2017 Syllabus Bus Communications Eop

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Woodland High School

23.The Standard for SUCCESS!
Instructor: Mrs. Beverly Livsey E-mail: beverly.livsey@bartow.k12.ga.us


BMA-BC-1: Demonstrate employability skills.
Business Communications is the BMA-BC-2: Examine and practice grammar, mechanics, and
third course in the Business and process of composing professionally written business
Technology pathway in the Business communications.
BMA-BC 3: Apply effective oral communication by
Management and Administration
communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and
cluster. Students will take an End of professional manner.
Pathway assessment: Microsoft PowerPoint. BMA-BC 4: Use active and intentional listening skills to

Prerequisites: Introduction to Business and Technology respond appropriately to oral communication.

BMA-BC 5: Master word processing software at an expert
and Business and Technology.
level to create, edit, and publish professional-appearing
In this course, students will explore the value of business documents.
BMA-BC 6: Integrate multiple forms of communication in the
communication in their personal and professional life.
successful pursuit of a career/employment.
The digital presence and impact of written and visual BMA-BC 7: Apply skills and strategies for the delivery of
communication in a technological society will be effective oral communication and presentations.
addressed. Students will create, edit, and publish BMA-BC 8: Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media
professional-appearing business documents with clear players, GPS, etc.), communication/networking tools, and
and concise communication. social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, and create information to successfully function in
Creative design along with persuasive personal and professional settings.
professional communications will be applied through BMA-BC 9: Master presentation software to create, edit,

research, evaluation, validation, written, and oral publish, and deliver professionalappearing business
communication. Leadership development and
BMA-BC-10: Explore how related student organizations are
teamwork skills will be stressed as students work integral parts of career and technology education courses
independently and collaboratively. Presentation skills through leadership development, school and community
will be developed and modeled for students to master service projects, entrepreneurship development, and
presentation software in this course. Various forms of competitive events.
technologies will be used to expose students to
resources, software, and applications of After mastery of the standards in this course, students
communications. may earn Industry recognized Microsoft Office
Certifications: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access.
Professional communication skills and practices,
problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the RESOURCE MATERIALS
impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced in Microsoft Office Software
this course to prepare students to be college and career GMetrix Online
ready. Employability skills are integrated into activities, Videos relevant and appropriate for content
tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to being taught.
demonstrate the skills required by business and
Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Students will need to bring a pencil or pen, paper, a
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral flash drive, and a 1 - 1.5 notebook to
components of the employability skills standard for this create a portfolio of work. The
course. flash drive will be used as a backup for
files created.
Course grading will be
based upon points For excused absences, students are responsible for
accumulated through coordinating with their teacher within 3 days after
observations, production return to make up any assignments missed. Make-up
assignments, written work can be done during Wildcat period, before or after
assignments, presentations, tests, quizzes, and projects school. Please refer to the WHS student handbook (p. 6) and
BCSS handbook (p. 1-2).
directly related to the course standards. Semester
grade: (Daily Grades 40%; Unit Quizzes & Tests 60%)
Semester grade (80%) and End of Pathway Exam (20%). TECHNOLOGY USE

GRADING SCALE: Students in this course will learn to conduct advance

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 F = BELOW 70 searches using the internet, layout and design business
and personal documents using Microsoft Office
Course content includes: software, participate in internet-based simulations to
1. Introduction to Communication learn business skills, and use the internet to conduct
2. Grammar and Written Communication career research.
3. Presentation Software
4. Oral Communication & Presentation COMPUTER LAB POLICIES
5. Listening Skills Please abide by the following computer lab policies.
6. Advanced Word Processing 1. Maintain a productive learning environment by
7. Employability Skills showing respect for yourself, others, and the
8. Electronic Communications classroom environment.
9. Digital Technologies 2. Keep equipment, tables, and desks clean. Take care
10. FBLA of the equipment and books.
3. Only open the software package currently in use by
Late Assignments: Students submitting late the class. This includes internet use. The internet is
assignments will not receive full credit for their work. to be used only for educational purposes (SH p. 31-
Academic Honesty: Cheating, lying, stealing, 32).
plagiarism, or variations of these offenses are serious 4. Use classroom supplies wisely to conserve paper
breaches of the Woodland High School Honor Code. For and printer toner. GO GREEN!
violations of the Honor Code, a grade of zero will be 5. Be prepared by bringing the required materials with
given for the assignment and you will receive an you to class.
alternate assignment. You will also be subject to 6. Attend class daily and arrive on time.
administrative discipline (WHS handbook, page 9, 13) 7. Complete all daily assignments.
and (BCSS p. 16). 8. Do not bring food, drink, gum, or electronic devices
into the classroom (see student handbook).

1. Enter the classroom quietly. CONSEQUENCES IF YOU CHOOSE

2. Be respectful at all times. TO BREAK THE RULES
3. Turn off cell phone and put away. (WHS p. 5)
4. Log in immediately. 1. First offense: Verbal Warning
5. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell 2. Second offense: Conference with teacher
rings. 3. Third offense: Telephone conference with parent
6. Check the board for daily assignments. 4. Fourth offense: Teacher assigned detention
7. Remain in your seat unless retrieving materials 5. Fifth offense: Discipline Referral
or printing assignments. More serious issues will be dealt with immediately
8. Raise your hand if you need assistance. through the disciplinary referral system as described in the
9. Submit work when instructed. BCSS student handbook (p. 15-24).
10. Remain seated until you are dismissed.
FBLA Career Opportunities

Future Business Leaders of America is a Account Manager

co-curricular student organization that Branch Manager
plays an integral part in the Business Development Coordinator
components of the Business Communications Specialist
Communications course standards. FBLA Human Resources Manager
activities are incorporated throughout this course. Journalist
Students are strongly urged to join FBLA to benefit from Legal Assistant
the wealth of opportunities the organization has to Loan Officer
offer. Marketing Consultant
Members have the opportunity to: Media Relations Manager
Earn Achievement Awards Medical Device Sales Representative
Earn Community Service Hours Multimedia Director
Learn Leadership Skills News Anchor/Reporter
Network with Business Leaders News Editor
Participate in Competition Public Information Officer
Participate in exciting club activities Public Relations Representative
Attend Conferences Publicist
Radio Producer
Recruiting Director
COMMUNICATION Social Media Director
Web Content Manager
To receive TEXT reminders from the Principal, you may Writer
subscribe as follows:
Parents text 470-238-2395 with the message: @whsp
Students text 470-238-2395 with the message:

All Parents are invited to attend the Spring Parent

Shadow Night on Monday, January 23 from 6:30 to
7:45 pm. Parents will report to their childs Advisement
Teacher (Wildcat Period) at 6:30 pm and will have the
opportunity to follow their childs schedule from 1st
through 4th period spending 10 minutes in each class in
order to learn about the daily routines and expectations
that have been established since the first day of school.

**All parents are encouraged to visit the main office to

receive their Parent Portal login/information. This will
allow the parent to access their childs grades,
attendance, etc. Parents can set up the system to send
email updates regarding their child and parents can also
download the PowerSchool Mobile app and receive
instant grade updates, and other relevant information.

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