A Research Presented To The School of Advanced Studies The National Teachers College

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The Effect of School Clean Up Drive

Thru Cleanliness for A Health Life

A Research
Presented to the
School of Advanced Studies
The National Teachers College

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements of the Course
Principles, Laws and Processes in General Science


Diane Lara M. Abance

Irish Fides U. Dacanay

Jinky M. Quimora

March, 2019
The Problem and Its Background
Imagine how the surroundings took place before. You can
breathe fresh air, see greenish surroundings and of course taste clear
water. Nowadays, can you still observe these things? Maybe in some
but most of the places in this day and age are already polluted and
deforested. The air that was once fresh is now full of pollutants such as
smoke and dust. The water that was once clear became blurred and
dirty. One of the causes of this is the improper waste disposal. For
instance, most people believed that throwing a single candy wrapper is
not a big deal. But take a closer look on the situation and analyzed it.
If most people throw a candy wrapper once a day simultaneously, do
you still think that it was not a big deal? Of course it isn’t? Those
candy wrappers that were thrown would piled a big trash and become
a problem in the community. It might be stuck on the drainage and
backfire when a heavy rain comes then flood the community.

Clean is a condition of the environment that is free of unwanted

matter. Cleaning is the process used to achieve the clean condition.
Best viewed as a fundamental environmental management process,
cleaning is a systematic, science-based process that puts unwanted
matter in its proper place or where it does not cause harm or adverse
effects. Understanding the importance and effectiveness of cleaning
allows us to fully appreciate its usefulness and the contributions it
makes to the quality of life.

Man cannot live and survive amidst waste. A clean environment

that includes clean air, water, land and energy, is essential for human
existence, conducting business and creating wealth. These components
must be sustained through conservation and proper management.
Additionally, by-products of human activity should be separated from
man at the sanitary level the cleaning process provides.
Sanitary conditions are where the risk of adverse health effects
is low or acceptable. Effective cleaning reduces exposures to
hazardous matter, thereby reducing risks while contributing to a
sanitary state. Indoor environments are readily manageable, unlike
ambient environments where the causes of pollution and its control are
complex. Built environments can be designed, operated and
maintained to suit their inhabitants’ needs. We need to better
understand the influence natural and manmade environments have on
our health, especially the outbreak of Dengue, the understandable
virus of cough, sneeze and fever. Once we do, it becomes apparent
that effective management, especially in the form of cleaning, is the
key to removing unwanted by-products and reducing serious health
Cleaning is the method used to achieve a clean environment. It can
best be viewed as a fundamental environmental management process
of putting unwanted matter in its proper place. This ensures an
environment that is sustainable and functioning. Effective cleaning
removes unwanted matter to the greatest or optimum extent possible.
Doing so ensures acceptable risk—the reduced probability of an
adverse effect for humans, their valuables and the natural
environment—from exposure to such matter. By virtue of this
definition and its thoughtful design, effective cleaning fully protects the
Therefore, we believe that this program not just only helps our
community but also the World we live in. It will also serve as an
inspiration in other communities to come up with the same activities in
order to maintain a clean and green environment.
Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to help reduce waste in our

surroundings and to recycle most of the waste like plastics and metals
for a better purpose and for cleanliness not just in the school itself but
for the protection of their health. This program really aims to provide
awareness of how much we are wasting every day. The objectives of
this program as what the City Government said are as follows: to
enhance the capabilities of the community by promoting commerce
and trade; to achieve or practice the conduct in waste management
and recycling industry; to promote waste reduction, recycling and
reuse and create public awareness on waste management and
environmental concerns; to help reduce the greenhouse gases and
fight climate change; improving the quality of the natural
environment; to protect one’s own health and provide clean and
healthy school environment to avoid sickness and diseases; and to set
one’s mind on the well-being of future generation.

The findings of the study are to serve beneficial to the following:

SCHOOL. They really gain much more in this study, wherein

Private and Public Schools promotes and support City Wide Clean Up
Drive. As the school participated, it will really give a result of
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

STUDENTS. They are the respondents of the study and able to

receive the benefits of having a Clean Up Drive Program that promotes
cleanliness into a better life for their health and body.
PARENTS. They can also support the activity wherein they can
participate the Clean Up Drive once a month, with that they can
monitor the environment does their child have inside the School.

BARANGAYS. Provide an opportunity of Man Power Skilled

workers and helpers for the Schools and others places in Navotas that
will give guidance and support for the study.

