used for
industrial applications.
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of installation and
operation of this module:
¾¾ installation and operation of this module must be performed by qualified personnel only
and according to the relevant Rules,
¾¾ servicing can be performed at Factory only,
¾¾ before installing the module, make sure that the housing is not damaged, otherwise the
module must be rejected and returned to the Factory for servicing.
¾¾ ensure that the line and auxiliary power supply are switched off before connecting the mod-
ule to the circuits,
¾¾ ground must be securely connected; if the ground is not securely connected, it could lead
to electric shock or fire,
¾¾ connect the module as shown in the wiring diagrams,
¾¾ make sure to operate the module according to the technical specifications as listed in this
¾¾ turn the power on only after completing the cabling of the exercise,
¾¾ never remove the leads when the power is on,
¾¾ always use safety cables for power connections,
¾¾ do not operate the module in an explosive atmosphere and in presence of flammable liq-
uids or vapours,
¾¾ the operating conditions must be in the range as specified in this Manual,
¾¾ never attempt to open the module's housing for any reason,
¾¾ do not install the module in any location where it could come in contact with water or other
¾¾ water or other liquid cleaners must be avoided,
¾¾ never connect the input power to the output,
¾¾ failure to comply with these precautions and with the instructions given elsewhere in this
Manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of this module.


The module is equipped with live parts.

Non-compliance with health & safety regulations may result in the endangering of personnel
and damage to the module.
Carefully operate the module. In the large majority of electrical and electronic devices, the
leading cause of electrical hazards is the power of the device. This danger can be eliminated by
switching off the power. Consequently, before any operation on the module, take the following
¾¾ always use safety cables provided by the manufacturer,
¾¾ check the absence of the mains voltage or of residual voltages.

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DL 2109T11


Use of this operating manual assists in the safe and proper assembly, commissioning, mainte-
nance and repair of the module.

De Lorenzo S.p.A. accepts no liability for damages during the period covered by the warranty
as a result of:
¾¾ inappropriate or incompetent use,
¾¾ irresponsible or incorrect assembly and/or commissioning by operators,
¾¾ subsequent modifications by operators,
¾¾ natural wear and tear,
¾¾ negligent or incorrect handling, servicing or maintenance,
¾¾ actions not in accordance to the instruction manual,
¾¾ use of inappropriate materials,
¾¾ faults which arise from the use of spare parts / accessories not recommended or supplied
by the manufacturer.

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DL 2109T11

Moving coil meter for DC measurements and with rectifier for AC measurements.


¾¾ Scale: double line of 50 divisions and numbering

¾¾ Ranges: 250/500 mA
¾¾ Accuracy class: 1.5
¾¾ Switchover for the ranges, with short-circuited intermediate position.
¾¾ Switchover for type of measurement.


Choose the type of measurement, DC or AC.

The meter is connected in series and carries the circuit current.

Connect the meter with the higher range (500 mA): when the reading is less than 250 mA (25
divisions) switch over into the lower range 250 mA.

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DL 2109T11


The procedure for the installation of the modules into the frame is shown below.

Example of module installation

First of all, it is necessary to position the back of the module into the frame.

Then, insert the upper part of the module into the upper frame guide.

Finally, push the rest of the module inside and let the module slip down in the lower frame
guide. Release the module and check if it is well fixed.

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DL 2109T11


For safety reasons, only qualified personnel may carry out maintenance and repair activities.

Qualified personnel are those persons who, according to their professional training, experience and instruction,
have sufficient knowledge of:
¾¾ health & safety regulations,
¾¾ accident prevention regulations,
¾¾ guide lines and acknowledged technical standards.

The qualified personnel must:

¾¾ be able to assess the work assigned to them and recognize and avoid possible dangers,
¾¾ be authorized by those responsible for health & safety at work to carry out the required work.
The module does not need any special preventive maintenance.

Short term storage
If the module is not immediately installed, it can be stored in a dry room and in an area that is free from vibrations.

Long term storage

If the module has to be stored for a large period of time, it has to be stored in a well ventilated, dry room. The
storage area must be free from dust and vibrations as much as possible.
The module must be well covered to protect it from dust.
An improper storage can cause damage to the module.
Take precautions in case of extreme weather conditions or in humid environments with salt and/or dust.
Choose a storage place that is flood-proof, dry and vibration free. Before storing, repair any possible damage to
the packaging, if this is necessary for proper storage.
If necessary, place the module on pallets, wooden beams or foundations to ensure protection against soil moi-
sture. Prevent that a collapse occurs on the floor. Do not obstruct the air circulation around the stored module.

Do not wash the module with water or other liquids.
In the event of severe dirt deposits, dismantle the module and remove the deposits using suitable cleaning agents.


A faulty module can only be repaired by qualified personnel at the request of the person responsible for the
installation. Inform the manufacturer when damage occurs during the warranty period. When determining the
cause of a malfunction, or during repair, observe the following:
¾¾ applicable rules,
¾¾ accident prevention regulations.
Ensure that the module is switched off. Lock it against reactivation and designate such by placing a warning sign
next to the activation switch. Ascertain that the module is not live! Cover or cordon off any neighbouring parts,
which are live! Ensure that the auxiliary circuits are switched off.

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Printed in Italy - All rights reserved

Viale Romagna, 20 - 20089 Rozzano ( MI ) - Italy
Tel. +39 02 8254551 - Fax +39 02 8255181
E-mail : info@delorenzo.it
website : www.delorenzoglobal.com

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