© 1986S~;er-Verla8 NewYorkInc. o'
S m o o t h , E a s y to C o m p u t e Interpolating Splines*
John D. Hobby
Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
1. Introduction
The problem of fitting a smooth curve through a set of points on the plane has
many important applications in computer graphics, computer-aided design, and
typesetting. Often there is no preexisting curve to approximate except possibly a
freehand drawing, and the only requirement is to find an aesthetically pleasing
*This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants
IST-820-1926 and MCS-83-00984 and by the Systems Development Foundation.
124 J.D. Hobby
curve that the computer can easily manipulate. For some interactive applications
the curves can be controlled by manipulating points that do not lie on the curve,
but many applications require the control points to lie on the curve. For example,
the control points may be obtained by digitizing key points on a drawing, or there
m a y be a priori knowledge that the curve must pass through certain points.
Suppose the curve must pass through points z0, z 1..... z,; and either z 0 and
z n are to be the endpoints of the curve or z 0 = zn and the curve is to be a closed
loop. Optionally, there may be direction vectors wi specifying the slope of the
curve at some z i. For example, some of the zi may have been selected as vertical
extrema so that the curve must pass through them horizontally. It is desirable for
the curve to be invariant under translation, rotation, and scaling in the sense that
if T is such a transformation, then applying T to the computed curve should yield
the same result as computing a new curve through T z i for 0 < i < n with direction
vectors T w i - T(0,0).
The curve should have at least approximate continuity of slope and curvature
at knots where no directions are given, and it would also be desirable to have
some notion of e x t e n s i b i l i t y a n d locality. A system of splines is extensible if the
curve generated from knots z 0, z 1..... z~ is identical to that generated from knots
z~, z~..... z'n+l where z,' = zi for i < k, z~ = zi_ t for i > k, and z~ is on the curve
segment joining z k _ ~ a n d z k. In other words, adding a new knot already on the
curve must not change it. In practice it is extremely difficult to achieve exact
extensibility. The only well-known extensible spline family is the "curve of least
energy" that minimizes the integral of squared curvature with respect to arc
length [5, 9], but this curve is difficult to work with. It is interesting to note that
when the knots are nearly collinear, the curve of least energy approaches the
simple nonparametric cubic spline passing through the given knots with continu-
ous second derivative. The splines that we deal with here will share this property.
The concept of locality is that if one of the knots or direction vectors is
perturbed, the changes should be confined to a few surrounding spline segments.
Specifically, there should be some constant k such that changes to z~ or w~ effect
only the curve segments between z~_ k and zi+ k. As the example of Fig. 1 shows,
it is difficult to have both locality and continuity of curvature even when the
knots are collinear. If the knots zo, z 1, z 2, and z 3 are as shown in the figure but
wo is in the direction of zl - z o, then the desired curve is obviously a straight line.
if wo is changed, then locality demands that the spline segments between z k and
n must remain straight, yet there is no way a cubic curve can join such a straight
line with continuous curvature.
Most local interpolating splines of moderate complexity do not have continu-
ous curvature. Perhaps the best known splines of this type are the cardinal splines
given by a cubic function z ( t ) , where the velocity vector z ' ( i ) at knot zi is
½(zi÷ 1 - z i _ l ) . Figure 2 shows an example of cardinal splines in comparison to
the splines that will be developed in this paper. The price paid for locality is that
Fig. 2(b) has wild discontinuities in curvature while Fig. 2(a) does not.
where a;, b i, c i , and di are parameters that may be used to control the shape of
the curve. For instance, Kochanek and Bartels [7] give a scheme where the user
can give continuity, tension, and bias parameters for each knot, and these
determine ai, bi, cj, and d~. The default settings of these parameters result in
a i = b i = c i = d i = ½, giving simple cardinal splines as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Another approach to local interpolating splines can be found in [3], where
DeRose and Barsky give an infinite family of spline curves based on two integer
parameters: One parameter gives the desired order of continuity, and the other
determines whether the splines interpolate the knots or just pass near them.
