Frsen 03 1060144
Frsen 03 1060144
Frsen 03 1060144
Ritu Yadav, Floods are occurring across the globe, and due to climate change, flood events
are expected to increase in the coming years. Current situations urge more
focus on efficient monitoring of floods and detecting impacted areas. In this
This article was submitted to
Microwave Remote Sensing, study, we propose two segmentation networks for flood detection on uni-
a section of the journal temporal Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar data. The first network is
Frontiers in Remote Sensing
“Attentive U-Net”. It takes VV, VH, and the ratio VV/VH as input. The network
RECEIVED 02 October 2022 uses spatial and channel-wise attention to enhance feature maps which help in
ACCEPTED 22 November 2022
PUBLISHED 14 December 2022 learning better segmentation. “Attentive U-Net” yields 67% Intersection Over
Union (IoU) on the Sen1Floods11 dataset, which is 3% better than the
Yadav R, Nascetti A and Ban Y (2022), benchmark IoU. The second proposed network is a dual-stream “Fusion
Deep attentive fusion network for flood network”, where we fuse global low-resolution elevation data and
detection on uni-temporal Sentinel-
1 data. permanent water masks with Sentinel-1 (VV, VH) data. Compared to the
Front. Remote Sens. 3:1060144. previous benchmark on the Sen1Floods11 dataset, our fusion network gave a
doi: 10.3389/frsen.2022.1060144
4.5% better IoU score. Quantitatively, the performance improvement of both
COPYRIGHT proposed methods is considerable. The quantitative comparison with the
© 2022 Yadav, Nascetti and Ban . This is
an open-access article distributed benchmark method demonstrates the potential of our proposed flood
under the terms of the Creative detection networks. The results are further validated by qualitative analysis,
Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
in which we demonstrate that the addition of a low-resolution elevation and a
The use, distribution or reproduction in
other forums is permitted, provided the permanent water mask enhances the flood detection results. Through ablation
original author(s) and the copyright experiments and analysis we also demonstrate the effectiveness of various
owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is
design choices in proposed networks. Our code is available on Github at https://
cited, in accordance with accepted for reuse.
academic practice. No use, distribution
or reproduction is permitted which does
not comply with these terms. KEYWORDS
flood detection, segmentation, SAR, DEM, remote sensing, fusion, deep learning
1 Introduction
According to a report by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
(CRED, UClouvain) (UNDRR, 2015), floods were among the most destructive disaster
events between 1995 and 2015. Another CRED report (CRED, 2021) states that in 2020,
23% more floods were recorded than the annual average of 163 events and 18% more flood
deaths than the annual average of 5,233 deaths. With the extreme climate changes, floods
are hitting harder than ever. The increased frequency and impact of floods affect not only
developing countries but also developed countries around the world. Floods are causing
large-scale damage to life, property, and the economy of billions of dollars. Robust and
real-time flood detection can help to provide quick and reliable convolutional network to detect flooded areas on multitemporal
aid to affected lives. Also, for faster deployment of rescue SAR data from Radarsat-1 and ERS-2 satellites. They tested it on
missions, it is crucial to have situational awareness on the only two flood events in Canada and Switzerland. In (Asaro et al.,
ground. Due to the impacted transport system, inspection 2021), the authors aimed to delineate floods from Sentinel-1 data
from the ground can be dangerous as well as too slow. In using the U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) model. The data set
such scenarios, satellites can help to map large geographical contains three flood events from Belgium, Italy, and the
areas on time. Netherlands with low-quality labels. (Jeon et al., 2021). study
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery is routinely used to also used a standard U-Net model to detect river floods using
determine the extent of floods and other products derived. Sentinel-1 data. (Nemni et al., 2020). experimented with both
Compared to optical data such as Sentinel-2 imagery, SAR U-Net and X-Net (Bullock et al., 2019) on UNOSAT Flood
satellites data is the preferred tool for flood mapping due to Dataset (Unitar, 2020). The dataset contains only VV
their capability of capturing images day/night, irrespective of the polarization of Sentinel-1 data and covers floods from eight
weather conditions (Anusha and Bharathi, 2020). SAR systems countries. Their results highlighted that the U-Net model
operate in the microwave band, which are long wavelengths and performed better. In (Garg et al., 2021), authors proposed an
have the capability to penetrate through clouds, to some degree of ensemble of U-Net and U-Net++ models for flood detection. The
vegetation, rain showers, fog, and snow. Additionaly, the NASA-ECTI dataset used in this study contains Sentinel-1 data
frequent revisit of the Sentinel-1 satellite makes it a good on four flood events. The authors also experimented with
candidate for flood monitoring. DeepLab and U-Net architectures with multiple backbones.
