Patriarcal Motherhood

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 593

Proceedings of the International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts 2020 (INUSHARTS 2020)

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn: Persistence of

Patriarchal Motherhood and the Nascence “Odd”
Siti Alifah Tamir1 Mina Elfira2,*
Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Indonesia University
Area Studies Department, Faculty of Humanities, Indonesia University
Corresponding author. Email:
The patriarchal motherhood values and the monstrous femininity are reflected in literary works and can be seen in the novel Sharp
Object published by Gillian Flynn in 2006. Flynn provided to show a new perspective of monstrous femininity. This article analyze
the continuity of motherhood tasks through patriarchal culture from Gillian Flynn's thoughts in Sharp Objects. This research also
analyze the nascency new perspective of Monstrous-Feminine. The purpose of this research is to explain the controversial of
patriarchal ideology in motherhood and triggers feminist resistance to existence of monstrous femininity. This research will be
conducted using text analysis in Sharp Objects. This research use Elaine Showalter's Feminist Literary Criticism theory and Barbara
Creed's Monstrous-Feminine theory to look at the patriarchal value of motherhood and monster femininity. This research finds there
are still maternal patriarchal values in society that triggered the monstrous femininity in Flynn's works. Flynn not only showed the
female monster clearly and publicly, but was also concealed by the presence of angels. The difference in appearance of the monsters
brings a new perspective to the monstrous femininity.

Keywords: Patriarchal motherhood, Gender role, Monstrous-Feminine, Feminist Literary Criticism, Sharp Objects

1. INTRODUCTION are identical as caretakers of family members such as

cooking, caring for children, and gardening. The role of
The closest circle of individuals are family the mother occurred due to the interference of patriarchal
relationships. The whole family is equipped with a father, ideology. Patriarchal ideology controls mothers’ role to
mother, and child. The father is likened to the head of the remain in their ideological path so that the ideology of
family, the mother is the queen in managing the house, patriarchy has adapted into patriarchal motherhood.
and the child complements household life. This ideology Whereas children have a role in learning and obeying
has been formed by the existence of a patriarchal culture both parents, the family has unconsciously given another
that has long been used in society. However, with the stigma to parents and children’s role, namely making
advancement of civilization and human thought, this children as savings for their future investment. This
position has undergone several changes. Such bisexual concept of children as investment cannot be seen and
couples or also called same-sex couples in some assessed directly but happens accidentally and is
countries are legally allowed to marry. Bisexual couples considered a regular thing. However, these roles have
can choose to adopt a child or do an IVF program. Several shifted and are not tied to the old concept. Some families
other cases that have occurred in society today also have adapted to new gender roles. Along with the
involve the role of single parents. A single parent can be movement of change carried out by feminist activists in
defined as a man or woman who takes care of and raises three waves, women can also carry out the tasks and roles
their child alone without being accompanied by their carried out by men, and vice versa. The results of this
partner. Single parent can occur due to various things, movement also had a significant impact on the family’s
such as divorce or the choice of individuals who do not role, which had been carried out based on patriarchal
want to get married but still want to take care of children. ideology.
The image of the family has changed dynamically The concept and gender roles have long been
with the development of the world. The image can be embedded in society, even today, particularly in the role
seen through the role of gender in the family, each of mothers who are required to carry out their roles in line
individual plays his role. The role of the father was with the principles and ideology of patriarchy, namely
synonymous with earning a living to meet the needs of not getting out of line and not shifting men's position in
the family. In the other side, the role of the mother, who controlling aspects of the family. The fear of men

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 267
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 593

