Syllabus IV
Syllabus IV
Syllabus IV
April June - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage
Literature Literature Literature Literature
Ch-1 The House with the Golden Ch -3 The Most Important Day Ch - 6 Irah Becomes a Flower Gardener Ch -8 A Fairy with Horns
Windows. Ch -4 Dragon Rock Poem- Trees Ch -9 Divide and Eat
Poem- Topsy-Turvy Land Poem- Choosing Their Names Poem- One Look
Poem- The Tease Poem- The Rum Tum Tugger
L-2 My Early Home L-5 Humpty Dumpty and Alice L-7 The Olympic Games L-10 Birbal and the Washerman
Ch-1 Whole Numbers Ch- 2 Multiplication and Division Ch- 9 Decimals (Dienes Blocks) Ch-8 Area and Perimeter (Area and
(Abacus) of Whole Numbers Ch-10 The Four Operations on Perimeter of Irregular Shape)
(Beads/Thermocol Beadsy) Decimals (Abacus) Ch- 11 Measures
Ch-3 Fractions (Equivalent Ch-14 Time (Clock Activity – (Measuring Quantities)
Fractions Activity) Time Duration)
Ch-5 Angles (Paper Folding –
Types of Angles)
Ch-1 Whole Numbers Ch- 2 Multiplication and Division Ch- 9 Decimals Ch-8 Area and Perimeter
of Whole Numbers Ch-10 The Four Operations on Ch-10 The Four Operations on
Ch-3 Fractions Decimals Decimals
Ch-5 Angles Ch-14 Time Ch- 11 Measures
Ch-14 Time
April- May July -September October -December January -March
Content for Coverage
Ch-5 Food and Health Ch-1 The Green Plants Ch- 3 Reproduction in Animals Ch-8 Circulatory and Excretory
(Healthify Activity) (Nature Walk) (Pinwheel Activity) System (Jig-Saw Puzzle)
Ch-6 Teeth and Microbes Ch-2 Adaptation in Plants Ch- 4 Adaptation in Animals Ch-11 Force, Work & Energy
(Dental Care chart)) (Flipped Lesson) (Role Play)
Ch- 12 Air, Water and Weather
(Experiential Activity)
Ch-9 Soil Ch- 13 Our Green Earth Ch- 7 Digestive System Ch-14 Our Universe
Ch- 10 Solids, Liquids and Gases
Content for Assessment
Ch- 5 Food and Health Ch-1 The Green Plants Ch- 3 Reproduction in Animals Ch-4 Adaptation in animals
Ch-2 Adaptation in Plants Ch-8 Circulatory and Excretory
Ch-6 Teeth and Microbes
Ch-11 Force, Work & Energy
Ch- 12 Air, Water and Weather
April-May July - September October - December January – March
Content for Coverage
Ch-1 I Love My India Ch-5 The Southern Plateaus and the Ch-9 Our Industries Ch-12 Our Forests (Leaf Book)
(Our Neighbours) Islands (Travel Diary)
(From Fields to Our House) Ch-14 Our Mineral Resources
Ch-2 The Northern Mountains Ch-6 Our Climate
Ch-11 Our Natural Resources (Our Mines)
(Map the Everest) (Weather Report) (Project- Construction of Roads) Ch-18 Our Rights and Duties
Ch-3 The Northern and Coastal Ch-7 Our Soils(Poster Making) Ch-13 Our Water Resources (Charter Making)
Plains (Show and Tell)
Ch-8 Our Agriculture (Save Water) Ch-19 Local Self Government in
(Poster Making) Ch-16 The Age of Exploration Cities (Know your Leaders)
(Let’s Sail to Space Activity)
Ch-10 Transport and Ch-3 The Northern and Coastal Ch-15 Emperor Akbar Ch-17 Our Rich Culture
Communication Plains
Ch-4 The Western Desert
Content for Assessment
PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May -July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)
Ch-1 I Love My India Ch-5 The Southern Plateaus and Ch-9 Our Industries Ch-12 Our Forests
the Islands Ch-11 Our Natural Resources Ch-14 Our Mineral Resources
Ch-6 Our Climate Ch-13 Our Water Resources Ch-18 Our Rights and Duties
Ch-7 Our Soils Ch-19 Local Self Government in
Ch-8 Our Agriculture Cities
Ch – 1, 2 Ch- 3, 4, 5 Ch- 6, 7, 8 Ch – 9, 10
- Ch- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ch – 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Content for
April-May June-August September November December January February-March
L’activité- Faites un collage sur la L’activité- Présentez-vous en L’activité- préparez votre carte L’activité – Décrivez votre père et
culture de la France. français. d’identité. votre mère.
Leçon-0 (Connaissons la France !) Leçon-0 (Connaissons la France !) Leçon-3 (Je m’appelle..) Leçon-4 (Vous êtes français ?)
Introducirse Explicar las cosas con los adjetivos Conversación entre dos amigos Prepara un monologo sobre tu
sobre sus familias mismo, y tu familia y tu casa
Ch -1 !Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? Ch -3 ¿Dónde vives? Ch-9 ¿Qué dia es hoy? Ch-13 Mi mascota
Ch -2 Numeros Ch -4 Mi colegio Ch -10 Mi familia Ch -15 Mi animal favorito
SA-1 Activity/Project
Conversacion entre los estudiantes
sobre sus casas
Stell sich vor. Auf einen A4 Zettel, schreibe alle Lerne das Weihnachtslied : O Lerne das Lied: Grün, grün, grün
Nachbarlaender von Deutschland. Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum sind alle meine Kleider……
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