COMMUNITY. They are the highlighter of the pen in this study,

they really need much more attention to support the Program and give
of help too. They can attend a seminar relating about Clean UP Drive
or even How to dispose their waste properly.

GOVERNMENT. The Municipal Sector provide a beneficial help

for the Barangay and strong support since they are the leading
proponent of this Program, they will continue to monitor once a month
if the program was being implemented and successful. They can
minimize the sickness and unhealthy people in their places since the
outbreak of dengue is getting increased as well as the virus of cough
and sneeze.

As a whole, the significant of this study is for the awareness and

for the protection of the students within the school premises for them
to be healthy and prevent absences due to an increasing dengue
outbreak, measles or any sickness because of undisposed waste and
unclean school surroundings.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of school Clean Up

Drive thru cleanliness for a healthy life in school, Makiling Elementary

School during this school year 2019-2020, fourth grading period, it

sought to answer the following questions:

1. What was the level of awareness of the students about Clean Up

2. How significant is the Clean Up Drive for their health and
3. What was the plan of activities to continue the development of
Clean Up Drive in their school?

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The following data are used to support the study about Clean Up
Drive Program in the School.

These are According to the DOH (Department of Health): A DOH-

Dengue Surveillance Report showed that a total of 138,444 dengue
fever were reported from January 1 to October 6, 2018. A total of
114,878 dengue fever cases were reported from January to October in
2017. Seven hundred eight deaths due to dengue fever were so far
reported this year, compared to 581 in the first nine months of last
year. Central Luzon has the most number of cases with 22,077,
followed by the National Capital Region with 18,831; Calabarzon with
16,177; Ilocos Region with 11,109 and Western Visayas with 11,036.
One of the mentioned results of increasing the Dengue cases is
because of the waste in the School that can give a support for the
mosquitoes to bring the disease. These mosquitoes thrive in areas with
standing water, including puddles, water tanks, containers and old
tires. Lack of reliable sanitation and regular garbage collection also
contribute to the spread of the mosquitoes.
According to some school, the continuous deterioration of the
environment due to insurmountable volume of garbage has brought
enough challenge to policy makers, locally and internationally. They
have come up with different interventions and methods to alleviate
this problem. Information drive, introduction of alternative practices,
implementation of e-code, these are just some of those ways. Despite
these efforts, there are still underlying problems unanswered and
uncontrolled. The presence of garbage of miscellaneous composition in
coastal areas is an indicator that the campaign on garbage
management has not yet been fully successful.

Lyceum International Maritime Academy (LIMA), being an

academy situated near Barangay Wawa, a community that lies beside
the coast, has held itself responsible and involved in the campaign for
proper waste management and coastal environment preservation. It
has initiated for several years a community extension project through
a coastal clean-up that aims to preserve the condition of the waters by
cleaning the surrounding areas of the said community.

This project has been coordinated with the barangay officials

with the faculty, non-teaching staff and students of LIMA as
proponents. The students and faculty members from LIMA served as
volunteers. According to Andrew and Bradley (2010) that volunteer
service opportunities exist to meet almost any person’s skill set and
time schedule.

The volunteers can play a significant role in the social

transformation and uplift the marginalized members of the society and
their exposure in visiting the communities in order to feel the
situation, be oriented on the lifestyle and know the concerns and
problems to improve the conditions of the beneficiaries (Jimenez,
2008). From the student learning a new skill to the senior practicing
old skills, working at a volunteer job can be practical and fulfilling
(Halpern, 2007).

The researchers embarked on this topic in order to gather

insights about the ongoing Coastal Clean-up project which will serve as
basis for its improvement. Coastal Clean Ups show that volunteerism
activity when properly managed could play a vital role in addressing
environmental issues, pollution prevention and human development in
general (PIA, 2008). The program design is perceived highly effective
in developing an agenda on participatory coastal management,
conserving the environment and has the potential to lessen the risks of
acquiring diseases while less effective in providing opportunities for
extra income. On the assessment of the proponents, the program is
highly effective in promoting sanitation and cleanliness and in ensuring
safe and sure delivery of service with its aim of conserving the

Operational Definition of Variables

To help the readers to have better understanding about the

study, the researchers defined the following terms:

Awareness - is commonly used in reference to public

knowledge or understanding of social or political issues. It is

synonymous with public involvement and advocacy in support of a

certain cause or movement.