The best results were obtained using U-Net with the
MobileNetv2 backbone.
2 Related work Optical satellites such as Worldview and Sentinel-2 further
boosted the usage of DL on satellite data. Optical data is generally
SAR data from various satellites such as RADARSAT-1, unsuitable for capturing flooded areas due to high cloud
TerraSAR-X, ENVISAT, COSMO-SkyMed (CSK), and many coverage. However, there are multiple flood detection studies
others were explored for studies of water detection and flood that use optical data such as (Moumtzidou et al., 2020), (Mateo-
mapping, such as (Lu et al., 2015), (Chini et al., 2017), (García- Garcia et al., 2021), (Peng et al., 2019), and many others.
Pintado et al., 2015). These studies used a wide variety of (Moumtzidou et al., 2020). tested VGG and ResNet-50 models
methods like basic pixel-wise image difference, hierarchical on multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data from 335 flood events.
split-based distribution difference, hydrodynamic model (Mateo-Garcia et al., 2021). study compared flood detection
adaptation, etc. The launch of Sentinel-1 in 2014, provided capability of U-Net and SCNN on Sentinel-2 data. The U-Net
global-coverage free data at 10-m spatial resolution with a performed better compared to SCNN. The WorldFloods dataset
6 days nominal revisit time. Thanks to the improved spatial used (Mateo-Garcia et al., 2021) in this study covers 119 flood
and temporal resolution, researchers investigated the use of events that occurred between November 2015 and March 2019.
Sentinel-1 data for flood detection in several studies, such as (Peng et al., 2019). proposed a Siamese neural network ResPSNet
(Twele et al., 2016) where the authors used fuzzy logic-based for detecting floods on very high-resolution optical images. The
classification combined with the Height above nearest drainage model used is a change detection network that operates on bi-
(HAND) index, (Psomiadis, 2016), where image difference with temporal data. The problem with the aforementioned Sentinel-2
threshold is applied on bitemporal data, (Martinis, 2017), where dataset is that they suffer from a high percentage of cloud cover
the authors used time series data and the frequency of low and have associated cloud shadow problems. These problems
backscatter areas is used to differentiate between permanent persist even after cloud and shadow masking. Also unlike
water bodies and floods. Sentinel-1, the collected images are not close to flooding time
More recently, Deep Learning (DL) algorithms are playing a or during the flood because the optical images during that time
major role in the advancement of image processing tasks such as are majorly cloudy and not much of use.
classification, segmentation, etc. Multiple studies explored All the above-mentioned DL studies were conducted on a
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for the flood mapping small dataset with few sites or the quality of the data/labels is not
and monitoring task. In (Amitrano et al., 2018), the authors good. For efficient training and better generalization, DL
experimented with a support vector machine and small neural algorithms require quality data with a large amount of
networks models to analyze multitemporal Sentinel-1 data. The coverage. Also, the quality of labels is crucial if the algorithm
authors assessed their approach in five flood events using is a supervised one. For a long time, there was no good quality
reference maps produced by the Copernicus Emergency global dataset for flood detection tasks. Recently, Sen1Floods11
Management Service (EMS). Similarly, (Tavus et al., 2022), (Bonafilia et al., 2020) has been released providing a global uni-
tested a CNN on multitemporal Sentinel-1 data over four temporal flood detection dataset with Sentinel-2 optical and
flood events. In (Liu et al., 2017), the authors proposed a deep Sentinel-1 SAR images. Moreover, the ground truth provided
Data overview. The red dots represent the 11 flood sites. The data is captured in 446 tiles.
Sen1Floods11 data sample images. From left to right, VV, VH single channel SAR images, Permanent Water, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and
ground truth are visualized. Elevation range of each sample is shown in top right corner of the DEM visualization. The first row has 0, 1 and second row
has −1, 0, 1 label values. The colors used for the values −1, 0, 1 are white, sky blue, and dark blue, respectively.
by the dataset is manually verified by the experts. The Sentinel-2 Neural Network (FCNN) on the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
images in the dataset are partly cloudy in most of the cases but the datasets separately. Four recent studies (Akiva et al., 2021;
dataset is large and covers different terrain. The availability of a Konapala et al., 2021), (Bai et al., 2021) and (Yadav et al.,
large representative data set allowed us to explore the potential of 2022) also experimented with the Sen1Floods11 dataset.
