1-6 English Language
1-6 English Language
1-6 English Language
Student’s Book
Education in Context
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Published 2015
Introduction i
Course Map iii
Unit 1: Names and Countries 1
Unit 2: Family and Jobs 18
Unit 3: People and Things 36
Unit 4: Times and Activities 56
Unit 5: Food and Numbers 74
Unit 6: Houses and Directions 92
Pairwork 110
Revision 114
Language Reference 130
Grammar and Usage 130
Phonetic Alphabet 137
World Map 138
Audio Scripts 139
Resources 156
Think English Elementary
is the first half of a 12 unit English course
designed for adult learners from Myanmar.
It is useful for Myanmar people who want to
communicate in English including:
Unit 3: • Adjectives • Advertisements Listening: listening for details, Writing strategies: Unit 3 practice
People and • Articles: a/an • Describing things and following songs detecting and Revision Test
things • Adverbs of degrees people Speaking: telephone conversations, correcting spelling 1-2-3
• Schwa (/ /) • Appearance and vowel sounds pronunciation and composition
personality Reading: comprehension mistakes
• Body parts, colors Writing: word order, writing errors
• Writing emails
Unit Structure Topics and functions Skills Learner training Review and
progress test
Unit 4 • Present simple verbs • Times and days Listening: intonation and style Listening Unit 4 practice
Times and • Negative forms • Daily and weekly routines Speaking: questions, stress strategies: Progress Test
activities • Wh- questions • Likes and dislikes pronunciation techniques for 3-4
• Prepositions of time • Meeting people Reading: comprehension identifying learning
• Adverbs of • Fill-in forms Writing: filling in forms goals
Unit 6 • Prepositions of • Houses and furniture Listening: identifying main points Learning Unit 6 practice
Houses and place • Permission and possibility Speaking: inquiry strategies: using Progress Test
direction • Modal verbs : can/ • Present/current activities Reading: for gist bilingual dictionary 5-6
can’t • Directions Writing: songwriting Revision Test
• Present continuous • Time zones 4-5-6
Topics and Functions: Greetings and goodbye | Countries and nationalities |
Numbers | Classroom language
Structure: The verb To Be | Pronouns | Possessive adjectives | Syllables
Skills: Detecting new words | Syllable pronunciation | Punctuation, spelling, sentence composition
Learner training: Listening strategies: techniques for learning and using new words
D: Work in pairs.
Practise this conversation. When you E: Close your books.
finish, change roles. Practice the conversation with different
Partner A Hi. My name's_____________.
What's your name?
Partner B I'm_____________.
Pleased to meet you _____________.
Where are you from?
Partner A I’m from _____________.
How do you
Name Hometown spell it? A-u-n-g
Where are
you from? I’m from
B: Practise in pairs.
Hi Paw Mu.
B: Listen (003).
Point to: Hello.
1. I + am = I’m
I am Paul Smith.
2. she + is = ________
You a student.
3. he + ________ = he’s
She from Mandalay.
4. you + are = ________
He my father.
5. ________ + are = we’re
It our car.
6. ________ + ________ = they’re
We OK.
7. ________ + is = Paul’s
They friends
8. Paw Mu + is = ________
B: Are the sentences correct or wrong? D: Dictation. Listen to audio (005) and
fill the gaps
1. You is female.
2. They are Myanmar people. I’m Madhu, ________________ husband Amit.
3. He am a teacher. _____________ a doctor. __________ daughter
4. We is from France. Devi. ____________ student. __________ outside
5. I are a student. our apartment. _______________ Mumbai.
6. She are nice. ________________ India.
A: Circle the verbs and underline B: Order the words to make sentences.
personal pronouns. Add capital letters and full stops where
Eg. Mimi is from Bago. She is a student
1. Madhu and Amit are doctors. They are from 1. is / retired / my father
India. My father is retired.
2. This is Devi. She is a student. 2. outside / Paul, Lisa / and / Wayne / are
3. I am Lisa. This is Paul. He is a teacher. We are 3. from / are / China / you
from England. 4. apartment / small / is / our
4. This is a bicycle. It is from China. 5. Jessica and I / from / Australia / are
6. I / a student / am
7. on the chair / is / your key
8. is / that dog / big
3. Conversation
3.1 How are you?
A: What’s happening?
Good morning
Tin Tin Nyo.
How are you?
B: Make conversations from the table. C: Look at this list. When do you use
Go around the room and practise them. these phrases?
A: Listen (009).
What is the problem?
e.g. Canada 7. het USA 8. cnaefr 9. hosut arifac 10. naihc 11. asluitara 12. rkoae
Country Nationality
1. Where’s Jessica from? Cambodia Cambodian
2. What nationality is she? England
3. Where’s Paw Mu from? Australian
4. What nationality is she? Indonesian
C: Listen (011). Were you correct? French
D: Listen and repeat (011). China
South African
3 syllables India
Where are
you from? I’m from
D: Ask and answer the questions in
pairs. What’s your
nationality? I’m
F ? ??
A: Match the picture with the 1. Look at page 15.
instruction. 2. Listen and repeat.