Cleanliness – the quality or state of being clean; it also a

practice for keeping oneself or one’s surrounding clean.

Clean Up Drive- brings the volunteers together to clean, repair

and improve public places or other areas that have been misused or

being wasted.

Dengue – a debilitating viral disease of the tropics, transmitted

by mosquitoes, and causing sudden fever and acute pains in the joints.

Health - As defined by World Health Organization (WHO), it is a

"State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not

merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Sanitation - the promotion of hygiene and prevention of

disease by maintenance of sanitary conditions (as by removal of

sewage and trash) —often used attributively.

Urban- is the region surrounding a city; areas are very

developed, density of human structures such as houses, commercial

buildings, roads, bridges and railways.

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

Below are the related Foreign articles in our study:

The nation of Zimbabwe is facing a challenge in waste management,

particularly the urban centers and growth points. The drivers of this
environmental challenge include; the rapid urban population increase
and shortage of housing, resulting in higher population density in the
existing suburbs and emergence of slums, change in consumption
patterns, a scenario that has introduced new varieties of waste due to
Globalization and changes in packaging material, use of Old Inefficient
Waste Management Technologies as well as low stakeholder
participation. A Cleanup campaign is a community-based,
environmental initiative that inspires and empowers communities to
clean up, fix up and conserve their environment. Since the inception of
this program, in Zimbabwe, stakeholders such as; communities,
organizations, churches, businesses, schools and tertiary institutions
have voluntarily taken it upon themselves to clean up public areas and
other places where litter has been illegally dumped. From January
2015 to date, we have witnessed more than 70 voluntary clean-ups
organized by stakeholders, who have since realized that a safe, clean
and healthy environment is everyone’s responsibility. It therefore
follows that cleanup activities will be intensified during this month and
everyone should play a part in order to keep their environment in a
safe, clean and healthy state. The process of cleaning up is not the
sole responsibility of the organizing committee, but all responsible
stakeholders including members of the public are expected to join in
the cleanup exercise. Whenever you want to dispose of your litter,
make sure that you are not depriving other citizens of their right to a
clean environment that is not harmful to health. Ensure that you are
protecting the environment for the benefit of present and future
generations. Always ask yourself this question; “Is this the appropriate
place to dispose of my litter?” If not, think again and do the right thing
to protect our environment. A cleanup campaign may benefit the
community economically and socially if wisely used. Communities may
undertake waste projects; form environment forums or clubs, which
may be developed by them. For example, recycled waste may be
delivered to companies in exchange for money. For sustainability the
projects should run throughout the year.

Below are the related local articles in our study:

The South Cotabato Provincial Health Office headed by Dr.

Rogelio B. Aturdido together with the Health Education and Promotion
Officers of PHO-South Cotabato Province and our HEPO Staff
conducted an Orientation on Dengue Awareness and Clean-up Drive on
October 13, 2015 at Tupi central Elementary School in Tupi, South
Cotabato Province and Koronadal Central Elementary School in
Koronadal City on October 14, 2015, respectively. These activities
were collaborated with the Department of Education through the active
participation of the school division officials, teachers and students. The
orientation started right after the Flag Ceremony where Dr. Aturdido
talked about the 4-S Kontra Dengue (the 4 o'clock Habit); Dengue
carrier Mosquito, Aedes Egypt species that will breed anywhere
specifically in an open receptacle with water, unused tires, clogged
gutters, empty bottles, plants and the like. The search and destroy of
possible mosquito breeding places within the school surroundings was
done at 4:00 o'clock before going home as part of the one-hour Clean-
up Drive activity.

