Acellular Pathogens
Acellular Pathogens
Acellular Pathogens
Acellular Pathogens
Public health measures in the developed world have dramatically reduced mortality from viral epidemics. But when epidemics do occur,
they can spread quickly with global air travel. In 2009, an outbreak of H1N1 influenza spread across various continents. In early 2014,
cases of Ebola in Guinea led to a massive epidemic in western Africa. This included the case of an infected man who traveled to the
United States, sparking fears the epidemic might spread beyond Africa.
Until the late 1930s and the advent of the electron microscope, no one had seen a virus. Yet treatments for preventing or cur ing viral
infections were used and developed long before that. Historical records suggest that by the 17th century, and perhaps earlier, inoculation
(also known as variolation) was being used to prevent the viral disease smallpox in various parts of the world. By the late 18th century,
Englishman Edward Jenner was inoculating patients with cowpox to prevent smallpox, a technique he coined vaccination.
Despite their small size, which prevented them from being seen with light microscopes, the discovery of a filterable component smaller
than a bacterium that causes tobacco mosaic disease (TMD) dates back to 1892. At that time, Dmitri Ivanovski, a Russian botanist,
discovered the source of TMD by using a porcelain filtering device first invented by Charles Chamberland and Louis Pasteur in Paris in
1884. Porcelain Chamberland filters have a pore size of 0.1 µm, which is small enough to remove all bacteria ≥0.2 µm from any liquids
passed through the device. An extract obtained from TMD-infected tobacco plants was made to determine the cause of the disease.
Initially, the source of the disease was thought to be bacterial. It was surprising to everyone when Ivanovski, using a Chamberland filter,
found that the cause of TMD was not removed after passing the extract through the porcelain filter. So if a bacterium was not the cause
of TMD, what could be causing the disease? Ivanovski concluded the cause of TMD must be an extremely small bacterium or bacterial
spore. Other scientists, including Martinus Beijerinck, continued investigating the cause of TMD. It was Beijerinck, in 1899, who
eventually concluded the causative agent was not a bacterium but, instead, possibly a chemical, like a biological poison we would
describe today as a toxin. As a result, the word virus, Latin for poison, was used to describe the cause of TMD a few years after
Ivanovski’s initial discovery. Even though he was not able to see the virus that caused TMD, and did not realize the cause was not a
bacterium, Ivanovski is credited as the original discoverer of viruses and a founder of the field of virology.
Today, we can see viruses using electron microscopes and we know much more about them. Viruses are distinct biological entities;
however, their evolutionary origin is still a matter of speculation. In terms of taxonomy, they are not included in the tree of life because
they are acellular (not consisting of cells). In order to survive and reproduce, viruses must infect a cellular host, making them obligate
intracellular parasites. The genome of a virus enters a host cell and directs the production of the viral components, proteins and nucleic
acids, needed to form new virus particles called virions. New virions are made in the host cell by assembly of viral components. The
new virions transport the viral genome to another host cell to carry out another round of infection.
Viruses may cause abnormal growth of the cell or cell death, alter the cell’s genome, or cause little noticeable effect in the cell.
Viruses can be transmitted through direct contact, indirect contact with fomites, or through a vector: an animal that transmits a pathogen
from one host to another. Arthropods such as mosquitoes, ticks, and flies, are typical vectors for viral diseases, and they may act as
mechanical vectors or biological vectors. Mechanical transmission occurs when the arthropod carries a viral pathogen on the outside
of its body and transmits it to a new host by physical contact. Biological transmission occurs when the arthropod carries the viral
pathogen inside its body and transmits it to the new host through biting.
In humans, a wide variety of viruses are capable of causing various infections and diseases. Some of the deadliest emerging pathogens
in humans are viruses, yet we have few treatments or drugs to deal with viral infections, making them difficult to eradicate.
Viruses that can be transmitted from an animal host to a human host can cause zoonoses. For example, the avian influenza virus originates
in birds, but can cause disease in humans. Reverse zoonoses are caused by infection of an animal by a virus that originated in a human
Viral Structures
In general, virions (viral particles) are small and cannot be observed using a regular light microscope. They are much smaller than
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; this is an adaptation allowing viruses to infect these larger cells. The size of a virion can range from
20 nm for small viruses up to 900 nm for typical, large viruses. Recent discoveries, however, have identified new giant viral species,
such as Pandoravirus salinus and Pithovirus sibericum, with sizes approaching that of a bacterial cell.