towards women in shifting their positions creates a new about the life of a wealthy family in Wind Gap who still
view of women. According to Barbara Creed as an maintains a Victorian lifestyle and keeps dark secrets
observer of women in novels and films, in her book about strange murders in the suburbs. Camille Preaker, as
entitled Monstrous-Feminine [1], men's fear of women in the main character in the novel, must return to her
shifting their position is by giving a terrible picture of hometown of Wind Gap and reunite with the mother; she
women. Monstrosity against women was also created to avoided meeting Adora Crellin and the half-sister she had
restore patriarchal ideology in human bodies and never met, Amma Crellin. In her first novel, Flynn
thoughts towards women. As in the story of Maleficent provides a new nuance in the novel with the genre,
[2], a film directed by Robert Stromberg and inspired by detective thriller, which is known to have a typical story
La Belle au Bois Dormant by Charles Perrault and Little with a tense shock plot. Through his work, Flynn has
Briar Rose by The Brothers Grimm. The film depicts provided novelty in a novel with psychology genre
Maleficent as an evil witch. Nevertheless, the real story thriller; novel Sharp Objects has not been studied using
behind this description result from of the king's greed to patriarchy, motherhood, and representation of female
have the highest position in the country. So that the monstrosities. However, the patriarchy of motherhood
choice to corner and blame the witch became the path and female monstrosity has been carried out in some
chosen by the king. previous studies.
In her book, Creed also mentions the Greek In previous research on monstrous feminine, the first
mythology of Medusa as an example of female research was conducted by Indrawan Dwisetya Suhendi,
monstrosity. In the story, Medusa is depicted as a woman Aquarini Priyatna, and Teddi Muhtadin with the title
with hair in the shape of a snake who can turn a man into “Representation of Women's Monstrosity in the Novel
stone, looking directly into her eyes. Creed said that Mantra Lilith by Hendri Yulius” [6]. By using the theory
Medusa's hair is a representation of female monstrosities. Monstrous Feminine, this research aims to see the
“The sight of the Medusa's head makes the spectator stiff representation of female monstrosities in the novel
with terror, turns him to stone … As with all other Mantra Lilith. In this study, they found that female
stereotypes of the feminine, from virgin to whore, she is sexuality was described as a snake as a punishment for
defined in terms of her sexuality. The phrase 'monstrous- women who did not want to live in a cultural environment
feminine' emphasizes the importance of gender in the with a patriarchal ideology. Anna Wing Bo Tso also
construction of her monstrosity [1]. On Medusa's head, is conducted the second study on female monstrosity. Tso's
one of the male fears of female genitalia. The fear of research title is “Representations of The Monstrous
women is created when a woman shows her strength Feminine in Selected Works of CS Lewis, Roald Dahl,
(vagina and uterus). and Philip Pullman” [7]. In her research on female
monstrosity, Tso found that a grey position is a place for
In today's modern era, one form of monstrosity
characters made with very antagonistic characters. With
inherent in women can be seen at the education level.
the blurring of the antagonistic woman’s position, in line
Women with a higher education history than men are
with the references cited and written by Creed regarding
considered to be 'unsolders'. This woman with a higher
the definition of a monster [1].
level of education is considered an ambitious and terrible
person. Terrible in the sense of powerful women. The In addition to previous research on women's
monstrosity of women is attached to women taking monstrosity, research on patriarchy in motherhood has
higher education levels such as undergraduate degrees also been conducted to reference this study. Elizabeth
and so on. This is due to men's fear of the high level of Langland conducted these studies with the title
intelligence of women. This fear can include social, "Patriarchal Ideology and Marginal Motherhood in
political, domestic, and etcetera. As explained in the Victorian Novels by Women" [8]. Langland's research is
previous two paragraphs, women’s monstrosity can also published in the journal Women and Early Fiction with a
be seen in various other literary works, such as films and research focus on novels. Langland's research results
novels. One of them is in the novel by Gillian Flynn, a reveal an intense dialogue between girls who adhere to
female author who continues to write novels about patriarchal ideology with their marginalized mothers.
women and family. The dialogue is to be free from the mythologies of the
Victorian era ideologies and to interrogate them with the
Gillian Flynn wrote three novels entitled Sharp
narrative form of conventions.
Objects [3], Dark Places [4], and Gone Girl [5]. The
three novels tell the story of women as the main character Research on Sharp Objects has also been done a lot
and tend to psychological illness. The three novels also before. As in the research of Banatul Qodariah, Ainur
have the same tendency in setting the atmosphere and Rohmah, and Sugiyani Natalia with the title "The Major
plot twist. Also, Flynn's writing style in her three novels Characters in Gillian Flynn Novel 'Sharp Objects' (A
has something in common: telling about family Psychoanalysis Freud)" [9]. Using Sigmund Freud's
problems. The impression of feminine women is also theory of Psychoanalysis, the results of this study found
shown in the three novels. Although Flynn's admission two types of psychological conflict due to the existence
that she is not a feminist, her written work contains a of the id, ego, and superego with unstable conditions. The
women's movement to be free from the shackles of unfair two conflicts are classified as conflict approach-
rules for women. The novel Sharp Objects, which tells avoidance and avoidance-avoidance. Other studies by

