Mangalarati Quotes - 29th July 2023 Version 4
Mangalarati Quotes - 29th July 2023 Version 4
Mangalarati Quotes - 29th July 2023 Version 4
business," and the office superintendent is not pleased, do you think that kind
of service is nice? No. Similarly, we have got, everywhere we have got
immediate boss. So we must work. That is systematic. If everyone
manufactures, invents his own way of life, then there must be chaos.
Now we are a world organization. There is spiritual side, and there is
material side also. That is not material side. That is also spiritual side, means
systematic management. Otherwise how it will be done?
(Unedited original quote)
“Prabhupada: Yes. Well, preaching, you cannot manufacture preaching.
You must do preaching according to the principles ordered by your spiritual
master. You cannot manufacture your own way of preaching. That is
required. There must be some leader. Under the leadership. Yasya prasadad
bhagavat... Why it is said? Everywhere, in the office, there is some
immediate boss. So you have to please him. That is service. Suppose in
office, in a department there is office superintendent. And if you do in your
own way, "Yes, I'm doing my business," and the office superintendent is not
pleased, do you think that kind of service is nice? No. Similarly, we have got,
everywhere we have got immediate boss. So we must work. That is
systematic. If everyone manufactures, invents his own way of life, then there
must be chaos.
Sudama: Yeah, that's true.
Prabhupada: Yes. Now we are world organization. There is spiritual side,
and there is material side also. That is not material side. That is also
spiritual side, means systematic management. Otherwise how it will be
done? Just like Gaurasundara sold the house, and there is no trace of the
money. What is this? He did not ask him, anyone. He sold the house, and
where is the money, there is no trace. [break] Ah, Hare Krsna. What is that
badge? Tennis?”
Holy Name
The essence of all Vedic knowledge-comprehending the three kinds of Vedic
activity [karma-kanda, jnana-kanda and upasana-kanda], Vedic hymns, and
the processes for satisfying the demigods-is included in the eight syllables
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. This is the reality of all Vedanta. The chanting of
the holy name is the only means to cross the ocean of nescience.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-lila Purport 7.76)
Chanting Quality
A devotee always has a taste for chanting Hare Krsna: "Oh, very nice. Hare
Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama,
Rama Rama, Hare Hare." This is taste. Of course, this takes time to awaken,
but when Rupa Gosvami was chanting he was thinking, "I have only one
tongue and two ears. What can I appreciate of chanting? If I could have
millions of tongues and trillions of ears, then I could relish something by
chanting and hearing." Of course, we should not imitate him, but the
devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement must at least be very careful
to complete their sixteen rounds, their minimum amount of prescribed
chanting. Nama-gane sada rucih: we have to increase our taste for singing
and chanting Hare Krsna.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verse 20)
The Brahma-muhurta takes place about one and a half hours before sunrise.
It is recommended that one should rise from bed at that time and, after
finishing daily ablutions, take to spiritual activities by performing mangala-
arati and chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. This period is very convenient for
the execution of spiritual activities.
(Krsna Book Chapter 33)
If one cannot complete the fixed number of rounds he is assigned, he should
be considered to be in a diseased condition of spiritual life. Srila Haridasa
Thakura is called namacarya. Of course, we cannot imitate Haridasa
Thakura, but everyone must chant a prescribed number of rounds. In our
Krsna consciousness movement we have fixed sixteen rounds as the
minimum so that we will not feel burdened. These sixteen rounds must be
chanted loudly, so that one can hear himself and others
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Antya -līla Purport 11.23)
Qualification of a spiritual master
How can everyone become a spiritual master? A spiritual master must have
sufficient knowledge, so many other qualifications. Without any
qualifications how can one become a spiritual master. Now the process is,
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, amara ajnaya: "On My order." That is the
crucial point. One does not become spiritual master by his own whims. That
is not spiritual master. He must be ordered by superior authority. Then he's
spiritual master. Just like in our case. Our superior authority, our spiritual
master, he ordered me that "You just try to preach this gospel, whatever you
have learned from me, in English." So we have tried it. That's all. It is not
that I am very much qualified. The only qualification is that I have tried to
execute the order of superior authority. That's all. This is the secret of
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – August 3, 1973, London)
I can see how you are advancing in Krsna consciousness by the feelings
expressed therein, and I am so glad you are feeling such transcendental
pleasure in serving the Lord. This transcendental pleasure is unlimited and
increases as we increase our desire to give more and more voluntary service.
To surrender to Krsna all at once is not generally possible, but as we serve
Krsna more and more, we gradually become more and more surrendered at
His lotus feet. So you please continue to serve Krsna in these ways you have
mentioned, and do not feel that your service is any less valuable than that of
others. In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter
whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting or whatever,
they are all the same. There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on
the transcendental platform. The important thing is that we are engaging our
time and energy in the service of the Lord. After all, we are so tiny, what can
we do? Krsna sees simply that this time is being spent in His service. Please
continue to help Gargamuni in his efforts to spread Krsna consciousness,
and chant and continue your duties and in this way you will be happy and
successful in Krsna consciousness. I am happy to hear you are so much
anxious in helping to start a new temple. Your enthusiasm is very
encouraging to me. There is great need for spreading of Krsna consciousness
and we need so many enthusiastic boys and girls for carrying on this great
mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. My Guru Maharaja wanted that this
Krsna consciousness be spread all over the Western countries especially, and
now in my old age, I am leaving this great responsibility in the hands of all
of you, my students.
(Letter to Karunamayi – February 25, 1968, Los Angeles)
Guru Issue
You are right about Sridhara Maharaja’s genuineness. But in my opinion he is the best
of the lot. He is my old friend, at least he executes the regulative principles of
devotional service. I do not wish to discuss about activities of my Godbrothers but it is a
fact they have no life for preaching work. All are satisfied with a place for residence in
the name of a temple, they engage disciples to get foodstuff by transcendental devices
and eat and sleep. They have no idea or brain how to broadcast the cult of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu. My Guru Maharaja used to lament many times for this reason and he
thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission
would achieve success. In the latter days of my Guru Maharaja he was very disgusted.
Actually, he left this world earlier, otherwise he would have continued to live for more
years. Still he requested his disciples to form a strong Governing body for preaching the
cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He never recommended anyone to be acarya of the
Gaudiya Math. But Sridhara Maharaja is responsible for disobeying this order of Guru
Maharaja, and he and others who are already dead unnecessarily thought that there
must be one acarya. If Guru Maharaja could have seen someone who was qualified at
that time to be acarya he would have mentioned. Because on the night before he passed
away he talked of so many things, but never mentioned an acarya. His idea was acarya
was not to be nominated amongst the governing body. He said openly you make a GBC
and conduct the mission. So his idea was amongst the members of GBC who would
come out successful and self-effulgent acarya would be automatically selected. So
Sridhara Maharaja and his two associate gentlemen unauthorizedly selected one
acarya and later it proved a failure. The result is now everyone is claiming to be acarya
even though they may be kanishTha-adhikari with no ability to preach. In some of the
camps the acarya is being changed three times a year. Therefore we may not commit
the same mistake in our ISKCON camp. Actually amongst my Godbrothers no one is
qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very
intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes
pollute them. This attempt was made previously by them, especially Madhava
Maharaja and Tirtha Maharaja and Bon Maharaja, but somehow or other I saved the
situation. This is going on. We shall be very careful about them and not mix with them.