(a) In this transmission electron micrograph, a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria) is dwarfed by the bacterial cell it infects. (b) An
illustration of the bacteriophage in the micrograph.
The size of a virus is small relative to the size of most bacterial and eukaryotic cells and their organelles.
As a result of continuing research into the nature of viruses, we now know they consist of a nucleic acid (either RNA or DNA, but never
both) surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. The interior of the capsid is not filled with cytosol, as in a cell, but instead it contains
the bare necessities in terms of genome and enzymes needed to direct the synthesis of new virions. Each capsid is composed of protein
subunits called capsomeres made of one or more different types of capsomere proteins that interlock to form the closely packed capsid.
There are two categories of viruses based on general composition. Viruses formed from only a nucleic acid and capsid are called naked
viruses or nonenveloped viruses. Viruses formed with a nucleic-acid packed capsid surrounded by a lipid layer are called enveloped
viruses. The viral envelope is a small portion of phospholipid membrane obtained as the virion buds from a host cell. The viral envelope
may either be intracellular or cytoplasmic in origin.
Extending outward and away from the capsid on some naked viruses and enveloped viruses are protein structures called spikes. At the
tips of these spikes are structures that allow the virus to attach and enter a cell, like the influenza virus hemagglutinin spikes (H) or
enzymes like the neuraminidase (N) influenza virus spikes that allow the virus to detach from the cell surface during release of new
virions. Influenza viruses are often identified by their H and N spikes. For example, H1N1 influenza viruses were responsible for the
pandemics in 1918 and 2009, H2N2 for the pandemic in 1957, and H3N2 for the pandemic in 1968.
(a) The naked atadenovirus uses spikes made of glycoproteins from its capsid to bind to host cells. (b) The enveloped human immunodeficiency
virus uses spikes made of glycoproteins embedded in its envelope to bind to host cells
Viruses vary in the shape of their capsids, which can be either helical, polyhedral, or complex. A helical capsid forms the shape of
tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), a naked helical virus, and Ebola virus, an enveloped helical virus. The capsid is cylindrical or rod shaped,
with the genome fitting just inside the length of the capsid. Polyhedral capsids form the shapes of poliovirus and rhinovirus, and consist
of a nucleic acid surrounded by a polyhedral (many sided) capsid in the form of an icosahedron. An icosahedral capsid is a three-
dimensional, 20-sided structure with 12 vertices. These capsids somewhat resemble a soccer ball. Both helical and polyhedral viruses
can have envelopes. Viral shapes seen in certain types of bacteriophages, such as T4 phage, and poxviruses, like vaccinia virus, may
have features of both polyhedral and helical viruses so they are described as a complex viral shape. In the bacteriophage complex form,
the genome is located within the polyhedral head and the sheath connects the head to the tail fibers and tail pins that help the virus
attach to receptors on the host cell’s surface. Poxviruses that have complex shapes are often brick shaped, with intricate surface
characteristics not seen in the other categories of capsid.
Viral capsids can be (a) helical, (b) polyhedral, or (c) have a complex shape
Common Pathogenic Viruses
A virulent phage shows only the lytic cycle pictured here. In the lytic cycle, the phage replicates and lyses the host cell.
The third stage of infection is biosynthesis of new viral components. After entering the host cell, the virus synthesizes virus-encoded
endonucleases to degrade the bacterial chromosome. It then hijacks the host cell to replicate, transcribe, and translate the necessary viral
components (capsomeres, sheath, base plates, tail fibers, and viral enzymes) for the assembly of new viruses. Polymerase genes are
usually expressed early in the cycle, while capsid and tail proteins are expressed later. During the maturation phase, new virions are
created. To liberate free phages, the bacterial cell wall is disrupted by phage proteins such as holin or lysozyme. The final stage is
release. Mature viruses burst out of the host cell in a process called lysis and the progeny viruses are liberated into the environment to
infect new cells.
