Lesson 1&2
Lesson 1&2
Lesson 1&2
In this activity, you are tasked to think of a solution that will help
you as a teacher to understand your students and how will you
improve the situation if not totally solve the problem.
1. What are the factors you Student Perspective:
have considered in the Understanding the students'
solutions you have come up? perspectives, concerns, and
challenges is crucial in addressing
their needs effectively. This
involves actively listening to their
feedback, empathizing with their
experiences, and considering their
individual circumstances.
Teacher Practices: Examining the
teacher's practices, such as grading
policies, classroom management
strategies, and interpersonal
dynamics, is essential in
identifying areas for improvement
and ensuring fairness and
transparency in the learning
Classroom Characteristics Action to
Situation of Classroom Improve
Environment the
VP for Linkages -Noise and unruliness - To handle
complained to the -Loudness and disruptive behavior in
Office of Student disorderly conduct are the classroom, the
Affairs that prevalent in the Section A adviser
Section A was so classroom, which needs to intervene
disturbs adjacent proactively. This can
noisy and unruly,
workplaces in addition entail putting
that their office to the learning classroom
operation was environment. management
affected, as the techniques into
Linkages Office is -Lack of practice, outlining
adjacent to the communication expectations for
classroom of -The teacher/adviser behavior, and
Section A. As per and the pupils don't imposing penalties for
complaint, a group seem to be disturbances.
of students are communicating well
quarreling and with one another. The -Students should feel
kids' refusal to share comfortable sharing
others are playing.
the real narrative their worries and
The complaint suggests a breakdown challenges in an open
was brought to the in communication or and encouraging
attention of the trust. environment created
adviser of Section by the adviser. This
A. But the adviser -Disruption to adjacent could entail having
dialed to extricate offices meetings to go over
what happened -The disruption standards for
since no one caused by the students' behavior, giving kids
among the class noisy and disorderly a chance to air their
wants to tell the conduct to the complaints, and
adjoining Linkages dealing with any
true story.
Office underscores the underlying problems
effect that classroom that are causing the
behavior has outside of disruptive behavior.
the immediate learning
environment. -To learn more about
the specific issues and
how the classroom
behavior is affecting
their office operations,
the adviser should
speak with the vice
president of links.
Working together, the
nearby workplace and
the classroom can
identify win-win ways
to reduce
-Respect and
accountability are
crucial in the
classroom, and the
advisor should stress
this. This entails
accountability for
one's conduct and
respecting others'
rights to an
education and place of
1. Why did you come up - Based on the necessity to
with that action plan? manage disruptive conduct in the
classroom and its effects on the
adjacent office activities as well
as the learning environment, We
developed the action plan. In
addressing the issues brought up
by the vice president for
connections, the objective is to
create a more favorable learning