2 CSHYle 9 CXP Qen DW
2 CSHYle 9 CXP Qen DW
2 CSHYle 9 CXP Qen DW
IB Economics HL
3.6.1 An Overview of Fiscal Policy
3.6.2 The Keynesian Multiplier
3.6.3 An Evaluation of Fiscal Policy
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Fiscal policy can be contractionary in order to slow down economic growth or reduce
Contractionary policies include increasing taxes or decreasing government spending
Fiscal Policy is usually presented annually by the Government through the Government
A balanced budget means that government revenue = government expenditure
A budget deficit means that government revenue < government expenditure
A budget surplus means that government revenue > government expenditure
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1. Taxation
Direct taxes are taxes imposed on income and profits
They are paid directly to the government by the individual or firm
E.g. Income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, national insurance
contributions, inheritance tax
2. Sale of goods/services
Government owned firms sometimes charge for the goods/services that they provide
E.g. Charges on public transport and fees paid to access some medical services
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1. Current expenditures: These include the daily payments required to run the government
and public sector. E.g. The wages and salaries of public employees such as teachers,
police, members of parliament, military personnel, judges, dentists etc. It also includes
payments for goods/services such as medicines for government hospitals
2. Capital expenditures: These are investments in infrastructure and capital equipment. E.g.
High speed rail projects; new hospitals and schools; new aircraft carriers
3. Transfer payments: These are payments made by the government for which no
goods/services are exchanged. E.g. Unemployment benefits, disability payments,
subsidies to producers and consumers etc. This type of government spending does not
contribute to aggregate demand as income is only transferred from one group of people
to another
When a policy decision is made, it creates a ripple effect through the economy impacting
the macroeconomic objectives of the government
Changes to fiscal policy can influence several of the components of AD
A change to any component of AD helps to achieve at least one of the goals of fiscal
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AD= household consumption (C) + firms investment (I) + government spending (G) +
exports (X) - imports (M)
AD = C + I + G + (X - M)
Expansionary fiscal policy aims to shift aggregate demand (AD) to the right
Classical diagram illustrating expansionary fiscal policy which increase real GDP (Y1 →Y2)
and average price levels (AP1 →AP2)
Diagram Analysis
The economy is initially in macroeconomic equilibrium AP1Y1 - there is a recessionary gap
The Government is wanting to boost economic growth and lowers the rate of income and
corporation taxes
Lower taxes cause investment and consumption to increase which are components of AD
Aggregate demand increases from AD→ AD1
The economy reaches a new equilibrium at AP2Y2 - a higher average price level and a
greater level of national output
Examples of the Impact of Expansionary Fiscal Policy
Effect on the economy Firms net profits increase → investment by firms increases → AD
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Impact on Economic growth increases
macroeconomic aims Inflation rises
Unemployment may decrease as output is rising which
requires more workers
Net external demand - unsure - exports may rise due to new
investments in the economy, but imports may rise due to
higher income generated by the investment
AD= household consumption (C) + firms investment (I) + government spending (G) +
exports (X) - imports (M)
AD = C + I + G + (X - M)
Contractionary fiscal policies aims to shift aggregate demand (AD) to the left
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Keynesian diagram illustrating how a contractionary fiscal policy aims to decrease real GDP
(YFE →Y1) and average price levels (AP1 →AP2)
Diagram Analysis
The economy is initially in macroeconomic equilibrium AP1YFE - an inflationary output gap is
The economy is booming and the Government is wanting to lower inflation towards its
target of 2%
The Government increases the rate of income tax
Higher tax rates cause households to have less discretionary income causing
consumption to decrease
Aggregate demand decreases from AD1→ AD2
The economy reaches a new equilibrium at AP2Y1 - a lower average price level and a smaller
level of national output
Effect on the economy Households pay more tax → discretionary income reduces →
consumption reduces → AD reduces
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Impact on Economic growth slows down
macroeconomic aims Inflation eases
Unemployment may increase as output is falling and fewer
workers are required
Net external demand Improves (with less income, imports
may fall)
Effect on the economy Less demand for goods/services → less income for firms → output
and profits decrease → AD decreases
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The multiplier process is based on the idea that one individual's spending is another
individual's income
An increase in consumption immediately increases AD
Store owners who have benefitted from the extra consumption now have extra
They spend some of that income on goods/services
Their expenditure on goods/services is now income for the next tier of individuals
Due to the successive rounds of spending, the final increase in national income is
much larger than the initial injection
The size of the multiplier is entirely dependent on the size of leakages that occur during
the process
The higher the leakages the smaller the multiplier
The multiplier can also work in reverse when injections are reduced (downward multiplier
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Multiplier =
(1 − MPC)
1 1
Multiplier = =
Worked Example
An economy has the marginal propensity to save of 0.15, marginal propensity to tax
of 0.20 and a marginal propensity to import of 0.15.
