18CSC305J AI Unit-5
18CSC305J AI Unit-5
18CSC305J AI Unit-5
Unit- V
25-04-2022 1
• Expert System Architecture • Advance topics in Artificial Intelligence- Cloud
Pros and cons of Expert system Computing and Intelligent agent
• Rule based systems • Business Intelligence and Analytics
Frame based expert system • Sentiment Analysis
• Case study • Deep Learning Algorithms
• NLP – levels of NLP • Planning and Logic in intelligent Agents
• Syntactic and Semantic Analysis
Information Retrieval
• Information Extraction
Machine Translation
• NLP Applications
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Expert Systems
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Expert Systems - Objectives
• Learn the meaning of an expert system
• Understand the problem domain and knowledge domain
• Learn the advantages of an expert system
• Understand the stages in the development of an expert
• Examine the general characteristics of an expert system
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• Examine earlier expert systems which have given rise to
today’s knowledge-based systems
• Explore the applications of expert systems in use today
• Examine the structure of a rule-based expert system
• Learn the difference between procedural and
nonprocedural paradigms
• What are the characteristics of artificial neural systems
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What is an expert system?
“An expert system is a computer system that emulates, or acts in all
respects, with the decision-making capabilities of a human expert.”
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Architecture of Expert Systems
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Architecture of Expert Systems
Knowledge Base
Stores all relevant information, data, rules, cases, and
relationships used by the expert system.
•If-then Statements
•Fuzzy Logic
Inference Engine
Seeks information and relationships from the knowledge
base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions
the way a human expert would.
•Backward Chaining
•Forward Chaining
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Architecture of Expert Systems
Explanation Facility
Allows a user to understand how the expert system arrived at certain conclusions or results.
For example: it allows a doctor to find out the logic or rationale of the diagnosis made by a medical expert
User Interface
Specialized user interface software employed for designing, creating, updating, and using expert
The main purpose of the user interface is to make the development and use of an expert system easier
for users and decision makers
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General Methods of Inferencing
• Forward chaining (data-driven)– reasoning from facts to the conclusions
resulting from those facts – best for prognosis, monitoring, and control.
– Examples: CLIPS, OPS5
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Expert Systems Development
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Expert system technology may include:
• Programs
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Problem Domain vs. Knowledge Domain
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Problem and Knowledge Domain Relationship
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Advantages of Expert Systems
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Disadvantages of Expert Systems
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Representing the Knowledge
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Knowledge Engineering
The process of building an expert system:
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Development of an Expert System
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The Role of AI
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• Both human experts and expert systems must be able to deal with
• It is easier to program expert systems with shallow knowledge
than with deep knowledge.
• Shallow knowledge – based on empirical and heuristic
• Deep knowledge – based on basic structure, function, and
behavior of objects.
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Early Expert Systems
• DENDRAL – used in chemical mass spectroscopy to identify
chemical constituents
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Broad Classes of Expert Systems
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Problems with Algorithmic Solutions
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Considerations for Building Expert Systems
• Can the problem be solved effectively by conventional
• Is there a need and a desire for an expert system?
• Is there at least one human expert who is willing to cooperate?
• Can the expert explain the knowledge to the knowledge
engineer can understand it.
• Is the problem-solving knowledge mainly heuristic and
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Languages, Shells, and Tools
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Production Rules
• Knowledge base is also called production memory.
• Production rules can be expressed in IF-THEN pseudocode format.
• In rule-based systems, the inference engine determines which rule
antecedents are satisfied by the facts.
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Rule-Based Expert System
• A rule based expert system is the simplest form of artificial intelligence and uses prescribed knowledge
based rules to solve a problem
• The aim of the expert system is to take knowledge from a human expert and convert this into a number of
hardcoded rules to apply to the input data
• In their most basic form, the rules are commonly conditional statements (if a, then do x, else if b, then do
• These systems should be applied to smaller problems, as the more complex a system is, the more rules
that are required to describe it, and thus increased difficulty to model for all possible outcomes
A very basic example of rule based expert system would be a program to direct the management of
abdominal aneurysms The system would input the diameter of an aneurysm Using conditional arguments,
the input diameter would be stratified to recommend whether immediate intervention was required, and if
not what appropriate follow up is recommended
Note: with problems related to radiological images, often preprocessing of the images is required prior to the expert
system being applied.
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Structure of a Rule-Based Expert System
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Rule-Based ES
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Example Rules
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Inference Engine Cycle
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Foundation of Expert Systems
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Markov Algorithm
• An ordered group of productions applied in order or priority to an input
• If the highest priority rule is not applicable, we apply the next, and so on.