Transduction occurs when a bacteriophage transfers bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another during sequential infections. There
are two types of transduction: generalized and specialized transduction. During the lytic cycle of viral replication, the virus hijacks the
host cell, degrades the host chromosome, and makes more viral genomes. As it assembles and packages DNA into the phage head,
packaging occasionally makes a mistake. Instead of packaging viral DNA, it takes a random piece of host DNA and inserts it into the
capsid. Once released, this virion will then inject the former host’s DNA into a newly infected host. The asexual transfer of genetic
information can allow for DNA recombination to occur, thus providing the new host with new genes (e.g., an antibiotic-resistance gene,
or a sugar-metabolizing gene). Generalized transduction occurs when a random piece of bacterial chromosomal DNA is transferred
by the phage during the lytic cycle. Specialized transduction occurs at the end of the lysogenic cycle, when the prophage is excised
and the bacteriophage enters the lytic cycle. Since the phage is integrated into the host genome, the prophage can replicate as part of the
host. However, some conditions (e.g., ultraviolet light exposure or chemical exposure) stimulate the prophage to undergo induction,
causing the phage to excise from the genome, enter the lytic cycle, and produce new phages to leave host cells. During the process of
excision from the host chromosome, a phage may occasionally remove some bacterial DNA near the site of viral integration. The phage
and host DNA from one end or both ends of the integration site are packaged within the capsid and are transferred to the new, infected
host. Since the DNA transferred by the phage is not randomly packaged but is instead a specific piece of DNA near the site of integration,
this mechanism of gene transfer is referred to as specialized transduction. The DNA can then recombine with host chromosome, giving
the latter new characteristics. Transduction seems to play an important role in the evolutionary process of bacteria, giving them a
mechanism for asexual exchange of genetic information.
This flowchart illustrates the mechanism of specialized transduction. An integrated phage excises, bringing with it a piece of the DNA adjacent to its
insertion point. On reinfection of a new bacterium, the phage DNA integrates along with the genetic material acquired from the previous host.
Animal viruses do not always express their genes using the normal flow of genetic information—from DNA to RNA to protein. Some
viruses have a dsDNA genome like cellular organisms and can follow the normal flow. However, others may have ssDNA, dsRNA, or
ssRNA genomes. The nature of the genome determines how the genome is replicated and expressed as viral proteins. If a genome is
ssDNA, host enzymes will be used to synthesize a second strand that is complementary to the genome strand, thus producing dsDNA.
The dsDNA can now be replicated, transcribed, and translated similar to host DNA.
If the viral genome is RNA, a different mechanism must be used. There are three types of RNA genome: dsRNA, positive (+) single-
strand (+ssRNA) or negative (−) single-strand RNA (−ssRNA). If a virus has a +ssRNA genome, it can be translated directly to make
viral proteins. Viral genomic +ssRNA acts like cellular mRNA. However, if a virus contains a −ssRNA genome, the host ribosomes
cannot translate it until the −ssRNA is replicated into +ssRNA by viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP). The RdRP is brought
in by the virus and can be used to make +ssRNA from the original −ssRNA genome. The RdRP is also an important enzyme for the
replication of dsRNA viruses, because it uses the negative strand of the double-stranded genome as a template to create +ssRNA. The
newly synthesized +ssRNA copies can then be translated by cellular ribosomes.
An alternative mechanism for viral nucleic acid synthesis is observed in the retroviruses, which are +ssRNA viruses. Single-stranded
RNA viruses such as HIV carry a special enzyme called reverse transcriptase within the capsid that synthesizes a complementary
ssDNA (cDNA) copy using the +ssRNA genome as a template. The ssDNA is then made into dsDNA, which can integrate into the host
chromosome and become a permanent part of the host. The integrated viral genome is called a provirus. The virus now can remain in
the host for a long time to establish a chronic infection. The provirus stage is similar to the prophage stage in a bacterial infection during
the lysogenic cycle. However, unlike prophage, the provirus does not undergo excision after splicing into the genome.