a) Calculate the size of the multiplier.
b) If the Government increases their infrastructure spending by £60m, calculate
the total increase in GDP, assuming all other things remain equal.
1 1
= =
(0. 15 + 0. 15 + 0. 20) 0.5
= 2
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Worked Example
Calculate the amount of government spending required to restore an economy's
macroeconomic equilibrium if the economy faces a $22bn recessionary gap and its
MPC is 0.6 [2]
Step 1: Calculate the multiplier
Multiplier =
(1 − MPC)
Multiplier =
(1 −0.6)
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Any change in one of the factors that impacts on disposable income, will change the
If taxes increase the value of the multiplier reduces
If interest rates increase, savings increase and consumption decreases and the
multiplier reduces
If exchange rates appreciate the level of imports will increase and the multiplier
If confidence in the economy increases consumption increases and the multiplier
It is extremely useful for the Government to know the value of the multiplier
They can use it to judge the likely economic growth caused by increased spending
There is a time lag as it takes time for the successive rounds of income to work through the
Exam Tip
The final bullet point above mentions time lags. This is an excellent point to include in
any evaluation on the effectiveness of the multiplier. It may take up to 18 months for
the full multiplier effect to be seen & any change to consumer confidence during this
period will impact the final outcome.
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1. Effect in a recession
In a recession, there will (automatically) be lower tax revenue due to the nature of
progressive taxation - as incomes fall households are taxed less
In a recession, as unemployment rises, the government will pay higher unemployment
benefits / transfer payments which households will then be used for consumption
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Both of the above will result in real GDP being higher than it would otherwise have YOUR NOTES
2. Effect in a boom
In a boom, there will (automatically) be higher tax revenue due to the nature of
progressive taxation - as incomes rise households are taxed more
In a boom, as unemployment falls the government will pay less unemployment
benefits / transfer payments which households which then does not get generate
increased consumption
Both of the above will result in real GDP being lower than it would otherwise have been
This is effectively an automatic disinflationary effect
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Unsustainable debt: Increased government spending can create budget deficits which are
added to the national debt
Repaying this debt may lead to austerity on future generations
Time lags: It is difficult to predict exactly when the desired effect on the economy will
occur. Fiscal policy also takes a longer time to plan and implement than monetary policy
Government budgets are usually presented once a year whereas monetary policy
adjustments can take place 4-8 times per year
Government borrowing results in competition with others in the economy who want to
borrow the limited amount of savings available
This competition causes the real interest rate to rise and private investment
decreases (is crowded out)
The diagram on the left shows how government borrowing increases interest rates, resulting
in a fall in AD in the diagram on the right as private firms are crowded out of the market
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Diagram Analysis
Increased government borrowing causes the demand for money in the loanable funds
market to increase from DM1 →DM2
This extra demand raises interest rates from R1→R2
The government increases their spending using the borrowed funds and aggregate
demand in the economy increases from AD1→AD2
The increase in AD is greater than the actual value of the injection due to the
Keynesian multiplier
Private firms are put off from borrowing loanable funds due to the increased rate of
interest and investment falls
As investment falls, aggregate demand decreases, shifting back to AD3
Private firms have been crowded out of the market by the governments actions
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