AKI Perioperatif 2

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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 115 (S2): ii3–ii14 (2015)

doi: 10.1093/bja/aev380
Clinical Practice


Perioperative acute kidney injury

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O. Goren* and I. Matot
Division of Anaesthesiology, Pain, and Intensive Care, Tel Aviv Medical Center, affiliated with Sackler Medical
School, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
*Corresponding author: E-mail: goren.orr@gmail.com

Perioperative acute kidney injury (AKI) is not uncommon and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Recently,
several definition systems for AKI were proposed, incorporating both small changes of serum creatinine and urinary output
reduction as diagnostic criteria. Novel biomarkers are under investigation as fast and accurate predictors of AKI. Several special
considerations regarding the risk of AKI are of note in the surgical patient. Co-morbidities are important risk factors for AKI. The
surgery in itself, especially emergency and major surgery in the critically ill, is associated with a high incidence of AKI. Certain
types of surgeries, such as cardiac and transplantation surgeries, require special attention because they carry higher risk of AKI.
Nephrotoxic drugs, contrast dye, and diuretics are commonly used in the perioperative period and are responsible for a
significant amount of in-hospital AKI. Before surgery, the anaesthetist is required to identify patients at risk of AKI, optimize
anaemia, and treat hypovolaemia. During surgery, normovolaemia is of utmost importance. Additionally, the surgical and
anaesthesia team is advised to use measures to reduce blood loss and avoid unnecessary blood transfusion. Hypotension
should be avoided because even short periods of mean arterial pressure <55–60 mm Hg carry a risk of postoperative AKI. Higher
blood pressures are probably required for hypertensive patients. Urine output can be reduced significantly during surgery and is
unrelated to perioperative renal function. Thus, fluids should not be given in excess for the sole purpose of avoiding or treating
oliguria. Use of hydroxyethyl starch needs to be reconsidered. Recent evidence indicates a beneficial effect of administering
low-chloride solutions.

Key words: acute kidney injury; perioperative complications; perioperative management; surgery

Editor’s key points deterioration leads to accumulation of plasma waste products,

such as urea and creatinine. Acute kidney injury is not an uncom-
• Perioperative acute kidney injury is associated with major
mon disorder and is associated with considerable morbidity and
morbidity and mortality.
mortality. The definition of AKI has changed and evolved over the
• Use of serum creatinine in diagnosis is imperfect, and sev-
years, making the comparison of incidence and prevalence
eral novel biomarkers are under development to improve
among studies difficult. It is estimated that 2–18% of all hospital
inpatients acquire AKI.1–3 The incidence of AKI is reported to be
• Contributing factors include patient comorbidities, specific
between 22 and 57% in critical care patients.4 5 Unlike the trad-
surgeries, nephrotoxins, fluid and blood management, and
itional belief that patients recovering from AKI usually return to
haemodynamic stability.
their baseline renal function, recent reviews of the literature
show AKI to be a significant risk factor for chronic kidney dis-
ease.6 7 Acute kidney injury is also known to induce distant
The term acute kidney injury (AKI) is used to describe a rapid organ damage, which in turn contributes further to morbidity
deterioration (hours to days) of renal function. This rapid and mortality.8

Accepted: October 3, 2015

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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ii4 | Goren and Matot

Perioperative AKI is a leading cause of morbidity and mortal- The guideline includes a comprehensive review of AKI definition,
ity. It is associated with increased risk of sepsis, anaemia, coagu- risk assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and renal re-
lopathy, and mechanical ventilation.9 In a prospective study of placement therapy. The group accepted the existing RIFLE and
1200 patients having non-cardiac non-vascular surgery, AKI AKIN criteria for the definition of AKI and proposed simple, prac-
was associated with increased morbidity and mortality.10 A tical criteria of AKI.22 The KDIGO criteria include both a relative
study investigating patients after general surgery reported an and an absolute change of sCr and accept a short (48 h) and an ex-
eight-fold increase in mortality in patients with perioperative tended (7 days) time frame for diagnosis of AKI. The urine output
AKI,11 whereas a more recent large-scale study of patients under- criteria remained practically unchanged. The KDIGO recommen-
going intra-abdominal surgery found that non-AKI patients had a dations relevant to perioperative AKI are discussed in the peri-
30 day mortality of 1.9%, compared with 31% in patients with operative management section.
AKI.12 Notably, mortality is higher in patients with perioperative A comparison of the three different classifications is pre-
AKI even after complete renal recovery.9 sented in Table 1.