HIV, an enveloped, icosahedral retrovirus, attaches to a cell surface receptor of an immune cell and fuses with the cell membrane. Viral contents are
released into the cell, where viral enzymes convert the single stranded RNA genome into DNA and incorporate it into the host genome.
Persistent Infections
Persistent infection occurs when a virus is not completely cleared from the system of the host but stays in certain tissues or organs of
the infected person. The virus may remain silent or undergo productive infection without seriously harming or killing the host.
Mechanisms of persistent infection may involve the regulation of the viral or host gene expressions or the alteration of the host immune
response. The two primary categories of persistent infections are latent infection and chronic infection. Examples of viruses that cause
latent infections include herpes simplex virus (oral and genital herpes), varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox and shingles), and Epstein-
Barr virus (mononucleosis). Hepatitis C virus and HIV are two examples of viruses that cause long-term chronic infections.
Latent Infection
Not all animal viruses undergo replication by the lytic cycle. There are viruses that are capable of remaining hidden or dormant inside
the cell in a process called latency. These types of viruses are known as latent viruses and may cause latent infections. Viruses capable
of latency may initially cause an acute infection before becoming dormant.
For example, the varicella-zoster virus infects many cells throughout the body and causes chickenpox, characterized by a rash of blisters
covering the skin. About 10 to 12 days postinfection, the disease resolves and the virus goes dormant, living within nerve-cell ganglia
for years. During this time, the virus does not kill the nerve cells or continue replicating. It is not clear why the virus stops replicating
within the nerve cells and expresses few viral proteins but, in some cases, typically after many years of dormancy, the virus is reactivated
and causes a new disease called shingles. Whereas chickenpox affects many areas throughout the body, shingles is a nerve cell-specific
disease emerging from the ganglia in which the virus was dormant.
Latent viruses may remain dormant by existing as circular viral genome molecules outside of the host chromosome. Others become
proviruses by integrating into the host genome. During dormancy, viruses do not cause any symptoms of disease and may be difficult
to detect. A patient may be unaware that he or she is carrying the virus unless a viral diagnostic test has been performed.
(a) Varicella-zoster, the virus that causes chickenpox, has an enveloped icosahedral capsid visible in this transmission electron micrograph. Its
double-stranded DNA genome becomes incorporated in the host DNA. (b) After a period of latency, the virus can reactivate in the form of shingles,
usually manifesting as a painful, localized rash on one side of the body.
Chronic Infection
A chronic infection is a disease with symptoms that are recurrent or persistent over a long time. Some viral infections can be chronic if
the body is unable to eliminate the virus. HIV is an example of a virus that produces a chronic infection, often after a long period of
latency. Once a person becomes infected with HIV, the virus can be detected in tissues continuously thereafter, but untreated patients
often experience no symptoms for years. However, the virus maintains chronic persistence through several mechanisms that interfere
with immune function, including preventing expression of viral antigens on the surface of infected cells, altering immune cells
themselves, restricting expression of viral genes, and rapidly changing viral antigens through mutation. Eventually, the damage to the
immune system results in progression of the disease leading to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The various mechanisms
that HIV uses to avoid being cleared by the immune system are also used by other chronically infecting viruses, including the hepatitis
C virus.
Plant viruses may have a narrow or broad host range. Most plant viruses are transmitted by contact between plants, or by fungi,
nematodes, insects, or other arthropods that act as mechanical vectors. However, some viruses can only be transferred by a specific type
of insect vector. In some cases, viruses may also enter healthy plants through wounds, as might occur due to pruning or weather damage.
Viruses that infect plants are considered biotrophic parasites, which means that they can establish an infection without killing the host,
similar to what is observed in the lysogenic life cycles of bacteriophages. Viral infection can be asymptomatic (latent) or can lead to cell
death (lytic infection). The life cycle begins with the penetration of the virus into the host cell. Next, the virus is uncoated within the
cytoplasm of the cell when the capsid is removed. Depending on the type of nucleic acid, cellular components are used to replicate the
viral genome and synthesize viral proteins for assembly of new virions. To establish a systemic infection, the virus must enter a part of
the vascular system of the plant, such as the phloem. The time required for systemic infection may vary from a few days to a few weeks
depending on the virus, the plant species, and the environmental conditions. The virus life cycle is complete when it is transmitted from
an infected plant to a healthy plant.
