Mechanics Formula

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1. Vector Addition of Two Vectors

TAPOsition vector of A
i) Law of parallelogram of vector addition
xi+yj+ z,k

R A+B o
R =| R| TgX2 i+yaj+ Zk
S-Tg - T = (X2 - x ) i + O2 -Y:)j- (G - 2)k
R =A + B2 + 2AB cos
B sin 6 displacement vector from A to B
tan a
A+B cose
A sin 0 5. Cross Product of Two Vectors
and tan B+ Acos6 Let C = AxB, then C = | C= AB sin 6

(ü) Vector addition of more than two vectors Direction of C is perpendicular to both A and B given by
Polygon law of vector addition can be applied for right hand screw law. We can also say C is
addition of more than two vectors. perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B

2. Vector Subtraction Important points in cross product

If S=A B and S =| S , then


(a) A xB=-BxA
S =VA+B -2AB cose (b) Cross product of two parallel or antiparallel vectors

is a null vector having zero magnitude and arbitrary

3. Dot Product of Two Vectors (c) Cross product of two vectors of given magnitudes
AB AB cose has maximum value when they act at 90

Dot Product (d) ixj=k. jxk =i, kxi=j, ixk= - j. kxj=- i

Important Points in
(a) A B=B.A
(b) A (-B) -Ä
B =

(c) A (B+) = B+ C is obtuse dot

dot product is positive. If
(d) If e is acute, and if 6 is 90° dot product
is zero.
product is negative perpendicular vectors is zero.
Hence dot product of two
e) AA =A2
() Dot product is a scalar quantity. jxi=-k, ixi=jxj=kxk=anullvector
(g)Work done
W = F.S =
F-C -F) A Unit Vector in the Direction of A
h) ii=jj=k-k
=1, i j=jk=i k =o
Position Vector and Displacement A
4. and coordinates of
of point A are (X1, y1, 21) or A-AA
If coordinates
2). Then
(X2, Y2,
point B are
Chapter Crux Points
. A Unit Vector Perpendicular to both A and B (b) A+B=(q +b)i +ta, +b,)j+ (a
Let us call it C. Then = + AxB (c) A-B q-h)i+ -b) jt (ab,)k
(d) B a h + azba +a

3. Component of A along B i i k saluesi 96H

(e) A xB|=| d
Component of A along B = Acos e =A B bbaba
(abg-ba,) i+(bha,-b,ay) j
poibb 1o
( Component of A along B
A cos e
A cos RB
AB G4b+ apb2 t+a,ba
Similarly, component of Balong = B cos6 =

vb+b+ b

9. Angle between Two Vectors (g) Unit vector parallel to A

-AA9io jta k
= cos| A + +a+ a3
(h) Angle between A and B,
10. If Vectors are given in Terms of i, j and k
Let =
ai+G,j+ a,k and B =
hi+bai+ bk,
=cos A ABB
(a) A =yg +az+ a and |B =B = ybj + b3+b 6 =cos Gb ta,b, +aba
Basic Definitions 1. In One Dimensional Motion

1) Displacement 3 = t - (vii) Instantaneous velocity

= x - x ) i+0f-y) j+(z -2,) k ds dx
odt r dt
i) Distance =actual path length Slope ofs - t graph
total displacement (ix) Instantaneous acceleration
(ii) Average velocity =

total time
d dt
av) Average speed =Otal distance
total time t = slope of v-t graph
change in velocity 2. One
(v) Average acceleration =

Dimensional Motion with Uniform
() v=u+ at
(i) s=ut +at
Instantaneous velocity =
d or
(vi) dt dt (ii) s =
So +ut +at
(vii) Instantaneous acceleratión
(iv) v=u+ 2as
= rate of change of velocity
(v) s,
displacement (not distance) in tth second
dt 2 = (u+ at) a
Chapter Crux Points

slope of vt graph

0, therefore
While using above equations, take a sign convention and Since, a =

substitute all vector quantities (v, u, a,s and s,) with sign. Further, v = constant,
1 therefore, slope of s -t graph

