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Sun Life

Rainbow MPF Scheme


季報 Quarterly Update 第四季 4th Quarter 2023

截至 As at 31/12/2023
重要事項 Important Note
• 永明彩虹強積金計劃(「本計劃」)是一項強制性公積金計劃。
• 投資涉及風險,並非本計劃下的所有投資選擇均適合所有人。投資回報不獲保證,閣下的投資/累算權益或須蒙受重大的損失。
• 閣下在作出任何投資選擇前,應先考慮個人可承受的風險程度及財務狀況。在選擇基金時,如閣下對某基金是否適合自己存有疑問
(包括是否符合閣下的投資目標) ,閣下應尋求獨立財務及/或專業意見,並須考慮個人情況而作出最適合自己的基金選擇。
• 年滿65歲或年滿60歲提早退休的成員可(按照受託人在遵守《強積金條例》和《強積金規例》的前提下可能不時確定的方式和條件)
• 由2016年5月27日起,永明彩虹強積金計劃已進行若干重組,如更改投資經理、若干成分基金之投資政策及基金名稱的變動。有關
3183 1888查詢。
• 請不要只依賴此刊物提供的資料而投資,並應細閱有關的強積金計劃說明書,以獲取有關詳情包括風險因素。
• Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme (the “Scheme”) is a mandatory provident fund scheme.
• Investment involves risks and not all investment choices available under the Scheme would be suitable for everyone. There is no assurance on
investment returns and your investments/accrued benefits may suffer significant loss.
• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection
of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives),
you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your
• Members reaching 65th birthday or early retiring on reaching age 60 may apply (in such form and on such conditions as the Trustee may
from time to time determine but subject to the MPFS Ordinance and Regulation) for payment of the MPF Benefits and/or TVC benefits in
instalments. Please refer to section 6.1.12 “Withdrawal of Benefits” of the MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme for further details.
• With effect from 27 May 2016, certain restructuring has taken place in relation to the Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme, such as the change
of investment manager, the certain changes of the investment policy and the names of constituent funds. For more details about the
restructuring, the certain changes of the investment policy and the names of the constituent funds, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme
Brochure of the Scheme or call our Pensions Service Hotline 3183 1888.
• You should not invest based on this material alone and you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure carefully for further details including risk

市場回顧 Market Review

環球經濟 Global Economy
2023年第四季度,美國及歐元區通脹數據持續放軟,美國消費者物價指 For the fourth quarter in 2023, inflation figures from both the US and
eurozone have been soft. In the US, the consumer price index slowed
數由9月份的3.7%放緩至10月份的3.2%及11月份的3.1%。聯儲局的首選通脹 over the period from 3.7% in September to 3.2% in October and 3.1%
指標 (核心個人消費支出指數) 遜於預期,11月份按月上升0.1%。歐元區年 in November. The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation –
the core personal consumption expenditure index – was softer than
expected, rising 0.1% month-on-month in November. Euro area annual
三季度經濟增長年率由先前的5.2%下調至4.9%。第三季度歐元區國內生產 inflation fell to 2.4% in November from 2.9% in October. Overall
總值按季下跌0.1%。中國經濟數據參差,房地產危機仍未解除持續打壓 economies showed signs of slowing down. US economic growth for
Q3 was revised down to an annualised rate of 4.9% from the previous
市場情緒,同時市場擔憂科技公司可能因潛在的遊戲監管而受壓,亦於 reading of 5.2%. Eurozone GDP fell by 0.1% quarter-on-quarter in Q3.
季內稍後造成不利影響。 Economic data from China was mixed. The ongoing real estate crisis
continued to weigh on sentiment while worries about pressure on
tech companies from potential gaming regulation also had a negative
表 1 : 環球經濟數據 impact later in the quarter.
Table 1 : Global Economic Data
US 美國 Eurozone 歐元區 UK 英國 China 中國
Manufacturing Services CPI Manufacturing Services CPI Manufacturing Services CPI Manufacturing Services CPI
製造業採購 服務業採購 消費者 製造業採購 服務業採購 消費者 製造業採購 服務業採購 消費者 製造業採購 服務業採購 消費者
經理人指數 經理人指數 物價指數 經理人指數 經理人指數 物價指數 經理人指數 經理人指數 物價指數 經理人指數 經理人指數 物價指數

12/2023 47.9 51.4 3.4% 44.4 48.8 2.9% 46.2 53.4 4.0% 50.8 52.9 -0.3%
11/2023 49.4 50.8 3.1% 44.2 48.7 2.4% 47.2 50.9 3.9% 50.7 51.5 -0.5%
10/2023 50.0 50.6 3.2% 43.1 47.8 2.9% 44.8 49.5 4.6% 49.5 50.4 -0.2%
09/2023 49.8 50.1 3.7% 43.4 48.7 4.3% 44.3 49.3 6.7% 50.6 50.2 0.0%
08/2023 47.9 50.5 3.7% 43.5 47.9 5.2% 43.0 49.5 6.7% 51.0 51.8 0.1%
07/2023 49.0 52.3 3.2% 42.7 50.9 5.3% 45.3 51.5 6.8% 49.2 54.1 -0.3%
資料來源: 彭博通訊、永明資產管理有限公司 Source: Bloomberg、Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Ltd

表 2 : 環球GDP數據
Table 2 : Global GDP Data
GDP (YoY) 國內生產總值 ( 年率 )
US 美國 Eurozone 歐元區 UK 英國 China 中國
09/2023 4.9% 0.0% 0.3% 4.9%
06/2023 2.1% 0.6% 0.3% 6.3%
03/2023 2.2% 1.3% 0.4% 4.5%
12/2022 2.6% 1.8% 0.6% 2.9%
09/2022 2.7% 2.4% 2.1% 3.9%
06/2022 -0.6% 4.1% 3.9% 0.4%
資料來源: 彭博通訊、永明資產管理有限公司 Source: Bloomberg、Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Ltd
環球股票 Global Equity
全 球 股 市 於2023年 第 四 季 反 彈,MSCI AC世 界 指 數 上 升 Global equities rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023, with MSCI AC World
10.7%,成熟巿場領先新興市場,MSCI新興市場指數升7.5%。 Index advancing 10.7%. Developed markets led emerging markets as MSCI
Emerging Markets Index rose 7.5%. Among developed markets, both US and
成熟巿場當中,以美元計價,美國和歐洲同是領跑者,隨後 Europe were the top performers in USD term, followed by Japan. European
是日本。歐洲股市的表現部份受匯率升值所推動。美國聯邦 equities performance was partly boosted by currency appreciation. US Fed
基金利率及通脹和就業數據仍然是投資者關心的主軸。美國 Funds Rates, coupled with inflation and employment data, remained investors’
整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘管 focus. US headline and core inflation saw further softening with labour market
showing signs of easing. The market expected rate hike cycle was close to an
end and rate cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates staying
期將近完結而減息會在2024年開始。債券孳息率從10月的近 higher for longer. Bond yield came down from its recent peak in October,
期高位回落,推動科技股本季的表現。但是,地緣衝突加劇, boosting tech stock performance in the quarter. However, the intensifying
尤其是以哈戰爭,在季末重燃供應鏈中斷和通脹的憂慮。雖 geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns on
supply chain disruption and inflation towards quarter end. While US economic
activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the risk of
的衰退風險。歐洲方面,歐洲央行亦表示加息周期快將完結。 recession under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. In Europe, ECB
隨著實質工資的增長,日本經濟正在走出通縮並過渡到溫和 also signalled the end of interest rate hikes. Japanese economy was exiting
通脹,同時日本央行維持孳息曲線管理及相對低利率。 deflation and transitioning to moderate inflation with rising real wages. At the
same time, Bank of Japan maintained yield curve control and relatively low
香港/大中華股市 interest rate.
香港股市於2023年第四季度下跌。恒生指數挫4.3%,為連續 Hong Kong Equity/Greater China Equity
第三個季度下跌。拋售主要出現在10月份,由於美國10年期 Hong Kong equity market fell in the fourth quarter of 2023. Hang Seng
國債孳息率升近5%的十六年高位,全球流動性狀況繼續受到 Index lost 4.3%, marking its third straight quarterly decline. Sell-off was
抑制。儘管於最後兩個月份債券孳息率回調提振了全球股市 mainly seen in October as restrictive global liquidity conditions continued
with US 10-year treasury yield reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level.
情緒,但投資者對中港股市仍抱有懷疑態度,並認為疲軟的 While easing bond yields lifted sentiment on global equities in the final
宏觀經濟和企業盈利前景是主要風險因素;例如主要互聯網 two months, scepticism about Hong Kong and China remained intact.
及消費平台企業對2023年第四季度的銷售預測低於預期,理 Investors still perceived weaker macro and thus corporate earnings
outlook as the major risk factors. For instance, major internet and
由是競爭加劇和對宏觀復甦的信心不足。政府的新房地產刺 consumer platform companies guided for lower-than-expected sale
激政策、一萬億元人民幣國債計劃,以及對境內資本市場加 forecasts for the fourth quarter of 2023, citing greater competition and
大支持力度等利好消息仍未能恢復投資者信心。2023年第四 low confidence in a macro recovery. Positive news such as government’s
new housing policy aids, the RMB 1 trillion central government debt plan,
季度宏觀數據繼續好壞參半;儘管零售額恢復溫和增長,但 and enlarged supports to onshore capital market still failed to recover
出口和房地產固定資產投資依然低迷。中央政府對網絡遊戲 investor confidence. Mixed macro data continued in the fourth quarter of
玩家實施支出上限的消息令相關股票在年底前遭到拋售。 2023. While retail sales resumed modest growth, exports and fixed asset
investment on property remained lacklustre. Online gaming stocks were
中國在岸股市於第四季度亦下跌。作為A股市場基準的上證 sold off right before the closing of the year due to the news of spending
綜合指數以本幣和美元計算分別下跌4.4%和1.7%。由於中央 cap on game players imposed by central government.
經濟工作會議沒有提出非常實際的經濟刺激措施,投資者維 Onshore China equities also dipped in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Shanghai Composite Index, the benchmark of A-share marker, fell 4.4%
持觀望態度。中國證監會推出鼓勵現金分紅及限制大股東減 and 1.7%, in local currency and USD terms respectively. Investors stayed
持,以及中央匯金增加購買A股ETF等一系列穩定A股的舉措, sidelined as the Central Economic Work Conference did not outline very
對於提振市場情緒並沒有太大幫助。 solid stimulus measures for the economy. Measures for stabilizing A-share
market, such as CSRC’s rules to encourage cash dividends and limit major
台 灣 股 市 於 第 四 季 度 急 漲, 表 現 優 於 大 中 華 區 內 其 他 市 shareholder to reduce shareholdings and Central Huijin’s increase in A-share
場。台灣證券交易所指數以本幣和美元計算分別上漲9.6%和 ETFs purchase, did not help much in boosting market sentiment.
15.6%。儘管10月份回軟,但市場動能於最後兩個月恢復。受 Taiwan equities surged in the fourth quarter and outperformed their
greater China peers. TWSE Index gained 9.6% and 15.6% in local currency
投資者預計2024年將快速減息令美國同類型股票飆升所帶 and USD, respectively. Despite a setback in October 2023, market
動,科技股繼續跑贏大市。產能利用率提升以及手機和個人 momentum resumed in the last two months. Tech stocks continued to
電腦製造商第四季度強勁的銷售指引等基本因素也是上升催 outperform, buoyed by strong rally in the US counterparts, as investors
expected aggressive rate cuts in 2024. Fundamental reasons such as
化劑。然而,由於各AI伺服器代工商的銷售指導存在差異, improved utilization and strong sale guidance for the fourth quarter from
有關股票的收盤表現升跌不一。在非科技股中,紡織和航運 handset and PC makers were also the upside catalysts. AI server ODMs,
板塊表現優於大市。在美國零售商和運動服飾品牌庫存下降 however, ended mixed on divergence in sales guidance among companies.
In non-tech space, textile and shipping sectors outperformed. Textile
下,紡織企業受益於第四季訂單逐漸復甦。在也門胡塞武裝 companies benefited from gradual recovery in orders in the fourth quarter
組織在紅海多次襲擊船隻的消息傳出後,12月航運企業的運 of 2023 amidst declining inventory at the US retailers and sportswear
費出現反彈,股價急漲。 brands. Container shipping sector soared amidst rebound in freight rates
in December, following the news of several attacks on ships by Yemen’s
環球債券 Houthi armed forces in Red Sea.
2023年最後一個季度對於債券市場來說是一個非常積極的季 Global Bond
度,標誌著其20多年來最好的季度表現。這一季表現的主要 The final quarter of 2023 was a very positive one for fixed income markets,
驅動力是來自貨幣政策方向的明顯轉變,從「利率將於更 marking their best quarterly performance in over two decades. The major
driver of this performance was a perceived shift in monetary policy
長時間保持於較高水平」的立場轉向預期減息。美國10年期 direction, from a “higher-for-longer” stance to prospective rate cuts. The
國債孳息率從2023年第三季末的4.57%下降至2023年第四季末 US 10-year Treasury yield fell from 4.57% at the end of Q3 2023 to 3.87% at
的3.87%。 the end of Q4 2023.
The US Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged throughout the quarter, with
聯儲局在整個季度維持利率不變,12月更加明確地轉向鴿派 a much clearer shift to a more dovish tone in December accelerating the
基調,加速了市場反彈。修訂後的點陣圖表明預計2024年將 market rally. The revised dot plot projections for the federal funds rate -
有三次降息,高於先前預期的兩次。隨著個人消費支出通脹 indicated that three rate cuts are now anticipated for 2024, up from the
previously expected two. With more encouraging news on PCE inflation,
方面出現更多令人鼓舞的消息,聯邦公開市場委員會似乎對 the FOMC appears more comfortable with the progress made in bringing
通脹回歸目標所取得的進展感到更加滿意。 inflation back towards the target.

