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Virus, infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only

in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. The name is from a Latin word meaning
“slimy liquid” or “poison.”

The earliest indications of the biological nature of viruses came from studies in 1892
by the Russian scientist Dmitry I. Ivanovsky and in 1898 by the Dutch
scientist Martinus W. Beijerinck. Beijerinck first surmised that the virus under study
was a new kind of infectious agent, which he designated contagium vivum fluidum,
meaning that it was a live, reproducing organism that differed from other organisms.
Both of these investigators found that a disease of tobacco plants could be
transmitted by an agent, later called tobacco mosaic virus, passing through a minute
filter that would not allow the passage of bacteria. This virus and those subsequently
isolated would not grow on an artificial medium and were not visible under the light
microscope. In independent studies in 1915 by the British investigator Frederick W.
Twort and in 1917 by the French Canadian scientist Félix H. d’Hérelle, lesions
in cultures of bacteria were discovered and attributed to an agent
called bacteriophage (“eater of bacteria”), now known to be viruses that specifically
infect bacteria.

The difference between bacteria and viruses

Knowing the difference isn't just a technical distinction—it can save lives.
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The unique nature of these agents meant that new methods and alternative models
had to be developed to study and classify them. The study of viruses confined
exclusively or largely to humans, however, posed the formidable problem of finding a
susceptible animal host. In 1933 the British investigators Wilson Smith, Christopher
H. Andrewes, and Patrick P. Laidlaw were able to transmit influenza to ferrets, and
the influenza virus was subsequently adapted to mice. In 1941 the American
scientist George K. Hirst found that influenza virus grown in tissues of the chicken
embryo could be detected by its capacity to agglutinate (draw together) red blood
A significant advance was made by the American scientists John Enders, Thomas
Weller, and Frederick Robbins, who in 1949 developed the technique
of culturing cells on glass surfaces; cells could then be infected with the viruses that
cause polio (poliovirus) and other diseases. (Until this time, the poliovirus could be
grown only in the brains of chimpanzees or the spinal cords of
monkeys.) Culturing cells on glass surfaces opened the way for diseases caused by
viruses to be identified by their effects on cells (cytopathogenic effect) and by the
presence of antibodies to them in the blood. Cell culture then led to the development
and production of vaccines (preparations used to elicit immunity against a disease)
such as the poliovirus vaccine.

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Viruses, Bacteria, and Diseases

Scientists were soon able to detect the number of bacterial viruses in a culture vessel
by measuring their ability to break apart (lyse) adjoining bacteria in an area of
bacteria (lawn) overlaid with an inert gelatinous substance called agar—viral action
that resulted in a clearing, or “plaque.” The American scientist Renato Dulbecco in
1952 applied this technique to measuring the number of animal viruses that could
produce plaques in layers of adjoining animal cells overlaid with agar. In the 1940s
the development of the electron microscope permitted individual virus particles to be
seen for the first time, leading to the classification of viruses and giving insight into
their structure.

Advancements that have been made in chemistry, physics, and molecular

biology since the 1960s have revolutionized the study of viruses. For
example, electrophoresis on gel substrates gave a deeper understanding of
the protein and nucleic acid composition of viruses. More-sophisticated immunologic
procedures, including the use of monoclonal antibodies directed to specific antigenic
sites on proteins, gave a better insight into the structure and function of viral
proteins. The progress made in the physics of crystals that could be studied by X-ray
diffraction provided the high resolution required to discover the basic structure of
minute viruses. Applications of new knowledge about cell biology and biochemistry
helped to determine how viruses use their host cells for synthesizing viral nucleic
acids and proteins.

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Discover how a benign bacterial virus can be employed to enhance the performance of
lithium-oxygen storage batteries
Learn how a benign bacterial virus can be used to improve the performance of lithium-oxygen storage
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The revolution that took place in the field of molecular biology allowed
the genetic information encoded in nucleic acids of viruses—which enables viruses to
reproduce, synthesize unique proteins, and alter cellular functions—to be studied. In
fact, the chemical and physical simplicity of viruses has made them an incisive
experimental tool for probing the molecular events involved in certain life processes.
Their potential ecological significance was realized in the early 21st century,
following the discovery of giant viruses in aquatic environments in different parts of
the world.

This article discusses the fundamental nature of viruses: what they are, how they
cause infection, and how they may ultimately cause disease or bring about the death
of their host cells. For more-detailed treatment of specific viral
diseases, see infection.
General features
Viruses occupy a special taxonomic position: they are not plants, animals,
or prokaryotic bacteria (single-cell organisms without defined nuclei), and they are
generally placed in their own kingdom. In fact, viruses should not even be considered
organisms, in the strictest sense, because they are not free-living—i.e., they cannot
reproduce and carry on metabolic processes without a host cell.

All true viruses contain nucleic acid—either DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

or RNA (ribonucleic acid)—and protein. The nucleic acid encodes the genetic
information unique for each virus. The infective, extracellular (outside the cell) form
of a virus is called the virion. It contains at least one unique protein synthesized by
specific genes in the nucleic acid of that virus. In virtually all viruses, at least one of
these proteins forms a shell (called a capsid) around the nucleic acid. Certain viruses
also have other proteins internal to the capsid; some of these proteins act
as enzymes, often during the synthesis of viral nucleic acids. Viroids (meaning
“viruslike”) are disease-causing organisms that contain only nucleic acid and have no
structural proteins. Other viruslike particles called prions are composed primarily of
a protein tightly complexed with a small nucleic acid molecule. Prions are very
resistant to inactivation and appear to cause degenerative brain disease in mammals,
including humans.

Viruses are quintessential parasites; they depend on the host cell for almost all of
their life-sustaining functions. Unlike true organisms, viruses
cannot synthesize proteins, because they lack ribosomes (cell organelles) for the
translation of viral messenger RNA (mRNA; a complementary copy of the nucleic
acid of the nucleus that associates with ribosomes and directs protein synthesis) into
proteins. Viruses must use the ribosomes of their host cells to translate viral mRNA
into viral proteins.

Viruses are also energy parasites; unlike cells, they cannot generate or store energy in
the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The virus derives energy, as well as all
other metabolic functions, from the host cell. The invading virus uses the nucleotides
and amino acids of the host cell to synthesize its nucleic acids and proteins,
respectively. Some viruses use the lipids and sugar chains of the host cell to form
their membranes and glycoproteins (proteins linked to short polymers consisting of
several sugars).

The true infectious part of any virus is its nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA but never
both. In many viruses, but not all, the nucleic acid alone, stripped of its capsid, can
infect (transfect) cells, although considerably less efficiently than can the
intact virions.

The virion capsid has three functions: (1) to protect the viral nucleic acid from
digestion by certain enzymes (nucleases), (2) to furnish sites on its surface that
recognize and attach (adsorb) the virion to receptors on the surface of the host cell,
and, in some viruses, (3) to provide proteins that form part of a specialized
component that enables the virion to penetrate through the cell surface membrane
or, in special cases, to inject the infectious nucleic acid into the interior of the host
Host range and distribution
Logic originally dictated that viruses be identified on the basis of the host they infect.
This is justified in many cases but not in others, and the host range and distribution
of viruses are only one criterion for their classification. It is still traditional to divide
viruses into three categories: those that infect animals, plants, or bacteria.

Virtually all plant viruses are transmitted by insects or other organisms (vectors) that
feed on plants. The hosts of animal viruses vary from protozoans (single-celled
animal organisms) to humans. Many viruses infect either invertebrate animals or
vertebrates, and some infect both. Certain viruses that cause serious diseases of
animals and humans are carried by arthropods. These vector-borne viruses multiply
in both the invertebrate vector and the vertebrate host.

Certain viruses are limited in their host range to the various orders of vertebrates.
Some viruses appear to be adapted for growth only in ectothermic
vertebrates (animals commonly referred to as cold-blooded, such
as fishes and reptiles), possibly because they can reproduce only at low temperatures.
Other viruses are limited in their host range to endothermic vertebrates (animals
commonly referred to as warm-blooded, such as mammals).

Size and shape

Dissect the anatomy of icosahedral, rod-shaped, and bacteriophage virus structures in

electron micrographs
Animation and microphotography illustrating the structural diversity of viruses.(more)
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The amount and arrangement of the proteins and nucleic acid of viruses determine
their size and shape. The nucleic acid and proteins of each class of viruses assemble
themselves into a structure called a nucleoprotein, or nucleocapsid. Some viruses
have more than one layer of protein surrounding the nucleic acid; still others have
a lipoprotein membrane (called an envelope), derived from the membrane of the
host cell, that surrounds the nucleocapsid core. Penetrating the membrane are
additional proteins that determine the specificity of the virus to host cells. The
protein and nucleic acid constituents have properties unique for each class of virus;
when assembled, they determine the size and shape of the virus for that specific
class. The genomes of Mimiviruses and Pandoraviruses, which are some of the
largest known viruses, range from 1 to 2.5 Mb (1 Mb = 1,000,000 base pairs of DNA).

