Linen Room Activities

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The linen room is the centre stage for the supporting role that the
Housekeeping Department plays in the hotel. Most linen rooms
are centralized and act as a storage point and distribution centre
for clean linen. Usually, a par stock is maintained on each floor
or at each unit to suffice immediate requirements. Although the
term ‘linen’ originally referred to those fabrics made from the
fibre derived from the stem of the flax plant, linen in this context
means all launderable articles and often includes pillows,
mattresses, shower curtains, fabric lampshades and upholstery
that are also handled by the linen room.

Collection and Transportation

This is facilitated by chutes, canvas bags, trolleys, collapsible
wire carts, skips. It is an essential activity when laundry services
are on contract. Guest laundry may also be collected, and billing
and marking are undertaken, should the laundry be off-premises.

Sorting and Counting

Sorting is carried out primarily to make counting possible as
well as for streamlining laundry procedures. Linen is counted in
order to make a record so that issuing to departments may be
accurate and it is possible to tally the exchange of linen between
the linen room and the laundry and a basis for billing exists.

Linen is packed in canvas bags to prevent damage to the linen
articles. Those articles that need mending and those, which are
heavily stained, may be segregated and put into separate canvas
bags. The use of colour coding in this respect is useful.
This obviously refers to the off-premises laundry. The time for
dispatch is usually anytime between 1300 hrs and 1600 hrs so
that servicing of rooms is over by then and guest laundry will
have been collected. It is possible that soiled linen from the F&B
outlets will also have been collected.

Clean linen is delivered in the morning hours and evening
deliveries are usually for guest laundry.

Checking and Inspection

Checking the quantity to ensure that the amount of laundered
linen tallies with the amount of soiled linen articles sent.
Inspection of the quality of wash i.e. stains and dirt removed, no
damages, no loss of shape or colour, no blue streaks or patches
from the optical brightener, properly ironed. It is also possible
that articles belonging to other hotels have been inadvertently
delivered, so checking for this is essential.

The amount of space to be allocated for storage depends on the
size and type of operation and the linen coverage
When designing the storage space for linen it is necessary to
consider the type of shelves required, the method of storage as
well as hygiene and safety factors.

Distribution to units
This is generally done on a clean-for-dirty basis. Some hotels
use other systems of exchange such as topping up or a fixed
issue based on expected occupancy. Still, others may use a
package system. Linen may be colour-coded for convenience.
Whatever the system, it must be practical and serve the purpose
of control. In some hotels, specific timings are fixed for issue of
The name or logo of the establishment is put onto the linen item
for identification. The supplier may do this or the establishment,
by embroidering, printing or embossing either directly on the
fabric or on labels which are attached to the linen article. In
special cases, the logo/name may actually be incorporated in the
weave by the manufacturer. To judge the life span of an article,
the date that it was first put into circulation may also be
indicated on the article.

Repairs and Alteration

Damaged items are mended by stitching or darning. Alteration
of uniforms is usual and condemned linen is converted into
useful items called cut-downs/ makeovers. It is important to
maintain a record of the condemned articles and the makeovers,
so that they can be adjusted in the stock records.

Stock-taking and Records

Many records are entered on a day-to-day basis for the exchange
of linen between the linen room, laundry and floors/departments.
Purchase records are essential and records of condemned linen
and makeovers are usually maintained. Periodical stocktaking is
carried out and the annual stocktaking is recorded in the stock
register, thereby providing the value of linen as an asset.

It is important that the access to the linen room is restricted so as
to prevent misuse and pilferage. Also, linen is prone to fire
breakouts so precautionary measures are taken to prevent this
and the linen room is strictly a non-smoking area.

Hours of Operations
This varies from one organization to another but is usually from
7a.m. to 7 p.m. or at least for 10 hours in the day. When locked,
the keys are kept with the Security or the Resident Manager or
the Housekeeper. In the event of an urgent requirement of linen
during the night, the Duty Manager or the Night Housekeeper
may remove items from an emergency store or from the main
Linen Room and leave a note with details of what has been

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