The Poor Farmer

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The Poor Farmer's Wish: The Tale of the Silver on the Hearth

Illustrated By: Tristan Liu

There was once a poor farmer who found it a great struggle to get ahead in the world.
Though he worked very hard and lived carefully, it was impossible for him to save money year
after year. After an entire lifetime of labor, he was no better off, it seemed, then he had been on
the day he was born.
One morning he seized on the notion that if ever he was to own anything at all in this
hard world, it would have to simply appear before him. He wished and wished that one morning
he would wake up and discover riches aplenty heaped upon his own hearth. That way he would
have no doubt that the good fortune was intended for him.

He thought of this as he went about his daily tasks in the fields. It happened one day
while he was working that some brambles in the field caught and tore his clothes. So that this
wouldn't happen again, the man dug a little around the roots and pulled the brambles out of the
ground. As he did so, he uncovered the top of a large earthen jar. In great excitement, he dug a
little more and then removed the lid of the jar.

He found that the jar was filled to the brim with silver coins. At first, he was delighted,
but after a few minutes of thought he said, "Oh, I wished for riches upon my own hearth, but
instead I have found this money out here in the open fields. Therefore, I shall not take it. For if
it were intended for me, it would surely have appeared on my own hearth, as I wished."

So, the man left the treasure where he had found it and went home. When he arrived, he
told his wife about his discovery. The woman was angry at her husband's foolishness in leaving
the riches in the field. When her husband lay down to sleep, she went out to the house of a
neighbor and told him all about it, saying, "My stupid husband found a hoard of money in the
fields, but the blockhead refuses to bring it home. Go and get it for yourself, and share with

The neighbor was very pleased with the suggestion, and he went out to find the treasure
where the woman had described it. There, where the bramble bush had been uprooted, indeed
was an earthen jar. He took it from the ground and opened it. But when he lifted the lid he saw
not silver coins, but a jarful of poisonous snakes.

Into the neighbor's mind rushed the thought, "Ah, that woman must be my enemy! She
hoped I would put my hand in the jar to be bitten and poisoned!"
So, he replaced the lid and carried the jar back home with him, just as he had found it.
When night came, he went to the house of the poor farmer, climbed on the roof, and emptied
the jar of poisonous snakes down the chimney.

When dawn came, the poor farmer who had first discovered the jar got up to start the day.
As the morning rays of the sun fell upon the hearth, his eyes opened wide. For the hearth was
covered with silver coins. His heart swelled with gratitude.

He said, "Oh! Finally, I can accept these riches, knowing that they are surely intended for
me as they appeared upon my own hearth, as I wished!"

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