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Course Outline - MATH 1250 - 202302

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Introduction to Management Numeracy with

Excel Applications

School of Hospitality and Tourism

Course Code: Co-Requisites: Pre-Requisites:

MATH 1250 N/A N/A

Applicable Program(s): Core/Elective: Core

H101 / H130 / H132 / H133


Prepared by: Mark Magee, Professor

Approved by: Jeff Steen, Chair
Approval Date: July 2023
Approved for Academic Year: 2023/2024
Contact Hours: 42.00
Credit Hours: 3.00

Acknowledgement of the Traditional Land

We would like to acknowledge that George Brown College is located on the traditional territory of the
Mississauga’s of the Credit First Nation and the land of other Indigenous Peoples who have lived here over time.

Course Description

Students develop their ability, confidence, and willingness to apply mathematical concepts to interpret and
communicate quantitative data within a management setting. Computational skills and number sense are
strengthened, with a focus on business mathematics, such as markup, markdown, and financial statement
calculations. Students are introduced to business statistics by exploring descriptive statistics and their application to
management decision-making and problem-solving. Students explore data visualization with Excel and PowerPoint
by using charts and graphs to interpret and present quantitative business data visually, verbally, and in writing.

Mental Health & Supports

As a college student, you may experience a range of personal, physical, and/or mental health issues that could
result in significant barriers to achieving your personal and academic goals. George Brown College offers a range of
services and programs that may be of assistance to you. We encourage you to seek out these resources early and
often. Services and Supports Available to GBC Students:
It is common for college students to feel distressed at times and to need more immediate support (i.e., related to
challenges with relationships, domestic violence, stress, mental health, and more). To receive support on-campus
support or off-campus support resources, you are encouraged to contact Counselling & Student Wellbeing, a free
and confidential on-campus service: https://www.georgebrown.ca/current-students/counselling/

© 2019 George Brown MATH 1250 – Introduction to Management Numeracy with Excel Applications, Page 1
Relationship to Program Learning Outcomes

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Program Learning Outcomes:

1. Use basic mathematic and monetary calculations to assist with the daily functions of a hospitality operation.
2. Evaluate and apply effective financial management and accounting practices to support operations in the
tourism industry.
3. Use current technologies to enhance the quality and delivery of hospitality services, products, and guest
experiences and measure hospitality operations' effectiveness.
4. Communicate information persuasively and accurately in written, verbal, and interactive formats.

Essential Employability Skills

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:

Skill T P E Skill T P E
1. communicate clearly, X X X 7. locate, select, organize, and X X X
concisely, and correctly in document information
the written, spoken, and using appropriate
visual form that fulfills the technology and
purpose and meets the information sources
needs of the audience

2. respond to written, spoken X 8. show respect for the X

or visual messages in a diverse opinions, values,
manner that ensures belief systems, and
effective communication contributions of others
3. execute mathematical X X X 9. interact with others in X
operations accurately groups or teams in ways
that contribute to
effective working
relationships and the
achievement of goals
4. apply a systematic approach X X X 10. manage the use of time X
to solve problems and other resources to
complete projects
5. use a variety of thinking X 11. take responsibility for X
skills to anticipate and one’s own actions,
solve problems decisions, and
6. analyze, evaluate, and apply X
relevant information from a
variety of sources

Course Learning Outcomes

When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to:
1. Interpret data using verbal and written communication techniques to convey quantitative information to
2. Justify business decisions using data to support a business's effective operations and management.
3. Solve quantitative problems using applied mathematical concepts related to business to assist in the business
problem-solving and decision-making process.
4. Use business software applications to curate and analyze data to enhance the presentation of information to

© 2019 George Brown MATH 1250 – Introduction to Management Numeracy with Excel Applications, Page 2
Learning Resources

Gaskin & Geoghan
Multi-Term Access Code MyLab IT NextGen for GO! Microsoft 365: 2021 Edition
ISBN: 9780138240516

Cleaves & Hobbs & Noble

MyLab Math for Business Math
ISBN: 9780138086213

As the above resources are mandatory and required for the course, the cost of the simulation software
will be charged to your account upon registration.

If you meet any of the criteria below, you may be eligible for a refund upon completion of our fee review
once the registration period ends:
• You are repeating the course
• You have applied for transfer credit for the course

Students are required to have access to a computer and to the Internet. The course uses software
simulation that works best on a PC/Mac. Tablets with smaller screens may experience performance
challenges. The simulation software cannot be accessed via a mobile device.

