NSTP2 Group4 TM102
NSTP2 Group4 TM102
NSTP2 Group4 TM102
Presented by:
TM102 – Group 4
Argañosa, Anthonette M.
Beatriz, Eloiza Mae R.
Carillo, Eugene F.
Dimaguila, Crissagaile A.
Hung, Marithony Alexandra A.
Leycano, Katrina Heleana S.
Mercado, Daniella Sophia B.
Ponteres, Deiniel B.
Sanosi, Zalieya D.
Rondola, Rum Tyron S.
Title Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Executive Summary 3
Rationale 4
Objectives 4
Project Description 5
Methodology 8
References 15
A. PROJECT SITE: Barangay Calios Santa Cruz, Laguna
NSTP – CWTS ADVISER: Ms. Angelica Mae Polecena
TEAM LEADER: Crissagaile Dimaguila
Email: crissagailedimaguila18@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09636826202
ASSISTANT LEADER: Anthonette Argañosa
Email: anthonette.arganosa@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09772561986
The improper waste management and unclean drainage systems pose significant threats
to the health and well-being of people, affecting daily lives and potentially leading to various
health issues (Clean Management Environmental Group, 2021; Russel smith Group, 2024). To
address these concerns, the Green Barangay Project: Uniting for a Cleaner and Greener
Tomorrow emphasizes the importance of maintaining clean surroundings for the health of people
in the barangay. This initiative promotes cleanliness, safeguards health, and encourages
community involvement to improve living conditions.
Through active engagement, particularly with NSTP students, the project educates
individuals about their role in enhancing the neighborhood, instilling enduring behavioral
changes such as adopting daily waste management and recycling habits. Additionally, the project
aims to raise environmental awareness among elementary students from Grade 1-3 of Callos
Elementary School. By involving these students, it seeks to increase environmental
consciousness and inspire them to take proactive steps towards a cleaner and greener
The Green Barangay Project also extends its efforts to include initiatives focused on
cleaning drainage systems. By ensuring the proper maintenance and clearing of drainage
channels, the project aims to prevent blockages and reduce the risk of flooding, thus enhancing
overall community health and safety. Through these combined efforts, the project strives to unite
the community in creating a cleaner, greener, and more resilient future in Barangay Calios Santa
Cruz, Laguna.
The operation aims to improve the cleanliness of the surroundings in Barangay Calios,
Santa Cruz, Laguna, through a clean-up drive and to raise environmental awareness by assisting
elementary students from Grade 1-3 of Callos Elementary School. This operation isn't just for
adults but also for children, aiming to make them aware of the importance of proper waste
segregation to achieve a cleaner environment, not just for Barangay Calios but for the
environment at large. A cleaner environment can result in a healthier and more comfortable
living environment. Furthermore, the project aims to encourage community members to take
responsibility for their environment; they can participate in the project to gain the skills needed
to maintain its cleanliness. The goal of this project is to provide assistance to the community in
creating a cleaner and healthier surrounding for its residents.
According to Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the National Service Training
Program Law (NSTP Law), the course introduces students to the significance of civic
consciousness through the discussion of nationalism, patriotism, social responsibility, servant
leadership, and good citizenship values as relevant concepts in participating in community
service. The course promotes activities that contribute to the general welfare and betterment of
individuals' lives in the community. It invokes the constitutional provision regarding the duty of
the state to serve and protect its citizens. It familiarizes students with various concepts of civic
welfare services by teaching them how to plan and carry out community service projects.
The proponent of this project aims to promote proper waste management practices in the
community, particularly among Grade 1-3 students, to instill environmental responsibility at an
early age. In accordance with Salonga, (2019), disposing of waste has a huge environmental
impact and can cause serious problems. The most important reason for proper waste management
is to protect the environment and the health and safety of the population. Additionally, signs will
be put up in public areas to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage
sustainable practices. Installing trash bins will be done to minimize litter and encourage
responsible waste disposal. Addressing the issue of blocked drainages, which can pose a health
risk, is also a priority, as cleaning them out will ensure a safe and healthy environment for all
Overall, this project will contribute to a more sustainable and resilient community by
addressing a major disaster risk identified in the past survey. The survey identified the
accumulation of garbage as a major cause of floods, which not only affects the community’s
infrastructure but also their health and livelihoods. It will not only improve the community’s
health and livelihoods but also promote environmental conservation with proper segregation of
wastes. By implementing this project, the aim is to make a positive impact on the community’s
overall well-being and quality of life.