I n equation s = ut +at, s is the displacement

2 retarded motion
measured from the starting point. Ci) Uniformly accelerated or

t at2
a=constant, v =ut at,
s =ut
s , is the displacement between t -1) and t second.
3. One Dimensional Motion with Non-uniform a

() s-t > v-t > a-t > Differentiation
(ii) a-t » v-t > s-t - Integration
(ii) Equations of differentiation
ds dv dv
v and a=v. ds V
dt VA
(iv) Equations of integration

Sds=vdt, dv =

f adt, f vdv f ads =

In first integration equation v should be either a constant or
function of t In second equation a should be either a

constant or a function of t. Similarly, in third equation

should be either a constant or function of s.

4. Two or Three Dimensional Motion with Uniform

() V=u+ t

i) 3 =üt +ät2
Cii) -V=ü ü+2a 3
Motion with Non- Since a = constant, therefore slope of v-t graph
5. Two o r Three Dimensional
uniform Acceleration constant.
Further, v is increasing or decreasing, therefore slope
or dt of s-t graph should either increase or decrease.
) Slope ofs -t graph =velocity
dv Slope of v-t graph = acceleration
dt Area underv-t graph =displacement and
(ii fdv=jä dt Area under a -t graph = change in velocity.

(iv) fd3=fv.dr 7. Relative Motion

) VAB = velocity of A with respect to
6. Graphs
constant, a =
0, s = vt B VA -V
) Uniform motion v =

V Ci) aas = acceleration of A with respect to

B aA ag8
In one dimensional motion take a sign convention.
In this case,

(iv) aAB aa-
8. Projectile Motion
() T

2u sin e 2uy
Ci) H sine
2g 28
4 Chapter Crux Points

Cii) R=
u sin 20
u,I: 2uy Civ) Rmax =at6 45
8 8 8

u=ucose (v) R R 90- for same value ofu.


uy=usin vi) Equation of trajectory

y = x tan0--
2u cos 0

1. Equilibrium of Forces 2. Friction
of net contact force
(i) Concurrent coplanar forces If all forces are in () Friction is tangential component
between two solid bodies in contact.
equilibrium, or Fi + Fz + Fa + F^ = 0, then we can
Cii) This force starts acting between them when there is
write, relative motion (or even the tendency of relative
F , =0, and F , = 0
motion) between them.
Cii) Like other forces this force also makes a pair equal
F and opposite forces acting on two different bodies.

F Civ) Direction of frictional force on a body is opposite to

the relative motion (or its tendency) of this body
with respect to the other body.
(v) Normal reaction N (component of net contact force
F in perpendicular direction) plays
very important role
while deciding limiting value of static friction u,N or
constant value of kinetic friction HN.
Where x and y are any two mutually perpendicular
(vi) As long as forces are acting on a body parallel to the
plane over which body is kept, normal reaction will
i) Lami's theorem If a body is in equilibrium under be mg cose (if plane is inclined). If forces are acting
three concúrrent forces as shown in figure. at some angle with plane, normal reaction is greater
than mg (or mg cos6) or less than this, depending
upon whether the external forces are of pushing
nature or pulling nature.

N mg N=mg cose
Then we can write,

sin a sin B sin y

Cii) Non concurrent coplanar forces If a body is in

equilibrium under nonconcurrent coplanar forces we mg N<mg
can write, 2F, =0, 2 Fy = 0 and 2(moment about
any point) = 0 (vii) Static friction is of self adjusting nature with its value
varying between 0 and u N. This force acts when
there is only tendency of relative motion but relative
motion is not actually taking place. On the other
hand, kinetic friction is constant of value u,N. This
force acts when relative motion actually takes
(vii) Coefficient of kinetic friction (4,) is always less than
the coefficient of static friction (u )
(ix) If , and are not separately given. But only one
value of u is given. Then in this case limiting value of
static friction and Chapter Crux Points 5
are same and constant value of kinetic
equal to friction
uN. In figure (a) as shown, a force F is applied on a block
of mass m. Force of friction f starts
p e block in opposite direction to stop its relative motion
acting on the

with ground. Following maý

msN cases arise depending
x)f myN
on the value of F.
N=mg IfF Sp,N, f = F, Fner = 0 .a = 0
fF >p,N, f =4, N, Fae =
F-f and a-
msN m
(a) Corresponding graph is shown in figure (b).


