FORENSICSStandardequipmentList 25102022
FORENSICSStandardequipmentList 25102022
FORENSICSStandardequipmentList 25102022
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7. Forensic Investigation 20
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Forensic Science is the application of science which with its capabilities and facilities provides accurate
and timely results for the dissemination of justice speedily. The main aim of Forensic setup is to link the
crime with criminal on scientific grounds and thereby fair and transparent investigations and proceedings
of the case.
The constantly changing pattern in the execution of crimes has also posed a challenge to Forensic Science
Laboratories and necessitates the need to strengthen the laboratory examination practices. Directorate of
Forensic Science Services (DFSS) under Ministry of Home Affairs is playing a vital role to strengthen the
Forensic services in India by providing support to establish Hi-tech Forensic Science Laboratories and to
upgrade their human as well as technical resources.
However, DFSS often receives requests from various state Forensic Science Laboratories and other
stakeholders regarding basic requirements and infrastructure/equipment required to kick start the
Keeping in view the requirement of all the stakeholders, Directorate of Forensic Science Services, MHA,
Govt of India constituted a Committee by involving experts of Central and State FSLs vide letter No.
37(19)/2020-DFSS/6890-91 Dated June 5, 2020 (copy enclosed) to develop this manual with the sole aim
to provide assistance for the establishment /up-gradation of Forensic Science Laboratories in the country.
The forensic areas/fields addressed in this manual are broadly classified into six major groups which in
turn have subgroups of specialized branches.
4. Forensic Electronics:
Digital/Cyber forensics/computer forensics.
Audio and Video forensics
6. Forensic investigation:
Forensic Psychology examination
Crime scene investigation
This manual provides information regarding establishment/upgradation of cited fields in terms of major
and minor equipment. The specification of major equipment and checklist of general laboratory
infrastructure is annexed in the manual.
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1.1. Forensic Chemistry
Forensic chemistry deals with the chemical examination of liquors, identification of traces of fire
accelerants from burnt materials in bide burning and arson cases, detection of adulterants in petroleum
products, identification of corrosive chemicals in acid throwing incidents and identification of dyes in
bribe trap cases.
Types of Examination/Tests:-
Extraction of fire accelerant from burnt material/debris/partially burnt clothes/hairs etc.
Identification of residue of fire accelerant in extracted material.
Identification of Petroleum products by their hydrocarbon numbers.
Identification of dyes from hand wash/pocket wash in Bribe trap cases.
Determination of proof percentage and alcohol percentage in liquor cases.
Determination of lethal alcohols/ methanol in hooch tragedies.
Identification of gold in theft/burglary/fake ornament cases.
Identification of corrosive chemicals in acid throwing incidents.
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The Major/ Minor equipment facilities required for such types of examination are:
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
For Qualitative and quantitative
Gas Chromatograph with an examination of drugs, poisons,
1. Annexure-1
Auto sampler explosives samples of volatile
UV-Visible For Qualitative/Quantitative
2 Annexure-2
Spectrophotometer examination of drugs such as LSD
Gas Chromatography-Mass For Fingerprint Identification and
3 Spectrometer with Auto profiling of drugs/poisons and Annexure-3
sampler explosive substances
For Absolute Identification of
Fourier Transform Infrared
4 drugs/poisons and explosive Annexure-4
Spectrometer ( FT-IR)
High- Performance Liquid
For Qualitative and quantitative
Chromatography /Ultra-
examination of thermolabile
5 high-Performance Liquid Annexure-5 & 6
drugs/poisons and explosive
chromatograph with auto
For examination of inorganic
6. Ion Chromatograph Annexure-7
explosives and pyrotechnics
For Qualitative and quantitative
Gas Chromatography
7 examination of blood alcohol and Annexure-8
Headspace System (GC-HS)
volatile liquids.
Automated Accelerated For extraction of drugs/poison
8 Annexure-9
Solvent Extraction System from Viscera/solid samples
Minor Equipment
TLC Apparatus Muffle furnace
FiltrationApparatus Digital hot plate with the stirrer
Analytical balance Tissue homogenizer
Digital Balance Microscope
Microwave Ultra sonicator
pH meter Water bath
Thermometer Fractional distillation apparatus
Hot air oven Thin Layer Chromatographic Apparatus
Rotary Shaker Micropipettes
Vortex mixer Kozelka Hine Apparatus
Note: The materials and accessories required for spot tests/chemical tests/Density measurement etc. are
given in General Laboratory requirements –Appendix
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2.1 Forensic Biology and serology
Biological and serological examinations are carried out to identify and characterize stains, hair, body
tissues, and microorganisms for species typing, grouping for individualisation and examination of body
fluids (semen, saliva, vaginal secretions etc.) for linkage purposes. Examination of insects in putrefied
bodies, diatoms and plant materials in drowning cases is also carried out in Biology section.
Types of examination/tests:
Location of stains and other microorganisms
Identification of characteristic type of stains
Identification of the origin of stains/ body fluids
Blood grouping
Identification of insects, Diatoms and plant materials in Drowning cases
Blood Pattern Analysis in Homicide and Murder cases
The Major/ Minor equipment facilities required for such types of examination are:
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
For Extraction of DNA molecule
Auto DNA Extraction
1 from cellular material of samples Annexure-10
and other impurities/debris.
For amplification of extracted
DNA by making its millions of
2 PCR Thermal Cycler Annexure-11
copies to make it suitable for
Automated amplification of DNA
3 Real-Time PCR (RTPCR) Annexure-12
and Mitochondrial RNA
For determination of DNA
4 DNA Sequencer Annexure-13
Sequences and comparison
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Minor Equipment
PCR Kits Micro centrifuge
DNA Sequencing Kits Vortex mixer
DNA Extracting Kits Magnetic stirrer and stirring bars
Dry bath Biological hoods and chambers
Temperature controlled Water bath Digital Microscope
Analytical Balance Refrigerators
Mechanical shaker Anthropological Measurement tools and kits
Handheld Forensic Light Source with UV and
IR capability along with photographic filters
UV sterilizer chamber Gel Documentation System
Bio-safety Cabinet pH Meter
Fume hood Water Purification System
-80°C Deep Freezer 20°C Deep Freezer
Drying cabinet Digital Autoclave
Tissue Lyser Liquid handling System
Mini spin Refrigerated centrifuge
Hot air oven Vacuum pump
Mix mate Thermo mixer
Gel electrophoresis system Bone pulveriser
Microtome Incubator
Note: The materials and accessories required for spot tests/chemical tests are given in General
Laboratory requirements – Appendix – A
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3.1. Forensic Physics
This branch conducts the examination of physical materials in cases of hit and run, burglary and
homicides etc. The samples involve are glass, soil, paints, Fibres, Electric failures, Cement and mortar,
Tool marks, tyre marks, Shoe Print analysis etc. The infrastructure required for the examination is:-
Types of Examination/Tests:-
Types of Examination/Tests:-
Test firing for comparison
Comparison of questioned fired cartridge with a test cartridge
Comparison of questioned fired bullet with a test bullet
Gun Shot Residue ( GSR) Analysis
Trajectory Measurements
Reconstruction of a firing incident in Homicide/Suicide cases
Identification of Firearm (Factory made/country-made weapons) and parts thereof.
Serviceability/working condition of firearms/ammunition.
Identification of ammunition.
The Major/ Minor equipment facilities required for such types of examination are:
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
For comparison of test and suspect
1 Comparison of Microscope Annexure-14
For morphological and elemental
2 SEM-EDXA profiles of samples such as fibres, Annexure-15
paint, GSR, Bullet etc.
Ballistics Data Measurement
For measurement of velocity and
3 System Annexure-16
trajectory parameters
X-ray Fluorescence
4 For characterisation of samples Annexure-17
5 X-ray Diffractometer For analysis of crystalline samples Annexure-18
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Atomic Absorption For determination of inorganic
6 Annexure-19
Spectrometer elements in the sample
Inductively coupled Plasma-
For determination of inorganic
7 Atomic Emission Annexure-20
elements in the sample
Spectrometer (ICP-AES)
Minor equipment
Bullet recovery Box Hot Oven
Self-Protection firing system. Furnace for 2000ᵒC
Wet lab for a chemical test. Density Gradient Tubes of 6mm dia
Lighting board as a background for observation of
Stereo Microscope.
gradient tubes
Analytical Balance Glassware in various sizes
Fire-arm mounting device. Hot plates
Tool Box/Workshop Tools Multi-meter
Chemical/Reagents/Glassware Sieving machine
Viscometer Sieves in different numbers
Sonometer Burettes 25 and 50 ml
Polarising Microscope Pipettes
Binocular Microscope pH meter
Balance for weighing up to 100Kg Tensile Testing Machine
Refractive Meter more than 1.7 RI Mohes hardness digital testing tool
Weighing Balance Tensile strength measuring equipment
Automated Ra-Top sieve shaker High-end work station
Densitometer Digital micrometre
Digital Vernier callipers Digital dial callipers
Digital Tong tester Digital tape
Laser-based measuring tool (for measurement of
Digital SLR camera
Boroscope Ultrasonic cleaner
Magneto-Optical device for the restoration
Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter
of erased numbers
Note: The materials and accessories required for spot tests/chemical tests are given in General
Laboratory requirements –Appendix – B
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4.1. Digital/Cyber Forensics/Computer Forensics
This branch deals with the examination of digital material such as computers, Hard Discs, CDs, pen
drives, DVDs, mobile phone etc. confiscated by investigating agencies during the investigation. As
electronic media is fast changing, it is very much essential for any forensic laboratory to be equipped with
the latest art of Hardware and software required for seized samples.
Types of Examination/Tests: -
To recover the original data from the confiscated device for further analysis.
Write protection of data.
Imaging of digital evidence
Hash value verification
The Major/Minor H/w & S/w required for analysis of digital evidence is:-
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
Hardware imaging Device
Write Blockers Kit
1. Hardware for cyber Forensics Annexure-21
Tableau duplicator
Software for Forensic
previewing, Imaging and
Analysis of Digital Media
(Encase software)
Software for Forensic
Previewing, Image mounting
3 password cracking and
Forensic analysis of digital
media (Forensic Tool Kit6)
Forensic Tool Kit for
4 Incident Response of Digital Software for cyber Forensics and
Crimes (VPER Kit) Disk forensics
Portable Image Device for
Incident Response
Forensic Triage Tool kit
Digital Forensic tool Kit for
the analysis of various
internet artifacts (Magnet
Forensic software for the
analysis of MAC System
Software based tool for the
logical level analysis of
10 GSm/CDMA Mobile
(UFED Link Analysis For analysis of mobile phones of
Hardware tool kit for various types
physical/logical level analysis
11 of GSM/CDMA Mobile
phones/SIM Cards
(UFED Touch-2)
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Mobile Phone Forensic tool
kit for logical analysis of
Chinese Mobile
Phones(*UFED Chinex)
Digital Forensic Tool Kit for
the physical imaging and
13 analysis of SIM Card
Password Cracking tool for
14 Decrypting the passwords Annexure-24
protected files
High configuration Server
15 For backup and analysis Annexure-25
and Workstations
Minor equipment
Licensed Microsoft office and window
Computer systems
Safe Bag UPS
Cyber Check Suite Mac OS examiner
Autopsy DVR Examiner
Other software for utilisation of acquisition of
CCTV Footage Acquisition Analysis(AMPED Five)
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
1.Gold Wave
2.Multi speech
Hardware and software for
1. 3.Audio Authentication and Annexure-26
Audio Analysis
1. Analog to Digital converter
1. Video Authentication and
Hardware and software for
2 Enhancement Annexure-27
video Analysis
2.Video Editing
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1. High configuration Server
and Workstation.