The one-step multiplication curve for a bacteriophage population follows three steps: 1) inoculation, during which the virions attach to host cells; 2)
eclipse, during which entry of the viral genome occurs; and 3) burst, when sufficient numbers of new virions are produced and emerge from the host
cell. The burst size is the maximum number of virions produced per bacterium.
Isolation, Culture, and Identification of Viruses
Isolation of Viruses
Unlike bacteria, many of which can be grown on an artificial nutrient medium, viruses require a living host cell for replication. Infected
host cells (eukaryotic or prokaryotic) can be cultured and grown, and then the growth medium can be harvested as a source of virus.
Virions in the liquid medium can be separated from the host cells by either centrifugation or filtration. Filters can physically remove
anything present in the solution that is larger than the virions; the viruses can then be collected in the filtrate.
Membrane filters can be used to remove cells or viruses from a solution. (a) This scanning electron micrograph shows rod-shaped bacterial cells
captured on the surface of a membrane filter. Note differences in the comparative size of the membrane pores and bacteria. Viruses will pass through
this filter. (b) The size of the pores in the filter determines what is captured on the surface of the filter (animal [red] and bacteria [blue]) and removed
from liquid passing through. Note the viruses (green) pass through the finer filter.
Cultivation of Viruses
Viruses can be grown in vivo (within a whole living organism, plant, or animal) or in vitro (outside a living organism in cells in an
artificial environment, such as a test tube, cell culture flask, or agar plate). Bacteriophages can be grown in the presence of a dense layer
of bacteria (also called a bacterial lawn) grown in a 0.7 % soft agar in a Petri dish or flat (horizontal) flask. The agar concentration is
decreased from the 1.5% usually used in culturing bacteria. The soft 0.7% agar allows the bacteriophages to easily diffuse through the
medium. For lytic bacteriophages, lysing of the bacterial hosts can then be readily observed when a clear zone called a plaque is detected.
As the phage kills the bacteria, many plaques are observed among the cloudy bacterial lawn.
(a) Flasks like this may be used to culture human or animal cells for viral culturing. (b) These plates contain bacteriophage T4 grown on an
Escherichia coli lawn. Clear plaques are visible where host bacterial cells have been lysed. Viral titers increase on the plates to the left.
Animal viruses require cells within a host animal or tissue-culture cells derived from an animal. Animal virus cultivation is important
for 1) identification and diagnosis of pathogenic viruses in clinical specimens, 2) production of vaccines, and 3) basic research studies.
In vivo host sources can be a developing embryo in an embryonated bird’s egg (e.g., chicken, turkey) or a whole animal. For example,
most of the influenza vaccine manufactured for annual flu vaccination programs is cultured in hens’ eggs.
The embryo or host animal serves as an incubator for viral replication. Location within the embryo or host animal is important. Many
viruses have a tissue tropism, and must therefore be introduced into a specific site for growth. Within an embryo, target sites include the
amniotic cavity, the chorioallantoic membrane, or the yolk sac. Viral infection may damage tissue membranes, producing lesions called
pox; disrupt embryonic development; or cause the death of the embryo.
(a) The cells within chicken eggs are used to culture different types of viruses. (b) Viruses can be replicated in various locations within the egg,
including the chorioallantoic membrane, the amniotic cavity, and the yolk sac. (credit a: modification of work by “Chung Hoang”/YouTube)
For in vitro studies, various types of cells can be used to support the growth of viruses. A primary cell culture is freshly prepared from
animal organs or tissues. Cells are extracted from tissues by mechanical scraping or mincing to release cells or by an enzymatic method
using trypsin or collagenase to break up tissue and release single cells into suspension. Because of anchorage-dependence requirements,
primary cell cultures require a liquid culture medium in a Petri dish or tissue-culture flask so cells have a solid surface such as glass or
plastic for attachment and growth. Primary cultures usually have a limited life span. When cells in a primary culture undergo mitosis
and a sufficient density of cells is produced, cells come in contact with other cells. When this cell-to-cell-contact occurs, mitosis is
triggered to stop. This is called contact inhibition and it prevents the density of the cells from becoming too high. To prevent contact
inhibition, cells from the primary cell culture must be transferred to another vessel with fresh growth medium. This is called a secondary
cell culture. Periodically, cell density must be reduced by pouring off some cells and adding fresh medium to provide space and nutrients
to maintain cell growth. In contrast to primary cell cultures, continuous cell lines, usually derived from transformed cells or tumors, are
often able to be subcultured many times or even grown indefinitely (in which case they are called immortal). Continuous cell lines may
not exhibit anchorage dependency (they will grow in suspension) and may have lost their contact inhibition. As a result, continuous cell
lines can grow in piles or lumps resembling small tumor growths.
