Advertising Management Unit 2
Advertising Management Unit 2
Advertising Management Unit 2
iv. Teamwork:
It refers to thecollective efforts of advertising specialists of an
organization. These specialists work together towards thesuccess of
anadvertisement. The collective efforts of specialists ensure that the
product and itsimportant aspects are well explained tocustomers
throughthe advertisement.
v. Selecting an EfficientAdvertising Medium:
(n)To effectimmediatebuyingaction.
(o)Toreach new areas or new segments of populationwithin
existing areas, and
(p)To develop overseas.
Types of Advertising:
Broadly speaking, advertising can be classified into two broad
categories viz. product advertising and institutional advertising
Product Advertising:
Product advertising isthat advertisingwhose main purposeis to
informand stimulate the market about the advertiser's productor
services. This advertising usually promotespecific branded
products in such a manner as to make it moredesirable in the eyes
ofprospects than competitor's brand.
Product advertising on the basis of action can be further classified
as Direct Action Advertising and Indirect Action Advertising