Facial Recognition Software For facial recognition/CCTV
3. Annexure-28
(3D) footage analysis
Identification of Source camera
by comparison and examination
Image Analyser Software of sensor noise pattern in the
4 Annexure-29
questioned digital image and test
Minor equipment
Licensed Microsoft office and window soft
Computer systems
Microphones UPS
Headphones cables
Pinnacle software DVR Examiner
Note: The materials and accessories required for setting up of cyber laboratory are given in General
Laboratory requirements –Appendix – C
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The division carries out the analysis of questioned documents which involves cases of handwriting
comparison, Signature comparison, forgery of documents, ink analysis etc.
Types of Examination/Tests: -
Comparison of questioned Handwriting with Authenticated Handwriting
Comparison of questioned Signatures with Authenticated Signatures
Determination of addition/alteration/forgery.
Ink Analysis
Paper analysis
Determination of sequence of stokes
Deciphering of obliterated writing
Deciphering of indented writings.
The Major/ Minor equipment facilities required for such types of examination are:
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
Multispectral Imaging system
1 For examination of documents Annexure-30
( (VSC)
For examination of documents to
High-resolution spectral determine overwriting/obliteration
2 Annexure-31
comparator (HRSC) and sequence of stokes and ink
High-End Computers with Annexure-32
3 For backup of stored documents
Minor equipment
High-end camera for photography of Documents Stereo Microscope
Reprovit Unit for photography with SLR camera
ESDA For deciphering indented writings
and storage facility
Hand Magnifiers with/without a light source of
Examination Table with Transmitted Light box
varying capacity: x3, x6, x8, x10
U V LIGHT Source (wavelength-256nm,265nm,
Anglepoise lamp
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6.1 Forensic Psychology Division
This is related to the investigation and involves the extraction of truth from accused/ suspect by use of
scientific tools and methods.
Types of Examination/Tests: -
To extract the truth from the suspect/accused by the scientific manner
To determine the changes in voice when suspect/accused is lying and concealing information.
S No Major equipment Application /Uses
1 Polygraph For Lie detection Annexure-33
To determine the changes in voice
2 Layered voice analyser Annexure-34
under various conditions
High-End Computer with
3 For storing data Annexure-32
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Annexure 1
Gas Chromatograph (GC)
General Specifications: -
S No. Specifications
Automatic microprocessor controlled with self- diagnostic
1. GC
Ambient to 450 O C or higher with an incremental rate of 50 O
2. C/minute or more with at least 6 or more ramp and fast cool
down of less than 10 minutes from 450 O C to 50 O C.
3. Injector temperature 400O C or more
Two injection ports split/ split less (one for capillary and one for
4. Injector
packed column-mounted simultaneously
Flow controller for carrier Automatic digital flow and a pressure controller/EPC/EFC/IEC
and carrier and detector must be available
The system should have the facility to use helium and hydrogen as
6. Carrier gas
the carrier gas in the GC system.
Auto leak detection of carrier gas and automatic shutdown of GC
7. Safety features
in case of the leak
8. GC system should have a gas saver mode
Flame Ionization Detector-02 Nos The system should have two
nos of detectors (FID) mounted simultaneously.
9. Detector FID-Temp Max-4000 C or more
Dynamic range 107
Minimum detection limit:2pgC/s
Total validation should be quoted for system and software IQ,
10. Validation system
OQ or PQ
DB-1 MS or its equivalent 30 mX 0.32 mm(I.D) x0.25
micrometer film thickness- one number DB-5 MS or equivalent
11. Column 30 m X0.25 mm(1.D)x0.25 micrometer film thickness-one
3o/o SE -30 , OV-17 , Porapak g (1 each)
Should be windows based operating system with validation
facility. The offered software should be suitable for the quoted
model GC along with performance validation.
12. The facility, multi component analysis, multilevel calibration,
(with License)
baseline correction, methods of analysis, time programming,
plotting, graphical representation of the chromatograph and
storing of data
The principal should supply the branded (DELL/HP/IBM etc)
13. Data station computer system along with the licence of an operating system
with 21‖ branded LED monitor along with laserjet printer.
All spare parts and accessories for the installation of the full system should be provided along
with one set of a tool kit.
Spares and consumables-supplier/manufacturer should quote and supply essential spares and
15. consumables including septa (mention item wise) for two years month operation of the quoted
16. General conditions
I. The manufacturer and or supplier will provide a 2-year warranty from the date of
installation of the full GC system along with the supplied computer, printer and other
accessories for self-sustaining of the entire system.
II. Comprehensive and non-comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years from
the post-warranty date. AMC includes Preventive maintenance- 4 visits per year every
quarter and breakdown visit as & when required.
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III. The manufacturer/supplier should certify that they will provide all the spares and
consumables at least seven years from the date of installation of the system.
IV. Training- The supplier should provide on-site operational/ application training for
laboratory scientists for at least 5 working days.
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Annexure 2
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
General Specifications:-
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Annexure- 3
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
General Specifications: -
S. No For Gas Chromatography
fully automated microprocessor controlled with extensive self-diagnostic
1 GC
facilities and with Auto sampler
The system should have auto sampler to adjust at least 100 vials
Injection cycle time should be less than 8 sec in specified conditions.
2 Auto sampler The Auto sampler has to support a wide range of injection volumes.
Oven 450 0C with 6 or more ramps facility settable from 0.1 0C to 50 0C/min or
Temperature more
4 Up to 400 0C in 10C increment or more
5 Injector spilt and spilt less injector for capillary column
Flow controller
6 automatic digital flow and pressure controller /EPC
for carrier
auto leak detection of carrier gas & automatic shut down of GC in case of a
7 Safety features
8 GC system should have a gas saver mode
9 Software Windows-based
10 Validation GC and software should have a validation facility
11 Column DB-5 MS/ HP 5 MS, 15 m X 0.25 mm x 0.25 micrometre one no.
12 ISO 9001 certification and GLP compliance
Mass Spectrometer
1 quadruple with pre-filter
Ionization electron ionization ( EI) and chemical ionization ( CI) ( Positive and
source- negative) equipped with advance non-vacuum breaking cleaning facility
3 Mass range- 10-1000 amu or more
4 adjustable electron energy up to 150 eV or more
5 Tune facility - should have auto & manual tune facility
6 Scan rate variable up to 5600 amu/ sec or more
Vacuum pump
7 200 lit/ sec or more air-cooled turbo molecular pump
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1 pgstd OFN scanning from 50- 300 u at m/z 272 with Helium as carrier
gas should produce S/N 400: 1 or more in EI mode and equivalent with
any other compound
10 pgstd BZP should produce S/N 10:1 or 100 pgstd BZP scanning from
8 80 to 230 amu in m/z 183 in methane gas should produce S/N 125:1 in
detection limit
PCI mode or better and equivalent with any other compound
1 pgstd OFN should produce S/N 1000:1 or 2 ul injection of 100 fgstd
OFN should produce S/N 300:1 in NCI mode or better and equivalent
with any other Compound at m/z at 272 amu
Calibration should have built calibration facility with internal calibrating material with
facility NIST/ ASTM or equivalent traceability
10 scanning facility simultaneous scanning in SIM and full scan (TIC) mode
11 Detector Dynode/photomultiplier
12 ambient to 325 0C or more
Source up to 350 0C or more
14 mass library NIST Mass spectral library, pflegermaurer weber library, wiley, pesticide
15 should be windows based with validation facility
mass software
General Condition
2-year warranty of the full system including computer, printer, UPS etc should be provided
Software- suitable for GC along with kinetic software, performance validation software, multi-
component analysis software
consisting of windows based software with features such as multilevel calibration, baseline
correction, all methods of analysis, time programming, plotting and graphical representation of
software should be able to control the GC-MS system and date acquisition
the latest configuration of the computer with 2nd gen intel core I 3-2120 ( 3.30ghz 1333, 3 MB,
2C), genuine windows ( R) 7 Home basic SP1 64 bit, 4 GB3 DDR3 SD RAM ( 1600 Mhz), 3.5 ―
1 TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard drive ( 1 X 500 GB), DVD Combo drive, 21 ― colour monitor (
TFT), optical mouse, keyboard, HP desk jet/ inkjet colour printer
d. the original equipment supplier/manufacturer should supply the total computer data station
preloaded in the factory
Comprehensive and non- comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years from the post-
warranty period
AMC condition ( for both comprehensive and non-comprehensive)
Preventive maintenance- 4 visit per year every quarter
breakdown visit – as & when required
A tool kit must be provided free of cost
The total validation package for system and software must be quoted
ISO 9001 certification and GLP compliance.
Training- on-site training for 5 scientists should be provided for at least 10 days of operational
training and 5 days of application training.
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General Specifications:-
S No. Specification
All optics should be self-aligned for easy replacement by the user.
1. Optics Suitable high stability interferometer with a minimum 5 years warranty.
KBr beam splitter or suitable beam splitter to cover the spectral range.
8. Beam splitter
Wave number
9. 0.02 cm-1 or better.
KBr pellet press-hydraulic pellet press capable of making KBr/NaI pellets with controlled
10. pressure
The system should have the facility for liquid sample analysis (micro-level) using ZnSe and
CaF2 microcell.
The firm should offer micro ATR analytical facility.
13. Should offer Auto validation facility with the NIST/A5TN traceable validation kit.
The latest version of windows based IR software with the licence to
control all functions of the offered FT-IR system like the facility for
self-diagnostic, software-controlled auto tuning, auto alignment, auto
14. Software component recognition and auto-optimization data collection, data
processing, live data display, spectral quality check, spectral search from
the commercial library, creation of the user-generated library, automatic
atmospheric correction, spectral interpretation, GLP compliance, QC.
FTIR Library i. Georgian crime library
ii. ii. Canadian Forensic Library
The manufacturer/supplier should certify that they will provide all the
16. Spares/Consumables spares and consumables at least seven years from the date of installation
of the system.
