Group #3
Gas-discharge lamps are a family of artificial light sources
that emit light by sending an electrical discharge through
GAS DISCHARGE an ionised gas. Most lamps are filled with additional
materials, such as mercury, sodium, and metal halides.
Some electrons in the atomic orbital of these atoms are
LAMPS excited by these collisions to a higher energy state.
the best known gas-discharge lamp.
As shown in the diagram, a discharge
lamp consists of one gas tube, wherein a
gas at low pressure is maintained. The
gas tubes are filled with noble gasses like
argon, neon, krypton, etc. Additionally,
they are also filled with sodium mercury
In low-pressure discharge lamps, the working pressure is much less than the atmospheric
pressure. Like the fluorescent lamps, and the sodium lamps. They produce 200 lumens per
watt. One advantage of low-pressure discharge is they have a long life span. The low-
pressure discharge lamps require the ballast to create a high voltage
The ionized gas emits photons as it returns to its ground state, producing
visible light.
The color and intensity of the light depend on factors such as the type of
gas used, the pressure within the lamp, and any additional materials or
coatings inside the envelope.
Neon lamps contain neon gas and emit a distinctive red-orange glow. They are frequently
used for decorative lighting and signage.
Gas discharge lamps are highly energy- Some types of gas discharge lamps, such as
efficient, producing more light per unit of mercury vapor lamps, require a warm-up
electrical power compared to incandescent period to reach full brightness.
They may contain hazardous materials, such as
They have a longer lifespan than many other mercury, which require proper disposal
types of lighting, reducing maintenance and procedures.
replacement costs.
Gas discharge lamps can be sensitive to
Gas discharge lamps offer good color rendering temperature and may experience reduced
properties, making them suitable for various efficiency or premature failure in extreme
indoor and outdoor lighting applications. environmental conditions.
Mercury vapor lamps are a type of gas discharge lamp
that generates light by passing an electric current
through mercury vapor. Here's a thorough description
of mercury vapor lamps, including their construction,
operation, applications, advantages, and
The central component of a mercury vapor lamp is the arc tube, which is typically made of
quartz or ceramic material. The arc tube contains a small amount of mercury and is sealed
within a larger outer envelope made of borosilicate glass.
Electrodes made of tungsten or other refractory metals are sealed into each end of the arc
tube. These electrodes provide the connection points for the electrical current to enter and
exit the lamp.
Phosphor Coating (in some cases): Some mercury vapor lamps may
include a phosphor coating on the inner surface of the outer envelope.
This coating converts the UV radiation into visible light, producing a
more white or bluish light compared to lamps without a phosphor
·Mercury vapor lamps were historically used for outdoor lighting applications such as
street lighting, parking lot lighting, and security lighting. However, they have been largely
replaced by more efficient lighting technologies such as high-pressure sodium vapor lamps
and LED lighting.
Mercury vapor lamps are still used in some industrial applications where high-intensity
lighting is required, such as warehouses, factories, and industrial facilities
Long Lifespan: They have a longer lifespan Low Energy Efficiency: Compared to newer
compared to incandescent lamps, typically ranging lighting technologies such as LED and high-
from 10,000 to 24,000 hours depending on the pressure sodium vapor lamps, mercury vapor
specific lamp model and operating conditions. lamps have lower energy efficiency and higher
operating costs.
Relatively Low Cost: Mercury vapor lamps are
generally less expensive than some other types of Warm-up Time: Mercury vapor lamps require a
lighting technologies, although they may have warm-up period to reach full brightness after
higher operating costs due to their lower energy being turned on, typically several minutes.
Metal halide lamps are a type of high-intensity
discharge (HID) lighting technology that generates
light through the ionization of gas and the excitation
of metal atoms. Here's a thorough explanation of
metal halide lamps, covering their construction,
operation, applications, advantages, and
CONSTRUCTION: Metal halide lamps consist of a quartz or ceramic arc tube within a larger outer
bulb or envelope, which is typically made of borosilicate glass.
Inside the arc tube, a mixture of mercury vapor and metal halides (compounds of
metals with halogen elements such as iodine or bromine) is present.
The arc tube is equipped with tungsten electrodes at each end, which are sealed
into the lamp's base and connected to the external power supply.
When the lamp is energized, an electric current passes through
the electrodes, creating an arc between them.
The arc heats up the mercury vapor and metal halides, causing
them to ionize and emit light.
