Builder: The First Baptist

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I am writing this article on Tuesday afternoon, the 25th. Tomorrow the 26th will be our Fall Festival.

You will receive this Builder on either Friday the 28th or Saturday the 29th. Why am I being so specific? It is because I know that the Fall Festival will be, or was, a success. It is to thank those many volunteers that have spent the last months planning and preparing for this event. I cannot commend our Preschool and Childrens Committees enough. A special thank you to Stephanie Darley for chairing this event. The list of volunteers is too long for this article, so let me simply say THANK YOU! to all who had a part in the Fall Festival, 2011. Our next major endeavor will be our Shoe Box collection on Sunday, November 6. Many have taken part in preparing shoe boxes for Samaritan Purse Ministries. These boxes open the door for the Gospel to be presented in parts of the world where there is no Christian witness. They also offer a witness to children of the gift of God from Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our church goal is 300 plus boxes. If you havent begun to make one it is not too late. Go by the display in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall and learn what you need to do. Toby Roland, Mary Lynn White and myself are preparing for our Mission Trip to Mali, West Africa in a few weeks. Please pray for us as we prepare and as we go. Out goals on this trip are to share in the dedication of a Learning Center, church, in one of our villages; to share the Gospel in several of our villages; and to close out our house rental agreement. Paul Memory VerseOctober 30 Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Sunday October 23, 2011 Budget Receipts $9,400.30 Budget Needs To Date $793,243.19 Budget Receipts YTD $689,783.02 Receipts Under Budget By $103,460.17 Bible Study 318 WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT November 2 6:00 PM Bar-B-Que Cole Slaw Fries Rolls Dessert

Sunday, October 30 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Interpretive Movement 4:45 PM Shockwave 5:30 PM Junction 56 Bible Study 5:30 PM AWANA 5:30 PM Evening Worship 6:30 PM Monday, October 31 Finance Committee 5:30 PM Tuesday, November 1 Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Property Committee 6:30 PM Wednesday, November 2 Graded Choirs Rehearsal 5:45 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Youth Bible Study & Supper 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Mission Friends, GAs, RAs 7:00 PM Girls of Grace 7:00 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Chancel Choir 8:00 PM

EXTENDED SESSION October 30 Roger & Frances Edmunds, Hope Toole, Cheryl Godwin, Brad & Joanne Moore, Janone Doss, Paula Brinson, April & Madison Helms.

First Baptist Church P.O. Box 155 Bainbridge, GA 39818 Phone 229-246-1563 Fax 229-246-8182 Rev. Paul Medley......Pastor Rev. Art Bruce........Minister of Music/Senior Adults Clarene Jones....Office Secretary Virginia Smith........Administrative Secretary Email:
THE FIRST BAPTIST BUILDER (USPS 042-040) Periodicals postage at Bainbridge, Georgia. Published weekly by First Baptist Church, 200 South Clay Street, Bainbridge, Georgia 39817. P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39818. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the First Baptist Builder, P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39819

October 26, 2011
Volume 64 Number 42

The First Baptist

FELLOWSHIP CLUB The next Fellowship Club will be on Thursday, November 17 at 11:30 AM. This will be in conjunction with our annual Saints Alive gathering with FBC Moultrie & FBC Valdosta. Reservations are required at this event. Everyone attending must sign up at bulletin board outside of the church office. NO SAINTS ALIVE REHEARSAL MONDAY There will not be a rehearsal on Monday, October 31, due to our attendance at the Georgia Baptist Conventions Senior Adult Choir Festival in Toccoa, GA on October 31-November 1. Pray for us as we travel, enjoy the singing and the beauty of the fall colors in north Georgia. MUSIC LIBRARY RETURNS Help is still needed putting music back into boxes and on the shelves. A big tip of the hat to Phyllis and Jimmy Collins and Martha Skipper for volunteering their time this week. See me if you are willing to give some time to this project. FALL FESTIVAL Thanks for all those Senior Adults who made cakes, cookies, goodies and treats for an outreach to our community with our Fall Festival. There was love in every bite and the love of Christ shown to each child who attended.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS NOVEMBER 6SET YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOE BOX COLLECTION DATE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 There have been suggestions given each month for you to use in filling your box. Please be sure to include $7.00 to help defray shipping cost for each box. WMU WORLD DAY OF PRAYER NOVEMBER 8 The Sanctuary will be open from 7:00 AM7:00 PM for anyone who wishes to go in and pray. There will be a deacon present in the sanctuary throughout this time period so that all women can feel comfortable entering and staying for prayer. All ladies are asked to bring a salad and join together in the Fellowship Hall for a luncheon between 11:30 AM until noon. There will be a short program followed by the Trash to Treasure Swap (come early to browse). Bring 3 items, trash or treasure. All unclaimed items will be donated to Salvation Army.

Youth of the Week Abigail Wilson is the daughter of Alan and Jan Wilson. She is a seventh grade student at Bainbridge Middle School, where she is a cheerleader for the BMS Bearcats. Abigail is also active in gymnastics and is in her second year of showing pigs with the FFA. Youth Led Service Sunday night, October 30 will be our monthly Youth Led Service and SNAC. All youth are encouraged to attend and lead during this service. Keep in mind that leaders do not have to be in front of the church, you are a leader no matter where you are seated. SHOCKWAVE members, please wear jeans and your new shirts. All other youth, wear your black Flatline Ministry shirt, if you have one. SNAC SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) will be held at the home of Chip and Patty Hall following the worship service. Transportation will be provided to SNAC, but youth need to be picked up by parents before 9:00 pm at the Halls home, 1978 Thomas Drive. Casting Crowns Concert Casting Crowns will be in Dothan on Saturday, November 12. Tickets are $25, which includes transportation. Tickets sales are now open to anyone, if interested please contact Tina. Attention, Youth Parents We are in the process of compiling contact information for all parents of youth. If you have not completed a Youth Parent Information form, please go to the youth website below to download one or see Tina to get a copy. This information will help keep all youth and parents informed of youth activities. For Where to Be (and When to be There)please check the following:

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