DL in flood detection tasks. This also helps in providing a (Akiva et al., 2021). study introduced a domain adaptation
solution that can be generalized to unknown sites. method to segment floods. A model is trained on
The (Bonafilia et al., 2020) provided a baseline on the multispectral images of Sen1Flood11 and the trained model is
Sen1Flood11 dataset, where they tested a Fully Convolutional used to get inferences on high-resolution images. The proposed
method is self-supervised and hence requires no labels. On the to enhance the first “Attentive U-Net” model using local physical
other hand, (Konapala et al., 2021), and (Bai et al., 2021) are fully features of the area which give more context to the network. “Fusion
supervised segmentation studies. In (Konapala et al., 2021) the Network” fuse Sentinel-1, DEM, and permanent water mask data.
authors experimented with a combination of Sentinel-1, An overview of the architecture of the two proposed models is
Sentinel-2, and digital elevation data. They employed a shown in Figures 3, 4, and more details are provided in Section 4.
standard U-Net segmentation network with 3 channel inputs.
(Bai et al., 2021). combined Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data.
Authors did not compare the performance of the network 3 Dataset
separately on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 with the performance
on the fusion of the two. Instead, they directly presented the Our proposed networks are trained and evaluated on
results on the fusion. The authors used a cascaded U-Net Sentinel-1 data from the Sen1Floods11 dataset (Bonafilia
architecture (BASNet) for flood detection which resulted in et al., 2020). The dataset contains 446 non-overlapped tiles
better feature map refinement and most probably the actual from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. Each tile is of size 512 ×
reason of improved results. (Yadav et al., 2022). extended the 512 pixels. The dataset is recorded over 11 flood events
Sen1Floods11 dataset by adding pre-flood Sentinel-1 images and recorded from 11 different countries across the globe namely
proposed a dual stream siamese network. Here the authors Bolivia, Ghana, India, Mekong, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay,
perform a change detection task to detect floods and achieved Somalia, Spain, Sri-Lanka and United States of America. All
better results. flood events were identified from a global database of flood events
Sen1Flood11 contains Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. But maintained by the Dartmouth Flood Observatory (Brakenridge,
Sentinel-2 is sensitive to weather conditions. Especially during 2012). These flooded sites cover a wide variety of terrain
floods, it is often the case that a considerable amount of the view morphologies, from flat areas to mountain regions. An
is blocked by the clouds. Also algorithms confuse cloud shadows overview of these sites is depicted in the global map; see
with water. This problem is also highlighted in the baseline Figure 1. The 11 flood events were selected considering the
evaluation of the Sen1Flood11 dataset. On the other hand, availability of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 post-event imagery
Sentinel-1 suffers from speckle noise but is not sensitive to and minimizing the time gap between the two satellite
clouds and provides cloud-free data over all areas. Speckle acquisitions (image acquired on the same day or within max
noise in Sentinel-1 data can be learned (to some extent) by a two days gap) to provide close-in-time observations of the
DL network but having no information on big parts of the flooded areas. Extensive cloud coverage during floods affects
flooded area makes Sentinel-2 less reliable for the task. Sentinel-2 data, which in turn questions the reliability of the
Therefore we focused on developing a robust flood detection models developed on Sentinel-2 data. This problem is also
model on Sentinel-1 data. highlighted in the baseline evaluation of the dataset. Since
Flood detection can be performed on uni-temporal as well as SAR is not sensitive towards clouds, we aim to explore the
multi-temporal data. In comparison to multi-temporal, uni- full potential of Sentinel-1 SAR data alone. The dataset
temporal segmentation can sometimes be slightly less accurate contains orthorectified and radiometrically corrected Sentinel-
but is faster and lighter on memory. This time and space 1 SAR images at 10-m resolution, including the two bands for VV
efficiency makes uni-temporal segmentation an adequate (vertical transmit, vertical receive) and VH (vertical transmit,
option for fast onboard processing, enabling a near-real-time horizontal receive) polarization. The dataset also provides global
flood detection and alert system. The automatically segmentation Permanent Water masks for flooded areas. These masks are
maps generated on the satellites can be sent to ground stations sampled from the surface water dataset from JRC (European
through the downlink connection. On the basis of the Commission Joint Research Center) (Pekel et al., 2016).
segmentation maps generated on the satellites the flood The dataset provides pixel-wise ground truth for all 11 sites.