3. Look at the board.
A 4. Work in pairs.
5. Work in groups of four.
C 6. Don’t write.
7. Stop talking.
8. Answer the questions.
Today’s class is..
A: Listen to the audio (014). Who are D: Work in pairs. Write your own
the speakers? conversation. Use different instructions,
B: Listen and repeat (014). 1. Please work in pairs and answer questions 5 to
2. Sorry, I don’t understand.
Page 21? 3. Work in pairs.
Exercise 3? 4. Which page?
5. No, pairs. Two people. Answer the questions.
6. Which questions?
C: Practise the dialogue in pairs.
7. 5 to 10.
F: Add the correct form of to be.. I: Translate these into your language.
1. A: Hi, I’m Andy.
Work in groups of three. Stop reading.
2. A: What ________ your name?
Don’t look at your book. Look at page 56.
3. MM: I ________ Maung Maung.
Answer the questions. Work in pairs.
4. MM: Where ________ you from?
5. A: I ________ from England.
6. A: Where ________ you from? J: Nationalities crossword.
7. MM: I ________ from Mandalay. Clues across
A: Nice to meet you, Maung Maung. 1. A person from South Africa
G: Write the questions. 5. A person from Singapore
1. A. How are you ? 7. A person from Vietnam
B. B: I’m well. 9. A person from India
2. A. _______________? 11. A person from the USA
B. Jane. 12. A person from Laos
3. A. _______________? 13. A person from Russia
B. J - A - N - E. 15. A person from China
4. A. _______________? 16. A person from Canada
B. I’m from Australia.
5. A. _______ your friend’s ________? Clues down
B. Margo. 2. A person from Indonesia
3. A person from Bangladesh
1 2
4. A person from Malaysia
4 6. A person from Japan
5 6
10. A person from Cambodia
14. A person from Thailand
10 9
12 13
1. Family life
1.1 Families
4. Jiyoung
2. Rob
1. Preeya 3. Arnold
My name is Tom and I am 37 years old. I am English and I live in London. I live
with my wife Emily, our son John and daughter Lizzy. They are both seven years
old because they are twins.
Best wishes,
1 2 3 14.
4 5 7
8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
3.2 What do you do?
A: What do teachers do? What do D: Answer the questions.
nurses do? What do shopkeepers do?
Group brainstorm. 1. What do tour guides do?
2. What do students do?
Nurses Teachers Shopkeepers
3. What do soldiers do?
4. What do you do?
4.1 Verbs
A: What verbs can you see in exercise C: Complete these sentences. How
3.2C? many true sentences can you make?
1. I live..
I live in a house
B: How many true sentences can you
make? Choose one word from Column I live in Yangon
1, one from Column 2 and one from I live in Myanmar
Column 3. I live with my cats
2. I work..
1 2 3 3. I read..
go meat 4. I listen to..
People have in houses 5. I wear..
wear babies
read clothes
D: Group brainstorm. In groups, write
Cats live newspapers
sentences starting with:
eat to work
4.3 Spelling
A: Write the verbs in the correct form. 6. She’s 10 years old. She ________ (study) at the
international school. Paw Mu is her
1. Paw Mu has (have) two jobs. She 7. teacher. She ________ (go) to school at 8am.
2. ________ (teach) children at an 8. Jessica ________ (study)
3. international school and she ________ (teach) 9. Myanmar. She ________ (go) to Paw Mu’s
Myanmar to foreigners at night. house every day at 6pm.
4. Madhu and Amit are from India, but they 10. Paw Mu ________ (work) very hard.
________ (live) in Yangon. They 11. She ________ (live) with her 4 children, her
5. ________ (work) for an NGO. They ________ parents and her grandmother.
(have) one daughter, Devi. 12. She ________ (make) money for all her family.
4.4 pronunciation
A: In pairs, say the text from 4.3A. B: Listen to audio (023). Check and
Check each other’s pronunciation of the repeat.
verb endings.
5. How many?
B: Circle the nouns in exercise A. D: What are the rules for spelling plural
What is
What is
5.3 Pronunciation
A: Listen to audio (024). Circle the 6. baby babies
words you hear. 7. box boxes
1. language languages 8. journalist journalists
2. tree trees 9. nurse nurses
3. teacher teachers 10. office offices
4. sister sisters
5. umbrella umbrellas B: Listen to audio (025) and repeat
6.1 Excuse me
A: Look at these pictures. What is
2 3
6.2 Sorry
A: When do we use sorry?
A: What do you read in your own B: In your country, what things are
language? Make a list. written in English? Make a list.
A: Do you know about graded readers? B: Discuss how you can get graded
Do you have any graded readers? Why readers.
are graded readers useful?
