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Ancestral Yari of The Great Clans

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Ancestral Yari of the Great Clans

Goblin Bane

The ancestral yari of the Crab is a deadly blade, crafted over three
generations, with the initial work being started by Kaiu himself. The stained-
black shaft is 7 feet long, and is made of a petrified wood. The blade is a
further 4 feet long, and is very wide, with a sharp edge on both sides of the
head. The yari is incredibly heavy, and only those who have proven their
strength in an annual tournament are granted the honour of using it in battle.

The yari's name, 'Goblin Bane' comes from the way in which this weapon is
used. In battle, the yari is swung in huge arcs, keeping the enemy at a
distance. This has proven to be an effective technique for using against
bakemono hordes. There are many legends of great heroes who have defeated
huge armies of goblins single-handedly when using this yari.

Over the centuries this weapon has become awakened through continued use
against the bakemono. Each of the great heroes who carried this weapon gave
part of their strength to it, making the blade more powerful each year.

Damage Rating: 4k5

Special: To use Goblin Bane, the wielder must have a Strength of at least 4.
Against bakemono, users may re-take any failed to hit roll once, but they must
accept the second roll.

Crane’s Wing

The Crane's Wing Nagamaki is an exquisitly crafted weapon, the shaft is of a

hard wood, wrapped in the finest silks, dyed a sky blue. The highly polished
blade glints blue in the sun, and on both sides a Kakita artisan has engraved an
intricate design of cranes in flight.

The spirit of this weapon grows more powerful when drawn by an honourable
bushi, bursts of blue energy flash down the blade when it strikes. However,
because the spirit holds the honourable in such high regard, it refuses to be
drawn against an enemy with higher honour than the user.

Damage Rating: 2k(users honour rounded down to nearest whole number +2)
Special: Cannot be used against an enemy with higher honour than the user.
The Pincer

The Pincer resembles a large two pronged fork, each of the blades is over a
foot long. The pole is a rich dark-red wood, with scarlet cord tied around at
regular intervals to aid the grip. This weapon can be used like a standard yari,
but due to its unique double-pronged design, it can be used to disarm an
opponent at range.

Following the coup, the spirit of the Pincer works to reunite the remaining
Scorpion, it has the ability to detect a Scorpion clan member at some distance.
The Pincer emits a low humming sound when it detects a Scorpion.

Damage Rating: 3k2

Special: With two raises, this weapon can be used to disarm an opponent in
the same way as a jitte. Instantly detects any Scorpion clan members at a
range equal to the user's perception x5 metres.

Nageyari of the Wind

The Nageyari of the Wind seems to be a javelin of gaijin design, having been
brought back from the Burning Sands. Attached to the butt of the shaft is a
seemingly infinite length of fine wire, when the Nageyari of the Wind is
thrown at an enemy, it can be retrieved by pulling the wire.

Because of its gaijin origins, the Nageyari of the Wind is not awakened, but
the magics crafted into it give it certain special powers. When thrown, the air
kami help guide the Nageyari to it's target. It is said that this is because of the
unique patterns painted on the shaft.

Damage Rating: 1k2

Special: When thrown, the lowest scoring die may be re-rolled, accepting the
second roll. Also, with a single raise the user can retrieve the Nageyari of the
Wind from it's target (so if the character has 2 attacks, he can throw it twice in
a round, if he raises once each attack).

Heaven’s Fire

Heaven's Fire is a remarkable weapon, the shaft is black, with golden kanji
written along its length. The blade is 2 feet long and gently curved. When it's
owner is at peace, the blade is black, but when the owner is in combat it burns
like Amaterasu herself.
Those who are innocent cannot be harmed by this weapon, but the tainted are
struck down by the glorious power of Lady Sun. This weapon has been used
to execute Phoenix Maho-Tsukai on more than one occasion, and during these
times the blade has been brighter than ever before.

Damage Rating: 3k2 (4k4 against any opponent with the Taint)
Special: This blade will not damage the innocent (GMs discretion).

The Fang

The Fang is a terrible weapon of destruction, it remains locked deep in the

Ikoma Library, waiting for the one that is destined to redeem the blade's spirit.

Long ago the gigantic nagamaki known as 'The Fang' was a potent weapon,
and was carried by several heroes of the clan, but the last bushi to wield it,
Matsu Noboru, became lost to the Shadowlands Taint after being caught and
tortured to death by a powerful Maho-Tsukai. The Fang was recovered by a
deathseeker who returned it to the Ikoma. Unfortunately the spirit in the
weapon had become corrupted by kansen, and instead of being an honourable
ancestral yari, it changed into a twisted mockery of its former self.

The Fang is an incredibly powerful weapon, but if the bearer is not honourable
and true, they will be fated to destroy themselves, and all they hold dear. It
will take a great hero indeed to reclaim the Fang from the kansen.

Damage: 4k4
Special: The bearer must have the advantage 'Great Destiny: Redeem The
Fang' and their honour must remain above 2, otherwise they will gain a point
of the Taint per day they wield The Fang. This effect is removed if the
character fulfils his Great Destiny. Should a character redeem The Fang, he
gains 1 whole rank of Glory.

The Yari of Truth

The Yari of Truth appears to be a fine yari, the lacquered black shaft is tipped
with a highly polished steel blade, decorated with inlaid gold dragons.

The Yari is always carried by a promising young Kitsuki magistrate to help

them build and develop their skills and reputation. Those with a lower station
than the bearer find it impossible to lie to the wielder of the Yari of Truth.

Damage Rating: 2k2

Special: Anyone with a lower Glory than the bearer must pass a Willpower
test at a TN of 30 in order to lie to the bearer of the Yari of Truth.
Thunder’s Embrace

This ancestral yari was found on the shrine at the Temple of Osano-wo one
day. The monks of the temple did not know what to do with it, so they did not
disturb it. One day, a lone Mantis samurai ended up on the steps of the temple.
Upon arriving, he collapsed from exhaustion and the monks took him in and
rejuvenated him. He explained that he had chased an exquisite woman there.
While giving the description, one of the older monks realized it matched
Osano-wo's mother exactly. The elderly monk walked to the shrine, picked up
the yari and handed it to the young samurai. When he touched it, the samurai's
eyes turned white and he yelped in pain... but only for a brief moment. He
then calmed down, stood up and walked from the temple as though he was no
longer fatigued. Every wielder of the yari since has had the same experience,
but they are instead led to the current wielder of Thunder's Embrace. The
wielder knows to hand the yari to the new recipient and after doing so his eyes
return to normal. None have yet caught or been able to speak to the woman....

The handle of the yari is made of a shimmering black steel that when looked
at has feints of silver occasionally... just like storm clouds. The blade is made
of intricately carved crystal that seems to be indestructible and it is shaped
like a stylised lightning bolt. When used in battle, the wielder's body and the
blade become surrounded in small arcs of lightning which become more
powerful and more frequent as the battle goes on. The wielder is unaffected by
these bolts but they do arc up the blade in unison when an opponent is struck
and a small clap of thunder can be heard.

Damage Rating: 3k2

Special: Besides the crystal blade (usual benefits apply), the lightning arcing
up the blade inflicts 2 additional wounds upon each successful hit, this amount
increases by 2 each round the wielder is in combat (+8 each battle table roll).
Those that see the wielder outside of combat and know nothing of the history
of the yari will only see a samurai with white eyes. The samurai gains all the
penalties associated with having discolored eyes.

by Bryan
AKA Carpe_diablo

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