'Murica Paladin Subclass

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Sacred Oath

Oath of Freedom Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
The Oath of Freedom binds a paladin to the inalienable truth two Channel Divinity options.
that all beings are equal, and everyone deserves to choose for Break Chains. As an action, you present your holy symbol
themselves how they wish to live. Slavery and genocide, and speak a prayer of liberation, using your Channel Divinity
persecution, incarceration; these are the most vile sins one to shatter nearby restraints. Choose any number of creatures
can commit, for to rob an individual of their freedom is to within 30 feet of you that are grappled, paralyzed, or
reduce them to a lesser entity. Sometimes referred to as restrained. Those conditions immediately end.
vanguard paladins, prime knights, or guardian knights, these Vow of Altruism. As an action, you can present your holy
paladins tirelessly seek to free all beings trapped in bondage. symbol and use your Channel Divinity to mark a creature
with a vow of altruism for 1 minute, causing it to share its
Tenets of Freedom good fortune with others. While marked, whenever the target
The tenets of the Oath of Freedom go back to the very dawn would regain hit points or gain temporary hit points, you and
of civilization itself, as just societies ensured liberty for all its each creature friendly to you within 30 feet of the target gain
citizens. Paladins who uphold these tenets believe that half that amount of hit points or temporary hit points.
personal freedom is one right afforded to all intelligent beings
regardless of race, creed, or even the laws of their country. Aura of Emancipation
Such paladins tend to be neutral good or chaotic good in Starting at 7th level, you are immune to being charmed or
alignment; while violence is ideally used as a last resort, they compelled, and while you are conscious you and friendly
are not afraid to wield their weapons in defense of those creatures within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving
denied liberty and equality. throws made to resist becoming charmed, compelled,
Equality for All. All life is precious, but every sentient of grappled, paralyzed, or restrained.
the world has a right to freedom and self-autonomy. No race Compelling a creature requires the spell or ability to force
is greater or more superior than any other; and no individual the creature to act against its will in some way, such as the
can be allowed to enslave or subjugate others. spells command and compelled duel.
Freedom is Worth Fighting For. Do not shy away from At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
fighting for a righteous cause. Remember that just
imprisonment is not the same as enslavement; those who rob Exact Reparations
others of their liberty must be hindered in order to ensure At 15th level, you can use an action to expend 5 hit points
greater freedom for all. from your Lay on Hands pool of healing on a creature that is
Circumspection for the Law. Dismantle the laws that charmed or currently being compelled to act against its will.
create inequality or violate liberties, but never violate the law The charm or compulsion immediately ends, and the
for the sake of violating the law. Rules must ensure equity creature that caused the charm or compulsion takes psychic
and freedom for those who would be oppressed by others, damage equal to 2d8 + half your paladin level (rounded
and punishment for these crimes must be just and fitting. down) as long as it is on the same plane of existence.
Everyone has the Capacity for Good. Few are born evil,
and fewer are incapable of overcoming their wicked ways. Vanguard of Leadership
Help lead those who show remorse for their actions back to At 20th level, you assume the form of an inspiring avatar of
the side of justice. guiding liberty. Using your action, you undergo a
Oath of Freedom Features
transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
Paladin Level Feature Whenever you cast a paladin spell with an instantaneous
3rd Oath Spells, Channel Divinity duration that targets only you, each friendly creature of
your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you gains
7th Aura of Emancipation (10 ft.) the benefit of that spell as if you had also cast the spell on
15th Exact Reparations them. The spell cannot be one which deals damage in an
18th Aura of Emancipation (30 ft.)
area around you.
Friendly creatures that start their turn within 30 feet of
20th Vanguard of Leadership you or enter that area for the first time on a turn gain the
benefits of any paladin spell you cast on yourself that has a
Oath Spells persistent effect. The spell cannot be one which deals
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. damage in an area around you. The creature gains these
benefits for the duration of the spell as long as it remains
Oath of Freedom Spells within 30 feet of you. If the creature ends its turn outside
Paladin Level Spells this area, the benefits of the spell end.
3rd heroism, sanctuary You and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you score a
critical hit on any attack roll of 19-20.
5th calm emotions, knock
9th beacon of hope, intellect fortress
You can use this feature once, and regain the ability to use
it again after you finish a long rest.
13th dimension door, freedom of movement
17th dispel evil and good, passwall
"The price of freedom is high; it always has been.
And it's a price I'm willing to pay.
And if I'm the only one, then so be it.

But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

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Paladin: Oath of Freedom v1.0
The Arcane Athenaeum

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