M: Tick the words and phrases you know. In look after (v) sick (adj)
your notebook, write definitions, examples look forward to single (adj)
and/or translations for the words and phrases (v)
you find difficult. married (adj) soldier (n)
actor (n) famous (adj) meat (n) spend time (v)
age (n) farmer (n) money (n) study (v)
animal (n) foreigner (n) nephew (n) summarise (v)
article (n) fruit (n) news (n) tall (adj)
baby (n) graded reader (n) newspaper (n) taxi driver (n)
boss (n) grandchildren/ niece (n) teach (v)
daughter/son (n) nurse (n) tour guide (n)
box (n) grandparents/ office (n) tourist (n)
father/mother (n) people (n) trainer (n)
boy/girlfriend (n) grow (v) photo/photograph tree (n)
businessperson (n) guess (v) (n)
city (n) hard (adv) place (n) uniform (n)
class (n) hospital (n) plastic bag (n) vegetable (n)
cook (n, v) husband (n) police officer (n) waiter (n)
count (v) idea (n) profile picture (n) wear (v)
cousin (n) information (n) rat (n) wife (n)
dancer (n) international (adj) relationship (n) year (n)
dangerous (adj) IT (n) religion (n) young (adj)
different (adj) job (n) restaurant (n)
divorced (adj) journalist (n) rice (n)
draw (v) language (n) secretary (n)
drive (v) late (adj) sentence (n)
email address (n) lawyer (n) shop assistant (n)
ex- (prefix) lonely (adj) shopkeeper (n)
Clues across:
1. Chickens are not ______.
5 6 7
5. She makes cars in a ______.
6. Yangon is a ______.
8. The cook works in a ______.
12. 19.
8 9 10 11
13. Soldiers ______ uniforms.
15. 1.
16 He is ______. He has no friends. 12
Clues down:
13 14
1. My brother and I are ______. He is tall, and I
am short.
2. ______ to meet you. 15 16
3. Nurses look after______ people.
7. She is 2. She is ______.
9. She’s not married, she’s ______.
10. Read the newspaper ______.
4. 11. 14.
1. Describing things
Topics and Functions: Advertisements | Describing things and people
| Apearance and personality | Body parts
unit Structure: Articles: a/an | Adjectives | Adverbs of degrees | Schwa (/ /)
Learner training: Writing strategies: Detecting and correcting spelling and composition mistakes
Skills: Telephone conversations | Vowel sounds pronunciation | Correcting written errors
1.1 Advertisements
A: Where do you see advertisements? A
1.3 Synonyms
A: Which words in 1.1 are synonyms of: B: Use the adjectives in 1.1, 1.2
and audio (029) to complete these
1. Little = __________
2. Excellent = _________ 1. This chicken curry is __________.
3. Quick = __________ 2. This is an __________ exam. I know all the
C: What adjectives can you use to 3. I can’t afford a computer. They are very
describe these things. Make a list: __________.
4. The cooking pot is __________. I need a
1. A car 3. A fish curry __________ pot.
2. An exam 4. A flower 5. My motorbike is __________. I want a
__________ motorbike.
1.4 Colours
A: What colours do you know? 1. It’s green. It’s outside under your feet. People
walk on it.
B: Match the words to the descriptions. 2. It’s big, yellow and hot. Animals and plants need it.
3. It’s a big, grey animal. It lives in the jungle in Asia
Charcoal Snow Grass Pig and Africa.
4. It’s red. It’s in your body. People and other
Blood Elephant Sun Sky animals have it.
2. Articles
2.2 a/an + adjective + noun
1. Beautiful cat
2. Small apartment 1. I live in _____ beautiful apartment.
2. _____ old, black cat called Charles.
3. Old tourist
3. We have _____ small business.
4. American business
4. He’s _____ clever, friendly young man.
5. We have _____ American tourist.
My notebook My pen is
is large. cheap and
blue. D: Put the words in the correct order.
1. a/bicycle/I/new/have/
2. bicycle/new/My/is
B: Whose are the things? 1. This exercise is __________.
2. I like __________ food.
3. My grandparents are __________. They are 92.
4. I’m __________ today.
5. That’s the teacher’s bag. My bag is the
__________ bag.
That’s Ko Zaw Oo’s
That’s Dave’s large notebook.
cheap blue pen. F: How many true sentences can you
3. Describing people
He’s fat. He’s not thin. A: Write sentences about these people.
How many can you write in three
Barack Obama Nay Noe Angelina Jolie 1. Barack Obama has long hair.
2. He’s black.
3. He has a big nose.
4. He is very old - about 80 years old.
5. He’s quite handsome.
6. Nay Toe is very young.
7. He’s fat.
8. He has light skin.
9. He has dark hair.
10. Angelina Jolie has long hair.
11. She’s quite young – about 40.
12. She’s Asian.
How are you? I teach at Bright Star Free School. I teach English to teenagers
aged 13-18 years. My job’s interesting. It’s difficult but fun. The students are
lovely – friendly and clever. Their families are poor so they can’t afford school
The head teacher, my boss, is Daw Tin Tin Nyo. She’s tall and very fat. She’s
serious but kind. Her family’s rich and important. They have a big house and
three cars. She funds the school.
C: His wife and children live in England. 1. Are the students at Bright Star rich?
He emails them every week. 2. Is Paul’s job easy?
3. What’s Daw Tin Tin Nyo’s job?
D: Read the email again and answer
4. What are her family like?
the questions:
5. Are they rich?
6. How many houses does she have?
4.2 A letter
A: Look at the letter to the right. What does
Dear Joey,
Khin Zaw describe? Circle the topics from
the boxes below.