DeRose and Barsky give explicit equations for cubic interpolating splines of this
form with first-order continuity, but their approach requires polynomials of
degree at least 5 in order to obtain interpolating splines with continuous curva-
ture. In the cubic interpolating splines derived explicitly in [3], each knot zi has a
single shape parameter fl~ associated with it. The splines are exactly those
126 J. D. Hobby
t3, 1 B~ and d, = 1
a i = fli+l, bi = f l i ( f l i + l ) , ci = f l i + l , fli+---~"
The default suggested in [3] is to set all fl, = 1 so as to obtain cardinal splines as in
Fig. 2(b), but somewhat better results can be obtained by setting fli equal to the
ratio of Euclidean lengths Ilzi+l - zA[/llzi- z~-ltl as shown in Fig. 2(c).
In this article we shall see how to obtain smother curves by sacrificing locality
and settling for an exponential decline in influence of local changes. The best
known interpolating splines that behave this way are the C 2 continuous paramet-
ric cubic splines, sometimes called "natural cubic splines." If no directions are
given, there is a unique piecewise parametric cubic, closed curve that is C 2
continuous with respect to the parameter and passes through n given points in
order. This curve can easily be computed by solving linear equations.
As Epstein shows in [4], natural cubic splines do not perform well for
unequally spaced knots because the spacing of parameter values at knots does not
reflect the spacing of the knots. Better results can be obtained by setting the
parameter at each knot z i to a value ti, where tj - tj_ 1 = Ilzj - zj-ll[ for 1 _< j < n,
and requiring second-order continuity with respect to the parameter as shown in
Fig. 3(b). This chordal parameterization improves on the uniform parameteriza-
tion of Fig. 3(a), but the splines that we shall develop still have more gentle
curvature in this case as shown in Fig. 3(c).
Figure 3 points out the difference between geometric and parametric continu-
ity. Natural cubic splines have second-order parametric continuity because they
are described by a function z ( t ) that is C 2 continuous. Geometric continuity is a
Smooth, Easy to ComputeInterpolatingSplines 127
While these kinds of problems do not seem to occur when the angles involved
are not so large, much additional testing would be necessary in order to verify
this. In Section 3, we show how all such problems can be avoided by setting up a
system of linear equations that are easy to solve and guarantee approximate
continuity of curvature. We derive the specific equations appropriate for the
families of curves discussed in Section 2, but similar equations could be derived
for many different classes of curves.
The subproblem to be solved in this section can be stated as follows: Given two
points z~ = (x~, y~) and Z~+l -- (x~+p Y~+x), and two unit vectors wj and w~+x, find
an aesthetically pleasing parametric cubic z(t) so that z ( 0 ) = zi, z ( 1 ) = z~+ 1,
z'(0) = aw i, and z'(1) = flwi+ x, where a and fl are positive real numbers and z'(t)
is the componentwise derivative (x'(t), y'(t)) of z(t) = (x(t), y(t)). We also wish
to introduce two "tension" parameters ~-~and ~+1 such that pleasing curves will
be obtained when ~'~= ~÷1 =1, and as the tensions approach o0, the curves will
approach the line segment joining z~ to z~+ 1.
In order to guarantee that the results are independent of translation, rotation,
and scaling, we shall begin by finding a function 2(t) such that
2'(1) = _1 o ( O , , ~ ) ( c o s e p , - s i n , ) , (2)
It is not hard to see that the parametric cubic satisfying (2) has Btzier control
points (0,0), (p/3~,)(cos0,sin0), ( 1 - ( o / 3 ~ + t ) c o s ~ , ( o / 3 ~ + O s i n ~ ) , and (1,0),
Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines 129
so that
It only remains to choose positive functions O(0, qS) and o(0, q0 so that O(0, qs) =
o(q,, 0 ) = p ( - 0, - ,t,).
In [8] Manning chooses
o(O,q,) = a+(l-c)cosO+ccose: and
o(0, q,) = 1 + ccos qb+ (1 - c)cos 0 (5)
and then empirically selects c = ] to obtain the most pleasing family of curves.
Here we shall attempt to do a systematic analysis of the vast range of possible
functions to determine whether slightly more complicated velocity parameter
functions will yield better results. These functions will have to be evaluated only
once for each segment of the spline curve, and they have a strong influence on the
final shape.
130 J.D. Hobby
2.5" 2.5-
pl 9,%)
2.o- ¢) ,~,¢) 2.0-
1.5- 1.5-
0° i0 o 20 ° 30 ° 40 ° 50 ° 0o 10 ° 20 ° 300 40 ° 50 o
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. The functions p(O, ~b) and 0(0, ~) versus 0 for ff = 90 ° - 0, minimizing (a) the magnitude of
curvature and (b) the magnitude of curvature change.