The above “Market Review” information are provided by Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Conservative Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求向成員提供穩定的資本增值,同時將基礎資本的風險減至最低,但概不
Launch Date 保證可償還資本。
Seeks to provide members with a regular increase in value, with minimal risk to the
基金資產值(以百萬港元計算) underlying capital but with no guarantee of repayment of capital.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million) 18,045.6

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.1735 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.1783
基金類別 貨幣市場基金 – 香港
Fund Descriptor Money Market Fund – Hong Kong 115

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 110
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited

基金開支比率2 1.15% 105

A類 Class A
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.11%
Risk Indicator3 0.49%
12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
風險級別 5

Risk Class5 1 永明強積金保守基金 – B類


Sun Life MPF Conservative Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 3.63% 1.02% 3.63% 3.96% 5.84% 6.57% 17.35% 3.63% 1.30% 1.14% 0.64% 0.70%
B類 Class B 3.64% 1.02% 3.64% 4.03% 5.91% 6.63% 17.83% 3.64% 1.33% 1.16% 0.64% 0.71%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 1.73% 0.34% 1.73% 3.20% 3.79% 5.14% 7.87% 1.13% 0.68% 0.00% 0.32% 3.63%
B類 Class B 1.73% 0.34% 1.73% 3.25% 3.85% 5.21% 8.07% 1.12% 0.68% 0.00% 0.38% 3.64%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

n 現金及存款 Cash & Deposit 85.4%
回落,但到年底再次飆升。香港銀行間同業拆借利率-倫敦銀行間同業拆借 n 貨幣市場工具 14.6%
利率 (HIBOR-LIBOR) 差距在本季首先縮小,但到年底又開始擴大。年底期 Money Market Instruments
Liquidity remained adequate in Hong Kong as HKMA retains a wide array of policy
tools to provide additional liquidity via open market operations or reducing the
issuance of exchange funded bills. HKD money market rates remained volatile. The
front-end rates remained relatively elevated in the quarter. Overnight HIBOR eased
down a bit from late September high but spiked again into the year-end. HIBOR-
LIBOR gap narrowed first in the quarter but started to widen again towards year-end.
At year-end, our fund extended its duration to reflect our anticipation of Federal 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
Reserve rate cuts in 2024. Agricultural Bank China/HK 5.14% 17-Apr-2024 1.4%
China Construct Bank/Tokyo 0% 6-Sep-2024 1.3%
China Construct Bank/Tokyo 0% 11-Sep-2024 1.3%
China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 5.03% 17-Jun-2024 1.1%
China Construct Bank/Tokyo 0% 2-May-2024 1.1%
China Construct Bank/Tokyo 0% 13-Sep-2024 1.1%
Chong Hing Bank 5.3% 30-Jan-2024 1.0%
Fubon Bank Hong Kong Ltd 5.2% 28-Mar-2024 1.0%
Bank of East Asia Hong Kong 5.4% 5-Mar-2024 0.9%
Mizuho Bank Ltd Hong Kong 5.365% 28-Mar-2024 0.9%

Since 27 May 2016 , Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest
MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
The Sun Life MPF Conservative Fund provides no guarantee of repayment of capital. The fees and charges of a MPF Conservative Fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) member’s
account by way of unit deduction. This fund uses method (i) and, therefore, unit prices/NAV/fund performance quoted have incorporated the impact of fees and charges. 3
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求向成員提供高於從銀行存款和貨幣市場證券所獲得的回報。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with a return in excess of that achievable from
bank deposits and money market securities.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.3814 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.4435
基金類別 債券基金 – 香港
Fund Descriptor Bond Fund – Hong Kong 150

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 140
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.83% 120
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.62%
Risk Indicator3 100
12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
風險級別 5
3 永明強積金港元債券基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 5.39% 4.75% 5.39% -6.58% 0.69% 6.27% 38.14% 5.39% -2.24% 0.14% 0.61% 1.41%
B類 Class B 5.59% 4.79% 5.59% -6.02% 1.69% 8.40% 44.35% 5.59% -2.05% 0.34% 0.81% 1.60%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 3.19% 2.38% 3.19% 0.05% -1.39% 0.21% 9.78% 2.06% 5.60% -2.01% -9.54% 5.39%
B類 Class B 3.27% 2.39% 3.27% 0.33% -0.91% 1.21% 12.47% 2.27% 5.81% -1.81% -9.36% 5.59%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

n 港元債券 HKD Bonds 87.2%
n 美元債券 USD Bonds 10.2%
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 2.6%
The HKD swap curve remains steep. HIBOR rates levelled off during the year-end and we
expect HKD to be range-bounded with lower volatility. HKMA aggregate balance remains
at the low level of HKD 45 billion. HKD bond spread remains tight with muted issuance
activity. 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
USD and HKD HIBOR level gap is likely to remain until rate cut kicks in. The longer
AIA Group Ltd 3.68% 16-Jan-2031 2.2%
end part of the curve gap widened in December and we expect it to remain with rate
peak expectation. Credit spread is expected to remain tight on muted new issuance. Hong Kong Government Bond 2.02% 7-Mar-2034 2.0%
We expect HKD rates to underperform US and Hong Kong Government bonds to Hong Kong Government Bond 3.74% 12-Jan-2038 1.6%
underperform corporate bonds; hence we prefer managers with higher allocation on non- State Grid Overseas Investment BVI Ltd 2.85% 17-Apr-2029 1.3%
HKD investments. United Overseas Bank Ltd/Hong Kong 4.77% 3-Mar-2025 1.0%
Hong Kong Government Bond 1.97% 17-Jan-2029 0.9%
BOC Aviation Ltd 3.25% 27-Jul-2027 0.8%
BOC Aviation Ltd 3.6% 11-Feb-2026 0.7%
Airport Authority 2.3% 24-Apr-2030 0.7%
Swire Properties MTN Financing Ltd 2.4% 18-Jun-2027 0.7%

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
4 may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF RMB and HKD Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

成立日期 尋求達致長期總回報。
Launch Date
Seeks to achieve long-term total returns.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)
基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.0634
Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.0685 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 貨幣市場基金 – 中國內地及香港 115
Fund Descriptor Money Market Fund – Mainland China and Hong Kong
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 110

指數化 Indexed
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
副投資經理 景順投資管理有限公司 105
Sub-investment Manager Invesco Hong Kong Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.24%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.19%
3.85% 95
Risk Indicator3 06/12 06/14 06/16 06/18 06/20 06/22
風險級別5 永明強積金人民幣及港元基金 – B類
Risk Class5 Sun Life MPF RMB and HKD Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 0.31% 2.01% 0.31% -1.49% 3.39% 2.18% 6.34% 0.31% -0.50% 0.67% 0.22% 0.54%
B類 Class B 0.36% 2.01% 0.36% -1.35% 3.64% 2.69% 6.85% 0.36% -0.45% 0.72% 0.27% 0.58%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 0.65% 0.92% 0.65% -0.83% 0.62% 2.10% 2.36% -0.07% 5.03% 2.23% -3.94% 0.31%
B類 Class B 0.66% 0.91% 0.66% -0.77% 0.74% 2.35% 2.65% -0.03% 5.08% 2.29% -3.90% 0.36%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

港元利率走勢主要跟隨美國利率變動,3年期債券孳息率下跌90個基點,而 n 債券(人民幣) 25.1%
Bonds (RMB)
n 貨幣市場工具(人民幣) 23.8%
Money Market Instruments (RMB)
底再次飆升。香港銀行間同業拆借利率-倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率 (HIBOR- n 現金及存款(港元) 21.6%
LIBOR) 差距在本季首先縮小,但到年底又開始擴大。 Cash & Deposit (HKD)
中國宏觀數據持續疲軟,消費者物價指數和生產者物價指數均為負值。最 n 現金及存款(人民幣) 15.3%
Cash & Deposit (RMB)
n 貨幣市場工具(港元) 13.1%
Money Market Instruments (HKD)
季離岸人民幣兌美元升值2.34%。在岸人民幣債孳息曲線收緊,3年期孳息率 n 債券(港元) 1.1%
下降8個基點,10年期孳息率下降11個基點。離岸人民幣國債孳息率曲線小 Bond (HKD)
HKD rates largely followed US rates movement. 3Y yield went down by 90bps and the 7Y 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
yield down by 108bps. HKD money market rates remained volatile. The front-end rates People's Bank Of China 3.18% 22-Feb-2024 4.3%
remained relatively elevated in the quarter. Overnight HIBOR eased down a bit from late
Barclays Bank PLC 4% 24-Mar-2024 3.2%
September high but spiked again into the year-end. HIBOR-LIBOR gap narrowed first in
the quarter but started to widen again towards year-end. Hong Kong Mortgage Corp 2.7% 9-Feb-2024 3.2%
China macro data continued to be on the weak side with CPI and PPI on negative Bank of Communications Co Ltd/Macau 0% 12-Jan-2024 3.2%
territories. Latest policy meetings mostly fell short of offering investors clues on new or Bank of Communications Co Ltd/Tokyo 0% 16-May-2024 3.2%
large-scale stimulus. Chinese policy makers continued to roll out supporting measures for Bank Of China/Macau 3% 8-Feb-2024 2.7%
the property sector but the physical market remained weak. CNH currency appreciated MTR Corp Ltd 2.9% 24-Mar-2024 2.6%
by 2.34% vs USD in the quarter. CNY bond yield curve tightened, with yield on 3Y down
OCBC Wing Hang Bank HK 2.55% 19-Feb-2024 2.2%
by 8bps & 10Y down by 11bps. CNH CGB yields curve slightly widened, with yield on 3Y up
by 8bps & 20Y up by 3bps. United Overseas Bank Limited Hong Kong 3.02% 13-Mar-2024 2.2%
Agricultural Bank China/HK 3.1% 13-Mar-2024 2.1%

由2016年5月27日起,永明資產管理(香港)有限公司已獲委任為此成分基金的投資經理。而景順投資管理有限公司亦獲委任為此成分基金的副投資經理。 由2018年3月1日起,此成分基金的投
Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund; and Invesco Hong Kong Limited has also been appointed as the
sub-investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Since 1 March 2018, the investment threshold of this Constituent Fund has been changed. For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the
latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. 5
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Global Bond Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

