3 09 Model Translation Cleanup
3 09 Model Translation Cleanup
3 09 Model Translation Cleanup
Model Translation 1
Introduction: Model Translation and Cleanup
To learn how to import a model from a CAD system, check the model for errors, then clean up
any mesh problems that may be present.
Why do it
There are many ways to get geometry into MPI for running an analysis. Most of them involve
taking a model from a CAD system, reading it into MPI, meshing it if necessary, checking the
mesh quality, and finally fixing any mesh problems. The vast majority of the models analyzed
use this method.
These steps will be discussed in detail in this unit. This unit will concentrate on translating Fusion
models, however, Midplane models will be discussed.
Model Translation 3
Theory: Model Translation and Cleanup
File Formats
Many model formats can be read into MPI 4. These formats include four categories. The first
category includes formats where geometry comes in and a mesh needs to be created. This is the
most used way of getting geometry into MPI 4. Formats in this category include:
Stereo-lithography (.stl)
IGES (.igs, .iges)
The second category contains formats that are already finite element meshes, and can possibly be
used with little or no cleanup after importing. These formats include:
IDEAS Universal, mesh only (.unv)
Ansys Prep 7 (.ans)
Nastran (.nas)
Nastran Bulk Data (.bdf)
Patran (.pat)
Fem (.fem)
Moldflow (.mfl)
C-Mold (.cmf)
The third category requires a special translator called “Moldflow Design Link/Parasolid”. This
license provides added capability to read in the following geometry formats:
Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b, .xmt_xmb, .xmb, .xmt)
STEP AP203 (.stp, step)
Iges (.igs, .iges)
The fourth category requires a “Moldflow Design Link/ProEngineer” license. This license
provides capability to read the following geometry formats:
Pro/Engineer part files (.prt)
STEP AP203 (.stp, step)
Iges (.igs, .iges)
Model Translation 4
CAD System Export Options for STL files
Depending on the CAD system being used, there can be many different options that can be used to
generate output files that can be read into MPI 4. In general, you want the settings that will give
you the coarsest model without loosing important detail. This is particularly true for STL files.
An STL file is a tessellated surface. To represent curves, it breaks up these curves. This is where
the output can be controlled. Having a fine resolution of the curve can add significant unneeded
detail to the part. Generally a low resolution is needed here. Depending on the CAD system,
some of the controls for an STL resolution are:
Angle control
Facet deviation
Chord Height
C = M/(1000 x Q) where;
C = Chord height
P = Part surface
T = Tessellated surface
M = Model distance between opposite diagonals of the bounding box or the part
Q = Part quality (recommended 0.3, limits 0.1 to 1.0)
Model Translation 5
Figure 1. STL Settings
Additional information about STL files is in Appendix 1 at the back of this Unit.
MPI can import complex geometry and retain the surfaces. Although surfaces cannot be
constructed or modified in MPI, imported STEP surfaces can be viewed and meshed within MPI3.
STEP models can be imported into MPI for use in a Midplane or Fusion analysis, using the
following supported entity classes:
Spline Curves
Spline Surfaces
Refer to the on-line Help topic About importing STEP model files for more information on all
supported STEP entities in MPI.
Model Translation 6
IGES model translation
In order to successfully translate an IGES file in MPI, the following guidelines should be
The entire model must be described by IGES surfaces, not just lines and curves (importing of
drawings, e.g. of water lines, is not supported).
Ideally, the IGES model should be a mid-plane surface model.
If possible, simplify the model to remove unnecessary detail such as reference planes and
very small features that have no effect on a flow or stress analysis.
Export from the CAD system as surfaces (not shells)
The neutral file format will already contain a mesh when you read it into MPI. This format is
primarily intended for Midplane models. Fusion meshes can be read in, but the mesh matching
quality may be poor. If the match quality is poor, it can possibly be fixed by re-meshing the
existing mesh, or using the mesh tools to create regions then meshing the curves.
Model Translation 7
The Import and Model Cleanup Process
Importing Models
Importing a model is just like a File Open command in most business applications such as a
word processor. By default, the Import dialog will show all importable CAD file formats. With
the Files of type box, the specific type of file can be specified.