I live in Yangon now. Yangon is __________ , but
Girlfriend Hometown Job House __________. I have a job at Golden Myanmar
Tours as a tour guide.
Parents Study Friends Boss City My boss is a __________ woman called Apsara.
She’s __________ and very __________. I like
Yangon. I have some __________ friends here.
B: Add correct adjectives to the letter. I hope you will come and visit me one day.
Your friend,
C: Do the Disappearing Paragraph
Khin Zaw
with Khin Zaw’s letter to Joey.
5.1 a/an
A: Say the following. How do you
pronounce a and an?
1. I’m a businesswoman.
2. I live in a beautiful apartment.
3. I have an old black cat called Charles.
4. We have a small business.
5. It’s a tour company.
6. We work in a new office.
7. We employ a tour guide.
8. He’s a clever, friendly young man.
9. We have an American tourist in the office.
I’m a businesswoman. What is It’s an
this? aeroplane.
Where else can you hear it in this
B: Listen to audio (030) again and circle E: Point, ask and answer questions
the / / sounds in each sentence in 5.1A. about the people in Unit 2, 3.1.
5.3 / / in words
A: Where are the / / sounds in these C: Ask and answer questions about
words? things and people in the class.
1. Banana 6. Aeroplane
2. Newspaper 7. Student What’s
3. Umbrella 8. Farmer that?
It’s a
4. Computer 9. Journalist whiteboard.
5. Apartment 10. Soldier
What does
B: Listen to audio (036). Check and Aung do?
She works
repeat. at a
C: List the adjectives in this song. E: A lot of musicians perform this song.
Listen to audio (039). Which do you like
6. Phrasebook: Telephones 1
A: How do you ask for someone on the C: Listen to audio (042), check and
phone? repeat.
1. - Mum, is Dad there? 1. Madhu Reddy wants to speak to her father. Her
mother answers the phone.
- Thanks.
2. ________ wants to speak to ________. He is not
- Hi darling. Yes, he’s here. Amit! there.
- Hi, Madhu Reddy. 3. ________ answers the phone. ________ wants to
2. - I’m sorry, she’s not here at the moment. speak to her.
- Ok, thanks. I’ll call back later.
- Good morning, Health Rescue International.
- Good morning. Is Amit Reddy there? This is Paw E: Work in pairs. Write conversations for
Mu from YSIS. these situations.
3. - Hello. Is Daw Tin Tin Nyo there, please? 1. You want to speak to your friend. Your friend’s broth-
- Hello Sayama. This is Jessica Lomax. er answers the phone.
- Tin Tin Nyo speaking. 2. You work for Interfish. Phone MyanMart. You want
to speak to Barry Ho. He is not there at the moment.
- Hello. Bright Star Free School.
3. Phone the UNDP. You want to speak to Sarah Camp.
She answers the phone.
7.1 Mistakes
A: Look at this essay. Add a suitable B: How many mistakes are there? Circle
title. the mistakes.
1. My brother workds for a small NGO C: Correct the mistakes.
2. - Help for Poor Childrin. HPC has two
3. offices, in Bago and Yangon. My brother
4. works in Bago. He a secretary. He D: Do you make the same mistakes
5. answer the phone and writes letters when you are writing? Make a class list
6. and emails. The job is quite difficult. of writing mistakes.
3. Ko Oo is __________
Hi Tin Tin,
1. Zack is quite clever, His marks are
good, but not excellent. I’m Sandra, Andy’s sister. I work Malaysia. I
2. Mike makes ______ ______ food. teaches at an international shool. I work quite
hard, but the work is fun. I with young children -
His restaurant is famous.
my students about 6 years old.
3. Robin’s apartment is ______
______. It costs 2,000,000 dollars.
4. Jane’s job is ______ ______ but she Malaysia is interesting country. The food is
wants to be a lawyer. delishious. I live with my Malaysian friend, Laila.
She have an apartment here. It’s small, but qite
H Pronunciation: What are these sounds?
/ / /a:/ /u:/ /e/ /i:/ or /i/?
1. Fast 2. Delicious 3. Me
4. Stupid 5. Colour 6. Clever
7. Green 8. Leg 9. Excellent
10. Happy 11. Difficult 12. Afford
13. Repeat 14. Noodles K Rewrite the text correctly.
1.1 Saturday
7 8
A 12
B 12
C 12
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
6 6 6 6 6 6
At 8.30 I
C: Tell the class some interesting things go to college.
about your partner’s week.
Things I know about Things I want to know C: Look at your chart from A. Do you
Barack Obama about Barack Obama know more about Barack Obama?
4. Frequency
4.1 Mosquitoes
A: What diseases do mosquitoes cause? B: Read the text and write the underlined
words in the correct place on the line
(scale) at the bottom of the page.
C: Complete the sentences using the D: Complete the sentences using in and
adverbs of frequency. at.