1. Work Done
) (ii) In a conservative force
field, difference in potential
By a constant force energy between two points is the negative of work
w-F.3 F -7=Ps cose done by conservative forces in displacing the body
(or system) from some initial position to final
Force x displacement in the direction of force.
position. Hence,
i) By a variable force AU =-W
=F. dx, where F =flx) or
(ii) Absolute potential energy at a point can be defined
ii) By area under F x graph If force is a function of

x, with respect to a reference point where potential

we can find work done by area under energy is assumed to be zero. Reference point
F- x graph
projection along x-axis. In this method corresponding to gravitational potential energy and
magnitude of work done can be obtained by area electrostatic potential energy is assumed at infinity.
x graph, but sign of work done should be Reference point corresponding to spring potential
under F-
decided by you. If force and displacement both are energy is taken at a point at natural length of spring.
positive or negative, work done will be positive. If Now, negative of work done in displacement of body
one is positive and other is negative then work done from reference point (say O) to the point under
will be negative. consideration (say P) is called absolute potential
energy atP. Thus,
2. Power of a Force Up-WoP
) Average power 5. Relation between Potential Energy (U) and
Total work done
Pa WTotal
Total time taken Conservative Force (F)
i ) Instantaneous power ) IfU is a function of only one variable, then
work done dU
Pins rate of doing F=- - slope of U- rgraph.
dW dr
dt (ii) IfU is a function of three coordinate variables x, y
=F V =Fv cos and z, then

3. Conservative and Non-Conservative |dx oy
In case of conservative forces
6. Spring Force
) Work done is path independent.
done is zero. ) F= -kx or F o« -x
Ci) In a closed path net work
is defined only for conservativeforces
(i) Potential energy
system, its
(i) U, =kx
(iv) If only conservative forces are acting on a
remain constant.
mechanical energy should
are non- conservative.
Forces which are not conservative
4. Potential Energy
for conservative
Potential energy is defined only
7. Three Types of
S.N Neutral equilibrium
Physical situation Stable equilibrium
Unstable equilibrium

Net force
Zero Zero
2. Potential energy Minimum Maximum
Force is again zero.
3. when displaced from mean A restoring nature of force will act A force will act which nove
(equilibrium) position. on the body, which brings the the body a way from

body back towards mean position. position.

At point C
4 In U - rgraph At point B At point A

5. InF-rgraph At point A At point B At point C

1. A particle in circular motion may have two
types of 4. Tangential component a, is responsible for change of speed
of the particle. This can be
) linear velocity v and positive, negative or zero,
depending upon the situation whether the speed of particle
(i) angular velocityyo in increasing,
These two are related by the equation decreasing or constant. Normal component is
V =R» (R = radius of circular path)
responsible for change in direction of velocity. This
component can never be equal to zero in circular
5. In general, in
2. Acceleration of particle in circular motion may have two any curvilinear motion
instantaneous velocity is direction of
acceleration may have any tangential to the
path, while
G) tangential component (a,) and acceleration in direction. If we resolve the
two normal
(i) norinal or radial component (a,) velocity and another directions, one parallel to
As the names suggest, tangential component is tangential component is a, while perpendicular
velocity, the first
other is a,.
to the circular path, given by Thus, a, =