From the waste mapping of the EMB Basura Patrol Program, a

total of 6,393 violations of Section 48 RA 9003, items (1), (3) & (6) in
public places such as roadsides, sidewalks, canals, creeks and esteros
were documented by the 250 Basura Patrollers (BPs) nationwide.
These violations prove that illegal dumping and littering still fester in
many areas of the country. Lack of waste management at source,
inefficient waste collection, and weak law enforcement underlie these
problems. Thus, the DENR is holding a National Cleanup Day four
times a year. In cooperation with the DENR, the DILG shall direct all
provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays to participate and to
involve their respective constituencies to attain nationwide synergy
during these Cleanup days. The Cleanup shall be done every quarter,
as follows: Every third Saturday of September, coinciding with the
International Coastal Cleanup Day; Every January as part of R.A. 9003
Anniversary and Zero Waste Month; Every April as part of Earth Day
celebrations; Every June as part of Environment Month celebrations.
The dates for January, April and June 2017 shall be set and announced
by the DENR. The first National Cleanup Day shall be on September
17, 2016. The National Cleanup is a convergence of clean-up activities
adopting the ridge to reef approach. The initiative shall promote and
support national government partnership with LGUs, NGOs, academe,
and the private sector, while recognizing and strengthening other local
and national cleanup initiatives. DEPED – To enjoin their schools to
participate in the Cleanup by registering through the Basura Patrol
Program facebook page with their respective schools and immediate
vicinities as their sites for cleanup and uploading the data on waste
collected on the same page with all the required information.

Presentation of Data

The study was conducted at the Navotas Elementary School-I, in

Navotas City, Metro Manila; and Makiling Elementary School in

Laguna. Both schools are in Public School and participated a program

entitled: “City Wide Clean Up Drive”.

The respondents were the Grade 3 and 4 Elementary grade

students of Navotas Elementary School – I and in Makiling Elementary

School. Each grades and sections have chosen 10 respondents to

answer the given questionnaire. The study aims to getting to know the

knowledge about the effect of clean up drive in their school.

The study was designed as a case study by using the qualitative

research approach. Methods of the research include the study of
scientific references, a semi-structured interview, and survey analysis.
The closed form questionnaire as it calls for short limited checked
responses. It only requires to answer “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”. And
a short survey relating about the program.
Data Analysis

Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects

usually measured once) or experimental (subjects measured before

and after a treatment). A descriptive study establishes only

associations between variables. An experiment establishes causality.

The researchers used this method so they may develop some kind of

conclusion that may help the next researchers about the aspect of

management in terms of strategies.

The process of evaluating data using reasonable valid and logical

reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form

of analysis is just one of many steps that must be completed when

conducting research experiment. Data from different sources is

gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form sort of findings and


Statistical Treatment

The gathered data are grouped, tabled and carefully organized

into tables. Percentage and ranking are reflected in all tables.

Instrument Used  

The easiest and fastest way of gathering information is through

questionnaire. According to Calderon and Gonzales (1993), a

questionnaire is a set of question which when answered properly by

required number of properly selected respondents, will supply the

necessary information to complete a research study.

Result of the Study

A. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

School Grade Level Boys Girls

NES-I III 47 45
IV 60 52
Total 107 97
Respondents 10 10
MES III 67 91
IV 96 86
Total 163 176
Respondents 10 10

B. Clean Up Drive Survey Results

I don’t
Questions YES NO
1. Do you know what is Clean Up Drive? 33 5 2
2. Do you have Clean Up Drive in your
32 4 4
3. Do you participate in the school Clean
30 7 3
Up Drive?
4. Do you think Clean Up Drive is an
effective program to promote cleanliness 35 3 2
in your school?
5. Do you think Clean Up Drive will give 37 2 1
help for your healthy and sanitation
inside the school?

C. Cleanliness and Sanitation Survey Results

Questions A B C C
1. How do you feel the cleanliness in your
4 2 0 34
2. After Cleaning the room, what did you
36 0 2 2
do in the waste materials?
3. How many times do you clean under
20 0 20 0
Clean Up Drive Program?
4. How the waste materials are collected? 25 0 10 5
5. Aside from you as a student, who
2 2 5 21
participated in Clean Up Drive