Cells for culture are prepared by separating them from their tissue matrix. (a) Primary cell cultures grow attached to the surface of the culture
container. Contact inhibition slows the growth of the cells once they become too dense and begin touching each other. At this point, growth can only
be sustained by making a secondary culture. (b) Continuous cell cultures are not affected by contact inhibition. They continue to grow regardless of
cell density.
Detection of a Virus
Regardless of the method of cultivation, once a virus has been introduced into a whole host organism, embryo, or tissue-culture cell, a
sample can be prepared from the infected host, embryo, or cell line for further analysis under a brightfield, electron, or fluorescent
microscope. Cytopathic effects (CPEs) are distinct observable cell abnormalities due to viral infection. CPEs can include loss of
adherence to the surface of the container, changes in cell shape from flat to round, shrinkage of the nucleus, vacuoles in the cytoplasm,
fusion of cytoplasmic membranes and the formation of multinucleated syncytia, inclusion bodies in the nucleus or cytoplasm, and
complete cell lysis.
Further pathological changes include viral disruption of the host genome and altering normal cells into transformed cells, which are the
types of cells associated with carcinomas and sarcomas. The type or severity of the CPE depends on the type of virus involved.
Hemagglutination Assay
A serological assay is used to detect the presence of certain types of viruses in patient serum. Serum is the strawcolored liquid fraction
of blood plasma from which clotting factors have been removed. Serum can be used in a direct assay called a hemagglutination assay to
detect specific types of viruses in the patient’s sample. Hemagglutination is the agglutination (clumping) together of erythrocytes (red
blood cells). Many viruses produce surface proteins or spikes called hemagglutinins that can bind to receptors on the membranes of
erythrocytes and cause the cells to agglutinate. Hemagglutination is observable without using the microscope, but this method does not
always differentiate between infectious and non-infectious viral particles, since both can agglutinate erythrocytes.
To identify a specific pathogenic virus using hemagglutination, we must use an indirect approach. Proteins called antibodies, generated
by the patient’s immune system to fight a specific virus, can be used to bind to components such as hemagglutinins that are uniquely
associated with specific types of viruses. The binding of the antibodies with the hemagglutinins found on the virus subsequently prevent
erythrocytes from directly interacting with the virus. So when erythrocytes are added to the antibody-coated viruses, there is no
appearance of agglutination; agglutination has been inhibited. We call these types of indirect assays for virus-specific antibodies
hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assays. HAI can be used to detect the presence of antibodies specific to many types of viruses that
may be causing or have caused an infection in a patient even months or years after infection. This assay is described in greater detail in
Agglutination Assays.
This chart shows the possible outcomes of a hemagglutination test. Row A: Erythrocytes do not bind together and will sink to the bottom of the well
plate; this becomes visible as a red dot in the center of the well. Row B: Many viruses have hemagglutinins that causes agglutination of erythrocytes;
the resulting hemagglutination forms a lattice structure that results in red color throughout the well. Row C: Virus-specific antibody, the viruses, and
the erythrocytes are added to the well plate. The virus-specific antibodies inhibit agglutination, as can be seen as a red dot in the bottom of the well.
Reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) is an NAAT used to detect the presence of RNA viruses. RT-PCR differs from PCR in that the
enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT) is used to make a cDNA from the small amount of viral RNA in the specimen. The cDNA can then
be amplified by PCR. Both PCR and RT-PCR are used to detect and confirm the presence of the viral nucleic acid in patient specimens.