This is my instruction to you all. They cannot help us in our movement, but they are
very competent to harm our natural progress. So we must be very careful about them.
(Letter to Rupanuga – April 28, 1974, Tirupati)
Following rules and regulation of Sadhana Bhakti
Chanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration
preferably during the brahma-muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound
vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually
your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about
chanting fast, most important is the hearing. A devotee should always be
grave and silent which means that he only discusses topics relating to Krsna
Consciousness. Yes, spend your time chanting and reading and taking Krsna
prasadam and automatically your tongue will come under control. If you
sincerely engage 24 hours daily in devotional service according to the
instructions of the spiritual master, chant daily 16 rounds, attend the arati
ceremony of Lord Krsna, associate with the devotees and adhere strictly to
the regulative principles then Krsna will reveal Himself personally to you.
(Letter to Radhavallabha – January 6, 1972, Bombay)
Chanting Quality
Rupa Gosvami says, “How shall I chant with one tongue, and how shall I
hear with two ears? Had it been millions of tongue and trillions of ears, then
I could enjoy it.” This is quality. Quality is not so cheap. May be after many
births we may get it. For the time being you go on following the rules and
regulations and it is being done by force. When you are not forced, but
automatically you desire, that is quality.
(Morning Walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi)
(Original unedited quote)
Rupa Gosvami says that "How shall I chant with one tongue, and how shall I
hear, two ears? Had it been millions of tongue and trillions of ear, then I
could enjoy it." This is quality. Quality is not so cheap. Maybe after many
births. For the time being you go on following the rules and regulations. It is
being done by force. Where is the quality? So you wanted to understand
quality. This is the quality. You'll not be forced, but automatically you'll
desire. That is quality
Holy Name
All activities in Krsna consciousness must be accompanied with chanting of
the Holy Name regularly. Actually chanting of the Holy Name regularly is
our life and soul, and on the basis of such activities all other devotional
services will sustain.
(Letter to Ekayani – February 10, 1970, Los Angeles)
Faith in Guru and Krishna – The secret of success
"Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the
spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically
revealed." This Vedic injunction is very important, and Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu supported it by His personal behavior. Believing in the words of
His spiritual master, He introduced the Sankirtana movement, just as the
present Krsna consciousness movement was started with belief in the words
of our spiritual master. He wanted to preach, we believed in his words and
tried somehow or other to fulfill them, and now this movement has become
successful all over the world. Therefore faith in the words of the spiritual
master and in the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the secret of success.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never disobeyed the orders of His spiritual master
and stopped propagating the Sankirtana movement. Sri Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati Gosvami, at the time of his passing away, ordered all his disciples
to work conjointly to preach the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over
the world. Later, however, some self-interested, foolish disciples disobeyed
his orders. Each one of them wanted to become head of the mission, and they
fought in the courts, neglecting the order of the spiritual master, and the
entire mission was defeated. We are not proud of this; however, the truth
must be explained. We believed in the words of our spiritual master and
started in a humble way-in a helpless way—but due to the spiritual force of
the order of the supreme authority, this movement has become successful.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-lila purport 7.95-7.96)
It is recommended that the neophyte meditate on the Deity daily. He should
begin by meditating on the lotus feet, and then when he is practiced, he
should turn his gaze toward Krsna's smiling face. The neophyte should also
read and hear Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. If we simply try to
see and don't listen, the results will not be permanent. In some temples there
are Deities but no discussion about Krsna. People attend for some time, but
after a while they lose interest. Thus there must be two activities. The Deities
must be worshiped, and this is called pancaratriki-vidhi. There must also be
bhagavata-vidhi, reading Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Pancaratriki-vidhi and bhagavata-vidhi go hand in hand. By participating in
these two processes, the neophyte can gradually attain the intermediate stage.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verse 36)
Importance of attending temple program
Yes, reading my books will help you, philosophy must be there, also
participate in all temple affairs like rising early, attending mangalarati,
performing devotional service, simply learning the philosophy will have no
(Letter to Dayananda – July 7, 1972, New York)
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Chanting Quality
Just like Haridasa Thakura, he was not forced to chant. Even Caitanya
Mahaprabhu requested him, “Now you are old enough. You can reduce the
number of rounds.” But Haridasa Thakura refused, “No. Up to the end of
my life I shall go on chanting.” That is quality. Have you got such tendency
that you will go on chanting and do nothing? Now you are forced to do. So
there is no question of quality. This is a chance given so that one day you
may come to the stage of quality.
(Morning Walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi)
(Original unedited quote)
Just like Haridasa Thakura was doing. He was not forced to do. Even
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He requested, "Now you are old enough. You can
reduce." So he refused, "No. Up to the end of my life I shall go on." That is
quality. Have you got such tendency that you will go on chanting and
nothing to do? That is quality. Now you are forced to do. Where is the
question of quality? That is given a chance so that one day you may come to
the quality, not that you have come to the quality.
Foolwing the regulative principles
If we deviate from the strict following of the regulative principles Maya is
always ready to inject doubts to shake our faith in Krsna. So you can see the
great necessity of following the prescribed duties of chanting regularly and
following strictly the instructions of the spiritual master and the regulative
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(Letter to Madhusudana – January 30, 1970, Los Angeles)
A word of caution – Maya’s influence
We should always remember that we are in the kingdom of Maya and her
influence is very strong. So, unless we are very, very careful in our dealings,
there is always chance of falling down. Please therefore chant regularly the
sixteen rounds beads and follow the regulative principles; and teach the new
boys by practical example, and try to preach Sankirtana as far as possible.
(Letter to Harer Nama – February 23, 1970, Los Angeles)
Sadhana bhakti
Sadhana-bhakti is devotional service in practice. The result of sadhana-
bhakti must be ecstatic love, attachment for the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, which is also called prema-bhakti. In the neophyte stage, sadhana-
bhakti includes faith, association with devotees, and practicing devotional
service. Thus one is freed from all unwanted things. One then becomes fixed
in devotional service and increases his desire to act in devotional service.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līla Purport 8.68)
How not to fall down in material entanglement?
If you chant always Hare Krsna, read my books, and preach this philosophy
sincerely, then Krsna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall
down into material entanglement.