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Rete Algorithm
• Markov: too inefficient to be used with many rules
• Functions like a net – holding a lot of information.
• Much faster response times and rule firings can occur compared to a large
group of IF-THEN rules which would have to be checked one-by-one in
conventional program.
• Takes advantage of temporal redundancy and structural similarity.
• Looks only for changes in matches (ignores static data)
• Drawback is high memory space requirements.
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Frame-Based Expert System
• The expert systems which make use of frames for the knowledge are called
frame-based expert systems.
• What is a frame? – A frame is a data structure with typical knowledge
about the object or concept.
• Frame has its name and set of attributes
• Example : A car frame can have make, type, color and so on as
slots/attributes in the frame
• Each slot/ attribute has unique value associated to it
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Frame-Based Expert System
We can have the following included in the slot
1. Frame Name
2. Relationship with other frames
3. Values or Ranges
4. Procedural information
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Working of Frame-Based Expert System
• Method – A method is a procedure that is executed
when requested
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Guidelines to build a Frame-Based Expert System
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•MYCIN was an early expert system that used artificial intelligence to identify
bacteria causing severe infections.
•recommend antibiotics, with the dosage adjusted for patient's body weight
•The MYCIN system was also used for the diagnosis of blood clotting
•MYCIN was developed over five or six years in the early 1970s at Stanford
•It was written in Lisp
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•MYCIN was a stand alone system that required a user to enter all relevant
information about a patient by typing in responses to questions MYCIN posed.
•MYCIN operated using a fairly simple inference engine, and a knowledge base of
~600 rules.
•It would query the physician running the program via along series of simple yes/no
or textual questions.
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Tasks and Domain
•Disease DIAGNOSIS and Therapy SELECTION
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Consultation System
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Consultation “Control Structure”
•Goal-directed Backward-chaining Depth-first Tree Search
•High-level Algorithm:
1.Determine if Patient has significant infection
2.Determine likely identity of significant organisms
3.Decide which drugs are potentially useful
4.Select best drug or coverage of drugs
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Static Database
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Dynamic Database
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Explanation System
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•The R1 (internally called XCON, for eXpertCONfigurer) program was a production rule based system written
in OPS5 by John P. McDermott of CMU in 1978.
–configuration of DEC VAX computer systems
•ordering of DEC's VAX computer systems by automatically selecting the computer system components based
on the customer's requirements.
•XCON first went into use in 1980 in DEC's plant in Salem, New Hampshire. It eventually had about 2500 rules.
•By 1986, it had processed 80,000 orders, and achieved 9598% accuracy.
•It was estimated to be saving DEC $25M a year by reducing the need to give customers free components
when technicians made errors, by speeding the assembly process, and by increasing customer satisfaction.
•XCON interacted with the sales person, asking critical questions before printing out a coherent and workable
system specification/order slip.
•XCON's success led DEC to rewrite XCON as XSEL a version of XCON intended for use by DEC's salesforce to
aid a customer in properly configuring their VAX.
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XCON: Expert Configurer
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Natural Language
Processing (NLP)
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Natural language
• Natural languages are languages that living creatures use for
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Why Natural language processing?
• Huge amount of data?
– Internet=at least 2.5 billion pages
• Applications for processing large amounts of texts.
– Classify text into categories
– Index and search large texts
– Automatic translation
– Speech understanding: Understanding phone conversation
– Information extraction: Extract useful information from
– Automatic summarization
– Question answering
– Knowledge acquisition: knowledge from expert
– Text generations/dialogs
• All these requires natural language expertise.
