JSP For SS No. 27 Excavation Work Using Equipment

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Project Name: Jeddah University (JUAS) 380/110/13.8kV BSP Contract No. : 4400010402
Department /Division: Civil Date Prepared:
Employee Job Title: Civil Workers Location:
PPE: Hard hat, Safety shoes, Safety glass, Rubber Palm Cotton Gloves, Hand gloves & Vest
Job/Task Title: Excavation work using equipment
Tools and Equipment: Excavator, Truck, Skid steer loader bobcat, Wheel loader

Job Safe Practices Analysis HAZARDS

1. Obtain Permit to Work
1.1. Applying and filling-up permit to  Untrained personnel.  Work permit receiver and issuer must be identified and with an
Work as per the required activity.  Wrong information or details are appointment letter.
written in the PTW.  Permit Issuer and Receiver must be qualified, trained and
 Other activities may not be cover with competent.
the PTW.  Work permit system shall be properly implemented as per the SEC
5 Star Safety standard and work permit procedure.
 Ensure that all activities and the safety precautions are covered
with the work permit.
 Ensure that all information required in the permit to work is
 Ensure that specific type of work permit for certain activities is
being used.
1.2. Attaching all the required  Incompetent assigned personnel.  All the involved personnel dealing with all the required documents
documents such as a related  Unidentified or incomplete hazards shall be qualified, competent and trained.
checklist, risk assessment, and risk information.  A safe work practice shall be identified to reduce the possibilities of
method statement and other accident/incident.
forms necessary to fulfill the  Ensure that all required supporting documents shall be available as
request. per PTW requirements.
 All the required related documents as identified to be attached in
PTW shall be reviewed and evaluated by issuer and receiver to
ensure that all hazard and risk is identified and complete.
:Date :Signature Ruel Tolibas :JSP Prepared By
:Date :Signature Engr. Elmansour Ahmed Ali Youssif :JSP Accepted By
:Date :Signature :JSP Approved By (SEC / Site)
:Date :Signature :JSP Approved By (SEC- PD)
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1.3. Verifying the site condition as per  Open areas, protruding sharp objects,  The workplace shall be pre-checked, free from any obstruction and
requirements mentioned in the falling objects limited illuminations in safe good working condition prior to a combined verification
application of Permit to Work by and other construction hazards may visit.
both the Permit Receiver and cause accidents during the  All Issuer and receiver must be aware of the hazard present in the
Permit Issuer. verification visit. area and must be familiar with the ingress and egress of the project
 Unfamiliarity with access to the areas. site.
1.4. Issuance of approved Permit to  Untrained personnel.  Permit Issuer and Receiver must be qualified, trained and
Work from Permit Issuer to  Incomplete information on Permit to competent.
Permit Receiver. work.  Permit Issuer shall ensure that the site was visited to ensure that
workplace hazards and risk are adequately identified and mitigating
measure shall be established.
 Permit Issuer and Receiver shall ensure that all the information
required in the permit to work are reviewed, completed and signed.
1.5. Verifying the approved Permit to  Inadequate coordination and area  Permit to Work shall be displayed at the worksite
Work by the assigned SEC control protocol.  Permit Receiver shall not leave the area for the whole duration of
Consultant.  Unauthorized work to be performed permit to work.
within a defined location and  Work shall not proceed without the presence of approved PTW and
boundary. the Permit Receiver overseeing the activity.
 Permit Receiver shall account all workers under his Permit to Work
before the start of work.
 Work shall not be started until duly approved Permit to Work is
available at the site and that Safety Toolbox meeting was
 Ensure all the information required in the permit to work shall be
completed, signed and updated by the authorized personnel.
2. Mobilization of heavy equipment (excavator and dump trucks) at site
2.1 Checking/inspection of equipment.  Untrained personnel.  Only authorized and competent personnel shall be assigned for
the activity.
 Ensure that equipment is with valid necessary third party
2.2 Transporting equipment (excavator,  Unsecured equipment during  Ensure that equipment transported thru trailer trucks are properly
dump trucks, etc.) to work location. transporting. secured.
 Area congestion due to vehicle and  Ensure that trailer trucks are inspected and in good working
personnel traffic. condition.
 Adverse weather condition.  The route to be taken must be properly planned to avoid heavy
traffic and congestion.
 Continuous monitoring of weather condition.
 Work shall be suspended in case of inclement weather condition.

