DLP 7 L1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 1


MODULE: 2 Building Relationships
TOPIC: The Centipede, Conflicts
SCHEDULE: 8:30-9:30

After going through this lesson learners are expected to:
a. identifies the different types of conflicts in the literary piece they’ve read and the need to resolve those
conflicts in nonviolent ways,
b. strengthens their family relationships and
c. determine the conflict in the story.


 Materials Canva, Laptop, TV, Pictures
 Teaching Strategies Oral Questioning, Life Reflection, Task- Based
 References
English 7 Learner’s Material p. 160-165,
CO_Q4_English 7_Module 5,


Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
Review of the previous lesson

Before we start let’s play 4 pics 1 Word
guessing game. Your task is to guess what
specific word fits with the theme of the photos Yes ma’am
presented. Raise your hand if you know the
answer. Okay?

1. __________________
2. _____________

3. _______________
It’s about the story of the Centipede ma’am
Now what do you think is our topic for today
based on the guessing game that we had?

You are right! Today’s topic will be about the

story “The Centipede” in this story, you will
learn about conflicts and the
importance of family relationships.

There are 40 paragraphs in this story,
paragraph one should be read by student a
paragraph two for student b and so on and
so forth until the whole story finishes.
each of the students finish reading the
paragraph the teacher checks the students
understanding about the paragraph read
then discuss and explain if they don’t
The teacher will also guide the learners
by reminding them to observe the manner
of reading.

While reading be guided by the following

a. Describe the relationship between the
siblings Eddie and Delia in the story? Do
you have the same kind of relationship with
your siblings? Why do you say so?

b. What conflicts exists between them?

Why do you think Delia hate her brother so

Okay, thank you so that’s conclude the story

“The Centipede.”

Let’s summarize the story by answering the

following questions. The author of the story ma’am is Rony V. Diaz
1. Who is the author of the story? The characters in the story are Eddie, Delia, Berto,
Biryuk and the father.
2. Who are the characters in the story? The siblings have very chaotic relationship ma’am
they don’t get along well. Sometimes ma’am
3. Describe the relationship between the because my younger brother always pursues what
siblings Eddie and Delia in the story? Do you he wants he disregard my feelings and opinion
have the same kind of relationship with your about a thing.
siblings? Why do you say so? For me ma’am when I hear the word conflicts it’s a
misunderstanding or problem with someone.
4. What comes to your mind when you hear
the word conflicts? Delia despises his younger brother that’s why she
ruined everything that Eddie likes like the monkey,
5. What conflict exist between them? What the pigeons and the butterfly. So, when Eddie sees
do you think is the reason behind why Delia that Delia beats his pet Biryuk he revenges by
hates her brother so much? throwing the Centipede in Delia’s lap. It’s because
Delia thinks that the existence of Eddie, cause the
death of their mother.

No ma’am he wants to revenge only the dog is very

dear to him so he pranks Delia and throw the
6. Eddie throws a centipede to his sister; do centipede in her lap.
you think he wants to revenge to his sister
for all the things she did to him? Probably ma’am but not the centipede maybe I will
just voice out my anger to Delia.
7. If you were Eddie, would you also do the
thing that he did to his sister, why? I will talk to them ma’am reconciles them and
illustrate some examples in the Bible the importance
8. If you were the father, what would you do of forgiving and having a peaceful relationship with
to guide your children and to help them family. And also, though its normal to siblings to
maintain harmonious relationship. fight it’s not a reason to just let it slide so the thing
is pay close attention more to children as they say
little things matter.

Because the Centipede play a symbolical meaning

in the story. It feels like all the things that Eddie like
9. Why is the story entitled such? is a Centipede to Delia that she wanted to destroy it.
The monkey, the pigeons, the butterflies and

We should give maximum tolerance especially to

our family, even if they have done something wrong
10. What is the lesson in the story? to us.

The teacher facilitates in analyzing students’

responses give additional clarification and
discussion on the topic. (The students lend their ears.)

Now let’s know more about conflicts. Let’s

widen our knowledge about it. Conflict in
literature is defined as any opposing struggle
between opposing forces. There are two kinds
of conflicts.
1. External conflicts- between characters,
between character and society and between a
character and uncontrollable events.
-man vs. man two characters are in direct
opposition with each other
-character vs. supernatural pitting against
phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters.
E.g., Harry potter
-character vs. technology illustrates a
character in conflict with technology it is the
hallmark of science fiction, which explores
the problems that arise when technology
grows beyond its intended use.
-man vs. nature a character is set in
opposition with nature
- character vs society a protagonist is
placed in opposition with the society, the
government, or a cultural tradition or social Man vs. man, man vs nature, man vs self-ma’am,
norms of some kind. character vs technology and character vs
supernatural and character vs society ma’am.
2. Internal conflict- within a single character Man, vs man occurs when a character man or a
woman has an argument with another character.
- man vs. self- an individual’s decisions
challenged by his conscience. Take place in a
character’s mind.