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Perioperative AKI is a feared phenomenon with deleterious Despite the continued effort to standardize the definition of
effects. Methods to ameliorate the burden of perioperative AKI AKI using sCr, these methods have several flaws. The increase
are constantly sought. In this review, we discuss definitions of in sCr is late in the course of AKI such that by the time the diag-
AKI, the pathophysiology of AKI relevant to the perioperative nosis is made using standard laboratory methods the disease is
period, and specific considerations of AKI that are of special rele- well established. In addition, sCr can be influenced by volume
vance in the surgical patient. With this knowledge, we consider overload, nutrition, steroids, and muscle trauma.2
methods to identify patients at risk of AKI and review the current Recently, major advances suggest that biomarkers might help
recommended perioperative management aimed to prevent to detect AKI early, identify the aetiology, predict outcome, and
perioperative AKI. tailor specific therapies. Biomarkers are molecules that report
on renal function or damage that relate specifically to different
biological functions of the kidney.23 For example, N-acetyl-β-d-
Definition of acute kidney injury glucosamininidase in the urine is a direct marker of lysosomal
The first attempts to define AKI date back to the 17th century. injury in the proximal tubule, whereas cystatin C in the urine is
Nevertheless, the term acute renal failure appeared for the first a marker of reduced uptake by damaged proximal tubules.23
time in 1951.13 Since then, many definitions have been used by in- Some other promising biomarkers are kidney injury molecule-
vestigators and clinicians, resulting in a lack of clarity and prevent- 1, microalbumin, neutrophyl gelatinase-associated lipocalin,
ing comparable research. A review on the different classification interleukin 18, and liver fatty acid binding protein.23 24 A promis-
systems found more than 35 definitions of acute renal failure.14 ing study conducted in intensive care units (ICUs) showed that
The various definitions attempted to describe diverse aspects of the combined use of the two novel biomarkers insulin-like
AKI. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) roughly expresses the overall growth factor binding protein 7 and tissue inhibitor of metallo-
function of the different parts of the kidney; a rapid decline in proteinases-2 was a sensitive and fast way to detect AKI.25 A
GFR defines AKI.15 Given that a 24 h urine creatinine clearance similar study showed that insulin-like growth factor binding pro-
test is not straightforward to apply in everyday practice, serum cre- tein 7 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 can also be
atinine (sCr) change from baseline is considered a reasonable sub- used for the detection of post-cardiac surgery AKI.26
stitute and is roughly correlated with the change in GFR (although Several issues remain to be solved before these biomarkers
sCr becomes abnormal only after GFR declines significantly).2 Most can be used in clinical practice. For example, should urinary bio-
definitions use urine output and sCr as markers of renal function markers be normalized to urinary creatinine concentrations?27
because they are unique to the kidney and easily measured. What is their specificity and sensitivity? Can we accurately define
The first publication of consensus criteria for AKI was pub- the sensitivity and specificity when making comparisons with a
lished in 2004. The system was named RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, rather imperfect gold standard, such as sCr? Should a single
loss of kidney function, end-stage renal failure) and used sCr or biomarker or a combination of several be used?24
urine output to define AKI.16 A major issue concerning AKI criteria is their relevance to the
In 2004, the term AKI was proposed as a replacement for the perioperative period. Many surgical patients arrive in hospital with-
former acute renal failure. The change of terms highlighted the out preoperative sCr concentrations. As was mentioned above, this
fact that loss of function and failure are preceded by a structural can lead to over-diagnosis of AKI. On the contrary, when patients
and physiological injury to the kidney. Later, in 2007, a modified do arrive with a preoperative sCr concentration, the opposite can
definition of the RIFLE criteria was published by the Acute Kidney occur because in the immediate postoperative period sCr concen-
Injury Network (AKIN).17 Although the AKIN criteria evolved from trations can be lower than baseline as a result of haemodilution
the RIFLE criteria, a major advance was the understanding that after massive fluid administration and fluid shifts. Comparing
even small changes in sCr concentrations are associated with in- these postoperative and preoperative values can lead to under-
creased morbidity and mortality.18 19 The AKIN criteria allowed diagnosis of AKI and consequently delay treatment.
definition of AKI even without knowledge of baseline sCr. A major concern is whether or not intraoperative urine output
Several studies conducted on postoperative AKI attempted to is reliable as a criterion for AKI. As discussed below, recent stud-
compare the predictive value of the two methods.20 21 Both ies suggest that urine output can be reduced significantly during
schemes predict outcome of AKI with different sensitivity and surgery and is unrelated to perioperative renal function.28 29
specificity. The comparison also highlighted the need to select
baseline sCr carefully when the diagnosis of AKI is based solely
on the net sCr change. If the selected baseline sCr is the first post-
Mechanisms of perioperative acute kidney
operative sCr or the sCr after fluid resuscitation, over-diagnosis of
AKI can occur.21
In 2012, a clinical practice guideline of AKI was proposed by the Causes of AKI were traditionally divided into prerenal, intrinsic,
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Foundation. and postrenal, which provides a convenient classification, but
Perioperative acute kidney injury | ii5