1. Yellow fever mosquitoes bite in the evening.
1. Male mosquitoes never bite humans or animals.
2. They rest ______ the afternoon.
3. They bite ______ the morning.
2. Mosquitoes live near water. (always)
4. Asian tiger mosquitoes rest ______ night.
3. They live for one or two weeks. (usually)
5. Anopheles mosquitoes bite ______ the day.
4. They live for four weeks. (sometimes)
6. Asian tiger mosquitoes bite ______ night.
5. Female mosquitoes lay 200 - 300 eggs. (usually)
7. They live ______ gardens and forests.
6. Mosquitoes cause HIV. (never)
8. Anopheles mosquitoes live ______ Myanmar.
0% 100%
1 3
1. tcirclee urtiga 2. smurd 3. assb trigua
C: This is Raúl. Read and answer the 1. Where are The Mosquitoes from?
questions. 2. What does José do?
3. What kind of music do they play?
I’m Raúl and I’m a singer. Our band is called The 4. Does Chico play the drums?
Mosquitoes. We’re from Cornwall in England. We 5. When does Raúl get up?
play Spanish music. Pedro and Chico play electric 6. Does Pedro cook?
guitar. Torre plays the drums and José plays bass
guitar. I get up at half past one every afternoon. I 7. When do The Mosquitoes practice?
sing songs and I cook lunch. Sometimes José cooks. 8. When do they play?
9. When do they usually get home?
Pedro and Chico never cook or clean. We practice 10. Does Raúl sing on Sundays?
every afternoon at three o’clock. We finish our
practice at five o’clock. We always go out and drink
beer at night. We usually get home at three o’clock
in the morning. We play on Saturday nights in bars.
I sometimes sing in a restaurant on Sundays.
5. Filling in forms 1
C: Listen and check (051). No. I’m Mark Waters. You don’t remember me!
D: Fill the gaps to tell the story. I’m your old student Oh, I’m sorry
Paw Mu __________1 a young man on the street. Hello, Sayama Paw Mu. Er.. Hello
He says “__________”2. She thinks, but can’t Do you remember me?
remember him. Is he one of the __________3 boys
from the international school, now grown up? She I remember your face, but I don’t remember
asks “__________”4. She is wrong - his name is your name. Are you Bobby Thornwood?
__________.5 Paw Mu feels __________.6
C: What are the main learning points of: D: What are the main learning points of:
1. In Unit 4, 1.1.C 1. In Unit 4, 4.2.B
2. In Unit 4, 1.1.D, E and F 2. In Unit 4, 2.4.C
I’m Thai and I’m 19 years old. I’m a university student. I go to university on Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday every week. On these days, I usually wake up at 7am. At 7.30am, I have breakfast and watch TV.
I go to university at 9 am - my first class is at 9.30am.
At 12.30, I have my lunch. I go to class again at 1.30pm for 3 hours. After the afternoon class, I meet with
my friends and go shopping. I go home at 6pm and I cook dinner. After dinner, my boyfriend phones me. At
about 8 pm, I study for about one hour and then I go to bed and read.
On Tuesdays and Fridays, I usually wake up late. At about 10.30am, I have breakfast and read the
newspaper. I have a shower and then check my email. I have lunch at about 1 pm. After lunch, I study for
about 4 hours. At 6pm, I usually go to a restaurant and have dinner with my boyfriend. At about 10pm, I go
home, have a shower, check my email and watch TV.
On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually go to visit my mother and father. I catch a bus on Saturday at about
9am, and get there at 11. My dad cooks lunch and we eat at around 12.30pm. On Saturday evenings, we
usually eat dinner and listen to the radio. We sometimes visit our friends and relatives. I usually call my
boyfriend and then go to bed at about 11 pm. I catch a bus back home at 6pm on Sunday.
1. USA
C: Work in pairs. Describe one of the 2. India
pictures below in three sentences. Can
3. Kenya
your partner identify it?
4. Myanmar
5. Singapore
D: Are these classrooms the same as
6. Bangladesh
yours or different?
I live in Hull in England. Hull is a big city. About 260,000 people live in Hull. There are over
100 schools in the city and there is a university. At the university, there are about 20,000
students. My son Wayne is a student at the university. He studies computer science. There is
also a medical school.
There are three hospitals and four cinemas in the city. There are also four markets. There are
many famous people from Hull. For example, Dean Windass is a football player from Hull,
Paul Heaton is a musician from Hull, and Norman Cook is a very famous DJ. My son likes
Norman Cook’s music.
I like Hull. There are good restaurants and shops. At night it is beautiful. Hull has four big
parks. I walk in the park with my dog every evening. I like the football team here, too. They’re
called Hull City FC. I watch them play every weekend. Do you know them?
4. Amounts
4.2 Pancakes
A: What is a recipe? What are
ingredients? 1
B: Do you know what pancakes are? Do
you like them? What are the ingredients
for pancakes?
2 3 4 2
5 6
Not any
D: Do Swap Questions.
C: Complete the sentences so they are
true for you.
Farm Money Cat Shirt Study 1. My father and mother go to work early.
2. My brother studies world languages.
Tomato Much Word Onion 3. Add the onions and cabbage to the curry.