(Letter to devotees – March 30, 1967, San-Francisco)
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Steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness
To take shelter of the Spiritual Master means to follow his instructions. So,
you should be very careful to not deviate even a little bit from the order of
your Guru. You should be very careful to chant 16 rounds daily and read all
of the books carefully. You should attend mangala arati and classes. And you
should follow the four regulative principles without deviation. If you do
these simple things, you will make steady advancement in Krishna
Consciousness and there will be no fall downs.
(Letter to Sivani – Tehran, 14th March, 1975)
Affection for the spiritual master
You should understand that when you sat at the fire sacrifice upon your
initiation, you made a vow to the Spiritual Master at that time. So, you
should not break these vows. You say that you appreciate the association of
devotees but how will you withstand the material attraction? If you are not
chanting Hare Krishna offenselessly and regularly? Affection for the
spiritual master and following the instructions of the Spiritual Master is the
same. My instruction is that all of my disciples must attend the mangala arati
and chant 16 rounds daily. This life is very flickering. At any moment you
may die so we must cling very close to the instruction of higher authorities,
the spiritual master and Lord Krishna in Bhagavad-gita. So I think that you
can follow the instructions.
(Letter to Radha-Kanta – August 20, 1974, Vrindavan)
Succes in preaching
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The devotees who are preaching the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
should very seriously follow strictly in His footsteps. If they follow the rules
and regulations and chant sixteen rounds daily, their endeavor to preach the
cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will certainly be successful.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-lila Purport 7.82)
Be an example
If our preaching work is neglected, or if we fall down in following the
regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that,
if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter and spoil
everything. So my best advice to you is to strictly observe these things
yourself and be the example so that all others may follow. We should not
criticize each other, as Vaisnavas, because there is fault in everyone and we
may be ourselves subject to criticism. Best thing is to be above suspicion
ourselves, then if we see discrepancies and make suggestion the others will
automatically respect and take action to rectify the matters. That is
(Letter to Madhumangala - 18 November, 1972, Hyderabad)
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Mayavadis and atheists accept the forms of the Deities in the temple of the
Lord as idols, but devotees do not worship idols. They directly worship the
Personality of Godhead in His arca incarnation. Arca refers to the form
which we can worship in our present condition. Actually, in our present state
it is not possible to see God in His spiritual form because our material eyes
and senses cannot conceive of a spiritual form. We cannot even see the
spiritual form of the individual soul. When a man dies we cannot see how the
spiritual form leaves the body. That is the defect of our material senses. In
order to be seen by our material senses, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
accepts a favorable form which is called arca-vigraha. This arca-vigraha,
sometimes called the arca incarnation, is not different from Him. Just as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts various incarnations, He takes on
forms made out of matter-clay, wood, metal and jewels.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.25.35)
Respecting Vaishnavas
The Lord says that although He is the predominating factor of the internal
energy and although the material world is sanctified just by the water that
has washed His feet, He has the greatest respect for the brahmana and the
Vaishnava. When the Lord Himself offers so much respect to the Vaishnava
and the brahmana, how can one deny such respect to such personalities?
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.16.9)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
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That is the only requirement for successfully completing the perfection of the
living condition, that you should always be enthusiastic to perform services
unto the Lotus Feet of the Lord despite all obstacles, and then you can be
assured that all of the other qualities or necessities for pure devotional
service will be met, such as patience, determination, etc. and then without
doubt you shall be delivered to the realm of unlimited bliss, freed from all
(Letter to: Hamsaduta - 20 January, 1972, Jaipur)
Importance of reading and chanting
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You cannot get returned back, even a moment of your life by payment of
millions of dollars, if that moment is wasted, just how much money you have
lost, you consider. How much you have lost! Therefore, not a single moment
should be lost in human life. It should be utilized simply by chanting, simply
by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. We are publishing so many books. We have
to read; we have to chant. Then life will be successful. Vita-raga-bhaya-
krodha [Bg. 4.10]. Then we shall be free from this attachment, ahaà mameti
[SB 5.5.8], kama-lobhadayas ca ye. So the process is that nityaà bhagavata-
sevaya. Daily we should devote our time for understanding Srimad-
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – November 16, 1974, Bombay)
(Unedited original quote)
If you cannot get returned back even a moment of your life by payment of
millions of dollars, if that moment is wasted, just how much you have lost
money, you consider. How much you have lost! Therefore not a single
moment should be lost, human life. It should be utilized. Simply by
chanting, simply by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam.We are publishing so
many books. We have to read; we have to chant. Then life will successful.
Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha [Bg. 4.10]. Then we shall be free from this
attachment, ahaà mameti [SB 5.5.8], kama-lobhadayas ca ye.
So the process is that nityaà bhagavata-sevaya. Daily we should devote our
time for understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam
Effect of chanting the Holy Name
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The fact is that if one comes to Krsna consciousness, although he may have
many material desires, he becomes increasingly attracted to the lotus feet of
Krsna through associating with the Supreme Lord by chanting His holy name.
The Supreme Lord and His holy name are identical. Thus he becomes
uninterested in attachment to material enjoyment. The perfection of life is to be
uninterested in material enjoyment and interested in Krsna.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 6.16.39)
Sudama: A devotee wants to know that: should they just have the chanting
without reading your books?
Prabhupada: But that chanting must be pure. Your guru is writing books. If
you think, "There is no necessity of reading books," that is guror avajna. Do
you mean to say I am writing these books whole night for selling and making
money? Why do you think like that?
Woman Devotee: So there should just be chanting and reading of the books.
Prabhupada: Yes.
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture– July 4, 1974, Honolulu)
(Original Unedited Quote)
“Sudama: She wants to know actually that should they just have the chanting without
reading your books or without instruction or following the program.
Prabhupada: But that chanting must be pure. Your guru is writing books. If you
think, "There is no necessity of reading books," that is guror avajna. Do you means
to say I am writing these books whole night for selling and making money? What do
you think like that?
Woman Devotee: So there should just be chanting and reading of the books.
Prabhupada: Yes.”
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Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Saubhari Muni had fallen from
his austerity because of a Vaishnava-aparadha. The history is that when
Garuda wanted to eat fish, Saubhari Muni unnecessarily gave the fish shelter
under his care. Because Garuda's plans for eating were disappointed,
Saubhari Muni certainly committed a great offense to a Vaishnava. Because
of this Vaishnava-aparadha, an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaishnava,
Saubhari Muni fell from his exalted position of mystic tapasya. One should
not, therefore, impede the activities of a Vaishnava. This is the lesson we
must learn from this incident concerning Saubhari Muni.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 9.6.49)
Guru Issue
The spiritual master must never be carried away by an accumulation of
wealth or a large number of followers. A bona fide spiritual master will
never become like that. But sometimes, if a spiritual master is not properly
authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may
be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of
disciples. His is not a very high grade of devotional service. If a person is
carried away by such achievements, then his devotional service becomes
slackened. One should therefore strictly adhere to the principles of disciplic
(Nectar of Devotion 14: Devotional Qualifications)
Character building is the groundwork for seating Krsna Consciousness and
the Vedic injunction is that one can advance in spiritual life by following the
rules of austerity and celibacy. We do not bluff our students that he has
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liberty to do all sorts of nonsense, and at the same time advance in spiritual
understanding. And because we are a little bit strict in this matter, we do not
have a very large number of followers, neither do we want any large number
of nonsense followers. We want only one moon at night, and we do not care
for millions of stars.
