Lesson 1&2

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LESSON 1 The Taxonomy in the Affective Domain

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

a. recognize the affective taxonomy in the educational

objectives; and

b. construct measurable affective objectives.

Time Frame This session is intended for 1 session (1 hour).

Hi, student! Welcome to Module 4 - Lesson 1: The Taxonomy in

the Affective Domain. As a starting point of our discussion in the
assessment in the affective domain, we shall first discuss the
taxonomy developed in the affective domain. This will guide us as
we learn how to assess the students in the affective domain.

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to think of a solution that will help
you as a teacher to understand your students and how will you
improve the situation if not totally solve the problem.

1. Carlos is an intelligent kid but never makes it to the top ten

of his class because of his attitude towards some of his
(Activity) teachers.
Answer: Carlos's Attitude Towards Teachers:
Individual Counseling: Schedule a meeting with Carlos to discuss
his attitude towards certain teachers. Understanding the root cause
of his behavior is crucial. It could be a personal issue, a
miscommunication, or a lack of interest in the subject matter.

Positive Reinforcement: Offer positive reinforcement when

Carlos demonstrates respect and engagement in the classroom.
This could be in the form of verbal praise, small rewards, or
acknowledgment in front of his peers.
Collaborative Problem-Solving: Involve Carlos in finding
solutions to improve his attitude. This can empower him to take
ownership of his behavior and commitment to change.

2. Because she found out that her teacher has a favorite

student, in which the teacher adjusts the grades of her
favorite student for her to become the top student, Maria
became unmotivated and became an average performing

Maria's Disillusionment with Grades:

Open Dialogue: Create an open and honest environment where

students like Maria can express their concerns. Encourage her to
share her feelings about the perceived favoritism.

Grade Transparency: Ensure that grading criteria and procedures

are transparent and consistent. This can help dispel the notion of
favoritism and ensure fairness for all students.

Encourage Intrinsic Motivation: Shift the focus from grades to

the learning process itself. Encourage Maria to set personal
learning goals and celebrate her progress, regardless of her rank
in the class.

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented


1. What are the factors you Student Perspective:
have considered in the Understanding the students'
solutions you have come up? perspectives, concerns, and
challenges is crucial in addressing
their needs effectively. This
involves actively listening to their
feedback, empathizing with their
experiences, and considering their
individual circumstances.
Teacher Practices: Examining the
teacher's practices, such as grading
policies, classroom management
strategies, and interpersonal
dynamics, is essential in
identifying areas for improvement
and ensuring fairness and
transparency in the learning

Fairness and Equity: Promoting

fairness, equity, and integrity in
the classroom is fundamental in
fostering a positive learning
environment where all students
feel valued, motivated, and
empowered to succeed.
Communication and
Collaboration: Establishing open
communication channels and
fostering collaboration between
teachers and students is essential
in addressing issues, resolving
conflicts, and implementing
effective strategies for

2. Why is it important to Student-Centered Approach: By

consider the factors you have understanding students'
mentioned above? perspectives and needs, teachers
can tailor their approaches to
better support and engage them in
the learning process, leading to
improved academic outcomes and
overall well-being.

Equity and Fairness: Addressing

issues of fairness, favoritism, and
transparency in grading practices
helps create a more inclusive and
equitable learning environment
where all students have equal
opportunities to succeed and

Building Trust and Rapport: Open

communication, empathy, and
collaboration build trust and
rapport between teachers and
students, fostering a positive and
supportive learning environment
conducive to academic
achievement and personal growth.
3. Do you think that the Yes, a learner's aptitude and
learner’s aptitude and attitude attitude are closely related to their
is related to his or her academic achievement:
academic achievement? Why
Aptitude: A learner's aptitude, or
or why not?
their inherent ability and capacity
to learn, plays a significant role in
their academic achievement.
However, aptitude alone is not
always sufficient; effective
learning strategies, support
systems, and motivation are also
crucial factors.

Attitude: A learner's attitude

towards learning, including their
motivation, engagement, and
perseverance, greatly influences
their academic success. A positive
attitude, characterized by curiosity,
determination, and a growth
mindset, can lead to higher levels
of achievement and academic
LESSON 2 Affective Learning Competencies

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

a. identify the different affective traits and learning

targets; and

b. craft affective learning outcomes for the different levels

in the affective domain.