Most viruses vary in diameter from 20 nanometres (nm; 0.0000008 inch) to 250–
400 nm; the largest, however, measure about 500 nm in diameter and are about
700–1,000 nm in length. Only the largest and most complex viruses can be seen
under the light microscope at the highest resolution. Any determination of the size of
a virus also must take into account its shape, since different classes of viruses have
distinctive shapes.

Shapes of viruses are predominantly of two kinds: rods, or filaments, so called

because of the linear array of the nucleic acid and the protein subunits; and spheres,
which are actually 20-sided (icosahedral) polygons. Most plant viruses are small and
are either filaments or polygons, as are many bacterial viruses. The larger and more-
complex bacteriophages, however, contain as their genetic information double-
stranded DNA and combine both filamentous and polygonal shapes. The classic
T4 bacteriophage is composed of a polygonal head, which contains the DNA genome
and a special-function rod-shaped tail of long fibres. Structures such as these are
unique to the bacteriophages.

Animal viruses exhibit extreme variation in size and shape. The

smallest animal viruses belong to the families Parvoviridae and Picornaviridae and
measure about 20 nm and about 30 nm in diameter, respectively. Viruses of these
two families are icosahedrons and contain nucleic acids with limited genetic
information. Viruses of the family Poxviridae are about 250 to 400 nm in their
longest dimension, and they are neither polygons nor filaments. Poxviruses are
structurally more complex than simple bacteria, despite their close resemblance.
Animal viruses that have rod-shaped (helical) nucleocapsids are those enclosed in an
envelope; these viruses are found in the
families Paramyxoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Coronaviridae, and Rhabdoviridae.
Not all enveloped viruses contain helical nucleocapsids, however; those of the
families Herpesviridae, Retroviridae, and Togaviridae have polygonal nucleocapsids.
Most enveloped viruses appear to be spherical, although the rhabdoviruses are
elongated cylinders.

The criteria used for classifying viruses into families and genera are primarily based
on three structural considerations: (1) the type and size of their nucleic acid, (2) the
shape and size of the capsids, and (3) the presence of a lipid envelope, derived from
the host cell, surrounding the viral nucleocapsid.
The nucleic acid
As is true in all forms of life, the nucleic acid of each virus encodes the genetic
information for the synthesis of all proteins. In almost all free-living organisms, the
genetic information is in the form of double-stranded DNA arranged as a spiral
lattice joined at the bases along the length of the molecule (a double helix). In
viruses, however, genetic information can come in a variety of forms, including
single-stranded or double-stranded DNA or RNA.

The nucleic acids of virions are arranged into genomes. All double-
stranded DNA viruses consist of a single large molecule, whereas most double-
stranded RNA viruses have segmented genomes, with each segment usually
representing a single gene that encodes the information for synthesizing a single
protein. Viruses with single-stranded genomic DNA are usually small, with limited
genetic information. Some single-stranded DNA viruses are composed of two
populations of virions, each consisting of complementary single-stranded DNA of
polarity opposite to that of the other.

The virions of most plant viruses and many animal and bacterial viruses are
composed of single-stranded RNA. In most of these viruses, the genomic RNA is
termed a positive strand because the genomic RNA acts as mRNA for direct synthesis
(translation) of viral protein. Several large families of animal viruses, and one that
includes both plant and animal viruses (the Rhabdoviridae), however, contain
genomic single-stranded RNA, termed a negative strand, which is complementary to
mRNA. All of these negative-strand RNA viruses have an enzyme, called an RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase (transcriptase), which must first catalyze the synthesis
of complementary mRNA from the virion genomic RNA before viral protein
synthesis can occur. These variations in the nucleic acids of viruses form one
central criterion for classification of all viruses.

A distinctive large family of single-stranded RNA viruses is called Retroviridae; the

RNA of these viruses is positive, but the viruses are equipped with an enzyme, called
a reverse transcriptase, that copies the single-stranded RNA to form double-stranded

The protein capsid

The protein capsid provides the second major criterion for the classification of
viruses. The capsid surrounds the virus and is composed of a finite number of protein
subunits known as capsomeres, which usually associate with, or are found close to,
the virion nucleic acid.

There are two major classes of viruses based on the protein capsid: (1) those in which
a single (or segmented) linear nucleic acid molecule with two free ends is essentially
completely extended or somewhat coiled (a helix) and (2) those in which the nucleic
acid, which may or may not be a covalently closed circle, is wound tightly into a
condensed configuration, like a ball of yarn. These two classes of virus assume in the
first case a long, extended rodlike structure and in the second case a symmetrical

tobacco mosaic virus

Schematic structure of the tobacco mosaic virus. The cutaway section shows the helical ribonucleic acid
associated with protein molecules in a ratio of three nucleotides per protein molecule.(more)
By far the best-studied example of a helical rod-shaped virus is the tobacco mosaic
virus, which was crystallized by Wendell Stanley in 1935. The tobacco mosaic virus
contains a genome of single-stranded RNA encased by 2,130 molecules of a single
protein; there are 161/3 protein molecules for each turn of the RNA helix in the ratio
of three nucleotides for each protein molecule.
Under the right environmental conditions, viral RNA and protein molecules in
liquid suspension will assemble themselves into a perfectly formed and fully
infectious virus. The length of the helical virus capsid is determined by the length of
the nucleic acid molecule, which is the framework for the assembly of the capsid
protein. The various helical viruses have different lengths and widths, depending on
the size of the nucleic acid as well as on the mass and shape of the protein molecule.
Some of these helical viruses form rigid rods, while others form flexible rods,
depending on the properties of the assembled proteins.

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Viruses, Bacteria, and Diseases

virus icosahedron
A virus icosahedron (20-sided structure) shown in the (left) twofold, (centre) threefold, and (right) fivefold
axes of symmetry. Edges of the upper and lower surfaces are drawn in solid and broken lines, respectively.
Polygonal viruses vary greatly in size, from 20 to 150 nm in diameter, essentially
proportional to the size of the nucleic acid molecule coiled up inside the virion. Most,
if not all, of the polygonal viruses are icosahedral; like a geodesic dome, they are
formed by equilateral triangles, in this case 20. Each triangle is composed of protein
subunits (capsomeres), often in the form of hexons (multiples of six) that are the
building blocks of the capsid. There are 12 vertices (the apical junctions of these 20
triangles), each comprising a penton (five subunits). These icosahedral virions have
three axes of fivefold, threefold, and twofold rotational symmetry. The number of
capsomeres is a basis for taxonomic classification of these virus families. Certain
icosahedral viruses, usually those that are more complex, contain internal proteins
adhering to the nucleic acid that are not accessible at the surface of the virions.
The lipoprotein envelope
Surrounding viruses of either helical or icosahedral symmetry
are lipoprotein envelopes, unit membranes of two lipid layers interspersed with
protein molecules (lipoprotein bilayer). These viral membranes are composed
of phospholipids and neutral lipids (largely cholesterol) derived
from cell membranes during the process known as budding. Virtually all proteins of
the cell membrane, however, are replaced by proteins of viral origin during budding.
Although all the viral envelope lipids originate from the cell, their relative
proportions vary from those in the cell membrane because the viral proteins select
only certain lipids during budding.

Associated with the virion membrane are “integral” glycoproteins, which

completely traverse the lipid bilayer, and “peripheral” matrix proteins, which line the
inner surface. The glycoproteins contain regions of amino acids that, in the first step
of viral infection, recognize host-cell receptors. Matrix proteins appear to function in
the selection of regions of the cell membrane to be used for the viral membrane, as
well as to aid the virion in entering cells.