component of a along
a, =rate of change of speed
a cose= a. v
dv dv= Ra V

where, a =
angular acceleration
= rate of change of angular velocity
The normal or radial component, also known as centripetal
acceleration is towards centre and is given by
dt dt
=Ro2= V rate of
R and a= change of speed.
particle is resultant of two component of ä
3. Net acceleration of
perpendicular to
perpendicular components a,
and a, . Hence,
Here v is ya-=v/R
the speed of
a=ya+ the radius of
to the
at that
instant and R is
curvilinear cale
path at that poln
Chapter Crux Points 7
Ina a cos0, ife is acute, a, will be

increase. If 0 is obtuse a, will he positive

and speed will
decrease. If e is 90°, negative and speed will
a, is zero and speed will remain
7. Now depending
upon the value of a, circular motion
be of three types may
) Uniform circular motion in
constant or a - 0 .
which speed remains (a) (b)
ii) Circular motion of 9. Vertical Circular Motion
increasing speed, in which a, is
A bob of mass m is suspended from a light string of length R
(iii) Circular motion of
decreasing speed in which a, is as shown. If velocity at bottommost point of bob is u, then
depending on the value of u following three cases are

an an D
a, =0
a an

V = Constant
a=ya +a4 () Ifu2 5gR, bob will complete the circle.
v is increasing
a (i) If 2gR <u< /5gR, string will slack between B and
C. At the time of slacking tension in the string will
become zero (T = 0) and velocity is non-zero (v 0 )
After this motion of bob is projectile.
a Jan
(ii) Ifus 2gR , bob will oscillate between BAD. In this
case v = 0 but T 0.
If u = /5gR , bob will just complete the circle. In this
case, velocity at topmost point is v= \gR . Tension in
a=ya+ this critical case is zero at topmost point and 6 mg at
v is decreasing. bottommost point.
8. Circular motion is a two dimensional motion (motion in a
.Ifu =/2gR, bob will just reach to the point B. At that
plane). Linear velocity vector and linear acceleration point velocity and tension both will become zero.
vector lie in the plane of circle. Angular velocity vector and
At height h from bottom velocity of bob will be,
angular acceleration vector are perpendicular to the plane
of the circle given by right hand screw law. V=yu-28h.
In figure (a), for example if speed is increasing then
acceleration vector Velocity of bob becomes zero at height h =(in case
angular velocity vector and angular
both are to paper inwards. In figure (b), if
perpendicular of oscillation) and tension in string becomes zero at
speed is decreasing then angular velocity vector is 9

inwards while angular acceleration heighth, t g R

perpendicular to paper
vector is perpendicular to paper outwards


1. Position of Centre of Mass r c or ma

2 m
() Two point masses

CM m2
m m22
- m2 d
m +m2
Chapter Crux Points
(i) More than two point masses
(v) SCM m S+m2 S2
(a) FeM=" it m2 m +m2
m +m2
mXtm2X2 3. Conservation of Linear Momentum
(b) XCM
m+m2 i) For a single mass or single body
If net force acting on the
YCM my+ may2
m+m2 P constant
body is zero. Then,

Z CM m3 +m22 or V constant
(if mass = constant)
m +m2
i) For a system of particles or system of rigid bodies
(ii) More than two rigid bodies
If net external force acting on a
(a) Centre of mass of symmetrical rigid body system of particles or
system of rigid bodies is zero. Then,
(like sphere, disc, cube etc.) lies at its geometric
centre. POMConstant
(b) For two or more than two rigid bodies we can use,
or VCMCOnstant
4. Collision
m +m2
XCM'jjt m2X2 ) Head on elastic collision
m +m2 In this case linear momentum and kinetic
YCM t m2y2 both are conserved. After solving two conservation
equations, we get
and ZM = "11t m222
m +m2
m2 m
(c)If three dimensional rigid body has uniform Before collision
density, then mass in above formulae can be
replaced by volume (V) m2
eg, After collision
m 2*m+ma)
(d) In case of two dimensional body,
replaced by area (A).
mass can be 212 2
e.g. A, and Y2m+m2 ...(i)
A+ A2 m +m
(e) If some portion is removed from the body. Regarding the above two formulae following are
Then, three special cases.
e.g. (a) If m =
m2, then vi V2 and v2 V ie in