extension can be quantified. If the flood extension is greater These ground truth masks are prepared after processing Sentinel-
than a certain decided threshold, the downlink can be prioritized 1 and Sentinel-2 separately and then combining and refining
and flood warnings can be sent in a timely manner. them with manual verification. First, a histogram is built on the
In this work, we proposed two segmentation models for flood Sentinel-1 VH band. Otsu thresholding was used in the
detection on uni-temporal Sentinel-1 data. The first one is “Attentive histogram, which maximizes the inter-class variance between
U-Net”which uses VV, VH and ratio (VV/VH) channels as input. flooded and unflooded pixels. This threshold is then applied
Depending on the flood site, environmental condition, and terrain across a smoothed focal mean VH band to reduce speckle,
morphology, one polarization (e.g., VV) is more important than the resulting in a binary flood map. Second, Sentinel-2 imagery
other (VH) to highlight the flooded area. Considering the different was processed by calculating Normalized Difference
backscatter behaviors of VV and VH, we propose a self-attentive Vegetation Index (NDVI=(B8-B4)/(B8+B4), B = band) and
mechanism to capture the prioritization of channels over a large Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI=
number of sites. A second model, the “Fusion Network”, is proposed (B12-B3)/(B12+B3), B = band), followed by cloud removal,
Architecture of Attentive U-Net. The network takes 3-channel (VV, VH, VV/VH) input and generate a binary segmentation map as output.
Fusion Network. Input1 is a 3-channel input with VV, VH, and DEM bands, Input2 is also a 3-channel input with VV, VH, and PW bands. The two
encoders and decoder follow a similar architecture as that of ‘Attentive U-net’. The attentive output of the two encoders is fused using element-wise
addition operations, and the output of the network is a binary segmentation map.
cloud shadow removal, and manual thresholding to obtain the In addition to Sen1Floods11, we also used elevation data
binary flood map. Now, the information from the two flood maps (i.e., DEM) from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).
is combined to prepare the final ground truth masks. The quality The DEM data is available in 30-m resolution. We upsampled it
of the ground truth masks is ensured by hand labeling all 446 tiles to 10-m resolution using bilinear interpolation. Theoretically, the
and manual validation (Bonafilia et al., 2020). The ground truth interpolation procedure could introduce some artifacts and
mask has 0, 1, and −1 values, where 1 represents water, 0 is the errors in the resampled DEM. However, the amount and
absence of water, and −1 indicates missing data. magnitude of the interpolation artifacts are negligible for
low-resolution DEM (GSD > 10 m), such as SRTM DEM detection (Tsyganskaya et al., 2018). U-Net architecture learn
(Muthusamy et al., 2021), (Jung and Jasinski, 2015), (Shen features from all the input channels uniformly. But due to
and Tan, 2020). differences in the geographical area covered in the dataset, VV
We pre-processed Sentinel-1 dataset before feeding it to the and VH backscatter behavior is not uniform. It is often
proposed network. The VV backscatter values are clipped in the observed that in a large number of samples, the flooded area
range (−23, 0) dB, and the VH in the range (−28, −5) dB. The is visible dominantly in one of the channels (VV, VH, ratio) and
clamped backscatters are considered as noise. Finally, the input missing in others. So, the channel that contains more useful
data is channel-wise normalized i.e., depending on the network information for identifying flooded areas should receive more
VV, VH, PW, DEM all input channels are normalized before attention in comparison to others. Since the criteria for a more
feeding to the network. The training, validation, and test splits important channel is not straightforward, we propose an
used in this work are following the Sen1Floods11 dataset attentive U-Net where we let our deep CNN learn the
guidelines provided by the authors (Bonafilia et al., 2020). prioritization of channels using channel-wise self
Some of the data samples are visualized in Figure 2. attention.The architecture of our proposed network is shown
in Figure 3. The input to the network is composed of 3 channels,
the first 2 channels contains VV and VH backscatter. Since the
4 Proposed method ratio (VV/VH) provides important features for flood detection
(Tsyganskaya et al., 2018), we used the ratio as the third input
In this work, we propose two network architectures for flood channel. Apart from getting important features from the ratio,
detection, which are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The first using 3 channel input enables us to utilize ImageNet pre-
network Figure 3 operates on Sentinel-1 data. Whereas, the trained weights in the encoder network. This helps in faster
second network 4 utilize global elevation data (DEM) and and better convergence of the model.
permanent water (PW) masks as additional inputs. Both The encoder network encodes input in four stages named as
networks are designed for binary segmentation task. Therefore F1, F2, F3, and F4 feature levels. We used residual (He et al.,
the output is a binary map with two classes “Flood” represented 2016) learning in encoder network to avoid any performance
by value 1 and “Background” represented by value 0. degradation issues. This is implemented as first four levels of
Resnet-50 architecture. The output of each four feature levels is
the source of input to the decoder.