To import a model
Tip: In Preferences on the General tab there is a check box for the Import directory. When
checked, the Import dialog will open in the project directory. When not checked, it will open
in the last directory that was opened for importing a file.
Note: Study files can be imported from one directory to another. To import a study file, the Files of
Type box must be set to (*.sdy).
Model Translation 8
Depending on the file type being read in, there will be an import dialog that will ask to verify the
type of mesh you wish to import.
The choices include:
Always choose Fusion. If you eventually want to work with a Midplane or 3D model, initially
import the CAD model as Fusion. Study the model and clean it up if necessary. After the model
is cleaned up, then the mesh type can be changed and re-meshed with the new desired format.
There may also be an option for verifying the units of the model. This will be for formats like
STL, where the units of the file are not listed in the file. The Approximate dimensions of the
model will be listed and the default units will be based on those dimensions. If the default is not
correct, change the units.
Model Translation 9
Generate a Mesh
After a CAD file has been imported, a mesh needs to be generated with most of the common
formats read in. Access the mesh generator from the menu Mesh Generate mesh or double-
click the mesh icon, which is the second icon in the Study Tasks list.
The Generate Mesh dialog is Figure 4. Generate Mesh Dialog. The three available check boxes
Display log at end of mesh generation.
The log can be generated and displayed if an initial attempt at generating a mesh had errors.
The log may help diagnose the errors. It is generally not needed
Remesh already meshed parts of the model.
This is used when you want to generate a mesh based on an existing mesh rather than the
original geometry such as an STL file. This option is generally not needed. Normally if the
first mesh had problems or is the wrong density, it is better to delete the mesh and mesh from
the original format. This is used when you want to change the mesh type from Fusion to
Midplane for instance.
Place mesh in Active layer
Normally when meshing, new layers are automatically generated. Activating this box places
the new mesh on the active layer rather than creating new layers. This is handy when
meshing curves for runners or cooling channels more than it is for parts.
Model Translation 10
In Figure 4. Generate Mesh Dialog, the Advanced button has been selected, displaying the two
advanced options:
Edge Length
Mesh Control
Edge Length
Mesh Control
Note: For simple models, the Adaptive Meshing is not effective as the initial mesh coincides with
the reduced mesh. For more detailed and complex models, this option is useful to try and
preserve several elements across features that otherwise may be too coarsely approximated by
too few elements. A good example of this is the thin flat spaces between thin ribs.
Model Translation 11
Mesh Statistics
Mesh statistics is a report of the mesh quality. It is broken down into the following six sections:
Entity Counts
Edge Details
Orientation Details
Intersection Details
Aspect Ratio
Match Ratio
The Mesh Statistics report is a good check to see if there are any problems with the mesh, and if
so, what the problem is. Once a problem has been identified in the mesh statistics, corrective
action can be taken to fix the problem.
Model Translation 12
Mesh diagnostics
In the Mesh menu, there are several functions that are used to look at the quality of the mesh.
These include:
Aspect ratio
Overlapping elements
Free edges
Occurrence number
Match Info
The Diagnostics show in more detail the problems listed on the mesh statistics report. Normally,
a statistics report is run and a problem is found, a diagnostic is executed. For instance, if the
aspect ratio is too high they are displayed with a diagnostic.
Depending on the type of diagnostic, there may be several options for its use. For aspect ratio, the
results can be displayed graphically as indicated in Figure 6. Aspect Ratio diagnostic display, or
by text. The text output is similar to the mesh statistics report. If the results are displayed, they
can also be put on a diagnostics layer, and is useful when fixing the problem. Once on a
diagnostics layer the problem areas of the part are isolated and can be worked on easily.
In the Aspect Ratio display, there is a colored line normal to the problem element. The color of
the line is based on the magnitude of the aspect ratio of the problem element.