Case in Point
Enzyme Immunoassay
Enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) rely on the ability of antibodies to detect and attach to specific biomolecules called antigens. The
detecting antibody attaches to the target antigen with a high degree of specificity in what might be a complex mixture of bio molecules.
Also included in this type of assay is a colorless enzyme attached to the detecting antibody. The enzyme acts as a tag on the detecting
antibody and can interact with a colorless substrate, leading to the production of a colored end product. EIAs often rely on layers of
antibodies to capture and react with antigens, all of which are attached to a membrane filter. EIAs for viral antigens are often used as
preliminary screening tests. If the results are positive, further confirmation will require tests with even greater sensitivity, such as a
western blot or an NAAT. EIAs are discussed in more detail in EIAs and ELISAs.
Similar to rapid, over-the-counter pregnancy tests, EIAs for viral antigens require a few drops of diluted patient serum or plasma applied to a
membrane filter. The membrane filter has been previously modified and embedded with antibody to viral antigen and internal controls. Antibody
conjugate is added to the filter, with the targeted antibody attached to the antigen (in the case of a positive test). Excess conjugate is washed off the
filter. Substrate is added to activate the enzyme-mediated reaction to reveal the color change of a positive test.
In 1971, Theodor Diener, a pathologist working at the Agriculture Research Service, discovered an acellular particle that he named a
viroid, meaning “virus-like.” Viroids consist only of a short strand of circular RNA capable of selfreplication. The first viroid discovered
was found to cause potato tuber spindle disease, which causes slower sprouting and various deformities in potato plants. Like viruses,
potato spindle tuber viroids (PSTVs) take control of the host machinery to replicate their RNA genome. Unlike viruses, viroids do not
have a protein coat to protect their genetic information.
These potatoes have been infected by the potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV), which is typically spread when infected knives are used to cut healthy
potatoes, which are then planted.
Viroids can result in devastating losses of commercially important agricultural food crops grown in fields and orchards. Since the
discovery of PSTV, other viroids have been discovered that cause diseases in plants. Tomato planta macho viroid (TPMVd) infects
tomato plants, which causes loss of chlorophyll, disfigured and brittle leaves, and very small tomatoes, resulting in loss of productivity
in this field crop. Avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd) results in lower yields and poorer-quality fruit. ASBVd is the smallest viroid
discovered thus far that infects plants. Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) can cause necrosis of flower buds and branches, and
wounding of ripened fruit, which leads to fungal and bacterial growth in the fruit. PLMVd can also cause similar pathological changes
in plums, nectarines, apricots, and cherries, resulting in decreased productivity in these orchards, as well. Viroids, in general, can be
dispersed mechanically during crop maintenance or harvesting, vegetative reproduction, and possibly via seeds and insects, resulting in
a severe drop in food availability and devastating economic consequences.
A second type of pathogenic RNA that can infect commercially important agricultural crops are the virusoids, which are subviral
particles best described as non–self-replicating ssRNAs. RNA replication of virusoids is similar to that of viroids but, unlike viroids,
virusoids require that the cell also be infected with a specific “helper” virus. There are currently only five described types of virusoids
and their associated helper viruses. The helper viruses are all from the family of Sobemoviruses. An example of a helper virus is the
subterranean clover mottle virus, which has an associated virusoid packaged inside the viral capsid. Once the helper virus enters the host
cell, the virusoids are released and can be found free in plant cell cytoplasm, where they possess ribozyme activity. The helper virus
undergoes typical viral replication independent of the activity of the virusoid. The virusoid genomes are small, only 220 to 388
nucleotides long. A virusoid genome does not code for any proteins, but instead serves only to replicate virusoid RNA.
Virusoids belong to a larger group of infectious agents called satellite RNAs, which are similar pathogenic RNAs found in animals.