4.1 Attentive U-Net The aforementioned attention mechanism is implemented
using channel-wise attention which self-learns to prioritize
U-Net is an encoder-decoder architecture that is generally certain channels over others based on the training data. In
used for segmentation tasks across various domains. The encoder addition to this, we also added spatial attention to the
consists of a stack of convolutional, pooling, and normalization network, which focus on enhancing the spatial features. Both
layers that process the given input and brings it down to a smaller channel-wise and spatial attention is applied as a module using
encoded representation. The decoder then processes and Concurrent Spatial and Channel ‘Squeeze & Excitation’ (scSE)
upsamples the output of the encoder back to its original size. blocks (Roy et al., 2018). The scSE block helps to boost the good
The decoder network consists of transposed convolutional layers features and suppress the weak ones. The attention block gives
for upsampling. The output of the decoder is a segmentation greater weight to important spatial features and significant
map. Generally, the input consists of three channels, and the channels of the input. The scSE blocks are applied to the
segmentation map is a 2D map, where each pixel represents the encoder output feature maps, as shown in Figure 3. The
corresponding class. In the U-Net architecture, Feature maps resulting attentive feature maps are then concatenated with
from the encoder are concatenated with the up-sampled feature the decoder feature maps F1’, F2’, and F3’.
maps from the decoder. The concatenated output is then The decoder network processes the input (F4) from encoder
processed using convolutional and normalization operations. and upsampled to F3’, which is then concatenated with the
These connections between the encoder and decoder are attentive feature map from F3. The concatenated output is then
called skip connections. U-Net uses skip connections to add upsampled to F2’. The same is implemented for F1’. The output of
fine-grained shallow features of the encoder to the decoder’s the network is a binary segmentation map, which contains one
coarse-grained deep features for precise localization. channel with height and width same as that of the input.
There are multiple existing works on SAR data which
explore U-Net architecture for flood detection. These studies
used VV and VH channels as input along with some 4.2 Fusion network
information (DEM, Permanent Water, or sometimes empty)
in the third channel. We propose to use the ratio (VV/VH) as Fusion network is proposed to enhance the flood detection
the third channel as it provides important features for flood capability of CNN by using local physical features of the area
which give more context to the network. In this network, we fuse The models are trained with a weighted combination of dice
Sentinel-1 data from the Sen1Floods11 dataset with global loss (Sudre et al., 2017) and focal (Lin et al., 2017). The dice loss
elevation data (SRTM DEM) and permanent water masks addresses the problem of data imbalance in the training data
(PW). With additional DEM information, the network learns i.e., one (Background) class has more data in comparison to the
to derive a relation between the flooded regions (from VV, VH) other (Flood). The focal loss targets the imbalance between easy
and the elevation of those regions. By adding PW masks, we and hard training examples. The below Equation represents the
ensure that the network does not lose permanent water bodies weighted loss where the value of alpha is 0.2. We experimented
from detection and that more attention is given to the area with multiple alpha values. The best results were obtained with
around the PW regions. We fuse elevation (DEM) with Sentinel- 0.2 weights for dice loss and 0.8 for focal loss.
1 in one branch and permanent water mask with Sentinel-1 in the
Loss α p Ldice + (1 − α) p Lfocal (1)
second. We fuse them in a separate branch (encoders) so that the
model learns the relation of the elevation and permanent water We start the training with a learning rate of 5 p 10–4. For better
features separately with Sentinel-1 data. After convolutional convergence, the learning rate decayed to 0.00001. The decay rate is
operations and self-attention, the features from the two controlled with the “reduce on plateau” method, which decays the rate
branches are fused and fed to the decoder network. The by 1/10th when the learning curve is steady at a plateau. We choose the
model learns the features from end-to-end training. “adam” optimizer for network training. These hyperparameter
An overview of our proposed fusion network is depicted in settings were applied for all experiments. Both networks are
Figure 4. It consists of two streams with three channel inputs. The trained for 70 epochs. If the learning (loss value) stagnates and the
first stream’s input is composed of VV, VH, and DEM, whereas learning rate reaches 0.00001, the training automatically stops before
the second stream’s input is VV, VH, and PW mask. The two 70epochs.Sinceweareusinglargepatchesfortraining,thebatchsizeis
streams process inputs through “Encoder1” and “Encoder2”. The kept low and set to two. Both networks were trained on one Google
architecture of the two encoders is same as that of “Attentive Colab GPU. The proposed networks are implemented from scratch
U-net”. Hence, each encoder network contains four feature using python and TensorFlow.
levels. The feature maps from the four feature levels are
enhanced by spatial and channel-wise self attention. This is
implemented by the scSE attention blocks. The attentive 4.4 Evaluation metric
features from the two encoder networks are fused using an
element-wise addition operation. The feature fusion takes Our network generate output as pixel-level binary change
place at all four levels. The resulting feature maps are the map. Therefore, the results are evaluated using pixel-level
input to the decoder network, where the features are metrics. We used two metrics namely Intersection over Union
upsampled, concatenated, and processed to generate the (IoU) and F1-Score. Eqs 2–4 represents the IoU and F1 score
output segmentation maps. The decoder of “Fusion Network” formula, where True Positive (TP) represents flood pixels that are
is also similar to the decoder of “Attentive U-net”. correctly classified as water; False Positive (FP) represents non-
flood pixels that are incorrectly classified as a flood; True
Negative (TN) represents non-flood pixels that are correctly
4.3 Implementation and training classified as non-flood areas, and False Negative (FN)
represents flood pixels that are incorrectly classified as non-flood.
