Mechanical Engineering Design: Ilyas
Mechanical Engineering Design: Ilyas
Mechanical Engineering Design: Ilyas
Mechanical Engineering
Part 6.3
Muhammad Ilyas
Expert Systems (ES)
Expert Systems Applications
Computer application : performs a task that would
otherwise be performed by human experts
e.g. diagnose human illnesses, make financial
forecasts, schedule routes for delivery vehicles
ES : designed to take the place of humans or
designed to assist them
Expert Systems (ES)
A typical expert system consists of following
elements :
Knowledge Base
Inference Engine
Knowledge base : unique to particular domain / area
and stores facts / knowledge about the related area
Inference engine : applies logical rules to the
knowledge base and deduced new knowledge / outcome
Expert Systems (ES)
Expert Systems (ES)
Prime Advantage of ES is that:
They capture the knowledge of experts that may
otherwise be lost through death or retirement.
They can contain the cumulative knowledge of several
experts, they are available any time of the day or night
and they can be distributed widely throughout an
Disadvantage of ES
Lacks common sense
Cannot make creative
responses as humans
Errors may occur in
knowledge base
Cannot adopt to changing
Expert Systems (ES)
Expert system Examples
Diagnostic applications, servicing:
Computer Games ( Chess )
Make financial planning decisions
Configure computers
Monitor real time systems (weather, aero plane routing)
Underwrite (signing & accepting )insurance policies
Expert Systems (ES)
Expert system Examples in medical
Example of a diagnosis rule-based expert system is
EMERGE designed to be used in an emergency room
This system uses a form of production rules which
incorporates weighing factors which are determined by
a neural network
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Expert Systems (ES)
Benefits of Expert System in Design
Capture valuable expertise and then to give it comfortably into the
hands of novice / beginner (e.g. PV Elite )
Improve the consistency of designs within an organization (e.g. for
similar jobs)
Minimize errors in problem solving
Interface the ES with software for engineering analysis (e.g.
Autoplant by Bentley)
Search large databases for optimal selection of concepts,
components and materials (e.g. material library, ANSI standards
in CAD software)
Search design libraries for similar designs
Reduce cost of design while at the same time improving quality
Concept Generation
Conceptual Design
Conceptual Design
Creativity and Problem Solving
Enhance your creative thinking :
1. Develop a creative attitude: Develop self confidence
2. Unlock your imagination : Answer to your own questions.
Ask Why and What if
3. Be persistent / determined: Dispel the myth that
creativity occurs with a lightening strike
Edison tested 6000 materials to use as filament in a light bulb
Invention is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration (Edison)
Creativity and Problem Solving