Dengue IgG - Igm
Dengue IgG - Igm
Dengue IgG - Igm
Revision date : July 5, 2017
Dengue IgG/IgM
Use only fresh samples and avoid direct sunlight.
Lot numbers of all the test components (cartridge, ID chip and
detection buffer, diluent) must match each other.
Do not interchange the test components between different lots
or use the test components after the expiration date, either of
INTENDED USE which might yield misleading of test result(s).
ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for Do not reuse. A detection buffer tube should be used for
the qualitative determination of IgG/IgM antibodies against dengue processing one sample only. So should a cartridge.
virus in human whole blood/serum/plasma. It is useful as an aid in The cartridge should remain sealed in its original pouch before
screening of Dengue virus infection. use. Do not use the cartridge, if is damaged or already opened.
For in vitro diagnostic use only. Frozen sample should be thawed only once. For shipping,
samples must be packed in accordance with the regulations.
Sample with severe hemolytic and hyperlipidemia cannot be
INTRODUCTION used and should be recollected.
Dengue virus (DENV), a mosquito-borne virus, phylogenetically Just before use, allow the cartridge, detection buffer and sample
belongs to the genus Flavivirus, including Zika virus, West Nile virus, to be at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes.
yellow fever virus, and Japanese encephalitis virus. Dengue virus ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM as well as the instrument for
comprises of 4 serotypes distinct in the infection tendency and immune ichroma™ tests should be used away from vibration and/or
responses. Dengue virus infection causes clinically a wide range of magnetic field. During normal usage, it can be noted that
human diseases from mild Dengue Fever (DF) to severe Dengue instrument for ichroma™ tests may produce minor vibration.
Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS).1) Several Used detection buffer tubes, pipette tips and cartridges should
lines of evidences show that secondary Dengue virus infection, with be handled carefully and discarded by an appropriate method in
different serotypes from the primary infection, is relevant to severe accordance with relevant local regulations.
Dengue diseases.2) The immune response to primary or secondary An exposure to larger quantities of sodium azide may cause
virus infection varies. In the case of primary infection, specific IgM is certain health issues like convulsions, low blood pressure and
higher titre during 4-10 days after onset of illness than IgG. IgG heart rate, loss of consciousness, lung injury and respiratory
response become permanent for whole life of patient with primary failure.
infection. During secondary infection, in contrast, the titre of virus- ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM will provide accurate and reliable
specific IgG is higher than IgM titre in whole of serological period.2,3) results subject to the following conditions.
Although there are many types of serological diagnostic reagents - Use ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM should be used only in
including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or conjunction with instrument for ichroma™ tests.
immunofluorescent assays (IFA), development of simultaneous and - Any anticoagulants other than EDTA, heparin, sodium citrate
accurate detection kit of IgG and IgM is required.4) should be avoided.
2 0
10.66 Positive 7.84 1.1 High 10/10 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 %
Mid 10/10 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 %
2-1 4.6 Positive 1.97 7.1
Low 10/10 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 % 5/5 100 %
2-2 3.02 Positive 0.98 7.4
2-3 1.75 Equivocal 1.01 25.1 Comparability with reference product
2-4 0.38 Negative 0.87 35.2 Commercial IgG ELISA result
2 0.13 Negative 0.89 28.2 Positive Equivocal Negative Total
- Between Lot
One person tested three different lots of ichroma™ Dengue
IgG/IgM, ten times at each concentration of the control standard.
- Between person
Three different persons tested same lot of ichroma™ Dengue
IgG/IgM, five times at each concentration of the control standard.
- Between day
One person tested same lot of ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM during
three days, five times at each concentration of the control
- Between site
One person tested same lot of ichroma™ Dengue IgG/IgM at
three different sites, five times at each concentration of the
control standard.
Obelis s.a
Bd. Général Wahis 53,
1030 Brussels, BELGIUM
Tel: +(32) -2-732-59-54
Fax: +(32) -2-732-60-03