Model Translation 13
Mesh Tools
The Mesh menu has a dialog called Mesh Tools. This is a dialog that brings up a series of tools
for correcting mesh problems. Below is the list of tools:
Auto Repair
Fix Aspect Ratio
Global Merge
Merge Nodes
Swap Edge
Match Node
Remesh Area
Insert Nodes
Move Nodes
Align Nodes
Orient Elements
Fill Hole
Create Regions
Smooth Nodes
Create Beams
Create Triangles
Delete Entities
Purge Nodes
Model Translation 14
Auto repair
Auto repair is used when there are intersections and overlaps in the model. It tries to fix the
problems automatically. There is nothing to enter, just hitting the Apply button to start the
process. On a large model, it may take some time to finish. When done, a report will indicate
how many intersections were fixed.
The fix Aspect Ratio command tries to automatically fix aspect ratio problems. It will show the
current maximum aspect ratio, and the target can be entered. Once finished, the new current
maximum Aspect ratio is shown. Be sure to inspect the model to make sure it fixed all the
problematic areas.
Global Merge
The global merge command is used to merge together nodes that are close together. The merge
tolerance can be set. The Preserve Fusion is on by default. This is to prevent nodes collapsing a
thickness that are too close together. However, this may prevent merging that is desired. If nodes
are not merged that you would like to be merged, turn off the Preserve Fusion and run it again.
Once complete, make sure the model is satisfactory and it did not collapse areas unintended.
Model Translation 15
Figure 10. Global Merge
This command merges nodes manually. The yellow box is the active box as indicated in Figure
11. Merge Nodes. Once the first node is picked, the active box automatically moves to the second
box. The first node picked is the node that is kept. All the nodes in the second box “Nodes to
merge from” are merged into the first. Normally this is one node, but it could be several. All of
the selection methods are available, including holding the CTRL key and band selecting.
Tip: When using the band selection method, also use the “Select facing items only” filter. In this
way, you will not pick nodes behind the elements that are not seen.
Tip: The context menu (right-click) is a useful way to “Apply” the merge. It is the first item in the
context menu.
Model Translation 16
In Figure 12. Merging nodes, to fix the high aspect ratio element, click on the node marked 1 first,
then on the node marked 2. In this case the node marked 1 had to be selected first as it formed a
corner. In many cases, it will not matter which one is selected first.
Model Translation 17
Swap Edge
With the swap edge tool, two elements that share an edge are selected. It does not matter in what
order. The elements are then recreated using the same four nodes of the original selection. See
Figure 13. Swap Edge, and Figure 14. Swap edges.
Remesh Area
The Remesh tool allows you to select an area of the part and change the mesh size in that area.
For Fusion meshes, this tool will make sure the matched elements of the original mesh get
matched with the new mesh density. When a group of elements are selected, the Edge length for
remesh box is updated with a value based on the selection. This can be a guide for entering a new
number. The change in mesh density should not be a radical change. The transitions will not be
good. The transition can be helped to some degree with the tool Smooth Nodes, explained earlier.
Figure 16. Remeshing an Area of the part, shows the original mesh, the selected mesh, and the
remeshed elements.
Model Translation 18
Figure 15. Remesh Area
Match Node
The match node tool attempts to match nodes from one side of the wall thickness on a Fusion
model to elements on another side of the thickness. The purpose of this tool is to improve the
mesh matching. Use the check box to put new nodes on a specified layer. Enter in the name of
the layer.
Model Translation 19
Insert Nodes
Inserting a node is a common tool for fixing local mesh problems. It is often done in the process
of fixing aspect ratio problems or just to improve the mesh in a local area. A node is inserted
when you click on two nodes on the same element(s). The new node is created in the middle of
the existing nodes. Any additional elements that need to be created to keep connectivity will be
created and properties assigned.
Move Nodes
Moving a node can be done three ways. The first way is to click on a node and drag it. The node
can be dragged to the boundaries of the elements it forms. If the node is moved to the location of
another node, it is merged. Once the new location is found by dragging, click Apply to finish the
The second, and third way to move a node is by entering coordinates. The coordinates can be
entered by absolute coordinates or by relative coordinates.
Tip: If you are moving a node by coordinates, it is best to select the node by banding. Make sure
to select as the banding filter facing items only.