Table 1 Comparison of the three classifications and staging of acute kidney injury: RIFLE, AKIN, and KDIGO criteria.16 17 22 AKIN, Acute
Kidney Injury Network; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes; RIFLE, risk, injury, failure, loss
of kidney function, end-stage renal failure; RRT, renal replacement therapy; sCr, serum creatinine


system 7 days 48 h

Staging Risk Stage 1 Stage 1

Increased sCr × 1.5 or GFR Increased sCr × 1.5–2 or sCr Increased sCr × 1.5–1.9 that is known or
decrease >25% increase ≥0.3 mg dl−1 presumed to have occurred within the
or or preceding 7 days or sCr increase ≥0.3 mg
urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 for urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 dl−1 within 48 h
6h for >6 h or

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urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 for 6–12 h
Injury Stage 2 Stage 2
Increased Increased Increased sCr × 2–2.9
sCr × 2 or GFR decease >50% sCr × 2–3 or
or or urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 for ≥12 h
urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 for urine output <0.5 ml kg−1 h−1
12 h for >12 h
Failure Stage 3 Stage 3
Increased sCr × 3 or GFR decrease Increased sCr × 3 or more or Increased sCr × 3
75% or sCr ≥4 mg dl−1 when sCr is sCr ≥4 mg dl−1 when sCr is in or sCr ≥4 mg dl−1
in acute increase (≥0.5 mg dl−1) acute increase (≥0.5 mg dl−1) or initiation of RRT
or or or GFR decrease to <35 ml min−1 (1.73 m)−2
urine output <0.3 ml kg−1 h−1 for urine output <0.3 ml kg−1 h−1 in patients <18 yr old
24 h or anuria for 12 h for >24 h or anuria for 12 h or
urine output <0.3 ml kg−1 h−1 for ≥24 h or
anuria for ≥12 h

the disease does not always strictly obey these definitions. For are well tolerated.2 Evidence suggests that systemic inflamma-
example, prerenal AKI if profound and lasting will eventually tion leading to tubular injury is responsible for sepsis-associated
lead to intrinsic AKI (secondary AKI).2 15 Intrinsic AKI is better AKI whether or not ischaemia was the initiating factor.30
understood when divided into the major structures of the kidney, Apart from the general mechanisms that are common to AKI
as follows: (i) damage to the renal vasculature from embolic events from various causes, other specific contributions to perioperative
and vasculitides, such as malignant hypertension and haemolytic AKI are of special note in the surgical patient.
uraemic syndrome; (ii) damage to the renal interstitium from
allergic reactions, leukaemia, lymphoma, and bacterial infections;
(iii) tubular damage because of secondary AKI, inflammation, ex-
ogenous toxins (contrast dye, antibiotics), and endogenous toxins With the development of surgical techniques and advanced an-
(myoglobin, haemoglobin).15 The most common trigger for AKI in aesthesia delivery and monitoring, surgery on sicker and older
the inpatient population is sepsis.2 30 Major surgery and acute de- patients is more common. These patients suffer from co-morbid-
compensated heart failure are also common reasons for AKI in ities, such as chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, dia-
this population.2 betes mellitus, and cardiovascular and hepatobilliary disease,
The kidney is able to maintain GFR even in the face of chan- all of which are well-documented risk factors predisposing to
ging arterial pressure and volume status. Reduced mean arterial AKI.10–12 32 Male sex is also a risk factor of AKI.11 Other reported
pressure (MAP) initiates a series of systemic and local processes. risk factors in surgical patients are functional dependence,
The sympathetic system is activated, antidiuretic hormone is re- ventilator dependence, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
leased, and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system increases smoking, bleeding disorders, chronic steroid use, and cancer.12
angiotensin II activity. The net result is water retention, in- A retrospective cohort study evaluated the incidence of AKI in pa-
creased sodium absorption, and the preservation of GFR.15 31 tients admitted to the ICU beds of the postanaesthesia care unit.
Later, if hypoperfusion is not corrected, angiotensin II eventually Independent risk factors of AKI included ASA physical status, Re-
causes vasoconstriction of both the afferent and the efferent ar- vised Cardiac Risk Index, high-risk surgery, and congestive heart
terioles, and as a consequence, reduces GFR.31 These mechan- failure.33 A prospective cohort study conducted in non-vascular,
isms function only as long as MAP is maintained above the non-cardiac surgery patients identified age, diabetes mellitus,
autoregulatory threshold. Below a MAP of 75–80 mm Hg, the auto- Revised Cardiac Risk Index, and ASA status as independent risk
regulatory efficiency declines abruptly.15 factors of AKI.10
A wider and more complex understanding of the mechanisms
of AKI is emerging. The simple ischaemia model alone cannot ex-
plain sepsis- and major-surgery-associated AKI. Haemodynam-
ics in sepsis are dominated by a hyperdynamic state, and global Obesity is an excessive accumulation of adipose tissue. Obesity is
renal blood flow may remain intact.30 Decreased perfusion might an epidemic with profound effect on morbidity and mortality.
not be the only reason for major-surgery-associated AKI, because Worldwide, the prevalence of BMI >25 kg m−2 is estimated to be
even prolonged intervals of partial occlusion of the renal artery 37% in men and 38% in women.34 Obesity is a risk factor for AKI
ii6 | Goren and Matot

