Assignment 2 - Spec - EN
Assignment 2 - Spec - EN
Assignment 2 - Spec - EN
Assignment 2 Specification
Version 1.0
1 Outcomes
2 Preface
Chào các giải thuật sư, do đã quá lâu mà tác giả vẫn chưa cho Gojo xuất hiện lại cho nên cảm
hứng để viết phần tiếp theo của chuỗi bài tập lớn này cũng cạn dần. Những thuật thức như
thập chủng đồ thị, xích huyết ma trận,... vì vậy cũng chìm vào quên lãng. Do đó, chúng ta sẽ
quay lại với cách xử lý mạch truyện truyền thống khi không biết viết gì tiếp theo chính là hồi
tưởng lại quá khứ.
The story will revolve around Gojo and Sukuna when they initially opened and owned their
own restaurant, before deciding to collaborate, as depicted in the content of Assignment 1
3 Introduction
In this assignment, students will still simulate the process of arranging customers in a restaurant.
It will be carried out using commands as described in Section 3.1.
The meanings of the abbreviations and data types of the parameters are described as follows:
Note: after processing all the commands in the input file and outputting the results to the
screen, the program must destroy all dynamically allocated data objects, ensuring no garbage
in memory before ending program.
This command is used to determine the restaurant that the customer will choose based on the
customer’s name. The process for executing this command is as follows
1. First, the employee will count the frequency of each individual character in the customer’s
name (considering case sensitivity). Then, these characters will be rearranged in ascend-
ing order. In case of multiple characters having the same frequency, the character that
appears first will be positioned at the forefront of the others.
For example: Customer’s name is "abaaabbbDd", the result in this step will be:
a : 4 −→ b : 4 −→ D : 1 −→ d : 1.
2. Furthermore, to enhance the security of customer information, employee will apply Caesar
cipher to encrypt each character in the created list. The number of shifts for each character
is equal to its number of occurrences. Let’s denote the result after encoding as list X."
3. Based on list X, start building the Huffman tree as described in the document [4], chapter
5.6. However, there will be certain changes as follows:
• During the process of constructing the Huffman tree, when there are multiple ele-
ments with the same value, the element that appears first will be prioritized in the
• Moreover, the employee will always rotate the tree (including the subtree when con-
structing the final tree) if it is imbalanced. The mechanism for detecting imbalance
and performing tree rotation is precisely like AVL. Let’s denote the result as Tree
4. Based on Tree X, convert each character in the customer’s name (already encrypted)
following the outlined in the documentation [4], chapter 5.6.2, result in a binary string.
Take up to 10 character from that result, starting from the right and convert the result
to decimal value. Refer to the obtained result as Result.
5. Note, the customer’s name must contain at least 3 or more different characters. Staff will
refuse to accept customers if the customer’s name does not meet the requirements.
• If the Result is an odd value, then the customer will prefer to go to res G, otherwise, the
customer will go to res S. Each restaurant have a MAXSIZE area.
• Because both restaurant owners are proficient in using domain expansion, they do not
limit the number of customers they can serve in each area.
After choosing a restaurant, customers will be assigned to specific areas by staff. The area
number (ID) will be calculated according to the formula ID = Result % MAXSIZE + 1
with ID starting from 1 to MAXSIZE. And each restaurant will have a different arrangements
for its customers, specifically as follows:
• Gojo chooses to use a hash table, each value will represent for each area.
• When multiple guests are assigned to the same area, Gojo employs the Binary Search
Tree (BST) with the Result value of each guest serving as the key value for constructing
the BST. In case a later node has a value equal to an existing one, it is added to the right
side. The node with the smallest value in the right subtree will be used to replace when
executing node deletion in the BST.
• Sukuna use a min-heap to organize guest areas, where each area is represented as a node
in the min-heap and is labeled from ’1’ to ’MAXSIZE.’ When a guess entered or removed
from specific area, the value of that node is adjusted by 1 unit accordingly. Only areas
with guests are included in the min-heap.
• For example, assume that there are 6 areas (from 1 to 6) in res S, when 3 guests enter
area 1, the node labeled ’1’ with a value of 3 is added to the min-heap. Then, if 2 guests
enter area 2, the node labeled ’2’ is added to the min-heap and go to the root due to
re-heap mechanism.
• When changing in the number of guests in an area, the staff will perform a re-heap.