Model Translation 20
Figure 20. Move Nodes
Align Nodes
Align nodes is a useful tool to straighten up a mesh. Sometimes in the process of meshing a
geometry file like an STL file, an edge that should have been straight is not. There are many
possible reasons why nodes may need to be aligned. To align nodes, two reference nodes need to
be picked. These are the first two nodes picked form the line definition. All nodes picked after
that are nodes that are moved. In Figure 23. Nodes being moved to a line, two nodes near the
middle of the part and 6 other nodes are moved to a line definition.
Tip: It may be very useful to pick a whole series of nodes at one time to move to a line. This can
be done with banded selection. Depending on the situation, the part should be rotated so you
are looking at the nodes and attached elements that are to be aligned. Other times it is better
Model Translation 21
to rotate the part so you are looking down the line. Banding filters of Facing items only, or
Enclosed items only may need to be turned on or off depending on the situation.
Orient Elements
Elements in models have orientations for a couple of reasons. The original mesh is not correct or
in the process of fixing the mesh elements become un-oriented. Using the mesh diagnostics tools,
the location of the orientation problem can be solved. For Fusion models, usually the quickest
way to fix the orientation is to use the command Mesh Orient All. However, sometimes this
does not fix the problem, so you can use the Orient elements tool. There are several ways this can
be used. The first way includes these steps:
1. Click in the Seed Element box, and then click on an element in the part that has the correct
2. Click on All connected elements, then click the Search button. All connected elements
should pick the entire model.
3. Click on Align normals
4. Click on Apply.
Model Translation 22
The third way uses the following steps:
1. Select all the elements that need to be flipped. Use any combination of selection tools
Click on individual elements
Band select with facing elements only filter on.
2. Click on Flip normals
3. Click Apply.
Fill Hole
The fill hole tool is useful on Fusion models where there is a hole in the mesh. Holes are easily
found with the Free edges diagnostic.
Model Translation 23
3. Click the search button to find all the other nodes attached to the free edge.
4. Click Apply.
Tip: If the hole is large and the area to be filled is not planer, the hole may need to be filled in
stages. Nodes can be selected or de-selected by any of the normal means to define the hole to
be filled.
Make a Region
The Make Region tool will convert the entire part mesh model, and create regions based on the
mesh. There are two tolerances that can be used: the first is a planar tolerance. The elements
within the planer tolerance will be used to create a region. The second method is an Angular
tolerance that works better on parts that are mostly curved. With this tolerance elements with the
defined angle are used to create a region. You may want to run this command several times
adjusting the tolerance to find one that works the best.
This command can be used to make a Fusion model, and create curves to geometry can be
modified somewhat. Normally if you want to add ribs, or a similar feature, it would be best done
as regions rather than elements.
Model Translation 24
Figure 28. Make Regions
Model Translation 25
Smooth Nodes
The Smooth Nodes tool averages the spacing between the nodes to make the mesh more uniform.
This can be useful to help smooth the transition between a re-meshed area and one that was not re-
To use this tool, select the nodes you want to smooth. Click the Preserve feature edges will
prevent corners of the part from being distorted.
Model Translation 26
Create Beams
Beam elements for feed systems, water lines etc. can be created directly as beam elements. Two
end nodes need to be defined first.
To create beams
1. Click on the nodes that define the beginning and end of the beam.
2. Enter the number of beam elements to create.
3. Click the change button to select the beam type with the properties defined properly.
Tip: The number of elements that needs to be created depends on what kind of beam is being
created and how long it is. Gates should have a minimum of 3 elements. Any runner section
should have at least 3 also. The length to diameter ratio for runners should be about 1:1. For
cooling channels the length to diameter ratio should be about 3:1.
Create Triangles
Generally it should not be necessary to manually create triangles. Most mesh clean-up tools will
automatically create the needed triangles. If you must use this tool, all that is needed is to click on
three nodes. Keeping the check box at the default, which is checked, will automatically assign
properties of the new element to its neighbors. Otherwise you can manually assign the properties.
