Assignment 1 Spec English
Assignment 1 Spec English
Assignment 1 Spec English
Assignment 1
Version 1.0
1 Outcomes
2 Introduction
In this assignment, students will simulate the process of handling bookings and arranging
seating for Sorcerers and Curses (referred to as "customers") in a restaurant. This simulation
will be carried out using commands as described in Section 2.1. The restaurant is owned by
Gojo and Sukuna.
Note: The restaurant do not use the number to determine seating for customers, but will ar-
range it flexibly based on customer information.Moreover, after processing all the commands in
the input file and outputting the results to the screen, the program must destroy all dynamically
allocated data objects, ensuring no garbage in memory before ending program.
Hình 2: Circular doubly linked list is used to represent the seats in restaurants, basing on
The meanings of the abbreviations and data types of the parameters are described as follows:
This command is utilized by staff to record customer information, thereby arranging seating
positions for customers.
Customers coming to the restaurant have to provide information to the staff so the staff can
arrange seating. In some cases, staff will arrange seats based on the customer’s ENERGY value.
However, the restaurant also has some regulations regarding seating arrangements as follows:
• The restaurants only accepts customer, who are Sorcerers (positive ENERGY) or Curses
(negative ENERGY). When the restaurant opens, the first customer may choose any
seat at the round table. After that, the seating arrangement for the new guest will be
calculated from the nearest position that has just changed (sitting or leaving).
Assume it is called position X.
• When the next guest arrives, the staff will arrange a seat for the guest at an adjacent
location on the clockwise side if the guest’s ENERGY is greater than or equal to the
guest’s ENERGY at position X. Otherwise, the guest will sit at an adjacent location on
the counterclockwise side of the customer at position X.
• For example, suppose that the customer at position X has ENERGY = -12 (left image) and
is being considered for adding an element. Position (1) is considered the position adjacent
to element X on the clockwise side, position (2) is considered the position adjacent to
element X on the counterclockwise side (right image).
• However, when the number of guests at the table is greater than or equal to MAXSIZE/2,
staff will change their strategy for choosing seats. Because they know that customer with
nearly equal ENERGY often do not like to sit close to each other. Therefore, before
choosing a seat, staff will calculate the largest difference between the new customer and
all the customers in the restaurant by taking the absolute value of each ENERGY pair
for each customer (assume, called RES) to determine seating.
– If multiple positions yield the same RES value after calculation, the first clockwise
position will be selected. If only one position has the largest RES value, choose that
– After that, staff will remove the absolute value sign of RES. If the result is nega-
tive, add it to the adjacent counterclockwise side; otherwise, add it to the adjacent
clockwise side at the found position.
• Furthermore, because of "In heaven, in the world, I am the one and only", the restaurant
does not accept latecomers with names similar to those already dining or in the queue.
For instance, if a customer named ABC is currently dining or in the queue, subsequent
customers with the same name, ABC, will be reject to enter the restaurant.
• When the number of customers at the table reaches MAXSIZE, the restaurant will halt
further admissions and place customers in a queue. The maximum queue capacity is
an integer, also set to MAXSIZE. When the queue reaches its maximum capacity, the
restaurant will stop receiving additional customers.
This command is used for staff to remove customers who have overstayed and to clean the table.
After cleaning, if there are customers in the queue, staff will allocate seats to them; otherwise,
no further action is taken
When receiving the command, the staff will remove NUM guests in the order of entering the
restaurant from earliest to most recent. For example, if customers come to the restaurant in the
order A −→ B −→ C −→ D, after executing command BLUE 2, there are only two customers
left in the restaurant, C and D. If NUM is greater than or equal to the number of guests at the
table or greater than MAXSIZE, it is considered that the restaurant owner decides to remove
all guests from the table.
Please note that allocating a new seat for a customer in the queue can only occur after the
BLUE command has been executed. The seat selection mechanism for guests is similar to the
RED command, following a First In First Out (FIFO) order from the queue. Additionally, it is
guaranteed that the value of NUM will always be greater than 0.
