JSP For Installation of AC-DC Panels

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Project Name: Contract No. :
Department /Division: Electrical Date Prepared: 25/07/2023
Employee Job Title: WORKERS, FOREMAN, SUPERVISOR Location:
Job/Task Title: Installation of AC/DC Panel

Job Safe Practices Analysis HAZARDS

2. Obtain Permit to Work
1.1. Applying and filling-up permit to  Untrained personnel.  Work permit receiver and issuer must be identified and with an
Work as per the required activity.  Wrong information or details are appointment letter.
written in the PTW.  Permit Issuer and Receiver must be qualified, trained and
 Other activities may not be cover competent.
with the PTW.  Work permit system shall be properly implemented as per the SEC
5 Star Safety standard and work permit procedure.
 Ensure that all activities and the safety precautions are covered
with the work permit.
 Ensure that all information required in the permit to work is
 Ensure that specific type of work permit for certain activities is
being used.
1.2. Attaching all the required  Incompetent assigned personnel.  All the involved personnel dealing with all the required documents
documents such as a related  Unidentified or incomplete hazards shall be qualified, competent and trained.
checklist, risk assessment, and risk information.  A safe work practice shall be identified to reduce the possibilities of
method statement and other accident/incident.
forms necessary to fulfill the  Ensure that all required supporting documents shall be available as
request. per PTW requirements.
 All the required related documents as identified to be attached in

:JSP Prepared By Muhammad Husnain (HSE Team Leader Q&E) :Signature Date: 25/07/23
:JSP Accepted By :Signature Date: 25/07/23
:JSP Approved By (REA) :Signature :Date
:JSP Approved By (SEC) :Signature :Date
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PTW shall be reviewed and evaluated by issuer and receiver to
ensure that all hazard and risk is identified and complete.
1.3. Verifying the site condition as per  Open areas, protruding sharp  The workplace shall be pre-checked, free from any obstruction and
requirements mentioned in the objects, falling objects limited in safe good working condition prior to a combined verification
application of Permit to Work by illuminations and other construction visit.
both the Permit Receiver and hazards may cause accidents during  All Issuer and receiver must be aware of the hazard present in the
Permit Issuer. the verification visit. area and must be familiar with the ingress and egress of the
 Unfamiliarity with access to the project site.
1.4. Issuance of approved Permit to  Untrained personnel.  Permit Issuer and Receiver must be qualified, trained and
Work from Permit Issuer to  Incomplete information on Permit to competent.
Permit Receiver. work.  Permit Issuer shall ensure that the site was visited to ensure that
workplace hazards and risk are adequately identified and
mitigating measure shall be established.
 Permit Issuer and Receiver shall ensure that all the information
required in the permit to work are reviewed, completed and
1.5. Verifying the approved Permit to  Inadequate coordination and area  Permit to Work shall be displayed at the worksite
Work by the assigned SEC control protocol.  Permit Receiver shall not leave the area for the whole duration of
Consultant.  Unauthorized work to be performed permit to work.
within a defined location and  Work shall not proceed without the presence of approved PTW
boundary. and the Permit Receiver overseeing the activity.
 Permit Receiver shall account all workers under his Permit to Work
before the start of work.
 Work shall not be started until duly approved Permit to Work is
available at the site and that Safety Toolbox meeting was
 Ensure all the information required in the permit to work shall be
completed, signed and updated by the authorized personnel.
4. Mobilization and preparation of Panels and equipment to the site
2.1. Mobilize heavy equipment to the  Unstable or unsecured equipment  Prior to transport, ensure equipment is secured and protected
site. loaded in the trailer. against falling (i.e. belt strap, chain, stopper, etc.).
 Reckless driving.  Trailer driver with a valid Saudi government driving license.
 Follow speed limit imposed for the trailers.
 Ensure that defensive driving training was given to drivers and
 Avoid driving on rocky and uneven routes. Use safe access.