A1 - A2
case of
equal masses bodies will
exchange their
(in case of two dimensional velocities.
body) b) If m >> m, and v = 0.
A =Area ofwhole body Then 0 and v2 =-V2:
(without removing)
=Position vector of its centre of mass
(c)Ifm2 >>
m and v 0. Then, y
and v2 V2 =

A = Area of removed portion (ii) Head on inelastic collision

In this ype of collision
=Position vector of centre of mass of only linear momentum
remains constant.
removed portion Two unknowns are and v2. Make
equations to solve them. following two
2. Other Formulae of Centre of Mass
(a) Conservation of linear momentum
F F +Fa m t m v 2 = my + mav2
(i) PaM P + P2 (b) Definition of coefficient of restitution
(ii) VeM mytm V Relative velocity of separation
m +m2 Relative velocity of approach|
m a t m a2 -
(iv) acM m +m2 V2-
Chapter Crux Points9
Oblique collision (both elastic and inelastic)
Resolve the velocities along common normal and
common tangent directions. Now,
a) velocity components along common Here Vis relative velocity of mass dm which either
direction will remain unchanged. enters or leaves the system on which thrust force has
(6) along common normal direction theory of head to be applied.
on collision (elastic as well as inelastic) can be i) Magnitude of thrust force is given by,
5. Linear Impulse
When a large force acts for a short interval of time, then
product of force and time is called linear impulse. It is a Cii) Direction of F is parallel to if mass of system is
vector increasing or is positive. Direction of F is
quantity denoted by j. This is equal to change in dt
linear momentum. Thus,
Linear impulse antiparallel to V if mass of system is decreasing or
dm is negative.
j-F.At =Aß dt
iv) Based on this fact velocity of rocket at timet is given
-B,-B,-m-v. by,
In one dimensional motion we can write, V=u-gt +v, In
J =FAt =
Ap= Ps -P= m(vs-v) Here u = initial velocity of rocket
I n this case we will choose a sign convention and all
v, = exhaust velocity of gases
vector quantities are substituted with proper signs.
I f F -t graph is given, then linear impulse and therefore (assumed constant)
mo = initial mass of rocket (with gases)
change in linear momentum can also be obtained by area m = mass of rocket at timet
under F -t graph with projection along t-axis. (with gases)
.Value of g has been assumed constant in above
. If is a function of time, then linear
therefore change in linear momentum can be obtained
impulse and equation.
(v) If mass is just dropped from a moving body then the
by integration of force in the given time interval. mass which is dropped acquires the same velocity as
6. Variable Mass that of the moving body.

A thust force will act when mass of a system either Hence, V = 0 or no thrust force will act in this case.
increases or decreases. This force is given by,


1. Moment of Inertia (ii) Circular disc

(i) Thin rod

ml 4

3 3 tI, =mR4
t sin
4l2tmR2 mR
m sin6
s 3
Is =la +mR* =mR
16 mx*


. --
Chapter Crux Points
Only in case of
translational motion
acceleration of all velocity and distance of P from O is constant. For example, whenis
particles are same. In rotational or particle rotates in a circle then with respect to centre
rotational plus translational motion different
have different velocities and different particles always 90°. This is the reason, why distance of particle
accelerations. from centre always remains constant.
5. Angular Velocity
We may defineangular velocity as following three types
() Angular velocity of a particle (in motion) about a
fixed point 90

At a given instant a particle P has velocity .

It has position vectorT with respect to a fixed point O With respect to any other point 0 is sometimes acute and
as shown in figure. sometimes obtuse. Therefore, distance sometimes
increases and sometimes decreases.