成立日期 尋求向成員提供高於從銀行存款和貨幣市場證券所能獲得的回報。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with total return usually in excess of that achievable from
bank deposits and money market securities.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 0.9111 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 0.9370
基金類別 債券基金 – 環球
Fund Descriptor Bond Fund – Global

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited 100
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.82%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.62% 90

風險程度 3
Risk Indicator3 80
01/10 01/12 01/14 01/16 01/18 01/20 01/22
風險級別 5
4 永明強積金環球債券基金 – B類
Risk Class5 4
Sun Life MPF Global Bond Fund – Class B

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 4.83% 7.10% 4.83% -12.84% -2.75% -6.39% -8.89% 4.83% -4.48% -0.56% -0.66% -0.66%
B類 Class B 5.04% 7.16% 5.04% -12.32% -1.77% -4.49% -6.30% 5.04% -4.29% -0.36% -0.46% -0.46%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 3.39% 4.23% 3.39% -2.06% -4.46% -4.54% -5.94% 4.50% 6.76% -3.65% -13.70% 4.83%
B類 Class B 3.49% 4.25% 3.49% -1.78% -4.00% -3.59% -4.64% 4.72% 6.98% -3.46% -13.53% 5.04%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

n 美元債券 USD Bonds 39.8%
n 亞洲債券 Asian Bonds 17.9%
轉變,從「利率將於更長時間保持於較高水平」的立場轉向預期減息。美國 17.1%
n 歐洲債券 European Bonds
10年期國債孳息率從第三季末的4.57%下降至第四季末的3.87%。 10.8%
n 港元債券 HKD Bonds
聯儲局在整個季度維持利率不變,12月更加明確地轉向鴿派基調,加速了市場 n 日本債券 Japanese Bonds 6.5%
反彈。修訂後的點陣圖表明預計 2024年將有三次降息,高於先前預期的兩次。 n 其他債券 Other Bonds 4.5%
隨著個人消費支出通脹方面出現更多令人鼓舞的消息,聯邦公開市場委員會 n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 3.4%
The final quarter of 2023 was a very positive one for fixed income markets, marking
their best quarterly performance in over two decades. The major driver of this 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
performance was a perceived shift in monetary policy direction, from a “higher-for-
US Government Bond 3.5% 15-Feb-2033 4.9%
longer” stance to prospective rate cuts. The US 10-year Treasury yield fell from 4.57%
US Government Bond 3.75% 31-May-2030 4.3%
at the end of Q3 2023 to 3.87% at the end of Q4 2023.
US Government Bond Float 31-Jan-2025 3.6%
The US Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged throughout the quarter, with a much
clearer shift to a more dovish tone in December accelerating the market rally. The US Government Bond 2.375% 15-May-2029 3.6%
revised dot plot projections for the federal funds rate - indicated that three rate US Government Bond 2.875% 15-May-2028 3.3%
cuts are now anticipated for 2024, up from the previously expected two. With more US Government Bond 1.875% 15-Feb-2032 2.8%
encouraging news on PCE inflation, the FOMC appears more comfortable with Italy Government Bond 5.75% 1-Feb-2033 1.9%
the progress made in bringing inflation back towards the target. We will look for
Germany Government Bond 2.6% 15-Aug-2033 1.9%
opportunities to lengthen portfolio duration as we believe bond rally to pick up in
later 2024 with rate cut in expectation. Japan Government Bond 0.1% 20-Jun-2024 1.7%
UK Gilts 3.75% 22-Oct-2053 1.3%

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). Since 1 March 2018, the investment policy of this Constituent Fund has been changed. For more details about this
6 Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Stable Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 ◆ Investment Objective◆

成立日期 尋求向成員提供穩定的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with steady capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 2.0522

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 2.1445 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 混合資產基金 – 環球 300
Fund Descriptor 股票投資最高50%
Mixed Assets Fund – Global 250
Maximum equity investments 50%

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.83%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.62% 100
8.96% 50
Risk Indicator3 12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
4 永明強積金平穩基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Stable Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 4.43% 6.35% 4.43% -14.95% 3.58% 13.75% 105.22% 4.43% -5.25% 0.71% 1.30% 3.16%
B類 Class B 4.64% 6.40% 4.64% -14.44% 4.63% 16.04% 114.45% 4.64% -5.06% 0.91% 1.50% 3.36%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 2.75% 4.07% 2.75% -3.80% -4.16% 1.55% 30.98% 8.73% 12.01% -1.73% -17.12% 4.43%
B類 Class B 2.85% 4.08% 2.85% -3.53% -3.69% 2.60% 34.47% 8.95% 12.23% -1.54% -16.95% 4.64%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

者,隨後是日本。歐洲股市的表現部份受匯率升值所推動。美國聯邦基金利率及通脹和就業數據仍然 n 環球債券 Global Bonds 46.1%
是投資者關心的主軸。美國整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘管聯儲局表示高 n 環球股票 Global Equities 17.0%
利率可能會維持更長時間,市場仍預期加息周期將近完結而減息會在2024年開始。債券孳息率從10月 n 亞洲債券 Asian Bonds 12.0%
n 香港股票 Hong Kong Equities 8.3%
洲方面,歐洲央行亦表示加息周期快將完結。隨著實質工資的增長,日本經濟正在走出通縮並過渡到 n 港元債券 HKD Bonds 6.1%
溫和通脹,同時日本央行維持孳息曲線管理及相對低利率。 n 亞洲股票 Asian Equities 4.9%
今年最後一個季度對於債券市場來說是一個非常積極的季度,標誌著其20多年來最好的季度表現。這 n 其他債券 Other Bonds 3.2%
n 其他股票 Other Equities 0.1%
聯儲局在整個季度維持利率不變,12月更加明確地轉向鴿派基調,加速了市場反彈。修訂後的點陣圖 n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 2.3%
Global equities rebounded in the fourth quarter and developed markets led emerging markets. Among 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
developed markets, both US and Europe were the top performers in USD term, followed by Japan. European
equities performance was partly boosted by currency appreciation. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with inflation US Government Bond 3.5% 15-Feb-2033 4.4%
and employment data, remained investors’ focus. US headline and core inflation saw further softening with US Government Bond Float 31-Jan-2025 3.3%
labour market showing signs of easing. The market expected rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate
cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates staying higher for longer. Bond yield came down US Government Bond 3.75% 31-May-2030 2.9%
from its recent peak in October, boosting tech stock performance in the quarter. However, the intensifying US Government Bond 2.875% 15-May-2028 2.2%
geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns on supply chain disruption and inflation
towards quarter end. While US economic activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the Italy Government Bond 5.75% 1-Feb-2033 1.8%
risk of recession under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. In Europe, ECB also signalled the end of US Government Bond 2.375% 15-May-2029 1.4%
interest rate hikes. Japanese economy was exiting deflation and transitioning to moderate inflation with rising
real wages. At the same time, Bank of Japan maintained yield curve control and relatively low interest rate. Germany Government Bond 2.6% 15-Aug-2033 1.3%
The final quarter of the year was a very positive one for fixed income markets, marking their best quarterly UK Gilts 3.75% 22-Oct-2053 1.2%
performance in over two decades. The major driver of this performance was a perceived shift in monetary
policy direction, from a “higher-for-longer” stance to prospective rate cuts. The US 10-year Treasury yield fell Japan Government Bond 0.1% 20-Jun-2024 1.1%
from 4.57% at the end of Q3 2023 to 3.87% at the end of Q4 2023. US Government Bond 1.875% 15-Feb-2032 1.1%
The US Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged throughout the quarter, with a much clearer shift to a more
dovish tone in December accelerating the market rally. The revised dot plot projections for the federal funds
rate - indicated that three rate cuts are now anticipated for 2024, up from the previously expected two. With
more encouraging news on PCE inflation, the FOMC appears more comfortable with the progress made in
bringing inflation back towards the target. We will look for opportunities to lengthen portfolio duration as
we believe bond rally to pick up in later 2024 with rate cut in expectation.
Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. 7
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Balanced Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 # Investment Objective #

成立日期 尋求向成員提供中至長線的穩健資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with moderate capital growth over the medium to long
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)
基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 2.4739
Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 2.5852 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 混合資產基金 – 環球 400
Fund Descriptor 股票投資最高70%
Mixed Assets Fund – Global

指數化 Indexed
Maximum equity investments 70%
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited 200

基金開支比率 2
A類 Class A 1.83%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.63% 100

風險程度 3
10.63% 0
Risk Indicator3 12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
風險級別 5

Risk Class5 5 永明強積金均衡基金 – B類


Sun Life MPF Balanced Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 4.23% 5.94% 4.23% -14.92% 8.67% 23.93% 147.39% 4.23% -5.24% 1.68% 2.17% 4.00%
B類 Class B 4.44% 6.00% 4.44% -14.41% 9.77% 26.43% 158.52% 4.44% -5.05% 1.88% 2.37% 4.20%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 2.40% 3.97% 2.40% -4.35% -3.20% 5.66% 50.41% 12.01% 14.04% 0.40% -18.69% 4.23%
B類 Class B 2.49% 3.99% 2.49% -4.08% -2.72% 6.77% 54.58% 12.23% 14.27% 0.60% -18.53% 4.44%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

n 環球債券 Global Bonds 32.1%
是投資者關心的主軸。美國整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘管聯儲局表示高 n 環球股票 Global Equities 28.1%
利率可能會維持更長時間,市場仍預期加息周期將近完結而減息會在2024年開始。債券孳息率從10月 n 香港股票 Hong Kong Equities 14.3%
的近期高位回落,推動科技股本季的表現。但是,地緣衝突加劇,尤其是以哈戰爭,在季末重燃供應 n 亞洲債券 Asian Bonds 8.5%
洲方面,歐洲央行亦表示加息周期快將完結。隨著實質工資的增長,日本經濟正在走出通縮並過渡到 n 亞洲股票 Asian Equities 7.7%
溫和通脹,同時日本央行維持孳息曲線管理及相對低利率。 n 港元債券 HKD Bonds 4.3%
今年最後一個季度對於債券市場來說是一個非常積極的季度,標誌著其20多年來最好的季度表現。這 n 其他債券 Other Bonds 2.1%
一季表現的主要驅動力是來自貨幣政策方向的明顯轉變,從「利率將於更長時間保持於較高水平」的 n 其他股票 Other Equities 0.2%
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 2.7%
Global equities rebounded in the fourth quarter and developed markets led emerging markets. Among 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
developed markets, both US and Europe were the top performers in USD term, followed by Japan. European
equities performance was partly boosted by currency appreciation. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with inflation US Government Bond 3.5% 15-Feb-2033 2.9%
and employment data, remained investors’ focus. US headline and core inflation saw further softening with US Government Bond Float 31-Jan-2025 2.1%
labour market showing signs of easing. The market expected rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate
cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates staying higher for longer. Bond yield came down US Government Bond 3.75% 31-May-2030 1.9%
from its recent peak in October, boosting tech stock performance in the quarter. However, the intensifying US Government Bond 2.875% 15-May-2028 1.4%
geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns on supply chain disruption and inflation
towards quarter end. While US economic activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the Italy Government Bond 5.75% 1-Feb-2033 1.2%
risk of recession under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. In Europe, ECB also signalled the end of US Government Bond 2.375% 15-May-2029 1.1%
interest rate hikes. Japanese economy was exiting deflation and transitioning to moderate inflation with rising
real wages. At the same time, Bank of Japan maintained yield curve control and relatively low interest rate. 滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 1.1%
The final quarter of the year was a very positive one for fixed income markets, marking their best quarterly 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 1.1%
performance in over two decades. The major driver of this performance was a perceived shift in monetary
policy direction, from a “higher-for-longer” stance to prospective rate cuts. The US 10-year Treasury yield fell Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1.0%
from 4.57% at the end of Q3 2023 to 3.87% at the end of Q4 2023. 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1.0%
The US Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged throughout the quarter, with a much clearer shift to a more
dovish tone in December accelerating the market rally. The revised dot plot projections for the federal funds
rate - indicated that three rate cuts are now anticipated for 2024, up from the previously expected two. With
more encouraging news on PCE inflation, the FOMC appears more comfortable with the progress made in
bringing inflation back towards the target. We will look for opportunities to lengthen portfolio duration as
we believe bond rally to pick up in later 2024 with rate cut in expectation.
Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
8 may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Growth Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標~ Investment Objective~

