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- Trematioda (Flukes)

Parasites Fasciola Heterophyes Schistosoma Schistosoma

gigantica heterophyes mansoni haematobium
Biliary passage of the Vesical and pelvic
Habitat liver
Small intestine Mesenteric plexus
venous plexus
Definitive host Man Man Man Man
1st pirenella conica Biomphelaria
Intermediate host Lymnaea cailliaudi nd Bulinus truncates
2 bory & bolty fish alexandrina
Infective stage metacercaria
Encysted mtacercaria Furcocercus cercaria Furcocercus cercaria

Undercooked or Direct skin Direct skin

Method of infection vegetables
undersalted fish penetration by penetration by
(sweet fesekh) cercaria cercaria
Egg with terminal Egg with lateral
Diagnostic stage Egg Egg
spine spine
Diagnostic material Stool Stool Stool Urine
- Cestoidea ( Tapeworms )
Parasites Taenia siganata Taenia solium Hymenolepis nana
Habitat Small intestine Small intestine Small intestine
Definitive host Man Man Man
Intermediate host Cattle Pig Man
Infective stage Cysticercous bovis Cysticercous cellulosa Eggs
- Autoinfection
- Eating undercooked pork-
meet - Eating contaminated foods
Method of infection Eating undercooked meet
and drinks with larva
- Ingestion eggs
Diagnostic stage Eggs and segments Eggs and segments Eggs
Diagnostic material Stool Stool Stool
- Nematoda ( Roundworms )
Parasites Ascaris Enterobius Ancylostoma Filaria
lumbercoides (Oxyuris) doudenale
Lymph nodes and
Habitat Small intestine Large intestine Small intestine lymphatics of lower
limbs and genitalia
Definitive host Man Man Man Man
Intermediate host - - - Mosquitoes
Filariform larva in Filariform larva in
Infective stage Larvated egg Larvated egg
soil mosquitoes
- Autoinfection
- Inhalation of
Ingestion larvated Bite of female
larvated egg
Method of infection egg in contaminated Penetration of skin anopheles
water and vegetables - Ingestion larvated mosquitoes
egg in contaminated
water and foods
Diagnostic stage Egg and adult worm Egg and adult worm Egg Microfilaria
Diagnostic material Stool Stool Stool Blood

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