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Chapter - I Advertising Effectiveness

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Chapter - I Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising Effectiveness :The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concern can do that by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the product is widely polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrial users and through convincing arguments it is persuaded to buy it. Publicity makes a thing or an idea known to people. It is a general term indicating efforts at mass appeal. As personal stimulation of demand for a product service or business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favorable presentation of it upon video television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor. On the other hand, advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific product or service at a certain cost. It is a method of publicity. It always intentional openly sponsored by the sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for. It is a common form of nonpersonal communication about an organization and or its products idea service etc. that is transmitted to a target audiences through a mass medium. In common parlance the term publicity and advertising are used synonymously.

1.2 What is Advertising :The word advertising is derived from the Latin word viz, "advertero" "ad" meaning towards and "verto" meeting towards and "verto" meaning. "I turn" literally specific thing". Simply stated advertising is the art "says green." Advertising is a general term for and all forms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate attention attracts device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or service, to create a demand to stimulate buying and in general to bring logethel the man with something to sell and the man who has means or desires to buy".

1.3 Advertising has been defined by different experts. Some of the quoted definition are : American marketing association has defined advertising as
Any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. The medium used are print broad cast and direct.

Stanton deserves that

Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a non- personal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, or idea. This message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor. Advertising is any paid form of non personal paid of presentation of ideas goods or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising is a "non- personal paid message of commercial significance about a product, service or company made to a market by an identified sponsor. In developing an advertising programme, one must always start by identifying the market needs and buyer motives and must make five major decisions commonly referred as 5M (mission, money message, media and measurement) of advertising. 2

1.4 Basic Features of Advertising

On the basis of various definitions it has certain basic features such as :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It is a mass non-personal communication. It is a matter of record. It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised. It is a mass paid communication. The communication media is diverse such as print (newspapers and magazines) It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread by means of the written and printed work and pictures so that people may be induced to act upon it.

1.5 Functions of Advertising :For many firms advertising is the dominant element of the promotional mix particulars for those manufacturers who produce convenience goods such as detergent, non prescription drugs, cosmetics, soft drinks and grocery products. Advertising is also used extensively by maters of automobiles, home appliances, etc, to introduce new product and new product features its uses its attributes, pt availability etc. Advertising can also help to convince potential buyers that a firms product or service is superior to competitors product in make in quality, in price etc. it can create brand image and reduce the likelihood of brand switching even when competitors lower their prices or offer some attractive incentives.

Advertising is particularly effective in certain other spheres too such as :

i) ii) iii) iv) When consumer awareness of products or service is at a minimum. When sales are increasing for all terms in an industry. When a product is new and incorporates technological advance not strong and. When primary buying motive exists.

It performs the following functions : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Promotion of sales Introduction of new product awareness. Mass production facilitation Carry out research Education of people.

1.6 TYPES OF ADVERTISING :Broadly speaking, advertising may be classified into two categories :a). Product advertising. b).Institutional advertising.


Product Advertising

The main purpose of such advertising is to inform and stimulate the market about the advertisers products of services and to sell these. Thus type of advertising usually promote specific, trended products in such a manner as to make the brands seam more desirable. It is used by business government organization and private non-business organizations to promote the uses features, images and benefits of their services and products. Product advertising is sub-divided into direct action and indirect action advertising, Direct action product advertising wages the buyer to take action at once, ice he seeks a quick response to the advertisement which may be to order the product by mail, or mailing a coupon, or he may promptly purchase in a retail store in response to prince reduction during clearance sale. Product advertising is sub-divided into direct & indirect action advertising & product advertising aims at informing persons about what a products is what it does, how it is used and where it can be purchased. On the other hand selective advertising is made to meet the selective demand for a particular brand or type is product.


Institutional Advertising :

It is designed to create a proper attitude towards the sellers to build company image or goodwill rather than to sell specific product or service. Its purpose is to create a frame of mind and to implant feeling favorable to the advertisers company. Its assignment is to make friends for the institution or organization.

It is sub-divided into three categories :

Patronage Public relations Public service institutional advertising.

In patronage institutional advertising the manufacturer tells his prospects and customer about himself his policies and lives personnel. The appeals to the patronage motivation of buyers. If successful, he convince buyers that his operation entitles him to the money spent by them.

Public relations
Public relations institutional advertising is used to create a favourable image of the firm among employees, stock-holders or the general public.

Public service institutional advertising.

Public service institutional advertising wages public support.


Other Types :
The other types are as follows : i) ii) iii) iv) Consumer advertising Comparative advertising Reminder advertising Reinforcement advertising


The long term objectives of advertising are broad and general, and concern the contribution advertising should make to the achievement of overall company objectives. Most companies regard advertising main objective as hat of proving support to personal selling and other forms of promotion. But advertising is a highly versatile communications tools and may therefore by used for achieving various short and long term objectives.