成立日期 尋求向成員提供中至長線的顯著資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with significant capital growth over the medium term to
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算) longer term.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 2.9204

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 3.0517 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 混合資產基金 – 環球 500
Fund Descriptor 股票投資最高90%
Mixed Assets Fund – Global 400
Maximum equity investments 90%

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.84%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.63% 100
12.45% 0
Risk Indicator3
12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
風險級別 5
5 永明強積金增長基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Growth Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 3.97% 5.48% 3.97% -15.23% 13.48% 34.56% 192.04% 3.97% -5.36% 2.56% 3.01% 4.75%
B類 Class B 4.17% 5.54% 4.17% -14.71% 14.62% 37.27% 205.17% 4.17% -5.17% 2.76% 3.22% 4.95%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 1.92% 3.86% 1.92% -5.14% -2.48% 9.64% 72.28% 14.61% 16.80% 2.39% -20.36% 3.97%
B類 Class B 2.02% 3.88% 2.02% -4.88% -1.99% 10.81% 77.21% 14.84% 17.03% 2.59% -20.20% 4.17%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

n 環球股票 Global Equities 39.1%
是投資者關心的主軸。美國整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘管聯儲局表示高 n 香港股票 Hong Kong Equities 20.3%
利率可能會維持更長時間,市場仍預期加息周期將近完結而減息會在2024年開始。債券孳息率從10月 n 環球債券 Global Bonds 18.4%
的近期高位回落,推動科技股本季的表現。但是,地緣衝突加劇,尤其是以哈戰爭,在季末重燃供應 n 亞洲股票 Asian Equities 10.5%
洲方面,歐洲央行亦表示加息周期快將完結。隨著實質工資的增長,日本經濟正在走出通縮並過渡到 n 亞洲債券 Asian Bonds 5.4%
溫和通脹,同時日本央行維持孳息曲線管理及相對低利率。 n 港元債券 HKD Bonds 2.5%
今年最後一個季度對於債券市場來說是一個非常積極的季度,標誌著其20多年來最好的季度表現。這 n 其他債券 Other Bonds 1.2%
一季表現的主要驅動力是來自貨幣政策方向的明顯轉變,從「利率將於更長時間保持於較高水平」的 n 其他股票 Other Equities 0.2%
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 2.4%
Global equities rebounded in the fourth quarter and developed markets led emerging markets. Among 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
developed markets, both US and Europe were the top performers in USD term, followed by Japan. European
equities performance was partly boosted by currency appreciation. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with inflation US Government Bond 3.5% 15-Feb-2033 1.6%
and employment data, remained investors’ focus. US headline and core inflation saw further softening with 滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 1.5%
labour market showing signs of easing. The market expected rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate
cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates staying higher for longer. Bond yield came down 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 1.5%
from its recent peak in October, boosting tech stock performance in the quarter. However, the intensifying 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1.4%
geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns on supply chain disruption and inflation
towards quarter end. While US economic activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1.4%
risk of recession under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. In Europe, ECB also signalled the end of US Government Bond Float 31-Jan-2025 1.2%
interest rate hikes. Japanese economy was exiting deflation and transitioning to moderate inflation with rising
real wages. At the same time, Bank of Japan maintained yield curve control and relatively low interest rate. Microsoft Corp 1.1%
The final quarter of the year was a very positive one for fixed income markets, marking their best quarterly US Government Bond 3.75% 31-May-2030 1.1%
performance in over two decades. The major driver of this performance was a perceived shift in monetary
policy direction, from a “higher-for-longer” stance to prospective rate cuts. The US 10-year Treasury yield fell Apple Inc 1.0%
from 4.57% at the end of Q3 2023 to 3.87% at the end of Q4 2023.
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 0.9%
The US Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged throughout the quarter, with a much clearer shift to a more
dovish tone in December accelerating the market rally. The revised dot plot projections for the federal funds
rate - indicated that three rate cuts are now anticipated for 2024, up from the previously expected two. With
more encouraging news on PCE inflation, the FOMC appears more comfortable with the progress made in
bringing inflation back towards the target. We will look for opportunities to lengthen portfolio duration as
we believe bond rally to pick up in later 2024 with rate cut in expectation.
Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. 9
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Global Low Carbon Index Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求向成員提供於扣除費用和開支前緊貼FTSE Custom MPF Developed Selected

Launch Date Countries ESG Low Carbon Select Hedged Index表現的投資回報。
Seeks to provide members with investment results that, before fees and expenses,
基金資產值(以百萬港元計算) closely track the performance of the FTSE Custom MPF Developed Selected
Fund Size (HK$ in Million) Countries ESG Low Carbon Select Hedged Index.
基金價格(港元) 基金表現 Fund Performance
Fund Price (HK$)
基金類別 股票基金 – 環球股票
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Global Equities

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 不適用
Fund Expense Ratio2 N/A
風險程度3 不適用
Risk Indicator3 N/A 80
06/23 07/23 08/23 09/23 10/23 11/23 12/23
風險級別 5
Risk Class5 N/A 永明強積金環球低碳指數基金
Sun Life MPF Global Low Carbon Index Fund

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
Sun Life MPF Global Low 5.93% 9.49% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 5.93% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A
Carbon Index Fund
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sun Life MPF Global Low 5.34% 4.95% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 5.34% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 5.93%
Carbon Index Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

截至2023年12月31日為止的三個月,永明強積金環球低碳指數基金錄得+9.5% n 資訊科技 Information Technology 28.4%
的回報。本基金分別於10月、11月及12月錄得-1.9%、+8.0%及+3.3% 的回報。 n 金融 Financials 27.1%
季內基金表現最大正面貢獻的個股為微軟、蘋果公司和Visa。季內基金表現 n 消費 Consumer 15.2%
最大的拖累因素則為思科、博通公司和輝瑞大藥廠股份有限公司。 n 健康護理 Health Care 11.9%
n 工業 Industrials 4.8%
For the three months ended 31 December 2023, Sun Life MPF Global Low Carbon
n 原材料 Materials 3.3%
Index Fund returned +9.5%. The fund delivered returns of -1.9%, +8.0% and +3.3%
n 通信服務 Communication Services 3.2%
for the months of October, November and December, respectively. Among the top
n 能源 Energy 2.4%
positive contributing stocks in the fund during the quarter were Microsoft Corp,
n 公用事業 Utilities 2.0%
Apple Inc. and Visa Inc.. The biggest detractors from portfolio performance over the
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 1.7%
quarter were Cisco Systems Inc., Broadcom Inc. and Pfizer Inc.

十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7

Microsoft Corp 8.6%
Apple Inc 6.7%
Johnson & Johnson 6.3%
Visa Inc - Class A 6.3%
Cisco Systems Inc 3.2%
NVIDIA Corp 1.6%
Intel Corp 1.5% Inc 1.4%
Royal Bank of Canada 1.4%
Salesforce Inc 1.1%

永明資產管理環球低碳指數基金(基礎基金)由永明資產管理(香港)有限公司獨自設立。基礎基金並無以任何方式與London Stock Exchange Group plc及其集團企業(統稱為「倫交所集團」)

有任何聯繫,亦非獲其以任何方式保薦、認許、銷售或推廣。富時羅素為若干倫交所集團公司的商業名稱。FTSE Custom MPF Developed Selected Countries ESG Low Carbon Select Hedged
Index(基礎指數)中的所有權利均歸屬擁有該指數的相關倫交所集團公司。「FTSE®」、「Russell®」、「FTSE Russell®」是相關倫交所集團公司的商標,並由其他倫交所集團公司根據許可使用。
The Sun Life AM Global Low Carbon Index Fund (Underlying Fund) has been developed solely by Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited. The Underlying Fund is not in any way connected to or sponsored,
endorsed, sold or promoted by the London Stock Exchange Group plc and its group undertakings (collectively, the “LSE Group”). FTSE Russell is a trading name of certain of the LSE Group companies. All
rights in the FTSE Custom MPF Developed Selected Countries ESG Low Carbon Select Hedged Index (Underlying Index) vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the index. “FTSE®”, “Russell®”, “FTSE
Russell®” are trademarks of the relevant LSE Group company and are used by any other LSE Group company under license. The Underlying Index is calculated by or on behalf of FTSE International Limited
or its affiliate, agent or partner. The LSE Group does not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in the index or (b) investment in or operation of
the Underlying Fund. The LSE Group makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the Underlying Fund or the suitability of the Underlying Index for the
purposes to which it is being put by Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited.
10 永明強積金環球低碳指數基金的首個交易日為05/06/2023,這項成分基金的業績表現資料由05/06/2023開始計算。
The first dealing day of Sun Life MPF Global Low Carbon Index Fund is on 05/06/2023 and the performance information of this constituent fund is calculated from 05/06/2023.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Multi-Sector Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求達致長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to achieve long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.8695 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.9297
基金類別 股票基金 – 環球股票
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Global Equities 200

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited

基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.82% 100

Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.62%
Risk Indicator3 0
03/08 03/10 03/12 03/14 03/16 03/18 03/20 03/22
風險級別 5
6 永明強積金行業股票基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Multi-Sector Equity Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 18.86% 10.07% 18.86% 12.44% 54.41% 64.79% 86.95% 18.86% 3.99% 9.07% 5.12% 4.03%
B類 Class B 19.10% 10.12% 19.10% 13.12% 55.96% 68.12% 92.97% 19.10% 4.19% 9.29% 5.33% 4.24%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 8.11% 5.93% 8.11% 7.49% 18.94% 38.17% 65.76% 18.90% 15.50% 18.63% -20.25% 18.86%
B類 Class B 8.21% 5.94% 8.21% 7.80% 19.56% 39.68% 68.78% 19.14% 15.72% 18.86% -20.09% 19.10%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

全球股市於2023年第四季反彈,成熟巿場領先新興市場。成熟巿場當中,以 n 資訊科技 Information Technology 25.8%
美元計價,美國和歐洲同是領跑者,隨後是日本。歐洲股市的表現部份受匯 n 健康護理 Health Care 13.9%
率升值所推動。美國聯邦基金利率及通脹和就業數據仍然是投資者關心的主 n 工業 Industrials 12.5%
軸。美國整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘管聯儲局 n 金融 Financials 12.5%
表示高利率可能會維持更長時間,市場仍預期加息周期將近完結而減息會在 n 非必需消費品 Consumer Discretionary 9.9%
n 通信服務 Communication Services 6.0%
n 主要消費品 Consumer Staples 4.6%
歐洲方面,歐洲央行亦表示加息周期快將完結。隨著實質工資的增長,日本 n 原材料 Materials 3.4%
經濟正在走出通縮並過渡到溫和通脹,同時日本央行維持孳息曲線管理及相 n 能源 Energy 3.3%
對低利率。 n 公用事業 Utilities 0.5%
板塊方面,對息口敏感的房地產板塊和資訊科技板塊跑贏大市,而能源板塊 n 房地產 Real Estate 0.2%
則落後。 n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 7.4%
Global equities rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023 and developed markets led
emerging markets. Among developed markets, both US and Europe were the top
十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
performers in USD term, followed by Japan. European equities performance was
partly boosted by currency appreciation. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with inflation Microsoft Corp 3.8%
and employment data, remained investors’ focus. US headline and core inflation saw Apple Inc 3.6%
further softening with labour market showing signs of easing. The market expected
rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s iShares Core S&P 500 ETF 2.2%
narrative of rates staying higher for longer. Bond yield came down from its recent Inc 2.0%
peak in October, boosting tech stock performance in the quarter. However, the UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.5%
intensifying geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns
on supply chain disruption and inflation towards quarter end. While US economic Novo Nordisk A/S 1.4%
activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the risk of recession Visa Inc - Class A 1.4%
under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. In Europe, ECB also signalled
Adobe Inc 1.3%
the end of interest rate hikes. Japanese economy was exiting deflation and
transitioning to moderate inflation with rising real wages. At the same time, Bank of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 1.3%
Japan maintained yield curve control and relatively low interest rate. Accenture PLC - Class A 1.2%
Among sectors, rate-sensitive Real Estate and Information Technology
outperformed, while Energy underperformed.