Unlike the plant virusoids, satellite RNAs may encode for proteins; however, like plant virusoids, satellite RNAs must coinfect with a
helper virus to replicate. One satellite RNA that infects humans and that has been described by some scientists as a virusoid is the
hepatitis delta virus (HDV), which, by some reports, is also called hepatitis delta virusoid. Much larger than a plant virusoid, HDV has
a circular, ssRNA genome of 1,700 nucleotides and can direct the biosynthesis of HDV-associated proteins. The HDV helper virus is
the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Coinfection with HBV and HDV results in more severe pathological changes in the liver during infection, which is how HDV was first
At one time, scientists believed that any infectious particle must contain DNA or RNA. Then, in 1982, Stanley Prusiner, a medical doctor
studying scrapie (a fatal, degenerative disease in sheep) discovered that the disease was caused by proteinaceous infectious particles, or
prions. Because proteins are acellular and do not contain DNA or RNA, Prusiner’s findings were originally met with resistance and
skepticism; however, his research was eventually validated, and he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1997.
A prion is a misfolded rogue form of a normal protein (PrPc) found in the cell. This rogue prion protein (PrPsc), which may be caused
by a genetic mutation or occur spontaneously, can be infectious, stimulating other endogenous normal proteins to become misfo lded,
forming plaques. Today, prions are known to cause various forms of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) in human and
animals. TSE is a rare degenerative disorder that affects the brain and nervous system. The accumulation of rogue proteins causes the
brain tissue to become spongelike, killing brain cells and forming holes in the tissue, leading to brain damage, loss of motor coordination,
and dementia. Infected individuals are mentally impaired and become unable to move or speak. There is no cure, and the disease
progresses rapidly, eventually leading to death within a few months or years.
Endogenous normal prion protein (PrPc) is converted into the disease-causing form (PrPsc) when it encounters this variant form of the protein. PrPsc
may arise spontaneously in brain tissue, especially if a mutant form of the protein is present, or it may originate from misfolded prions consumed in
food that eventually find their way into brain tissue.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a fatal disease that causes degeneration of neural tissue. (a) These brain scans compare a normal brain to one with
CJD. (b) Compared to a normal brain, the brain tissue of a CJD patient is full of sponge-like lesions, which result from abnormal formations of prion
TSEs in humans include kuru, fatal familial insomnia, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, and CreutzfeldtJakob disease. TSEs in
animals include mad cow disease, scrapie (in sheep and goats), and chronic wasting disease (in elk and deer). TSEs can be transmitted
between animals and from animals to humans by eating contaminated meat or animal feed. Transmission between humans can occur
through heredity (as is often the case with GSS and CJD) or by contact with contaminated tissue, as might occur during a blood
transfusion or organ transplant. There is no evidence for transmission via casual contact with an infected person.
• Viruses are generally ultramicroscopic, typically from 20 nm to 900 nm in length. Some large viruses have been found.
• Virions are acellular and consist of a nucleic acid, DNA or RNA, but not both, surrounded by a protein capsid.
There may also be a phospholipid membrane surrounding the capsid.
• Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites.
• Viruses are known to infect various types of cells found in plants, animals, fungi, protists, bacteria, and archaea. Viruses typically
have limited host ranges and infect specific cell types.
• Viruses may have helical, polyhedral, or complex shapes.
• Classification of viruses is based on morphology, type of nucleic acid, host range, cell specificity, and enzymes carried within
the virion.
• Like other diseases, viral diseases are classified using ICD codes.
The Viral Life Cycle
• Many viruses target specific hosts or tissues. Some may have more than one host.
• Many viruses follow several stages to infect host cells. These stages include attachment, penetration, uncoating, biosynthesis,
maturation, and release.
• Bacteriophages have a lytic or lysogenic cycle. The lytic cycle leads to the death of the host, whereas the lysogenic cycle leads
to integration of phage into the host genome.
• Bacteriophages inject DNA into the host cell, whereas animal viruses enter by endocytosis or membrane fusion.
• Animal viruses can undergo latency, similar to lysogeny for a bacteriophage.
• The majority of plant viruses are positive-strand ssRNA and can undergo latency, chronic, or lytic infection, as observed for
animal viruses.
• The growth curve of bacteriophage populations is a one-step multiplication curve and not a sigmoidal curve, as compared to
the bacterial growth curve.
• Bacteriophages transfer genetic information between hosts using either generalized or specialized transduction.