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 Trailer driver shall check the equipment every now and then to
ensure that equipment is not shifted, a binder is not loosened.
 Generate a journey management plan to identify the route, hazard,
control measure, and emergency response for a worst-case
 Closed supervision required, rigging supervisor and foreman must
be present at the site.
2.2. Mobilize panel board through  Struck by other moving equipment  Trailer driver must have certification and SAG license.
the trailer. and vehicle.  Equipment certification and registration must be secured and
 Area congestion. available.
 Trailer blind spot.  Establish equipment access and shall be free from any obstruction.
 Incompetent equipment driver.  Designate parking area.
 Supervisor/Foreman with the Crane/Trailer operator making a
walkthrough of the access and work area before entering the site.
 Designate a location for unloading of materials.
 Designate spotter and flagman to guide all equipment and
personnel movement.
2.3. Prepare and select the right tools  Incorrect tools for the job.  Only use the correct type of tools for the job and inspect tools for
for the task defects before use. All tools shall have current month inspection
2.4. Prepare PPE required for the  The incorrect type of hand  Ensure suitable leather gloves shall be provided.
installation works such as leather protection.  Ensure availability of full-body harness with a double lanyard with a
gloves, full-body harness, and  Unavailability of personal fall arrest shock absorber (EN 361 or ANSI 359.1 or equivalent).
dust mask. system.  Initiate periodical inspection, numbering and color coding for all
safety harness.
2.5. Mobilize tools and equipment  Poor housekeeping in the workplace.  Housekeeping shall be done before, during and after the job.
manually to the worksite  Unorganized materials and access.  All materials shall be kept in demarcated areas and shall be stacked
 Incorrect manual handling/ lifting of neatly and orderly.
material.  Ensure correct body positioning and manual lifting procedures.
 Struck with a sharp and hard object.  Only 20 kg allowed lifting by an individual. Use a buddy system if
load exceed.
 Use hand protection (cotton gloves minimum) during handling of
 Keep hands away from pinch/crash points.
2.6. Install barricade around the  Struck by moving equipment and  Barricade the working area around the trailer and crane to prevent
lifting area. vehicle. unnecessary workers to enter the area.
 Area congestion.  Safety signage shall be posted to communicate the hazards and

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6. Positioning the Equipment to site location
3.1. Crane enters the Substation  Responsible Engineer and his Supervisor/ Foreman inspection of
facility. exclusion zone/staging area for compaction and level of the
 Supervisor/Foreman with the Crane/Trailer operator making a
walkthrough of the access and work area before entering the site.
 Congestion due to other ground  Barricading the exclusion zone/ working radius once crane and
activity. trailer are in position.
 Struck by maneuvering heavy  Provide trained flagman and spotter to guide the trailer operator
equipment. when maneuvering for its position.
 Trailer blind spot.  Barricade the working area around the trailer and crane to prevent
 Inexperienced or untrained operator. unnecessary workers to enter the area.
 Site access limitation.  Safety signage shall be posted to communicate the hazards and
 Overhead/Nearby obstructions. activity.
 Struck into adjacent structures or  Verification of Crane Operator’s 3rd party certification and Trailer
worker. Drivers driving license before allowing them to enter the site.
 Coordination with other disciplines through general TBT one day
before the mobilization of Crane and Trailer.
 Coordination of Site Engineer to the manufacturer of the delivery
date and number of panels to be delivered to help avoid over-
congestion of access and public roads.
3.2. Position the trailer in the front of  Struck by moving equipment and  Trailer driver must have certification and SAG license
the crane. vehicle.  Equipment certification and registration must be secured and
 Area congestion. available.
 Trailer blind spot.  Establish equipment access and shall be free from any obstruction.
 Incompetent equipment driver.  Designate parking area for all vehicles.
 Supervisor/Foreman with the Crane/Trailer operator making a
walkthrough of the access and work area before entering the site.
 Designate a location for unloading of materials.
 Designate spotter and flagman to guide all equipment and
personnel movement.
3.3. Position the equipment on the  Struck by or collision with other  Barricade lifting radios and provide proper notice and signboards
specific location where panels to equipment or structure.  Each heavy equipment shall be designated with a signalman or
be unloaded. spotter to guide the operator of its blind spot or out of the line of