in general and for perioperative AKI in particular;35 36 it is asso- propofol to attenuate AKI in experimental studies; however,
ciated with metabolic syndrome and can alter renal hemo- such an effect has not been shown in humans.59–62 Recently, a
dynamics.37 The special characteristics of the kidney in the study conducted on 112 patients undergoing valvular heart sur-
obese, known as obesity-related glomerulopathy, include gery and randomized to anaesthesia by either propofol or sevo-
changes in GFR and glomerulomegaly.35 A different understand- flurane showed anaesthesia with propofol to be associated with
ing of the correlation between obesity and atherosclerotic mor- reduced incidence and severity of AKI.63 A study on healthy
bidity can be achieved when the different types and spread of volunteers found that the sympathetic block caused by epidural
adipose tissue are taken into consideration.38 39 Recently, a anaesthesia did not change renal blood flow significantly.64 A
study on ICU trauma patients showed AKI to be correlated with meta-analysis found the incidence of AKI to be lower for neurax-
abdominal fat in particular, as measured by computed ial anaesthesia when compared with general anaesthesia.65
tomography.40 Another meta-analysis evaluated epidural anaesthesia com-
bined with general anaesthesia in cardiac surgery and found a
reduction in AKI in the combined group.66 A recent population-

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based historical cohort study found combined general and
In every major operation, a risk for reduction in effective blood neuraxial anaesthesia to have a similar incidence of AKI when
volume or mechanical obstruction exists. Hypovolaemia, low compared with general anaesthesia alone.67
systemic vascular resistance because of anaesthesia or caval
compression, and direct injury to the renal system are all com-
Cardiac surgery
mon events during surgery that can harm the kidney.
Emergency surgery is a risk factor for AKI.11 12 Patients with Acute kidney injury is a significant deleterious consequence of
sepsis presenting to the operating room are at increased risk of cardiac surgery that is associated with increased mortality.19 68
AKI,12 as are patients arriving in the emergency room with sep- The incidence of AKI associated with cardiac surgery can reach
sis.41 Major vascular surgery,42 and cardiac surgery in particu- 30% depending on the definition of AKI.68–70 The mechanisms
lar,43 are well-known risk factors for AKI. Patients undergoing of cardiac surgery-associated AKI are multifactorial and mostly
intraperitoneal surgery in general,11 and exploratory laparotomy related to the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Some of
and small bowl resections in particular, are more prone to de- the pathophysiological explanations are ischaemia–reperfusion
velop AKI.12 Lung resection has a relatively high incidence of injury, microembolization, inflammation, decreased renal perfu-
AKI.44 An observational study on cardiac surgery because of sion pressure, haemodilution, and use of nephrotoxic drugs.43
infective endocarditis showed the incidence of postoperative Preoperative chronic kidney disease is the most important risk
AKI to be as high as 59%.45 factor for perioperative AKI in this setting. Other risk factors of
cardiac surgery-associated AKI are age, female gender, preopera-
tive anaemia, perioperative packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfu-
Intra-abdominal pressure
sion, heart failure, emergency surgery, diabetes mellitus,
Increased intra-abdominal pressure is common in ICU patients haemodilution on CPB, duration of CPB, use of an intra-aortic bal-
after abdominal surgery.46 Increased intra-abdominal pressure, loon pump, and valve surgery.43 71 Several risk-predicting models
which is frequently explained by excessive administration of of cardiac surgery-associated AKI have been proposed in order to
fluids,47 48 can cause abdominal compartment syndrome, mech- increase vigilance for high-risk patients.72–74
anically compress the renal veins and constrict the renal arteries Methods to prevent cardiac surgery-associated AKI have been
via activation of the sympathetic system.48 Increased intra-ab- reported with varying degrees of evidence. Preoperative methods
