Syllabus IV

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Annual Syllabus Class – IV (2022-23)

April June - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage
Literature Literature Literature Literature

Ch-1 The House with the Golden Ch -3 The Most Important Day Ch - 6 Irah Becomes a Flower Gardener Ch -8 A Fairy with Horns
Windows. Ch -4 Dragon Rock Poem- Trees Ch -9 Divide and Eat
Poem- Topsy-Turvy Land Poem- Choosing Their Names Poem- One Look
Poem- The Tease Poem- The Rum Tum Tugger

Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar

Sentences-Types. Tenses (Simple and Homophones and
Adjectives, Degrees of
Nouns - Types Continuous), Articles Homonyms
Adjectives, Conjunctions,

Writing Skills Writing Skills Writing Skills Writing Skills

Paragraph Writing Notice Writing (lost and found), Informal Letter Writing Formal Letter Writing
Picture Composition Story Writing


L-2 My Early Home L-5 Humpty Dumpty and Alice L-7 The Olympic Games L-10 Birbal and the Washerman

Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
June - July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Literature: Literature: Literature: Literature:

Ch -1 The House with the Golden Ch -3 The Most Important Day Ch -6 Irah Becomes a Flower Gardener Ch -8 A Fairy with Horns
Windows. Ch -4 Dragon Rock Poem- Trees Ch -9 Divide and Eat
Poem-Choosing Their Names Poem- One Look
Poem- Topsy-Turvy Land Poem- The Rum Tum Tugger
Poem- The Tease

Grammar: Grammar: Grammar: Grammar:

Sentences (Types) Adjectives, Degrees of Adjectives, Tenses (Simple and Continuous),
Tenses (Simple and Continuous), Conjunctions Prepositions, Homophones &
Articles Homonyms

Writing Skills: Writing Skills: Writing Skills:

Notice Writing (lost and found) Informal Letter Writing Formal Letter Writing
Picture Composition Story Writing

Reading Comprehension: Reading Comprehension: Reading Comprehension: Reading Comprehension:

Unseen Passage Unseen Passage Unseen Poem Unseen Passage
Unseen Poem Unseen Poem
fganh d{kk 4
¼vizSy&ebZ½ ¼tqykbZ& flracj ½ ¼vDVwcj&fnlacj½ ¼tuojh&ekpZ½
foLr`r ikB~;Øe
ifjos'k ifjos'k ifjos'k ifjos'k
ikB&1 ge uUgs &uUgs cPps gSa ikB&5 çsjd çlax ikB&9 lk{kh igq¡ph pk¡n ij ikB &13 dSls gqvk vf/kdkj
ikB& 2 cLrk vkSj twrk ikB&6 vH;kl dk deky ikB&10 çnw”k.k ikB&14 lq[k dh dqath
ikB&3 irax vkSj xqCckjk ikB&7 fgeky; ikB&12 dherh iUus ikB&15
O;kdj.k lacks/k & O;kdj.k lacks/k & ikB&16 feRry dh djkekr
ikB&1 Hkk”kk O;kdj.k lacks/k & ikB& 8 loZuke O;kdj.k lacks/k &
ikB&2 o.kZ&fopkj ikB& 5 laKk ikB& 9 fo’ks”k.k ikB&10 fØ;k
ikB &3 ‘kCn ikB& 6 fyax ikB& 17 fojke&fpg~u ikB&11 dky
ikB&4 okD; ikB&7 opu ikB& 18 v’kqn~f/k&’kks/ku
i;kZ;okph ’kCn¼i`"B&72] pk¡n ls vkdk’k½ i;kZ;okph ¼i`”B&73]’kjhj&lk¡i½
i;kZ;okph ‘kCn¼ i`”B &72] foykse ‘kCn ¼i`”B&76 ]vPNk&eqf’dy½ foykse ‘kCn ¼i`”B&76 ]g¡luk&vknku½
vifBr xn~;ka’k v/;kid&fe= ½ vusdkFkhZ ’kCn ¼i`"B&78&79]rhj&vke½ vusdkFkhZ ’kCn ¼i`"B&79]o.kZ&ij½
foykse ‘kCn¼ i`”B&75] lq[k&lqcg ½ okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ’kCn ¼i`"B&83]1&10½ okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ’kCn
fp= o.kZu eqgkojs ¼i`"B&94]ihB FkiFkikuk&dku dk ¼i`"B&83]11&20½
okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ’kCn¼i`"B&82]le; dPpk gksuk½ eqgkojs ¼i`"B&95
rFkk O;olk; ls lacaf/kr½ ukS&nks&X;kjg gksuk ls&tyh&dVh
vifBr in~;ka’k lqukuk rd½
vifBr in~;ka’k] vifBr xn~;ka’k dgkuh ys[ku vifBr in~;ka’k] vifBr xn~;ka’k
vkSipkfjd i=] vuqPNsn ys[ku
vukSipkfjd i=] fp= o.kZu
Ikfj;kstuk dk;Z
ikB 13
ikB 2&lQkbZ ds egRRo ij fp= lfgr ikB&5 uSfrd dgkfu;k¡ i<+uk ,oa mlls feyus
vuqPCsn ys[ku A fdlh Hkh ,d Lora=rk lsukuh n~okjk ikB&12 okyh f’k{kk ij d{kk esa ppkZ djukA
ikB 3 iarx ;k xqCckjk cukdj ml ij fn, x, ukjs dks vkdf”kZr :Ik esa ds vk/kkj ij O;FkZ dh oLrqvksa ls lkeku
fyf[k,A ikB16
Lojfpr dfork fy[kukA cukb,A Hkkjr esa euk, tkus okys fdlh ,d
i;kZ;okph ‘kCn&
dksbZ Hkh fp= cukdj mUgsa i;kZ;okph R;ksgkj ij 8&10 iafDr;ksa esa Lojfpr
‘kCnksa ls n’kkZ,¡A dfork ,&4 ‘khV ij fp= lfgr
vkdf”kZr :Ik esa fy[kukA
ewY;kadu ikB~;Øe
vkof/kd ewY;kadu&1 e/;kof/k ijh{kk vkof/kd ewY;kadu&2 Okkf”kZd ijh{kk
¼20 vad½ ¼40 vad½ ¼20 vad½ ¼40 vad½
ebZ &tqykbZ flracj fnlacj Qjojh&ekpZ