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2.3 Unloading equipment to work  Area congestion due to vehicle and  Timing must be properly planned to avoid as much as possible
area/positioning of equipment to personnel traffic. heavy traffic situation on the area
the work area.  Area congestion due to  Proper coordination with other working teams in the area to avoid
simultaneous activity on the area. conflicts.
 Incompetent personnel.  Barricades and sufficient signage must be in place prior start of
the activity.
 Ensure only authorized / competent personnel shall be operating
the equipment.
 Trained flagman must be assigned to a strategic location to
control traffic.
 Banksmen to be assigned to guide the operators/drivers during
maneuvering at the area.
 Ensure all personnel is wearing a hi-visibility vest.
 Ensure sufficient space were available for the positioning of
equipment/trucks without greatly affecting the flow of road
3. Checking and verification of any underground utilities
3.1 Provide and use site plan drawings  Miscommunication among involved  Ensure proper coordination among all involves the third party
and coordinate with the local personnel and team.  Ensure that plan at hand pertains to the work location.
government prior to excavation  Use of wrong-site plan.
3.2 Identifying underground gas,  Congestion due to vehicle and  Ensure that work location is properly barricaded and sufficient
electric, water, and personnel traffic. signage’s are in place.
communications pipes and cables  Missing any existing underground  Assign trained flagman.
in the area. utilities.  Ensure that correct site plan and drawings from the government
are properly and carefully consulted.
 Ensure that underground utility mapping is properly done.
 Use ground-penetrating radar to further determine any presence
of underground utilities.
3.3 Marking of utility services, if any.  Congestion due to vehicle and  Proper coordination and communication must be kept between
personnel traffic. team members to ensure the correct area is marked.
 Wrongly marked area or portion of  Ensure that work location is properly barricaded and sufficient
the area. signage is in place.
 Assign trained flagman.
4. Performing excavation using excavator equipment
4.1 Excavate the trench, start  Unauthorized personnel.  Ensure that the work location is properly barricaded with
removing the topsoil.  Incompetent personnel. sufficient appropriate signage in place.
 Defective equipment.  Check for adjacent or nearby structures that may be effected prior

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 Unidentified underground utilities. to the start of excavation.
 Nearby structures.  Proper and sufficient illumination or blinker lights shall be
 Poor illumination. provided along with the excavation especially during nighttime.
 Assign trained flagman.
 Only authorize and competent personnel shall be assigned for the
 Only inspected and in good working equipment will be deployed
for the job.
 Removing of topsoil will be done gradually with extra caution to
avoid hitting any unidentified underground utilities.
4.2 Excavate up to designed depth.  Soil type improperly classified.  Soil classification must be properly identified prior to excavation
 Abrupt digging. by competent personnel.
 Unauthorized personnel.  Excavation must precede taking into consideration the type of soil.
 Unidentified underground utilities.  Proper protection such as shoring must be in place to avoid any
 Vehicle and equipment traffic. collapse or cave-ins.
 Adverse weather condition.  No unauthorized person shall be allowed near or on the
 Exposure to harmful gases excavation/trench.
 Excavations must be with hard barricades and appropriate signage
 The spotter must be assigned to observed and give a signal to the
operator for any possible underground utilities.
 Manual digging will be done in any case underground utilities will
be found.
 Excavation more than 1.5 meters must be protected such as
shoring, sloping, benching, etc.
 No vehicle or equipment shall be allowed to pass near the
excavation to avoid possible disturbance on the excavation walls.
 Excavations > 4 ft. deep (1.20 m) that may develop hazardous
atmospheres shall be considered a confined space. Proper gas
testing must be done before commencing the work.
 Proper and sufficient access shall be provided along the length of
 Interval breaks must be observed especially during hot weather
condition to avoid heat stress or exhaustion.
 Cold drinking water or rehydrated drinks shall be provided for all
 All personnel must be equipped with appropriate such as Hard
hat, Safety shoes, Safety glass, Rubber Palm Cotton Gloves, Hand

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gloves & Vest.
 Regular dust control shall be done in the work area.
4.3 Keep the removed soil as far from  Soil/materials near the excavation  All removed or excavated soil must be in a minimum of one (1)
the excavation as possible. edge. meter away from excavation edges.
 As soon as possible, all excavated soil shall be collected and
removed from the site to avoid accumulation.
 No any materials, tools or equipment shall be allowed to be stored
near the excavation edges.
5. Loading of excavated soils into the dump truck
5.1 The positioning of a dump truck.  Incompetent personnel.  Only trained and competent personnel shall be assigned for the
 Congestion due to vehicle and activity.
personnel traffic.  Trained flagmen and banks must be assigned to control traffic
 Unauthorized personnel. movement and assist the operator of a dump truck during
 Unassisted maneuvering and maneuvering and positioning.
positioning of a dump truck.  Personnel shall be equipped with a hi-visibility vest.
 No unauthorized personnel will be allowed within the vicinity.
 A safe distance from excavation edges shall be maintained when
positioning the dump truck to avoid any possible disturbance on
excavation walls.
5.2 Loading excavated soil to dump  Loose soils.  Ensure the area is clear with all unauthorized personnel before
truck.  The poor condition of the commencing the activity
equipment.  All personnel must be equipped with an appropriate dust mask.
 Unauthorized personnel.  Only inspected and in good working condition, equipment shall be
 Exposure to dust. deployed and used for the activity.
 Overloading of equipment.  Only trained and competent personnel shall be assigned for the
 Ensure tailgate of dump truck are properly locked and secured.
 Loader’s bucket must not be overloaded to avoid overflowing of
soils and tipping-off.
 Ensure dump truck will be loaded only up to its capacity to avoid
overloading that may lead to tipping-off.
 Ensure loaded soils are evenly distributed to the dump truck’s
 Filled dump trucks shall be covered with screen or equivalent
materials to prevent spoils from spilling on the road while
transporting to a dumpsite.
6. Shifting and offloading of excavated soils into the designated area