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3.4. Set up the crane by extending its  Soft ground / Unstable ground  Responsible Engineer and his Supervisor/ Foreman inspection of
outrigger. condition. exclusion zone/staging area for compaction and level of the
 Poor and unstable set-up of a crane. ground.
 Inexperienced or untrained operator.  Check first for soil stability on the crane pad.
 Site access limitation.  Ground or crane pad shall be compacted and stable enough to
carry the weight of the crane.
 Outrigger must be fully extended on a stable and flat even ground.
 Outrigger spreader mat pad shall be 4 times the diameter of the
outrigger pad.
 All tires of the crane must be elevated at least 3 inches from the
ground for the whole body to act as the counterweights.
3.5. Simulate boom swing in order to  Overhead/Nearby obstructions.  Responsible Engineer and his Supervisor/ Foreman with the
estimate the reach and height of  Struck into adjacent structures or certified crane operator and rigger to inspection the lifting radius
the boom. worker. area is free from any overhead power lines and other obstructions.
 Adverse weather condition.  Only competent riggers & certified operators shall be assigned for
rigging & lifting job. Valid Third-party training is a must.
 An operator with a valid Saudi driving license and third-party
 Crane load charts are available, all systems are functional and
Third-party certificates must be valid.
 Safety crane inspection checklist shall be filled out prior to crane
 Lifting must not be done during bad weather conditions or high
 Any lifting cannot be done above 32km/h of wind.
 Check wind Speed before lifting.
3.6. Install barricade around the  Struck by moving equipment and  Barricade the working area around the trailer and crane to prevent
working radius of the crane. vehicle. unnecessary workers to enter the area.
 Area congestion.  Safety signage shall be posted to communicate the hazards and
8. Lifting & Positioning of Panel and installing on the frame
4.1. Crane to position and set up near  Dilapidated equipment.  All heavy equipment and its driver/operator shall hold a valid third
the equipment door.  Damage or defective condition of party certification authorizing them on the specified equipment to
equipment. operate.
 Incompetent equipment operator or  All heavy equipment shall be inspected by the authorized operator
driver. on a daily basis to ensure that equipment is in good working
 Unauthorized entry of the equipment condition before using to the site.

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to the site.  Heavy equipment shall not be used if found any defects or damage
 that might affect its safe operation.
 Repair of heavy equipment shall not be done on the site. It must be
brought to the designated workshop and only certified mechanic
shall make repair of the equipment.
 Ensure that there are no leaking hydraulic oil systems or signs of
leaks and oil contamination.
 Select and mobilize only good condition equipment.
 Equipment certification and registration must be secured and
 Operator and driver must have certification and license.
 Implementation of Log-in and Log-out from the security post.
 Equipment / vehicle insurance must be available.
4.2. Trailer carrying the panel to a  Struck by moving equipment and  Trailer driver must have certification and SAG license.
position near the crane. vehicle.  Equipment certification and registration must be secured and
 Area congestion. available.
 Trailer blind spot.  Establish equipment access and shall be free from any obstruction
 Incompetent equipment driver.  Designate parking area.
 Designate a location for unloading of materials.
 Designate spotter and flagman to guide all equipment and
personnel movement.
4.3. Install barricade around the  Struck by moving equipment and  Barricade the working area around the trailer and crane to prevent
trailer and working radius of the vehicle. unnecessary workers to enter the area.
crane.  Area congestion.  Safety signage shall be posted to communicate the hazards and
4.4. Remove binder from the trailer  Poor access and egress.  Use an appropriate ladder for the job.
and unbox the panel.  Inappropriate or defective tools.  Only competent person to conduct an inspection for the ladder
prior to use.
 Defective tools & ladder must not be used, marked as defective
and remove from service.
 Fabricated or homemade ladder are prohibited.
 Close supervision required/ respective foreman & supervisor shall
be present on site.
4.5. Install lifting gears on the panel.  Pinch/crushing points resulting in a  Only competent riggers shall be assigned for rigging & lifting job.
hand injury. Valid Third-party training is a must.
 Poor access provided.  When more 1.8 meters high, rigger must wear a full-body harness
 Working at the elevated area. with double shock-absorbing lanyards.