Among these objectives are the following :

1. 2. 3. 4. To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing). To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers). To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy). To build brand preference 9by making it more difficult for middleman to sell substitutes). 5. 6. To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy). To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e.g., a price change, a new model or an improvement in the product). 7. 8. 9. To provide rationalization (i.e. Socially acceptable excuses). To combat or neutralize competitors advertising. To improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing that the company is doing its share of promotion). 10. To acquaint buyers and prospects with the new uses of the product (to extend the PLC).

BENEFITS OF ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVENESS :The functions of advertisement, and that purpose its ethics, may be discussion below :
1. It leads to cheaper prices. "No advertiser could live in the highly competitive arena of modern business if his methods of selling were more costly than those of his rivals." 2. It acquaints the public with the features of the goods and advantages which buyers will enjoy. 3. It increases demand for commodities and this results in increased production. Advertising : a) b) c) d) 4. Creates and stimulates demand opens and expands the markets; Creates goodwill which loads to an increase in sales volume; Reduces marketing costs, particularly product selling costs. Satisfied consumer demands by placing in the market what he needs.

It reduces distribution expenses in as much as it plays the part of thousands of salesman at a home. Information on a mass scale relieves the necessity of expenditure on sales promotion staff, and quicker and wider distribution leads to diminishing of the distribution costs.


It ensures the consumers better quality of goods. A good name is the breath of the life to an advertiser.


By paying the way for large scale production and increased industrialization, advertising contributes its quota to the profit of the companies the prosperity of the shareholder the uplifts of the wage earners and the solution of he unemployment problem.


It raises the standard of living of the general public by impelling it to use to articles of modern types which may add to his material well being. "Modern advertising has made the luxuries of yesterday the necessities of today ..................... It is a positive creative force in business. It makes two blades of grass grow in the business world where one grew before.


It establishes the goodwill of the concern for the test articles produced by it and in course of time they sell like not cakes consumer search for satisfaction of their needs when they purchase goods what they want from its beauty, superiority, economy, comfort, approval, popularity, power, safety, convenience, sexual gratification and so on. The manufactures therefore tries to improve this goodwill and reputation by knowing the buyer behaviour. To sum up it may be said that advertising aims at committing the producers, educating the consumer, supplementing the salesman converting the producer and the dealer to eliminate the competitor, but above all it is a link between the produce and the consumer.



2.1 WHEN TO ADVERTISE :Advertising as a tool to marketing not only reaches those who buy , but also those whose opinions or authority is counted for example a manufacturer of marble tiles and building boards advertises not only to people who intend to build houses but also to architect and engineers. While the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals products advertise to doctors as well as to the general public. At time it is necessary for a manufacturer or a concern to advertise things which it does not sell but which when sold stimulates the sales of its own product. There are concerns like electric heaters, iron etc. because the use of these increases the demand for their products. Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good result more economically and efficiently as compared to other means of selling. There are goods for which much time and efforts are required in creating a demand by sending salesman to prospective buyers than by simply advertising them. In the early days of the cash register in America it was sold by specially trained salesman who called on the prospective users and had the difficult task of convincing them that they could no longer carry on with the old methods, and that they urgently needed a cash register. In our country certain publishers have found it less costly to sell their books by sending salesman from house to house among prospective buyers than to advertise them. In these two examples the cost of creating demand would be too high if attempted by advertising alone under such circumstances advertising is used to make the salesman acceptable to the people they call upon to increase the confidence of the public in the house. Naturals when there are good profits competitors will be attracted and they should be kicked out as and when sufficient capital is available by advertising on a large scale. Immediate result may not justify the increased expenditure but it will no doubt secure future sales.


2.2 DESIGNING ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN :An advertising is an organized series of advertising messages. It has been defined as "a planned, co-ordinate series of promotional efforts built around a central theme and designed to reach a specified goals." In other words, it is an orderly planned effort consisting of related but self contained and independent advertisements. The campaign may appear in one more media . it has single theme or keynote idea and a single objective or goal. Thus, "a unified theme of content provides psychological continuity throughout the campaign while visual and oral similarity provide physical continuity. In short run, all campaign want pre-determined psychological reaction in the long run, practically all campaigns have sales goal. The series of advertisements used in the campaign must be integrated with the sales promotional efforts and with the activities of the sales force. Campaign vary in length some may run only for a few days, other for weeks, yet other for a season or the entire year. Usually a range of 3 to 6 months includes many campaigns. Many factors influences campaign length such as competitors advertising media, policies, seasonal falls curves of the product involved, the size of the advertising funds, campaign objectives and the nature of the advertisers marketing programme.