Time Frame This session is intended for 2 sessions (2 hours).

Hi, student! Welcome to Module 4 - Lesson 2: Affective

Learning Competencies. In this lesson, we will look at how
learners’ attitudes towards academic tasks influence their
achievements. We will look at the affect side of the learners on
how it helped the students like the activities and do the
activities better.

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to analyze and identify the

characteristics of classroom environment is/are present in the
situation. You need to propose what action/s must be done to
improve the situation. Discuss your answers and give your
comments and suggestions in our big group discussion.

Classroom Characteristics Action to
Situation of Classroom Improve
Environment the
VP for Linkages -Noise and unruliness - To handle
complained to the -Loudness and disruptive behavior in
Office of Student disorderly conduct are the classroom, the
Affairs that prevalent in the Section A adviser
Section A was so classroom, which needs to intervene
disturbs adjacent proactively. This can
noisy and unruly,
workplaces in addition entail putting
that their office to the learning classroom
operation was environment. management
affected, as the techniques into
Linkages Office is -Lack of practice, outlining
adjacent to the communication expectations for
classroom of -The teacher/adviser behavior, and
Section A. As per and the pupils don't imposing penalties for
complaint, a group seem to be disturbances.
of students are communicating well
quarreling and with one another. The -Students should feel
kids' refusal to share comfortable sharing
others are playing.
the real narrative their worries and
The complaint suggests a breakdown challenges in an open
was brought to the in communication or and encouraging
attention of the trust. environment created
adviser of Section by the adviser. This
A. But the adviser -Disruption to adjacent could entail having
dialed to extricate offices meetings to go over
what happened -The disruption standards for
since no one caused by the students' behavior, giving kids
among the class noisy and disorderly a chance to air their
wants to tell the conduct to the complaints, and
adjoining Linkages dealing with any
true story.
Office underscores the underlying problems
effect that classroom that are causing the
behavior has outside of disruptive behavior.
the immediate learning
environment. -To learn more about
the specific issues and
how the classroom
behavior is affecting
their office operations,
the adviser should
speak with the vice
president of links.
Working together, the
nearby workplace and
the classroom can
identify win-win ways
to reduce

-Respect and
accountability are
crucial in the
classroom, and the
advisor should stress
this. This entails
accountability for
one's conduct and
respecting others'
rights to an
education and place of

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented


1. Why did you come up - Based on the necessity to
with that action plan? manage disruptive conduct in the
classroom and its effects on the
adjacent office activities as well
as the learning environment, We
developed the action plan. In
addressing the issues brought up
by the vice president for
connections, the objective is to
create a more favorable learning

2. What are the factors you - The factors that we have

have considered in the the considered in this decision are the
decision you have made? disruptive behavior that have a
major impact on both the general
classroom atmosphere and
learning outcomes, working
together with the Office of
Student Affairs and the VP for
Linkages ensures that the issue is
handled comprehensively. Also,
to execute relevant actions and
comprehend the concerns of the
neighboring office as well as the
pupils, effective communication
is important and, in the classroom,
respect and accountability are
fostered by encouraging students
to accept accountability for their

3. What do you think is/are - We think, the reasons why the

the reason/s why the adviser adviser of Section A failed to
of Section A failed to extricate because Students may be
extricate what happened? reluctant to speak up because they
don't trust the adviser, or they
worry about the consequences of
telling the truth. If they tell other
children about what happened,
they can fear punishment or other
unfavorable outcomes. Also, the
adviser might not have
encouraged students to voice their
opinions or concerns by using
appropriate communication
4. Do you think that the - Yes, a learner's environment
environment and attitudes of and attitudes have a big impact on
the learners affect their what they learn. All children may
learning? Why or why not? experience attention problems and
learning difficulties because of an
unruly and noisy classroom. It can
also be challenging for pupils to
engage and contribute effectively
to a hostile learning environment
due to negative attitudes and
behaviors. On the other hand, by
promoting cooperation, respect,
and a feeling of community, a
positive and encouraging learning
environment in the classroom can
improve student performance. To
facilitate effective learning
experiences, it is imperative to
handle disruptive conduct and
foster a pleasant classroom

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