Model Translation 27
Figure 31. Create Triangles
Delete Entities
Delete Entities is also generally not recommended in the process of cleaning up models. If it is
necessary, use any of the selection techniques to pick any entity to delete. In addition to using this
tool, the delete key will do the same thing.
Purge Nodes
In the process of fixing models, sometimes elements are deleted but the nodes are not. This is
done in one step with the Purge Nodes command. It deletes any node that is not connected to any
Model Translation 28
The Import and Cleanup Process
The order in which a model is cleaned up will depend on what problems are found. However, the
basic order of the steps is listed here.
1. Import the model.
Use the global edge length and the preview to set the desired value.
2. Mesh the part.
3. Visually inspect the mesh.
If the mesh looks too coarse or too fine, delete the mesh and mesh it again at a different
global edge length. Repeat until the mesh visually looks good.
4. Run mesh statistics.
5. Check the statistics for errors. Note any problems that may occur.
6. Fixing any problems depends on what is wrong.
Normally fixing problems in the following order will be efficient:
Problem Possible solutions
Low mesh match ratio Decrease global edge length and mesh again
Intersections and overlaps Run diagnostic for intersections, putting problem on a layer. Use mesh
tools to fix. Try Auto Repair first. Check to make sure the auto repair did
not create any problems. If the intersections or overlaps still exist, merge
nodes, delete elements then fill hole.
Free or Non-manifold edge Run diagnostic for edges, putting problem on a layer. Fix by creating
nodes, merging etc.
High aspect ratio Run diagnostic for aspect ratio, putting problem on a layer. Use the mesh
tools to fix. Common tools include: merge node; swap edge; insert node;
move node; and align nodes.
Un-oriented elements Try using the orient all command in the mesh menu first. If the problem
persists, use the mesh tool orient to fix the problem.
7. When to quit fixing. ALL intersections, overlaps, free and non-manifold edges, plus
orientation must be fixed. The aspect ratio should be below 6:1, but if there are a few
scattered elements in non-critical areas, slightly higher values are acceptable for Flow. If a
cool and warp analysis is required, the mesh must be very good.
8. Clean up the layers.
Normally during the process of mesh cleanup extra layers get created and used. After
cleanup remove any extra layers and put the elements and nodes back to their original layers.
One possible way is to:
Make the Triangles layer active.
Highlight all the layers to be deleted one at a time, and click the Delete button. Say
Yes to move the entities to the active layer.
There will probably be nodes on the Triangles layer. To remove the nodes use the
select by command. Pick nodes to select, highlight the nodes layer and click Assign.
Model Translation 29
Practice: Model Translation and Cleanup
Cover model
The primary practice model is of a Cover in STL format. This part will be fully cleaned up and
used for other units.
Optional models
The snap cover model will be in the following formats to enable practice with different formats of
In addition, there will be a version of the snap cover with radii, allowing you to see the effect of
those radii on the import and cleanup. There will also be a dustpan, and housing model that will
need to be cleaned up.
Model Translation 30
1. Click (File Open Project), and navigate to the folder where the Moldflow Training
projects are stored, and open the project file translation_cleanup.mpi.
3. Click (View Default Display) and set Surface, Region, and STL Facet to Net.
4. Rotate the model, inspect and familiarize yourself with the geometry.
1. Click (File Preferences) and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.
Model Translation 31
4. Alternatively, double-click Create Mesh in the Study Tasks box to reveal the Generate
Mesh dialog.
5. Click (Mesh Mesh statistics). Observe the data in the Surface triangle aspect ratios
6. Use Table 1. Mesh Results for Cover STL model, and enter the relevant data as you proceed.
The following instructions will assist you.
7. Record the number of elements.
This is indicated next to the mesh type in the Study Tasks pane.
8. Record the Maximum aspect ratio. Click (Mesh Mesh Statistics) again if necessary
and view the Surface triangle aspect ratio section.
9. Record the number of elements above 6:1 AR. Click (Mesh Aspect ratios). And
enter 6 in the Minimum box only. Activate Place results In diagnostics layer, and then
click the Show button. The diagnostic generates the total number of entities with ratios larger
than 6:1 at the bottom of the dialog.