ifjos’k ifjos’k ifjos’k ifjos’k

ikB&1 ge uUgs uUgs cPps gSa ikB&3 irax vkSj xqCckjk ikB&10 çnw”k.k ikB &13 dSls gqvk vf/kdkj
ikB&2 cLrk vkSj twrk ikB &5 çsjd çlax ikB&12 dherh iUus ikB&14 lq[k dh dqath
ikB&16 feRry dh djkekr
ikB&6 vH;kl dk deky
ikB&7 fgeky;

O;kdj.k& O;kdj.k& O;kdj.k O;kdj.k

ikB&1 Hkk”kk ikB&4 okD; ikB& 8 loZuke ikB&9 fo’ks”k.k
ikB&2 o.kZ&fopkj ikB&5 laKk ikB&10 fØ;k
ikB&6 fyax ikB&11 dky
vifBr xn~;ka’k ikB&7 opu
i;kZ;okph ‘kCn¼i`”B&72]vkneh&fe=½ i;kZ;okph ’kCn ¼i`"B&72] pk¡n ls leqnz½ i;kZ;okph ¼i`”B &72&73]ikuh& gkFk½
foykse ‘kCn ¼i`”B&75] lq[k&lqcg ½ vusdkFkhZ ’kCn ¼i`"B la[;k&78&79] foykse ‘kCn ¼i`”B&76 ]fo’ks”k.k laca/kh
okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ’kCn¼i`"B&82 le; rhj&vke ½ vPNk&eqf’dy½
ls lacaf/kr½ eqgkojs ¼i`"B la[;k&94½¼ihB FkiFkikuk &isV vusdkFkhZ ’kCn ¼i`"B la[;k&79] o.kZ&ij½
vifBr in~;ka’k]vifBr xn~;ka’k esa pwgs dwnuk½ okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ’kCn i`"B &83]5ls
vkSipkfjd i=]vuqPNsn ys[ku vifBr in~;ka’k 15½
dgkuh ys[ku eqgkojs ¼i`"B&95]ukS&nks&X;kjg gksuk
ls&jkr fnu ,d djuk rd½
vukSipkfjd i=] fp= o.kZu
vifBr xn~;ka’k] vifBr in~;ka’k
April-May July - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage

Ch-1 Whole Numbers Ch- 2 Multiplication and Division Ch- 9 Decimals (Dienes Blocks) Ch-8 Area and Perimeter (Area and
(Abacus) of Whole Numbers Ch-10 The Four Operations on Perimeter of Irregular Shape)
(Beads/Thermocol Beadsy) Decimals (Abacus) Ch- 11 Measures
Ch-3 Fractions (Equivalent Ch-14 Time (Clock Activity – (Measuring Quantities)
Fractions Activity) Time Duration)
Ch-5 Angles (Paper Folding –
Types of Angles)


- Ch-7 Squares and Rectangles - Ch-12 Symmetry

Content for Assessment
PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May - July September December February - March

(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Ch-1 Whole Numbers Ch- 2 Multiplication and Division Ch- 9 Decimals Ch-8 Area and Perimeter
of Whole Numbers Ch-10 The Four Operations on Ch-10 The Four Operations on
Ch-3 Fractions Decimals Decimals
Ch-5 Angles Ch-14 Time Ch- 11 Measures

Ch-14 Time
April- May July -September October -December January -March
Content for Coverage

Ch-5 Food and Health Ch-1 The Green Plants Ch- 3 Reproduction in Animals Ch-8 Circulatory and Excretory
(Healthify Activity) (Nature Walk) (Pinwheel Activity) System (Jig-Saw Puzzle)

Ch-6 Teeth and Microbes Ch-2 Adaptation in Plants Ch- 4 Adaptation in Animals Ch-11 Force, Work & Energy
(Dental Care chart)) (Flipped Lesson) (Role Play)
Ch- 12 Air, Water and Weather
(Experiential Activity)

Ch-9 Soil Ch- 13 Our Green Earth Ch- 7 Digestive System Ch-14 Our Universe
Ch- 10 Solids, Liquids and Gases
Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term-Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam

May –July September December February- March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Ch- 5 Food and Health Ch-1 The Green Plants Ch- 3 Reproduction in Animals Ch-4 Adaptation in animals
Ch-2 Adaptation in Plants Ch-8 Circulatory and Excretory
Ch-6 Teeth and Microbes
Ch-11 Force, Work & Energy
Ch- 12 Air, Water and Weather
April-May July - September October - December January – March
Content for Coverage

Ch-1 I Love My India Ch-5 The Southern Plateaus and the Ch-9 Our Industries Ch-12 Our Forests (Leaf Book)
(Our Neighbours) Islands (Travel Diary)
(From Fields to Our House) Ch-14 Our Mineral Resources
Ch-2 The Northern Mountains Ch-6 Our Climate
Ch-11 Our Natural Resources (Our Mines)
(Map the Everest) (Weather Report) (Project- Construction of Roads) Ch-18 Our Rights and Duties
Ch-3 The Northern and Coastal Ch-7 Our Soils(Poster Making) Ch-13 Our Water Resources (Charter Making)
Plains (Show and Tell)
Ch-8 Our Agriculture (Save Water) Ch-19 Local Self Government in

(Poster Making) Ch-16 The Age of Exploration Cities (Know your Leaders)
(Let’s Sail to Space Activity)

Ch-10 Transport and Ch-3 The Northern and Coastal Ch-15 Emperor Akbar Ch-17 Our Rich Culture
Communication Plains
Ch-4 The Western Desert
Content for Assessment
PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May -July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Ch-1 I Love My India Ch-5 The Southern Plateaus and Ch-9 Our Industries Ch-12 Our Forests
the Islands Ch-11 Our Natural Resources Ch-14 Our Mineral Resources
Ch-6 Our Climate Ch-13 Our Water Resources Ch-18 Our Rights and Duties
Ch-7 Our Soils Ch-19 Local Self Government in
Ch-8 Our Agriculture Cities

April-May July - September October - December January – March

Content for Coverage

Aptitude and Reasoning

Ch – 1, 2 Ch- 3, 4, 5 Ch- 6, 7, 8 Ch – 9, 10

Content for Assessment

Mid-Term Assessment Annual Exam
September February - March
- -
(20 Marks) (20 Marks)

Aptitude and Reasoning

- Ch- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ch – 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

● G.K. Syllabus will be based on Gap. Series.

