Mit8 323 s23 Pset01
Mit8 323 s23 Pset01
Mit8 323 s23 Pset01
• Note
xµ = ηµν xν = (−t, ~x), pµ = (−p0 , pi ) = (−E, p~) . (7)
• We will also use the notation
p2 ≡ pµ pµ = −E 2 + p~2 (9)
p · x ≡ pµ xµ = pµ xµ = −Et + ~x · p~ . (10)
Λµ ρ Λν λ η ρλ = η µν (12)
or in a matrix notation
ΛηΛt = η (13)
where the superscript t denotes transpose. We can raise and lower the indices
of Λ by η µν and ηµν , and equation (13) can also be written as
and so on.
Λ µ ν = δ µ ν + ωµ ν (18)
ωµν = −ωνµ , ωµ ν = η νλ ωµλ (19)
are infinitesimal numbers.
Problem Set 1
(a) Obtain the Heisenberg evolution equations for x̂(t) and p̂(t).
(b) Suppose the initial conditions at t = 0 are given by
Show that â(t) and ↠(t) satisfy equal-time commutation relation
(a) Prove that the four-dimensional δ-function
k10µ = (ω10 , ~k10 ) and k20µ = (ω20 , ~k20 ) are related to k1µ , k2µ by a same Lorentz
(c) For any function f (k) = f (k 0 , k 1 , k 2 , k 3 ) prove that
d3~k 1
Z q
f (k), ω~k = ~k 2 + m2 (31)
(2π)3 2ω~k
is Lorentz invariant in the sense that
d3~k 1 d3~k 1
f (k) = f (k̃) (32)
(2π)3 2ω~k (2π)3 2ω~k
One could either consider the real and imaginary parts of φ, or φ and φ∗ as
independent dynamical variables. The latter is more convenient in most situa-
(a) Check the action (33) is Lorentz invariant (see (15)) and find the equations
of motion.
(b) Find the canonical conjugate momenta for φ and φ∗ , and the Hamiltonian
H for (33).
(c) The action (33) is invariant under transformation
φ → eiα φ, φ∗ → e−iα φ∗ (34)
for arbitrary constant α. When α is small, i.e. for an infinitesimal trans-
formation, (34) become
δφ = iαφ, δφ∗ = −iαφ∗ (35)
Use Noether theorem to find the corresponding conserved current j µ and
conserved charge Q.
(d) Use equations of motion of part (a) to verify directly that j µ is indeed
4. The energy-momentum tensor for the complex scalar field theory (20
In this problem we work out the energy-momentum tensor of the complex scalar
theory (33).
should be identified with the total energy of the system, while that for a
spatial translation Z
P = d3 x T 0i
should be identified with the total momentum. Thus T µν is referred to as
the energy-momentum tensor. Write down the explicit expressions for H
and P i . Compare H obtained here with the Hamiltonian of problem 3(b).
(d) Use equations of motion of problem 3(a) to verify directly that T µν is
indeed conserved.
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