V ox7 ie. perpendicular component of velocity in

P vector form is the cross product of o and f.
Direction of is given by right hand screw law.
de If aparticle moves in a straight line, then about any point
lying on this line angle between and vis 0 or 180°
Hence, v=0 or @ = 0.
After some time position vector has become T. We
can see two changes in its position vector.

i) Angular velocity of one particle (say A) with

P respect
to another particle (say B) when both are
in motion
Find component of relative velocity of A with respect
to B perpendicular to AB and divide this component
by distance AB. This gives angular velocity of A with
second its respect to B.
First, its magnitude |F| has changed,
direction has changed or we can say, its position Thus,
Component of VAB perpendicular to AB
vector has been rotated. If we resolve V along f and AB AB
perpendicular to f then two components. Cii) Angular velocity of a rigid body
the following meanings.
y and y have Take any two points A and B on the rigid body. The

component of v along r rigid body may have either of the three types of
=V Cose = motion: only translation, only rotation or rotation
plus translation.
dr The velocities of A and B may or may not be same
dt In this case angular velocity of rigid body is defined
=angle between r and
of T changes
= rate by which magnitude Component of Var perpendicular to AB
= rate by which distance of P from AB
changes. In case of pure translational motion points A and B
will have same velocities. Therefore, Vas is zero.
Hence o=0.
particle P about point 0
angular velocity of
at this instant 6. Angular Momentum (L)
Angular momentum can be defined in following three ways
= rate by which F rotates

i.e. distance of PfromO () Angular momentum of a particle (A) in motion,

I f eis acute, cos 6 or vj is positive about a fixed point (0)
is increasing.
or y is negative
i.e. distance of P from Suppose a particle A has a linear momentum p =mv
I f e is obtuse, cos 0 coso or v is zero or
increasing. If 6 is 90, then as shown.
O is
Cldpter crux POints

p mv

This will contain two terms

Its position vector about a fixed point O at this instant (a) I
is T. Then angular momentum of
particle A about (b) mv.= mvr
point O will be, From right hand screw law, we can see that Io and
mvr both terms are perpendicular to the paper in
L=Txp=ix(mv)=mfxv) inward direction. Hence, they are added.
Magnitude of L is L = mvr sin 0 = mvr where 0 is the Or
LTotal 0+ mvr
angle between T and p. Further, r =r sin 0 is the In a problem, if these two terms in
are opposite
directions then they will be subtracted.
perpendicular distance on line of action of P (or v) 7. Equations of Motion of Pure Rotational Motion of
from point 0. Direction of Lwill be given by right a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis
hand screw law. In the shown figure direction of Lis (1) In pure rotational motion all particles (except those
perpendicular to paper inwards. lying on the axis) of the rigid body rotate in circles.
If the particde passes through point O, 0. The
planes of these circles are mutually parallel. The
r =
angular momentum is zero. centers of circles lie on the axis. Radii of
(i) Angular momentum of circles are different. Angular
a rigid body in pure velocity corresponding
rotation about axis of rotation to all particles in circular motion is
same. This is also
called angular velocity of rigid
body. Plane of every
circle is perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
ii) Velocity of any particle P is, v ro,
own circle. Since o is same
tangential to its

for all particles we can say

that, v r.

(a) ()

If rigid body is in pure rotation about a fixed axis,

then angular momentum of rigid
will be given by L = o
body about this axis
This is actually
component of total angular
momentum about axis of rotation. Direction of this (iii) Acceleration of particle P will have two
component is again given by right hand screw law. In an and a, as it is rotating in a circle. Here,
figure (a) above, this is along the axis in upward
direction. In figure (b) this is along the axis in G ro or
towards centre)
downward direction.
r a =r. 0do
Ciii) Angular momentum of a rigid body in rotation dt (tangential to the circle)
plus translation about a general axis
Suppose a rigid body is in rotation and translational
motion. Velocity of its centre of mass is vand
velocity of rigid body is
angular (iv) If e is constant, then,
We want to find angular momentum of rigid body
passing from a general point O and perpendicular to 000tQt, 6 =0ot+ot
plane of paper. and o0+ 200
Chapter Crux Points 13
Here o is angular velocity at time t and @o, initial
angular velocity.
If a is not constant
gowe will have to for
differentiation or integration.
The basic equations of
differentiation or integration V
de dw
d dt de
0, O