(Letter to Jaya Mazo – January 18, 1968, Los Angeles)
So I am requesting all of my students to read my books very seriously every
day without fail. In this way, if your mind becomes absorbed at least one or
two hours daily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam,
Bhagavad-gita, and other books then very easily you will make your
advancement in Krsna Consciousness.
(Letter to Bhargava – June 13, 1972, Los-Angeles)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
In this material world, the more you'll work, you'll feel tired. And the
spiritual world, the more you work, you'll feel enthused. That is called
anandambudhi-vardhanam. That is the test. If our workers are feeling tired,
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then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling enthused, more
and more, then he's working spiritually. Anandambudhi-vardhanam. That is
the spiritual test.
(The Nectar of Devotion Lecture – January 10, 1973, Bombay)
(Original Unedited Quote)
In this material world, the more you'll work, you'll feel tired. And the
spiritual world, the more you work, you'll feel enthused. That is called
anandambudhi-vardhanam. That is the test. If our workers are feeling
tired, then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling
enthused, more and more, that is his, he's working spiritually.
Anandambudhi-vardhanam. That is the spiritual test.
The Lord accepts the form of arca-vigraha (worshipable Deity) just to
accept service from His different incapable devotees. By the mercy of the
arca-vigraha, the form of the Lord in material elements, the devotees who
are in the material world can easily approach the Lord, although He is not
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conceivable by the material senses. The arca-vigraha is therefore an all-
spiritual form of the Lord to be perceived by the material devotees; such an
arca-vigraha of the Lord is never to be considered material. There is no
difference between matter and spirit for the Lord, although there is a gulf of
difference between the two in the case of the conditioned living being. For
the Lord there is nothing but spiritual existence, and similarly there is
nothing except spiritual existence for the pure devotee of the Lord in his
intimate relation with the Lord.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 1.12.9)
Chanting Quality
It is essential, however, that everyone fulfill a specific vow to chant the Hare
Krsna mantra. Therefore we have prescribed in our Society that all our
students must chant at least sixteen rounds daily. Such chanting must be
offenseless in order to be of high quality. Mechanical chanting is not as
powerful as chanting of the holy name without offenses.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-līla Purport 10.43)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
One must perform devotional service with great patience. One should not
give up the execution of devotional service because one or two attempts have
not been successful. One must continue. Sri Rupa Gosvami also confirms
that one should be very enthusiastic and execute devotional service with
patience and confidence. Patience is necessary for developing the confidence
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that "Krsna will certainly accept me because I am engaging in devotional
service." One has only to execute service according to the rules and
regulations to insure success.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.29.16)
Vapu & Vani
This is called vyavasayatmika buddhih. ‘I may be quite incomplete. It doesn't
matter. But if I try to follow the words of my Guru Maharaja, then I become
complete’. This is the secret. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau
[SU 6.23]. If one has strong faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and
as much faith in the guru, then the revealed scriptures become manifest. It is
not the education. It is not the scholarship. It is faith in Krsna and guru.
23 | P a g e
Therefore Caitanya-caritamrita says guru-Krsna-kripaya paya bhakti-lata-
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – Dec 8, 1973, LA)
(Original Unedited Quote)
This is called vyavasayatmika buddhih. I may be quite incomplete. It doesn't
matter. But if I try to follow the words of my Guru Maharaja, then I become
This is the secret. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau [SU 6.23].
If one has strong faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and as much
faith in the guru, yatha deve tatha gurau, then the revealed scriptures become
manifest. It is not the education. It is not the scholarship. It is faith in Krsna
and guru. Therefore Caitanya-caritamrita says guru-krsna-kripaya paya
Vapu & Vani
We have only to execute the order of the spiritual master, preach Krsna
consciousness and follow in the path of the Vaishnavas. The spiritual master
represents both Lord Krsna and the Vaishnavas; therefore by following the
instructions of the spiritual master and by chanting Hare Krsna, everything
will be all right.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.23.7)
24 | P a g e
Karmis may consider the body of a devotee material, but factually it is not,
for a devotee has no conception of material enjoyment. If one thinks that the
body of a pure devotee is material, he is an offender, for that is a Vaishnava-
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Antya-līla Purport 4.194)
This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, everyone is expected to follow
the devotional practices. Two times daily everyone must attend the classes.
During the morning and evening times there should be no business, simply
kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified. Do not be paramahaàsa that ‘Now I
haven't got to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita’. Don't be a
better paramahaàsa than your Guru Maharaja. Everyone can become a first
class speaker. Simply cram the purports of my books. The references are
there, the philosophy is there. Everything is there. So if you do it, everyone
will be pleased with your speaking.
(Letter to Gopijanavallabha – September 19, 1974, Vrindavan)
Guru Issue
As bell metal can turn to gold when mixed with mercury in a chemical
process, so, by the bona fide diksha, or initiation method, anyone can
become a Vaishnava. One should take initiation from a bona fide spiritual
master coming in the disciplic succession, who is authorized by his
predecessor spiritual master. This is called diksha-vidhana.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.8.54)
25 | P a g e
We are trying to manage a great institution of Krishna Consciousness
Movement, so there is possibility of adjusting so many circumstances. But in
all circumstances we should have our staunch faith in Krishna and the
Spiritual Master. Then we will never be shaken off. There is a proverb in
Sanskrit literature that enthusiastic persons achieve the favor of the Goddess
of Fortune. In the Western part of the world there is tangible example of this
slogan. People in this part of the world are very much enthusiastic in material
advancement and they have got it. Similarly, according to the instructions of
Srila Rupa Goswami, if we become enthusiastic in spiritual matters, then we
also get success in that way. Take for example, I came to your country
(USA) in ripe old age, but I had one asset: enthusiasm and faith in my
Spiritual Master. I think these assets only are giving me some lights of hope,
whatever I have achieved so far with your cooperation.
(Letter to Jayagovinda - Tittenhurst 15 October, 1969)
Vapuh & Vani
Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My
request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative
principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. And as much time as they
are able should be devoted for preaching according to our books.