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

A. Summary of Findings
Based on the following data’s consolidated under the result of the
study the following interpretation are gathered:
A. Under the Demographic Profile, students from two schools
where randomly sampling. Among the total number of the
respondents only 10 respondents per Grade level answered the
survey. A total of 40 respondents from Grades Three and Four
of 2 Schools are the variable of this study.
B. Based on question number 1, “Do you know what is Clean Up
Drive?”, 82.50% or 33 students answered Yes, which means
they know what is Clean Up Drive, while 13% or 5 respondents
answers it No, as we interviewed the 5 respondents, they
really don’t know what does clean up drive mean, but they
know what is Cleaning all about. And 5% or 2 respondents
answered I don’t know, they really don’t have an idea about
Clean Up drive because they are not participating the school
program and absenteeism is the problem of both two
C. Based on question number 2, “Do you have Clean Up Drive in
your school?”, 80.00% or 32 students answered Yes, which
means they are aware about Clean Up Drive, while 10% or 4
answered No and I don’t know which means Clean Up Drive
is new to their ear. Specifically, in Grades 3, wherein they are
not familiar in the term Clean Up Drive.
D. Based on question number 3, “Do you participate in your
School Clean Up Drive?”, 75% or 30 students answered Yes,
strong participations in School Clean Up Drive shown in both
Schools, which means they really promoted the Clean Up Drive
for the cleanliness of their school and prevent sickness or
diseases that dirt may give. Then, 17.50% or 7 answered No,
because of their condition, and sometimes they are absent and
need to catch up a lesson, since Clean Up Drive is voluntary
work, they are not oblique to do it so. Lastly, 7.50% or 3
respondents answered I don’t know, they did not participate
in any clean up drive activities in their school, but if they will
have an opportunity they will try to participate.
E. Based on question number 4, “Do you think Clean Up Drive is
an effective program to promote cleanliness in your school?”,
87.50% or 35 respondents answered Yes, they think that
Clean Up Drive is an effective way to promote cleanliness in
their school. They really believe how Clean Up Drive is
important for them to prevent sickness, diseases and bacteria
that unclean environment may give. Then, 7.50% or 3
answered No, they don’t know the effectiveness of clean up
drive to promote cleanliness in their surroundings. And 2% or
2 respondents answered I don’t know, they don’t have any
idea what are the importance of Clean Up drive and if it really
effective to promote cleanliness in their school.
F. Based on question number 4, “Do you think Clean Up Drive will
give help for your healthy and sanitation inside the school?”
92.5% or 37 respondents answered Yes, they believe Clean Up
Drive can be of help for their healthy and sanitation, although
teachers who interviewed the students give ideas already for
the respondents to be aware and to be cared of to their own
environment. Then 5% or 2 respondents answered No,
because they totally not aware and don’t have any idea about
Clean Up Drive. And 2.5% or 1 respondents answered I don’t
know, as what he answered he really don’t care about Clean
Up Drive, he just went to school to study and do not participate
in any school programs.

B. Conclusion
C. Recommendations


Address 62 Los Martirez St., San Jose,
Navotas City
Date of Birth November 25, 1991
Civil Status Married
Parents Renato V. Medina
Jocelyn V. Medina

Educational Background

Graduate Studies Master of Arts in Education

Major in Basic Education
The National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila

Tertiary Bachelor of Elementary Education

Major in General Education
Navotas Polytechnic College
Navotas City, Metro Manila

Secondary Navotas National High School

Navotas City, Metro Manila

Elementary Navotas Elementary School- Central

Navotas City, Metro Manila

Professional Experiences

Elementary School Teacher Navotas Elementary School – I

Navotas City, Metro Manila
2013- present

Primary School Teacher La Cabecera De Montessori

Malabon City, Metro Manila

Student Assistant Navotas Polytechnic College

Navotas City, Metro Manila


Passed Licensure Examination for Teacher

November, 2012


TQC Second Place Best Implementer Elementary

(Division Level) Division Level
July 2017

SIM Third Place Strategic Intervention Materials

(District Level) District Science Quest 2014
August 2014

SIM Third Place Strategic Intervention Materials

(Division Level) Division Science Quest 2013

September 2013

SIM Second Place Strategic Intervention Materials

(District Level) District Science Quest 2013

September 2013

IMs Second Place Improvisation of Instructional

(District Level) District Science Quest 2013
September 2013

Best Cadet Teacher Bachelor of Elementary Education

Navotas Polytechnic College
Batch 2012

Cum Laude Bachelor of Elementary Education

Navotas Polytechnic College
Batch 2012
Service Award Student Assistantship
Navotas Polytechnic College
Batch 2012

Many Villar’s Excellence Award Bachelor of Elementary Education

Navotas Polytechnic College
Batch 2012

Co-Curricular/ Extracurricular Experience

Facilitator/ Discussant Content Based Instruction

(MOOC Seminar- US Embassy)
February - March, 2019

Facilitator/ Discussant Professional Development for

(MOOC Seminar- US Embassy)
October – November, 2018

Facilitator/ Discussant Continuous Improvement Program

Roll Out for Schools (CIP, Scribe
October 23-25, 2017

Facilitator/ Discussant “Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Session”, In Service Training
October 23-27, 2017

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