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 593

analyzing the main female characters, respectively, have critic belonging to Elaine Showalter states in her article
also been conducted by Canon Elder Lane with the title entitled "Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness" [12] that
"Unlikability and Female Villains in the Works of Gillian feminist literary criticism has a purpose in interpreting
Flynn" [10] and Risma Ary Primaadi with the title "The and describing meaning in the literary world as a form of
Representation of Phallic Fixation Through Camille realizing equality between men and women through
Character in Gillian Flynn's Sharp Objects” [11]. writing.
Various previous studies helped complete this Thus, the use of the theory and approach described in
research by having a research equation, namely using the the previous paragraph is appropriate in answering this
theory Monstrous Feminine. However, this equation is research question. Because in the novel Sharp Objects,
limited only to strengthen the theory Monstrous Feminine women's monstrosity is presented indirectly, and the
that will be carried out in this study. Previous research on patriarchal ideology of motherhood still applies in the
patriarchal motherhood is also used in this study to help text. However, as a female author, Flynn provides texts
support the historical foundation of patriarchal ideology with the thriller genre and provides criticism of her
that has existed since the Victorian era. Whereas previous femininity in the text. So that in the discussion of this
research concentrated on Gillian Flynn's novel, it helped research, it does not only discuss the ideology of
this study analyse female characters in the novel Sharp patriarchy, motherhood, and representation of monstrous
Objects. With various previous research results related to feminine. However, it will also discuss feminist literary
the novel Sharp Objects, it is known that this novel has criticism as an approach to reading the text closely. This
never been studied before with analysis through the study uses a descriptive analysis research method with a
theory of Monstrous Feminine and patriarchal feminist literary criticism approach. The primary data
motherhood. In the novel Sharp Objects, Feminist used is the novel Sharp Objects Gillian Flynn's published
Literary Criticism has not been carried out, which will in 2006. By explaining the use of the theory Monstrous
later become a tool to prove the existence of monstrous Feminine and the ideology of patriarchal motherhood
feminine and the ideology of patriarchy of motherhood. previously described, the novel Sharp Objects will be
It is hoped that this research can also be a reference for analyzed and find evidence through text regarding the
further research on monstrous feminine or research on existence of patriarchy of motherhood and representation
other Gillian Flynn's novels. Using the theory of of monstrous feminine. The research was then carried out
Monstrous Feminine from Barbara Creed [1] will help through the library method and then performed a close
answer questions in this study. Barbara Creed states that reading with a collection of quotations on novels related
monstrous feminine is a terrible image of women both in to motherhood’s patriarchal ideology and monstrous
body and femininity due to the construction of a feminine. The collection of quotations will be analyzed
patriarchal culture [1]. According to Barbara Creed, in in detail so that the analysis results can prove that there is
her book Monstrous-Feminine, female monstrosity states patriarchy of motherhood and the monstrous feminine in
that there are seven types of female monstrosities, namely the text. At the end of this research, we will conclude the
woman as archaic mother, monstrous womb, vampire, analysis that has been done previously.
witch, possessed body, monstrous mother, and castrator.
The various types of female monstrosities can be 2. ANALYSIS
concluded that the depiction of women can lead to
disgusting and gruesome images. 2.1. Patriarchal Motherhood and Gender Role
Furthermore, to answer this research question
regarding the existence of patriarchal ideology Patriarchal ideology has entered various aspects of
motherhood, the patriarchal ideology’s understanding life, as in household life and gender roles in it. It can be
will be used motherhood. Patriarchal ideology is an idea seen that there is an ideology in the division of family
of patriarchy that spreads to various aspects of life, which roles. Until modern times, the roles of husband and wife
has given more advantages and a high position to the are still clearly divided into different sides where
male gender. It is undeniable that this patriarchal husband’s role as head of the family is above the role of
ideology also penetrates the household sector, more the wife. The head of family only monitors the wife’s
precisely to regulate the role of mothers in the household. role, who is also the child’s primary caregiver. This
The mother’s role is arranged in such a way as to free system that regulates family roles is controlled by
men from roles that degrade them from women. So that patriarchal ideology, and feminists try to escape from the
with the unwritten rules regarding the position of men bonds of control that suppress women.
being higher than women and regulating the duties and Referring to the statement of a feminist, Adrienne
responsibilities of women in carrying out the role of Rich [13] that “all forms of women's movements in the
mothers, the shackles of the patriarchal ideology of domestic sphere are controlled in such a way by men.”
motherhood are presented in society even today. Using Rich believes that women in the domestic sphere have
the feminist literary criticism approach in this study, been arranged in such a way to keep walking on the path
Elaine Showalter's explanation of Feminist Literary set by the patriarchal ideology. Under their control,
Criticism will be used as a conclusion to all the analyst's patriarchy has controlled and governed motherhood as
texts that have been found previously. Feminist literary one aspect that will remain under their rule—maintaining