The cycle of infection

Study how bacteriophages replicate by injecting nucleic acid into a bacteria cell to create
The cycle of infection results in the death of the host cell and the release of many virus particles, called
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Viruses can reproduce only within a host cell. The parental virus (virion) gives rise to
numerous progeny, usually genetically and structurally identical to the parent virus.
The actions of the virus depend both on its destructive tendencies toward a specific
host cell and on environmental conditions. In the vegetative cycle of viral infection,
multiplication of progeny viruses can be rapid. This cycle of infection often results in
the death of the cell and the release of many virus progeny. Certain viruses,
particularly bacteriophages, are called temperate (or latent) because the infection
does not immediately result in cell death. The viral genetic material remains dormant
or is actually integrated into the genome of the host cell. Cells infected with
temperate viruses are called lysogenic because the cells tend to be broken down when
they encounter some chemical or physical factor, such as ultraviolet light. In
addition, many animal and plant viruses, the genetic information of which is not
integrated into the host DNA, may lie dormant in tissues for long periods of time
without causing much, if any, tissue damage. Viral infection does not always result in
cell death or tissue injury; in fact, most viruses lie dormant in tissue without ever
causing pathological effects, or they do so only under other, often environmental,

virus: invasion of a cell

The process by which a virus invades a cell and reproduces.
Although the reproductive pathways of different viruses vary considerably, there are
certain basic principles and a particular series of events in the cycle of infection for
most, if not all, viruses. The first step in the cycle of infection is that the invading
parental virus (virion) must attach to the surface of the host cell (adsorption). In the
second step, the intact virion either penetrates the outer membrane and enters the
cell’s interior (cytoplasm) or injects the genetic material of the virus into the interior
of the cell while the protein capsid (and envelope, if present) remains at the cell
surface. In the case of whole-virion penetration, a subsequent process (uncoating)
liberates the genetic material from the capsid and envelope, if present. In either case,
the viral genetic material cannot begin to synthesize protein until it has emerged
from the capsid or envelope.

General structure of T4 bacteriophage and a model of its mode of attachment to, and injection of its DNA
into, a bacterial cell.(more)
Certain bacterial viruses, such as the T4 bacteriophage, have evolved an elaborate
process of infection: following adsorption and firm attachment of the virus’s tail to
the bacterium surface by means of proteinaceous “pins,” the musclelike tail
contracts, and the tail plug penetrates the cell wall and underlying membrane and
injects virus (phage) DNA into the cell. Other bacteriophages penetrate the cell
membrane by different means, such as injecting the nucleic acid through the male
(sex) pili of the bacterium. In all bacterial viruses, penetration transmits the viral
nucleic acid through a rigid bacterial cell wall.

Plant cells also have rigid cell walls, which plant viruses cannot ordinarily penetrate.
Plant viruses, however, have not evolved their own systems for injecting nucleic acids
into host cells, and so they are transmitted by the proboscis of insects that feed on
plants. In the laboratory, plant viruses penetrate plant cells if the cell walls have been
abraded with sandpaper or if cell protoplasts (plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and
nucleus) are devoid of walls.

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Adsorption to and entry into a cell of an enveloped animal virus by the process of endocytosis into
clathrin-coated vesicles, which fuse with large vesicles (endosomes and lysosomes). The process triggered
by the viral glycoprotein results in fusion and release of the viral nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm.(more)
Penetration of animal cells by viruses involves different processes, because animal
cells are enclosed not by walls but by a flexible lipoprotein bilayer membrane.
Most animal viruses, whether or not they are encased in lipid envelopes, penetrate
cells in an intact form by a process called endocytosis. The membrane invaginates
and engulfs a virus particle adsorbed to a cell, usually in an area of the membrane
called a coated pit, which is lined by a special protein known as clathrin. As the
coated pit invaginates, it is pinched off in the cytoplasm to form a coated vesicle. The
coated vesicle fuses with cytoplasmic endosomes (membrane-enclosed vesicles) and
then with cell organelles called lysosomes, which are membrane-enclosed vesicles
containing enzymes. In an acidic environment, the membrane of an enveloped virus
fuses with the endosome membrane, and the viral nucleocapsid is released into the
cytoplasm. Nonenveloped viruses presumably undergo a similar process, by which
the protein capsid is degraded, releasing the naked viral nucleic acid into the

The order of the stages of viral replication that follow the uncoating of the genome
varies for different virus classes. For many virus families the third step in the cycle of
infection is transcription of the genome of the virus to produce viral mRNA, followed
by the fourth step, translation of viral mRNA into proteins. For those viruses in
which the genomic nucleic acid is an RNA that can serve as a messenger (i.e.,
positive-strand RNA viruses), the third step is the translation of the RNA to form
viral proteins; some of these newly synthesized viral proteins are enzymes that
synthesize nucleic acids (polymerases), which carry out a fourth step,
the transcription of more mRNA from the viral genome. For the more complicated
DNA viruses, such as adenoviruses and herpesviruses, some regions of the genome
synthesize “early” mRNAs, which are translated into polymerases that initiate the
transcription of “late” regions of the DNA into mRNAs, which are then translated
into structural proteins.
Regardless of how the third and fourth steps proceed, the fifth step in the cycle of
infection is replication (reproduction of the parental genome to
make progeny genomes). The sixth step is the assembly of the newly replicated
progeny genomes with structural proteins to make fully formed progeny virions. The
seventh and last step is the release of progeny virions by lysis of the host cell through
the process of either extrusion or budding, depending on the nature of the virus. In a
host animal or cell culture, this seven-step process may be repeated many times; the
progeny virions released from the original site of infection are then transmitted to
other sites or to other individuals.

For most animal and plant RNA viruses, all replicative events take place in
the cytoplasm; in fact, many of these RNA viruses can grow in host cells in which
the nucleus has been removed. Replication of most animal and plant DNA viruses, as
well as the RNA influenza virus, takes place in the nucleus. In these viruses,
transcription takes place in the nucleus, the mRNA migrates to the cytoplasm, where
it is translated, and these viral proteins migrate back to the nucleus, where they
assemble with newly replicated progeny genomes. Migration of newly translated viral
proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus is generally a function of specific amino
acid sequences called “signals,” which translocate the protein through pores in the
nucleus membrane.

Viral DNA integration

Many bacterial and animal viruses lie dormant in the infected cell, and
their DNA may be integrated into the DNA of the host cell chromosome. The
integrated viral DNA replicates as the cell genome replicates; after cell division, the
integrated viral DNA is duplicated and usually distributed equally to the two cells
that result. The bacteria that carry the noninfective precursor phage, called
the prophage, remain healthy and continue to grow until they are stimulated by some
perturbing factor, such as ultraviolet light. The prophage DNA is then excised from
the bacterial chromosome, and the phage replicates, producing many progeny phages
and lysing the host bacterial cell. This process, originally discovered in temperate
bacteriophages in 1950 by the French microbiologist André Lwoff, is called lysogeny.

The classic example of a temperate bacteriophage is called lambda (λ) virus, which
readily causes lysogeny in certain species of the bacterium Escherichia coli. The DNA
of the λ bacteriophage is integrated into the DNA of the E. coli host chromosome at
specific regions called attachment sites. The integrated prophage is the inherited,
noninfectious form of the virus; it contains a gene that represses the lytic functions of
the phage and thus ensures that the host cell will continue to replicate the phage
DNA along with its own and that it will not be destroyed by the virus. Ultraviolet
light, or other factors that stimulate the replication of DNA in the host cell, causes
the formation of a recA protease, an enzyme that breaks apart the λ phage repressor
and induces λ phage replication and, eventually, destruction of the host cell.

Excision of the prophage DNA from the host chromosomal DNA (as an initial step in
the synthesis of an infective, lytic virus) sometimes results in the removal of some of
the host cell DNA, which is packaged into defective bacteriophages; part of the
bacteriophage DNA is removed and replaced at the other end by a gene of the host
bacterium. Such a virus particle is called a transducing phage because, when it infects
a bacterial cell, it can transmit the gene captured by λ phage DNA into the next
bacterial cell it infects. Transduction by bacteriophages is an efficient means for
transferring the genetic information of one bacterial cell to another.

This means of transferring genetic information, called lysogenic

conversion, imparts genes with special functions to bacterial cells without such
functions. It is common in bacteria and is an important aspect of
the epidemiology (incidence, distribution, and control) of infectious diseases. For
example, the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the causative agent
of diphtheria, but only when it contains the prophage of bacteriophage β, which
codes for the toxin that is responsible for the disease.

Malignant transformation
A phenomenon analogous to bacterial cell lysogeny occurs in animal cells infected
with certain viruses. These animal viruses do not generally
cause disease immediately for certain animal cells. Instead, animal cells are
persistently infected with such viruses, the DNA of which (provirus)
is integrated into the chromosomal DNA of the host cell. In general, cells with
integrated proviral DNA are converted into cancer cells, a phenomenon known as
malignant transformation. As is the case with bacterial prophages, the transformed
animal cell contains no infectious virus but only the integrated provirus DNA, which
replicates along with the dividing cell’s chromosomes. Therefore, following mitosis of
the transformed cell, each new cell receives a copy of the proviral DNA. The hallmark
of these transformed animal cells is that their growth is uncontrollable; unlike
normal cells, their growth is not inhibited by contact with other cells, and they lose
their capacity to adhere (anchor) to certain surfaces. Growth of normal tissues and
organs is also controlled by a genetic phenomenon called programmed cell death,
or apoptosis, in which a certain number of cells will die and be eliminated after a
finite number of divisions. Malignant transformation can impede programmed cell
death, thus allowing the cells to grow uncontrolled and resulting in cancer.