Course Essentials:
You must have access to Microsoft Office 365 (2021) Desktop Version. To access your free student
account, please visit:

You must have access to a Desktop or Laptop and an Internet connection. To learn more about
Borrowing Laptops and Computer Access from our Library Learning Commons or for Wi-Fi access while
on campus, please visit:

Business Math, 12th Edition. C. Cleaves, Margie Hobbs, Jeffrey Noble. (180-day subscription) ISBN:

GO! Microsoft 365: Introductory 2021 Edition. S. Gaskin, Alicia Vargas. (180-day subscription) ISBN:

Delivery Methods/Learning Activities

This course will be delivered via a blend of in-person instruction, teacher-led online instruction, and self-
paced learning. In-person and online teacher-led instruction are reinforced with self-paced eLearning
interactivity to enhance student learning, which includes online learning activities, training simulations,
and videos.

Course Related Information


MATH 1250 3
Student Evaluation System

Below is a list of evaluation methods included in this course, along with the course learning outcomes
(CLO) assessed by each.
Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Course EES Date/Class
method/tools description scheme outcomes evaluation
evaluation validates
In-Class Digital, in-class 10% 3, 4 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Delivery 1,
Learning learning activities and 10, 11 Weeks:
simulations, providing 1,2,3,6,7,
Activities initial interaction and 11,13
feedback with class
content. Delivery 2,
Math Quizzes Digital, low-stakes, 15% 3 3, 4, 5, 6, Delivery 1,
formative 10, 11 Weeks:
assessments 2,3,6,7,
measuring learning 11,12,13
from weekly content.
Math Tests Digital, high-stake, 35% 3 3, 4, 5, 6, Weeks:
summative 10, 11 5,10,15
evaluating learning
after major sections.
Business A collection of 30% 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4, 5, Weeks:
Application assignments using 6, 7, 10, 5,10,12,14
Assignments various software and 11
applications to assist
with computational
tasks, then
communicating the
results visually,
verbally, and in
LinkedIn Embedded 10% 1, 2, 4 1, 6, 8, 10, Delivery 2,
Learning Certificates from 11 Weeks:
Certificates curated content, 4,9,13
applied in the
completion of
Business Application
Total 100%

MATH 1250 4
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) is a process that allows students to obtain academic
credit for one or more courses in a certificate, diploma or degree based on learning acquired through
life experiences before enrollment in a program. More information regarding PLAR can be found on the
GBC website at: http://www.georgebrown.ca/plar/

• This course is PLAR eligible: Please see Program Coordinator/Chair for more information.

Grading System

The passing grade for this course is D.

Final Grade Percentage Weight
A+ 90-100 4.0
A 86-89 4.0
A- 80-85 3.7
B+ 77-79 3.3
B 73-76 3.0
B- 70-72 2.7
C+ 67-69 2.3
C 63-66 2.0
C- 60-62 1.7
D+ 57-59 1.3
D 50-56 1.0
Below 50 0.0

Testing Policy

The college's policies on academic integrity can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and
Discipline and section 3 of the Academic Integrity Policy available at:
In addition to the above policies, the following guidelines apply:
• Tests are administered on specified days, at specified times, and in the GBC St James
Campus Online Testing Lab.

MATH 1250 5
• Photo ID is required. Further details about the St James Campus Online Testing Lab are
available at: https://www.georgebrown.ca/assessment-centre/testing-services/online-testing-lab
• If a student arrives late for a test, they must submit the test by the original deadline – no
additional time will be given.
• Students not meeting testing dates receive a zero for that test course grade. If there is an
extenuating circumstance preventing a student from taking the test by the scheduled date, the
faculty must be informed immediately.
• Appropriate documentation must be provided to demonstrate the extenuating circumstances.
(GBC Assessment of Student Learning Policy, Section 7.2 - Students are responsible for
exercising due diligence).