That’s a
black pen.
6.2 A mistake
A: Do you drink coffee? What kind of D: Cover the page and try to retell the
coffee do you like? story from memory.
ww V SP \
Where’s the
1 3
B: Paw Mu is talking to people on the
phone. Listen (068) and complete the
4. Time zones
4.1 Midnight in London
A: It is midnight in London. Listen (069)
to Martin talk about what he is doing.
4 Dd.is picking
It’s midday on Monday and Azmi
up his son, Eshan, from
playgroup. Azmi is a single parent. He
works in the mornings while Eshan is
at playgroup, and in the afternoons he
It’s 3 am on a cold Monday morning.
is going to work. She works
looks after Eshan. Here’s Eshan. He’s
running to meet his Dad. He’s picking
far from home and is taking a bus him up and throwing him into the air.
She doesn’t want to be late for work.
The bus is late, and the line is long. The
bus comes and people are pushing each
other to get on. Tatyana can’t get on.
It’s 7 o’clock on Sunday evening.
is a student. She’s working in
It’s 6 pm on Sunday. Saner is a
artist. He’s painting the wall
a restaurant downtown. She hates
her job and she’s tired. She’s taking
orders and serving food and drinks to
of an old building. There are lots of
the customers. One of the customers is
old buildings in the city to paint. Saner
complaining about his coffee.
works with other artists. Usually they
work at night but now they are taking
photographs for their website.
5. Listening
6. Phrasebook: Shopping
6.1 In a department store
A: What things can you buy in D: Listen and repeat. Work in pairs. You
department stores? Do you shop in are in a department store. Use these
them? Do you like them? phrases to write conversations.
Clues across: 7
2.4 Listen and draw: Partner A
1 2 3 4. 5. 6.
3.2 Barack Obama: Group A
1 Read the text. What information do you need to fill the gaps?
Barack Obama is the President of the USA. He comes from ______1. in the USA. His wife’s
name is Michelle. She’s a lawyer. They have ______3. children. They live in the White House
in Washington DC. Every day, he gets up at ______5. and eats breakfast with his family. He
starts work at 9 am. He checks his emails and reads letters. He has lunch at around midday.
He eats ______7. In the afternoon he has meetings and talks to world leaders. In the evening
he helps his daughters do their homework and eats dinner with ______9. After dinner, he
works. He goes to bed very late.
2 1. does / from / he / where / come ? 3 Ask the questions to Group B. Use their
answers to fill the gaps.
3. children / they / have / how / do / many ?
5. up / get / does / he / when ?
7. what / eat / lunch / for / he / does ?
9. dinner / who / with / he / does / eat ?
Pancakes – ingredients
__________ (1) cups of flour __________ (5) eggs
__________ (3) a spoon of salt 3 spoons of butter
3 spoons of sugar __________ (7) cups of water
2 cups of milk half a spoon of lemon juice
1.3 Information gap map: Partner A
1 Work in pairs. You want to find the high school, the primary school, the water shop, the
clinic, the shoe shop and the department store. Find out where they are. Ask your partner
questions about his/her map.
2.4 Listen and draw: Partner B
1 2 3 4. 5. 6.
3.2 Barack Obama: Group B
Read the text. What information do you need to fill the gaps?
Barack Obama is the President of the USA. He comes from Hawaii in the USA. His
wife’s name is Michelle. She’s a __________2. They have two children. They live in
____________________4. in Washington DC. Every day, he gets up at 6.30am and eats
breakfast with his family. He starts work at __________6. He checks his emails and reads
letters. He has lunch at around midday. He eats hamburgers. In the afternoon he has
meetings and talks to __________8. In the evening he helps his daughters do their homework
and eats dinner with his family. After dinner, he __________10. He goes to bed very late.
2 2. does / wife / his / what / do ? 3 Ask the questions to Group A. Use their
answers to fill the gaps.
4. they / where / do / live ?
6. start / does / he / work / when ?
8. to / talk / who / he / does ?
10. dinner / after / does / what / do / he ?
Pancakes – ingredients
2 cups of flour 2 eggs
half a spoon of salt ______ (6) of butter
______ (2) spoons of sugar 3 cups of water
______ (4) of milk ______ (8) of lemon juice
1.3 Information gap map: Partner B
1 Work in pairs. You want to find the tea shop, the market, the restaurant, the clothes shop,
the bus stop and the hospital. Find out where they are. Ask your partner questions about
his/her map.
A: Introducing People
Introduce two people you know (person A & person B) and answer questions about them.
Person A
Where is he/she from? Hi, I want you to meet _______________________
What is his/her nationality? (name).
What is his/her relationship to you?
What is his/her occupation?
Person B
Where is he/she from? This is __________________________ (name).
What is his/her nationality?
What is his/her relationship to you?
What is his/her occupation?
B: Describing Things
Put in 3 adjectives for the nouns.
D. Short Answers
Read the text and give short answers to the questions below.
Amit and Rahul are brothers. They are from a village. Now, Rahul lives in the city. He is in
the city to study. Amit is in the village with their parents. He helps them on the family farm.