(equations of differentiation)
de = eadt,f do= adt. Jo do = fa de Again, here a is common for all points, while a, and a are
(equations of integration)
9. Pure Rolling
(v) Number of rotations made by rigid body,
Pure rolling (also called rolling without slipping) may be of
N Angle rotated two types
2Tt 2T () Uniform pure rolling In which v and o remain
8. Rotational Plus Translational Motion of a Rigid Condition of pure rolling is v = R». In this case
Body bottommost point of the spherical body is at rest. It
A complex motion of rotation plus translation be
can has no slipping with its contact point on ground.
simplified by considering, Because ground point is also at rest.
) the translational motion of centre of mass of the rigid
body and
(i) rotation about centre of mass.
As discussed earlier also, in this type of motion velocities of
different points of the rigid body are different.
To find velocity of a general point (say P) we will be
required following two things Ro
) velocity of centre of mass of the rigid body v
(i) angular velocity of rigid body o.
Now, velocity of point P is the vector sum of two terms v If v>Ro, then net velocity of point P is in the
and ro. Here v is common for all points, while r is direction of v (in the direction of motion of body).
different for different points, as r is different. This is called forward slipping.
In the figure shown, If v< Ro, then net velocity of point P is in opposite
90-0 direction of v. This is called backward slipping



vp= +(ro +2(v)ro)cos (90°-0)
= + o +2vro sine
P we will be required
To find acceleration of point If a spherical body is rolling over a plank, condition
following three things for no slipping between spherical body and plank is,
accelerationof centre of mass of
the rigid body a
) and v-Ro=Vo
angular velocity of rigid body
) (ii) Accelerated pure roling If v and o are not constant
Cii) angular accelerationa o
dt f
the rigid body. then,a Ra is an additional condition for pure rolling
on horizontal ground, which takes place in the
vector sum of three
acceleration of point P is the presence of some external forces.
terms Here friction plays very important role. Magnitude
)a towards centre 0) and direction of friction is so adjusted that equation
(ii) a, =ro (acting tangentially)
a = Ra is satisfied. If friction is insufficient for satisfying
Cii) a, =
14 Chapter Crux Points
the equation a =Roa, slipping (either forwardor nio iv) In the above case (when >min) force of friction
backward) will occur and kinetic friction will act. will act upwards. Magnitude of this force is,

Oo w f= mg sin
OUR91r 0nolsnsrtb,
(v) If u <pmin body will roll downwards with forward
slipping. Maximum friction will act in this case. The
(nupeino acceleration of body is
10. Motion of a Spherical Body on Rough Inclined a 3 8 Sin6 -Hg cos6
11. Angular Impulse
) Minimum value of coefficient of friction required for
Linear impulse when multiplied by perpendicular distance
pure rolling,
gives angular impulse. Angular impulse is equal to change
in angular momentum.
O (

tan 6
min mR
A rigid body is kept over a smooth table. It is hit at point P
1+ by a linear impulse J at a perpendicular distance r fromC
as shown. Since it is hit at some
(ii) Ifu = 0, body will slip downwards (only translational
from C its motion is rotational
perpendicular distance
motion) with an acceleration, plus translational. Velocity
of centre of mass will be
given by,
4 8 sin e
V= (as J = mv)
(ii) If >Hmin , body will roll m

(rotation + translation both) Angular velocity of rigid body is,

down without slipping with Jxr
an acceleration,
= &Sin 6
a2=- (as Jxr= angular impulse =change in angular
momentum = lo).
1+ mR 2

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