Principle of Illumination

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ELE 103

Electrical System Design and

Illumination Engineering Design

Prepared by: Engr. Franklin C. ALmonte

1. Incandescent
2. Fluorescent
3. Mercury Vapor
4. Metal Halide
5. High-Pressure Sodium
6. Low Pressure Sodium
of Lamp
➢ produce light by electrically heating high-resistance tungsten filament to intense brightness.

➢ lowest efficacy (lumens per watt) and shortest life.

➢ 17-23 lumens per watt for 500 watts

➢ For higher wattage 23-33 lumens per watt

➢ Over a period of time, the filament evaporates, and to prevent this evaporating 40 and high-
wattage lamps are gas-filled. A filling of inert gas, such as argon and nitrogen, retards
evaporation of the filament, thus allowing higher filament temperature and, hence higher
efficiencies with less sacrifice of life. Bulbs under 40 watts are generally evacuated.

Common Types of Incandescent Lamps

1. the" A" or standard

2. "PS" or pear-shaped;

3. "R“ or reflector

4. "PAR" or parabolic aluminized reflector and the

5. tungsten halogen lamp (quartz).

Tungsten Halogen Lamp
➢Also known as quartz
➢Lamps contain a halogen gas such as iodine or bromine,
operate at high temperatures, and have a smaller
➢The outer envelope is made of quartz to withstand the
very high temperature.
distribution of
Energy saving incandescent lamps
Krypton-filled lamps
➢use krypton instead of argon inside the bulb.
➢replace the existing 40-150 W incandescent lamps.
➢5-10% less wattage.
➢replace the existing 40-150 W incandescent lamps.

Ellipsoidal reflector lamps

➢replace "A" or "R" lamps
➢When a point source of light is placed at the first focal point of an elliptical reflector,
all reflected lights emerge through the second focal point.
Fluorescent lamps
➢produce light by creating an arc between two electrodes in an atmosphere of low-
pressure mercury vapor and some inert gas in a glass tube.
➢requires a ballast to strike the electric arc in the tube initially and to maintain that arc.

➢twice that of incandescent.
➢Efficacies ranging from
➢50-70 lumens per watt are common
Fluorescent lamps
1. To provide sufficient voltage to start up the lamp
2. To provide power factor correction
3. To provide radio interference suppression..

Mortality and lumen depreciation

➢20000 hours based on 3 hours per start.
➢indoor applications w he re lighting quality is important and ceiling heights are moderate.
➢Cool white, warm white or daylight
Energy efficient fluorescent lamps
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
➢effective alternative to traditional incandescent lamps.
➢same light output as incandescent while consuming only 20% of energy.

➢life of a CFL is above 7500 hours
➢ color characteristics provide a warm and cozy environment
➢ideally suit a small luminaire
High intensity discharge lamps (HID)
➢designate three distinct types of lamps, mercury vapour, metal halide, and High-pressure
➢produce light by establishing an arc between electrodes, enclosed in opposite ends of
sealed translucent or transparent arc tubes.
➢Arc tube enclosed in outer bulb that is filled
• nitrogen and inert gas in MV lamps
• vacuum or nitrogen in metal halide
• Vacuum or xenon in high-pressure sodium
High intensity discharge lamps (HID)
1. Limits the current
2. Provides a voltage kick to start the arc discharge.
3. Provides power factor correction
4. Prevents any voltage or current surge

• All HID lamps require several minutes to come to full light output. Also
• If power is switched off, the arc tube must cool before it can be re-struck again and light
Mercury vapour lamps
➢ The outer tube is filled with nitrogen and encloses the inner arc
tube which contains high-purity mercury and argon gas.
➢ 40-1000 watts
➢ Bluish light

24- 60 lumen s/wa tt

As the circuit is energized the starting voltage is provided across
the starting electrodes and the adjacent main electrode to create
an argon arc. This increases the heat and vaporized mercury. The
ionized mercury atoms decrease the resistance across the main
electrodes and cause the main arc to strike.
Metal Halide
➢similar to MV lamps in operating, principle.
➢metallic additives in addition to argon and mercury in
the arc tube
• Sodium iodide and scandium iodide
• Sodium iodide, thallium iodide, and indium iodide.
➢ideally suitable for high ceiling areas where a lot of light
with good color is required.

➢66-100 lumen/watt
High pressure sodium vapour lamp (HPS)
➢ The arc tube is made of ceramic translucent aluminum oxide, which can
withstand temperatures as high as 1300 °C.
➢ golden white color.
➢ 35-1000 watt size
➢ 24000 hours

60-127 lumens per watt.

The starting is done with the help of special circuitry in the ballast; a high voltage
with a high-frequency pulse is used to ionize the xenon starting gas. As the lamp
warms up, it goes through different color radiation stages. At first when xenon and
mercury are ionized bluish-white glow takes place, next comes the monochromatic
yellow of the sodium at low pressure.

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