26 | P a g e
(Letter to Rajarsi - March 12th 1977, Mayapur)
One should be very careful about committing offenses at the feet of a
Vaishnava. The most grievous type of Vaishnava-aparadha is called gurv-
aparadha, which refers to offenses at the lotus feet of the spiritual master. In
the chanting of the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this
gurv-aparadha is considered the most grievous offense. Guror avajna sruti-
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.21.37)
Of all sinful activities, an offense to a pure devotee, or Vaishnava, is the
most severe. An offense at the lotus feet of a Vaishnava is so disastrous that
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has compared it to a mad elephant that enters a
garden and causes great havoc by uprooting many plants and trees. If one is
an offender at the lotus feet of a brahmana or Vaishnava, his offenses uproot
all his auspicious activities. One should therefore very carefully guard
27 | P a g e
against committing Vaishnava-aparadha, or offenses at the lotus feet of a
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 7.4.28)
One should therefore be brought to sattva-guna by the establishment of
varnasrama-dharma and should develop the brahminical qualifications of
being very neat and clean, rising early in the morning and seeing Mangala-
aratrika, and so on. In this way, one should stay in sattva-guna, and then one
cannot be influenced by tamo-guna and rajo-guna.
tada rajas-tamo-bhavah
kama-lobhadayas ca ye
ceta etair anaviddhaà
28 | P a g e
sthitaà sattve prasidati
(SB 1.2.19)
The opportunity for this purification is the special feature of human life; in
other lives, this is not possible. Such purification can be achieved very easily
by radha-krsna-bhajana, devotional service rendered to Radha and Krsna,
and therefore Narottama dasa Thakura sings, hari hari viphale janama
gonainu, indicating that unless one worships Radha-Krsna, one's human
form of life is wasted. Vasudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogah prayojitah/
janayaty asu vairagyam (SB 1.2.7). By engagement in the service of
Vasudeva, one very quickly renounces material life. The members of the
Krsna consciousness movement, for example, being engaged in Vasudeva-
bhakti, very quickly come to the stage of being nice Vaishnavas, so much so
that people are surprised that mlecchas and yavanas are able to come to this
stage. This is possible by Vasudeva-bhakti. But if we do not come to the
stage of sattva-guna in this human life, then, as Narottama dasa Thakura
sings, hari hari viphale janama gonainu—there is no profit in gaining this
human form of life.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport10.13.53)
Simply execute your duties in Krsna's service, chant sincerely, and follow
the regulative principles faithfully. If you carry out this simple order of life,
all your uncertainties will come to nothing by the grace of the Lord and the
whole matter will become clear.
(Letter to Stephen – January 4, 1971, Bombay)
29 | P a g e
One who reads Brahma-saàhita very carefully & scrutinizingly can
understand everything of Krsna without any fault. I recommend, therefore
that all my students read Brahma-saàhita very carefully-especially because it
was translated personally by my spiritual master Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja.
(Letter to Pradyumna – October 17, 1967, Calcutta)
By reading regularly Srimad-Bhagavatam, one becomes gradually freed
from the influence of passion and ignorance, and thus becomes situated in
goodness. In such platform one can engage oneself in serious devotional
service, and thus one becomes illuminated with the transcendental
knowledge of Krsna. This stage is called liberated stage, and at this time one
becomes freed from all doubts and material bondage, and thus his life
becomes successful.
(Letter to Harivilasa – June 10, 1968, Montreal)
Vapu & Vani
There are two conceptions: the physical conception and the vibration
conception. So physical conception is temporary. The vibration conception is
eternal. Just like we are enjoying or we are relishing the vibration of Krsna’s
teachings. So by vibration He is present. As soon as we chant Hare Krsna or
chant Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata, so He is present immediately by His
vibration. He’s absolute. Therefore try to remember His words of instruction;
you’ll not feel separation. You’ll feel that He is with you. So we should
associate by the vibration, and not by the physical presence. That is real
association. Just like we are touching Krsna immediately by sound. Sound
vibration. So we should give more stress on the sound vibration, either of
Krsna or of the spiritual master. Then we’ll feel happy and no separation. So
30 | P a g e
whenever we shall feel separation, the best thing is to remember the
teachings. Then it will be very nice.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – Aug 18, 1968, Montreal)
Our activities are arati, kirtana, classes. Everything is done in conformity to
a regular standard. For example, all the temple members, without exception
must rise and attend mangala arati. Everyone living in the temple must agree
to the standard by proper understanding of the philosophy of tapasya. There
should be a regular daily schedule of events and it should be followed
closely. So you should set the example and also see that the others are
following. Our buildings are not for our sleeping and eating like hotels, but
whoever wants to join us should understand the philosophy of regulated
devotional service.
(Letter to Mukunda – January 12, 1974, Los Angeles)
Chanting Quality
Devotee (1): When in the Bhagavad-gita it says that the maha-mantra
cleanses the heart and soul, does that mean that when you just say the words,
just the sound, will that cleanse your heart? Or should you try and remember
Krsna with every word and every sound?
Prabhupada: No. By simply chanting your heart will be cleansed. Yes. Go
on chanting. Therefore we give regulative principle that one must chant at
least sixteen rounds.
Devotee : Should we try to go fast in order to get them done….. in order to
get the rounds done?
Prabhupada: The first thing is that you should chant without any offense. In
the beginning there may be so many offenses, but the chanting will be
perfect when you are free from ten kinds of offenses.
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – January 14, 1969, Los Angeles)
31 | P a g e
(Original Unedited Quote)
Female devotee (1): When in the Bhagavad-gita it says that the maha-
mantra cleanses the heart and soul, does that mean that when you just,
like automatically say the word it says that the maha-mantra cleanses the
heart and soul, does that mean that when you just, like automatically say
the words, just the sound, will that cleanse your heart? Or should you try
and remember Krsna with every word and every sound?
Prabhupada: No. By simply chanting your heart will be cleansed. Yes. Go
on chanting. Therefore we give regulative principle that one must chant at
least sixteen rounds.
Female devotee (1): Should we try to go fast in order to get them done, in
order to get the rounds done?
Prabhupada: The first thing is that you should chant without any offense.
You see? In the beginning there may be so many offenses, but the
chanting will be perfect when you are free from ten kinds of offenses.
We cannot live for a moment without being questioned or without giving
answers. Because the Srimad-Bhagavatam deals with questions and answers
that are related to Krsna, we can derive the highest satisfaction only by
reading and hearing this transcendental literature. One should learn the
Srimad-Bhagavatam and make an all-around solution to all problems
pertaining to social, political or religious matters. Srimad-Bhagavatam and
Krsna are the sum total of all things.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 1.2.5)
32 | P a g e
Only for us, who cannot experience anything beyond matter in our present
conditioned state, do the dhamas and the Lord Himself, in His arca form, and
appear before us resembling matter to give us the facility to see spirit with
material eyes. In the beginning this may be difficult for a neophyte to
understand, but in due course, when one is advanced in devotional service, it
will be easier, and he will appreciate the Lord’s presence in these tangible
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-līla Purport 5.20)
This sleeping is the maya’s influence. It is stated Ya devi sarva-bhuteshu
nidra-rupena saàsthitah. This material energy, Devi, has captured everyone,
and the more one sleeps, that means he's under the control of maya. And the
more he is not sleeping, he's free from maya. Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau.