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The firm should offer FTIR Installation kit, validation kit, spares parts for smooth running the
system with necessary certification wherever applicable.
The latest version of branded PC like
DELL/HP/COMPAQ/LENOVO/IBM etc. Along with the
18. Data station
licence of the original operating system and preloaded software
with 21‖ LED monitor and laserjet printer.
19. Two-year warranty of the full system should be provided.
20 The system/manufacturer should be ISO/GLP/GMP/CE complied.
21. On-site operation and application training should be provided for 05 days for scientists.
Comprehensive and non-comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 05 years from the
22. post-warranty date. AMC condition includes Preventive maintenance-4 visits per year every
quarter and breakdown visit as & when required.
The firm should supply tool kit, hard and soft copies of operation manual and other relevant
literature software and other items wherever possible.
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Annexure 5
High- Performance Liquid Chromatograph
General Specifications:-
SNo. Technical specification
High-pressure Binary gradient pump- 02 Nos or Quaternary gradient pump 01 unit
Flow rate 0.01ml/min or lower to 2.00 mI/min or higher
1. Flow rate accuracy with +/-1% or less
Flow rate precision RSD less than 0.3 % or better
Pressure 6000 psi or better
Degassing unit( Inbuilt / separate)
Rheodyne type injector or it‘s equivalent and loops 5 microlitres, 10 microlitres & 20 microlitres
with 4 numbers of HPLC syringe (2 nos. of 10 microlitre syringe, 2 nos. of 20 microlitre
Detector-Photodiode array detector- 1 no
Wavelength range 190-700 nm or higher
3. Wavelength accuracy +/-1nm or better
Spectral resolution -1.2 nm or better
Absorption range/ Linearity up to 2.0 AUFS or better
Photodiode 512 or 1024 numbers
The column having the stationery phase C18 or its equivalent-2 Nos, Column having the
stationery phase C8 or its equivalent-1 Nos or any other column suitable for analysis of
Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (NDPS). The quoted columns should be capable of
31 approx.31g NDPS substances with suitable guard column or any other mechanism adopted
to reduce the column contamination.
The firm should offer the latest version of windows based licensed software for total control of
5. the offered HPLC system having data acquisition facility along with performance validation,
peak purity determination, quantitative analysis, calibration and method development etc. The
firm should quote a licensed operating system.
The principal should supply the required branded (DELL/HP/IBM etc) computer system along
6. with licenced operating system with 21‖ LED monitor and laserjet printer. The original
equipment supplier/manufacturer should supply the computer data station preloaded in the
The manufacturer and or supplier will provide a 2-year warranty from the date of installation of
the full HPLC system along with the supplied computer, printer and other accessories for self-
sustaining of the entire system.
Comprehensive and non-comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years from the post-
warranty date payable in half-yearly post servicing period.
Preventive maintenance- 4 visit per year every quarter and breakdown visit as & when
required. The supplier should also certify that trained service engineers should be available to
attend the emergency within 48 hours.
The manufacturer/ supplier should certify that they will provide all the spares and consumables
at least for 7 years from the date of installation of the system. The supplier should also certify
that they will upgrade the software free of cost whenever such an upgrade occurs.
The firm should supply tool kit, hard and softcopies of operation manual, and other relevant
literature, software and other items where ever applicable.
Training-on site operational and application training for user scientists should be provided for at
least 5 days.
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Standard analytical flow cell should be of 10mm path length capable of performing self-
The detector must have an internal wavelength calibration using the D-alpha line of the
deuterium lamp
Two monochromators with concave holographic gratings and elliptic mirrors
The light source must be Xenon lamp with tunable pulse frequency
Wavelength Range for Ex: 200-630nm for Ex: 265-650 nm.
Data Collection Rate must be 100Hz for single-channel acquisition.
Single Spectrum Scans or FL Field Acquisitions: Excitation, emission or synchronous mode.
Spectral Bandwidth of the detector should be (FWHM) Excitation: 20 nm; Emission: 20 nm.
Sensitivity Raman Criteria must be S/N: >2100 or better
Flow Cell Thermostatting 15 °C above ambient to 50 °C
Wavelength repeatability:±0.2nm or better
Suitable C30, 5µm, ANALYTICAL 4.6 x 250mm column or better with guard column -1Set.
Suitable C18,5um 4.6×250mm analytical column or better with guard column -1Set
Suitable C8,5 um 4.6×250mm analytical column or better with guard column-1set. The
quoted columns should be capable of 33 approx.33g NDPS substances with suitable guard
column or any other mechanism adopted to reduce the column contamination.
License version of Chromatography data system software. The software should be a strictly
validated/original licensed copy software with the specific part number mentioned in the
offer [No Pirated version of the software will be allowed and if found the offer will be strictly
rejected]. It should be 21CFR Part 11 compliance. The software should have integrated
database Software should be capable of performing gradient optimization programming 1-9
gradient programming (linear, step, convex, concave) etc. Audit trial should automatically
monitor users‘ action and records a modification history.
The principal should supply the required branded (DELL/HP/IBM etc) computer system
9. along with a licensed operating system with a 21‖ LED monitor and laserjet printer. The
original equipment supplier/manufacturer should supply the computer data station preloaded
in the factory.
i. The manufacturer and or supplier will provide a 2-year warranty from the date of
installation of the full UHPLC system along with the supplied computer, printer and other
accessories for self- sustaining of the entire system.
10. ii. Comprehensive and non-comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years from the
post-warranty date payable in half-yearly post servicing period.
iii. Preventive maintenance- 4 visit per year every quarter and breakdown visit as & when
required. The supplier should also certify that trained service engineers be available to attend
the emergency within 48 hours.
iv. The manufacturer/ supplier should certify that they will provide all the spares and
consumables at least for 7 years from the date of installation of the system. The supplier
should also certify that they will upgrade the software free of cost whenever such
upgradation occurs
v. The firm should supply tool kit, hard and softcopies of operation manual, and other
relevant literature, software and other items where ever applicable.
vi. Training-on site operational and application training for user scientists should be provided
for at least 5 days.
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Gas Chromatograph (GC) with Head-Space
General Specifications:-
SNo Specifications
The GC must feature an external color touch screen and
should be capable of installing multiple detectors & injectors on
the basis of the requirement (User-replaceable within two
1. GC minutes without the need of service engineer). It should be
possible to control the system completely through a data station
consisting of a computer and GC software and upgradable to
Single Quad MS, Triple Quad MS/MS in future
Large Column Oven with a temperature range from 40o C
above Ambient to 4500 C, Temperature Accuracy: ±1%, Heat-
up time from 50°C to 450°C within 4 minutes. Cool-down time
2. Oven Temperature
from 450°C to 50°C in less than 4 minutes. The maximum
heating rate of 125°C/min. A number of Ramps /plateaus:
25/26 or More.
3. Injector temperature 400o C orbetter
The injector should be capable to operate with a capillary, wide
bore and packed columns. The injector needs to permit large
volume splitless injection (up to 50 microliters) without
requiring pressure pulse to quantitatively recover the whole
sample, and without any further hardware requirement.
Injector – The injector to allow timed closure/opening of the purge line.
split/spitless -Two Maximum Temperature: 400 °C
Nos with an adaptor Split Ratio: up to 12500:1
to mount both Pressure Range: 0-1000 kPa (0-145 PSI)
capillary & Packed Total Flow Setting: Control of split flow in 1 ml/min from 0 to
Columns 1:250 ml/min
Pressure range: 0–1000 kPa (0–145 psi) • Modes: Constant and
programmed pressures and flows with gas saver and septum
Total flow setting: – Control of split flow in 0.1 ml/min
Automatic digital flow and a pressure
Flow controller for controller/EPC/EFC/IEC must be available
5. carrier and carrier Up to 18 channels of integrated electronic gas control
and detector Pressure set points minimum increments: 0.01 kPa-0.001 psi in
all ranges
The system should have the facility to use helium & Nitrogen as
a carrier gas in GC system & provision to use Hydrogen as
6. Carrier gas
carrier Gas with adequate safety measure of arresting Hydrogen
Auto leak detection of carrier gas and automatic shutdown of
7. Safety features
GC in case of the leak
8. GC system should have a gas saver mode
FID Detector: 02Nos
Sensitivity > 0.03 Coulombs/gC;
9. Detector
Linear dynamic range = >107 (± 10%);
Max Temperature range: 450 °C
12 Vials upgradable to 120-vial capacity with vial loader and 3
Headspace Auto removable 40-vial racks, further extendable to 240-vial capacity
sampler in future if needed.
Vial size – 10 ml, 20 ml and 22 ml headspace vials with:
Page 34 of 95
Magnetic crimp or screw caps, flat or rounded bottom without
any need of Vial adapter
Branded Online 6 KVA UPS with Isolation, SMF Batteries, Battery Rack and Battery
Interconnecting Cables (Three Phase Input &Single-Phase Output) for 60 min. back-up.
Crimper and De-crimper- 1 set
17. Spares and consumables-supplier/manufacturer should quote and supply essential spares and
consumables including septa (mention item wise) for two years month operation of the quoted
18. General conditions
i. The manufacturer and or supplier will provide a 2-year warranty from the date of
installation of the full GC system along with the supplied computer, printer and other
accessories for self-sustaining of the entire system.
ii. Comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years‘ post-warranty date. CMC
should include Preventive maintenance- 4 visits per year every quarter and
breakdown visit as & when required.
iii The manufacturer/supplier should certify that they will provide all the spares and
. consumables at least for seven years from the date of installation of the system.
Page 35 of 95
iv Training- The supplier should provide on-site operational/ application training for
. laboratory scientists for at least 5 working days.
v. The firm should supply tool kit, hard and soft copies of operation manual, and other
relevant literature, software and other items where ever applicable.
a) All specifications offered Needs to be supported with original literature as well as
the same literature needs to be available on the website of the manufacturing
b) The offer to be made in details with all technical specification, item details with
part nos (Only line items will not be accepted).
c) All supporting technical literature complying the technical specification needs to
be attached along with the order.
d) Please give reference of at least three users of GC in FSL laboratories in India
with details of the user, email ID & contact nos.
Page 36 of 95
Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
General Specifications:-
Accelerated Solvent Extraction System complete with pump & fittings which provides operation for a single
sample at a time with the following features & ease of uses in preparing/extracting sample.
Unattended extraction of up to 24 samples.
Samples cell sizes to be available: - 1, 5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 ml.
Collection vial sizes: 60 or 250 ml.
Operating pressure: 1500 psi (100 bar).
Automatic rinsing of the system between sample extractions
Solvent saver mode for further reduction in solvent consumption
Scheduling programming for automated method optimization
It should reduce extraction time and solvent consumption by use of elevated temperature and pressure
during extraction
The requirement of solvent less than 50 mL so to extract a 20gm sample; reducing total solvent usage
It should extract automatically to provide filtered and ready for direct injection or final cleanup sample of
It should have options for Easy-to-use collection bottles or vials (vials with via tray insert)
It should have convenient multiple-method storage for automatic operation.
