Thermal and Statistical Physics
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Conduction required
Conduction occurs at the molecular level—from one body to another—when heat energy is
absorbed by a surface and causes the molecules of that surface to vibrate about their mean
position . In the process, they transfer the energy into their neighbors a process which
continues as long as heat is still being added.
Convection required
When a liquid is heated at the bottom, fluid particles acquire energy from the source and density of
fluid there decreases. The fluid particle moves upward and hence heat energy is transferred.
Radiation No Medium
This method uses electromagnetic waves which transfer heat from one place to the other.
Thermal Conductivity -- The ability of a substance to conduct heat energy is measured by thermal
Wood, glass
Insulators :
The process of heat conduction depends on four basic factors: the temperature
gradient, the cross section of the materials involved, their path length, and the
properties of those materials.
Thermal conductivity is defined as the amount of heat conducted per second normally across unit area
of cross-section of the material per unit temperature difference per unit length.
The quantity (θ1- θ2) / x denote the rate of fall of temperature with respect to distance. It is know as
temperature gradient.
Intensity: Thermal energy passing per unit area in unit time . It is measured in watts/m2
Radiant emittance: Thermal energy emitted per unit area in unit time of
a radiating body in all direction within limits of a solid angle 2π.