The Goswamis, they conquered over three things: nidra, sleeping; ahara,
eating; and mating. These things are the clutches of maya. The more we
conquer over it, we are free. Whether I am in the clutches of maya or not can
be tested – whether I am sleeping more, whether I am eating more. One can
test himself. And bhakti means vairagya-vidya, to conquer over these three
things. So practice this. To rise early in the morning and attend mangala-
arati is compulsory. It is part of this education, spiritual education.
(Evening Conversation – January 25, 1977, Puri)
(Unedited original quote)
This sleeping is the maya's influence. It is stated in the... Ya devi sarva-
bhuteshu nidra-rupena saàsthitah.(?) The Devi, this material energy, has
captured everyone, and she is there... The more one sleeps, that means he's
33 | P a g e
under the control of maya. And the more he is not sleeping, he's free from
maya. Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau **. The Gosvamis, they conquered
over three things: nidra, sleeping; ahara, eating; and mating. These things
are the clutches of maya. More we have sex, more we have eating, more we
have sleeping, that means I am entangled. The more we conquer over it,
we are free. That we have to try. Whether I am in the clutches of maya or
not can be tested—whether I am sleeping more, whether I am eating more,
whether I am more sexually inclined. He can test himself. And bhakti
means vairagya-vidya, to conquer over these three things. So practice this.
They are... To rise early in the morning and attend mangala-arati is
compulsory. It is part of this education, spiritual education.
When we see the Deity of Krsna in the temple, we should think that the
Deity is Krsna. In this way Krsna has agreed to be seen by us and even
dressed by us. However, if we think of Krsna's viraT-rupa, His universal
form, what can we do? How can we dress the viraT-rupa? His many heads
cover the sky, and we cannot even conceive of Him. Krsna can become
bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest. Therefore this verse
states: bhaktya puman jata-viraga aindriyat. The more we serve Krsna, give
Him things to eat and dress Him nicely, the less we become interested in our
own bodies. In the material world everyone is very busy dressing himself
very nicely in order to be sexually attractive, but if we try to dress Krsna
nicely, we will forget our own material dress. If we feed Krsna nice food, we
will forget to satisfy our own tongue by going to this or that restaurant.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verses 25-26)
Holy Name
34 | P a g e
A brahmacari hears only words concerning Krsna consciousness; hearing is
the basic principle for understanding, and therefore the pure brahmacari
engages fully in harer namanukirtanam-chanting and hearing the glories of
the Lord.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
This enthusiasm is very good sign, and if you continue to become more and
more enthusiastic to be always strictly engaged in devotional service while
observing carefully the rules and regulations,
Krsna will surely bestow upon you full success in Krsna Consciousness and
thus your life will be happy and successful.
(Letter to Ekayani – May 3, 1970, Los Angeles)
Krsna is always Krsna, but because we cannot see anything beyond material
elements like wood, stone, and metal, He appears in a form made of these
elements. But He is neither wood, metal, nor stone. When we associate with
the Deity, we associate with Krsna personally. Because Krsna is invisible,
He very kindly takes a form that is visible to us. This is Krsna's mercy. Do
not think, "Oh, here is a stone Krsna." Krsna is everything, and therefore
Krsna is stone also, but He is not the kind of stone that cannot act. Even in
the form of stone or metal, Krsna can act as Krsna, and one who worships
35 | P a g e
the Deity will perceive that. svayam eva sphuraty adah. The Deity, although
apparently stone, may speak with a devotee.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti verse 4)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Do not be disturbed. There is no cause for anxiety. You are doing your best
to serve Krsna, that is very much appreciated, so do not lose enthusiasm out
of frustration; that will spoil everything. Krsna Consciousness means we
should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something
impossible, become overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so
much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope. No. If too
much endeavour is there, that is to be avoided.
(Letter to Tejiyas – December 19, 1972, Delhi)
If you actually want to become free from the contamination of this material
world, then you should always be engaged in chanting, Sankirtanam. Not
only the holy name, but reading the Krsna book, The Nectar of Devotion,
Teachings of Lord Caitanya. If you feel tired chanting, you read these books.
36 | P a g e
We have got so many books. If you feel tired reading this book, then transfer
your attention to another book, or another book, or chant. Simply do not to
waste a single moment. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says Kirtaniyah sada harih
[Cc. Adi 17.31]. Sada means always. So we have got materials for engaging
ourself always in Krsna consciousness.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – February 14, 1971, Gorakhpur)
(Original unedited quote)
If you actually want to become free from the contamination of this material
world, then you should always be engaged in chanting, Sankirtanam. Not
only the holy name, but reading the Krsna book, The Nectar of Devotion,
Teachings of Lord Caitanya. If you feel tired chanting, you read these books.
Sometimes there is psychology, transfer. You are reading some book, you
want to read another book. So we have got so many books. If you feel tired
this book, then transfer your attention to another book, or another book, or
chant. Find out. Simply, not to waste a single moment. Kirtaniyah sada harih
[Cc. Adi 17.31]. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says sada. Sada means always. So we
have got materials for engaging ourself always in Krsna consciousness.
Holy Name
Since no one is more powerful than or equal to the energy of the Supreme
Lord, no one’s name can be as powerful as that of the Lord. By chanting the
Lord’s holy name, one can derive all the stipulated energy synchronized
from all sources.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.1.12)
Vapu & Vani
37 | P a g e
In the absolute world there is no distinction as me, or he, and I. Krsna and
His representative are the same. Just like Krsna can be present
simultaneously in millions of places. Similarly, the Spiritual Master also can
be present wherever the disciple wants. Spiritual Master is the principle, not
the body. Just like a television can be seen in thousands of places by the
principle of relay monitoring.
(Letter to Malati – May 28, 1968, Allston)
One should always think of oneself as a servant of the servant of the acaryas,
and thinking this, one should live in the society of Vaishnava. However, if
one thinks that he has become very mature and can live separate from the
association of Vaishnava and thus gives up all the regulative principles due
to offending a Vaishnava, one's position becomes very dangerous. Giving up
the regulative principles and living according to one's whims is compared to
a mad elephant, which by force uproots the bhakti-lata and breaks it to
pieces. In this way the bhakti-lata shrivels up. Such an offense is especially
created when one disobeys the instructions of the spiritual master. This is
called guru-avajna. The devotee must therefore be very careful not to commit
offenses against the spiritual master by disobeying his instructions.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līla Purport 19.156)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
One should chant the holy name of the Lord with faith, enthusiasm and firm
conviction on the statement of Lord Caitanya that simply by chanting the
maha-mantra, one can be gradually elevated to the highest platform.