It is to come with convenient front panel operation runs methods automatically.
It should have Sensors for temperature, pressure, and solvent and liquid leaks alert the operator to a
problem, sound an audible alarm, and shut down the system if necessary.
It should include solvent bottle, snap-ring pliers, power cords, and gas line fittings with the following
Temperature control:
Up to 200 °C; vertical cell orientation with the flow from top to bottom.
Pump: Fluid delivery pressure: 10 Mpa (1500 psi).
Pump flow: 70 mL/minute. Automatic pressure sensor and pressure relief during heat-up.
Fluid Sensors: IR sensors detect fluid level during the collection of extract
Display and Keyboard: Menu operated. LCD 8 × 45 OR similar character display. Method and schedule
editor and storage
Extraction Cells: Seven capacities: 1, 5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 mL cells. Cells feature finger tight cell caps
with compression seal for high-pressure closure
N2 cylinder with Suitable high-pressure regulator & tubing.
Automated sample extraction using flow-through technology with pH-hardened pathways
Automatic extract filtration
Easy-to-fill sample cells with the finger- or hand-tight fittings
Easy-to-use collection vials and bottles
Convenient front panel operation with multiple method storage
Sensors for temperature, pressure, and solvent vapours ensure safe operation at all times
Easy method transfers between systems
3KVA UPS with 60 minutes‘ backup
Page 37 of 95
Annexure -9
Ion Chromatograph
General Specifications:-
a) Binary/Quaternary pumps-02 units (for gradient flow) or any equivalent system suitable for
simultaneous detection of cations & Anions. The system should be suitable for gradient flow.
b) Flow rate:- 0.01-10ml/min or more.
c) Reproducibility/Accuracy of flow-<0.1% or better
d) Flow precision-0.1% or better
e) Maximum pressure range-not less than 5000 psi
f) Pump heads and all fluid path should be metal-free (PEEK) or any other good polymer suitable for
analysis of anion and cations.)
g) Online degasser or equivalent facility
h) Leak sensor facility
2. INJECTOR PORT SYSTEM: Dual Rheodyne injector port (Metal-free, PEEK or any other good
polymer ) for simultaneous anions and cations analysis. The firm should offer adequate no of
injection port for simultaneous anions and cations analysis for the offered system.
a) Chemical suppressor should eliminate background conductivity & increase the signal to noise ratio
and with continuous regeneration/automatic regeneration or any equivalent technology delivering
the same result. The operation should be automatic and should be able to withstand high
backpressure and high loading or any equivalent suppressor system.
b) The principal /manufacturer will submit an undertaking to supply the suppressor Kit for 7 years
from the date of installation.
Conductivity detector with cell: The firm should offer two (02) nos of detectors for simultaneous
anions and cations analysis for the offered system.
Conductance range: 0-15000microsemens/cm. or better. Block should be thermostated (lower
range-350C or more), Temperature stability -+ 0.010 C Auto zero function should be present and
should not control through software. The detector should be suitable to give results up to ppm level
or better.
5. THE QUOTED SYSTEM(including column and guard column 2 Nos each type and any other
consumables like connectors rings etc.) should be self-sustaining and capable of 38pprox.38g the
following anions and cations simultaneously.
Anions- Nitrate, Nitrite, Fluoride, Chloride, Sulfate, Bromide, Bromate, Phosphate, Perchlorate,
Chlorate, Acetate, Formate
Cations- Lithium, Sodium Potassium, Calcium, Ammonium, Barium.
a) The entire offered system for the simultaneous analysis of cations and anions through a single PC
and integrated software. The firm should quote the latest version of the software.
b) The product should be ISO 9001 certified /CE compliance
c) Two years warranty of the full system will be provided.
d) Comprehensive and Non-comprehensive AMC rate must be quoted for 5 years from the post-
warranty period.
AMC condition includes
i. Preventive Maintenance- 4 visits per year every quarter
ii. Breakdown visit- As & when required.
iii. The total validation package for system and software must be quoted.
a) Consisting of windows based software with features such as multilevel calibration, baseline
correction, all methods of analysis, time programming, plotting and graphical representation of
b) The software should be able to control the ion chromatography system and data acquisition.
c) The latest version of branded PC like DELL/HP/COMPAQ/LENOVO/IBM etc. along with the
licence of original operating system and preloaded software with 21‖ LED monitor and laserjet
d) The original equipment supplier/manufacturer should supply the total computer/data station
Page 38 of 95
preloaded in the factory.
8. TRAINING– At least 2 weeks of operational and application on-site training must be provided for
5 user scientists.
Page 39 of 95
Auto DNA Extraction System
General Specifications:-
Electrical Requirements: 220 V, AC 50 Hz.
Open system to accommodate validated kits for DNA extraction from forensic samples.
The system should have the capability to simultaneously process at least 6 samples or more, with
a sample tracking facility.
Built-in system for decontamination.
Cross contamination-free system and provision for monitoring it.
Software for data management and instrument operation/analysis.
Warranty for 2 years from the date of installation and followed by AMC for 3 years.
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Annexure -11
PCR Thermal Cycler
General Specifications:-
1. Electrical Connectivity: 220 V, Ac 50Hz.
2. Temperature range 4 ° to 99.9 °C with accuracy +/ or 0.25 °C or better.
3. 96-Well Block for 0.2 mL micro centrifuge reaction tubes or 96 well reaction plate and validated
for use with 4-6 dye-based forensic HID kits.
4. Block format with 6 independent temperature zones capable of standard and fast runs.
5. Ramp rate 3 °C/Sec. or better.
6. Programmed methods for hot-start PCR, cycle sequencing, long PCR, touch down PCR etc.
7. Touch screen colour display of temperature profiles & set up parameters.
8. The system should be licensed for PCR.
9. Validated for forensic DNA analysis as per SWGDAM (Scientific Working Group on DNA
Analysis Methods) guidelines.
10. Warranty 2 years or more from the date of installation followed by AMC for 3 years.
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Annexure -12
Real-Time PCR (RTPCR)
General Specifications: -
Electrical Connectivity: 220 V, Ac 50Hz.
96-Well Block Thermal Cycling System with Computer.
Five-color OR more detection capability to perform different forensic applications including
DNA quantitation, SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) genotyping, gene expression analysis
and plus/minus assay utilizing Internal Positive Controls.
The specialized optical configuration that supports a broad range of fluorophore dyes.
The system should be supplied with licensed software that design probes and primers.
Sample format 96-well plates and optimized for 20-25 uL. Reactions.
The system should be validated/certified for the latest forensic human/male DNA testing
Quantitation kits.
Software Specifications: -
User-friendly software plate set up, Multi-plate Data Comparisons, Comparative analysis Ct,
Standard Curve, Relative Standard Curve, Allelic Discrimination etc.
Dye discrimination Multi-component algorithm.
Built-in features for sample quality assessment (Human male: female ratio inhibition &
degradation index). Capability for calculating dilution & reaction set up for HID kits.
Warranty 2 years or more from the date of installation followed by AMC for 3 years.
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Annexure -13
DNA Sequencer / Genetic Analyzer
General Specifications: -
1. Electrical requirements: 220 V, Ac 50Hz.
2. Polymer-based 8 capillaries automated DNA sequencer upgradable to 24 capillaries.
3. 6 dye-based chemistry.
4. CCD Camera.
5. The latest version of validated GeneMapper ID-X software for fragment sizing (Forensic STR
(Short Tandem Repeat) based human identification) and sequencing with extensive security,
auditing and e-signature capabilities.
6. Genetic Analyzer validated for forensic DNA analysis.
7. Auto sampler plate and facility to use capillaries of different sizes.
8. Matrix Standards.
9. Polymer pouches.
10. Capillaries preferably 36 Cm. size. (2).
11. Anode & Cathode buffers.
12. Deionized Formamide.
13. Forensic STR based kits for HID (Human Identification).
14. Warranty of 2 years from the date of installation and AMC for the subsequent 3 years.
Page 43 of 95
Comparison Microscope
1. The comparison microscope shall be used for examination and comparison of tool marks and firearm
signatures present on fired cartridge cases/ bullets/ bullet fragments and other forensic physical
Illumination system
An equal and homogeneous illumination of both the samples during examination provided by
one single light source and a splitting system to illuminate the two samples placed or mounted on
two stages shall be preferred.
Suitable light sources including cold light illumination and LED light illumination
The light sources must have all fixtures, holders, spare lamps, fuses, connecting cables, short and
long articulated arms for the fibre-optic light guides, or any other item required for the
illumination systems installation and working.
Page 44 of 95
bullet fragments in order to examine rifling/banel marks including suitable bullet/projectile
centring devices/holders.
Holding or mounting surfaces should not alter, erase, add or diminish the firearm signatures on
exhibits. Mounting of exhibits should be slip-proof‘
6. Power consumption
AC Power supply of 220t 10% Volts, 50-60Hz
9. Operating manuals
The firm must supply the standard operating manuals for the various components of the Comparison
10. Calibration
Comparison microscope must have the facility of calibration for its various measurements.
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Annexure -15
General Specifications:
1. Resolution At least 1.2nm at 30 kV or 1.5 nm at 15 kV and 3.0 nm at 1 kV)
2. Magnification 50X to 500,000 X or better
3. Acceleration Voltage 0.1 to 30 kV (or better )
Large chamber with at least 7 accessory ports. Anti-
4. Chamber vibration table must be inbuilt.
5. Probe Current 1 nA to 1μA or better suitable for all applications.
a) High sensitive Everhart-Thornley SE detector
b) In-Lens SEI detector for high-resolution imaging in High
Vacuum at lowkV OR low vacuum/ variable pressure mode.
c) IR-CCD camera
d) High-resolution state of art backscattered
Detectors detector(BCD) for using both in high vacuum and
variable pressure.
e) The detector should have the capability of high
sensitivity for low kV analysis.
f) Specify built-in automatic/ manual control for
contrast and brightness.
Page 46 of 95
d. Operating conditions easily stored and file management
through Microsoft® Windows operating system
a. Chiller.
b. Compressor.
c. Interface among SEM EDX/EDS.
Essential Accessories d. 3 Spare Filaments
e. 20 number of single stubs and 10 number of multiple
sample holders
13. Integrated EDX/EDS
Page 47 of 95
Annexure -16
Ballistics Data Management System
General Specifications:
The system should have the provision to measure any velocity in the ‘ang‘ of 10 – 2000 m/s (or more)
with an accuracy of up to 0.01%. The system should also have the provision of measuring velocities at a
minimum of three points of the trajectory simultaneously so as to evaluate the muzzle velocity, striking
velocity and remaining velocity. The non-contact velocity measurement equipment will consist of optical
detectors, light sources, multi-channel timer units, workstations and various connectors, cables etc. as
described in the subsequent section. The calibration protocol of these measurement systems should also
be provided and suitable training is given during the pre-dispatch inspection stage.