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NLP Tasks
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Levels of NLP
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Syntactic Analysis
• Rules of syntax (grammar) specify the possible organization of words in sentences
and allows us to determine sentence’s structure(s)
• Checks that the sentence is correct according with the grammar and if so
returns a parse tree representing the structure of the sentence
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Syntactic Analysis - Grammar
• sentence -> noun_phrase, verb_phrase
• noun_phrase -> proper_noun
• noun_phrase -> determiner, noun
• verb_phrase -> verb, noun_phrase
• proper_noun -> [mary]
• noun -> [apple]
• verb -> [ate]
• determiner -> [the]
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Syntactic Analysis - Parsing
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Syntactic Analysis – Complications (1)
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Syntactic Analysis – Complications (2)
• Handling ambiguity
• Syntactic ambiguity: “fruit flies like a banana”
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Semantic Analysis
• Syntax analysis is doing the parsing activity
• But we need to understand the meaning of the words and it is done
by semantic analysis
• For example,
• ‘Keep the book on the table’ – Here table refers physical object
• ‘Learn the table of number 23’ – here table refers mathematics concept of
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Lexical Processing
• In lexical processing, the meaning of the tokens is found out
• Word sense disambiguation: Understanding the meaning of a
particular word in the context
• It is concerned with the sense where it would be operational
• It would be done with the help of semantic marker
• Semantic marker: ‘Keep’ in sentence 1
• Semantic marker: ‘Learn’ in sentence 2
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Semantic grammars
• Example,
• ‘The pen is on the ceiling’
• Solution is,
• S -> Action the Food
• Action -> eat|drink|shallow|chew – Set of words
• Food -> burger|sandwich|coke|pizza – Set of words
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Case Grammar
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Conceptual Dependency
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Information retrieval
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Information retrieval - Models
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Information retrieval - Models
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Information retrieval - Models
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Information retrieval - Models
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Information Extraction
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Information Extraction
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• Advance topics in Artificial Intelligence- Cloud Computing and
Intelligent agent
• Business Intelligence and Analytics
• Sentiment Analysis
• Deep Learning Algorithms
• Planning and Logic in intelligent Agents
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Advance topics in Artificial Intelligence- Cloud
Computing and Intelligent agent
Cloud computing
The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the
and process data,
rather than a local server or a personal computer.
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Cloud computing and
Cloud computing and AI
While artificial intelligence (A.I.) has struggled to gain
footholds in other niches, it is finding its place in the
world of cloud computing, a sort of revolution within the
revolution that could rapidly change the face of businesses
using cloud computing solutions over the next few years.
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Cloud computing and
In three areas of cloud computing, A.I. is taking long strides.
Those areas are
Parallel processing
Big Data
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What’s parallel processing and how it work in
•Parallel processing means more than one microprocessor handling
parts of the same overall task. Parallel processing essentially means that
multiple processors shoulder the load. To have multiple processors
working on the same problem at the same time, there are two big
things you need:
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What’s parallel processing and
how it work in cloud(contd.)
it refers to the amount of time it takes for a processor to send results back
to the system. The longer the wait, the longer it will take the entire system
to process the problem.
Bandwidth is a more common term, referring to how much data a processor
can send in a given length of time.
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ML algorithms for cloud
Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial
intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to
become more accurate in predicting outcomes
without being explicitly programmed
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ML algorithms for cloud applications(contd.)
ML algorithms for cloud applications involve:
Cognitive computing(to combine different patterns together; i.e. voice,
imagery or other such data; for mimicking human behavior)
Chatbots and virtual assistants (they are getting smarter every time they
have a conversation)
Internet of things-IoT (It connects every potentially “smart” machine in the
world to the cloud and add that massive amount of data to the conversation)
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How AI uses big data
As business enterprises increasingly need a massive data-
crunching champion, cloud computing companies have begun
to deploy Artificial Intelligence as a service (AIaaS). Once
AIaaS is deployed, it can begin crunching data at a faster
rate than any single microprocessor or human mind could
ever hope to compete with.
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AI has not come to take over our world, but to improve
the way we harness technology to make everything
better. Consider the surface of AI finally scratched. ??
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Business Intelligence and Analytics
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So, how does AI actually work in
the business world? let’s try to
understand what artificial
intelligence is and why it is so
important for today’s business
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What is Business Intelligence (BI)?
Business intelligence systems are used to maintain, optimize and streamline current operations. BI
improves and maintains operational efficiency and helps businesses increase organizational
productivity. Business intelligence software confers many benefits, notably powerful reporting and
data analysis capabilities. Using BI’s rich visualization mechanisms, managers are able to generate
intuitive, readable reports that contain relevant, actionable data.
Popular business intelligence solutions include; SAP BusinessObjects, QlikView, IBM Cognos, Microstrategy, etc.
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What is Business Analytics (BA)?
Like business intelligence, BA collects and analyzes data, employs predictive analytics and
generates richly visualized reports, helping identify and address an organization’s weak points.
That’s where similarities end. Business analytics software is used to explore and analyze
historical and current data. It utilizes statistical analysis, data mining and quantitative analysis
to identify past business trends.
Popular business analytics solutions include; SAP Business Analytics Suite, Pentaho BA, Birst BI and Tableau BIg Data Analytics.
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Business Analytics vs. Business Intelligence
• What will happen?
• What if and Why did it happen?
Vision, • Predictive Modeling
Business Mission
Advanced Statistic Models
“Sustainability” • Data Mining (Text, Multimedia)
Analytics “Efficiency”
Business Services &
• Data Science
Business Objectives
New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services
Danairat, 2016
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Choosing between Business Intelligence (BI)
and Business Analytics (BA)
While superficially similar, the difference between business intelligence vs business analytics
is clear:
- BI uses past and current data to optimize the present for current success.
