(F) JR AIIMS S60 - NEET - 2025 Teaching Schedule

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Jr AIIMS 60 - NEET - 2025 Teaching Schedule
S.NO DATE DAY Botany Zoology Physics - Track - 1 Physics - Trtack - 2 Chemistry - Track - 1 Chemistry - Track - 2 Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignments
Introduction: About Sri
Introduction: About Sri Chaitanya, Introduction: About Sri Chaitanya, Introduction: About Sri Chaitanya, Introduction: About Sri Chaitanya, Introduction: About Sri Chaitanya, academic
1 01-06-03 Thu Chaitanya, academic excellance,
academic excellance, Goal seeting academic excellance, Goal seeting academic excellance, Goal seeting academic excellance, Goal seeting excellance, Goal seeting
Goal seeting
About exams: IPE and NEET About exams: IPE and NEET About exams: IPE and NEET
About exams: IPE and NEET (Pattern) About exams: IPE and NEET (Pattern) About exams: IPE and NEET (Pattern) and also
2 02-06-23 Fri (Pattern) and also information on (Pattern) and also information on our (Pattern) and also information on our
and also information on our materials and also information on our materials information on our materials
our materials materials materials
Information about syllabus, Information about syllabus, internal Information about syllabus, internal Information about syllabus, internal Information about syllabus, internal
3 03-06-23 Sat internal exams and how to exams and how to prepare for exams and how to prepare for internal exams and how to prepare for internal exams and how to prepare for internal Information about syllabus, internal exams and
prepare for internal exams internal exams exams exams exams how to prepare for internal exams
04-06-23 Sun Sunday
Foundation : Cell - The unit
of life - What is cell ?, Introduction: Science, Physics, latest Vectors: Introduction, Types of Introduction :- Chemistry, Matter,
4 05-06-23 Mon Branches of Zoology Brief discussion on orbital, subshell and orbit
Differences between prokaryotic technical vectors, addition of vectors Divison of Matter
and eukaryotic cells
Foundation : Cell wall, Cell Herpetology, Ornithology
Units and Dimensions: Fundamental Symbols of Radicals, Valency &
5 06-06-23 Tue membrane and Cell organelles Modes of life of Animals : Types of vectors, addition of vectors Brief discussion on orbital, subshell and orbit
& derived quantities, System of units Formulae of compounds
(Structure and function only) Nocturnal, Diurnal , Fossorial and
Branches of Zoology linked to
Foundation : Biomolecules : Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment -
Physiology : Haematology,
Brief explanation about structure Fundamental & derived quantities, Laws of Vector Addition and Symbols of Radicals, Valency & Brief discussion on Electronic configuration of 1(15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
6 07-06-23 Wed Endocrinology,
and function of Polysaccharides, System of units subtraction Formulae of compounds Elements with Atomic number up to 30 Time: 60 min) on 5th and 6th June,23
Urology, Gastroenterology,
and Lipids syllabus
Pulmonology and Gynecology
Key words and Definitions in Dimensional formulae: Definition,
Brief explanation about structure
Zoology: Anaemia, Allergy, dimensional formulae of known Laws of Vector Addition and Brief discussion on Electronic configuration of
7 08-06-23 Thu and function of Nucleic acids and Atomic number & Mass number
Anticoagulant, quantities (explain method of writing subtraction Elements with Atomic number up to 30
Necross, Oedema and Paralysis Dimensional formulae)
Key words and Definitions in Dimensional formulae: Definition, Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment -
Enzymes (Catalytic property,
8 09-06-23 Fri structure and factors controlling
Zoology : Pathogen, Antigen, dimensional formulae of known Brief discussion on Electronic configuration of 2(15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
Trignometry - Trignomatric ratios Atomic weight, gram atom
Antibody, Host, quantities (explain method of writing Elements with Atomic number up to 31 Time: 60 min) on 7th and 8th June,23
its activity)
Vector and Immunity Dimensional formulae) syllabus
Key words and Definitions in