dominal pressure can ultimately lead to reduced renal perfusion include the use of aspirin, avoiding diuretics, maintaining euvo-
and create an ischaemic insult to the kidney and AKI.48 49 Lapar- laemia, avoiding anaemia, use of erythropoietin, and use of
oscopy can also lead to a transient increase in intra-abdominal prophylactic renal replacement therapy. Intraoperative methods
pressure. As a result, during laparoscopy the recorded urine out- are avoiding anaemia and PRBC transfusion, maintaining MAP
put is significantly reduced, and patients can become oliguric above cerebral perfusion pressure, pulsatile perfusion during
despite normovolaemia and normotension. Several studies CPB, preferring off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, use of
have shown that the observed reduction in urine output during intra-aortic filtration, and use of miniature CPB. The main post-
laparoscopy is not predictive of postoperative AKI in adults50–52 operative strategy to prevent the consequences of cardiac sur-
and in children.53 In the critically ill and in patients’ suffering gery-associated AKI is early use of renal replacement therapy.43
from chronic kidney disease, the duration of pneumoperitoneum Some pharmacological protective agents have been proposed
should be minimized.54 (fenoldepam, statins, human atrial natriuretic peptide, and ne-
siritide) but without conclusive evidence to support their use.43
Recently, remote ischaemic preconditioning was shown to
reduce the incidence of cardiac surgery-associated AKI and the
The anaesthetist can influence the risk of AKI in several ways. need for renal replacement therapy in high-risk patients.75
Haemodynamic management (in particular, keeping MAP >55
mm Hg)55 56 and maintenance of euvolaemia are both related to
Paediatric surgery
the occurrence of perioperative AKI. Historically, some haloge-
nated anaesthetics are considered nephrotoxic, such as methox- Data on paediatric perioperative AKI is scarce. Although the neo-
yflurane, which is no longer in routine use.57 Use of sevoflurane is natal period is relatively short, the AKI burden is disproportional-
associated with increased plasma fluoride concentrations and ly high in this age group.76 77 Acute kidney injury in children is
with production of a haloalkene called ‘compound A’; however associated with long-term morbidity and mortality.77–79 The
it has been evaluated extensively and is considered safe to most common cause in neonates and infants is post-cardiac sur-
use.58 Regarding the choice of anaesthetic technique, most re- gery AKI.77 Paediatric AKI is defined in a similar way to adult AKI,
ports concern the beneficial effects of inhaled anaesthetics and with some modifications,80 with the exception of the first days of
Perioperative acute kidney injury | ii7

life when the neonate’s sCr reflects the mother’s sCr.81 82 Later, mellitus, and old age are all risk factors for aminoglycoside-
neonatal GFR (evaluated as sCr) is correlated with gestational induced nephrotoxicity.15
age and postnatal age in preterm neonates.82 High vigilance for
AKI is necessary in the paediatric population, especially in chil-
Iodinated radiocontrast-induced acute kidney injury
dren admitted to the paediatric ICU. Several methods have
been proposed for the early detection of AKI, but with various de- Contrast dye-induced AKI is a subtype of drug-induced AKI with
grees of success.83–85 Cardiac surgery-associated AKI in children well-defined characteristics. The pathophysiology of contrast
has many risk factors, but the two consistent ones are prolonged dye-induced AKI is a combination of hypoxic and toxic damage
CPB and younger age.85 Currently, the early management of and endothelial dysfunction.15 It is not uncommon for patients
paediatric AKI involves identification of patients at risk, optimiz- to arrive in the operating room after a radiological examination in-
ing volume status, and administering theophylline for neonates volving radiocontrast dye. Contrast dye-induced AKI is associated
suffering from severe asphyxia.22 31 with a significant increase in both short- and long-term mortal-
ity.96 Contrast dye-induced AKI can be prevented by maintaining