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). Since 1 March 2018, the name of "Sun Life MPF Global Equity Fund" has been changed to "Sun Life MPF Multi-Sector
Fund". Its investment objective and policy have been changed. For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. 11
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF European Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求為成員提供長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

Fund Price (HK$)
1.0355 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 股票基金 – 歐洲 120
Fund Descriptor 最少70% 於歐洲股票
Equity Fund – Europe
At least 70% in European equities 110

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited 100

基金開支比率2 不適用
Fund Expense Ratio2 N/A 90
風險程度 3
Risk Indicator3 N/A 80
06/23 07/23 08/23 09/23 10/23 11/23 12/23
風險級別 5
Risk Class5 N/A 永明強積金歐洲股票基金
Sun Life MPF European Equity Fund

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
Sun Life MPF European 3.55% 8.43% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 3.55% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A
Equity Fund
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sun Life MPF European 4.85% 5.64% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 4.85% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 3.55%
Equity Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

歐洲股市於2023年第四季反彈,以美元計價的表現部份受匯率升值所推動。 n 工業 Industrials 17.8%
利率、通脹和宏觀經濟是投資者關心的主軸。整體和核心通脹在歐元區和英 n 金融 Financials 15.5%
國有所回落,而且比美國要快。市場預期加息周期將近完結而減息會在2024 n 健康護理 Health Care 14.0%
n 非必需消費品 Consumer Discretionary 12.2%
n 主要消費品 Consumer Staples 8.6%
n 資訊科技 Information Technology 8.5%
n 原材料 Materials 6.2%
劇,尤其是以哈戰爭,在季末重燃供應鏈中斷和通脹的憂慮。另一方面,經 n 能源 Energy 5.8%
濟活動持續疲弱,採購經理人指數仍然在收縮區間,市場擔心衰退的風險。 n 公用事業 Utilities 3.2%
European equities rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the performance in n 通信服務 Communication Services 2.7%
USD term was partly boosted by currency appreciation. Interest rate, inflation and n 房地產 Real Estate 0.6%
macro economy remained to be investors’ focus. Eurozone and UK headline and n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 4.9%
core inflation further softened with a faster pace compared with the US. The market
expected rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate cut would start in 2024. In 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
tandem with global equities, equities sell-off was seen in October, as restrictive
Novo Nordisk A/S 3.5%
global liquidity conditions continued with US 10-year treasury yield reaching a 16-
year high at almost 5% level. In the final two months, easing bond yields lifted ASML Holding NV 3.3%
sentiment on equities and boosted tech stock performance in the quarter. However, AstraZeneca PLC 2.6%
the intensifying geopolitical conflict, especially Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 2.3%
on supply chain disruption and inflation towards quarter end. On the other hand, Shell PLC 2.2%
economic activities continued to be weak with PMI in contraction territory and the
Nestle SA 2.1%
market was concerned about risk of recession.
Roche Holding AG 2.0%
Schneider Electric SE 1.7%
L'Oreal SA 1.6%
TotalEnergies SE 1.4%

12 The first dealing day of Sun Life MPF European Equity Fund is on 05/06/2023 and the performance information of this constituent fund is calculated from 05/06/2023.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Asian Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 中立預測 Neutral

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求為成員提供長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.5232 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.5722
基金類別 股票基金 – 亞洲(日本除外)
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Asia ex Japan

指數化 Indexed
永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 200
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited

基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.95% 100

Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.75%

18.14% 0
Risk Indicator3
03/08 03/10 03/12 03/14 03/16 03/18 03/20 03/22
6 永明強積金亞洲股票基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Asian Equity Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A 1.05% 5.13% 1.05% -26.72% 13.58% 24.74% 52.32% 1.05% -9.85% 2.58% 2.23% 2.69%
B類 Class B 1.26% 5.18% 1.26% -26.28% 14.73% 27.26% 57.22% 1.26% -9.66% 2.78% 2.44% 2.90%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A 0.68% 4.02% 0.68% -10.06% -6.02% 5.31% 27.30% 14.05% 35.91% -6.97% -22.05% 1.05%
B類 Class B 0.77% 4.04% 0.77% -9.82% -5.55% 6.43% 29.63% 14.28% 36.18% -6.78% -21.90% 1.26%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

亞洲股市於2023年第四季上揚,主要是由市場對美國利率前景的預期迅速改 n 香港/中國 Hong Kong/China 30.3%
變所帶動。勞動市場和消費物價指數數據放緩,美國出現了通脹下行的現象。 n 印度 India 24.0%
11月,投資者開始考慮減息「較預期早」,而非較早前「高利率持續較長時間」 n 南韓 South Korea 14.5%
的情況。在聯邦公開市場委員會 (FOMC) 發表鴿派基調後,投資者預計即使美 n 台灣 Taiwan 13.9%
國經濟增長不會顯著惡化,2024年也會大幅減息。因此,台灣和韓國等科技 n 泰國 Thailand 4.5%
業佔比較高的成長型市場成為季內主要贏家之一。高於預期的科技出口和工 n 澳洲 Australia 2.7%
業生產也推動了韓國市場的上漲。印度股市也大幅上漲。該國的核心通脹仍 n 新加坡 Singapore 2.6%
然受控,而強勁的建築活動推動2023年第三季度GDP增長7.6%,高於市場預期。 n 印尼 Indonesia 2.3%
由於執政黨印度人民黨 (BJP) 在關鍵州份選舉中的強勁表現激發了積極情緒,
n 菲律賓 Philippines 1.4%
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 3.8%
Asian equities rose in the fourth quarter of 2023, largely driven by a rapid shift in
market expectations on US interest rate outlook. Disinflation emerged in the US on
十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
the heels of softening labour market and CPI data. In November, investors started to
price in “sooner-than-expected” rates cut, opposed to “higher for longer” scenario Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 9.0%
earlier on. After the dovish tone from FOMC, investors expected aggressive rate Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 8.5%
cuts in 2024 even without significant growth deterioration in the US. As a result, HDFC Bank Ltd 5.4%
growth-tilted markets with higher tech sector exposure, like Taiwan and Korea, 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 4.6%
were among the major gainers in the quarter. The rally of Korean market was also
Reliance Industries Ltd 3.3%
fuelled by stronger-than-expected tech exports and industrial production. India
equities also soared. Core inflation of the country remained to be contained and 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 2.8%
strong construction activities buoyed GDP growth for the third quarter of 2023 at 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 2.6%
an above consensus pace of 7.6%. Market rally extended into December driven by SK Hynix Inc 2.2%
increased foreign fund flows into the Indian equities as a strong showing by the BJP, Kasikornbank PCL 1.7%
the ruling party, in key state elections spurred positive sentiment. ASEAN markets
Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 1.2%
also ended higher in the quarter, with Philippines and Malaysian equities being the
outperformers within that region.

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). Since 1 March 2018, the investment policy of this Constituent Fund has been changed. For more details about this
Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. 13
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF US Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求為成員提供長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

Fund Price (HK$)
1.0885 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 股票基金 – 美國 120
Fund Descriptor 最少70% 於美國股票
Equity Fund – United States
At least 70% in US equities 110

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited 100

基金開支比率2 不適用
Fund Expense Ratio2 N/A 90
風險程度 3
Risk Indicator3 N/A 80
06/23 07/23 08/23 09/23 10/23 11/23 12/23
風險級別 5
Risk Class5 N/A 永明強積金美國股票基金
Sun Life MPF US Equity Fund

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
永明強積金美國股票基金 8.85% 11.56% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 8.85% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A
Sun Life MPF US Equity Fund

平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

永明強積金美國股票基金 6.93% 6.25% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 6.93% 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 8.85%
Sun Life MPF US Equity Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

美國股市於第四季反彈。美國聯邦基金利率、通脹和就業數據仍然是投資者 n 資訊科技 Information Technology 31.5%
關心的主軸。美國整體和核心通脹繼續回軟,而勞動市場亦有回落跡象。儘 n 健康護理 Health Care 15.2%
管聯儲局表示高利率可能會維持更長時間,市場仍預期加息周期將近完結而 n 金融 Financials 9.7%
n 工業 Industrials 9.5%
n 非必需消費品 Consumer Discretionary 9.2%
n 通信服務 Communication Services 8.3%
調提振了全球股市情緒及推動科技股票本季的表現。但是,地緣衝突加劇 (尤 n 主要消費品 Consumer Staples 4.4%
其是以哈戰爭) 在季末重燃供應鏈中斷和通脹的憂慮。雖然美國經濟活動強 n 原材料 Materials 4.0%
勁,部份投資者擔心在限制性貨幣政策下的衰退風險。 n 能源 Energy 1.8%
US equities rebounded in the fourth quarter. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with n 房地產 Real Estate 1.7%
inflation and employment data, remained investors’ focus. Both headline and core n 公用事業 Utilities 1.1%
inflation saw further softening with labor market showing signs of easing. The n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 3.6%
market expected rate hike cycle was close to an end and rate cut would start in
2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates staying higher for longer. Equities sell-off was 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
seen in October, as restrictive global liquidity conditions continued with US 10-year
Microsoft Corp 6.2%
treasury yield reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level. In the final two months,
easing bond yields lifted sentiment on equities and boosted tech stock performance Apple Inc 5.5%
in the quarter. However, the intensifying geopolitical conflict, especially Israel- Inc 3.8%
Hamas war, reignited concerns on supply chain disruption and inflation towards NVIDIA Corp 3.3%
quarter end. While US economic activities were resilient, some investors were Alphabet Inc - Class A 2.9%
concerned about the risk of recession under an environment of restrictive monetary
Meta Platforms Inc - Class A 2.6%
Mastercard Inc - Class A 2.1%
Eli Lilly & Co 1.7%
UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.7%
Adobe Inc 1.2%

14 The first dealing day of Sun Life MPF US Equity Fund is on 05/06/2023 and the performance information of this constituent fund is calculated from 05/06/2023.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF US & Hong Kong Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 正面預測 Positive

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求為成員提供長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

Fund Price (HK$)
1.0299 基金表現 Fund Performance
基金類別 股票基金 – 美國及香港
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – United States and Hong Kong

投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 不適用
Fund Expense Ratio2 N/A The performance figure will be available after it has an investment
track record of not less than 6 months.
風險程度 3
Risk Indicator3 N/A

風險級別5 不適用
Risk Class5 N/A

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
Sun Life MPF US & Hong Kong 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A
Equity Fund
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sun Life MPF US & Hong Kong 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A
Equity Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

況繼續受到抑制。其後兩個月,債券孳息率回調提振了全球股市情緒及推動科技股票 n 美國股票 US equities 61.9%
本季的表現。但是,地緣衝突加劇 (尤其是以哈戰爭) 在季末重燃供應鏈中斷和通脹的 n 香港股票 Hong Kong equities 36.2%
憂慮。雖然美國經濟活動強勁,部份投資者擔心在限制性貨幣政策下的衰退風險。 n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 1.9%
十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
US equities rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023. US Fed Funds Rates, coupled with
inflation and employment data, remained investors’ focus. Both headline and core inflation Apple Inc 4.3%
saw further softening with labor market showing signs of easing. The market expected rate Microsoft Corp 4.3%
hike cycle was close to an end and rate cut would start in 2024, despite Fed’s narrative of rates
staying higher for longer. Equities sell-off was seen in October, as restrictive global liquidity 滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 3.1%
conditions continued with US 10-year treasury yield reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level. 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 3.0%
In the final two months, easing bond yields lifted sentiment on equities and boosted tech
stock performance in the quarter. However, the intensifying geopolitical conflict, especially 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 2.7%
Israel-Hamas war, reignited concerns on supply chain disruption and inflation towards quarter 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 2.6%
end. While US economic activities were resilient, some investors were concerned about the
risk of recession under an environment of restrictive monetary policy. Inc 2.1%
Hong Kong equity market fell in the fourth quarter of 2023. Sell-off was mainly seen in NVIDIA Corp 1.9%
October as restrictive global liquidity conditions continued with US 10-year treasury yield
reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level. While easing bond yields lifted sentiment on 建設銀行 China Construction Bank Corp 1.7%
global equities in the final two months, scepticism about Hong Kong and China remained 美團 Meituan - Class B 1.6%
intact. Investors still perceived weaker macro and thus corporate earnings outlook as the
major risk factors. For instance, major internet and consumer platform companies guided for
lower-than-expected sales forecasts for the fourth quarter, citing greater competition and
low confidence in a macro recovery. Positive news such as government’s new housing policy
aids, the RMB 1 trillion central government debt plan, and enlarged supports to onshore
capital market still failed to recover investor confidence. Mixed macro data continued in the
fourth quarter of 2023. While retail sales resumed modest growth, exports and fixed asset
investment on property remained lacklustre. Online gaming stocks were sold off right before
the closing of the year due to the news of spending cap on game players imposed by central
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Greater China Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 中立預測 Neutral