In this work, we detect the flooded areas by performing a
binary segmentation task with two classes, “Flood” and TP
IoU (2)
“Background”. In the dataset, there is one extra class for TP + FP + FN
invalid pixels labeled as −1. All invalid pixels (−1) are set to F1 (3)
2TP + FP + FN
0 in both the input and ground-truth images. The aim was to
reduce the problem to binary segmentation and avoid F1 (4)
IoU + 1
unnecessary disturbance. We also masked out these invalid
pixels from the predictions and ground truth during the
evaluation process.
All experiments are carried out on the original image size 4.5 Compared methods
512 × 512. The encoders of both models take input of size
512 × 512 × 3, and the output size of the model is 512 × 512. All We have selected the more relevant deep learning
the training inputs are augmented using horizontal and segmentation based methods to compare their performances
vertical flips. The encoder networks of both architectures with our two architectures. The results of our proposed uni-
are initialized with the ImageNet pre-trained ResNet-50 temporal flood detection networks are compared with (Bonafilia
weights He et al. (2016). et al., 2020), FC-Siam-conc (Caye Daudt et al., 2018), (Konapala
et al., 2021), (Qin et al., 2020), (Bai et al., 2021), (Yadav et al., previous benchmark on Sen1Floods11 dataset. We
2022), (Akiva et al., 2021) and (Florian and Adam, 2017). experimented two data settings with Attentive U-Net. The
first setting takes VV/VH/ratio as 3-channel input. In the
1. FCNN (Bonafilia et al., 2020) is the baseline provided by the second setting, we utilize DEM as the third channel, i.e., pass
authors of Sen1Floods11. A fully convolutional neural VV, VH, and DEM as 3-channel input to the network. Although
network with a ResNet-50 encoder was used to segment the performance of both settings is better than the compared
floods in this work. The network was experimented on methods, attentive U-Net with DEM show slightly weaker results
both Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data separately. We in comparison to the one with VV/VH/ratio input. The possible
compare with the results on Sentinel-1 data. reason could be that the ratio channel has more important
2. U-Net (Konapala et al., 2021) used a standard U-Net for the information in comparison to DEM. Therefore, we
flood detection task. Experiments were conducted with experimented further to test the benefit of the DEM and
Sentinel-1 alone and different combinations of Sentinel-1, proposed a two-stream network named ‘Fusion Network’.
DEM and Sentinel-2 data. Since we are exploring SAR data, Different combinations of VV, VH, ratio, DEM, and PW were
we kept our comparison fair and related. Therefore, we only tested before proposing the best-performing fusion network.
compare with the U-Net results on Sentinel-1 data and on a Compared to the FCNN baseline, our “Attentive U-net”
combination of Sentinel-1 with DEM. shows 18% improvement in terms of IoU and 14%
3. FC-Siam-conc (Caye Daudt et al., 2018) is a fully improvement in terms of F1 score. “Fusion network” gave a
convolutional network with two input stream sharing further improvement of 2% i.e., “Fusion network” gave 20%
weights (siamese). The network can be used for fusion better IoU and 16% better F1 score in comparison to baseline.
(Cen and Jung, 2018). We used FC-Siam-conc (Caye (Konapala et al., 2021). reported results on U-Net with two data
Daudt et al., 2018) to fuse the inputs same as that of settings, Sentinel-1 data only and both Sentinel-1 and DEM. Our
‘Fusion Network’. The performance of the output “Attentive U-net” gave a 10%–22% better IoU and 7–18% better
segmentation network is compared with others. F1 score. “Fusion network” gave a boost to the improvements of
4. BASNet (Bai et al., 2021) proposed to use fuse Sentinel-1 SAR ‘Attentive U-net’ and resulted in a 12–24% better IoU and a 9%–
and Sentinel-2 multispectral data. The data is fused before 20% better F1 score.
feeding into the network (early fusion). Since there is Similar improvements can be seen compared to the U2Net
resolution difference between the two data, they are first and DeepLabv3 model. The IoU score on U2Net is better than
resampled to match the spatial resolution and then fused that of standard U-Net, but could not perform better than the
by pixel-wise addition followed by normalization. The model proposed networks. DeepLabv3 performed better than baseline
used in the experiment is a cascaded U-Net called BASNet and standard U-Net, but the performance is lower than expected.