Among the animal viruses that cause malignant transformation by integration of

proviral DNA are several families of DNA viruses and one large family
of RNA viruses, the Retroviridae. Viruses of the family Polyomaviridae, a group
of papovaviruses, were perhaps the first to be associated with malignancy (causing
death or illness) in animals. Polyomaviruses are widespread in mice; they can infect
other rodents, and they can cause tumours in infected animals. Another virus of the
family Polyomaviridae is simian virus 40 (SV40), originally isolated from cells of the
African green monkey (Cercopithecus sabaeus), where it grows rapidly and kills the
cells. Infection of rodent or human cells, however, results in an abortive infection (an
incompatibility between the virus and the host cell) but sometimes induces
malignancy (sarcomas or lymphomas) in the occasional cell that is transformed.
Viruses related to polyomavirus and SV40 have been isolated from humans, one of
which, the JC virus, appears to be the causative agent of a fatal neurological disease
called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. In general, however, the human
papovaviruses are not clearly associated with disease.
Other papovaviruses include the papillomaviruses (family Papillomaviridae), which
are also small polygonal viruses containing circular double-stranded DNA. The
papillomaviruses are associated with usually benign (nonthreatening) but
widespread tumours, called papillomas or polyps, occurring in human skin and
the genital tract. Specific papillomaviruses have been identified in humans in
common warts and in genital warts (condylomata acuminata). Cancers of the human
genital tract, particularly uterine cancer of the cervix, are frequently found in
association with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16); the virus undoubtedly is
transmitted as a venereal disease.

The structure of an adenovirus showing its components and the polypeptides (proteins) exhibited by
staining after electrophoresis.(more)
Certain viruses of the family Adenoviridae, originally found in
the tonsils and adenoids of humans, cause malignant transformation in certain cells.
This phenomenon of cancer induction under laboratory conditions has been studied
widely, but there is no evidence that the common adenoviruses cause cancers in
humans. The common viruses of the family Herpesviridae, however, including the
common herpes simplex viruses that cause cold sores and the venereal disease
genital herpes, are suspected of being causative agents of cancer. Like the
adenoviruses, the herpesviruses can cause malignant transformations, and
their DNA is integrated into the host cell chromosome. A herpesvirus known as
the Epstein-Barr virus causes a frequently fatal childhood cancer called Burkitt
lymphoma as well as the nonmalignant disease infectious mononucleosis. The
herpesvirus cytomegalovirus lies dormant in the tissues of most humans and can be
induced to cause fatal diseases in infants and immunocompromised adults. A
different herpesvirus causes chickenpox (varicella); the same virus lies latent in the
tissues for long periods of time (perhaps years or decades) and later undergoes
recrudescence (the recurrence of symptoms after they have abated) to cause the
painful skin and neurological disease called herpes zoster, or shingles. In addition,
there are herpesviruses that cause disease in animals—for example, the widespread
and usually fatal disease in chickens called Marek’s disease.
The widespread distribution of viruses of the family Herpesviridae is evident from
other diseases in monkeys and frogs.
The viruses of the family Retroviridae are perhaps the most widely distributed of the
transforming viruses that infect eukaryotic cells ranging from yeast to humans. It
was suggested early in the 20th century that viruses
cause leukemias and lymphomas in birds. In 1911 the American pathologist Peyton
Rous first described a virus that causes sarcomas in chickens.

The virions of retroviruses are spherical (or polygonal) and are surrounded by
a lipid membrane containing a glycoprotein that recognizes and binds to cell
receptors of a particular species (type-specific glycoproteins). Retrovirus genomes
consist of two identical RNA molecules, each with 7,000 to 10,000 nucleotides.
Associated with the virion RNA is an enzyme, an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase,
also called a reverse transcriptase. Using the virion RNA as a template, the reverse
transcriptase catalyzes the synthesis of a linear DNA molecule complementary to the
virion RNA. The new complementary strand of DNA also serves as a template for the
reverse transcriptase, which makes a second anticomplementary DNA molecule, thus
forming double-stranded DNA. The genomic RNA of fully infectious bird
retroviruses, those that can replicate autonomously, has four genes that code
sequentially for group-specific antigens, the reverse transcriptase, the envelope
glycoprotein, and the sarcoma-transforming protein. At each end of the genome are
homologous flanking nucleotide sequences, known as long terminal repeats (LTR),
which code for double-stranded DNA that can recognize host cell DNA sequences for
integration of the proviral DNA into the host cell chromosome. Many retroviruses are
defective and cannot replicate in cells without helper (nondefective) retroviruses. The
helper retroviruses generally transform fibroblastic cells, resulting
in malignant sarcomas, whereas the defective retroviruses transform blood-cell
precursors, resulting in leukemias.

Many different retroviruses have been identified as causative agents of cancers in

birds, rodents (particularly mice), domestic cats, monkeys, and humans.
Certain lymphatic leukemias in humans are caused by human T-cell leukemia virus
(HTLV); acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by a retrovirus
called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Retroviruses originated from genes in many different species of animals and even
lower forms of life. Individual retroviruses are limited in their host range and do not
readily cross species barriers. Virtually every retrovirus studied to date is analogous
to the genes normally found in animals (including humans), known as proto-
oncogenes, genes that are involved with regulating normal cell growth and
development and that also have the potential to change into cancer-causing genes.
These proto-oncogenes have deoxynucleotide sequences closely, but not entirely,
homologous (i.e., of the same type and order) to the nucleotide sequences of a
corresponding viral cancer-causing gene, called an oncogene. Integration of
retrovirus DNA into cell chromosomes results in cancer, but the proto-oncogenes do
not become cancer-causing genes unless triggered by another event. Cancers caused
by chemical or physical carcinogens in the environment probably often, if not
invariably, are due to alterations in the sequences of proto-oncogenes that have
converted them to oncogenes. Some of the DNA tumour viruses, such as SV40 or
adenoviruses, may induce malignant transformation when their DNA is integrated in
proximity to the site of a proto-oncogene. All cancers studied to date appear to be
due to either mutations in proto-oncogenes or the inheritance of mutated tumour
suppressor genes, which normally regulate the function of proto-oncogenes.
Although viruses were originally discovered and characterized on the basis of
the diseases they cause, most viruses that infect bacteria, plants, and animals
(including humans) do not cause disease. In fact, bacteriophages may be helpful in
that they rapidly transfer genetic information from one bacterium to another, and
viruses of plants and animals may convey genetic information between
similar species, helping their hosts survive in hostile environments. In the future this
could also be true for humans. Recombinant DNA biotechnology shows great
promise for the repair of genetic defects. Afflicted persons are injected with cells
transformed by viruses that carry a functional copy of the defective human gene. The
virus integrates the normal gene into the DNA of the human cell.

Of those viruses that cause disease, some cause short-term (acute) diseases and
others recurring or long-term (chronic) diseases. Some viruses cause acute disease
from which there is fairly rapid recovery but may persist in the tissues, remaining
dormant for long periods of time, and then become active again, bringing about
serious disease decades later. Slowly progressive viruses have
long incubation periods before the onset of disease. As mentioned above, the DNA of
certain viruses becomes integrated into the genome of the host cell, often resulting in
malignant transformation of cells, which become cancers.

The nature of the disease caused by a virus is generally a genetic property of the virus
as well as of the host cells. Many viruses, however, can remain dormant in the tissues
of the host (latency). Viruses that cause acute disease are generally, but not always,
those that rapidly harm or destroy cells (cytopathic effects) and have the capacity to
shut off protein or nucleic acid synthesis within the host cell.