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normovolaemia, augmenting urine output, and withholding
Transplantation surgery other nephrotoxic agents. Other strategies include the administra-
tion of sodium bicarbonate and N-acetyl cysteine, although evi-
Transplantation surgery is usually a complex procedure in high- dence is not well established for these treatments.22 97 Patients
risk patients. Acute kidney injury complicates many of these with hypovolaemia are at increased risk of contrast dye-induced
procedures. Transplanted kidneys are susceptible to surgical, AKI. Maintaining effective blood volume is essential before expos-
ischaemic, and drug-related insults predisposing them to AKI. ing patients to the risks of drugs and contrast dye.15 22
However, application of the regular definitions of AKI to a trans- A summary of possible insults predisposing to AKI in the
planted kidney is more problematic considering the post- perioperative period is presented in Fig. 1.
operative changes in sCr concentrations. Moreover, it is not
always possible to differentiate accurately between perioperative
AKI and graft dysfunction.86 Perioperative management
Liver transplantation is a major high-risk surgery. The effects Identification of patients at risk of developing acute
of cirrhosis, nephrotoxicity of some immunosuppressive drugs, kidney injury
and the risks of the surgery are all well-known risk factors for
perioperative AKI. The incidence of post-liver transplantation-re- The first step in preventing and treating AKI is to identify patients
lated AKI varies from 14 to 78% depending on the definition of AKI at risk. Extremes of age, co-morbidities, anaemia, potential hypo-
used, type of transplantation, and patients included in the volaemia, use of contrast dye, use of nephrotoxic drugs, and
study.87–89 However, liver transplantation-related AKI has specif- emergency or high-risk surgery should all alert the anaesthetist
ic diagnostic problems attributable to high bilirubin concentra- to the possibility of perioperative AKI. Some of these risk factors
tions, muscle wasting, oedema, and postoperative use of can be optimized before surgery.
GFR-lowering medications, such as tacrolimus. All can affect
sCr concentrations and under- or overestimate the incidence of Haemodynamic goals
AKI.90 While some risk factors for liver transplantation-related
AKI are similar to other high-risk surgeries, some risk factors The main haemodynamic goal in the perioperative patient is to
are unique.87 89 91 Accordingly, strategies to prevent liver trans- prevent tissue hypoperfusion and thus organ hypoxia. Direct
plantation-related AKI include the use of terlipressin87 and monitoring of tissue hypoxia is not readily feasible in the clinical
avoiding or lowering the dose of tacrolimus after surgery.92 setting. Thus, indirect measures, such as MAP, heart rate variabil-
A small-scale study found the incidence of AKI post-lung ity, and lactate concentrations, are usually used. In the ICU set-
transplantation to be 54%. The incidence of AKI among patients ting, MAP >60–65 mm Hg (>75 mm Hg in patients with chronic
who had a double lung transplant was almost double (87%) the hypertension) is recommended to prevent AKI.98 99 The peri-
incidence in one-lung transplant patients (40%). Intraoperative operative patient has been less extensively investigated. A
hypoxaemia was correlated with AKI.93 meta-analysis showed perioperative haemodynamic optimiza-
tion to reduce postoperative AKI.100 A study conducted on
33 300 non-cardiac surgery patients found that duration of MAP
Drugs <55 mm Hg was independently correlated with AKI.55 A recent
retrospective cohort study conducted on 5127 patients undergo-
Nephrotoxic drugs are a well-established cause of AKI of prere- ing non-cardiac surgery found similar results. The risk of AKI was
nal, postrenal, and intrinsic origin. Nephrotoxic drugs are increased when MAP was <60 mm Hg for >20 min or <55 mm Hg
involved to some extent in AKI in up to 25% of critically ill pa- for >10 min.56 These large-scale studies aid the anaesthetist in
tients.2 94 A large population-based study showed that combina- determining an MAP threshold to be maintained during surgery.
tions of more than two prevalent nephrotoxic drugs (diuretics They also emphasize the importance of the duration of hypoten-
with angiotensin receptor blocker or angiotensin-converting sion, because even short periods have been shown to affect the
enzyme inhibitors and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) kidney. Given that autoregulation changes with co-morbidities,
increased the risk of AKI.95 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhi- future studies should take into account baseline MAP and
bitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, possibly adopt a more personalized approach to intraoperative
may worsen prerenal AKI because of their influence on compen- arterial pressure management.
satory mechanisms aimed to maintain GFR.15 Aminoglycoside, a
commonly administered antibiotic in the operating room, can
Choice of fluid solution
cause AKI through intracellular processes such as mitochondrial
dysfunction and reduction of protein synthesis. A high dose of Perioperative fluid therapy is aimed to maintain intravascular
aminoglycoside, chronic kidney disease, hypovolaemia, diabetes volume and allow tissue perfusion. Crystalloid solutions include
ii8 | Goren and Matot

Aetiologies of perioperative acute kidney injury

Preoperative Intraoperative
1. Hypovolaemia 1. Hypovolaemia
Gastrointestinal loses Insensible loses
Haemorrhage Haemorrhage
Third spacing Over diuresis
2. Sepsis 2. Hypotension due to low systemic vascular
resistance (anaesthesia induced)
3. Cardiac failure 3. Low cardiac output (heart failure,

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anaesthesia and CPB induced)
4. Increased intra-abdominal pressure 4. Increased intra-abdominal pressure
5. Cirrhosis, hepatorenal syndrome 5. Aortic cross-clamp
Drugs-non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, norepinephrine, diuretics.