2.3 OBJECTIVES OF CAMPAIGN :The advertising campaign, especially those connected with the consumers aims at achieving these objectives :
To announce a new product or improve product. To hold consumers patronage against intensified campaign use. To inform consumers about a new product use. To teach consumers how to use product. To promote a contest or a premium offer. To establish a new trade regional, and To help solve a coca regional problem.


The institutional advertising campaign on the other hand, have these objectives.
To create a corporate personality or image. To build a company prestige. To keep the company name before the public. To emphasize company services and facilities. To enable company salesman to see top executive consistently when making sales calls, and To increase friendliness and goodwill towards the company.

Developing the campaign programmes. The advertising campaigns are prepared by the advertising agencies, which work an behalf of their clients who manufacture product or service enterprises, which have services to sell. The word campaign is used because advertising agencies approach their task with a sum Blanca of military fanfare in which one frequently hears words like target audience logistics, zero in and tactics and strategy etc. The account executive co-ordinates the work in a campaign. The creation of an advertising campaign starts with an exploration of consumers habits and psychology in relation to the product. Statisticians select samples for survey which are done by trained interviewers who visits individuals, included in the sample and ask question to find out about their taste and habits. This enquiry often leads to a change in a familiar product. For instance bathing soap may come in several new colours or cigarette in a new packet or talcum powder in another size. David Ogilvy describes a consumers survey to find out the most meaningful benefit in which women are interested when they buy a face cream. The largest preference as given to "Cleans deep into pores" followed in order of importance by prevent dryness, "is a complete beauty treatment, recommended by skin doctors" makes skin look younger' contains estrogenic hormones, pasteurized for purity, prevent skin form aging, smooth our wrinkles Ogilvy concludes, form this voting come one of Helena Rubinstein's most successful face creams. We christened it deep cleanser, thus, building the winning form into name of the product. After getting the data the account executive puts together the essential elements of


his clients brief, interprets the research findings and draws up what he calls the "advertising strategy".

2.4 STAGE IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN :Several steps are required to developed an advertising campaign the number of stages and exact order in which they are carried out may vary according to an organizations resources, the nature of its product and the types of audiences to be reached.

The major stages/step are :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identifying and analyzing the advertising. Defining advertising objects. Creating the advertising platform. Determining the advertising appropriation. Selection media plan. Creating the advertising message. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising. Organizing of advertising campaign.


Identifying & Analyzing the Advertising target :

Under this step it is to decided as to whom is the firm trying to reach with the message. The advertising target is the group of people towards which advertisements are aimed at four this purpose complete information about the market target i.e. the location and geographical location of the people, the distribution of age, income, sex, educational level, and consumers attitudes regarding purchase and use both of the advertising product and competing products is needed with better knowledge of market target, effective advertising campaign can be developed on the other hand, if the advertising target is not properly identified and analyzed the campaign is does likely to be effective. 14

2. Determining the advertising objectives : The objectives of advertisement must be specifically and clearly defined in measurable terms such as "to communicate specific qualities about a particulars product to gain a certain degree of penetration in a definite audience of a given size during a given period of time", increase sales by a certain percentage or increase the firms market shares."

The goals of advertising may be to :

i) Create a favorable company image by acquainting the public with the services offered available to the employees and its achievements. ii) Create consumers or distributor awareness by encouraging requests providing information about the types of products sold; providing information about the benefits to be gained from use of the company's products or services; and indicating how product (or services) can be used; iii) Encourage immediate sales by encouraging potential purchasers through special sales contests, getting recommendation of professional people about company's products etc. iv) It secures action by the reader through associating ideas, repetition of the same name in different contexts, immediate action appeal.


Creating the Advertising platform :

An advertising platform consists of the basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wishes to include in the advertising campaign. A single advertisement in an advertising campaign may contain one or more issues in the platform. A motorcycle producers advertising platform should contain issues which are of importance to consumers filling and such issues also be those which the competitive product do not posses.


4. Determining the Advertising Appropriation:

The advertising appropriation is the total amount of money which marketer allocates. For advertising for a specific time period. Determining the campaign budget involves estimating now much it will cost to achieve the campaigns objectives. If the campaign objectives are profit relating and stated quantitatively, then the amount of the campaign budget is determined by estimating the proposed campaigns effectiveness in attaining them. If campaigns object is to build a particular type of company image, then there is little basis for predicting either the campaigns effectiveness or determining the budget required.

5. Selecting the Media :

Media selection is an important since it costs time space and money various factors influence this selection, the most fundamental being the nature of the target market segment, the type of the product and the cost involved. The distinctive characteristics of various media are also important. Therefore management should focus its attention on media compatibility with advertising objectives.





The different types of medias are as follows: Television. Radio. Print media. Promotions. Internet.