Zoology : Endemic, Epidemic,
Rest; Motion, Distance, Molecular weight, GMW and Types of bonds:Octet rule, Ionic, Covalent
9 10-06-23 Sat Pandemic, Prepatent period, Problems based on All silver Tea cups
Displacement, Defintion of vector. Equivalent weight (Brief intro) bonds and Dative bonds (Brief info)
Foundation: Cell division: Phases Window period and Incubation
in mitotic cell cycle period
11-06-23 Sun Sunday
Basic Classification of Diseases: Equivalent weight determination by Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 3
Speed, Velocity (without calculus
Briefing of Genetic disorders, Compound angles, Multiple and Hydrogen, Oxygen and Chlorine Types of bonds: Ionic, Covalent bonds and (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
10 12-06-23 Mon Meiosis approach),
Communicable and non submultiples displacement method, Grammolar Dative bonds (Brief info) Time: 60 min) on 9th and 10th June,23
Average speed and average velocity
communicable diseases Volume syllabus
Morphology in flowering
plants: Root, Stem and Leaf Cell Structure, Nutrition, Growth Problems on average speed and
11 13-06-23 Tue Problems on the above topic Avogadro's number and mole Sigma and pi bonds
(Structure and some and Locomotion average velocity
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 4
acceleration (without calculus
(15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
12 14-06-23 Wed Flower, Fruit and Seed Reproduction and Development approach), uniform and non uniform quadratic expressions Numericals related to above topics Hybridisation
accelerations Time: 60 min) on 12th and 13th June,23
Anatomy of flowering plants:
Types of Eggs and Pattern of problems on quadric equations,
13 15-06-23 Thu Meristems, Permanent tissues Arthimetic and Geometric progressions Numericals related to above topics Hybridisation
cleavage Geometric progressions
and complex tissues
Key words and Definitions in Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 5
Brief discussion on Electronic
Internal organisation of Root, Zoology : Embryo, Foetus, Infant, Equations of motion of a body (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
14 16-06-23 Fri General equations of curves configuration of Elements with Atomic VSEPR theory
Stem and Leaf Gestation period, moving with uniform accleration Time: 60 min) on 9th june,23 to 13th
number up to 30
Metamorphosis and Menstrual cycle June,23 syllabus
Brief discussion on Electronic
Internal organisation of Root,
15 17-06-23 Sat Fate of Blastopore and Metamerism Problems on the above topic General equations of curves
configuration of Elements with Atomic VSEPR theory
Stem and Leaf
number up to 30
18-06-23 Sun Sunday ( IL Meta - Online NEET Pre weekend test -1 on syllabus covered from 5th June,23 to 13th June,23 - Total No of questions: 90, Botany:23, Zoology:22, Physics:22 and Chemistry:23, Time:90 min)
19-06-23 Mon NEET WET - 1 on Syllabus covered from 05-06-23 to 13-06-23
S.NO DATE DAY Botany Zoology Physics - Track - 1 Physics - Trtack - 2 Chemistry - Track - 1 Chemistry - Track - 2 Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignments
BIOLOGICAL Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 6
Motion in a straight line: Atomic structure (29P): Classification of elements and periodicity in
CLASSIFICATION : Animal kingdom : Introduction : Thermal Properties of Matter: (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
16 19-06-23 Mon Differential and Integral methods Fundamental Particles (C) : Electron, properties (18P) : Introduction &
Introduction and Linnaeus two basis of classification Thermometry (Introduction) Time: 60 min) on 14th and 15th June,23
needed for horizontal motion Proton and neutron Mendeleev's Periodic table(C & O)
kingdom classification syllabus
Whittakers five kingdom
Problems on Differential and integral Atomic models : Modern periodic law & Long form of Periodic
17 20-06-23 Tue classification and characters of Levels of organisation Thermometry
calculus Rutherford's model(C & O) table(C & O)
five kindgom clasification table
Atomic & Mass number , Isptopes ,
2.1. Kingdom Monera, 2.1.1. Symmetry - Introduction , radial