Assignment Policy

The college's policies on academic integrity can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and
Discipline and section 3 of the Academic Integrity Policy available at:
In addition to the above policies, the following guidelines apply:
• Assignments are due on the days and times specified unless prior arrangements have been
made for an extension. Late assignments will be accepted for up to one week beyond the
original deadline, subject to a late penalty of 10% per day. If received later than five days after
the specified date, the assignment will receive a grade of 0.
• If a student has a documented, extenuating reason for missing a deadline, they should:
1. Notify the professor by email no later than 48 hours after the deadline;
2. Provide appropriate documentation along with a written request for an extension;
3. Submit the assignment by the new deadline as determined by the professor.
• Assignment integrity violations are a breach of GBC's Academic Integrity Policy, Section 3.1-
3.8, Academic Dishonesty.
• Section 4.3 of the Academic Integrity Policy directs faculty to enter the integrity violation into
the Academic Integrity Breach Reporting Portal and to pursue either an informal or formal
Excerpt from the Academic Integrity Policy:
• The minimal consequence for submitting a plagiarized, purchased, contracted, or in any
manner inappropriately negotiated or falsified assignment, test, essay, project, or any
evaluated material will be a grade of zero on that material.

MATH 1250 6
Introduction to Management Numeracy with Excel
Professor’s Name: Judith Roth
Course Code: MATH 1250
Email: Judith.roth@georgebrown.ca
Course Section (CRN):
Office: SJB 318
Academic Year: 2024
Out-of-Class Assistance: email
Term: Winter

Weekly Class and Evaluation Schedule

Evaluation -
Learning Learning Evaluation -
Week Topic Percentage
Activities Resources Description
Math F2F Lecture MyLab Math Learning 1%
Warm-Up & Activity
Week a Course
1 Orientation Online Lecture D2L
MyLab Math
MyLab IT
Markup & F2F Lecture D2L Learning 1%
Excel – Activity
Creating a
Worksheet MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Week and
2 Charting
Online Lecture MyLab IT Simulation 1%

Markdown F2F Lecture D2L Learning 1%

& Excel – Activity
for Math MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Week Operations
3 and
Asynchronous MyLab IT Simulation 1%
Study Learning

MATH 1250 7
Evaluation -
Learning Learning Evaluation -
Week Topic Percentage
Activities Resources Description
Math with F2F Lecture MyLab IT
Excel &
Learning Asynchronous LinkedIn LinkedIn 3.33%
Week Study Learning Learning
4 Certificate 1
on the and Quiz
Line as an
Math Test 1 GBC Testing MyLab Math Math Test 1 11.6%
and Lab
Application Asynchronous MyLab IT Business 6%
5 Study Application
Assignment 1

Balance F2F Lecture D2L Learning 1%

Sheet & Activity
Excel –
Analyzing MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Week Data with
6 Pie Charts
Asynchronous MyLab IT Simulation 1%
and Goal
Study Learning

Income F2F Lecture D2L Learning 1%

Statements Activity
& Excel –
Analyzing MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Week Data with
7 Line Charts
Asynchronous MyLab IT Simulation 1%
and What-
Study Learning
If Analysis

MATH 1250 8
Week 8 - Intersession
Note: Students who have a concern about their academic standing in this course
should consult their professor.

For information on withdrawing from this course without academic penalty,

please refer to Important College Dates

Content / Evaluation -
Week & Learning Evaluation -
Topic Learning Percentage
Date Resources Description
Activities Value
Trend F2F Lecture MyLab IT
Analysis &
Learning Asynchronous LinkedIn LinkedIn 3.33%
9 Study Learning Learning
Certificate 2
Data and Quiz

Math Test GBC Testing MyLab Math Math Test 2 11.6%

2 and Lab
Application Asynchronous MyLab IT Business 6%
10 Study Application

Financial F2F Lecture D2L Learning 1%

Statement Activity
Ratios &
Creating a MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Online Lecture MyLab IT Simulation 1%
Presentation Learning
Case Study F2F Lecture MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
& Business (BAA 3a)
Assignment Asynchronous MyLab IT Business
Week 3a and 3b
12 Study Application
– Math
Quiz and
Excel Com- 3b – 6%
ponents Excel

MATH 1250 9
Content / Evaluation -
Week & Learning Evaluation -
Topic Learning Percentage
Date Resources Description
Activities Value
Business F2F Lecture D2L Learning 2.15%
Statistics & Activity
Learning MyLab Math Math Quiz 2.15%
Week Certificate
13 3 – Data-
Asynchronous LinkedIn LinkedIn 3.33%
Decision Study Learning Learning
Making Certificate 3
and Quiz
Business Asynchronous MyLab IT 3d - 6%
Application Study PowerPoint
Week 3– D2L 3c - Video 6%
14 PowerPoint
and Video

Math Test GBC Testing MyLab Math Math Test 3 11.6%

3 Lab


Please note: This schedule may change as resources and circumstances

require. Important dates regarding the College Academic Calendar can be
found at: Important College Dates.

MATH 1250 10

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