1. i)

Media Press Advertising or Print Newspapers

Form City, Small town, Sundays, Daily, weekly, financial Fortnightly, and quarterlies, English, annuals,



vernacular or regional languages. General or special, illustrated or otherwise, English, Hindi, Regional


language. Trade & Technical Journals, Industrial year Circulated all over the country and books, commercial, directories, telephone, among the industrialist and business Directories, references books & annuals. Direct Mail magnates. Circulars, brochures,


catalogues, booklets,

leaflets, folders,

colanders, blotters, diaries & other 3. Outdoor or Traffic printed material. Poster and bills on walls, railways stations 4. 5. Broadcast or radio and T.V. Publicity platforms outside public buildings trains, buses. Spot, Sectional or national trade cost Movie Slides and films non theatrical and documentary films metal plates 6. 7. House to house Dealer aids and signs attaches to trees. Sampling , couponing, free gifts, novelties, demonst-rations. Counter and widows the advertises goods. display

demonstration given by retailer or



Today, Internet is a big spot for advertising.

So these are the media of the advertising campaign of the selecting of the media.








Creating the Advertising Messages :

This is an important stage of advertising campaign. The contents of the message has to be very carefully drafted in the advertisement. Characteristics of person in the advertising target influence the message content and form. An advertisers must use words, symbols and illustration that are meaningful, familiar and attractive to those persons. The type of media also influence the content and form of the message. What do famous advertising messages have that regular messages dont? Well, quite a lot, actually. Aside from having amazing recall, they have a certain x factor that makes people look twice. They tickle the fancies of their target markets and represent their products in witty and original ways.

Famous advertising messages follow the rule, either you have it or you dont. Here are some of the advertising messages that certainly have it right.
1) Everything is easier on a Mac. Apple


Its not mentioned anywhere on the advertising message but you know that Apple is comparing Mac to another computer. Thats the beauty of it. Its like youre in on a big secret. In some way, Apple is capitalizing on its competitor by pitting the latters weakness against its strength. Besides, everybody wants to take the easy way out and Apple is promising just that. 2) Once you pop, you cant stop. Pringles On the other hand, Pringles is banking on peoples gluttony. Theres just something about junk food that makes it difficult to stop eating. The advertising message is catchy and has not been changed since it became famous many years ago. The rhyming effect, when done correctly, also helps the people remember the actual advertising message. Now, everybody knows what Pringles is and what the advertising message is. 3) Connecting people. - Nokia Nokias famous advertising message Connecting people can be taken both literally and figuratively. However, the figurative meaning brings in the bigger bucks. Of course, being a mobile phone company, Nokia really does deal in connectivity. However, Nokia is also sending out the message that it cares about relationships. Most of the companys commercials also aim to emphasize human relationships and make it the center of the story.

4) Finger Lickin Good. Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken probably observed its customers quite keenly in the past as its advertising message captures exactly how customers feel about its chicken. The advertising messages itself means that the food is especially good, and that you dont need to use a knife or a fork to eat the chicken.


5) Where do you want to go today? Microsoft Microsofts famous advertising message ensures that the future is yours. Being an I.T. company, Microsoft has the right idea to use time as its main selling point. Microsoft promises you a world of endless possibilities. It promises to take you wherever you want to go. Based on the companys direction, Id say that this advertising message has served it well. Famous advertising message make their mark on peoples minds. Long after the writer has left the company, the words will still live on.



Some Other Advertising Messages Are As Follows: Zandu Balm...Zandu Balm.Pan Parag....Pan Masala...Pan Parag Karram-Kurram...Lijjat Papad Tan ki Shakti Mann Ki Shakti...Bourn-Vita Tanduroosti Ki Raksha karta Hai Life Buoy Zara si Khushi Dular zarasa...Amul Titan: What`s Your Style!", Pepsi-this is only the right choice babay Coca-Cola-Thanda matlab Coca Cola Mortien - more smart more safe mortien Lux - ab dhup se kya darna Idea - an idea can change ur life Oracle: Software powers the Internet Jaguar : Grace, space, pace. Hyundai: Always there for you Nakshatra - Heera hai sada ke liye Hajmola : Hajmola khane ke liye koi bhi bahana chalega reliance - india ka number 1 network Nokai - connecting people parle g - g for genius Godrej no.1 : kya aapka sabun hai great 1 Sun Feast : khaya kya ? Lux : Ab khubsurti se dar kaisa. Nerolac Paints-Jab Ghar ki Raunak Badhani ho, Monte Carlo Sweaters- Its the way you make me feel! 25

Hutch You and I in this Beautiful world! Where do you want to go today? - Microsoft Life`s Good - LG The Real Thing - Coca-Cola Sharp Minds, Sharp Products - Sharp He keeps going and going and going. - Energizer Batteries Do you... Yahoo!? - Yahoo! Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia Because youre worth it. - L`Oreal Inspired Living - Haier Let`s Make Things Better - Philips Hello Moto - Motorola It`s everywhere you want to be - VISA The ultimate driving machine. - BMW


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising :

The effectiveness of advertising is measured for a variety of reasons : To determine whether a campaign accomplished its advertising objects. To evaluate the relative effectiveness of several advertisements to ascertain which copy, illustrations or layout is best. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of various media and media plans. In other words, measuring advertising effectiveness is needed to determine whether proposed advertisement should be used and if they will be now they might be improved; and whether going campaign should be stopped, continued or changed. In accomplishing these purposes, pretests and post test are conducted. The former tests before exposing 26

target consumers to advertisements and the letter after consumers have been exposed to advertisements and the letter after consumers have been exposed to advertisements. For effectively using advertising the management must test advertising to know which of the advertisement to know which of the advertisement have proved profitable and why as compared to others.