(Letter to Kanupriya, January 15, 1969, Los Angeles)
(Original unedited quote)
38 | P a g e
“What one should do is chant the Holy Name of the Lord with faith,
enthusiasm, and firm conviction on the statement of Lord Caitanya that
simply by chanting the Maha Mantra one can be gradually elevated to the
highest platform of spiritual perfection.”
Indian Man: We like your company very much and we feel like talking to
you so much, but we don’t have so much time to talk with you.
Prabhupada: So in my absence you read the books. What I talk, I have
written in the books. That’s all.
Indian Man: Personally, we think the association is greater.
Prabhupada: That’s all right. But still, you can associate with me by reading
my books.
(Morning Walk – August 7, 1975, Toronto)
(Original unedited quote)
Indian Man (2): your company very much in Toronto and we feel
like talk you so much, but we don't have so much time to talk with you.
You have so much mercy, so we have not... know so much about Krsna
from you.
Prabhupada: So in my absence you read the books. What I talk, I have
written in the books. That's all.
Indian Man (2): Personally, we think more greater.
Prabhupada: That's all right. But still, you can associate with me by
reading my books.
39 | P a g e
Holy Name
If you always chant Hare Krsna, that means you remember Krsna always. So
there is chance, ninety-nine percent chance that at the time of your death you
will think of Krsna and your life is successful. Very simple method. Make
always your mind absorbed in Krsna. Naturally at the time of death you will
think of Krsna.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – December 31, 1973, Los Angeles)
40 | P a g e
Chanting Quality
Indian man: Prabhupada, when we do our chanting, the chanting beads
contain 108 beads. Why is this, and why do we chant sixteen rounds?
Prabhupada: Not sixteen rounds. You can chant unlimitedly. Minimum 16
rounds because they cannot chant more than that. Otherwise kirtaniyah sada
harih [Cc. Adi 17.31]. So you must have a fixed amount of kirtana. That is
called tapasya, that "We must finish at least this much, if not more."
Sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih. Sankhya-purvaka. By numerical
strength one should chant. That is called vow. This is the idea. We cannot
imitate Haridasa Thakura, who was chanting 300,000 times. One name is
sufficient. If you can chant one name only, that is sufficient. But that is not
possible. So to understand the value of name at least we must have some
numerical strength. All the Gosvamis used to do that. We follow their
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – October 28, 1975, Nairobi)
(Original unedited quote)
“Indian man (8): Prabhupada, when we do our chanting, the chanting beads contain
108 beads. Why is this, and why do we chant sixteen rounds?
Prabhupada: Not sixteen rounds. You can chant unlimitedly.
Indian man (8): No, minimum
Prabhupada: Minimum because they cannot chant more than that, therefore
minimum. Otherwise kirtaniyah sada harih [Cc. Adi 17.31]. So you must have a fixed
amount of kirtana. That is called tapasya, that "We must finish at least this much, if
not more." Sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih. Sankhya-purvaka. By numerical
strength one should chant. That is called vow. This is the idea. So these Europeans,
41 | P a g e
Americans, they cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, who was chanting 300,000 times.
So we do not advise to imitate. Really do something. One name is sufficient. If you
can chant one name only, that is sufficient. But that is not possible. So to understand
the value of name at least we must have some numerical strength. All the Gosvamis
used to do that. We follow their footprints.”
The common man, who is expected to become at least a third-class devotee,
is advised herein to visit the temple of the Lord and bow down before the
Deity, even though he may be a very rich man or even a king with a silk
turban or crown. The Lord is the Lord of everyone, including the great kings
and emperors, and men who are rich in the estimation of mundane people
must therefore make it a point to visit the temple of Lord Sri Krsna and
regularly bow down before the Deity. The Lord in the temple in the
worshipable form is never to be considered to be made of stone or wood, for
the Lord in His arca incarnation as the Deity in the temple shows immense
favor to the fallen souls by His auspicious presence.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.3.21)
Chanting Quality
In our preaching work, we deal with so much property and money and so
many books bought and sold, but because these dealings all pertain to the
Krsna consciousness movement, they should never be considered material.
That one is absorbed in thoughts of such management does not mean that he
is outside of Krsna consciousness. If one rigidly observes the regulative
principle of chanting sixteen rounds of the maha-mantra every day, his
dealings with the material world for the sake of spreading the Krsna
consciousness movement are not different from the spiritual cultivation of
Krsna consciousness.
42 | P a g e
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 5.16.3)
The Lord says in Srimad-Bhagavatam that offering respect to His devotee is
more valuable than offering respect to Him. Devotees do not identify with
the body, so offering respect to a Vaishnava means offering respect to
Vishnu. It is stated also that as a matter of etiquette as soon as one sees a
Vaishnava one must immediately offer him respect, indicating the Supersoul
sitting within. A Vaishnava sees the body as a temple of Vishnu.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.3.22)
Guru Issue
One who is not self-controlled, specifically in sex life, can become neither a
disciple nor a spiritual master. One must have disciplinary training in
controlling speaking, anger, the tongue, the mind, the belly and the genitals.
One who has controlled the particular senses mentioned above is called a
gosvami. Without becoming a gosvami one can become neither a disciple nor
a spiritual master. The so-called spiritual master without sense control is
certainly the cheater, and the disciple of such a so-called spiritual master is
the cheated.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.9.43)
43 | P a g e
Vapu & Vani
There are two kinds of service to the Spiritual Master One is called vani-seva
and the other is called vapu-seva. Vani-seva means executing the
instructions, and vapu-seva means physically or personally rendering service.
So in the absence of physical presentation of the Spiritual Master the vani-
seva is more important. My Spiritual Master, Sarasvati Gosvami Ṭhakur,
may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve His
instruction I never feel separated from Him. I expect that all of you should
follow these instructions.
(Letter to Karandhara – August 22, 1970, Tokyo)
44 | P a g e
Guru Issue
Why did this Gaudiya MaTha fail? Because they tried to become more than
guru. Before passing away Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura gave all
directions but never said that ‘This man should be the next acarya.’ But after
his passing away these people began to fight that who shall be acarya. That
is the failure. They never thought, ‘Why Guru Maharaja gave us instruction
on so many things but did not say that this man should be acarya?’ They
wanted to artificially create somebody acarya and hence everything failed.
They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja
wanted to appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so
many things, and how could he miss this real point? They declared some
unfit person to become acarya. Then another man came, then another,
acarya, another acarya. So better remain a foolish person perpetually to be
directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection.
(Room Conversation – August 16, 1976, Bombay)
(Unedited original quote)
Why this Gaudiya MaTha failed? Because they tried to become more than
guru. He, before passing away, he gave all direction and never said that
"This man should be the next acarya." But these people, just after his
passing away they began to fight, who shall be acarya. That is the failure.