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 Incompetent rigger.  Provide proper access ladder to the equipment.
 Incorrect installation of lifting gears.  All the tools and tackles to be used in the activity should be tested
 Defective lighting gears and tackles. by competent third-party personnel and visual inspection will be
done prior to using them.
 Inspect lifting gears before use to ensure that it is free of any
damage, kink, crack, shear, change in diameter, bent, deformed or
sign of damage.
 Check all lifting gears Safe Working Load to ensure the capability to
lift the load without breaking.
 Damaged lifting gears or any sign of defects should not be used for
 Ensure the ladder is free of obstruction.
 Keep hands away from pinch & crush points.
4.6. Lift cautiously and place on the  Incompetent personnel (operator &  Only trained competent riggers & certified operators shall be
pallet truck stationed at the rigger). assigned for rigging & lifting job with valid Third-party training.
equipment door.  Equipment failure during lifting.  Crane operator with valid Saudi driving license and third-party
 Inadequate capacity of lifting gears training.
and accessories.  Ensure lifting equipment, crane, is in safe operating conditions.
 Incorrect lifting procedures.  Crane load charts are available, all systems are functional and
 Unorganized materials and access. Third-party certificates must be valid.
 Personnel walking under the  Safety inspection checklist shall be filled out prior to crane usage.
suspended load.  Conduct inspection lifting tools/tackles prior to use to ensure safe
 Overloading of crane or lifting operation.
tackles.  Provide color coding on the inspected and safe tools.
 Presence of personnel below the load prohibited.
 Any deficiency and defects must be reported to concerned
supervisors for their immediate action and the job will suspend
until the problem was resolved.
 Crane safety feature to detect the proximity of other equipment
shall be tested, checked and in good condition.
 Crane’s safety feature to stall once unsafe situation occurs must be
in good operating condition and shall not be bypassed
 SWL of crane and lifting tools should not be exceeded.
 The total lift weight shall not exceed 75% of crane chart capacity.
When an overload alarm is heard, lifting activity should be stopped
 Do not bypass overload alarm provided to the crane.

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 Preventive maintenance shall be strictly monitored and adhered as
per manufacturer's recommendation.
 All lifting equipment and tools shall be provided with identification
and must be recorded.
 No personnel will be allowed to work under a suspended load.
 Nobody shall pass, walk or stay or cause anyone to be under the
suspended load.
 Conduct toolbox meeting and discuss with all the workers.
 Always use the crane's load rating charts for guidance, these have
wind and weather factors built into them.
4.7. Mobilize the panel to the  Unstable/unsecured equipment.  Supervising Engineer and Foreman shall ensure that equipment
location.  Inappropriate PPE use. crate is stable from the trailer bed before allowing workers to
 Pinch points, hand traps and sharp. unbox
Object.  All workers engage in the task must be provided with required
personal protective equipment at all times.
 Hand protection (min. cotton gloves with rubber palm) is a must
while assisting on the load.
 Keep hand and fingers away from pinch points and hand traps.
 Supervisor/foreman to ensure proper monitoring of their activities
for safe operation.
 Hand protection safety awareness training and campaign posters.
4.8. Position the panel on the support  Pinch points, hand traps, and sharp  Workers shall only hold the load once it reaches about 6 inches
and frame provided. object. from the steel support to guide perfectly to its position.
 There shall be no part of the worker's body under the suspended
load at any given time.
 Use wedge tool to guide the panel from its perfect location for
fixing the bolts.
 All workers engage in the task must be provided with required
personal protective equipment at all times.
 Hand protection (cotton gloves) is a must while doing fixing and
 Keep hand and fingers away from pinch points and hand traps.
 Supervisor and Foreman shall closely monitor the installation
process to ensure that workers are doing the job correctly and
4.9. Fix and tighten bolts and nuts as  Inappropriate tools.  Use right-hand tools to fix and secure electrical equipment to its
necessary with the required  Defective tools. support.