2.5 ADVERTISING APPEALS :Advertising appeals aim to influence the way consumers view themselves and how buying certain products can prove to be beneficial for them. The message conveyed through advertising appeals influences the purchasing decisions of consumers. Keep on reading to know the various different types of advertising appeals that can be seen in the media today. The most basic of human needs is the need for food, clothing and shelter. Special need for these necessities cannot be created with advertising. However there are certain other products that provide comfort in life and advertising aims to generate demand for these products. Advertising uses appeals as a way of persuading people to buy certain products. Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive image of the individuals who use certain products. Advertising agencies and companies use different types of advertising appeals to influence the purchasing decisions of people.

Different Types of Advertising Appeals

The most important types of advertising appeals include emotional and rational appeals. Emotional appeals are often effective for the youth while rational appeals work well for products directed towards the older generation. Here are just some of the various different kinds of advertising appeals seen in the media today: Emotional Appeal An emotional appeal is related to an individuals psychological and social needs for purchasing certain products and services. Many consumers are emotionally motivated or driven to make certain purchases. Advertisers aim to cash in on the emotional appeal and


this works particularly well where there is not much difference between multiple product brands and its offerings. Emotional appeal includes personal and social aspects. Personal Appeal Some personal emotions that can drive individuals to purchase products include safety, fear, love, humor, joy, happiness, sentiment, stimulation, pride, self esteem, pleasure, comfort, ambition, nostalgia etc. Social Appeal Social factors cause people to make purchases and include such aspects as recognition, respect, involvement, affiliation, rejection, acceptance, status and approval. Fear Appeal Fear is also an important factor that can have incredible influence on individuals. Fear is often used to good effect in advertising and marketing campaigns of beauty and health products including insurance. Advertising experts indicate that using moderate levels of fear in advertising can prove to be effective. 2. Humor Appeal Humor is an element that is used in around 30% of the advertisements. Humor can be an excellent tool to catch the viewers attention and help in achieving instant recall which can work well for the sale of the product. Humor can be used effectively when it is related to some benefit that the customer can derive without which the joke might overpower the message. 3. Music Appeal Music can be used as types of advertising appeals as it has a certain intrinsic value and can help in increasing the persuasiveness of the advertisement. It can also help capture attention and increase customer recall. 4. Scarcity Appeal Scarcity appeals are based on limited supplies or limited time period for purchase of products and are often used while employing promotional tools including sweepstakes, contests etc.


5. Rational Appeal Rational appeals as the name suggests aims to focus on the individuals functional, utilitarian or practical needs for particular products and services. Such appeals emphasize the characteristics and features of the product and the service and how it would be beneficial to own or use the particular brand. Print media is particularly well suited for rational appeals and is often used with good success. It is also suited for business to business advertisers and for products that are complex and that need high degree of attention and involvement. 6. Brand Appeal This appeal is directed towards people who are brand conscious and wish to choose particular products to make a brand statement. 7. Snob Appeal This appeal is directed towards creating feeling of desire or envy for products that are termed top of the line or that have considerable qualities of luxury, elegance associated with them. 8. Adventure Appeal This appeal is directed towards giving the impression that purchasing a product will change the individuals life radically and fill it with fun, adventure and action. 9. Emotional Words/Sensitivity Appeal These advertisements are used to drive at and influence the sensitivities of consumers. 10. Youth Appeal Advertisements that reflect youth giving aspects or ingredients of products use these types of appeals. Cosmetic products in particular make use of these appeals. 11. Endorsement Celebrities and well known personalities often endorse certain products and their pitching can help drive the sales. 29

12. Play on Words Advertisements also make effective use of catch phrases to convey the message. Such appeals help in brand recognition and recall and can be quite popular with the youth in particular. 13. Statistics Advertisements also use statistics and figures to display aspects of the product and its popularity in particular. 14. Plain Appeal These advertisements use every day aspects of life and appeal to ordinary people regarding the use of a product or service. 15. Bandwagon Appeal This type of advertising appeal is meant to signify that since everybody is doing something you should be a part of the crowd as well. It appeals towards the popularity aspect or coolness aspect of a person using a particular product or service.