Human poliovirus and related picornaviruses that infect other animal species are
examples of acute infectious agents that shut down protein synthesis in the host cell
soon after infection; these picornaviruses also inhibit cellular RNA and DNA
synthesis. Another virus that rapidly kills the infected cell is the negative-
strand vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) of the family Rhabdoviridae; viral RNA newly
synthesized by infectious VSV rapidly shuts off cellular RNA synthesis and, to a
somewhat lesser extent, cellular protein synthesis. In both poliovirus and VSV, the
infected cell dies within hours of the inhibition of cellular RNA and protein
synthesis. Influenza A viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae, which cause a
highly contagious respiratory disease in humans, inhibit cellular macromolecular
synthesis by several unique mechanisms, including blocking the maturation of
cellular mRNAs and cleaving off the ends of cellular mRNAs in the nucleus of
infected cells. Other viruses that inhibit cellular macromolecule synthesis and
produce acute infections include
the poxviruses, reoviruses, togaviruses, adenoviruses, and herpesviruses; the latter
two persist in host tissues for long periods of time and cause chronic infection as

Many, if not most, diseases resulting from viral infection of vertebrates are caused
not by a direct effect of the virus but rather by a secondary immune response.
Essentially all viral proteins are recognized by vertebrate animals as immunologically
foreign, and the immune systems of these animals mount two kinds of immune
response, humoral and cellular. In humoral immunity, B lymphocytes, usually
triggered by helper T lymphocytes, make antibodies (proteins that recognize and
bind foreign molecules) to the viral protein. The antibody synthesized as a result of
the immune response against a specific viral antigen usually benefits the infected
host because that antibody can neutralize the infectivity of the specific virus in the
blood and tissues of the infected host. Viruses inside the cell are not accessible to the
antibody, because it cannot cross the cell membrane barrier.

cytotoxic T cell
A cytotoxic T cell (left) recognizes antigens on the surface of a cell infected with a virus (right), enabling
the T cell to bind to and kill the infected cell.(more)
In cellular immunity, a killer T cell recognizes and kills a virus-infected cell because
of the viral antigen on its surface, thus aborting the infection because a virus will not
grow within a dead cell. If the virus-infected cells are not essential for host functions,
the killer T cell can prevent the spread of the infecting virus to other cells and distant
tissues. Not infrequently, the virus-specific T lymphocyte kills vital cells such as
nerve cells (neurons), muscle cells, and liver cells, all of which carry out important
functions. In addition, the death of cells results in an inflammatory response, which
also can damage vital tissues. Therefore, the cellular immune response to a viral
infection can cause disease. In general, diseases caused by chronic viral infections,
but also occasionally by subacute (between acute and chronic) viral infections, are
caused by cellular immune responses that damage the virus-infected tissue.
Infectious patterns
Acute viral infections are of two types—local and systemic—both usually resulting
from a direct effect of the invading virus on host tissue cells. Acute local infections
generally occur at the site of viral infection. For example, acute respiratory infections
include (1) the common cold, in which the rhinovirus infects only the nasal mucosa,
(2) influenza, in which the virus is found in both nasal and bronchial mucosa, where
severe damage can result in death, (3) flulike illnesses caused by adenoviruses
localized in lymphoid tissue of the throat (although infection also can occur in
the intestine and the eye or be spread to the heart), and (4) severe respiratory
infections of infants and children, caused by parainfluenza viruses or respiratory
syncytial viruses, which may be life-threatening. Examples of acute infections
localized to the intestine include those that result in enteritis (bowel inflammation),
which may be accompanied by diarrhea; these are often caused by rotaviruses and

Many viruses transmitted by the respiratory route (from sneezes and coughs, for
example) and limited to humans begin their cycle of infection in the
upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and then enter the bloodstream, where they
are spread to distant tissues. Examples of such diseases are measles, mumps,
and chickenpox, in which the growth of the specific virus in the mucosal cells of the
throat during the first few days of infection usually results in mild fever and achiness;
this stage is called the prodromal period of the illness. During the next few days, the
virus enters the draining lymph nodes and then the bloodstream, where it is spread
throughout the tissues of the body, resulting in fever and rash (in the case of measles
and chickenpox) and inflammation of the parotid glands and, less frequently, the
testes, ovaries, and joints (in the case of mumps). Varicella (chickenpox) virus rarely
causes pneumonia, but all these viruses can cause meningitis and,
rarely, encephalitis. A similar pattern of infection formerly occurred with smallpox, a
disease that was more frequently fatal but now ostensibly has been eradicated.

A large number of viruses of the digestive tract (enteroviruses)—among them

poliovirus, Coxsackie viruses, and echoviruses (enteric cytopathic human orphan
virus)—also cause a two-phase illness. Enteroviruses grow initially in the intestinal
tract and are transmitted by mouth through water, food, and other materials
contaminated with feces. The viruses are resistant to the acid normally found in
the stomach and thus reach the intestinal tract, where they multiply in living mucosal
cells. This initial period of viral invasion and growth in the intestine causes either an
initial mild febrile illness or is asymptomatic. Over the next few days these
enteroviruses are spread from the intestinal mucosa to the draining lymph nodes,
from which they invade the bloodstream, resulting in a condition known as viremia.
From the bloodstream the viruses are widely spread to all tissues, but in most cases
no symptomatic disease occurs. Poliovirus in less than 1 percent of cases affects
the spinal cord or brain, resulting in paralysis or death. Different types of Coxsackie
viruses and echoviruses can cause acute, usually nonfatal, illnesses such
as meningitis, carditis, pleurisy, or rashes. Enteroviruses have also been linked
to acute flaccid myelitis, a polio-like disease characterized by sudden muscle
weakness and paralysis.

Many viral diseases are transmitted by bites of insects or other arthropods, and these
infections usually begin in the skin or lymph nodes and rapidly invade the
bloodstream. The nature of the disease caused by these arthropod-borne viruses
(arboviruses) is determined by the affinity (tropism) of each virus for specific organs.
Many that have an affinity for brain tissue cause encephalitis or meningitis, but
others primarily infect the muscles, liver, heart, or kidneys. Virtually all these
diseases are epidemic in character, and the viruses that cause them are the primary
pathogens of birds and mammals. The insect, usually a certain species of mosquito,
takes a blood meal from the infected host bird or mammal and shortly thereafter
bites a human, thus transmitting the virus. These arboviruses do not ordinarily
multiply in the insect but simply reside on its proboscis. Examples of
human epidemic diseases resulting from transmission of these often fatal arboviruses
are encephalitis caused by viruses of the family Togaviridae and Flaviviridae, yellow
fever and dengue caused by viruses of the family Flaviviridae, and hemorrhagic
fevers caused by viruses of the families Bunyaviridae and Arenaviridae. Of
considerable interest and concern is the identification of new strains of viruses,
particularly a hantavirus of the Bunyaviridae family that was responsible for an
epidemic in the early 1990s in the southwestern United States that resulted in
considerable numbers of fatal human infections.
Inapparent infections (those that do not cause specific signs and symptoms) often
result after exposure
to picornaviruses, influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, herpesviruses,
and adenoviruses but less frequently to measles and chickenpox viruses. In cases of
inapparent infection, long-lasting immunity develops, but only to the strain of virus
that has the same antigenic composition as the original infecting virus.

Certain of these viruses persist in the tissues of the host after the initial infection
despite the presence of circulating antibodies to it in the blood and tissues. Such
viruses probably reside inside cells, where they are protected from antibodies that
cannot penetrate the cell membrane. Among persistent viruses are adenoviruses,
measles virus, and, in particular, many kinds of herpesviruses. The genetic
information of herpesviruses and adenoviruses can be integrated into the genome of
the host cell, but it is believed that these viruses frequently, and the measles virus
invariably, reside in cells in the form of extrachromosomal genes (genes not
integrated in chromosomes). These dormant viruses can be activated by many
factors, such as trauma, another infection, emotional stress, menstruation, excessive
exposure to sunlight, and various illnesses.

The phenomenon of latency and reactivation is particularly common among viruses

of the family Herpesviridae, which cause chronic or recurrent diseases: (1) herpes
simplex virus type 1, which causes recurrent cold sores, (2) herpes simplex virus type
2 in genital tissue, which causes repeated herpetic infections of the vagina or penis,
(3) cytomegalovirus, which usually produces an inapparent infection activated by
simultaneously occurring disease to cause severe liver, lung, or nervous-
system disease, and (4) varicella virus, which is the causative agent of chickenpox but
which can be activated decades later to produce herpes zoster (shingles). A rare, but
invariably fatal, disease of the nervous system is subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (SSPE), which is a progressive degenerative condition caused by
measles virus (a paramyxovirus) lying dormant in brain cells for many years and
then reactivated, usually in adolescence. There is no simple explanation for why
latent viruses, such as those in the family Herpesviridae, that are present in the
tissues of most adult humans can be activated to cause disease in some people but
not in others.
Chronic and slowly progressive diseases
Although some viruses multiply slowly, this is not always the explanation for the
chronicity or the slow progression of the diseases caused by these viruses. Hepatitis,
for example, is a subacute or chronic disease, with a long latent period, that is caused
by at least five viruses with different properties. Hepatitis A is caused by
a picornavirus usually transmitted by the fecal-oral route in a manner similar to that
of poliovirus. Hepatitis B is caused by a small DNA virus that contains its own DNA
polymerase and is transmitted by transfusion of blood and other blood products, by
the sharing of nonsterile hypodermic needles among drug users, by sexual
intercourse, or from mother to neonate. Hepatitis B virus is classified with similar
viruses of birds in the family Hepadnaviridae. Most cases of hepatitis spread by the
transfusion of blood or blood products or by needles shared by drug users are caused
by a third, completely distinct virus—originally called non-A, non-B hepatitis but
now known to be a member of the virus family Flaviviridae—designated hepatitis
C virus. A fourth unique agent that causes hepatitis is designated hepatitis delta
virus, which has not yet been classified taxonomically but is a small enveloped virus
containing a circular RNA genome; hepatitis B virus serves as a helper for replication
of hepatitis delta virus, the virions of which contain hepatitis B
surface antigen (HBsAg). The fifth causative agent of viral hepatitis, largely occurring
in Asia and Africa, is a small RNA virus tentatively classified as a member of the
family Caliciviridae and designated hepatitis E virus.