Here are some of the reasons why raising environmental awareness among elementary students
and clean environment is important.
Students in Elementary between the ages of 6-11 make up the target demographic. Also,
the aids in increasing the consciousness of the children about their significance in society. To the
fullest extent possible, they should use their capabilities. This project also benefits the teacher of
that exact Elementary school and also benefits the community. It is up to us to implement the
required social changes. The community will be cleaner and the students will be more aware of
the community.
In general, this program will help the students to learn other things and to help the
teachers to lessen their work and rest. The community service for student improves social
responsibility and awareness. College volunteering encouragement in establishing and promote a
good relationship by involving participants in a project.
Aside from this Barangay Calios will be kept clean with the help of the CWTS. The
college students will clean up around the area after enlightening the elementary students, which
one of its positive effects. Due to the program that will be held by the college students, other
officials in Barangay activities will be lessen. The CWTS would not only assist the Barangay but
also to help our environment to reduce the littering.
The main participants in the cleanup drive and assisting elementary students are primarily
the residents of Barangay Calios. Implementing cleanliness in the barangay is crucial for several
reasons. First and foremost, a clean environment promotes public health by reducing the risk of
diseases and improving the overall well-being of the citizens of Barangay Calios. It enhances the
quality of life for residents and creates a safe and hygienic living space. It can also help the
environment of the barangay by reducing the risk of solid waste. Their goal is to sweep and clean
the waste under the drainage to avoid any disasters such as flooding and illness. They will dig the
canal to remove the waste in there to continue the flow of water in the drainage.
Assisting elementary students can be beneficial for several reasons. It fosters a sense of
community and cooperation within the school environment. Their goal in this is to help them
enhance their skills in the environment by teaching them proper waste disposal and assisting
them with their academic needs. In summary, this project will not only help the citizens and
individuals in the barangay, it will also help the environment for everyone to have a better and
safe community.
To start the training, the 10 CWTS students will perform a clean-up drive and will assist
elementary students. The said activities will be done starting in March to April, every after class
of the CWTS students to maximize the 80-hour duty. Furthermore, the CWTS students will assist
elementary students every Monday and Thursday from 12:00 to 1:30 pm and, Tuesday to Friday
from 1 pm to 2:30 pm. After the said activity they will clean the barangay depending on what the
barangay officials what the instructions will be given to the students. It can be sweeping,
cleaning the drainage or doing some clerical work.
Project Budget
March 25, 2024 12:00pm – 2:30pm 2hrs and 30mins. Students of CWTS will be
assisting the Elementary
students from Grade 1-3.
April 1, 2024 12:00pm – 2:30pm 2hrs and 30mins. Students of CWTS will be
assisting the Elementary
students from Grade 1-3.
April 8, 2024 12:00pm – 2:30pm 2hrs and 30mins. Students of CWTS will be
assisting the Elementary
students from Grade 1-3.
2:30 – 4:30pm 2hrs Clean-up drive:
Sweeping the streets
Cleaning some
April 9, 2024 1:00pm – 2:30pm 1hrs and 30mins. Students of CWTS will be
assisting the Elementary
students from Grade 1-3
April 15, 2024 12:00pm – 2:30pm 2hrs and 30mins. Students of CWTS will be
assisting the Elementary
students from Grade 1-3.
Clean Management Environmental Group. (2021). How improper waste disposal affects the
Russel Smith Group. (2024). How poor drainage destroys your environment. Retrieved from
Gandhi, D. N. Clean green environment leads to good health. LinkedIn. Retrieved from