Page 48 of 95
One universal receiver for above barrels, recoil rest with barrel support and laser
alignment tool.
Remote firing units and security equipment for the above.
Cleaning and spares kit.
Mountable on rails with brake/locking system
Commissioning, testing and training at the site
Page 49 of 95
Annexure -17
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
General Specifications:-
S. No. Specifications
H V generator should be 3 KW or more, 60 KV (with 1 kW
H.V. Generator steps), 100 mA (with 1 mA steps), Stability of the Generator
should be ± 0.005% (for both kV and mA, against ± 10%
input variation) or better.
Rhodium (Rh)/ Tungsten (W) anode based X-ray tube (about
4 kW) capable of operating up to 40 kV, suitable for analysis
02 of low Z and high Z elements. Appropriate filters for
Source/probe beam
detection of various elements with a wide difference in atomic
Optics should be best suitable for analyzing powder and
03 Optics solids samples. The system should have proper dust trap for
protection of the optical chamber.
High Resolution & large area Fast Silicon Drift Detector(Fast
04 Detector SDD) with the capability to acquire X-ray data/count rate
greater than 100 kcps (kilo counts per second).
Page 50 of 95
The operating system of the instrument shall be licensed and
Microsoft Windows-based software.
There should be a backup of all essential software related to
OS and application software in the form of the flash drive.
16 Spectrometer software should be compatible with Window
instrument software
8/10, 64bit, including multipoint background correction, line
overlap correction, ratio calculation, calibration curve,
qualitative analysis incorporating matrix correction,
recalibration program, data storage & retrieval facilities.
Built-in calibration check at the start including standard
Automatic grade identification using a database of standard
17 software for
grade library (≥300 grades) covering various International
composition analysis
Standard Library:- It shall include grade library.
Hands-on training including details of hardware components,
OS, application software, calibration checking, chemical
composition analysis of various standard specimens and
18 Training
others, troubleshooting, report generation, data transfer and
saving the spectra and composition results to other computers
through USB.
ISO Certificates.
19 Full details of authorized service partner in India for
providing after-sales technical support.
As per requirements of the instrument, consumables &
20 accessories should be supplied along with equipment for the
smooth functioning of the XRF Analyzer.
21 Warranty 3 years
Page 51 of 95
Annexure -18
X-Ray Diffractometer
General Specifications:-
Insulation Ceramic
i. A Cu anode; The system should also be able to work with other
Anode material X-ray sources like Mo, Co, Fe, or Cr.
ii. A Co anode must also be coated.
Maximum power 2 kW or higher
The fine focus, long line fine focus with Ni KFilter. Facility to
Focus switch between line and point focus applications without
disconnecting cables and utility lines or unscrewing the X-ray tube.
Tube Shield Electromagnetic shutter interlocked with radiation enclosure
Page 52 of 95
The manufacturer must submit data quality guarantee certificate
from the factory on the angular position (<= 0.01 deg 2theta over
Data quality guarantee the entire angular range) to be carried out on NIST sample. The
same NIST sample should be in the scope of supply for
Page 53 of 95
Capable to collect high-quality data starting at angles as low as
Low Angle Data
0.15° 2Theta.
The XRD system must be fully radiation protected as per the international radiation safety
The offered XRD system must comply with the requirements of the Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC for European Manufacturer or the equivalent norm for non-European
Open & Close Door System (with a Pb-contained Acrylic Resin Windows)
Lead equivalent: 0.5mm Pb equivalent.
Warning Light: Installed independently on the top of the Radiation Enclosure.
The PC based software must be capable of both qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis; and
easy simulation and automatic refinement / smoothening of measured data.
The system should have provision for interfacing with computer and data analysis software
shouldbecapableofsimultaneousdatacollectionandcarryouttheanalysiswitha minimum of five
multi-user protected licenses for independent systems. The software should have a facility for
remote operation and diagnostics of the instrument.
Highly integrated software from XRD manufacturer employing various profile fitting techniques
for working on below applications should be offered under options.
Single Line Fitting up to Whole Powder Pattern Fitting.
Whole Powder Pattern Decomposition
Structure determination with features like Fourier series, Charge Flipping etc. and refinement by
features like Rietveld method, Two-Step Method, Rigid body, preferred orientation corrections
The software should work with Fundamental Parameters methods – line profile, shape analysis
by fundamental parameters approach (FPA) or equivalent.
Quantitative phase analysis with various whole pattern methods for amorphous as well as
crystalline phases by employing Rietveld, Internal Standard, External Standard, phases with
known or unknown structure. Measurement and data collection with variable counting time
feature should also be a part of the software.
Page 54 of 95
The diffraction data may be capable of peak search, k-alpha1 and k-alpha2 separation, integrated
intensity calculation, multiple recording of raw data files, measurement condition display and
editing, data conversion to ASCII and general text format output as colour-coded diffraction
profiles, reflection lists, or as raw data files, or in ASCII/ CSV forms, and exportable to popular
platforms like MS Excel. The offered data acquisition software should run on Windows
platform format for additional user manipulation.
The software should be enabled with the latest Rietveld algorithm for standard-less quantitative
The manufacturer must offer their licensed software developed by them with certificates along
with media and exhaustive operating manual(s). Licenses for all the databases and computational
software should be for a minimum of five years with updates. Periodic updates of all software
should be provided free of cost for a period of a minimum of five years.
Latest ICDD Database with Minimum five User 5 years License must be offered.
The application software package for residual stress and texture (pole figure) and orientation
distribution function (ODF) must be included with a suitable application-oriented attachment
for residual stress and texture measurement.
Page 55 of 95
Annexure -19
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
General Specifications:-
Technical Specifications
S No
1. The system should have software-controlled automatic vertical
and horizontal alignment of the flame burner head for
optimum light transmission.
2. The system should come with standard 10 cm titanium burner
head for Air-Acetylene flame for better absorbance.
1 Atomizer System
3. The system should have software-controlled flame ignition.
4. A suitable air compressor should be available with the system.
5. The system shall have a possibility for direct solid sample
analysis or alternate mechanism for 56 approx.56g solid
1. The system should have a minimum 4 to 6 lamp holder
including Tungsten, halogen, hollow cathode lamps with long
life and emission intensity at ≥3000 ºC, or equivalent.
2. The system should have a provision of automatic lamp
Light Source/ Lamp
2 selection, slit width selection, and wavelength selection.
3. The light source should be effective across many wavelengths
and stable over its lifetime.
4. The system should have a built-in power supply for all types
of lamps.
1. A high sensitivity nebulizer system including impact-based
Sample Introduction
3 and flow spoiler with corrosion resistant against the acids.
2. Corrosion-resistant spray chamber.
1. A true double beam spectrometer system with high light
2. Monochromator system with diffraction grating ruling density
with at least 1800 lines/mm blazed in both the UV and Visible
3. A focal length of minimum 250 mm and a reciprocal linear
dispersion of 1.6 nm/mm.
4. Variable slit width between 0.2 to 2.0 nm with automatic slit
Optical system/
4 5. The system should have the maximum light transmission for
the best detection limit with least maintenance and with
updated technology like fibre optics for transmission of light.
6. The system should automatically adjust to changes in lamp
intensity for stable baselines and compensates for drift multiple
times per second.
7. The system should have a fast start-up and exceptional long
term stability without recalibration.
8. 4-step bandwidth selection with automatic switching – 0.2, 0.7,
1.3, 2.0
5 The system should have P.M.T Detector with high quantum
Detector efficiency. The system should have operator selectable read time
from 0.1 to 120 sec.
6 Wavelength 185 – 900 nm or better.
Background High-speed continuum source (Deuterium lamp) for Background
Correction system correction
Page 56 of 95
8 1. Software controlled flame ignition and automatic changeover
of oxidant.
2. Fully software controlled oxidant and fuel gas flow monitoring.
Gas flow system
3. All safety interlock built-in and additional features like burner
head interlock, nebulizer End cap interlock and drain interlock
to be built-in.
9 > 0.9 absorbance with the precision of <0.5% RSD from 5
second integration for 5 ppm Cu standard for flame operation.
10 1. Vapour/Hydride accessory to connect with flame.
2. HCL lamp for suitable elements like Mn, Fe, Ca etc., and high-
intensity electrode less discharge lamp for Hg, Se, Pb and As
elements. Built-in suitable power supply for these lamps.
3. Individual element standards 1000 ppm.
4. Suitable PC with a colour printer and suitable UPS.
5. Acetylene gas and Argon gas with regulator and purification
6. Pyrolytic coated graphite
7. Vapour generator: Continuous flow type for fast determination
of hydride and cold vapour formers such as Se, As, Hg, Te, Bi,
Sn, Ge at low detection levels
8. Vaporizer to improve detection limits/sensitivity of elements in
the test scope.
9. Syringe, Plunger, Sample vials 1.1ml, Sample vials 2ml,
Capillary assembly, Cuvettes, T-cell for mercury and arsenic
and Gas purifiers.
10. Oil-free Air compressor.
11 Warranty 3 years
12 Voltage stabilizer 15 KVA Voltage stabilizer
13 Shall be suitable for operation on 220 V-240V and 50/60 Hz mains
Power supply
14 The system should include are-circulating water
chiller/cooler(below0°Cand>3Lofwater; compatible with 220 V-
Safety features 240 V power requirement) also includes a safety system capable of
controlling the cooling water (in terms of heat and pressure), gas
pressure, mains power, furnace block and over current.
15 Hands-on training through an authorized representative shall be
provided to users at purchaser‘s site for the safe operation of the
Instrument including details of hardware components, OS,
Training application software, calibration checking, analysis of various
standard specimens and others, troubleshooting, report generation,
data transfer and saving the spectra and composition results to
other computers through USB.
16 1. ISO Certification.
Certificates/ 2. User‘s manual of the instrument that includes safety
Manuals instructions during operation and maintenance of the
Page 57 of 95
Annexure -20
Inductively coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer
General Specifications:-
a. RF Generator Solid-state generator with less warm-up/Startup time
b. Frequency Crystal controlled40MHz/ 27 MHz with stability better than 0.01%
Computer adjustable from 800 - 1550 watts for 40MHz/1400-
c. Power
2000wattsorwiderisbetterfor 27 MHz
Fully computer-controlled with programmable power, start
d. Controls
and shut down of the plasma.