Many other agents that appear to cause chronic and slowly progressive diseases,
particularly those affecting the nervous system, have been identified. A fatal
neurological disorder of sheep, called scrapie, has an incubation period of years and
may be caused by a heat-resistant protein called a prion, which is self-replicating.
Similar, rather obscure agents have been identified for two uncommon fatal
disorders of the nervous system called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and kuru.

The disease now known as AIDS was first recognized

in homosexuals and hemophiliacs about 1981 and continues to
be disseminated throughout the world to become one of the most
devastating epidemics of all time. AIDS is caused by HIV, a member of a genetically
more complex group of the family Retroviridae called lentiviruses. Closely related
viruses of monkeys and cats cause similar diseases. HIV is transmitted by blood and
other body fluids and infects primarily helper T lymphocytes and other cells with
CD4 surface receptors (cell surface proteins that react with antigens), to which the
virus binds. After the virus has been dormant for years, destruction of T lymphocytes
results in drastic depression of the immune system. Death almost invariably results
from “opportunistic” infections such as pneumonia—caused by ordinarily
nonpathogenic organisms such as Pneumocystis carinii—or tuberculosis or by
cancers such as Kaposi sarcoma and lymphomas.

The spread of many viral diseases can be prevented by hygienic factors such as
efficient sanitation facilities, effective waste disposal, clean water, and personal
cleanliness. Active immunization by vaccines (antigen-containing preparations that
elicit the synthesis of antibodies and thus immunity) has been useful in preventing
common epidemics caused by acutely infectious viruses.

The best example of such a preventable disease is smallpox, caused by a disease-

producing virus that at one time was found worldwide. In 1796 the English
physician Edward Jenner discovered that the milder cowpox virus could serve as a
live vaccine (an antigenic preparation consisting of viruses whose disease-producing
capacity has been weakened) for preventing smallpox; Jenner published his findings
in 1798. The program of vaccination that resulted from Jenner’s discovery of
a smallpox vaccine is one of the greatest success stories in the annals of medicine; in
1980 the World Health Organization declared that the disease had been eliminated.

A different prospect is presented by rabies, an invariably fatal viral

disease mentioned in ancient Greek literature. Transmitted by the bite of dogs and
other domestic and wild animals, the rabies virus is more difficult
to eradicate because it is present in wild animals throughout the world, except in
certain island countries such as Great Britain and Australia. Influenza virus is also
distributed worldwide, but, of the three major immunologic types, only one (type A)
is responsible for large epidemics. The worldwide epidemic (pandemic) of influenza
at the end of World War I is estimated to have caused 20 million deaths, mostly of
adolescents and young adults. Because of virus mutations that produce minor
antigenic changes every year and major antigenic shifts about every 10
years, influenza viruses have the capacity to resist inactivation by antibodies acquired
by previous infection or vaccination. Development of effective vaccines to combat
influenza is a difficult task, although existing vaccines are partially effective and are
recommended for people at high risk—i.e., the elderly and those with chronic disease
of the respiratory or circulatory systems.

Vaccines are most successful when directed against those viruses that do not mutate
and that infect only humans. In addition to smallpox, a successful vaccine program
has been carried out against polio. Polioviruses exist in only three antigenic types,
each of which has not changed significantly for decades. The vaccines available are
the “killed” (Salk) vaccine, composed of inactivated virus of the three types, and the
“live” (Sabin) vaccine, composed of genetically attenuated viruses of the three types.
In developed countries these vaccines, which were introduced in the 1950s, have
lowered the incidence of paralysis resulting from polio. The disease still occurs in
developing countries and recurs in some developed countries where vaccination
programs have not been enforced. Rare cases of polio occur from the Sabin vaccine
strain of type-3 poliovirus, which is genetically unstable and occasionally reverts to
the virulent form.

Vaccination can prevent diseases caused by strictly human viruses that exist in only
one antigenic and stable type. Measles has been prevented in developed countries
with routine vaccination. Measles, however, may still be the major cause of death in
children in developing countries. Vaccination for mumps and chickenpox promises
to be successful because the causative viruses of these diseases show little tendency
to vary antigenically and are confined to humans. On the other hand, development of
vaccines for the common cold caused by rhinoviruses, similar to polioviruses, will be
a formidable, if not impossible, task because there are at least 100 antigenic types of
the rhinovirus. Rhinoviruses and paralysis-inducing enteroviruses, however, depend
on a protein in host cells called methyltransferase SETD3 for their replication; this
discovery raised the possibility of someday being able to suppress the protein
therapeutically to protect individuals against infection by these viruses.

Also daunting is the task of developing a vaccine against HIV. The major antigenic
component of this virus is a surface-membrane-inserted glycoprotein (gp120), which
has a startling rate of mutation. The extreme antigenic diversity that results from the
mutability of the gene that codes for this protein would prevent HIV from being
identified and attacked by circulating antibodies or killer T lymphocytes.
Unlike bacteria, viruses mimic the metabolic functions of their host cells. Antibiotics
are not effective against viruses. It is difficult to identify
chemical compounds that inhibit the multiplication of viruses but do not slow the
functions of, or are not toxic to, the host cell. Despite this difficulty, an
effective antiviral drug has been developed against influenza virus. This drug targets
a viral enzyme called the neuraminidase and is orders of magnitude less active
against nonviral neuraminidases. These neuraminidase inhibitors are most effective
when administered prophylactically or within the first 30 hours of symptom onset
and can be used to limit the spread of influenza virus and to complement the
administration of vaccines. Other chemicals that exert a selectively greater effect on
viral replication than they do on cell replication include ribavirin, acyclovir, and
zidovudine (azidothymidine [AZT]). These drugs have been partially effective in
improving, if not curing, viral diseases without causing major toxic side effects. AZT
has been used with some success in prolonging the lives of patients with AIDS.

Certain natural products of cells, called interferons, may have potential antiviral and
anticancer properties. Interferons are proteins normally synthesized by the cells of
vertebrates, including humans, either intrinsically and without stimulation or in
response to certain viral infections, chemicals, or immune reactions. In general, the
multiplication of viruses is inhibited by interferons, some to a much greater extent
than others. Interferons are generally species-specific; i.e., they are effective
in inhibiting viral infection only in cells of the same species that naturally synthesize
the interferon.

There are three classes of interferons: α-interferons, produced by blood

leukocytes; β-interferons, produced by tissue cells and fibroblasts; and γ-interferons
(also called immune interferons or interleukins), produced by immune reactions in
blood lymphocytes. Interferons are now known to be a subset of a large group of
natural cellular substances called cytokines, which signal cells to perform specific
functions. Until recently, interferons were difficult to produce commercially because
cells and tissues synthesize only small amounts of them. Through recombinant DNA
technology, however, large amounts of interferon can be produced.

There has been some success in using interferons to treat viral diseases, such as colds
caused by rhinoviruses, infections caused by herpesviruses, and benign tumours and
warts caused by papillomaviruses. Local administration at the sites of viral infection
affords the best results, although injections of large amounts of interferons can be
harmful, probably because they tend to inhibit protein synthesis in the host cell.
Evolutionary origins
Owing to their simplicity, viruses were at first considered to be the primordial life-
forms. This concept is almost certainly incorrect, because viruses are completely
devoid of the machinery for life processes; therefore, they could not have survived in
the absence of cells. Viruses probably evolved from cells rather than cells from
viruses. It seems likely that all viruses trace their origins to cellular genes and can be
considered as pieces of rogue nucleic acids. Although it is easier to imagine the
cellular origin of DNA viruses than RNA viruses, the RNA viruses conceivably could
have had their origins from cellular RNA transcripts made from cellular DNA. In
fact, the discovery that many cells contain reverse transcriptase capable of converting
RNA to DNA seems to suggest that conversion of RNA to DNA and DNA to RNA is
not rare. Indeed, some speculate that RNA is the primordial genetic information
from which DNA evolved to produce more-complex life-forms.

Other possible progenitors of viruses are the plasmids (small circular DNA molecules
independent of chromosomes), which are more readily transferred from cell to cell
than are chromosomes. Theoretically, plasmids could have acquired capsid genes,
which coded for proteins to coat the plasmid DNA, converting it into a virus.