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 593

the integrity of patriarchal system. In the novel Sharp the mother's roles performed on Camille is paying
Objects Gillian Flynn's, the ideology of patriarchy in the attention to her health. Adora pays more attention to her
realm of motherhood is shown openly. The reason is, the children when it comes to their health. “I remember being
patriarchy that is presented does not seem to control the a kid, rejecting all those tablets and medicines, and losing
storyline tightly. However, several scenes of the her by doing so,” [3]. In the quote, Camille has
characters prove that traces of the patriarchal ideology experience with the way Adora always gives drugs to her.
used in the previous story in the plot, as in the confession However, Camille felt that something was wrong.
of Camille Preaker as the daughter of Adora Crellin. Nevertheless, Adora still thinks that Camille is just a
Camille has memories of how her parents raised Adora. stubborn child and does not want to obey Adora's wishes.
“The town loved her, she was like a cake topping: the Her desire to provide these medicines was based on how
most beautiful, sweet girl Wind Gap had ever raised. Her much Adora paid attention to of her children’s health.
parents, my grandparents, had owned the pig farm and
Adora's behaviour in pouring out her affection as a
half the houses around it, and kept my mother under the
parent was also considered unnatural by one of the
same strict rules they applied to their workers: no
nurses. The nurse had been watching Adora's behaviour
drinking, no smoking, no cursing, church service
during Marian's treatment. The nurse stated how Adora
mandatory” [3]. In this quote, Adora is shown as a child
gave her affection to Marian in an unnatural way.
who is loved by both his parents and the environment
“Mother shows no interest in Marian when she is well, in
Wind Gap. Adora was raised under strict rules by her
fact, seems to punish her. Mother holds child only when
family. For example, with the enactment of rules not to
she is sick or crying. I and several other nurses, who for
drink alcohol, smoking is prohibited, it is prohibited to
political reasons choose not to sign their names to my
use harsh words and must to carry out religious activities
statement, believe strongly the child, as well as her sister,
in the church. From generation to generation, this is also
should be removed from the home for further
applied by Adora to his family. Adora gave the same
observation. "Baverly Van Lumm," [3].
rules to Amma but did not apply to Camille because she
preferred to leave Adora and go to Chicago. Adora's figure with the image of a perfect mother is a
form of monstrosity. Adora's change in behaviour behind
2.2. Motherhood and Represent of Monstrous- her kindness has provided a vague assessment that being
Feminine a good mother is an obligation for every woman. When
Adora slowly kills Marian through the drugs she gives,
Monstrosity can be attached to women because it is this behaviour simultaneously portrays the mother’s role
considered a threat to the patriarchal ideological system as a terrible figure. Adora's behaviour was also carried
and order [14]. Patriarchy considers that women can be a out based on the pressure she received as a result of the
threat to the continuity of patriarchal ideology. This community's assessment of the perfect motherhood. The
threat can be seen when women have a higher and monstrosity given to Adora's role is seen as a form of
broader position or role than men. As one form of effort overthrowing women. Women who undergo maternal
in realizing the sustainability of patriarchal values in roles are considered to be following the values and
society, monstrosity is created for women who are seen ideology of the patriarchal culture. Require women to
as a threat. This effort is to provide a terrible picture of become and carry out maternal roles properly and
women. Even this image will lead to an assessment of educate. However, this monstrosity in the novel Sharp
women as disgusting figures. Objects is masked by Adora's angelic behaviour so that
the monstrosity is well covered in these characters.
In the novel Sharp Objects, Adora's image as a
terrible woman is not shown directly. Adora is described
as having an elegant noble female character. So that 2.3. Feminist Literary Criticism
Adora's appearance as a terrible character is not visible Women's struggles to participate in and contribute to
and the surrounding environment does not suspect her at the world of literature are quite complex. At first, women
all as a murderer. As explained in the previous paragraph were not allowed to write or read. The main task of
regarding female monstrosity, Adora's character is women is to only take care of household needs, so it is
created as a perfect mother figure. Adora's perfection useless for women know equal to men. This is
makes her a woman who must always be seen doing all inseparable from the interference of the patriarchal
forms of perfect motherhood. ideology that has long bound people's minds. However,
As a mother character, Adora is depicted as a mother this is gradually shifting and changing, along with the
figure who is almost perfect for her environment. Adora's many movements and struggles of women giving
perfection as a mother can be seen in her love for her opinions and demanding equal rights with men. Thus,
child and others. Camille, her daughter, did not feel the there have been many female authors who are free to
kindness that Adora did in caring for and raising children. write and work in modern times.
As if Adora did not recognize Camille’s existence. This One of the Feminist Literary Criticism theorists was
made Camille gloomy, and she saw Adora's kindness Elaine Showalter. This critique was created based on a
only for her beloved child. So, Camille tries to get woman’s experience as an author to speak out about her
Adora's attention so she can feel her affection too. One of femininity. As is well known, Showalter [12] explains