Patient co-morbidities-chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity,
Drug-induced-Antibiotics, aspirin, phenytoin, furosemide, non-steroidal anti
inflammatory drugs, clopidogrel, tacrolimus
Radio-contrast agents
Endogenous nephrotoxins-haemoglobin and myoglobin
Packed red blood cell administration
Fluid solutions (hydroxyethyl starch, chloride-rich solutions)

Preoperative Intraoperative
Tumour Surgical intervention or damage
Prostatic enlargement
Blood clots
Neurogenic bladder
CPB-Cardio-pulmonary bypass.

Fig 1 Aetiologies of perioperative acute kidney injury.

normal saline (0.9%) or balanced solutions (Ringer’s lactate, Plas- retrospective study found postoperative hyperchloraemia to be
ma-Lyte, etc.). Colloid solutions include synthetic hydroxyethyl correlated with postoperative AKI.105 The precise clinical implica-
starches (HES), gelatins, and albumin. tions of these results for the incidence of perioperative AKI are
Crystalloid solutions contain different mixtures of electro- not yet clear and are under investigation.106 107
lytes. Saline contains only NaCl, unlike balanced crystalloids, The association of colloid solutions with AKI is controversial.
which are more similar to plasma content. Use of 0.9% saline is Several recent studies report an increase in incidence of AKI and
associated with development of hyperchloraemia. Animal101 renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients infused with
and human experiments102 suggest that saline infusion is corre- HES rather than crystalloids.108–111 These studies evaluated HES
lated with reduced renal blood flow compared with balanced so- solutions with different molecular weights, including the new
lutions. In a large study in the ICU, chloride-restricted fluid low-molecular-weight solutions. Less is known about surgical
management was associated with less AKI and renal replace- patients during the perioperative period. Several studies and
ment therapy.103 Similar results were observed in liver trans- meta-analyses found HES to be a risk factor for AKI,91 112 113
plantation patients, where chloride-liberal fluid administration whereas others did not.114–117 To date, intraoperative use of HES
was a risk factor for postoperative AKI.104 Another large solutions is not recommended in patients with AKI or at risk of
Perioperative acute kidney injury | ii9


Identify patients at risk:

Patient related factors- co-morbidities (obesity, CKD, DM, cardiovascular

and hepatobilliary diseases, male sex, obesity,
pulmonary disease, steroid use, cancer,
ASA score, ICU patients, increased intraabdominal
pressure, sepsis, older age and neonates)
Procedure related factors- a. Major surgery (extensive laparotomy

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lung resections, transplantations)
b. Emergency surgery
c. Cardiac surgery
d. Use of contrast dye

Anaemia- Correct anaemia before to surgery when possible according to the patient blood
management protocol.† 139 140 141 142 143 145


Choice of fluid solution- a. Avoid HES solutions when possible.† 22 91 108 112 113 117 118 119
b. Balanced crystalloid solutions may prove superior to chloride
rich solutions in preventing AKI.† 103 104 105

Fluid management- a. The use of intraoperative urinary output as a guide to fluid

administration may not be beneficial.† 127 128 129 130
b. Avoid the use of diuretics unless a need to treat volume overload
arises.22 98 135 136 137
c. Use measures during surgery to avoid blood loss and unnecessary
PRBC transfusion.† 139 140 141 142 143 145

Haemodynamic goals- a. Avoid a low MAP even for relatively short periods of time.† 55 56
b. Evidence so far do not recommend the use of one vasopressor
over the other.22
c. Low dose dopamine is no longer considered “renoprotective”
and is not recommended.22 98 148

General considerations- a. Avoid the use of aminoglycosides unless no suitable less

nephrotoxic alternative exists.22

Fig 2 Perioperative management, recommendations prevention of acute kidney injury, and summary. CKD, chronic kidney disease; DM, diabetes mellitus;
HES, hydroxyethyl starch; ICU, intensive care unit; MAP, mean arterial blood pressure; PRBC, packed red blood cell. †This recommendation is based mainly on
observational studies, randomized controlled trials are needed.