D. GENERALIZATION An example of Man vs nature ma’am can also be

What are the six conflicts that we learn what seen in The Lion King because a drought and
can you enumerate? famine decimate the lands the lions live on.
Very good! It’s very understandable right? If
we say man vs man, what does that mean? A man vs self, ma’am is an issue between a
character and their own thoughts and actions.
That’s right it can also involve non-human
characters like The Lion King Simba and Scar
as the protagonist and antagonists. Conflict is necessary in a story because this makes
the story to keep going.
How about man vs nature? Example? That’s

And man vs. self? True an example of it is

choosing to listen in class instead of talking to
your friend.

Now the question is why is conflict

important in a story? Conflicts are resolved in a story ma’am in different
ways ma’am like for example through
Most of the time, readers become more reconcilement.
interested in a literary piece because of the
tension in the story. Readers are simply
hooked in order to discover which of the
characters or forces will eventually prevail.
Conflict is a necessary element for all stories
whether it is a novel, short story, mystery,
romance, children’s story because it makes
the plot interesting and exciting. A conflict in
a literary piece also reveals opposing beliefs
and truths about life that readers can easily
relate to.

How are conflicts resolved in a story?

In actuality, conflict is not always bad and

does not have to result in violence or hurt
feelings. Conflicts are part of everyday life
and they cannot be avoided. However,
whether a conflict escalates, ends negatively
or is resolved and ends peacefully in a literary
selection, is entirely based on the choices a
character/s make. The choices made by a
character in a story reveals his/her feelings,
values and attitudes. Most often than not,
his/her response to a conflict determines how
a situation ends.

Alright I think you really understand our

lesson before we go to our next activity any
violence reaction or clarification? If none let’s
proceed to our next activity.

Determine the conflict in the story “The
Centipede” and then write your own opinion
on how this conflict will be solved in a
paragraph form.

Rubrics in writing composition or paragraph


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Check the correct example below that defines Man
vs man.
a. When a character develops an internal
struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
b. When a character has a problem with outside
forces like weather or land.
c. When a character disagrees with the values,
laws or beliefs of a group.
d. When a character has an argument or
disagreement with another character.

2. Check the correct example below that defines Man

vs Nature.
a. When a character has an argument or
disagreement with another character.
b. When a character has a problem with outside
forces like weather or land.
c. When a character develops an internal
struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
d. When a character disagrees with the values,
laws, or beliefs of a group.

3. When a character has a problem with outside forces

like weather or land this is an example of internal
a. True
b. False

4. Check the correct example below that defines Man

vs Society.
a. When a character has an argument or
disagreement with another character.
b. When a character has a problem with outside
forces like weather or land.
c. When a character develops an internal
struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
d. When a character disagrees with the values,
laws, or beliefs of a group.

5. When a character struggles with his own thoughts

and ideas this is an internal conflict?
a. True
b. False

6. Which is not an example of an external conflict?

a. When a character has an argument or
disagreement with another character.
b. When a character disagrees with the values,
laws, or beliefs of a group.
c. When a character develops an internal
struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
d. When a character has a problem with outside
forces like weather and land.

7. Your friend tells you a secret in absolute

confidence. You don’t really mean to, but you tell
another. Soon the whole school seems to know what
your friend’s secret is. Your friend is really mad at
you. Your fiend confronts you and both get mad and
start yelling at each other. Now you are both mad.
What kind of conflict is this?
a. Man vs Self
b. Man vs Society
c. Man vs Man
d. Man vs Nature

8. You are invited to go to the mall with a new group

of friends from school. You don’t know them that
well, but are excited that they included you in their
plans. When you go into a crowded music store. You
think you see one of them slip a CD into a pocket
without paying and they want you to do it too. You are
scared and know that it is wrong, but you don’t want
to seem uncool. You don’t know what to do. What
type of conflict is this?
a. Man vs Nature
b. Man vs Man
c. Man vs Society
d. Man vs Self.

9. The following are all examples of external conflict

except one. Which one is not an example of external
a. A husband and wife disagree about how their
money should be spent.
b. A teenager is torn between ditching school
with her friends and staying to od the review
before the test in a class she is failing.
c. A family is stranded in a snow storm.
d. Sunho breaks a driving law by running a red

10. It is a very important element in a story, without it,

there is no plot.
a. Characters c. Setting
b. Conflict d. Theme



Prepared by: Vanessa R. Abad


Checked by: Junelyn T. Bitongan

Critic Teacher

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