Computer-controlled mass flow controllers for all channels should be
e. Gas flow controls
available for control of the flow rates of Plasma, Auxiliary, Nebulizer gas
f. Plasma mount Plasma should be vertically mounted & radially viewed
g. Re-circulating The external chiller with details should be provided for an external need
Chiller for RF coil cooling,
a. Wavelength range 165 to 770 nm
Original, ion etched holographic grating/Echelle cross dispersion with
b. Grating
ultra-violet fused silica prism
More than 0.5 meters for holographic grating/ More than 0.32 meter for
c. Focal length
Echelle grating
d. Entrance slit height Maximum to view complete plasma height in one shot
Page 58 of 95
It should be possible to remove and replace the torch, spray chamber,
b. Alignment
nebulizer etc.
c. Viewing height Maximum plasma should be viewed at once, to minimize interferences.
The configuration of the computer should be suitable to the unit supplied
a. Configuration with a 21 inch full HD monitor. An optical mouse, optical keyboard and
laser printer.
1. The software must provide preprogrammed conditions for a variety of
2. The software must provide optimization by the element of sensitivity,
speed and precision based on user‘s input.
3. Database availability and provision in the software for matrices,
b. Software
elements run most often and standards also.
4. The software must allow for both the export of data and import of
sample details in a suitable format.
5. Software shall provide a library for maximum emission lines in all
The in-run precision for a suite of 3 elements Pb, Al, Cd at 1 ppm shall be
a. Precision
less than 1.5% Relative Standard Deviation (RSD).
The ICP spectrometer shall be able to demonstrate an RSD of less than
b. Stability
2% for all elements.
The ®CP must be able to demonstrate running a 20% NaCl solution for
c. Precision and
more than 4 hours without clogging, and achieve a precision of less than
stability with
5% RSD for 5 ppm Pb solution and be able to get a Limit Of Detection
dissolved solids
(LOD) of less than 10 ppb for Pb using the 20% NaCl blank solution.
d. Radial Detection The instrument shall offer < 10 ppb detection (LOD) at 3 sigma with a
limits RADIAL ICP.
Should contain:
a. Torch tubes for HF application, High Solid applications and aqueous
b. Tubing for each of the above applications.
Page 59 of 95
13. Should be provided after installation. The training should be for a period
of one week covering all aspects of the software.
Suitable UPS should be provided
Page 60 of 95
Hardware Based Forensic Imaging Device
General Specifications: -
S.No. Tool/Facility Specifications
The kit should have the blocker devices for the storage media
having the interface of SATA, IDE, Firewire USB2, USB3, e-
SATA, Micro-SATA, Combine SATA and ZIF, and SAS (Serial
Attached SCSI) along with their respective connecting cables.
Image SATA, USB 3.0, and IDE hard disks natively
Image SAS drives with the SAS Expansion Module
Standard operations:
Disk-to-Disk (clone) duplication
Disk-to-File (image) duplication
Format, Wipe, Hash (MD5 or SHA-1)
HPA/DCO detection and removal
Blank Disk Check
1. Capable to acquire/clone data from one-to-one, two-to-two
destinations media.
Hardware Imaging 2. Capable to acquire/clone data at the rate of 5GB/Min. (or
Device more).
1. Write Blockers Kit 3. Capable to acquire/clone data in Drive to Drive, Drive to
Tableau Duplicator Uncompressed segmented files and Drive to Compressed
segmented files format to support analysis in various forensic
analysis tools.
4. Capable to cross copy support to IDE, SATA, eSATA, micro
SATA, SCSI, SAS, ZIF and USB interfaces and combine-SATA
5. Capable to authenticate the data with at least two hashing
6. Capable to identify and acquire HPA and DCO Areas of the
suspect media.
7. Capable to acquire data directly from the live system/content-
based image.
8. Capable to boot/Mount the suspect media virtually in a write-
protected environment from the preview of live data.
9. Capable to acquire data from suspect RAID (all RAID
Configuration) drives.
10. Capable to acquire data over a network.
11. Capable to generate the log of the processes.
12. Capable to search for the keywords in the suspected media.
13. Preloaded operating software.
Page 61 of 95
Annexure- 22
Page 62 of 95
1. Mobile workstation:
Processor: Intel CoreTM i7 (3920XM)
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit or latest version
Memory: Up to 32GB2 DDR3 SDRAM at 1600Mhz or higher
Chipset: Mobile Intel ® QM77 Express Chipset
Video Card: NVIDIA Quadro K5000M with 4GB GDDR5
dedicated memory
Display: 17.3‖FHD(1920x1080), Premier Color technology, IPS,
with a view, anti-glare, LED-backlist.
Hard Drive: One TB SATA hard drive.
Optical Drive: DVD-ROM, Slot load DVD+/RW, Blu-ray Disc
Forensic Tool writer;
Kit for Incident Connectivity:
3. Response of Wired: Integrated Intel 82579M/V 10/100/1000 Gigabit
Digital Crimes Ethernet
(VPER Kit) Bluetooth: Wireless
Should have the facility for hard drive swapping
2. The Kit should have Following tools for search, seizure and analysis
of digital evidence.
Hardware Forensic Duplicator
Write-Blocker Kit
Incidence Response Tool for live acquisition of RAM, system
Profile, etc. on site.
Digital Evidence Analysis Tool.
Mobile Phone Forensic analysis tool including SIM Cards
Digital HD Video Camera etc.,
1. Should have the inbuild blocker device for the source drive.
2. Should support the disks of various interfaces like IDE, SATA,
ESATA, FIREWIRE and USB devices.
3. Should have the facility to Disk to Disk duplication with a facility of
Imaging Device
for Incident
4. Should have the facility to Disk to File duplication with e01 and
4 (Encase
5. Should compute and verify the hash values with at least two hashing
6. Should have the facility to format./wipe/black check the destination
7. Should have the facility to display, print, and save logs.
8. Should have a user-friendly GUI screen.
9. Should have the facility to use the device as a remote write blocker.
1. Preview and acquire full disk, targeted data, support Image formats of
AD1, E01, RAW, or SMART.
2. Acquire data from a live system with an active USB port.
3. Manual mode to search the file system/data prior to collection.
4. Pre-configured options for reporting on collected data.
Support to collect data from Chrome Browser History, Default
Browsers, Firefox Browser History, Internet Explorer History,
Forensic Triage
5 Internet Explorer Registry Keys, Typed URLs, Recently Accessed
Tool Kit
media Player Files, Local Network Connections, Remort Share, IP
Addresses, Application Usage History, Installed Software, Program
Files Software, Start-up Programs, Clipboard Data, Device Drives,
Memory Dump, Processes, Scheduled Tasks, Screenshot, Services,
User Accounts, User Groups, Acquire Registry, System Information,
Typed Paths, USB Devices, Users, Owner Information, SAM User
Page 63 of 95
1. Run directly from the USB thumb drive without having to install the
software on the target computer.
2. Mount & Serch volume shadow copies on a live system, at the logical
or physical level.
3. Save all results directly to the thumb drive.
4. Automatically check for disk encryption including Truecrypt, PGP,
Bitlocker and SafeBoot.
5. Built-in live RAM capture.
6. Should be able to collect/ parse/ carve/ recover artefacts left behind
live/ offline system when using.
Cloud Artefacts line
Digital Forensic Dropbox, Carbonite, SkyDrive, Google Docs, Google Drive
Tool Kit for the Flickr
Analysis of the Social Networking Pages like
Various Internet Facebook, Twitter, Bebo Chat, Myspace Chat, Google+, Linked
Artifacts, In
6. Browsers Webmail Applications like
(Magnet(IEF) Gmail Email, Yahoo Webmail Email, Hotmail Webmail Email
Evidence Finder Instant Messenger Chats like
Magnet Forensic Google Talk Chat Messages, Yahoo Chat Messages, MSN/
Inc, Canada) Windows Live Messenger Chat Messages, messenger Plus Chat
Logs, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) chat logs, mIRC Chat logs,
Skype, ICQ, World of Warcraft, Second Life, Trillian
P2P File sharing Application line
Linewire, Frostwire. Props Files, Gigtribe Chat Messages, Ares
P2P Search Keywords, Shareaza Search Keywords, eMules.
Torrent File Artifacts
Web Browser Activity from
Internet Explorer History/Recovery URLs, Firefox History,
Google Chrome History, Apple Safari, Opera, Google Maps,
Browser Activity-Chrome Incognito/Firefox Private Browsing.
Page 64 of 95
Software/Hardware for analysis of various types of mobile phones,
SIM cards, Memory cards
Should extract phone basic information and SIM Card data.
Should extract phone book and contact list, Call Logs, caller
group information, organizer, notes, SMS messages (live &
Software Based deleted). Web-browser artifacts, multi-media messages with
Tool Kit for the attachments, e-mail messages with attachments, multi-media
Logical Level files (images, audio & video files), details of installed
Analysis Of applications and their data, traffic and sessions log.
GSM/ CDMA Should support timeline analysis, GEO event positioning
1 Mobile Phones analysis, skype parsing, SQLite database parsing, list parsing.
Should support iPhone backup analysis, blackberry IPD
backup analysis, DMG parsing.
Device (UFED) Should Support for parsing the password-protected iPhone
Link Analysis) backups.
Should support link analysis.
Should support Social Networking data analysis.
OEM Connectors cables.
Should Support physical and logical analysis of various mobile
phones working on the various OS platform.
Should Support physical analysis of password-protected,
jailbroken, non-jailbroken, encrypted and non-encrypted iOS
Able to bypass PIN, passcode lock, pattern lock from the
mobile equipment.
Hardware Tool Kit Support to GPS devices.
For The Physical/
Logical Level Able to extract all data (call logs, phone book, SMS messages,
Analysis Of e-mail messages along with attachments, MMS messages along
2. GSM/CDMA with attachments, calendar, multi-media files, passwords,
Mobile Phones & location information, audio and video files etc.)
Sim Cards (UFED Able to perform timeline analysis, image carving, conversation
Touch 2 M/S. view, SQLite database parsing.
Cellebrite) Should support for physical memory dump and file system
Should support for SIM Card reading, extract SIM related info
along with user information line phone book, call register, text
messages (Active and Deleted ) and SIM Card cloning to
bypass PIN.
Should support for data authentication by hashing
Mobile Phone Should support mobile phones working on Chinese chipsets
Forensic Analysis like MTK, INFINEON, SPREADTRUM, etc.
Tool Kit For the Should support low-level data extraction from.bin files.
Physical Logical Should support the interpretation of low-level data into a
Analysis of Chinese readable format.
Mobile Phones Should recover deleted phone information.
(UFED Chinex Should recover/ bypass passwords.
M/S. Cellebrite) Should extract internet artifacts and GPRS activity.
Page 65 of 95
Digital Forensic Read-Only Access to system and user data held on the SIM
Tool Kit for the card.
Physical Imaging Able to handle PIN and PUK.
and Analysis of
4. Present data in an easily readable format.
SIM Card Memory
(Paraben SIM Card Authentication by MD5/ SHA hash.
Seizure Paraben Support for multi-language text messages.