18 21-06-23 Wed Horizontal motion - Basic definitions Problems Isobars, Isotones ,Isotopic number, Long form of Periodic table(C & O)
Archae bacteria symmetry
Iso diaphers & Isosters
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 7
Expansion of solids : Definitions of Electromagnetic radiation , Sources of Electronic configuration in periods and groups
2.1.2. Eubacteria and (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
19 22-06-23 Thu Bilateral Symmetry Basic definitions α, β, γ and their relations,Variation of EMR, Wave theory & Characteristics &Nomenclature of elements with Z > 100
Mycoplasmas Time: 60 min) on 16th and 17th June,23
density with temperature (C& O) (C & O)
Diploblastic, Triploblastic
2.2. Kingdom Protista, 2.2.1. Applications of liner expansions of Black body radiation,
20 23-06-23 Fri organisation, Coelome upto kinematic equations in one dimensions Classification of elements into Blocks (C & O)
Chrysophytes solids Planck's quantum theory (C & O)
Black body radiation,
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 8
Applications of liner expansions of
Planck's quantum theory (C & O),
(15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
21 24-06-23 Sat 2.2.2. Dinoflagellates Coelom remaining Problems on kinematic equations solids (with out M.I and elasticity
Mcqs related to characteristics of Classification of elements into Types (C & O)
Time: 60 min) on 14th June,23 to 17th
applications) Wave motion and Plancks quantum
theory June,23 syllabus
25-06-23 Sun Sunday ( IL Meta - Online NEET Pre weekend test -2 on syllabus covered from 5th June,23 to 17th June,23 - Total No of questions: 90, Botany:23, Zoology:22, Physics:22 and Chemistry:23, Time:90 min)
26-06-23 Mon NEET WET - 2 on Syllabus covered from 05-06-23 to 17-06-23
Periodic Properties : Atomic radius and its types
Segmentation, notochord, Thermostat - Bimetallic strip and
22 26-06-23 Mon 2.2.3. Euglenoids Problems on kinematic equations Photo electric effect (C) , Variation of Atomic radius in groups and
classification of animals problems
periods (C) ,
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 9
2.2.4. Slime moulds, 2.2.5. Variation of Atomic radius in groups and (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
23 27-06-23 Tue Phylum Porifera Motion curves Problems Photo electric effect numericals (O)
Protozoans periods (C & O) Time: 60 min) on 19th to 21st June,23
Expansion of Liquids :
2.3. Kingdom Fungi : Apparent and real exapansion Screening constant and Effective nuclear charge
24 28-06-23 Wed Phylum Coelentarata Problems on motion curves Spectra (C & O)
Introduction coefficients - definitions and their & Lanthanide contraction
29-06-23 Thu Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid).
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 10
Phylum Ctenophora, Phylum Spectra (C & O) and BOHR'S Theory (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
25 30-06-23 Fri 2.3.1. Phycomycetes Problems on motion curves Variation of density with temperature Ionisation potential and Factors influencing IP
Platyhelminthes Postulates (C) Time: 60 min) on 22nd June,23 to 26th
June,23 syllabus
applications of expansion of liquids Factors influencing I.P, Variation in Groups &
26 01-07-23 Sat 2.3.2. Ascomycetes Phylum Aschelminthes problems based on calculus Radius , Energy & Velocity(c)
(with out Buoyancy applications) Periods(C)
02-07-23 Sun Sunday ( IL Meta - Online NEET Pre weekend test -3 on syllabus covered from 19th June,23 to 26th June,23 - Total No of questions: 90, Botany:23, Zoology:22, Physics:22 and Chemistry:23, Time:90 min)
03-07-23 Mon NEET WET - 3 on Syllabus covered from 19-06-23 to 26-06-23
Problems on Radius , Energy & Variation of I.P. in Groups & Periods(O) and
27 03-07-23 Mon 2.3.3. Basidiomycetes Phylum Annelida Acceleration due to gravity Anamalous expansion of water
Velocity(O) Electron gain enthalpy (C & O)
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 11
Problems on Radius , Energy & Electron gain enthalpy (C & O), Electron gain (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
28 04-07-23 Tue 2.3.4. Deuteromycetes Phylum Arthropoda Freely falling bodies Problems
Velocity(O) enthalpy from Electron affinity values Time: 60 min) on 27th and 28th June,23