10. Record the percentage of match ratio. Click (Mesh Mesh Statistics), and view the
Match ratio at the bottom of the dialog. You will have to use the scroll arrow to make this
statistic visible.
Note: When meshing a 3D model, you must first create a fusion mesh, fix any mesh problems, and
then remesh the model with a 3D mesh.
Note: Each time you perform a mesh generation, each operation deletes the existing mesh.
1. Repeat the steps in the previous task, but use a global length of 5, 7, and then 8 mm
2. Record their values in Table 1. Mesh Results for Cover STL model below.
Use the model with a global edge length of 7mm. A smaller mesh density may be warranted, but
the model will be kept a bit coarse to keep the run times short for this exercise.
Model Translation 32
To run mesh statistics
The only problem shown is the mesh statistics indicates the aspect ratio is too high. 16:1 is
reported, which is not very high; however, problem areas should be investigated and fixed.
1. If you have not already generated a mesh, click (Mesh Generate Mesh...).
The Generate Mesh dialog appears.
2. Click the Generate Mesh button.
The mesh is generated.
3. Click (Dynamic Zoom), hold your mouse button down while dragging the cursor down
the display.
The model will enlarge.
Model Translation 33
Merge nodes to fix high aspect ratio problems
One of the best ways to fix high aspect ratios is to merge nodes. Figure 34. Merge nodes indicates
two nodes that can be merged and so reduce the amount of high aspect ratios:
1. Inspect your model to identify nodes that can be merged.
2. Click (Mesh Mesh Tools), and click the Merge Nodes page from the Mesh Tools
3. Click the first node to merge, and then the second, and click Apply.
You have now reduced the amount of high aspect ratios.
4. Continue to fix as many high aspect ratios using this technique.
Model Translation 34
Inserting nodes and Swapping edges to reduce high aspect ratio elements
You can also fix high aspect ratio elements by inserting nodes, and swapping edges. Firstly try
inserting a node, and then swapping edges:
1. Inspect your model to identify elements that will benefit by having a node inserted. These are
usually large elements, or two nodes far apart, preferably both. Equally, you may decide to
insert a node to improve the design of the mesh around a sensitive area such as an injection
2. Click (Mesh Mesh Tools), and click the Insert Nodes page from the Mesh Tools
3. Identify the longest edge of the element and click the first node, followed by the second.
Click the Apply button.
1. Inspect your model to identify elements that will benefit by having edges swapped. These are
elements next-to each other, usually with long edges. When you swap edges you need to
select two elements, and by doing so you select four nodes. The elements are then divided in
the opposite direction.
2. Click (Mesh Mesh Tools), and click the Swap Edge page from the Mesh Tools
3. Click the first element, followed by the second, and click Apply.
Model Translation 35
To fix aspect ratio problems on the rest of the part
Figure 36. Other ratio problems indicates some remaining problems leading to high aspect ratios.
Use the smoothing feature within (Mesh Mesh Tools) to fix those highlight elements,
and the Remesh Area tool to address others. Set the Remesh area length to 3mm.
Fix by smooth
Fix by remesh
Model Translation 36
Optional Models
1. Click (File Open Project), and navigate to the folder where the Moldflow Training
projects are stored, and open the project file translation_cleanup.mpi.
1. Click (Mesh Generate Mesh) or, double-click on the mesh icon in the Study Tasks
pane. Notice that a preview of the mesh density using the default options is displayed on the
model. This allows you to predict the density of the mesh based on the current inputs.
2. Click Advanced to view the advanced meshing options.
3. Note the global edge length default value and place it in the table below.
4. Click Generate Mesh.
Model Translation 37
To view mesh asptect ratio
3. Click (Mesh Generate Mesh) or, double-click on the mesh icon in the Study Tasks
4. Click Advanced to view the advanced meshing options.
5. Click Edge Length in the function pane to the left.
6. Enter 4 (mm) into the Enter global edge length field.
7. Click Preview.
The model is updated with a mesh density preview using an element edge length of 4 mm.