Rahul calls his family every week and tells them about life in the city. There are tall buildings
and many places to eat and play. There are also people from all over the country. Rahul asks
Amit to come and see him in the city. Amit doesn’t want to go. He is happy in the village.
Because he misses Rahul, he finally visits him in the city.
E: Spelling Mistakes
Correct any spelling mistakes in the text. Some words are spelled wrong because of grammar.
My sister is a very clever child. She can write and do well in her exames. Her friends don’t try very hard in all
their classs. They’re interested in other thing. She study every night. They don’t study because they watches
moves. In the end, when exam day comies, her hard work help her to do well in her exames. I’s proud of my sister
and her success in school.
Yadu Indian
G: Matching Occupations
Match the occupation with what the person does with a line.
I: Word Jumble
Rewrite the words in the right order.
1. You want to speak to your boss, Shwe Li, but her secretary answers the phone first. Shwe Li come to the phone.
2. You work for Red Cross and you are calling UNICEF. You call Adam Jones, but he is currently not there.
3. You call World Vision and someone answers the phone. You want to speak to U Kyaw Thein. The person
answering the phone is him.
Shwe Li:
UNICEF staff:
UNICEF staff:
U Kyaw Thein:
U Kyaw Thein:
I can.. 1 2 3 4 5
Introduce myself and friends
Start and end a conversation
Identify countries and their nationalities
Talk about people’s possessions
Follow classroom instruction
Explain the relation between family members
Ask about people’s occupations
Use polite phrases
Skim through a newspaper
Describe people
Ask for someone on the phone
Spell singular and plural nouns
B: Time in Numbers
Write the time in numbers.
C: Apply
Fill in your information on the application form.
/a / /e / //
E: Numbers
Write these amounts into numbers.
F: Na Na’s Schedule
Read the sentences about Na Na and fill in her schedule with the time and activities.
G: Food names
Write the names of the food in the pictures. Write the nouns in singular form. Circle if the food
is a countable or uncountable noun.
1 2 3 4 5
8 10
6 7
9 11
1. The company is giving ___some____ jobs to people. 6. Do you have _______ green tea?
2. I have ______ important places to go today. 7. Please give me ________ rice.
3.We bought ______ orange and ______ onions. 8. There isn’t _________ homework today.
4. There is _____ test tomorrow. 9. Our teacher has _________ good news.
5. We are reading from ______ newspaper.
J: On the Table
Write where an object is in the picture. Use there is and the words in the brackets.
I can.. 1 2 3 4 5
Talk about my daily schedule
Tell the time
Answer questions in short form
Say how often something happens
Deal with large numbers
Shop for groceries
Order food and drink
Describe where things are in my home
or neighbourhood
Make requests or offers
Ask for permission
Bargain at the market
Understand the difference between
present and present continuous verbs
B: Describing Things
Student’s answers
• Eg. The sky is big, blue, and cool. • The elephant is grey, large, and strong.
• My bag is brown, heavy, and smooth. • The flowers are colorful, fragrant, and nice.
• My parents’ house is wooden, spacious, • The water is cold, clear, and wet.
and warm.
Person B
She’s a young and happy woman. She has
brown hair and is wearing a t-shirt.
D: Short Answers
2. No, he isn’t. 5. No, he doesn’t
3. No, they don’t. 6. Yes, they are.
4. No, they don’t. 7. Yes, they are.
F: Nationalities
Yadu Indian
Nipa Bangladeshi
Siriporn Thai
Aisah Malaysian
Halim Indonesian
Maria Filipino
Ngan Vietnamese
G: Matching Occupations
Chef – cooks you food Tour guide – shows your neighbourhood to
Policeman – protects you from bad people foreigners
Nurse – checks your blood pressure Shopkeeper – takes care of a store
Waiter – serves you at restaurants
I: Word Jumble
1. This is an old song.
2. I am cleaning my messy house.
3. Do you know a good restaurant?
4. She is a friendly person.
5. I don’t like these grey shirts.
6. I have an important exam.
B: Time in numbers
2. 2:20 4. 1:30 6. 7:15 8. 3:50
3. 4:45 5. 3:10 7: 5: 43
C: Apply
Students’ answers, e.g.
F: Na Na’s Schedule
There may be different versions that are also correct.
G: Food Names
2. Rice…U 7. Milk…U
3. Fish…U/C (depends) 8. Papaya…C
4. Water…U 9. Chillie/Chillies…C
5. Beef…U 10. Banana…C
6. Egg…C 11. Mango…C
K: Sentence Forms
“Can” sentences Verb-ing Sentences
Positive [music/can/play] Positive [play/music]
I can play music I’m playing music.
Negative [come/can/ not/Saturdays] Negative [on Saturdays/come/not]
I can’t come on Saturdays. I’m not coming on Saturdays.
Wh- [clean/when/can/the house] Wh- [clean/when/the house]
question When can I clean the house? question When am I cleaning the house?
Yes/no [the dictionary/use /can] Yes/no [the dictionary/use]
question Can I use the dictionary? question Am I using the dictionary?
The present simple: to be (2)
Questions and answers statement: You are a student.