In brief, it is likely that viruses originated from the degradation of cellular nucleic
acids, which acquired the property of being readily transferable from cell to cell
during the process of evolution. The fact that normal proto-oncogenes of a cell have
nucleic acid sequences that are almost identical to the oncogenes of retroviruses
lends credence to the theory that viruses originated from cellular genes.

Evolution of new virus strains

Viruses that infect animals can jump from one species to another, causing a new,
usually severe disease in the new host. For example, in 2003 a virus in the
Coronaviridae family jumped from an animal reservoir, believed to be horseshoe
bats, to humans, causing a highly pathogenic disease in humans called
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The ability of the SARS coronavirus to
jump from horseshoe bats to humans undoubtedly required genetic changes in the
virus. The changes are suspected to have occurred in the palm civet, since the SARS
virus present in horseshoe bats is unable to infect humans directly.

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Such newly emerged viruses often are highly infectious in humans, since they have
not been previously encountered by the human immune system and thus humans
have no immunity against them. The coronavirus that caused SARS, for example,
spread quickly among humans, becoming a significant disease threat. The virus was
quickly brought under control, owing to prohibitions on travel
and quarantine measures. In late 2019 another type of coronavirus, called SARS-
CoV-2, emerged in China and spread rapidly worldwide, giving rise to a pandemic.
SARS-CoV-2 caused an illness known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),
which was very similar to SARS but caused significantly greater mortality,
particularly among persons over age 65.

Influenza A viruses that infect humans can undergo a dramatic antigenic change,
called antigenic shift, which generates viruses that cause pandemics. This dramatic
change occurs because influenza A viruses have a large animal reservoir, wild aquatic
birds. The RNA genome of influenza A viruses is in the form of eight segments. If an
intermediate host, probably the pig, is simultaneously infected with a human and
an avian influenza A virus, the genome RNA segments can be reassorted, yielding a
new virus that has a surface protein that is immunologically distinct from that of
influenza A viruses that have been circulating in the human population. Because the
human population will have little or no immunological protection against the new
virus, a pandemic will result. This is what most likely occurred in the 1957 flu
pandemic, the 1968 flu pandemic, and the influenza pandemic (H1N1) of 2009.

Pandemic influenza A viruses can also apparently arise by a different mechanism. It

has been postulated that the strain that caused the influenza epidemic of 1918–
19 derived all eight RNA segments from an avian virus and that this virus then
underwent multiple mutations in the process of adapting to mammalian cells.
The bird flu viruses, which have spread from Asia to Europe and Africa since the
1990s, appear to be taking this route to pandemic capability. These viruses, which
have been directly transmitted from chickens to humans, contain only
avian genes and are highly pathogenic in humans, causing a mortality rate higher
than 50 percent. Bird flu viruses have not yet acquired the ability to transmit
efficiently from humans to humans, and it is not known what genetic changes must
take place for them to do so.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
Viruses are classified on the basis of their nucleic acid content, their size, the shape of
their protein capsid, and the presence of a surrounding lipoprotein envelope.

The primary taxonomic division is into two classes based on nucleic acid
content: DNA viruses or RNA viruses. The DNA viruses are subdivided into those
that contain either double-stranded or single-stranded DNA. The RNA viruses also
are divided into those that contain double-stranded or single-stranded RNA. Further
subdivision of the RNA viruses is based on whether the RNA genome is segmented. If
the viruses contain single-stranded RNA as their genetic information, they are
divided into positive-strand viruses if the RNA is of messenger sense (directly
translatable into proteins) or negative-strand viruses if the RNA must
be transcribed by a polymerase into mRNA.
All viruses falling into one of these nucleic acid classifications are further subdivided
on the basis of whether the nucleocapsid (protein coat and enclosed nucleic acid)
assumes a rodlike or a polygonal (usually icosahedral) shape. The icosahedral viruses
are further subdivided into families on the basis of the number of capsomeres
making up the capsids. Finally, all viruses fall into two classes depending on whether
the nucleocapsid is surrounded by a lipoprotein envelope.

Some virologists adhere to a division of viruses into those that infect bacteria, plants,
or animals; these classifications have some validity, particularly for the unique
bacterial viruses with tails, but there is otherwise so much overlap
that taxonomy based on hosts seems unworkable. Classification based on diseases
caused by viruses also is not tenable, because closely related viruses frequently do
not cause the same disease. Eventually, it is likely that the classification of viruses
will be based on their nucleotide sequences and their mode of replication rather than
on structural components, as is now the case.

The basic taxonomic group is called a family, designated by the suffix -viridae. The
major taxonomic disagreement among virologists is whether to segregate viruses
within a family into a specific genus and further subdivide them into species names.
In the first decade of the 21st century, there occurred a shift toward the use of
binomial nomenclature, dividing viruses into italicized genera and species. This
move was prompted in large part by the International Committee on Taxonomy of
Viruses (ICTV), a member group of the International Union of Microbiological
Societies. The ICTV oversees the ongoing process of devising and maintaining a
universal classification scheme for viruses. In the virus classification hierarchy, the
ICTV recognizes orders, families, subfamilies, genera, and species. The placement of
viruses in these groups is based on information provided by study groups composed
of experts on specific types of viruses.

In the ICTV system, each species of virus is generally recognized as representing a

group of isolates, or viruses with distinct nucleic acid sequences. Thus, a single
species of virus may sometimes contain more than one isolate. Although the isolates
of a species possess unique genetic sequences, they all descend from the same
replicating lineage and therefore share particular genetic traits. Furthermore,
isolates of a species also share in common the ability to thrive within a specific
ecological niche. As scientists identify new isolates and species, the classification of
viruses is expected to become increasingly complex. The following scheme presents
examples of well-characterized DNA and RNA viruses as they are classified on the
basis of the ICTV system.
Robert R. WagnerRobert M. Krug