Corporation, USA) Recover deleted SMS messages.
Page 66 of 95
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Page 68 of 95
Generalized specifications for workstation:
Intel ® Xeon ® Processor E-5-2650 v2/v3, 2.6 GHz 20 MB L3
1. CPU
cache or higher
2. Chipset and Mother Board Intel C 602 or better
3. Memory 08 GB DDR3 1600MHz expandable to 256GB or better
1x1000 GB SATA HDD at 7200 rpm upgradable to 2 HDD or
4. Hard Disc Drive
5. Storage Controller SATA Controller RAID Support 0 & 1
6. Key Board Standard Keyboard
7. Mouse Optical Scroll Mouse
5 PCI/PCI Express including 2 PCI Express x 16 for Dual
8. PCI Slot
Graphics and TESLA Card support
9. Bays Total bays (2 internal and 2 external)
10. Ports 5 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0, rJ-45, audio in, audio out, mic in
11. Cabinet Mini tower
12. Optical Drive 8 x DVD writer
13. Networking Features Integrated 10 / 100/ 1000
14. Operating System Microsoft windows i.1 Professional 64 Bit or higher
15. OS Certifications Windows and Red Hat or SUSE Linux or Ubuntu Linux
As per list enclosed at Annexure-A OEM Certification for (a)
Digital Content (b) Electronic Design automation (EDA_ and
16. Applications
(c), Mechanical Computer-aided Design (MCAD) from OEM
Manufacturing workstation shall be acceptable.
17. Safety Certification As per IEC: 60950-1 / IS:13252 with all amendments up to date
18. Power Supply 230V + / - 10% single phase, 50 Hz AC
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Management
19. Power Management
20. Bundled Software System Health monitoring tool available with H/w box
21. Security Integrated panel lock or padlock
Page 69 of 95
Annexure- 26
Hardware/Software for Audio Analysis
General Specifications:-
1. Forensic Audio Examination Hardware and Software System
Capture of Audio
• Facility for minimum 4 – Channels input or above to collect audio signals simultaneously from
various devices.
• Facility for minimum 4 – channels output or above, line and speaker, headphone output.
• Frequency response for both AC and DC mode – 20 Hz – 50,000 Hz.
• Dynamic range should be greater than 90 dB.
• Support the sampling rates 8,000 – 50,000 Hz or better for analysis of higher frequency signals for
research and case analysis purpose.
• Inbuilt features for accurate voice signal capture such as the use of low-latency ASIO drivers, high
gain pre-amplification and anti-alias filtering.
• The facility of Software Interface card with Audio Stream Input and Output (ASIO} and Multi-
Media Extensions (MME}.
• Facility for segregation of Audio from different formats
Noise reduction of Audio
• The facility of Digital Interface card with AES/EBU or S/PDIF connectors and support
various audio formats
• Ability to offers signal-to-noise performance typically superior to generic sound cards.
• Facility for Signal Normalization
• Facility for AC coupling to removes low-frequency components.
Audio features extraction, analysis and display
• Facility for waveform, FFT, LPC Spectrograms/spectrums & power spectrum
• Facility for Pitch, formant extraction and Cepstrum analysis
• Facility for energy and power spectrum
• Support the Windows XP or better operating system.
• Statistical analysis and display of features
2. Audio enhancement and authentication Hardware/ software
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Annexure -27
Hardware/Software for Video Analysis
General Specifications:-
Forensic Image& Video Enhancement and Analysis System
• A computerized system with preloaded software.
• Capture Uncompressed/compressed audio-data from a variety of video sources
including CCTV.
• The system should have editing features such as crop, flip, rotate, re-size,
• The system should have the capability to extract and compare the frames.
• Pre-processing of the video signal and image clarification.
• Video de-multiplexing and stabilization.
• Process Digital (DVR) or Analog Video Evidence.
• DVR security video-decode digital video (DVR) files from proprietary security
systems into the uncompressed video.
• Enhance dark video and poor quality video security and surveillance video.
• De-interlace field recorded forensic video to avoid blurry stills printed from video
frame averaging.
• Facility for enhancing image/video by Laplacian filtering, Gaussian, Bilateral,
Wiener, Deblocking filters or other suitable filters for forensic applications.
• Support for enhancement/Noise suppression (Signal SNR up to 4dB).
• Variable slow motion speed adjustment to compensate for time-lapsed video.
• The system should be compatible with digital and analogue video, still image and
should be scalable with different modules.
• The system should have the facility to analyze with photogrammetric tools and
measurement tools.
• Suitable hardware to meet the above requirement.
Page 71 of 95
Facial recognition Software
General Specifications:-
• Facial Capturing from different media & pre-processing.
• Creation of photo like composites
• Generation of unique alphanumeric code for every composite.
• Three-tone hair colour, side to side hair flip.
• Data Generation of Facial markings: scars, moles, piercing, tattoos.
• Facility for improvement of age progression.
• Detachable hats and headwear facility.
• Ability to export composite as JPEG file and in other image formats
• Side by sideshow I comparison capability.
• Improved zooming and positioning tools.
• Runs on any standard desk or laptop computer.
• Analyze the static Images
• Full or partial face identification.
• Capable to detect and register the numerous characteristic of each face.
• Capable to store, retrieve and compare the facial features from the database and display
matching score.
Page 72 of 95
Image Analyser Software
General Specifications:-
Should support Windows 10.
Should support JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, RAW image file formats.
The software should have the capability of extracting EXIF metadata of the image.
Capability to of creating camera fingerprint by identifying pixel non-uniformity (PNU) of the
images from a set of test shots which were caused by the fixed pattern noise(FPN) and the
photo-response non-uniformity noise (PRNU) of the sensor.
Variable crop size, pixels and location for PNU identification.
Comparison with a digital image in question and auto-generation of the comparison result.
Page 73 of 95
Annexure -30
Multispectral Imaging system (VSC)
General Specifications:-
High-Resolution CCD/ digital FireWire
Color Camera of 1.3 megapixel and above
Camera Spectral Response range 74 approx.. 350 – 1100 nm
Hyper Spectrometer
30‖ flat screen monitor
Optics Magnification up to x170
Field of view 74 approx. 200 x 150 nm
Long Wave incident UV at 365 nm
Medium Wave incident UV at 312 / 313 nm
Short Wave incident UV at 254 nm
Long Wave transmitted UV at 365nm
Visible & IR Incident High-Intensity Light
Visible / Infrared Transmitted Flood Light
IR illumination for Anti-Stokes features detection
IR Luminescence
ICAO data reader
Hidden Image Decoder
Histogram Stretching
Case Work
Side By Side Comparison Of Live & Stored Image
Software (SW) Color Measurement to measure color Coordinates
Comparison of spectrum for whole UV, visible & NIR region
Split Screen for simultaneous ink analysis on two separate documents
Calibration procedure including measuring statistics, image analysis, Processing and
reporting P.C operating system Windows
X-Y translator Stage, Polari safe viewer for UV
Superimposition of Live and stored image with the adjustable mix, 0 to 100%
Variable Speed Image storable between a live and a stored image
Left to right image reversal (Horizontal image reversal)
Image Top to bottom image reversal (Vertical image reversal)
Comparison & Grey level reversal (Positive to negative)
Transformation Image rotation through any angle
Contract / Stretch
Image processing, Image quality enhancement filters, Multi-layer imaging,
IPI decoder, OVI viewer, MRZ decoder
Distance between two points
The area within a user-defined box
Image The radius of a circular feature from three peripheral points
Measurements The angle between two lines
Area of user-defined shape
Area of selected features i.e. An alphanumeric character or logo
Passport database with a free update for the next 5 years
Data Base
Bank Note database with a free update for the next 5 years
Computer Compatible Computer hardware for the high-resolution spectral comparator of the
Hardware latest version is to be quoted.
Page 74 of 95
Annexure -31
High-resolution Spectral Comparator (HRSC)
General Specifications for High-Resolution-Hyper Spectral Comparator
1. High-resolution Hyperspectral comparator System with High-Resolution CCD/digital FireWire
Color Camera with suitable resolution in Megapixels to have a high-quality image to avoid blurry
and pixelated image, Camera Spectral Response range 75 approx.. 400 or less to 1000 rim or
2. The System must have UN illumination facility for examination of UV activated features,
erasures, substrate, fluorescent and phosphorescent inks with Long Wave incident UV (365nm or
more), Long Wave transmitted UV (365nm) light source.
3. The System must have facilities for examination and discrimination of inks, the examination of
erasures, obliterations, additions, deletions, security threads, micro printing, overt and covert
(Active and Passive features) security features in the Passports, Bank Notes, Travel documents;
the system must have Visible & IR incident High-Intensity Light, Visible/Infrared Oblique/side
Light, Visible/Infrared transmitted light, Spotlight source.
4. The System must have visible range light source as well as the provision of transmitted and
oblique light source for examination of watermarks and other surface features.
5. The System must have Visible/Infrared Co-axial light provision for the examination of retro-
reflective security printing features.
6. The System must have facilities for Hyper Spectral Imaging for precise Ink
Examination/discrimination and Image integration.
7. The System must have the facility for examination/viewing and recording of
8. The System must comprise arrays of visible range filters, low and high bandpass filters suitable
for examination of forensic documents.
9. The System must have suitable wide-field IR illumination assembly for
viewing/examination/detection of all Anti-Stokes features.
10. The System must have polarized light for verifying birefringence security features.
11. The System must have ICAO data reader and other ICAO compliant features, Hidden Image
Decoder, Histogram Stretching.
12. The System must have ‗Case Work Management‘ provision.
13. The System must have the facility of Image Comparisons such as side by side comparison of Live
& Stored Image, Superimposition of live & Stored Image, image transformation and Image
annotation provision.
14. The System must have Colour Measurement to measure colour Coordinates.
15. The System must have the facility for Comparison of Spectrums for whole UV, Visible & NIR
16. The System must have the facility of spectrometry for measurement of absorption, reflectance,
transmission and fluorescence spectra.
17. The system must provide Calibration procedure/function.
18. The System must have the provision of full range examination of the document i.e. under various
light sources and suitable magnification with an enhanced field of view along with image storage
and retrieval facility.
19. The System must have UV polarized light viewer for special UV features with UV safety locks
20. The System must have Variable speed image storable between a live and stored image, Left to
right image Reversal (Horizontal mirror reversal), Top to Bottom image reversal ( Vertical mirror
reversal), Grey level reversal (Positive to negative), Image rotation through any angle,
21. The System must have the facility of Image processing, Image quality enhancement filters, Multi-
Layer imaging.
22. The System must have IPI/ICI Decoder, OVI Viewer, Latent Image visualizer, Barcode reader
(1D/2D), OCR, Smart card reader, and other formats of Barcodes, MRZ decoder along with
suitable filter light source and software.