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torque.  Incompetent personnel.  Damage or defective tools shall not be used.
 Only trained and competent personnel to do the task.
 Use hand tools that are inspected with a valid calibration from the
third-party inspection.
 Closed supervision required supervisor and foreman must be
present at the site.
4.10. Crane/Boom truck/forklift to  Struck by moving equipment and  Trailer driver and Mobile Crane operator must have certification
demobilize from the area. vehicle. and valid SAG license.
 Area congestion.  Equipment certification and registration must be secured and
 Crane / Boom Truck / Forklift / Trailer available.
blind spot.  Establish equipment access and shall be free from any obstruction.
 Incompetent equipment driver.  Designate spotter and flagman to guide the trailer and personnel
10. Housekeeping (clearing the work area)
5.1 Remove excess or remaining  Poor housekeeping and  Removal of unused materials.
materials and keep on the arrangement.  Inspection to ensure the cleanup is completed.
designated storage area.  Improper manual handling.  Facilitate training for manual handling.
 Materials lying on the ground.  Observe proper posture during manual lifting, pushing, pulling, etc.
 Protruding object/materials at the  Remove all unwanted/protruding materials/object at the site.
site.  Labeling of storage box (good items, scrap/damage items, by
 Uncollected cluttered excess/unused capacity, etc.)
materials.  Immediate disposal or sending the damaged one to the
 Training/awareness regarding the segregation of waste.
 Records/registry for the quantity of waste disposed of.
 Remove all unused materials and shall be kept in designated
storage demarcated areas.
5.2 Remove and dispose of excess  Waste materials scattered on the  Proper disposal and segregation of waste / used materials.
materials and placed on floor.  Provision of an appropriate waste container in the area.
designated trash bin for scrap  Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
material. observe.
5.3 Clean and sweep the ground as  Inadequate PPE.  Appropriate personal protective equipment should be observed
necessary.  Presence of waste material. like coverall, hand gloves, eye protection, and etc.
 Inappropriate tools.  Observe the “use the right tool” rule.
 Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must

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5.4 Remove tools and materials and  Presence of protruding object and  Appropriate personal protective equipment should be observed
keep on the designated storage sharp edges. like coverall, hand gloves, eye protection, and etc.
area.  Poor supervision / untrained  Observe proper posture during manual lifting, pushing, pulling, etc.
personnel.  Remove all unwanted/protruding materials/object at the site.
 Improper manual handling.  Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
12. Closing of Permit to Work
6.1 Returning of the Permit to Work
to Permit Issuer for closing.
6.2 Verifying the site condition as per  Poor housekeeping.  Permit Receiver shall ensure that housekeeping is done before,
requirements mentioned in the  Undisposed waste materials. during and after the work.
closing of Permit to Work by both  Unaccounted workers.  All waste materials generated from the work shall be properly
the Permit Issuer and Permit  Unsecured electrical equipment disposed and shall not be left unattended at the worksite.
Receiver. /energized equipment.  Electrical equipment shall be properly secured, distribution board
 Poor storage of chemical, flammable closed and padlocked.
and combustible materials and etc.  All materials used at the site such as chemicals, flammable and
 Unattended unsafe condition. combustible materials shall be stored at the designated storage at
 Unfamiliarity with access to the areas the end of each day.
and the present construction hazard.  Mobile equipment shall properly park on a designated equipment
 Ensure that all workers are accounted and there was no
incident/accident occurred which is not reported.
 All Issuer and receiver must be aware of the hazard present in the
area and must be familiar with the ingress and egress of the
project site.
6.3 Signing/clearing of the Permit to  Inadequate communication.  Work permit issuer and receiver must be qualified, trained and
Work by the Permit Issuer upon  Untrained personnel. competent.
verification of site condition and  Proper communication should be observed.
satisfactorily comply with the
requirements mentioned.
6.4 Keeping and recording of the
completed and signed Permit to
Work by ensuring that the permit
to work register is duly

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