AKI.91 108 112 117 118 In a recent paper, Hartog and colleagues119 responds to fluid administration.122–126 Clearance of fluid during
raised concerns regarding the intraoperative use of HES and con- general anaesthesia is only a small fraction of that observed in
cluded that in the absence of proven benefit and considering the conscious volunteers.127 Infusion of crystalloids during anaes-
methodological problems with studies supporting the use of HES, thesia shows reduced clearance and slower distribution28 29
they do not recommend use of HES solutions in any clinical such that intraoperative oliguria may not reflect fluid status or
situation. predict future AKI. A retrospective study in non-cardiac surgical
patients that evaluated risk factors associated with AKI did not
find oliguria to be predictive of postoperative AKI.128 Two pro-
Intraoperative fluid management and urine output
spective randomized studies129 130 that involved bariatric pa-
A common practice to maintain effective blood volume and thus tients and patients undergoing thoracoscopic surgery for lung
kidney perfusion is i.v. hydration. Correcting hypovolaemia is an resection found no correlation between intraoperative urine out-
essential perioperative haemodynamic goal,120 and appropriate put and postoperative AKI. In both studies, intraoperative oli-
hydration is considered important for the avoidance of AKI.22 guria was not predictive of postoperative AKI. Additionally,
Intraoperative urine output is often monitored but rarely both studies found no relationship between the amount of
ii10 | Goren and Matot

intraoperative fluids administered (very restrictive vs high- The current KDIGO guidelines state that the evidence so far
volume fluid administration) and intraoperative urine output does not support the use of one vasoactive agent over another.22
or postoperative renal dysfunction. Given that liberal fluid
administration can be correlated with worse postoperative
Vasodilator therapy
outcome,123–125 131 132 the recommendation to maintain, among
other things, urine output of at least 0.5 ml kg−1 h−1 should be re- The rationale behind vasodilator therapy (fenoldepam, atrial
considered.133 134 Urine output in anaesthetized patients may not natriuretic peptide, nesiritide) is to cause renal vasodilatation
be an adequate indicator of fluid balance and is not predictive and increase GFR. Taking into consideration the lack of conclu-
of postoperative AKI in elective surgeries (non-vascular, non- sive beneficial evidence and the potential adverse effects of vaso-
cardiac, and non-transplant). dilator therapy, the common recommendation is against their
use to prevent or treat AKI.22 150
A summary of the major recommendations for prevention of
Use of diuretics AKI is presented in Fig. 2.

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Loop diuretics and mannitol are commonly used during surgery
in an attempt to prevent AKI or treat oliguria and anuria based on Conclusions
experimental studies reporting renoprotective properties of
diuretics. This practice has not been shown to be benefiial.135 Perioperative AKI continues to be a feared consequence of sur-
On the contrary, use of diuretics can be harmful because these gery. It is associated with both short- and long-term deleterious
agents can cause prerenal damage and nephrotoxicity. Diuretics effects. The complexity of perioperative AKI pathophysiology in-
are not recommended except to treat volume overload.22 98 135–137 volves the combined roles of ischaemia and inflammation as
causes of AKI. Novel biomarkers are proposed as a faster and
more accurate way for prompt identification of AKI and could
Anaemia and use of blood products prove beneficial in early intervention to prevent further deterior-
Low haemoglobin concentration reduces the oxygen-carrying ation in renal function. Specific co-morbidities, surgeries, and in-
capacity of the blood. Experimentally, medullary hypoxia plays terventions increase the risk of AKI, such as cardiac or transplant
a central role in the development of AKI.138 A large observational surgery and use of contrast dye. The intraoperative period is un-
study involving non-cardiac surgery patients found preoperative ique in that both anaesthesia and surgery combine to affect renal
anaemia and early postoperative decrements of haemoglobin to function. During surgery, even short periods of hypotension put
be associated with AKI.139 Perioperative anaemia and periopera- the kidney at risk. Urine output does not predict postoperative
tive PRBC transfusions are risk factors for AKI in cardiac sur- AKI. Careful selection and use of i.v. fluids and vasopressors
gery,140–143 such that every unit of transfused blood increases and appropriate blood management are important to prevent
the incidence of cardiac surgery-associated AKI by 10–20%.141 perioperative AKI.
The extent to which this increase is attributable to the deleteri-
ous effects of PRBC transfusions or is a surrogate marker for an Authors’ contributions
extensive surgery is not known. A synergism between the effects
of anaemia and PRBC transfusion may also play a role in this Drafted the manuscript: O.G.
complex mechanism of injury.140 141 Additionally, stored PRBCs Reviewed and revised the manuscript: I.M.
can cause organ damage and are associated with reduced oxy- Approved the final manuscript: O.G., I.M.
gen-carrying capacity.141 144 It is therefore advisable to optimize
patients’ preoperative haemoglobin status as suggested by the Declaration of interest
recent ‘patient blood management’ protocol,145 while using mea-
sures during surgery to reduce blood loss and avoid unnecessary None declared.
PRBC transfusion.

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Handling editor: H. C. Hemmings

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