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6.1 Checking the load of the dump  Underrated equipment capacity.  Verify the capacity of the dump truck and ensure that loaded
truck.  Loose or unsecured loaded cargoes. materials/soils do not exceed the dump truck’s capacity to avoid
breakdown and tipping-off.
 Ensure that loaded materials/soil do not exceed the height of the
dump truck’s sidings/wall to avoid overflowing or spilling during
 Ensure that screen/nets or equivalent materials are in place to
secure the loaded materials/soils.
6.2 Transporting excavated materials  Congestion due to vehicle and  Proper planning of the route shall be taken to avoid vehicle and
to the designated offloading area. personnel traffic. personnel traffic and have smooth travel to designated area.
 Unsecured materials.  Check the route for any uneven pavement or ground and ensure
 Uneven pavement or ground. route are well compacted.
 Unauthorized and incompetent  Prior to moving out, double-check that cargo is properly secured
personnel.  Double-check that dump truck’s tailgate is properly locked and
 Only authorized and competent personnel shall be assigned for
the activity.
 Flagman shall be assigned during moving out of dump truck.
6.3 Offloading of materials to  Unauthorized personnel  Ensure that no unauthorized are present in the offloading area
designated area.  Exposure to dust. prior to commencing the offloading.
 Abrupt operation (dumping of  All personnel must be equipped with an appropriate dust mask.
materials).  Signalman or spotter must be assigned to give the signal to the
 The operator must gradually tilt the dump truck’s bed during
7. Housekeeping and clear the area
7.1 Prior to housekeep, wearing  Inadequate PPE.  Install appropriate notices and signage.
personal protective equipment  Special personal protective equipment must be observed like
such as safety gloves and mask coverall clothing, rubber gloves, respiratory equipment, clear
must be fulfilled by the personnel goggles and etc.
involved.  Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
7.2 Removal of tools, equipment, and  Presence of sharp edges.  Appropriate personal protective equipment should be observed like
other excesses/ unused materials  Poor supervision / untrained coverall, hand gloves, eye protection, and etc.
manually. personnel.  Tools and other materials should be properly arranged/ removed
inside the battery room if not in use.
 First aid kit should be available with adequate quantity of

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 A spill kit should be available in the area.
 Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
7.3 Disposing of waste to dedicated  Tools and materials scattered on the  Proper disposal and segregation of waste / used materials.
waste bin/container. floor.  Provision of an appropriate waste container in the area.
 Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
7.4 Sweeping and cleaning the area.  Inadequate PPE.  Appropriate personal protective equipment should be observed like
 Presence of waste material. coverall, hand gloves, eye protection, and etc.
 Inappropriate tools.  Observe the “use the right tool” rule.
 Close supervision by the Engineer, Supervisor or Foreman must
8. Closing of Permit to Work
7.1 Returning of the Permit to Work to
Permit Issuer for closing.
7.2 Verifying the site condition as per  Poor housekeeping.  Permit Receiver shall ensure that housekeeping is done before,
requirements mentioned in the  Undisposed waste materials. during and after the work.
closing of Permit to Work by both  Unaccounted workers.  All waste materials generated from the work shall be properly
the Permit Issuer and Permit  Unsecured electrical equipment disposed and shall not be left unattended at the worksite.
Receiver. /energized equipment.  Electrical equipment shall be properly secured, distribution board
 Poor storage of chemical, flammable closed and padlocked.
and combustible materials and etc.  All materials used at the site such as chemicals, flammable and
 Unattended unsafe condition. combustible materials shall be stored at the designated storage at
 Unfamiliarity with access to the areas the end of each day.
and the present construction hazard.  Mobile equipment shall properly park on a designated equipment
 Ensure that all workers are accounted and there was no
incident/accident occurred which is not reported.
 All Issuer and receiver must be aware of the hazard present in the
area and must be familiar with the ingress and egress of the project
7.3 Signing/clearing of the Permit to  Inadequate communication.  Work permit issuer and receiver must be qualified, trained and
Work by the Permit Issuer upon  Untrained personnel. competent.
verification of site condition and  Proper communication should be observed.
satisfactorily comply with the
requirements mentioned.
7.4 Keeping and recording of the
completed and signed Permit to

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Work by ensuring that the permit
to work register is duly

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