- BA uses the past and analyzes the present to prepare businesses for the future.
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Choosing between Business Intelligence (BI)
and Business Analytics (BA)
Most businesses want a combination of current success and future preparation. Alone or together, business analytics
and business intelligence can help you take your business where you want it to go.
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1. (Re)Identifying your
vision and missions
Strategic and Top Decision Making:-
Political and Policy Reports Vision,
- Economic Reports Mission
- Customer Analytic Statements
Trends “Sustainability”
- Technology Trends “Efficiency”
- Economic Value Business Services &
Business Objectives
New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services
Digital Platform
Big Data Cloud Security
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2. Identifying Business
Services and Objectives
Business Services/Objectives:- Mission
- Social Listening Analytics Statements
- Customer Experiences / UX “Sustainability”
- Discover Unman Customers “Innovation”
- Demographic Analytics Business Services &
- Voice of Customers Business Objectives
- Objectives/Measurements New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services
Digital Platform
Big Data Cloud Security
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3. Identifying BI for Management Level
Management BI:- Statements
• Promotion Impact Report “Sustainability”
• Channel Productivity “Innovation”
• Operational Efficiency Business Services &
• Profit and Loss Report Business Objectives
New Optimized Retired
• Compliance Reports Services Services Services
• Internal Policy Adoption
Digital Organization
Digital Platform
Big Data Cloud Security
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Digital Organization
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Top Business Questions from CMO
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Top Business Questions from COO
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Top Business Questions from CFO
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4. Identifying Operational BI
Operational BI:-
Business Services & - Task Tracking
- Alerts on Progression
Business Objectives - Error correction and
New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services recommendation
Digital Organization
Digital Platform
Big Data Cloud Security
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Key Questions Type in each level of enterprise
Mission Why
Business Services &
Business Objectives When
New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services
Digital Organization
Danairat, 2016
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5. Identifying BI and BA Platform
Business Services &
Business Objectives
Services Services
Retired BI &
Digital Organization Business
CEO Analytics
CMO COO CFO Platforms :-
• Traditional BI
Business Process as a Service • Big Data
More FlexibleMore Control • Cloud
Digital Initiatives • Digital Security
New Customers, Channels Business Process
Data Monetization IoT, Smart Devices Smart Workforce
Digital Platform
Big Data Cloud Security
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• What will happen?
• What if and Why did it happen?
Vision, • Predictive Modeling
Business Mission
Advanced Statistic Models
“Sustainability” • Data Mining (Text, Multimedia)
Analytics “Efficiency”
Business Services &
• Data Science
Business Objectives
New Optimized Retired
Services Services Services
Danairat, 2016
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Big Data for Business Analytics Platform
Big Data
Next Best Applications Cyber Talent
Action Analysis
Fraud Security Search
Resource Parallel Data Processing, Refinery Security and
Management Control
and Metadata Distributed Data Store, Data Lake Framework
Ingestion and Acquisition
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Internet of Things and Real-time Data Feeds
Monika, 2015
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Smart Home
Monika, 2015
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Chatbots, virtual assistants, and business
Based on these intelligence bots
capabilities, we
have seen
Targeted online advertising
applications of
artificial Predictive analytics
intelligence in
business in the Voice recognition
form of:
Pattern recognition
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Sentiment Analysis
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Sentiment Sentiment Analysis
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Sentiment analysis has many other
• Opinion extraction
• Opinion mining
• Sentiment mining
• Subjectivity analysis
What is SA & OM?
• Identify the orientation of opinion in a piece of text
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Positive or negative movie review?
• unbelievably disappointing
• Full of zany characters and richly applied satire, and some
great plot twists
• this is the greatest screwball comedy ever filmed
• It was pathetic. The worst part about it was the
4 boxing scenes.
Why sentiment analysis?
• Movie: is this review positive or negative?
• Products: what do people think about the new iPhone?
• Public sentiment: how is consumer confidence? Is despair
• Politics: what do people think about this candidate or issue?
TwiGer sentiment:
Johan Bollen, Huina Mao, Xiaojun Zeng. 2011.
Twitter mood predicts the stock market,
Journal of Computational Science 2:1,
1-‐8. 10.1016/j.jocs.2010.12.007.
Bollen et al. (2011)
• CALM predicts
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•It’s a type of ML inspired by
human brain.
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• Image
• Image
• Object detection
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Image Filter Convolved
Matrix Matrix Feature
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