laLd`r d{kk 4
¼vizSy&ebZ½ ¼tqykbZ& flracj ½ ¼vDVwcj&fnlacj½ ¼tuojh&Qjojh½
foLr`r ikB~;Øe
ikB&2 laLÑr&o.kZekyk ikB&5 vkdkjkUr& uialq dfyax’kCnk% ikB&10 iafq Yyax& loZuke’kCnk% ikB&15 ljy&okD;kfu
¼i`"B&69 lfgr½
ikB&6 opue~ ikB&11 L=hfyaxa & loZuke’kCnk% ikB&16 ee x`ge~
ikB&3 ’kCn&cks/k%
ikB&4 vkdkjkUr& L=hfyax’kCnk% ikB&7 L=hfyax’kCnk%& f=opus"kq ikB&12 uialq dfyax& loZuke’kCnk%
Qykuke~ukekfu ¼i`"B la[;k&71½ ikB&8 uialq dfyax’kCnk% f=opus"kq ikB&13 iq#"kokpd& loZuke’kCnk%
la[;kokpd& ’kCnk%1&10 ikB&14 dŸkkZ ydkj% p
¼i`"B la[;k&72½ ’kCn:ikf.k ,oe~ /kkrq:ikf.k
i`"B la[;k&70
Ikfj;kstuk dk;Z
Ikk¡p Qyksa ds fp= cukdj ;k fp= iqfYyax vkSj L=hfyax ‘kCnksa ls dksykWt ikB&9 dfork okpu gsrq ee x`ge~ ij vk/kkfjr jpukRed dk;Z
fpidkdj laLd`r essa uke fyf[k,A cukb,A
la[;k xhr
ewY;kadu ikB~;Øe
vkof/kd ewY;kadu&1 e/;kof/k ijh{kk vkof/kd ewY;kadu&2 Okkf”kZd ijh{kk
ebZ &tqykbZ flracj fnlacj Qjojh&ekpZ
¼20 vad½ ¼40 vad½ ¼20 vad½ ¼40 vad½

ikB&2 laLÑr&o.kZekyk ikB&10 iafq Yyax& loZuke’kCnk% ikB&13 iq#"kokpd& loZuke’kCnk%

ikB&4 vkdkjkUr& L=hfyax’kCnk%
¼i`"B&69 lfgr½ ikB&11 L=hfyaxa & loZuke’kCnk% ikB&14 dŸkkZ ydkj% p
ikB&5 vkdkjkUr& uialq dfyax’kCnk%
ikB&3 ’kCn&cks/k% ikB&12 uialq dfyax& loZuke’kCnk% ikB&15 ljy&okD;kfu
ikB&6 opue~
Qykuke~ukekfu ikB&16 ee x`ge~
ikB&7 L=hfyax’kCnk%& f=opus"kq
¼i`"B la[;k&71½ ’kCn:ikf.k ,oe~ /kkrq:ikf.k
ikB&8 uialq dfyax’kCnk% f=opus"kq
i`"B&70 la[;kokpd& ’kCnk%1&10
la[;kokpd& ’kCnk%1&10 la[;kokpd& ’kCnk%1&10
i`"B la[;k&72 i`"B la[;k&72
Content for Coverage

April-May June-August September October-November December January February-March

Chapter -3 Chapter-5 More Chapter-7 Chapter-4 Chapter-9
Chapter-2 Revision for
More on Word 2016 About the More Blocks PowerPoint 2016 Evolution of AI
Managing Files and ANNUAL EXAM
Internet in Scratch
Folders in Windows 10
Chapter -6
Chapter-1 Chapter-8 Visual Processing
Chapter-5 Introduction to Scratch Creating
Data Storage and More About the
Memory Shapes in
Internet Revision for Scratch

Content for
April-May June-August September November December January February-March

PA-1 Mid-Term PA-2 Annual Exam


Activities- Activity Chapter-3 Chapter-2 Chapter-7 Activities Chapter-4

will be based on basic More on Word 2016 Managing Files and More Blocks in Scratch Activity will be based PowerPoint 2016
tools Wor d 2016 Folders in Windows 10 on tools of
Chapter-5 More Evolution of AI
About the Internet
April-May July –September October - December January – March
Content for Coverage
Leçon-0 (Connaissons la France !) Leçon-2 (Comptons !) Leçon-3 (Je m’appelle..) Leçon-6 (Qu’est-ce que c’est ?)
Leçon-1 (Salut ! ça va ?) Les nombres (0-20) Leçon-4 (Vous êtes français ?) Les nombres (0-50)
Leçon-5 (Qui est-ce ?)

