Overview of FVM-PISO-SIMPLE-PIMPLE-Algorithms

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Overview of Finite volume method (FVM),

PISO, SIMPLE, and PIMPLE algorithms

Introduction to Computational
Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for simulating and

analyzing the behavior of fluids, such as air and water, using advanced
numerical methods. It enables engineers and scientists to model complex
fluid flows, predict their effects, and optimize designs.

by Dr. Raj Saini

Overview of the Finite Volume Method
Discretization Conservation Principles
FVM discretizes the governing equations into FVM ensures the conservation of mass,
a set of algebraic equations by dividing the momentum, and energy by applying the integral
computational domain into small control form of the governing equations to each control
volumes. volume.

Flexible Meshes Local Accuracy

FVM can handle complex geometries and FVM provides high-order local accuracy, which
irregular meshes, making it a versatile is crucial for capturing complex flow
method for a wide range of CFD applications. phenomena and ensuring the reliability of CFD

Discretization of the Navier-
Stokes Equations
1. Divide the computational domain into small, discrete control volumes or
cells using a structured or unstructured grid.

2.Integrate the Navier-Stokes equations over each control volume to obtain

a set of algebraic equations that represent the conservation of mass,
momentum, and energy.

3. Apply appropriate numerical schemes, such as the Finite Difference or

Finite Volume method, to discretize the spatial and temporal derivatives
in the Navier-Stokes equations.

The PISO (Pressure-Implicit with
Splitting of Operators) Algorithm
Pressure-Velocity Coupling 1
The PISO algorithm is a robust and
efficient method for solving the coupled
pressure-velocity equations in CFD 2 Pressure Correction Step
simulations. It uses a predictor-corrector The algorithm performs an initial
approach to ensure mass conservation pressure-velocity prediction step,
and convergence. followed by one or more pressure
correction steps to iteratively update the
Transient Simulations 3
pressure and velocity fields until
PISO is particularly well-suited for
transient or time-dependent CFD convergence.
simulations, as it can handle the
dynamic coupling between pressure and
velocity with stability and accuracy.

The SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit
Method for Pressure-Linked
Equations) Algorithm
The SIMPLE algorithm is a robust and widely-used method for solving the
Navier-Stokes equations in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It uses a
semi-implicit approach to decouple the pressure and velocity fields, allowing
for efficient and stable numerical simulations.

The SIMPLE algorithm iteratively corrects the pressure and velocity fields
until convergence, making it suitable for a wide range of CFD applications,
from incompressible to weakly compressible flows.

Pressure-Velocity Coupling
1 The PIMPLE algorithm combines the PISO and SIMPLE methods to handle the
pressure-velocity coupling in Navier-Stokes equations.

Iterative Approach
2 It uses an iterative approach, performing multiple PISO corrector steps within
each time step to ensure convergence.

Steady-State and Transient Flows

3 The PIMPLE algorithm can handle both steady-state and transient flow
Problems, making it versatile for a wide range of CFD simulations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PISO,
Advantages: Robust Advantages: Advantages: The choice between
and accurate for Computationally Combines the PISO, SIMPLE, and
transient flows, efficient, simpler to strengths of PISO and PIMPLE depends on
handles pressure- implement. SIMPLE, provides the specific
velocity coupling well. Disadvantages: Less flexibility for transient requirements of the
Disadvantages: More accurate for transient and steady-state CFD problem, such as
computationally flows, can struggle simulations. the flow regime, time-
intensive than with pressure-velocity Disadvantages: More dependency, and
SIMPLE, requires coupling. complex to desired accuracy.
additional pressure implement, requires
corrector steps. careful tuning of
Implementing FVM and
OpenFOAM, an open-source CFD software,
provides an efficient implementation of the finite
volume method (FVM) and popular pressure-
velocity coupling algorithms like PISO, SIMPLE,

These algorithms are used to discretize and solve

the Navier-Stokes equations on the complex
geometric meshes that OpenFOAM can handle.

The implementation in OpenFOAM utilizes

advanced numerical techniques and parallelization
to enable high-fidelity simulations of a wide range
of fluid flow problems.

Validation and Verification of CFD

Grid Validation against Code Verification Uncertainty

Independence Experimental Data Rigorously verify the
Study Validate the CFD model CFD code by checking Perform uncertainty
Perform a grid by comparing for mass, momentum, quantification to assess
independence study to simulation results to and energy the impact of input
ensure the simulation high-quality conservation, as well as parameter uncertainties
experimental data,
results are not affected ensuring the numerical on the simulation
ensuring the physical
by the mesh resolution, schemes are results, providing a
phenomena are
verifying the numerical implemented correctly. measure of confidence
accurately captured.
accuracy of the in the predictions.
solution. 9
Summary and Future
In summary, the finite volume method (FVM) and the PISO, SIMPLE, and
PIMPLE algorithms are powerful tools for computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulations in OpenFOAM. By discretizing the Navier-Stokes equations
and employing these pressure-velocity coupling algorithms, engineers and
researchers can accurately model complex fluid flows and gain valuable

Looking to the future, continued advancements in computational power and

numerical methods will likely lead to even more accurate and efficient CFD
simulations. Opportunities for further research include developing enhanced
turbulence models, improving parallelization techniques, and exploring the
integration of machine learning algorithms to enhance the predictive
capabilities of FVM-based CFD tools. As the field of CFD continues to evolve,
the finite volume method and PISO/SIMPLE/PIMPLE algorithms will remain
essential components in the pursuit of understanding and optimizing fluid
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