2.4, Kingdom Plantae, 2.5. Expansion of Gases & Calorimetry : Problems on RYDBERG'S
29 05-07-23 Wed Phylum Mollusca Freely falling bodies Electronegativity (C & O)
Kingdom Animalia Boyles and charles laws EQUATION(O)

Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 12

Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Problems on Spectral lines & BOHR'S
Phylum Echinodermata and Phylum Electronegativity (C & O), Mullikan and (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
30 06-07-23 Thu Animalia, Viruses upto TMV Problems on the above topic Applications on Boyles law Applications, Sommerfield atomic
Hemichordata Pauling scales of Electronegativity Time: 60 min) on 30th June,23 and 1st
Structure model(Brief explanation)
July,23 syllabus
Bacteriophage structure to Phylum - Chordata : General Vallency , Oxidation states , Metallic nature (C
31 07-07-23 Fri vertically projected bodies Applications on Boyles law de- Broglies's theory(C)
Lysogenic cycle characters & O)
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 13
32 08-07-23 Sat
Plant diseases caused by viruses Subphylum : Uro-chordata and Applications & problems on Boyles Oxidation Reduction ability and Nature of (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
vertically projected bodies de- Broglie's theory(O)
to Virusoids Cephalochordata and Charles Laws oxides Time: 60 min) on 2nd july,23 to 4th
July,23 syllabus
09-07-23 Sun Sunday ( IL Meta - Online NEET Pre weekend test -4 on syllabus covered from 19th June,23 to 4th July,23 - Total No of questions: 90, Botany:23, Zoology:22, Physics:22 and Chemistry:23, Time:90 min)
10-07-23 Mon NEET WET - 4 on Syllabus covered from 19-06-23 to 04-07-23
Plant Kingdom - Introduction, Subphylum Vertebrata characters and Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle Periodic trends in Reactivity & Diagonal
33 10-07-23 Mon Problems on the above topic Ideal gas equation
Algae upto Thallus Structure outline classification (C) relationship (C & O)
S.NO DATE DAY Botany Zoology Physics - Track - 1 Physics - Trtack - 2 Chemistry - Track - 1 Chemistry - Track - 2 Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignments
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 14
Chemical bonding and Molecular
vertically projected bodies from the Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
34 11-07-23 Tue Algae - Cell structure to end Class - Cyclostomata Application on Ideal gas equation Structure(22P) - Introduction to Chemical
top of tower (O) Time: 60 min) on 5th and 6th July,23
bonding, Kossel's theory , Ionic bond (C & O)
Wave mechanical model of atom :
Class - Chondrichthyes, Class vertically projected bodies from the Applications & problems on Ideal gas Factors favourable for ionic bond formation,
35 12-07-23 Wed Chlorophyceae Schroedinger wave equation (C & O), ,
Osteichthyes top of tower equation Fajan's rule (C & O)
Eigen values & functions
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 15
Wave mechanical model of atom : Covalent bond: Lewis dot model, Exceptions to
(15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
36 13-07-23 Thu Phaeophyceae Class - Amphibia Relative velocity in one dimension problems on gas equation Schroedinger wave equation (C & O), , the octet rule,Lewis dot formula & Formal
Eigen values & functions charge (C) Time: 60 min) on 7th and 8th July,23
Covalent bond: Lewis dot model, Exceptions to
Motion in a plane (C & O) : Specific heat, Thermal capacity, Latent Atomic orbitals , Probability curves &
37 14-07-23 Fri Rhodophyceae Class Reptilia and Class - Aves the octet rule,Lewis dot formula & Formal
Vectors, Addition heat, change of state Shapes of orbitals (C & O)
charge (O)
Infinitylearn Meta Online Assignment - 16
Atomic orbitals , Probability curves &
38 15-07-23 Sat Shapes of orbitals (C & O), nodal
Properties of covalent compounds & Valence (15 questions per subject, Total: 60Q and
Economic Importance of Algae Class - Mammalia Laws of Vector Addition Problems on the above topic
bond theory (C & O) Time: 60 min) on 10th and 11th July,23
plane in dz 2 orbital
16-07-23 Sun SUNDAY - NEET WET - 5 on Syllabus covered from 26-06-23 to 11-07-23

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