Fig. 6. The BCzier control polygon for (4) with 0 34.1 ° , ~ 55.9 o, where O a n d
o are chosen to minimize curvature.
S m o o t h , E a s y to C o m p u t e I n t e r p o l a t i n g Splines 131
. . . . • tQ~/~ 3.0-
2.5- / 2.5
2.0--- / -~ 2.0- - - - -
/~r.t. (7i J
1.5 J 1.5 J
1.0 1.0 ,.l.t. 3)
.5 .5
0o 20 ° 40 ° 60 ° 80 ° 100 ° 0o 20 ° 40 ° 60 ° 80 ° 100 °
(a} (b}
The bizarre situation shown in Fig. 6 does not occur when minimizing the
derivative of curvature, but there is still a catastrophe near 25 °. When 0 + ~ = 90 °
and 0 < 25 o the " o p t i m u m " cubic has a point of inflection, but when 0 > 25 ° it
has none.
Figure 7 shows how the "optimal" velocity parameter functions grow as 0
and q~ increase. Minimizing (8) produces a catastrophe at 68 ° where p and o
increase to about 1.58 and the cubic acquires a single point of maximum
curvature at t = 0.5. For # = o ~ 1.34, the maximum curvature occurs at t ~ 0.08
and t --- 0.92. Intermediate values for p and a produce relatively high change in
curvature near t = 0 and t = 1.
Minimizing (7) instead of (8) avoids the catastrophe at O = q~= 68 °, but then
p and a do not approach unique limits as (0, ~) ---, (0,0). Along 0 = - ~ the limit
is ~ - / 2 , while p and a approach 1 as 0 ~ 0 when O = q~. Under the approxima-
tion k = d2y/dx 2, when either (6) or (8) is used as the measure of smoothness, it
can be shown that the optimum curves are cubics where p cos0 = o cosq~ = 1.
Thus, it seems reasonable to let (p, a) ~ (1,1) as (8, ~,) ~ (0,0).
We are now ready to choose velocity parameter functions p(0, +) and o(0, +) so
as to obtain an aesthetically pleasing family of curves from (4). In order to be
useful as splines these curves should be fairly easy to compute, and they should
respond predictably to changes in 0 and +. The " o p t i m u m " velocity parameter
functions illustrated in Figs. 5 and 7 fail on both counts, but they still provide
useful guidelines. The catastrophes in the " o p t i m u m " velocity parameter func-
tions are not features to be preserved, but rather points where many different
possible values for p and a are feasible. For instance when 0 = 28 ° and + = 62 °,
good results are obtained for almost any values of p and o as long as p + o ~ 2.5.
The actual choice of velocity parameters is necessarily somewhat arbitrary,
and there is a trade-off between "smoothness" and simplicity. Other properties
such as approximate extensibility and predictable response to changes are also
132 J. D, Hobby
important, but empirical studies indicate that these goals also tend to be served
by maximizing "smoothness" and smoothing out the catastrophes.
We have already decided that p ( 0 , 0 ) = o ( 0 , 0 ) = 1. Thus for small angles we
can approximate the behavior of the curve of least energy and achieve very good
approximate extensibility. For 0 = ~, we should approximate the behavior of the
functions shown in Fig. 7(a), but these functions increase too rapidly or large
angles: They seem to approach ~ well before 0 and g, reach 180 °. It is
convenient to let
p = o = l+cos0 for0 = ~ (9)
a a 2 + ol + 2 c
f(O,ep)-- a+ccosB+¢'
+o.,- (10)
22- 2.0
1.5" ~ -gr"~ _,
,..~ ~;o,¢ //
°¢) / ._..
1.0- "- -'~ "-~ x 1,0- ~ j , - --
/ T(0,~)
.5- .5 ¸
.0- .0 ]
_80 ° _40 ° 0o 40 ° 80 ° -80 o -40 ° 0o 40 ° 80 °
(a) (b)
the following functions which were developed for the new METAFONTsystem [6]:
P = 1 + ( 1 - c)cos0 + ccosq~'
1 + (1 - c)cos ff + ccos0 '
18 3.0 It
1.0- - - . (5)
1.25" 1°
1.2 - - - ? --
11)~ 1.5
1.1s-// / / 1.4
1.1" /
lo//~ \
/ \
-40 ° -20* 0° 20 ° 40 ° -80 ° -40 ° 0o 40 a 80 °
(a) (b)
F i g . 10, (a), ( b ) Smoothness ratios based on (7), comparing optimum velocity parameter functions to
those of (5), (10), a n d (11).