Chapter - III Research Methodology

Research is voyage from known to unknown
Research is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of science to the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique which provide precise tools, specific procedure and technical rather than philosophical means for getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulation. Different type of research designs is available depending upon the nature of research project, availability of able manpower and circumstances. 30


3.2 Duration of the Study :The Project study work was carried during MBA IV Semester.

3.3 Objectives of the Study :1. To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing ) 2. To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers) 3. To force the middlemen to handle the product. 4. To find out the impact both good and bad of advertisement effectiveness on the society. 5. To know the most effective media of advertisement. 6. To find out the reason for liking the advertisement of goods. 7. To find out the satisfaction level of consumers by advertisement effectiveness. 8. To find out the awareness level of consumers by advertisement effectiveness. 9. To know the effect of advertisement effectiveness in the improvement of standard of living of consumers. 10. To know the effect of advertisement effectiveness on the standard of living of consumers.

3.4. Type of Research :a) Research design b) Data type c) Research Instrument d) Contact method e) Method of data collection : : : : : Descriptive Research Primary as well as secondary data Structured schedule personal interview survey


A schedule was prepared consisting of Ten Questions. True survey was done at Kanta Khaturiya Colony, in Bikaner city Respondents answered the questions.


Final schedule was restructure after omitting the questions, which were not answered during the pilot survey and few questions were added which came during the pilot survey. The final schedule was easy to understand and easy to answer by the respondents to fulfill the objectives of the research.

1. Research Design: The research design is the blueprint for the fulfillment of objectives and answering questions. It is a master plan specifying the method and procedures for collecting and analyzing needed information. Descriptive Research is used in this study as the main aim is to describe characteristics of the phenomenon or a situation.

2.Data Collection Methods: The source of data includes primary and secondary data sources. Primary Sources: Primary data has been collected directly from sample respondents through questionnaire and with the help of interview. Secondary Sources: Secondary data has been collected from standard textbooks, Newspapers, Magazines & Internet. 3. Research Instrument: Research instrument used for the primary data collection is Questionnaire. 32

3.5 Sample Size and Method of Selecting Sample :Sample design is definite plan determine before any data is actually obtaining for a sample from a given population. The researcher must decide the way of selecting a sample. Samples can be either probability samples or non-probability samples. Sampling Technique: Convenience Sample Size: 50 Respondents. Area of Study: Kanta Khaturia Colony , Bikaner.

3.6 Scope of the Study :Scope of the study is to deliver the best in case of response of the consumer perception regarding the advertisement effectiveness. As we know that Advertisements have a impact in the market. So mine main scope is to determine: The consumer perception regarding the advertisement effectiveness .

3.7 Limitations of the Study :-

The project relied mainly on the primary data. Consumer give very unclear picture. We have a limited time. The study is based on limited sample.


It being my first attempt to undertake such a study, thus the inexperience is also a obstacle to accomplish the project in a proper way.

It was also difficult to get proper information from the people because they were indulging in some other activities.


1. Advertising is a general term for and all forms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate attention attracts device. 2. In developing an advertising programme, one must always start by identifying the market needs and buyer motives and must make five major decisions commonly referred as 5M (mission, money message, media and 34 measurement) of advertising.

3. It is a mass non-personal communication. 4. It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread by means of the written and printed work and pictures so that people may be induced to act upon it. 5. The main purpose of such advertising is to inform and stimulate the market about the advertisers products of services and to sell these. 6. The selective advertising is made to meet the selective demand for a particular brand or type is product. 7. Advertising is designed to create a proper attitude towards the sellers to build company image or goodwill rather than to sell specific product or service. 8. The purpose of Advertising is to create a frame of mind and to implant feeling favorable to the advertisers company. Its assignment is to make friends for the institution or organization. 9. Advertising is needed to publicized some change in marketing strategy (e.g., a price change, a new model or an improvement in the product). 10. Advertising is needed to improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing that the company is doing its share of promotion). 11. Advertising acquaints the public with the features of the goods and advantages which buyers will enjoy. 12. Advertising leads to cheaper prices. "No advertiser could live in the highly competitive arena of modern business if his methods of selling were more costly than those of his rivals." 13. Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good result more economically and efficiently as compared to other means of selling. 14. Advertising is an orderly planned effort consisting of related but self contained and independent advertisements. 15. The series of advertisements used in the campaign must be integrated with the sales promotional efforts and with the activities of the sales force. 16. Many factors that influences the advertisement campaign length such as competitors advertising media, policies, seasonal falls curves of the product 35

involved, the size of the advertising funds, campaign objectives and the nature of the advertisers marketing programme. 17. The objectives of advertisement must be specifically and clearly defined in measurable terms such as "to communicate specific qualities about a particulars product to gain a certain degree of penetration in a definite audience of a given size during a given period of time", increase sales by a certain percentage or increase the firms market shares." 18. The contents of the message has to be very carefully drafted in the advertisement. Characteristics of person in the advertising target influence the message content and form. An advertisers must use words, symbols and illustration that are meaningful, familiar and attractive to those persons. The type of media also influence the content and form of the message. 19. The advertising manager requires a basic understanding of the medium that is going to carry it, to make it an effective advertisement. 20. Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a non- personal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, or idea. The message of an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor.