8. Click Generate Mesh.
9. Run the mesh statistics and record the results.
10. Display the aspect ratio above 6:1 and record the results.
3. Click (Mesh Generate Mesh) or, double-click on the mesh icon in the Study Tasks
4. Click Advanced to view the advanced meshing options.
5. Click Edge Length in the function pane to the left.
6. Enter 3.5 (mm) into the Enter global edge length box.
7. Click Preview.
The model is updated with a mesh density preview using an element edge length of 3.5 mm.
8. Click Generate Mesh.
9. Run the mesh statistics and record the results.
10. Display the aspect ratio above 6:1 and record the results.
Model Translation 38
Table 2. Mesh Results for Snap Cover STL model
Meshing Review
The maximum aspect ratio was driven by smaller detail on the part. Decreasing the global edge
length generally helped to reduce the non aspect ratio problems and to increase the mesh match
ratio. Local remeshing on the part can solve most of the high aspect ratio problems. This would
include radii and the two round posts.
Model Translation 39
Snap cover STEP model
Note: Before you open a Step model you need to have installed Moldflow Design Link
Note: Before you open a Parasolid model you need to have installed Moldflow Design Link
Note: Before you open a IGES model you need to have installed Moldflow Design Link
Model Translation 40
1. Click (File Import).
This will open the import dialog in the same folder as where the project is stored.
2. Click on the file snap_cover.igs, and click Open. If you cannot see (.igs) files, click the Files
of Type drop-down arrow to reveal the IGES option.
3. Accept the default mesh type of Fusion in the top drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
The model appears.
Note: Before you open a Pro-E model you need to have installed Moldflow Design Link
Reading in a Pro-E model follows the same process as an IGES model as outline above. The
file type for a Pro-E file is ProE (*.prt).
The following steps for importing a dustpan STL model have been provided as an overview only,
rather than a set of detailed instructions as in previous examples. This is to reduce the amount of
repetition and dependency.
Model Translation 41
Import and Cleanup a STEP Housing model
Note: Before you open a STEP model you need to have installed Moldflow Design Link
Model Translation 42
Competency Check - Model Translation & Cleanup
What does changing the Global edge length do when meshing a translated model?
If the mesh density is not adequate, how can the density be changed?
Model Translation 43
When can the model be regarded as ready for analysis?
Model Translation 44
Evaluation Sheet - Model Translation & Cleanup
What does changing the Global edge length do when meshing a translated model?
Changing the global edge length influences the mesh density of the part. Increasing the
length decreases the mesh density. The global edge length can be changed as necessary to
achieve the mesh density on the part needed to capture the part detail needed for the
If the mesh density is not adequate, how can the density be changed?
The global edge length can be changed and the part re-meshed. When the part is re-
meshed, the check box “remesh already meshed parts of the model” must be checked or the
nodes and elements layers must be deleted before the part is re-meshed.
If there are any intersections or overlaps run Auto fix first. If this did not fix all of the
problems, manually investigate and fix the problems. Then work on aspect ratio problems.
Possibly a Global merge will solve some of the problems. Then manually fix the aspect
ratio problems. Then work on any other problem such as orientation.
When all problems with the mesh are fixed and when the aspect ratio is as low as practical.
It must be below 6:1 if going on to Cooling and Warpage analysis
Appendix 1 – STL Requirements
The STL file should be complete and incorrupt. An ASCII *.stl file must start with the lower case
keyword solid and end with endsolid.
For example:
facet normal 0.00 0.00 1.00
outer loop
vertex 2.00 2.00 0.00
vertex -1.00 1.00 0.00
vertex 0.00 -1.00 0.00
The STL file can be in either ASCII or binary format. It is important to use the correct format with
FTP. For example, if you have a binary STL file, you must set the FTP file type to "binary" before
If your STL model has triangles with very high aspect ratio, the mesh will be distorted, and the
analysis results will be less accurate.
For a mesh triangle, the aspect ratio is the ratio of the length of the longest side, to the height
perpendicular to that side. As a general rule, this ratio should be less than 6:1.
There should be no intersections between the triangles' surfaces (naturally, edges should overlap).