(Qin et al., 2019). The possible reason could be that the DeepLabv3 network is too
5. Additionally, we compared our results with two more deep and complex. To train this network, we need a larger data
segmentation models U2Net (Qin et al., 2020) and DeepLabv3 set. Unlike computer vision datasets, Sen1Floods11 is smaller
(Florian and Adam, 2017). U2Net is a cascaded U-Net model dataset and not sufficient to train deep networks like DeepLabv3.
proposed for refined segmentation. DeepLabv3 network has large Compared to BASNet, our “Attentive U-Net” shows an
number of layers (i.e., depth), sparse feature learning capability improvement of 3% IoU and 2% F1 score. Fusion Network
and cascaded modules. It is more recent segmentation network show further improvements in results and gave 5% better IoU
with remarkable performance in computer vision. Therefore we and 4% better F1 score. Also when compared with the FC-Siam
tested U2Net and DeepLabv3 on remote sensing data and fusion method, our ‘Fusion Network’ gave 4% better IoU and 3%
compared the results with ours. Both networks are tested on better F1 score. The possible reason could be residual blocks in
Sentinel-1 and DEM inputs i.e., VV/VH/DEM 3-channel input. the ‘Fusion Network’ which help in overcoming the performance
degradation and attentive modules which enhance the important
spatial features and channels in the network. Quantitatively, the
5 Results performance improvement by both proposed segmentation
methods is considerable and the results are additionally
5.1 Quantitative results validated by qualitative analysis.
TABLE 1 Quantitative Comparison: Comparison of our Attentive U-Net and Fusion Network method with existing methods. The comparison is made in terms
of average IoU and F1 score on test dataset. The best results and corresponding models are highlighted in bold.
U Net (Qin et al., 2020) Sentinel-1, DEM 0.620 0.765
TABLE 2 Ablation Study. The comparison is made in terms of average IoU and F1 score on test dataset. The best scores are highlighted in bold.
Fusion Network EfficientNet Yes Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.650 0.787
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.695 0.820
Fusion Network ResNet-50 No Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.667 0.800
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.695 0.820
Fusion Operation
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Concat (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.675 0.805
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.695 0.820
Input Data
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, VV/VH), (VV, VH, PW) 0.665 0.799
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, VV/VH), (VV, VH, DEM) 0.671 0.803
Fusion Network ResNet-50 Yes Add (VV, VH, DEM), (VV, VH, PW) 0.695 0.820
Detection result samples from the Spain site. In visualization contains (A) VV, (B) VH, (C) DEM, (D) ground truth, (E) attentive U-Net network
prediction, and (F) fusion network prediction. Third row contains zoomed version of (E) and (F). The red circles highlight the areas described in the
text. The numbers specified under the prediction maps are the corresponding IoU scores.
originally introduced by the French physiologist M.J.P. Flourens different input channels in the two networks. The results from
Britannica (2020). In DL, ablation is the removal or replacement the ablation study are shown in Table 2.
of parts of the network or inputs and analyzing the performance We tested the performance of our two proposed networks with
of the resulting model. It helps in investigating the contribution different encoders. The table shows the comparison of ResNet-50
of different parts or techniques used in the DL network. (one of the most widely used and successful encoders) and
From the ablation study, we get an idea of the importance of EfficientNet-B4 Tan and Le (2019) (one of the recent and
choices made in the final proposed networks. Here we show the popular encoders). ResNet-50 shows a 4%–5% better IoU score
ablation study on encoder networks, attention modules, and compared to EfficientNet. Both proposed models are tested with and
fusion methods. Furthermore, we tested the impact of without attention modules. The IoU score is dropped by 2%–3%
Detection result samples from the Spain site. In visualization contains (A) VV, (B) VH, (C) DEM, (D) ground truth, (E) attentive U-Net network
prediction and (F) Fusion network prediction. Third row contains zoomed version of (E) and (F). The red circles highlight the areas described in the
text. The numbers specified under the prediction maps are the corresponding IoU scores.
when we remove attention from the model. The attention module that in this three-channel network setting, the ratio features are
enhances the features giving better segmentation results. We also more useful compared to DEM and PW masks. In “Fusion
show the effect of different fusion operations i.e., element-wise Network”, however, a combination of (VV, VH, DEM) and
addition and concatenation on our fusion network’s (VV, VH, PW) gave the best results.
performance. The experiment shows that the network performed
best with element-wise addition fusion.