L’activité- Faites un collage sur la L’activité- Présentez-vous en L’activité- préparez votre carte L’activité – Décrivez votre père et
culture de la France. français. d’identité. votre mère.

Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May - July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Leçon-0 (Connaissons la France !) Leçon-0 (Connaissons la France !) Leçon-3 (Je m’appelle..) Leçon-4 (Vous êtes français ?)

Leçon-1 (Salut ! ça va ?) Leçon-5 (Qui est-ce ?)

Leçon-2 (Comptons !) Leçon-6 (Qu’est-ce que c’est ?)

Les nombres (0-20) les nombres (0-50)

April-May July - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage

Ch -1!Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? Ch -3 ¿Dónde vives? Ch -10 Mi familia Ch -16 Mi casa

Ch -2Numeros Ch -4 Mi colegio Ch -11 ¿Cómo es? Ch -17 Mi habitación

Ch -5 Mis cosas Ch -12 El cuerpo

Ch -6 Los colores Ch -13 Mi mascota
Ch -7 Numeros Ch -15 Mi animal favorito
Ch -8 Los días de la semana
Ch -9 ¿Qué dia es hoy?

Introducirse Explicar las cosas con los adjetivos Conversación entre dos amigos Prepara un monologo sobre tu
sobre sus familias mismo, y tu familia y tu casa

Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May -July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (40 Marks)
(20 Marks)

Ch -1 !Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? Ch -3 ¿Dónde vives? Ch-9 ¿Qué dia es hoy? Ch-13 Mi mascota
Ch -2 Numeros Ch -4 Mi colegio Ch -10 Mi familia Ch -15 Mi animal favorito

Ch -5 Mis cosas Ch -11 ¿Cómo es? Ch -16 Mi casa

FA-1 Activity/Project
Ch -12 El cuerpo Ch -17 Mi habitación
Introduccion Verbal Ch -6 Los colores
Ch -7 Numeros FA-2 Activity/Project SA-2Activity/Project Explicar la
Ch -8 Los días de la semana Explicarunamascota apariencia física

SA-1 Activity/Project
Conversacion entre los estudiantes
sobre sus casas

April-May July - September October - December January - March

Content for Coverage
Ch -1: Hallo! Ch -2: Mein Geburtstag Ch -5: Mein Haus Ch -7: Hast du ein Hobby?
Ch -2: Mein Geburtstag Ch -3: Schule und Schulsachen Ch -6: Farben Ch -8: K ö r p e r t e i l e
Ch -4: Wer ist Das?

Stell sich vor. Auf einen A4 Zettel, schreibe alle Lerne das Weihnachtslied : O Lerne das Lied: Grün, grün, grün
Nachbarlaender von Deutschland. Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum sind alle meine Kleider……

Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May - July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Ch -2: Mein Geburtstag Ch -5: Mein Haus Ch-6: Farben

Ch -1: Hallo Ch -7: Hast du ein Hobby?
Ch -3: Schule und Schulsachen Ch -6: Farben
Ch -8: K ö r p e r t e i l e
Ch -4: Wer ist Das?
April-May July - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage
Ch-1 Nihongono Jugyo Ch -2 Ohayo Gozaimasu Ch -3 Korewa Nandesuka Ch -4 Chotto Mattekudasai
Greetings Numerals Expression of time Family Date Expression of Period Counters
Members List of Hiragana Conjugation of verbs
(present tense)
List of Hiragana Writing of Hiragana and stroke Dialogue Writing about your family. Dialogue writing about study of
and stroke order. order on an A4 size sheet. Japanese.

Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May -July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

Ch -1 Nihongono Jugyo Ch -1 Nihongono Jugyo Ch -3 Korewa Nandesuka Ch -3 Korewa Nandesuka Date

Greetings Numerals Greetings Numerals L-2 Date Expression of Period Expression of Period
Ohayo Gozaimasu
Ch -4 Chotto Mattekudasai
Expression of time
Family Members
Conjugation of verbs
List of Hiragana
(present tense)
April-May July - September October - December January - March
Content for Coverage

( , ) -੬

੧ ੨੦


Content for Assessment

PA-1 Mid-Term Assessment PA-2 Annual Exam
May -July September December February - March
(20 Marks) (40 Marks) (20 Marks) (40 Marks)

, -੬


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