Let NUM denote the number of times a certain area receives/removes customers. During
a re-heap up (moving an element from a leaf node to the root node), the child swaps
positions with the parent when the child’s NUM value is smaller than its parent. During
a re-heap down (moving an element down to a leaf node), the parent swaps with its child
when the parent’s NUM value is larger. In cases where the parent has two children,
the parent swaps with the child, which has the larger value. If nodes have the
same NUM value, the larger element is the element added to the heap earlier.
The maximum size of the min-heap is MAXSIZE.
• Furthermore, when a certain area is added to the min-heap but after a period of time, no
more guests are stayed in that area, the staff will remove that area from the min-heap.
This command is used for G’s staff to remove certain guests that Gojo thought were spies from
S’s restaurant to disrupt his business.
• Initially, convert the BST into an array of values in post-order. Then, compute the number
of permutations of the generated array. These permutations, when added sequentially in
index order from smallest to largest, should reconstruct the same BST tree as the original.
Example: if the original BST is (2 (1 3)), with "2" as the root, "1" as the left child, and
"3" as the right child, and the converted array has the values (1, 3, 2), the staff identifies
2 permutations that can reconstruct the same BST tree as the original: (2, 1, 3) and (2,
3, 1). The array (1, 2, 3) would yield a different BST tree and is thus excluded from
consideration. In this case, the returned result is 2, denoted as Y.
• Subsequent to the above, the employee proceeds to remove Y customers from that area in
FIFO order. If Y exceeds the total number of nodes in the tree, the entire tree is deleted.
• The above process is iterated for all remaining guest areas in res G.
This command is used for S’s staff to remove NUM customers from NUM areas that SUkuna
thought were spies from S’s restaurant to disrupt his business. The value of NUM ranges from
• Staff will select the area that has been unused for the longest time and has the fewest
guests to remove guests. For example, assume that res S has 3 areas, with 3 guests enter
area 1 , 5 guests enter area 2, and 3 guests enter area 3. This is also the order of arriving
guests in the 3 areas
• When the staff receives the command KEITEIKEN 1, they will search and find that
the area with the minimum number of guests is area 1 and area 3. However, since area 3
has recently had a customer (just used), the staff will select area 1 and remove 1 guest
from this area (if there are multiple guests to remove, the staff will remove them in FIFO
• If NUM is greater than the number of guests in the area, the staff will consider remove
all guests from that area.
• When completely executing this command, print the information of the first to last re-
moved guests in the format: "Result-ID/n" with Result value is described in the LAPSE
command, and ID is the label of the area.
Print the values in the Huffman tree in order from top to bottom, left to right in the format:
"char-freq/n" of the customer who most recently visited the restaurant (including restaurant
G and restaurant S). Where char is the character (before encoding) and freq is the number of
times that character appears in the customer’s name.
Print the BST at area NUM of res G in in-order with the format ’Result/n’ at each node. If
NUM does not exist in res G or in an area where NUM has no visitors, nothing needs to be
Using the preorder traversal technique, then print information of NUM customers (in LIFO
order) in each area in the min-heap with the format: "ID-Result/n" whereID is the label of
the area, and Result value is described in the LAPSE command. If NUM is greater than the
number of existing guests, all guests in the area will be printed.
4 Conclusion
4.1 Requirements
5 Submission
Students submit only 1 file: restaurant.cpp, before the deadline specified in the link ”As-
signment 2 Submission”. There is simple test case used to check your solution to make sure
your solution can be compiled and run. You can submit as many as you like but just the last
submission is marked. As the system cannot response too many submissions in the same time,
you should submit as soon as possible. You will take your own risk if you submit on the time
of deadline. After the deadline, you cannot submit anymore.
6 Harmony
There is a question in the exam that are related to the content of the assignment. It will
be clearly stated that the question is used to harmonize the assignment. The scores of har-
mony questions will be scaled to 10 and will be used to recalculate scores for the assignments.
Assignment_Score = 2 * x * y / (x + y)
7 Other regulations
• Students must complete this assignment on their own and must prevent others from
stealing their results. Otherwise, the student treat as cheating according to the regulations
for cheating.
• Any decision made by the teachers in charge of this assignment is the final decision.
• Students are not provided with test cases after grading, students will be provided with
the assignment’s score distribution.
[4] Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis by Clifford A. Shaffer - Edition 3.2 (C++ Version)