The first two input channels of both the “Attentive U-Net” 5.3 Qualitative results
and “Fusion Network” are from Sentinel-1 i.e., VV and VH. For
the third channel we tested DEM, PW and ratio (VV/VH). This The qualitative analysis of the proposed methods gives more
led to three input combinations per network. In case of information on the results. In a large number of cases, both of our
“Attentive U-Net”, the best results were obtained with the proposed networks performed equally well with a slight
ratio in the third input channel. The possible reason could be difference. We choose some of the network predictions where
Detection result samples from the Spain site. In visualization contains (A) VV, (B) VH, (C) DEM, (D) ground truth, (E) attentive U-Net network
prediction and (F) Fusion network prediction. Third row contains zoomed version of (E) and (F). The red circles highlight the areas described in the
text. The numbers specified under the prediction maps are the corresponding IoU scores. More samples can be visualized on Google Earth Engine
(GEE) Application at
the difference is a bit clear. Three of such samples from the sites Figure 6 demonstrates a case from the Sri-Lanka site where
in Spain, Sri-Lanka, and Paraguay are shown in Figures 5–7. the permanent water area (highlighted in red circle 1) is not
Figure 5 shows flood detection results on the Spain site. Both the properly highlighted in the VV channel but is visible in VH with
segmentation results show good IoU scores but the segmentation some noise. The last row shows a zoomed version of the output
map from “Fusion Network” is slightly better than the map from segmentation maps. There are misclassified flood areas
“Attention U-Net”. The major differences are highlighted by red (highlighted in red circle 1) in the “Attentive U-Net”
circles. The first circle 1) shows the misclassified area in the attentive detection map, a large percentage of which is correctly
U-net output and correctly classified in the fusion network output. classified by the ‘Fusion Network’. The unidentified flooded
The second circle 2) highlights the detailed segmentation by the area in the “Attentive U-Net” detection map is part of
fusion network, where the flooded patches are well separated. permanent water. Since the PW mask is fed attentively in
Whereas in the segmentation map from attentive U-Net the the “Fusion Network”, the network has no trouble detecting
boundaries are a bit blur and merged. this area.
TABLE 3 Performance Comparison of Attentive U-Net and Fusion Network verify the benefits of DEM by removing false positives in high
on each site. The displayed numeric values are the average IoU scores
calculated on all tiles of the individual site.
slope areas. Our proposed “Fusion network” accommodates
DEM information in a way that enables the network to learn
Site Attentive U-Net Fusion network the relationship between the slope of the area and flooding, hence
Bolivia 0.66 0.69 avoiding mentioned false positives. It is important to note that
the elevation data is low resolution, which might not help with
Ghana 0.54 0.54
fine elevation variations, but is helpful on a larger scale.
India 0.84 0.83 For further analysis, we have developed a GEE application
Mekong 0.86 0.86 where more results can be visualized and compared on multiple
sites. By comparing the predictions from the two proposed
Nigeria 0.89 0.88
methods, we can interpret that DEM and PW contribute
Pakistan 0.36 0.35 significantly toward better flood detection.
Paraguay 0.60 0.65
6 Conclusion
In this study, we presented two architectures for segmenting
flooded areas named “Attentive U-Net” and “Fusion Network”. The
“Attentive U-Net” utilizes VV, VH, and the ratio of the two. The
“Fusion Network” is a novel flood detection method that attentively
FIGURE 8 fuses SAR (VV, VH), DEM, and permanent water masks. Both our
Spider Graph: Graphical IoU comparison of our two
proposed flood detection methods “Attentive U-Net” and “Fusion proposed methods outperformed the benchmark detection methods
Network” on each site. on the Sen1Floods11 dataset. “Attentive U-Net” shows an
improvement of 4% and “Fusion Network” of 5% in IoU score
than the previous benchmarks on Sen1Floods11.
The evaluation and quantitative comparison with the state-of-
Figure 7 shows the flood detection results on the Paraguay the-art methods demonstrate the high potential of our proposed
site. In the segmentation output from ‘Attentive U-Net’, there are flood detection networks. Qualitative evaluation demonstrates that
false detections in the upper part of the detection map the addition of globally available digital elevation model and a
(highlighted in red circle 1). These false detections are on a permanent water mask enhances flood detection results. Also,
high slope (see DEM), and hence cannot be feasibly flooded. Uni-temporal data is fast (2s per image) to process and consume
Therefore, accommodating an elevation map can reduce false less memory. The good detection results of our proposed network
positives from the detection process. The sample presented is one along with the memory and space efficiency are significant
of the many cases where the results from the “Fusion Network” achievements in the direction of onboard satellite processing.
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