Annotated classification
o Family Poxviridae
Large viruses of complex structure with dimensions of 400 × 250 nm, the genome of
which is linear double-stranded DNA. Virions contain at least 40 proteins and lipids,
as well as internal structures called lateral bodies. The 2 subfamilies are
called Chordopoxvirinae, which infect vertebrates and are closely related
antigenically, and Entomopoxvirinae, which infect arthropods. The Chordopoxvirinae
are composed of groups called orthopoxviruses (vaccinia), parapoxviruses,
avipoxviruses of birds, and many others that infect sheep, rabbits, and swine.
o Family Adenoviridae
Nonenveloped virions of icosahedral symmetry, about 80 nm in diameter, and
capsids containing 252 capsomeres with 12 vertices to which are attached
glycoprotein fibres 10–30 nm in length with knobs at the ends. The genome is linear
double-stranded DNA. Classified in 2 subgroups: mastadenoviruses, which infect
mammals, and aviadenoviruses, which infect birds. Common acute respiratory and
gastrointestinal pathogens of humans, and some types cause malignant
transformation of cultured cells and can cause cancer in animals.
o Family Herpesviridae
Icosahedral virions with capsid about 150–200 nm in diameter and 162 capsomeres
surrounded by a floppy envelope containing glycoprotein spikes. Genome composed
of linear double-stranded DNA. There are 3 known subfamilies: Alphaherpesvirinae,
consisting of human herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, bovine mamillitis virus,
SA8 virus and monkey B virus, pseudorabies virus, equine herpesvirus, and varicella-
zoster virus; Betaherpesvirinae, composed of species of cytomegaloviruses;
and Gammaherpesvirinae, composed of genera familiarly called Epstein-Barr virus,
baboon herpesvirus, chimpanzee herpesvirus, Marek’s disease virus of chickens,
turkey herpesvirus, herpesvirus saimiri, and herpesvirus ateles.
o Family Iridoviridae
Large enveloped or nonenveloped icosahedral virions measuring 120–350 nm in
diameter and containing linear double-stranded DNA. Genera include Iridovirus,
which contains invertebrate iridescent virus 6, and Lymphocystivirus, which
contains lymphocystis disease virus 1 of fish.
o Family Asfarviridae
Icosahedral, enveloped virions approximately 175–215 nm in diameter that contain
linear double-stranded DNA. This family consists of one genus, Asfivirus, which
contains the African swine fever virus.
o Family Hepadnaviridae
Small enveloped, spherical virions about 40–48 nm in diameter containing circular
double-stranded DNA with a single-stranded DNA region and a DNA-dependent
DNA polymerase that repairs the single-stranded DNA gap and is essential for
replication. Also characteristic are the use of reverse transcriptase for replication and
an abundance of a soluble protein (HBsAg). Genera include Orthohepadnavirus,
which consists of hepatitis B viruses that infect mammals, and Avihepadnavirus,
which consists of hepatitis B viruses that infect birds.
o Family Papillomaviridae
Icosahedral, nonenveloped virions about 52–55 nm in diameter with 72 capsomeres.
Virions contain covalently linked circular DNA. Papillomaviruses do not grow in cell
culture, and they usually cause warts and benign papillomas; in some instances
papillomas develop into cancers. The family contains multiple genera.
o Family Parvoviridae
Small icosahedral, nonenveloped virions with 32 capsomeres measuring 18–26 nm in
diameter that contain single-stranded DNA. Viruses of this family are divided into
two subfamilies: Parvovirinae, which infect vertebrates, and Densovirinae, which
infect insects. The vertebrate viruses fall into 2 classes: those that replicate
autonomously and those that replicate only in the presence of helper adenoviruses or
herpesviruses, designated adenoassociated viruses (AAV).
o Family Polyomaviridae
Icosahedral, nonenveloped virions 40–55 nm in diameter. Virions contain covalently
linked circular double-stranded DNA. The family consists of one
genus, Polyomavirus. The polyomaviruses produce malignant transformation of
infected cells.
o Family Picornaviridae
Small icosahedral, nonenveloped virions 20–30 nm in diameter, composed of 60
capsomeres and containing nonsegmented single-stranded, positive-sense RNA.
Among the multiple recognized genera
are Enterovirus (polioviruses), Cardiovirus, Rhinovirus (common cold viruses),
and Aphthovirus (foot-and-mouth disease virus).
o Family Caliciviridae
Icosahedral, nonenveloped virions about 35–39 nm in diameter, composed of 32
capsomeres and 180 molecules of a single capsid protein. The genome consists of a
single strand of positive-sense RNA. The prototype virus of this family is the vesicular
exanthema of swine virus.
o Family Togaviridae
Enveloped virions spherical in shape with icosahedral nucleocapsid about 70 nm in
diameter. The genome is single-stranded positive-sense RNA. There are 2 recognized
genera: Alphavirus and Rubivirus. Alphavirus consists of viruses transmitted
by arthropods (exclusively mosquitoes); prototypes include Sindbis virus and eastern
and western equine encephalitis viruses. Rubivirus contains non-arthropod-borne
viruses, including the causative agent of German measles.
o Family Flaviviridae
Viruses of this family are enveloped and spherical in shape, with a genome consisting
of nonsegmented single-stranded positive-sense RNA. These viruses are transmitted
by either insects or arachnids and cause severe diseases such as yellow fever, dengue,
tick-borne encephalitis, and Japanese B encephalitis. Other members of this family
include non-arthropod-borne hog cholera virus (pestivirus) and hepatitis C virus of
o Family Coronaviridae
Enveloped virions 120 nm in diameter with a helical nucleocapsid containing a single
strand of positive-sense RNA. Club-shaped glycoprotein spikes in envelope give
crownlike (coronal) appearance. Viruses of this family are important agents of
respiratory and gastrointestinal disease in humans, poultry, and bovines.
o Family Orthomyxoviridae
Enveloped virions about 80–120 nm in diameter with a helical nucleocapsid
containing 8 segments of single-stranded negative-sense RNA and endogenous RNA
polymerase. The lipoprotein envelope contains 2 glycoproteins, designated
hemagglutinin (major antigen) and neuraminidase. The best-known viruses in this
family are the 3 distinct antigenic types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C.
o Family Paramyxoviridae
Enveloped virions varying in size from 150 to 200 nm in diameter with a helical
nucleocapsid containing a single strand of negative-sense nonsegmented RNA and an
endogenous RNA polymerase. The lipoprotein envelope contains 2 glycoprotein
spikes designated hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion factor (F). The
major subfamily is Paramyxovirinae, which contains the human parainfluenza
viruses and mumps virus, as well as Newcastle disease virus of poultry. The
genus Morbillivirus, within Paramyxovirinae, contains the agents that
cause measles in humans, distemper in dogs and cats, and rinderpest in cattle. The
second subfamily, Pneumovirinae, causes the serious respiratory syncytial
virus disease in human infants.
o Family Rhabdoviridae
Enveloped virions, usually bullet-shaped, about 75 nm in diameter and 180 nm in
length, containing a helical nucleocapsid with single-stranded negative-sense RNA
and an endogenous RNA polymerase. The lipoprotein envelope contains a single
glycoprotein, which is the type-specific antigen. Viruses of this family are widely
infectious for plants and for animals varying from insects to humans. Genera that
infect animals are Vesiculovirus, which includes the virus that causes vesicular
stomatitis in cattle, swine, and equines, and Lyssavirus, which includes the causative
agent of rabies.
o Family Filoviridae
Enveloped virions, variably elongated filaments 650–1,400 nm in length and
pleomorphic in shape, containing a helical nucleocapsid with single-stranded
negative-sense RNA (about 19 kilobases in length) and an endogenous RNA
polymerase. Much like the Rhabdoviridae, the lipoprotein envelope contains a single
glycoprotein, which is the type-specific antigen. The family consists of 2
genera: Filovirus, which contains the Marburg viruses, and Ebolavirus, which
contains the Ebola viruses. These viruses have been isolated from African monkeys,
and both are among the most dangerous pathogens. Some strains cause
severe hemorrhagic fevers in humans; the mortality rate from these diseases is as
high as 90 percent. Human infections with Marburg virus have been traced to
laboratory monkeys, but human outbreaks of fatal Ebola virus infection in Congo
(Kinshasa) and Sudan have not been traced to monkeys. Instead, these infections are
suspected to have been transmitted from fruit-eating bats.
o Family Arenaviridae
Enveloped virions 110–130 nm in diameter with a helical nucleocapsid in 2 segments
containing negative-sense RNA, an endogenous RNA polymerase, and small amounts
of ribosomal RNA. The family contains a single genus, Arenavirus, with species
widely distributed in animals and causing serious human diseases. Many of these
agents are transmitted by insects.
o Family Bunyaviridae
Enveloped virions about 80–120 nm in diameter with a 3-segment helical
nucleocapsid containing single-stranded RNA of negative sense and endogenous
RNA polymerase. Many viruses grouped in 5
genera: Orthobunyavirus, Phlebovirus, Nairovirus, Tospovirus, and Hantavirus.
Most of these viruses are transmitted by arthropods and cause serious human
o Family Retroviridae
Enveloped virions about 80–100 nm in diameter with 2 identical copies of single
positive-strand RNA in nondefective virions and a reverse transcriptase, which
promotes synthesis of double-stranded DNA from the viral RNA template. A
hallmark of the virion RNA templates is long terminal repeat (LTR) nucleotide
sequences, which serve for integration of the DNA in chromosomes of the host cell.
Retroviridae cause cancers in many species of animals, including humans, and are
probably derived from normal cell nucleotide sequences called proto-oncogenes.
Certain retroviruses of the lentivirus group cause AIDS in humans, monkeys, felines,
and cattle.
o Family Reoviridae
Nonenveloped icosahedral virions with outer and inner protein shells 60–80 nm in
diameter and containing double-stranded RNA in 10 to 12 segments. Viruses in this
family infect many species of plants and animals. Reoviridae genera containing
species known to infect animals include Orthoreovirus, Orbivirus (widely distributed
in insects and vertebrates, including bluetongue disease virus of
sheep), Rotavirus (widespread causative agents of gastroenteritis in mammals,
including humans), and Cypovirus (prototype causes cytoplasmic polyhedrosis
disease in insects).
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Also known as: Polyomaviridae, polyoma virus
Written and fact-checked by
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2024 • Article History

simian vacuolating virus 40

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Category: Science & Tech

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Renato Dulbecco

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simian virus 40

JC virus
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Polyomavirus, (family Polyomaviridae), any of a subgroup of minute
oncogenic DNA viruses of the family Polyomaviridae.

The virus was first isolated in 1953 when the murine polyomavirus was discovered to
have caused tumours in laboratory mice. Since then the virus has been found in a
wide variety of vertebrates, from green monkeys and baboons to cage birds (notably
those of the parrot family, Psittacidae) and cows. Two rare human polyomaviruses
were isolated in 1971 and are known as BK virus and JC virus. Infection with BK
virus may cause mild respiratory disease, whereas infection with JC virus can affect
the respiratory system, the kidneys, or the brain. JC virus is responsible for causing
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PMLE) in immunocompromised
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A Visit with the Word Doctor: Medical Vocabulary Quiz

The difference between bacteria and viruses

Knowing the difference isn't just a technical distinction—it can save lives.
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Another example of a polyomavirus is Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40), which can
infect humans, rodents, and monkeys. In some cases, SV40 infection in humans may
lead to the growth of malignant tumours.

The polyomavirus is highly antigenic; i.e., all animals bearing its tumours also have
virus-neutralizing antibodies in their blood. The virus is also capable of clumping red
blood cells and affecting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis.

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