To make yes/no questions with to be, we put
the verb before the subject.
1. Yes/no questions and short answers: question: Are you a student?
statement: He is from Singapore. answer: • Yes, I am. NOT: Yes, I’m.
• No, I’m not. NOT: No, I am’t.
Adjectives modify (change or describe) nouns.
They can:
1. Follow the verb to be. 2. Go before the noun.
• The bus is slow. • The slow bus costs 500 kyat
• My brother is tall. • The tall man is David.
a and an
A and an are used before a single noun – a/an + noun
1. Use a before a consonant sound. 2. Use an before a vowel sound.
• It’s a dog, not a cat. • That’s an apple, not an orange.
• I have a motorbike. • They live in an apartment.
The present simple
Questions and answers
1. Yes/no questions 3. Short answers
auxiliary subject base I/you/we/they do
Do I/you/we/they Yes,
live here? she/he/it does
Does she/he/it live here.
I/you/we/they don’t
2. wh- questions she/he/it doesn’t
These have the same word order as yes/no • Where do you live?
questions. The question word goes at the NOT: Where you do live?
• When does she go to work?
auxiliary subject base NOT: When she does go to work?
When do eat?
Who does she/he/it know?
How much
Adverbs of frequency
We usually put the adverb of frequency: 2. Before other verbs.
1. After the verb to be. • We sometimes play football at the weekend.
• I’m always late for work.
Usually and sometimes can also go at the start
3. After an auxiliary verb. or the end of a clause.
• Snakes don’t usually bite people. • Usually Tom gets up at 6 o’clock.
• Aung Aung gets angry sometimes.
• Usually I don’t have breakfast.
They have a singular and plural form. They have only one form.
• I want an apple. • I want some water.
• I want four apples. NOT: I want four waters.
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place describe a thing’s • The pen is on the table
relationship to another thing. • There’s a boy under the house
2. For verbs with a short vowel and only one question: Is he wearing a red shirt?
consonant, we double the consonant and add
-ing. answer: • Yes, he is. NOT: Yes, he’s.
• run—running • stop—stopping • No, he isn’t.
Consonant sounds
/b/ bad, cabbage /p/ pen, map
/d/ dog, bed /r/ red, sorry
/f/ f ive, half /s/ see, class
/g/ get, bag /ʃ/ she, fish
/h/ hello, how /t/ tea, meet
/j/ yes, yellow /tʃ/ check, watch
/k/ cat, black /θ/ think, both
/l/ leg, little /ð/ this, mother
/m/ man, tomato /v/ vase, five
/n/ no, ten /w/ window, what
/ŋ/ singer, thing /z/ busy, lazy
NOTE: These are based on British pronunciation
Audio Scripts
Unit 1
002 1.1.1 – Introducing yourself
B Khin Zaw:
I’m Khin Zaw. I’m from Madhu:
Pleased to meet you, Lee.
My name’s Madhu. I’m
Paw Mu: Pleased to meet you, Khin from India.
Zaw. I’m Paw Mu. I’m from Where are you from?
Hpa-an. Lee: I’m from China.
2 Madhu: Hi, Madhu Reddy. 5 TTN: Hello, this is Tin Tin Nyo.
3 Jessica: Hey, this is Jessica. 6 Amit: Good morning, Health Rescue
Unit 4
no sugar?
Waiter: I’m sorry. Do you want real
Paul: Yes, please. I don’t like coffee mix.
Unit 6
070 6.5.1 – Sailing
I am sailing, I am sailing I am flying, passing high clouds
Home again across the sea To be near you, to be free
I am sailing, stormy waters Can you hear me, can you hear me
To be near you, to be free Through the dark night, far away?
I am flying, I am flying I am dying, forever trying
Like a bird across the sky To be with you, who can say
Read out the words in random order and cross them off as you read.
five to seven quarter to ten twenty to four five past eleven
twenty-five past one quarter past eight quarter to nine five past two
ten past seven twelve o’clock quarter past twelve half past six
five past nine three o’clock ten to three twenty-five past six
half past three ten o’clock twenty past six twenty to eleven
quarter to eight quarter past three ten past twelve five to ten
twenty-five to one half past eleven twenty-five past eight twenty past four.
Use this page for your notes.
Units 1-6
Student’s Book
The Think English series is for adult Each module takes between 25 and
and post-secondary students. They 40 classroom hours, depending on
follow standard structural syllabus, use of extension activities.
with functional, purpose-designed,
skills and learning awareness The Student’s Book contains
syllabi. The series focuses on the a language reference section,
specific needs, context and learning revision tests and audio scripts.
environment of Myanmar learners,
while also including a lot of world The Teacher’s Book contains
knowledge content. supplementary materials including a
placement test and progress tests.
Think English Elementary
• Units 1-6 Student’s Book,
Teacher’s book, Audio CD
• Units 7-12 Student’s Book,
Teacher’s book, Audio CD
Website: www.thabyay.org
Email: educasia@thabyay.org
Educasia and The Curriculum Project deliver key programmes of Thabyay Education Foundation
Use this page for your notes.