Page 75 of 95
23. The System must have the facility of Image measurement facility (software) for measuring the
distance between two points, Area within a user-defined box, Radius of a circular feature from
three peripheral points, Angle between two lines, Area of user-defined shape, Area of selected
features i.e. an alphanumeric character or logo.
24. The System must have Passport, Bank Note and other security documents Database with the
assurance of regular update.
25. The system must have Software to control and run various functions and applications of the
Spectral Comparator during the course of examination as well as handling of the instrument
along with the facility for updating in future.
26. The System must have suitable & efficient hardware and software components to cater & address
the aforesaid forensic needs and mentioned parameters of analysis as well as must-have working
platform/area, sufficient field of view, optical and digital zoom to enable effective & convenient
examination of large-sized documents consisting of extensive data to be examined.
27. The System must have a compatible Computer System with latest windows version and with
latest color printing facility and a minimum 30‖ flat widescreen monitor or more.
28. Consumable and Spare Parts/Accessories for five years use of equipment as per the Standard
Practice of manufacturer/firm must be provided with the system.
29. Warranty: Three (03) Years.
30. AMC: Supplier shall undertake to enter into AMC of the equipment on payment basis after the
warranty period.
31. The facility of service centre should be available in India.
32. Operational training of seven working days should be provided by the manufacturer for two
scientists at consignee place. Two days of additional training for two scientists in case of
upgradation of Hardware/Software, if any.
Page 76 of 95
Annexure -32
High-End Computer with Server
General Specifications:-
4U Rack Mounter Server with the following Components:
File Server:
Multi-core Neon Processor with 8 cores per processor or better
Total RAM Memory 256GB with the provision of scalability to 512GB
Total File Storage Memory of 200TB by RAID6 configuration in
SATA based Secondary Storage Media with provision for future storage
Support remote acquisition.
Backup support into latest LTO Tapes with backup / archival software.
Cabling with Data Transfer Capability of 10Gbps among file Server
and Processing Server and Work Stations.
Latest Microsoft Windows Server Operating System or suitable OS for
the management of the File Server.
Sufficient Modular Power Supply
Integrated Dual Modular Battery Backup for uninterrupted Power
Integrated Modular Cooling System for better heat dispensing.
Processing Server:
Multi-core Xeon Processor with 10 cores per processor or better
Total RAM Memory 512GB with Provision of scalability.
SSD based Processing Storage of 512 GB with the provision of
Technical scalability.
Specifications for Facility to create custom Virtual Desktops with varying configuration by
Localized Server visualization
Support to minim 25 clients with scalability.
Support Sharing of Digital Forensic Tools over LAN
Cabling with Data Transfer Capability of 10 GBPS among File Server
and Processing Server and Work Stations.
Latest Microsoft Windows Server Operating System or suitable OS for
the management of the Processing Server.
Sufficient Modular Power Supply
Integrated Dual Modular Battery Backup for uninterrupted Power
Integrated Modular Cooling System for better heat dispensing.
Integrated GPU supporting the processing of data by Digital Forensic
Tools and decryption related activities.
Integrated Modular Monitor with Keyboard and mouse provision for
the management of the Server via user console management.
The server should have sufficient no. of USB 2/3 ports along with USB
Fibre-based LAN to support up to 10 Gbps data speed between server
locations to workstations.
Minimum of 3000 VA rack-mounted integrated dual power supply via
Warranty for 03 years with lifetime free servicing.
Page 77 of 95
Generalized specifications for workstation:
Page 78 of 95
Annexure -33
Computerized Polygraph System (CPS)
General Specifications:-
Page 79 of 95
Annexure -34
Layered Voice Analyser
General Specifications:-
Layered Voice Analyzer system should have the following specifications:
Laptop based system with the following specification:
a. Intel i5 processor or higher
b. Windows 10 or higher operation system
c. 1TB Hard Disc or more
d.4GB RAM or more
e. 14‖ inch or more LED display with a carry case for laptop
Headphone with noise-cancelling facility
Microphone with noise cancelling facility
External audio speaker and audio recorder
USB phone connector with an inbuilt sound card
Laser Jet colour printer
The software should have the following specification:
The software should be based on the psychological pattern of detection on voice samples
Real-time analysis and real-time feedback of the voice input
Option to analyse the pre-recorded voice data
Ability to identify and measure emotional activities and deception from the voice data
The software should have forensic case creation and reporting facility
Licensed and software for dispute free usage of the instrument for an unlimited period
Note: Specifications proposed above may vary as modern technology is very dynamic in nature.
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Page 83 of 95
Appendix A
Beakers, assorted from 5 to 1000 ml
Erlenmeyer flasks, assorted from 10 to 2000 ml
Test tubes, length 130 mm, diameter 25 mm
Desiccators with the disc, vacuum, safety, with screw thread connection stopcock in the lid,
top ID 250 mm
Glass tubing
Glass rods
Dispensing flasks fitted with eye-droppers
Glass stoppers, assorted
Reagent flasks
Pasteur pipettes
Teats for Pasteur pipettes
Reagent labels
Volumetric measurements
Graduated cylinders, assorted from 5 to 1000 ml
Graduated pipettes, assorted from 1 to 10ml
Volumetric pipettes, assorted from 1 to 25 ml
Volumetric flasks, assorted from 5 to 1000 ml
Page 84 of 95
Weight measurements
Analytical balance, 0.1 mg resolution with internal calibration
Top-pan balance, 0.01g resolution
Calibration weights
Weighing dishes (e.g. disposable plastic boats)
Solution preparation
Beakers, assorted from 10 to 1000 ml
Conical flasks, assorted from 50 to 2000 ml
Graduated cylinders, assorted from 5 to 1000 ml
Electric hot plate/magnetic stirrer unit
Magnetic stirrer bars (assorted)
Page 85 of 95
For Thin Layer Chromatography
Glass or aluminium silica gel coated plates (20x20, 20x10, 20x5 cm), with and
without a fluorescent indicator.
Developing tanks
TLC spray box (a cardboard box can be used)
Atomizers with rubber bellows for spray reagents
Air blower (to dry plates after sample application or after development)
The ultraviolet lamp (254 and 366 nm)
Desiccators for TLC plate storage
Spray reagents (colour reagents/iodine vapours)
Glass micro capillary tubes, 2 μl
Filter paper (for development chamber saturation)
Multipurpose spotting guide, 20x20 cm
Reference standards (known compounds)
TLC plate heater
Page 86 of 95
Appendix – B
For Equipment
Special gases facilities (gas cylinders with regulators, valves, molecular sieves tubes)
Data processing facilities
Crimp sealer
Stainless steel tweezers
Vial racks
Glass vials
High purity (5.0) gases (H2 , N2, Helium, aitr)
Derivatization reagents (e.g., MSTFA, BSTFA, TMCS)—optional
Hot plate/heat block or water bath to warm-up vials.
Capillary column cutter
Reference/standard substances and test mixtures
De-ionized water
Specific reagents for buffers and mobile phases
Syringes, 1-3 ml (for sample filtration)
Syringes filters with the adequate membranes (e.g. 30mm diameter, membrane
o PTFE, porosity 0.45 μm.
KBr die (e.g., 13 mm diameter)—for use in halide disc method
Micro KBr die (e.g., 1.5-3 mm diameter)—for use in halide disc method
Sample holder
Demountable cell mounts
Agate mortar (e.g., 35 mm diameter) and pestle –
Teflon spacers
Paper rings (e.g., for 13 mm die)—for use in halide disc method
Syringe, 2 ml—for use in Nujol mull method
Nujol—for use in Nujol mull method
KBr powder—for use in halide disc method
Liquid nitrogen
Page 87 of 95
Spare camera batteries
Range of lenses (normal, wide-angle and macro)
Lens brush and lens tissue
Image storage cards (e.g. compact flashcards)
Photographic tripod stand
Light meter
Flashlight (and batteries)
Copy stand, with supports for evidential material
Spare camera batteries and/or charger
Rechargeable hand-held forensic light source with UV and IR capability (with
o associated coloured and polarized photographic filters and goggles)
Software for analysis of bloodstain pattern.
Hand-held metal detector
Dental stone and plaster of Paris for shoe and tyre prints,
Bucket, bowls and/or plastic bags for mixing
Wooden spatula
Wire or wooden splints for support, or casting forms
Silicone casting material for tool marks and indented fingerprints [tube]
Page 88 of 95
For Digital Forensics
Laboratory forensic workstation with the monitor, output devices (CD/DVD) and connections
(i.e., USB, Firewire, SATA) configured with the operating system (i.e., Windows or Linux) and
user-based software applications (i.e., Office, anti-virus); special configuration considerations
include a high-end processor, a significant amount of random access memory(RAM), high-quality
video and audio components, DVD and CD drives, multiple peripheral connection capabilities
for IDE, SCSI, SATA, USB, Firewire, and networks.
Laptop or portable forensic workstation with similar configuration and capabilities to those of
the laboratory forensic workstation
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for backup power
Isolation transformer (power/voltage regulation) for PC workstations and audio/video
Networking equipment
Internet connectivity for updating software and research
General use printer
Digital camera
Cables and connectors
Power surge protectors/extension cords of various lengths
Hard drives
Compact flash cards (various sizes and volumes)
Small computer instrument toolkit
Anti-static wrist band
RF shielding equipment for mobile telephone examinations
High-resolution monitors
Professional quality player of various media formats and DVD recorders.
High-quality video cables appropriate to the equipment in the lab: analogue video cables, digital
video cables
Image printers
Colour calibration equipment for monitors and printers
Page 89 of 95
Appendix D
List Of Minor Equipment/Tools Required For Searching Scene of
i. For Protection and safety
ii. Detection
Rechargeable flashlight/torch/hand-held light source
Rechargeable hand-held forensic light source (basic)
Cardboard boxes
Metal unlined cans for collection of arson evidence
Bindle material/weighing paper
Plastic bags
Paper bags (small, medium, large)
Slide boxes (for teeth, projectiles etc.)
Envelopes (various sizes)
Body bags
Containers for sharp objects (e.g. knives, syringes)
Evidence tags/labels
Tamper-proof evidence tape
Page 90 of 95
Reference scales (L-shaped)
Tape measure
Writing pad
Writing and marking pens, pencils, metal scribe, chalk, marking paint
Paper towel
Stapler and staples
Compact camera
spare batteries, lens brush, lens tissue, image storage cards, filters), memory
Photographic tripod stand with water-level
Camera flash (and batteries)
GPS Locator
Stationery items such as pens, markers, sketch pens, different papers, Chart Papers etc
Hammers, saw, screwdrivers, wrench, pliers, knife, shovels, sifters, rake, bolt
cutters, power drill, electrical extension cords, wire cutters, hacksaw, socket wrench
set, rope, assorted sized of wood chisels, axe, cotton work gloves etc.
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