Indoor applications include retail lighting, sports arenas, gymnasiums, warehouses, and
Outdoor applications include street lighting, parking lots, stadiums, architectural lighting,
and horticultural lighting for growing plants indoors.
High Efficiency: Metal halide lamps produce a Warm-up Time: Metal halide lamps typically
significant amount of light output per watt of require a few minutes to reach full brightness
electrical power consumed, making them highly after being turned on, which may not be suitable
energy-efficient. for applications where instant illumination is
Color Quality: They offer good color rendering
properties, allowing for accurate representation of Flicker: Some metal halide lamps may exhibit
colors in illuminated spaces. flickering or strobing effects, especially towards
the end of their lifespan or if the ballast is
Brightness: Metal halide lamps provide high levels malfunctioning.
of brightness, making them suitable for
applications where high-intensity lighting is UV Emissions: Metal halide lamps emit ultraviolet
required. (UV) radiation, which may require additional UV-
blocking filters in certain applications to protect
Long Lifespan: Compared to incandescent lamps, people and materials.
metal halide lamps have a longer lifespan, reducing
maintenance and replacement costs.
High-pressure sodium vapor lamps (HPS lamps) are a
type of high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting
technology that produces light by passing an electric
current through a gas mixture containing sodium
vapor at high pressure. Here's a thorough explanation
of high-pressure sodium vapor lamps, covering their
construction, operation, applications, advantages,
and disadvantages:
The arc tube is the central component of an HPS lamp and is typically made of
translucent alumina (aluminum oxide) or ceramic material. It contains a small
amount of solid sodium and a starting gas (usually neon or argon) at low pressure.
The arc tube is enclosed within a larger outer bulb or envelope made of
borosilicate glass. The outer envelope helps protect the arc tube and provides
thermal insulation.
Starting Process: When the lamp is first energized, a high-voltage
pulse is applied to the electrodes at each end of the arc tube. This
pulse ionizes the starting gas, creating a conductive path for the
main discharge.
In horticulture, HPS lamps are used for supplemental lighting in greenhouses to promote
plant growth during periods of low natural light.
In horticulture, HPS lamps are used for supplemental lighting in greenhouses to promote
plant growth during periods of low natural light.
High Efficiency: HPS lamps are among the most Warm-up Time: High-pressure sodium vapor
efficient sources of artificial lighting, with efficacies lamps require a warm-up period to reach full
ranging from 100 to 150 lumens per watt. brightness, typically several minutes after being
turned on.
Long Lifespan: They have a relatively long lifespan
compared to other types of lighting, typically Limited Spectrum: The monochromatic yellow-
ranging from 10,000 to 24,000 hours, depending orange light emitted by HPS lamps may not be
on the specific lamp model and operating suitable for all indoor applications, particularly
conditions. those requiring accurate color representation.
Good Color Rendering: While not as good as some Restrike Time: In the event of a power
other lighting technologies, HPS lamps offer interruption, HPS lamps require time to cool down
moderate color rendering properties suitable for before they can be reignited, leading to a delay in
outdoor lighting applications. relighting.
A ballast is an essential component in many lighting
systems, particularly those using gas discharge lamps
such as fluorescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps,
metal halide lamps, and high-pressure sodium lamps.
Its primary function is to regulate the electrical
current flowing through the lamp to ensure proper
operation and prevent damage. Here's a thorough
explanation of what a ballast is and how it works:
Current Regulation: The main purpose of a ballast is to control
the amount of current flowing through the lamp. Gas discharge
lamps require a specific voltage and current to ionize the gas and
produce light. The ballast regulates the electrical flow to maintain
optimal operating conditions.
Modern lighting systems often use electronic ballasts, which use semiconductor
components such as transistors and capacitors to regulate the current. Electronic
ballasts are more energy-efficient, lighter, and can operate at higher frequencies,
reducing flicker and improving lamp performance.
Input Voltage: Ballasts are designed to operate with specific
COMPONENTS input voltages, typically ranging from 120 volts to 480 volts for
commercial and industrial applications.
Starter Circuit (in some cases): Some types of gas discharge
lamps, such as older fluorescent lamps, may require a starter
COMPONENTS circuit in addition to the ballast. The starter provides the initial
pulse of voltage to initiate the arc discharge.
Output Voltage: The ballast adjusts the output voltage to match
the requirements of the lamp. For example, fluorescent lamps
COMPONENTS typically operate at around 100-300 volts, while metal halide
lamps may require higher voltages.
Ballasts are used in a wide range of lighting applications, including residential,
commercial, and industrial settings.