Chapter - V


RESPONDENT'S CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO AGE Age (in years) 11-20 21-40 No. of respondents 22 25 Percentage 44 50 36

41-60 Total

3 50

6 100



11 to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60


Interpretation:There are 44% of the respondents are in the age group of 11-20, 50% are in the age group of 21-40 and 6% are in the age group of 41-60.


Sex Male Female Total

No. of respondents 30 20 50

Percentage 60 40 100


40% Male Female 60%

Interpretation:60% of the respondents are males and 40% of them are females


Qualification Illiterate Below Matric Matric Graduate Post graduate Total

No. of respondents 5 29 16 50

Percentage 10 58 32 100


0% 32%


Illitrate Below Metric Metric Graduate Post Graduate 58%

Interpretation:It reveals that out of 50 respondents 5 are matriculate and 29 are Graduate and rest of them 16 are post graduate.

1. Question was asked to know why consumers like the advertisements? No. of respondents Why you like advertisement Its theme and making is appealable It has film stars Because of good music Other reasons Total Percentage

30 7 7 6 50

60 14 14 12 100





Theme Filmstars Good music 60% Other


Interpretation:It shows that majority of the respondents like the advertisement due to its theme while majority of the respondents like the advertisement due to its film stars and good music.

2. Question was asked to know that whether the advertisement forces you to consume the product more? Do you think ads. Forces you to consume the product more ? Yes No Cant say Total 23 17 10 50 46 54 20 100 No. of respondents Percentage




38% Yes No Can't Say


Interpretation:It shows that 46% of the respondents are of the view that advertisement forced them to consume product more 34% of them has view that advertisement dont force them to consume the product while 20% of them cannot say anything about it.

3. Question was asked to find out that which media is more effective for advertising? Which Media Presently Is More Effective for advertising? TV Newspaper Magazine Others Total 50 50 100 100 No. of respondents Percentage




TV Newspaper Magazine Others


Interpretation:It reveals that 100% of the respondents are of the view that presently the TV is most effective media of advertisement.

4.Question was asked to know that whether the advertisement is necessary for sale of goods? DO YOU THINK THE ADVERTISEMENT IS NECESSARY FOR SALE OF GOODS? Necessary Very necessary Cant say Total 14 34 2 50 28 68 4 100 No. of respondents Percentage


4% 28% Necessary Very Necessary Can't Say


Interpretation:It shows that highest number of respondents are of the view that advertisement is very necessary for cold drinks while few respondents are of the view that advertisement is necessary.

5.Question was asked to know that whether the expenditure should be incurred on advertisement? Does expenditure should be incurred on advertisement? Yes No Cant say Total 43 2 5 50 86 4 10 100 No. of respondents Percentage



10% 4%

Yes No Can't Say


Interpretation:It shows that 86% of the respondents are of the view that the expenditure incurred on advertisement is effective in adding the profit while 4% denied the same and 10% did not reply.


6. Question was asked to know that which reason the consumer find for the difference of advertisement effectiveness? WHICH REASON YOU FIND FOR THE DIFFERENCE OF ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVENESS Education Liking Standard of Living Level of Development Total 20 10 10 10 50 40 20 20 20 100 No. of respondents Percentage




Education Liking Standard Of Living


Level Of Development


Interpretation:It shows that 40% of the respondents say education is one of the main reason of Advertisement effectiveness while equal % of the respondents are in the favour of likings, standars of living and level of development


7. Question was asked to know that whether the study of effectiveness would contribute to improvement of present advertisement? WILL THE STUDY OF EFFECTIVENESS WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO IMPROVEMENT OF PRESENT ADVERTISEMENT Yes No Cant say Total 45 1 4 50 90 2 8 100 No. of respondents Percentage




Yes No Can't Say


Interpretation:It shows that the majority of the respondents are of the view that the study of effectiveness contributes the improvement in present advertisement. 8.Question was asked to know whether the advertisement effectiveness is necessary for the company? 46


No. of respondents


48 1 1 50

96 2 2 100


2% 2%

Yes No Can't Say


Interpretation:It reveals that majority of the respondents say that the advertisement effectiveness is necessary while same did not replied.