Figure 11 shows some of the curves generated by (10) and (11). They are
similar for moderate angles, but the simpler equations set p too small and o too
large when q~ = - 9 0 °. Equation (11) does not perform well in such extreme cases
because it does not allow p - o to be large enough when 0 << 0/q, < 1 without
making o - p too large when - 1 < O/q, < 0 or moving the crossover point where
p = o too close to O/q~ = O.
(a) (b)
Fig. II. (a) Curves from (10) and (b) curves from (11), both with 0 = 45%
Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines 135
3. M o c k Curvature Constraints
Here we need to extend the notation of Section 2 so that 0j = arg wj - arg(zj+ 1 - zj)
for 0 _< j < n, q~y= arg(zj - Z j _ l ) - a r g w j for 0 < j < n, and dj is the Euclidean
length of the vector z j + ~ _ zj for 0 < j < n. If the problem is to find a closed
curve with no directions gwen, it will be convenient to sometimes use alternative
names z,+ 1, On, ~,+1, ~',, and ?,+1 for z 1, 00, ~1, 'r0' and 71, respectively. We can
then define q9 = arg(zJ+l - z j ) - a r g ( z j - zj_l) for 1 < j < n', where n ' = n for
closed curve problems with no directions given and n' = n - 1 otherwise. Unless
stated otherwise, all q9 are at most 180 ° in absolute value.
Where w i has been given in advance, it simply determines q~i and 0i; other w,
need to be determined by solving for O, and q~,. Since the problem of finding
direction angles can be broken into independent subproblems separated by knots
where directions are given, we can assume that no directions other than w0 and w,
are given. F o r closed curve problems we can assume that no directions at all are
given, otherwise the problem could be reduced to one or more open curve
The requirement that the curvature be continuous at some knot z t, 0 < i < n,
,o(Zj, =
l k ( 0 , q , , 1 , 1 ) - k(O,q,,1,1) I
max(Ik(O,,l,,1,1)l,lk(q,,O,l,1)l) < 0.11
when 1Ol, Iq'l --< 22.5° and to and o are determined by (11) with a = v~-, b = ~,
and c = ½(3- v~-).
In many applications the angles 0~ and q~ seldom get much larger than 22.5 °
but experience has shown that the splines usually appear very smooth even when
some 0r and ~ are much larger than 22.5 °. An iterative algorithm such as
Manning's can be used to obtain true curvature continuity if desired, but this
necessitates giving up the simplicity and guaranteed behavior of a system of linear
Continuity of mock curvature requires
gives enough equations to determine all 0 i and q~i for closed curve problems. For
open curve problems when directions w0 and w. are given in advance, these
provide the necessary additional equations by fixing 0o and ep., but otherwise
additional constraints are needed.
The additional constraints are controlled by special "curl" parameters X0 and
X.. There should be one such constraint for each endpoint where no direction is
specified. They have the form
= (16b)
The curl parameters give the ratio of the mock curvature at the endpoints to that
at the adjacent knots. They should probably have default values of 1 so that the
first and last spline segments will usually be good approximations to circular arcs
as in Fig. 12(b).
We now have a system of equations consisting of (14), (15), and possibly
(16a) a n d / o r (16b). If 00 or ~n have been given in advance then they may be
Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines 137
2o 222 20 22 20 2,2
0o = ~'o3+Xoq~(3~o - 1 ) q~+X.~'3_l(3q,,-1)
%3(3~1_l)+Xo~3q, 1 and q,. = .7,3(3%_l_l)+x.r~_lO._1
so that 0o and Cn can be eliminated. Then (15) may be used to eliminate all ¢~ so
that the remaining variables are 0x, 02..... On,, and the remaining equations are
those given by (14) with appropriate substitutions. This system has some im-
portant properties that may be summarized as follows.