PURPLE is used to re-arrange customers in the queue, following the descending order of the
absolute value of ENERGY (starting from the beginning of the queue) using the Shell Sort
algorithm. To implement this, please refer to the Shell Sort algorithm as described in the
reference book [5], chapter 7.3
• First, find the position of the customer with the highest absolute value of ENERGY in the
queue. If there are multiple customers with the same highest absolute value of ENERGY,
choose the guest most recently added to the queue.
• Then, re-arrange the queue ONLY from the found position to the beginning of the queue.
In case customers have the same ENERGY, the customer who most recently
adđe to the queue is considered larger.
• Assume the number of position transitions in the queue when performing sorting using
the Shell Sort algorithm as N. The staff will continue to execute the command BLUE
Starting from position X and considering the counterclockwise direction, reverse the positions
of customers in the restaurant.
However, staff can only reverse the positions of Sorcerers or Curses and cannot interchange the
positions between them.
The image on the left side illustrates an example of customer positions. Assuming that position
X corresponds to ENERGY = -12, executing the REVERSAL command will result in the
configuration shown on the right.
Starting from position X and considering the clockwise direction, find the longest subsequence
where the number of consecutive values must be greater than or equal to 4 and the total
ENERGY value is the smallest for the customers at the dining table. Print the guest in-
formation within that subsequence in the format "NAME-ENERGY/n", in clockwise direction
starting from the smallest element within the subsequence. If multiple subsequences have the
same value, choose the last one found in clockwise direction. If there is no subsequence meeting
the requirements, no action is required. DOMAIN_EXPANSION:
Due to conflicts between Sorcerers and Curses resulting in a huge fight in the restaurant, the
restaurant owner will decide to remove all Sorcerers or Curses if the following conditions are
• If the sum of ENERGY for all Sorcerers at the restaurant("customers are at the restau-
rant" means customers are at the table and in the queue) is greater than or equal to the
absolute sum of ENERGY for all Curses, the staff will remove all the Curses from the
restaurant. Otherwise, the staff will remove all the Sorcerers.
• Subsequently, if this results in empty seats, the staff will proceed to arrange customers
from the queue, similar to the RED command, following the FIFO rule.
• Then, print the information of the removed Sorcerers or Curses in order from the most
recent customer to the earliest customer, following the format: "NAME -ENERGY/n".
Print the information of all guests at the dining table, following clockwise direction and starting
from position X if the NUM value is positive, or counterclockwise direction if the NUM value is
negative. Use the format "NAME-ENERGY/n". If NUM is 0, print the information of customers
in the queue in the order from the beginning to the end of the queue, also following the "NAME-
2.2 Conclusion
Due to a disagreement between the two restaurant co-owners, Gojo and Sukuna, concerning
the best interests of our customers, the restaurant is temporarily closed for resolution. The
outcome of this resolution will be addressed in the next major exercise. Hopefully nothing will
have to be split in half.
2.3 Requirements
3 Submission
Students submit only 1 file: restaurant.cpp, before the deadline specified in the link ”As-
signment 1 Submission”. There is simple test case used to check your solution to make sure
your solution can be compiled and run. You can submit as many as you like but just the last
submission is marked. As the system cannot response too many submissions in the same time,
you should submit as soon as possible. You will take your own risk if you submit on the time
of deadline. After the deadline, you cannot submit anymore.
4 Harmony
There is a question in the exam that are related to the content of the assignment. It will
be clearly stated that the question is used to harmonize the assignment. The scores of har-
mony questions will be scaled to 10 and will be used to recalculate scores for the assignments.
Assignment_Score = 2 * x * y / (x + y)
5 Other regulations
• Students must complete this assignment on their own and must prevent others from
stealing their results. Otherwise, the student treat as cheating according to the regulations
for cheating.
• Any decision made by the teachers in charge of this assignment is the final decision.
• Students are not provided with test cases after grading, students will be provided with
the assignment’s score distribution.
[5] Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis by Clifford A. Shaffer - Edition 3.2 (C++ Version)