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求達致長期的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to achieve long-term capital growth.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 1.1380 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 1.1737
基金類別 股票基金 – 大中華
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Greater China 200

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited

基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 2.13% 100

Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.93%
Risk Indicator3 0
03/08 03/10 03/12 03/14 03/16 03/18 03/20 03/22
風險級別 5
6 永明強積金大中華股票基金 – B類
Risk Class5
Sun Life MPF Greater China Equity Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A -8.73% -0.13% -8.73% -39.49% 1.75% 8.82% 13.80% -8.73% -15.42% 0.35% 0.85% 0.82%
B類 Class B -8.55% -0.09% -8.55% -39.13% 2.78% 11.01% 17.37% -8.55% -15.25% 0.55% 1.05% 1.02%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A -6.42% 0.87% -6.42% -19.83% -17.60% -7.20% 5.95% 17.87% 42.67% -8.14% -27.83% -8.73%
B類 Class B -6.34% 0.88% -6.34% -19.62% -17.20% -6.22% 7.82% 18.11% 42.96% -7.96% -27.68% -8.55%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

香港股市於2023年第四季度下跌。拋售主要出現在10月份,皆因美國10年期國債孳息率升近5% n 資訊科技 Information Technology 35.6%
市情緒,但投資者對中港股市仍抱有懷疑態度,並認為疲軟的宏觀經濟和企業盈利前景是主 n 金融 Financials 20.1%
要風險因素。例如主要互聯網及消費平台企業對第四季度的銷售預測低於預期,理由是競爭 n 消費 Consumer 19.1%
對境內資本市場加大支持力度等利好消息仍未能恢復投資者信心。2023年第四季度宏觀數據繼 n 工業 Industrials 7.4%
續好壞參半;儘管零售額恢復溫和增長,但出口和房地產固定資產投資依然低迷。中央政府 n 通信服務 Communication Services 5.9%
對網絡遊戲玩家實施支出上限的消息令相關股票在年底前遭到拋售。 n 健康護理 Health Care 2.4%
投資者維持觀望態度。中國證監會推出鼓勵現金分紅及限制大股東減持,以及中央匯金增加 n 能源 Energy 2.2%
購買A股ETF等一系列穩定A股的舉措,對於提振市場情緒並沒有太大幫助。 n 原材料 Materials 2.0%
場動能於最後兩個月恢復。受投資者預計2024年將快速減息令美國同類型股票飆升所帶動,科 n 公用事業 Utilities 1.5%
技股繼續跑贏大市。產能利用率提升以及手機和個人電腦製造商第四季度強勁的銷售指引等 n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 3.8%
襲擊船隻的消息傳出後,12月航運企業的運費出現反彈,股價急漲。 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
Hong Kong equity market fell in the fourth quarter of 2023. Sell-off was mainly seen in October as restrictive global
liquidity conditions continued with US 10-year treasury yield reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level. While easing bond Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 9.9%
yields lifted sentiment on global equities in the final two months, scepticism about Hong Kong and China remained intact.
Investors still perceived weaker macro and thus corporate earnings outlook as the major risk factors. For instance, major 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 7.9%
internet and consumer platform companies guided for lower-than-expected sales forecasts for the fourth quarter, citing 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 3.9%
greater competition and low confidence in a macro recovery. Positive news such as government’s new housing policy aids,
the RMB 1 trillion central government debt plan, and enlarged supports to onshore capital market still failed to recover 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 3.9%
investor confidence. Mixed macro data continued in the fourth quarter of 2023. While retail sales resumed modest
growth, exports and fixed asset investment on property remained lacklustre. Online gaming stocks were sold off right Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 2.2%
before the closing of the year due to the news of spending cap on game players imposed by central government.
Onshore China equities also dipped in the fourth quarter. Investors stayed sidelined as the Central Economic Work 香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 1.9%
Conference did not outline very solid stimulus measures for the economy. Measures for stabilizing A-share market, such Silergy Corp 1.6%
as CSRC’s rules to encourage cash dividends and limit major shareholder to reduce shareholdings and Central Huijin’s
increase in A-share ETFs purchase, did not help much in boosting market sentiment. 滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 1.5%
Taiwan equities surged in the fourth quarter of 2023 and outperformed their greater China peers. Despite a setback in in
October, market momentum resumed in the last two months. Tech stocks continued to outperform, buoyed by strong 招商銀行 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 1.5%
rally in the US counterparts, as investors expected aggressive rate cuts in 2024. Fundamental reasons such as improved Delta Electronics Inc 1.5%
utilization and strong sale guidance for the fourth quarter of 2023 from handset and PC makers were also the upside
catalysts. AI server ODMs, however, ended mixed on divergence in sales guidance among companies. In non-tech space,
textile and shipping sectors outperformed. Textile companies benefited from gradual recovery in orders in the fourth
quarter amidst declining inventory at the US retailers and sportswear brands. Container shipping sector soared amidst
rebound in freight rates in December, following the news of several attacks on ships by Yemen’s Houthi armed forces in
Red Sea.
Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this Constituent
Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds may be invested in multiple
underlying funds managed by various investment managers), and the inclusion of Taiwan-related securities in the portfolio. Since 1 March 2018, the investment objective and policy of this Constituent Fund have been
16 changed. For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 中立預測 Neutral

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

成立日期 尋求向成員提供於扣除費用和開支前緊貼富時強積金香港指數表現的投資
Launch Date 回報。
Seeks to provide members with investment results that, before fees and expenses,
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算) closely track the performance of the FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 0.9033 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 0.9033 250

基金類別 股票基金 – 香港 200

Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Hong Kong

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 0.96%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 0.96% 50

風險程度3 0
Risk Indicator3 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 12/22 12/23
富時強積金香港指數 §
永明富時強積金香港指數基金 – B類
風險級別5 7 Sun Life FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index Fund – Class B 4 FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index §
Risk Class5 §
資料來源:富時國際有限公司。 Index Source: FTSE International Limited.

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A -12.61% -4.77% -12.61% -38.06% -21.91% -9.42% -9.67% -12.61% -14.76% -4.82% -0.98% -1.01%
B類 Class B -12.61% -4.77% -12.61% -38.06% -21.91% -9.43% -9.67% -12.61% -14.76% -4.82% -0.98% -1.01%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A -8.45% -0.09% -8.45% -19.21% -22.99% -19.05% -18.97% 14.98% 9.64% -16.53% -15.08% -12.61%
B類 Class B -8.45% -0.09% -8.45% -19.21% -22.99% -19.05% -18.97% 14.98% 9.64% -16.53% -15.08% -12.61%

基金經理評論8 Manager’s Commentary8 投資組合分布8 Portfolio Allocation8

截至2023年12月31日止三個月,永明富時強積金香港指數基金錄得-4.8%的 n 金融 Financials 35.6%
n 非必需性消費 Consumer Discretionary 24.1%
回報。本基金分別於10月、11月及12月錄得-4.9%、+0.5%及-0.4% 的回報。
n 資訊科技 Information Technology 16.1%
n 工業 Industrials 5.6%
股。 本季基金組合表現最差的股票是美團、阿里巴巴和平安保險。 n 健康護理 Health Care 4.1%
For the three months ended 31 December 2023, Sun Life FTSE MPF Hong Kong n 必需性消費 Consumer Staples 3.9%
Index Fund returned -4.8%. The fund delivered returns of -4.9%, +0.5% and -0.4% n 公用事業 Utilities 3.5%
for the months of October, November and December, respectively. Among the top n 能源 Energy 3.1%
positive contributing stocks in the fund during the quarter were AIA Group, Xiaomi n 通信服務 Communication Services 2.3%
n 原材料 Basic Materials 1.3%
Corporation, and HSBC Holdings. The biggest detractors from portfolio performance
n 現金及現金等價物 Cash & Cash Equivalent 0.4%
over the quarter were Meituan, Alibaba, and Ping An Insurance.

十大主要證券7,8 Top 10 Holdings7,8

阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 8.7%
騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 8.3%
滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 8.3%
友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 5.3%
美團 Meituan - Class B 3.0%
建設銀行 China Construction Bank Corp 2.9%
香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 2.1%
工商銀行 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 2.0%
京東集團 Inc - Class A 1.8%
百度集團 Baidu Inc - Class A 1.8%

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. This Constituent Fund continues to invest solely in the approved index-
tracking collective investment schemes managed by BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited. For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
認同或宣傳,也拒絕對任何人承擔因 (a) 使用、依賴指數或指數中的任何錯誤,或 (b) 投資於或經營指數基金導致的任何責任。富時集團不會對基金獲得的結果或受託人使用指數目的之適當
All rights in the FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index (the “Index”) vest in FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”). “FTSE®” is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange Group companies and is used by FTSE under licence.
The Sun Life FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index Fund (the “Fund”) has been developed solely by Sun Life Trustee Company Limited (the “Trustee”). The Index is calculated by FTSE or its agent. FTSE and its licensors
are not connected to and do not sponsor, advise, recommend, endorse or promote the Fund and do not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in
the Index or (b) investment in or operation of the Fund. FTSE makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the Fund or the suitability of the Index for 17
the purpose to which it is being put by the Trustee.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Hong Kong Equity Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1 中立預測 Neutral

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

▲ ▲

成立日期 尋求向成員提供長線的資本增長。
Launch Date Seeks to provide members with long-term capital growth.
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)

基金價格(港元) A類 Class A 4.8557 基金表現 Fund Performance

Fund Price (HK$) B類 Class B 5.0740
基金類別 股票基金 – 香港
Fund Descriptor Equity Fund – Hong Kong 800

指數化 Indexed
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 600
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 A類 Class A 1.79%
Fund Expense Ratio2 B類 Class B 1.58%
24.94% 0
Risk Indicator3
12/00 12/03 12/06 12/09 12/12 12/15 12/18 12/21
風險級別5 永明強積金香港股票基金 – B類
Risk Class5 Sun Life MPF Hong Kong Equity Fund – Class B 4

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
A類 Class A -16.73% -5.24% -16.73% -36.59% -14.01% 8.56% 385.57% -16.73% -14.09% -2.97% 0.82% 7.08%
B類 Class B -16.57% -5.19% -16.57% -36.21% -13.15% 10.75% 407.40% -16.57% -13.92% -2.78% 1.03% 7.29%
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
A類 Class A -10.23% -0.78% -10.23% -20.84% -21.62% -12.16% 105.90% 15.44% 17.47% -10.09% -15.31% -16.73%
B類 Class B -10.16% -0.77% -10.16% -20.63% -21.24% -11.22% 112.62% 15.68% 17.70% -9.91% -15.14% -16.57%