Theorem 1. I f n > 2, if all tension parameters satisfy the bound ~',, ~ >_ rmin> 2,
and if any curl parameters satisfy X o, X . > O, then after the aforementioned substitu-
tions, all coefficients of 01, 0 z ..... 0., in (14) are nonnegative, and for each i, the
coefficient of 0 i is at least 3Tmi. - 1 times the sum of all the other coefficients in that
Proof The bounds on the tension parameters guarantee that the coefficient of 0
in (13) will be negative, the coefficient of ~ will be positive, and the magnitude of
the former will be at least 3~-min - 1 times the latter. When 1 < i < n' in (14), the
only relevant substitutions are ~j = - ~kj - q~j for I J - i[ < 1, so the coefficients of
0,_ 1, 0r, and 0r+ ~ clearly have the required properties. For closed curve problems,
the same holds for i = 1 and i = n', otherwise additional substitutions eliminate 00
and q~. so that ~:(qh,00, ql,~0) depends only on q~l and k(0._l,q~.,%_l,~.)
depends only on 0._ 1. We need only show that both of these variables have
nonpositive coefficients. This is clearly true for given directions, and it also holds
when curl parameters apply since the coefficients in (17) are at most 3~"0 - 1 and
3q. - 1, respectively. []
Theorem 1 shows that subject to certain reasonable limitations on the tension
and curl parameters, the system of equations is diagonally dominant, and hence it
has a unique solution. Actually the solution is unique only up to the choice of the
angles q~i- Ordinarily all q'i should be chosen so that they are at most 180 ° in
absolute value, but it is possible to add multiples of 360 ° to them. The effect of
such a change is usually to add a loop to the curve as in Fig. 13.
Theorem 1 also shows that the splines have approximate locality in the sense
that changes in direction angles fall off exponentially as one moves away from a
disturbance. Specifically, suppose a given direction 0o is displaced by an angle 8
and let A be the matrix of coefficients of 01, 02.... 0., from (14) after the
substitutions. The change in 01, 02..... 0., due to this displacement is given by the
solution vector O to AO = 8e x where e I = (1,0,0 ..... 0) r.
138 J, D, Hobby
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. A spline computed (a) with qJ2 = - 9 0 ° and (b) with +z = 270%
We know that A is tridiagonal with nonnegative entries, and within each row
the diagonal element dominates the sum of the other two elements by at least a
factor of 3 ' r m i n - - 1. It is not hard to see that for any two adjacent components of
O, either O k = 0 or O k _ l / O k _<1 - 3¢min. This is trivial for k = n', and it may be
extended inductively to smaller k using the fact that Akk >_ (3%i n --1)(Ak,k_ 1 +
Ak,k+l). Thus, j knots away from where a given direction is changed; the effect
of the change is reduced by at least a factor of ( 3 % i n - 1 ) L In practice the
reduction is often by a somewhat greater amount as in Fig. 14 where %in = 1 and
0o/01 = ,1
When a knot z~ is displaced, three mock curvature constraints are directly
affected due to changes in d,_ a, d i, ff,-x, ~P~,and qJg+l. The adjustment will cause
some change in q),-i and 0,+ 1, and the effect on 0i+j and 0~ j for j > l is
equivalent to what would happen if directions w,+ 1 and w,_ 1 were given in
advance. The change in 0t+j will be at most 1 / ( 3 % i . - 1 ) j-1 as great as the
change in 0i+ 1, and the change in 0i_j will be at most 1 / ( 3 ~ - ~ . - 1) j-~ as great as
the change in q~_ r If the original problem were to find a closed curve with no
directions given, then these two effects will add together so that the change in 0i+j
will be at most 1/(3%i n - 1 ) j-1 of the change in 0,+ 1 plus 1/(3%i . - 1) " - t - j of
the change in q,i_ ~.
4. Conclusion
zi, zi + ~ I I z i + l - zAIw. z~+l 3~+1 IIz~+l- z~llwi+l,
and Zi+l°
Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines 139
0 '3~'~'~4 0
The author is indebted to Professor Donald Knuth of Stanford University for doing the first complete
implementation and helping to refine some of the ideas. Professor Kevin Karplus of Cornell
University helped with the numerical investigation of the "optimal" p and a functions.
t. Brian A. Barsky, The Beta Sptine: A Local Representation Based on Shape Parameters and
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6. Donald E. Knuth, Computers and Typesetting, Vot. 4: METAFONT the Program, Addison
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