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 593

that Feminist Literary Criticism will show the same female monstrosity is attached to the role of the mother.
position between men and women in creating literary Adora is represented as a mother who was born and
works. Therefore, female literary criticism is important raised to perfection. Surrounding with privilege life, the
enough to understand the meaning in the writing of society expect and judging Adora as the role model of
female authors. perfect family should be. Therefore, for the continuity of
the patriarchal ideology, the Adora character must act and
Gillian Flynn is no exception, starting his work by
act as a perfect mother and is constructed as a
carrying out the murder mystery genre. In the literary
monstrosity. The difference in the representation of the
works that he has written, Flynn generally is interested in
monstrous feminine in the novel Sharp Objects lies in the
writing stories about women and family problems as a
packaging of the character Adora, who is shown as an
common thread in each of his stories. As a female author,
angelic mother from her environmental assessment. The
Gillian Flynn does not only provide narration for
monstrosity of women is behind the kindness that Adora
entertainment. Flynn also shared his thoughts and
did as a mother. With this camouflage, the author
criticisms about women, which have been taboo enough
criticizes that literal motherhood will still be considered
to be discussed in society. One example of a quote in this
non-monstrous even though she has committed an act
novel shows a causal relationship between Adora and
that is not normally correct.
Camille. This quote means that Camille accuses Adora of
being the cause of the fear and trauma she has Through feminist literary criticism carried out in this
experienced so far. “I blame my mother. A child weaned study, it can be seen that there is a continuity of
on poison considers harm a comfort,” [3]. Through this patriarchal ideology in the role of motherhood. The
quote, Flynn criticizes the image of women as the cause author wants to break the patriarchal ideology where
of trauma to their children. The traumatic events that women who do not follow the patriarchal order are
Camille experienced were based on motherly deeds by monstrous. However, women’s role as mothers cannot be
Adora. Adora's painstaking kindness in taking care of her assessed and seen only from a patriarchal point of view.
child in maintaining health has harmed Camille's
childhood memory. However, this seems to give a bad AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
score to the parenting style carried out by women in
carrying out their role as mothers. All authors contributed to the study conception and
design of the research. Siti Alifah Tamir and Mina Elfira
Through the novel, Flynn explained that women, performed material preparation, data collection and
with all their roles assigned to them, will always analysis. This research completely checked by all authors
experience criticism and demand perfection in being with several revision and editing. All authors discuss and
women. He criticizes women ‘s perfection in carrying out accomplished this research as the final result.
the role of a mother as a form of a double burden on
women. Adora, who has responsibilities and obligations
as a mother, makes her children 'things' that she must
raise and take care of perfectly so that she gets a perfect This work was supported by Universitas Indonesia’s
mother’s assessment. However, these ambitious attitudes INUSHARTS 2020 (International University
and actions have taken away her motherly feelings for her Symposium on Humanities and Arts).
child, especially Camille.
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