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

香港股市於2023年第四季度下跌。拋售主要出現在10月份,皆因美國10年期 n 金融 Financials 30.7%
國債孳息率升近5%的16年高位,全球流動性狀況繼續受到抑制。儘管於最後 n 消費 Consumer 26.2%
兩個月份債券孳息率回調提振了全球股市情緒,但投資者對中港股市仍抱有 n 通信服務 Communication Services 12.5%
n 工業 Industrials 9.8%
爭加劇和對宏觀復甦的信心不足。政府的新房地產刺激政策、一萬億元人民 n 健康護理 Health Care 6.7%
幣國債計劃,以及對境內資本市場加大支持力度等利好消息仍未能恢復投資 n 資訊科技 Information Technology 5.1%
者信心。第四季度宏觀數據繼續好壞參半;儘管零售額恢復溫和增長,但出 n 公用事業 Utilities 2.9%
口和房地產固定資產投資依然低迷。中央政府對網絡遊戲玩家實施支出上限 n 原材料 Materials 1.7%
n 能源 Energy 1.2%
n 現金及其他^ Cash and Others^ 3.2%
Hong Kong equity market fell in the fourth quarter of 2023. Sell-off was mainly 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
seen in October as restrictive global liquidity conditions continued with US 10-year
treasury yield reaching a 16-year high at almost 5% level. While easing bond yields 友邦保險 AIA Group Ltd 7.2%
lifted sentiment on global equities in the final two months, scepticism about Hong 騰訊控股 Tencent Holdings Ltd 7.2%
Kong and China remained intact. Investors still perceived weaker macro and thus
corporate earnings outlook as the major risk factors. For instance, major internet 滙豐控股 HSBC Holdings PLC 5.2%
and consumer platform companies guided for lower-than-expected sales forecasts 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 4.7%
for the fourth quarter of 2023, citing greater competition and low confidence in a
macro recovery. Positive news such as government’s new housing policy aids, the 香港交易所 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 2.7%
RMB 1 trillion central government debt plan, and enlarged supports to onshore 百度集團 Baidu Inc - Class A 2.1%
capital market still failed to recover investor confidence. Mixed macro data
continued in the fourth quarter. While retail sales resumed modest growth, exports 中國平安 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 1.9%
and fixed asset investment on property remained lacklustre. Online gaming stocks 美團 Meituan - Class B 1.5%
were sold off right before the closing of the year due to the news of spending cap
on game players imposed by central government. 安踏體育 ANTA Sports Products Ltd 1.5%
Onshore China equities also dipped in the fourth quarter of 2023. Investors stayed 招商銀行 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 1.5%
sidelined as the Central Economic Work Conference did not outline very solid
stimulus measures for the economy. Measures for stabilizing A-share market, such
as CSRC’s rules to encourage cash dividends and limit major shareholder to reduce
shareholdings and Central Huijin’s increase in A-share ETFs purchase, did not help
much in boosting market sentiment.

Since 27 May 2016, Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited has been appointed as the investment manager of this Constituent Fund. Certain changes have also been made to the investment policy of this
Constituent Fund, including but not limited to the change to a portfolio management fund structure with a multi-manager platform at the underlying fund level (that is, the assets of the constituent funds
18 may be invested in multiple underlying funds managed by various investment managers). For more details about this Constituent Fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme.
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Core Accumulation Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

成立日期 為成員提供資本增長。
Launch Date
Provide capital growth to members.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算)
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)
基金價格(港元) 基金表現 Fund Performance
Fund Price (HK$)
基金類別 混合資產基金 – 環球
Fund Descriptor 股票投資最高65%
Mixed Assets Fund – Global 140

指數化 Indexed
Maximum equity investments 65%
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司 120
Investment Manager Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 100
Fund Expense Ratio2
風險程度3 80
11.16% 04/17 04/18 04/19 04/20 04/21 04/22 04/23
Risk Indicator3
風險級別 5 永明強積金核心累積基金 參考投資組合
Risk Class5 5 Sun Life MPF Core Accumulation Fund Reference Portfolio

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
Sun Life MPF Core 13.28% 8.44% 13.28% 5.81% 37.99% 不適用 N/A 40.13% 13.28% 1.90% 6.65% 不適用 N/A 5.12%
Accumulation Fund
14.03% 8.25% 14.03% 4.42% 36.94% 不適用 N/A 41.57% 14.03% 1.45% 6.49% 不適用 N/A 5.28%
Reference Portfolio*
平均成本法回報 Dollar Cost Averaging Return 6
(僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sun Life MPF Core 6.47% 4.89% 6.47% 5.43% 12.47% 不適用 N/A 17.64% 14.47% 13.93% 9.72% -14.87% 13.28%
Accumulation Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

鑒於通脹壓力緩解,市場樂觀認為利率可能達到峰值,推動環球股市於2023 n 美國股票 US equities 39.3%

年第四季度上升。 n 國際貨幣(除美元及港元)債券 19.6%
根據彭博環球綜合指數,2023年最後一個季度,固定收益市場表現極為利好, Global Currencies ex USD ex HKD Bond
創下20多年來的最佳季度表現。表現利好主要由於貨幣政策方向明顯轉變, n 美元債券 USD Bond 17.2%
從「利率將於更長時間保持於較高水平」立場轉向可能減息。政府債券孳息 n 歐洲股票 Europe equities 10.3%
率大幅下跌,信貸市場回升,並跑贏政府債券。 n 亞洲(不包括香港及日本)股票 4.6%
鑒於政治日程繁忙、金融條件緊縮及經濟週期放緩,環球市場料將維持波動。 Asia ex HK ex Japan equities
隨著經濟消化近期加息週期的滯後影響,大部份央行似乎將暫停進一步收緊 n 日本股票 Japan equities 3.6%
政策,並繼續密切關注疲軟的勞動市場、經濟增長及通脹趨勢。目前為止, n 香港股票 Hong Kong equities 1.8%
潛在的軟著陸經濟情景似乎正在展開。然而,有多種情景可能改變「看似有 n 其他股票 Other equities 0.9%
利」的環境,因此,我們預期2024年市場的波動性加劇。雖然短期波動可能 n 現金或現金等值 Cash and cash equivalent 2.7%
Global equity markets gained in Q4 2023 on optimism that interest rates may have 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
peaked, given easing inflationary pressures.
The final quarter of 2023 was a very positive one for fixed income markets, Microsoft Corp 2.6%
marking their best quarterly performance in over two decades, according to the US Government Bond 2.375% 15-May-2027 2.6%
Bloomberg Global Aggregate indices. The major driver of this performance was a Apple Inc 2.1%
perceived shift in monetary policy direction, from a “higher-for-longer" stance
US Government Bond 0.875% 15-Nov-2030 2.1%
to prospective rate cuts. Government bond yields fell sharply, and credit markets
rallied, outperforming government bonds. US Government Bond 2.25% 15-Nov-2025 1.8%
Global markets will likely remain turbulent amidst a busy political calendar, tight US Government Bond 3.875% 30-Nov-2027 1.7%
financial conditions, and a slowing economic cycle. Most central banks appear to be US Government Bond 0.25% 30-Jun-2025 1.6%
holding off further tightening, as the economy digests the lag effects of the recent
rate hiking cycle, and they continue to carefully monitor the softening labour US Government Bond 3.5% 31-Jan-2028 1.5%
market, growth, and inflation trends. The potential soft-landing economic scenario US Government Bond 4.5% 15-Feb-2036 1.3%
seems to be playing out thus far. However, there are a number of scenarios that US Government Bond 3.125% 15-Feb-2043 1.2%
could alter the “seemingly benign" backdrop and we expect market volatility to
increase in 2024. While short term volatility may increase, we believe that investors
will be well served by focusing on the longer-term, identifying the areas with
structural, under-appreciated growth, and remaining prepared to allocate to those
companies with a sustained competitive advantage.

The first dealing day of Sun Life MPF Core Accumulation Fund is on 03/04/2017 and the performance information of this constituent fund is calculated from 03/04/2017. 19
永明彩虹強積金計劃季報 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme Quarterly Update 截至 As at 31/12/2023

Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund 市場預測1
Market Forecast1

基本資料 Basic Information 投資目標 Investment Objective

成立日期 為成員提供平穩增值。
Launch Date
Provide stable growth to members.
基金資產值 (以百萬港元計算) 2,725.2
Fund Size (HK$ in Million)
基金價格(港元) 基金表現 Fund Performance
Fund Price (HK$)
基金類別 混合資產基金 – 環球 130
Fund Descriptor 股票投資最高25%
Mixed Assets Fund – Global

指數化 Indexed
Maximum equity investments 25%
投資經理 永明資產管理(香港)有限公司
Investment Manager 110
Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited
基金開支比率2 0.77% 100
Fund Expense Ratio2
風險程度 3
7.24% 90
Risk Indicator3 04/17 04/18 04/19 04/20 04/21 04/22 04/23
風險級別5 4 永明強積金65歲後基金 參考投資組合
Risk Class5 Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund Reference Portfolio

基金表現4 Fund Performance4

累積回報 Cumulative Return 年率化回報 Annualized Return
年初至今 三個月 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今 一年 三年 五年 十年 成立至今
Year to Date 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch
7.08% 6.50% 7.08% -7.44% 10.14% 不適用 N/A 11.02% 7.08% -2.55% 1.95% 不適用 N/A 1.56%
Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund

7.22% 6.28% 7.22% -8.16% 8.95% 不適用 N/A 11.23% 7.22% -2.80% 1.73% 不適用 N/A 1.59%
Reference Portfolio*
平均成本法回報6 Dollar Cost Averaging Return6 (僅作舉例用途 For illustrative purposes only) 年度回報 Calendar Year Return
累積回報 Cumulative Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
4.10% 3.73% 4.10% -0.43% -0.07% 不適用 N/A 2.36% 8.94% 9.23% 1.10% -14.50% 7.08%
Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund

基金經理評論 Manager’s Commentary 投資組合分布 Portfolio Allocation

鑒於通脹壓力緩解,市場樂觀認為利率可能達到峰值,推動環球股市於2023 n 國際貨幣(除美元及港元)債券 41.0%
年第四季度上升。 Global Currencies ex USD ex HKD Bond
根據彭博環球綜合指數,2023年最後一個季度,固定收益市場表現極為利好, n 美元債券 USD Bond 35.9%
創下20多年來的最佳季度表現。表現利好主要由於貨幣政策方向明顯轉變, n 美國股票 US equities 13.6%
從「利率將於更長時間保持於較高水平」立場轉向可能減息。政府債券孳息 n 歐洲股票 Europe equities 3.5%
率大幅下跌,信貸市場回升,並跑贏政府債券。 n 亞洲(不包括香港及日本)股票 1.6%
鑒於政治日程繁忙、金融條件緊縮及經濟週期放緩,環球市場料將維持波動。 Asia ex HK ex Japan equities
隨著經濟消化近期加息週期的滯後影響,大部份央行似乎將暫停進一步收緊 n 日本股票 Japan equities 1.2%
政策,並繼續密切關注疲軟的勞動市場、經濟增長及通脹趨勢。目前為止, n 香港股票 Hong Kong equities 0.6%
潛在的軟著陸經濟情景似乎正在展開。然而,有多種情景可能改變「看似有 n 其他股票 Other equities 0.3%
利」的環境,因此,我們預期2024年市場的波動性加劇。雖然短期波動可能 n 現金或現金等值 Cash and cash equivalent 2.3%
Global equity markets gained in Q4 2023 on optimism that interest rates may have 十大主要證券7 Top 10 Holdings7
peaked, given easing inflationary pressures.
US Government Bond 2.375% 15-May-2027 5.4%
The final quarter of 2023 was a very positive one for fixed income markets,
marking their best quarterly performance in over two decades, according to the US Government Bond 0.875% 15-Nov-2030 4.4%
Bloomberg Global Aggregate indices. The major driver of this performance was a US Government Bond 2.25% 15-Nov-2025 3.7%
perceived shift in monetary policy direction, from a “higher-for-longer" stance US Government Bond 3.875% 30-Nov-2027 3.6%
to prospective rate cuts. Government bond yields fell sharply, and credit markets
rallied, outperforming government bonds. US Government Bond 0.25% 30-Jun-2025 3.3%
Global markets will likely remain turbulent amidst a busy political calendar, tight US Government Bond 3.5% 31-Jan-2028 3.2%
financial conditions, and a slowing economic cycle. Most central banks appear to be US Government Bond 4.5% 15-Feb-2036 2.6%
holding off further tightening, as the economy digests the lag effects of the recent
US Government Bond 3.125% 15-Feb-2043 2.6%
rate hiking cycle, and they continue to carefully monitor the softening labour
market, growth, and inflation trends. The potential soft-landing economic scenario France Government Bond 5.75% 25-Oct-2032 2.0%
seems to be playing out thus far. However, there are a number of scenarios that Japan Government Bond 2.2% 20-Dec-2029 1.9%
could alter the “seemingly benign" backdrop and we expect market volatility to
increase in 2024. While short term volatility may increase, we believe that investors
will be well served by focusing on the longer-term, identifying the areas with
structural, under-appreciated growth, and remaining prepared to allocate to those
companies with a sustained competitive advantage.