9. Question was asked to know that the study of effectiveness is for whom? THE USE OF STUDY OF No. of respondents Percentage 47

EFFECTIVENESS IS FOR WHOM? For company For employees For customers None of these Total 34 1 15 50 68 2 30 100


0% 30% For Company For Employee For Customer 2% 68% None Of These

Interpretation:It indicates that 68% of the respondents are of the view that the study of effectiveness is meant for company while 30% say that it is meant for customers.

10. Question was asked to know that which advertisement media satisfy the consumers the most? WHICH ADVERTISEMENT No. of respondents Percentage 48

MEDIA SATISFY THE CONSUMERS THE MOST? TV Newspaper Magazine Other Total 46 2 1 1 50 92 4 2 2 100


2% 2% 4% TV Newspaper Magazine Others 92%

Interpretation:It reveals that 92% of the respondents are of opinion that they are satisfied with the advertisement on TV while 4% are of the opinion that they are satisfied with the advertisement through newspaper.



STRENGTH : Fast growing advertisement industry.

WEAKNESS : Companies are using unethical advertising campaigns to attract the consumers.

OPPORTUNITY : Social responsibility advertising which create social awareness can be the powerful tool for the companies.

THREAT : There threats that if companies follows unethical practices in advertisement, then they would be in the loss situation.



At last it is concluded that majority of the respondents said that :

TV is the most effective media for advertisement . The celebrities in the advertisement effect the consumers. Advertisement should not be too expensive, because the advertisement leads and increase the prize of the product. Media should be selected according to the choice of customers. Majority of respondents are of the view that advertisement is very necessary for the sale of goods. Majority of the respondents like the advertisement due to its theme while majority of the respondents like the advertisement due to its film stars and good music. The respondents are of the view that the study of effectiveness is meant for company. The majority of the respondents are of the view that the study of effectiveness contributes the improvement in present advertisement. The respondents are of the view that the expenditure incurred on advertisement is effective in adding the profit. The respondents are of the view that advertisement forced them to consume product more.



To Advertisement Industry :o This report can be used by any Advertising Company for knowing the consumers perception regarding advertisement effectiveness. o This report gives comprehensive information about consumer behavior.

To Advertisement Companies:o The research helps the company to critically analyze themselves so as to improve in respective .

To Researcher:o The study is significant for the researcher because it fulfill the requirement for the degree of M.B.A. o The study helped the researcher to put her theoretical knowledge in to practice. o Study gave the practical insight into the Advertising Industry.

To Others:o The reader would be benefited by understanding the consumers perception regarding advertisement effectiveness. o Readers, who wish to conduct a similar Project Study on consumer perception regarding advertisement effectiveness Will be benefited by the study.

SUGGESTIONS :The project report provides the following suggestions :


Advertisement should not be too expensive, because the advertisement leads and increase the prize of the product.

Media should be selected according to the choice of customers. In rural areas media should be according to the choice of the people. To give more attention in making the advertisement to make it effective for the sale of goods.

Price should be decreased so as to attract the consumers to use product more. To give attention on the weak media of advertisement so that the consumers comes to know about the product.

It should be attractive one so that people are attracted toward the advertisement.



1. 2. 1. 3. Name : Age : Qualification : Literate : Illiterate: If literate ? Below Metric Graduate Profession : Address : Size of family : 2. 4. Metric Post Graduate

_________________________________________________________________________ Q.1 Why do you like the advertisement ? a. b. c. d. Because it has film stars ? Because of Good music Its theme and making is appealable. Any other reason.

Q.2 Do you think that advertisement has forced you to consume product more ? a. Yes b. No

Q.3 Which media is presenting the advertisement is necessary for sale of goods? a. c. T.V. Magazine b. d. News Paper Others

Q.4 Do you think the advertisement is necessary for sale of goods ? a. c. Necessary Not Necessary b. d. Very Necessary Cant Say


Q.5 The expenditure incurred on advertisement is such effective that it adds to profit ? a. c. Yes Cant Say b. No

Q.6 Which reason you find for the difference of advertisement effectiveness ? a. c. Education Standard of Living b. d. Likings Level of Development

Q.7 Is the study of effectiveness would contribute to improvement in present advertisement ? a. c. Yes Cant Say b. No

Q.8 Is advertisement effectiveness is necessary for company ? a. c. Q.9 Yes Cant Say b. No

What do you think the use of study of effectiveness is for whom? a. c. For Company For Customers b. d. For Employees None of these

Q.10 Through which media the advertisement seems the more effective? a. c. T.V. Magazine. b. d. News Paper. Others.

Marketing Research. 55

C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1985. Marketing Management.

Philip Kotler & Armstrong. Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall; 9th edition (September 2001) Advertising Management

Batra & Qazmi PK Aggarwal Magazines: (1) 4ps of marketing. (2) Business world. External survey. Booklets, Catalogues & Leaflets.

Web sites
www.queenbeemarketing.com www.marketingarticles.com www.dmreview.com www.indianmba.com www.marketingteacher.com www.businessweek.com


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