20 The first dealing day of Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund is on 03/04/2017 and the performance information of this constituent fund is calculated from 03/04/2017.
備註 Remarks

1. 市場預測部份,永明資產管理(香港)有限公司對相關投資市場作出未來一年 the last trading day of every month over the specified period. The total contributed
之展望,共有三個評級: amount is the sum of all such monthly contributions. The final NAV is arrived by
For Market Forecast, the Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited forecasts a 1 year multiplying the total units cumulated over the specified period with the fund price
outlook with respect to the relevant investment market(s). There are three ratings: (NAV per unit) on the last trading day of such period. The cumulative returns of
Dollar Cost Averaging is provided for reference, and the figures are for illustrative
purposes only. Source: Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited.

正面預測 Positive 中立預測 Neutral 負面預測 Negative 7. 「十大主要證券」內列出基金投資組合內的十大證券(不包括現金及其他)。

The Market Forecast is not the forecast of the fund performance of each “Top 10 Holdings” lists out the largest 10 security holdings (not including cash and
constituent fund and neither the indicative of future performance. others) of the fund portfolio. The fund portfolio may have less than 10 security
市場預測並不是對每項成分基金之表現作預測,更不代表將來的表現。 holdings.

2. 基金開支比率旨在讓計劃成員據以估算成分及相關基金投資的開支總額, 8. 永明富時強積金香港指數基金之基金經理評論、投資組合分佈、十大主要證券
計劃成員須直接支付的開支除外。基金開支比率以百分率顯示有關基金截至 資料由該基礎核准緊貼指數集體投資計劃的投資經理 - 貝萊德資產管理北亞
每年12月31日財政年度的收費。至於成立不足兩年的基金,則不用提供基金開 有限公司提供。
支比率。 The information of Manager's Commentary, Portfolio Allocation and the Top 10
Fund Expense Ratio is to provide a measure of the total level of expenses incurred Holdings of the Sun Life FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index Fund are provided by BlackRock
in investing through the constituent and underlying funds except expenses paid Asset Management North Asia Limited, the investment manager of the underlying
directly by the scheme member. The Fund Expense Ratio outlines the fees & charges approved index-tracking collective investment scheme.
of relevant fund in terms of percentage for the scheme financial year ended as at
31 December each year. It is not necessary for funds with less than 2 years of history ^ 「現金及其他」 指通知現金,及類似應付款項和應收款項的營運項目(如適用)。
to show a FER. “ Cash and Others ” denotes cash at call, and operating items such as account
payables and account receivables (where relevant).
3. 此數字是根據基金過往三年之按月回報率所計算的年度標準差,並準確至小
數後兩個位。一般來說,年度標準差數值越大,成分基金的風險/波幅也將相 ^^ 人生階段基金、永明強積金核心累積基金及永明強積金65歲後基金將不設有任何
對較高。 市場預測。投資者應定期評估其風險/回報取向。
The figure shows the annualized standard deviation based on the monthly rates No Market Forecast is assigned to Lifestyle fund, Sun Life MPF Core Accumulation
of return of the fund over the past three years, and correct to 2 decimal places. Fund and Sun Life MPF Age 65 Plus Fund. Investors should review their own risk/
Generally, the greater the annualized standard deviation, the more volatile/risky the return profile regularly.
constituent fund. ▲
4. 各項成分基金均由永明資產管理(香港)有限公司管理。基金表現之資料,累 關若干成分基金之最新投資目標的詳細資料,請參閱本計劃最新版本之強積
積回報、年率化回報、平均成本法回報之累積回報及年度回報亦由永明資產管 金計劃說明書。如計劃成員欲索取有關若干成分基金在生效日前之投資目標
理(香港)有限公司提供。基金表現以資產淨值對資產淨值計算,已扣除所有 的資料,請致電永明退休金服務熱線3183 1888。
費用。基金表現數據將於有最少6個月的投資往績紀錄後開始提供。 With effect from 27 May 2016 (the "Effective Date"), the investment objectives of
The constituent funds are managed by Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited. certain constituent funds have been changed. For more details of the latest investment
The fund performance information of the cumulative return, annualized return, objectives of relevant constituent funds, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme
cumulative return of dollar cost averaging return and the calendar year return are Brochure of the Scheme. In the event a scheme member may wish to obtain the
also provided by Sun Life Asset Management (HK) Limited. The performance data are information of investment objectives of certain constituent funds published before the
derived on a NAV-to-NAV basis, net of all charges. The performance figure will be Effective Date, please call our Sun Life Pension Service Hotline on 3183 1888.
available after it has an investment track record of not less than 6 months. ◆
由2016年5月27日( 「生效日」 )起,前稱永明RCM強積金穩定資本基金已經結束,
5. 風險級別是由強制性公積金計劃管理局按強積金投資基金披露守則而訂立,證
請致電永明退休金服務熱線3183 1888。
The risk class is prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
With effect from 27 May 2016 (the "Effective Date"), the former constituent
according to the Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds; and the risk class
fund namely Sun Life RCM MPF Capital Stable Fund had been terminated and
has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission. A risk
the remaining assets of this constituent fund had been consolidated with the
class is to be assigned to each constituent fund according to the seven-point risk
constituent fund with similar investment objective namely Sun Life First State MPF
classification below based on the latest fund risk indicator of the constituent fund.
Stable Income Fund; which currently has been renamed as the Sun Life MPF Stable
風險級別 基金風險標記 Fund Risk Indicator Fund. For more details of the latest investment objectives of relevant constituent
Risk Class 相等或以上 Equal or above 少於 Less than fund, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. In the event
1 0.0% 0.5%
a scheme member may wish to obtain the information of investment objectives
of relevant constituent funds published before the Effective Date, please call our
2 0.5% 2.0%
Sun Life Pension Service Hotline on 3183 1888.
3 2.0% 5.0%
# 由2016年5月27日(「生效日」)起,前稱永明RCM強積金穩定增長基金已經結束,
4 5.0% 10.0%
5 10.0% 15.0%
6 15.0% 25.0% 取有關成分基金最新投資目標的詳細資料,請參閱本計劃最新版本之強積金
7 25.0% 計劃說明書。如計劃成員欲索取有關成分基金在生效日前之投資目標的資料,
請致電永明退休金服務熱線3183 1888。
6. 平均成本法回報的計算是在指定期內將最終資產淨值比較總投資金額得出; With effect from 27 May 2016, the former constituent fund namely Sun Life RCM
方法是在每月最後一個交易日定額投資同一基金內,以當時基金價格(每單位 MPF Stable Growth Fund had been terminated and the remaining assets of this
資產淨值)購入適量基金單位,總投資金額則等於在指定期間內每月供款的總 constituent fund had been consolidated with the constituent fund with similar
額;而最終資產淨值則由在指定期內所購得的基金單位總數乘以該期間最後 investment objective, namely Sun Life First State MPF Balanced Portfolio Fund; which
一個交易日的基金價格(每單位資產淨值)而得出。平均成本法之累積回報只 currently has been renamed as Sun Life MPF Balanced Fund. For more details of the
提供以作參考,惟數據僅作舉例用途。資料來源:永明資產管理(香港)有限 latest investment objectives of relevant constituent fund, please refer to the latest
公司。 MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. In the event a scheme member may wish
The Dollar Cost Averaging Return is calculated by comparing the total contributed to obtain the information of investment objectives of relevant constituent funds
amount over the specified period with the final NAV (net asset value). A constant published before the Effective Date, please call our Sun Life Pension Service Hotline
amount is used to purchase fund units at the prevailing fund price (NAV per unit) on on 3183 1888.

~ 由2016年5月27日(「生效日」)起,前稱永明RCM強積金均衡基金已經結束, *「核心累積基金參考組合」及「65歲後基金參考組合」乃強積金業界建立之參
其剩餘資產已轉移至與其投資目標相若的成分基金;即永明首域強積金增長 考組合,並由香港投資基金公會公布,旨在就預設投資策略成分基金(即核
基金進行基金整合。而該基金現稱為永明強積金增長基金。如計劃成員欲索 心累積基金與65歲後基金)各自的表現及資產分配提供一套共同的參考依據。
取有關成分基金最新投資目標的詳細資料,請參閱本計劃最新版本之強積金 有關參考組合將定期進行檢討並可能有所更改。更多及最新有關參考組合的
計劃說明書。如計劃成員欲索取有關成分基金在生效日前之投資目標的資料, 資料,請瀏覽香港投資基金公會網站。
請致電永明退休金服務熱線3183 1888。 “ Core Accumulation Fund ( “ CAF ” ) Reference Portfolio ” and “ Age 65 Plus Fund
With effect from 27 May 2016, the former constituent fund namely Sun Life (“A65F”) Reference Portfolio” are the MPF industry developed reference portfolio
RCM MPF Balanced Fund had been terminated and the remaining assets of this and published by the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association for the purpose of
constituent fund had been consolidated with the Constituent fund with similar providing a common reference point for performance and asset allocation of the
investment objective, namely Sun Life First State MPF Progressive Growth Fund; DIS constituent funds, i.e. the CAF and A65F respectively. The reference portfolio
which currently has been renamed as the Sun Life MPF Growth Fund. For more is subject to review on regular basis and may change. For more and the latest
details of the latest investment objectives of relevant constituent fund, please refer information about the reference portfolio, please visit the website of the Hong
to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure of the Scheme. In the event a scheme member Kong Investment Funds Association at
may wish to obtain the information of investment objectives of relevant constituent
funds published before the Effective Date, please call our Sun Life Pension Service
Hotline on 3183 1888.

重要事項 Important Notes

投資附帶風險,過去業績並不代表將來表現。投資回報可升可跌,因貨幣變動 Investment involves risks and past performance is not indicative of future performance.
及市況,均可能影響投資價值。不同貨幣的匯率,亦可改變單位價值。投資於 Investment return may rise as well as fall due to market condition and currency
movement which may affect the value of investments. The value of units may vary
新興市場與已發展市場比較,可能會涉及較高風險,並通常對價格變動較為 due to changes in exchange rates between currencies. Emerging markets may involve a
敏感。 higher degree of risk than in developed markets and are usually more sensitive to price
The return of Sun Life MPF RMB and HKD Fund may be adversely affected by
工具,因此此成分基金的投資回報可能會受人民幣匯率的波動而帶來負面影響, movements in RMB exchange rates as well as foreign exchange controls and
以及受中國政府訂定的外匯監控政策及匯款限制。 repatriation restrictions imposed by the Chinese government as the fund invests part
您應在作出任何投資決定前,查閱本計劃的強積金計劃說明書及有關的市場推 of its assets in RMB denominated money market and debt instruments.
廣資料,以獲取有關詳情及風險因素。 You are advised to read the MPF Scheme Brochure and the relevant marketing materials of
the Scheme for further details and risk factors prior to making any investment decision.
本計劃的季報將在每個季度完結後60日內刊發,並可透過網站 The Quarterly Update of the Scheme will be issued within 60 days after the end of
下載或致電永明退休金服務熱線3183 1888索取。 each quarter and may download it at or call Sun Life Pension
Service Hotline at 3183 1888.

香港永明金融有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司) 客戶服務 :卓譽金融服務有限公司

香港九龍紅磡紅鸞道18號祥祺中心A座16樓 香港九龍紅磡德豐街18號海濱廣場一座10樓
Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Client Service: BestServe Financial Limited
16th Floor Cheung Kei Center, Tower A, No. 18 Hung Luen Road, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 10/F, One Harbourfront, 18 Tak Fung Street
永明退休金服務熱線 Sun Life Pension Service Hotline:3183 1888 傳真 Fax:3183 1889 Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

永明金融集團成員之一 總公司設於加拿大多倫多 由香港永明金融有限公司刊發

A member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. Head Office in Toronto, Canada. Issued by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited

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