They never thought, "Why Guru Maharaja gave us instruction so many
things, why he did not say that this man should be acarya?" They wanted
to create artificially somebody acarya and everything failed. They did not
consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to
appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so many things,
and this point he missed? The real point? And they insist upon it. They
declared some unfit person to become acarya. Then another man came,
then another, acarya, another acarya. So better remain a foolish person
perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection.
45 | P a g e
Process of initiation
This is the process of initiation. The disciple must admit that he will no
longer commit sinful activity [...] He promises to execute the order of the
spiritual master. Then the spiritual master takes care of him and elevates him
to spiritual emancipation.
(SHrī Caitanya-caritamṛta Madhya-lila Purport 24.256)
(Original unedited quote)
“This is the process of initiation. The disciple must vow that he will no
longer commit sinful activity–namely illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and
intoxication. He promises to execute the order of the spiritual master.
Then the spiritual master takes care of him and elevates him to spiritual
An offense at the lotus feet of a Vaishnava is the greatest offense in this
world. When one serves a Vaishnava unknowingly, one still gets the good
result, and if one unknowingly insults a Vaishnava, one suffers the bad
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.9.23)
Vapu & Vani
46 | P a g e
There are two conceptions of presence-the physical conception and the
vibrational conception. The physical conception is temporary, whereas the
vibrational conception is eternal. When we enjoy or relish the vibration of
Krsna’s teachings in Bhagavad-gita, or when we chant Hare Krsna, we
should know that by those vibrations He is immediately present. He is
absolute, and because of this His vibration is just as important as His
physical presence. When we feel separation from Krsna or the spiritual
master, we should just try to remember their words of instructions, and we
will no longer feel that separation. Such association with Krsna and the
spiritual master should be association by vibration, not physical presence.
That is real association.
(Elevation to Krsna Consciousness- Chapter 4)
47 | P a g e
Nityananda is the principle of the guru. So, the Gurudeva is the incarnation
of Nityananda. Anyone strictly following the instruction of the guru is
following Nityananda. The price one has to pay if he wants to become Krsna
conscious is that he must dedicate himself to following the order of the
spiritual master, mahat-seva. If the spiritual master is pleased with the
disciple, then the blessings of guru will be there. That is the best way to
become Krsna conscious, and Krsna is non-different from Nityananda. You
may pray to Lord Nityananda to help you become dedicated in the service of
your guru. Krsna consciousness cannot be achieved artificially. You should
approach Nityananda Prabhu through your spiritual master.
(Letter to Makhanlal dasa - 24th October, 1976, Vrindavan)
Go on preaching for now, we shall see the money matters later. Preaching is
our life. Follow strictly the principles, read, chant,-then there is success. And
if you don't do this, spiritual strength is reduced. A snake is very powerful so
long he has got poison. If it has no poison, nobody cares for it. Similarly, this
chanting, reading, and following the principles is our spiritual strength.
(Letter to Gargamuni – June 8, 1975, Honolulu)
That is kevala bhakti. If sometimes it appears that he has deviated out of past
habit, that is excused. Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak, sadhur
eva sa mantavyah [Bg. 9.30]. But not intentional. We should not fall down
48 | P a g e
and deviate from our path of devotional service intentionally. That is very
great criminality. We must try our best, kevalaya bhaktya. Kecit means this
determination is very difficult. Therefore it has been said here, Kecit,
"somebody," not all. Not all can get that determination. But everyone can get
determination, provided he likes. It is not determination is monopolized by a
certain man. Anyone who determines that "I shall simply serve Krsna," that
simple determination will save him
(Original unedited quote)
That is kevala bhakti. If sometimes it appears that he has deviated out of
past habit, that is excused. Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak,
sadhur eva sa mantavyah [Bg. 9.30]. But not intentional. We should not
fall down and deviate from our path of devotional service intentionally.
That will not... That is very great criminality. We must try our best,
kevalaya bhaktya.
So Kecit. Kecit means this determination is very difficult. Therefore it has
been said here, Kecit, "somebody," not all. Not all can get that
determination. But everyone can get determination, provided he likes. It is
not determination is monopolized by a certain man. Anyone who
determines that "I shall simply serve Krsna," that simple determination
will save him.
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Rupa Gosvami says that to advance in spiritual life, the first principle is
utsaha. Utsaha means enthusiasm. “Yes, Krsna says, sarvadharman
parityajya mam ekaà saranaà vraja. I will accept it and work
49 | P a g e
enthusiastically.” Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji maà
namaskuru, and we have to execute it enthusiastically, “Yes, I shall always
think of Krsna.” Krsna says directly, “You just become My devotee.” So we
have to be enthusiastic, “Yes, I shall become Krsna’s devotee.” Krsna says,
“Worship Me,” so we should be very much enthusiastic to worship Krsna,
offer Mangala-aratrika, rise early in the morning. Those who are not
enthusiastic, lazy, lethargic, they cannot advance in spiritual life. One must
be very, very enthusiastic and positive.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture – January 7, 1975, Bombay)
(Original unedited quote)
“Therefore Rupa Gosvami says that spiritual life can be advanced, the first
principle is utsaha. Utsahat. Utsaha means enthusiasm: "Yes, Krsna says,
sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekaà saranaà vraja [Bg. 18.66]. I will
accept it and work enthusiastically on the principle, as Krsna says." Krsna
says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji maà namaskuru [Bg. 18.65],
and we have to do it, execute it enthusiastically: "Yes, I shall always think
of Krsna." Man-manah. Krsna says directly. Man-mana bhava mad-
bhaktah, "You just become My devotee." So we have to be enthusiastic,
"Yes, I shall become Krsna's devotee." Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yaji. Krsna says, "Worship Me," so we should be very much
enthusiastic to worship Krsna, offer Mangala-aratrika, rise early in the
morning. These are all enthusiasm, utsaha. Those who are not
enthusiastic, lazy, lethargic, they cannot advance in spiritual life. Simply
sleeping, they cannot make. One must be very, very enthusiastic, positive.”
Chanting Quality
I am so glad to learn that you are now getting the fruit of chanting Hare
Krsna. Hare Krsna is so nice that it clears the dirty things from the mind of
the devotee and the more one is used to chant the Holy Name offenselessly,
the more one develops love of God, forgetting the whole material nonsense.
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It is my duty to deliver you the right thing in right earnestness and it is the
duty of the receiver to act in the standard spiritual regulation.
(Letter to Umapati – November 23, 1967, Calcutta)
I am very much anxious that at the same time as you carry out all these
outside activities, you are maintaining a strict schedule of temple activities.
Such regular activities like attendance of arati, chanting of rounds, study of
literatures in the class will keep you fit for effective preaching work in the
outer field. Our standard of purity must be kept, otherwise there will be loss
of spiritual strength, and subsequent fall down. Everyone of you should be
51 | P a g e
thoroughly convinced of the power of the Hare Krsna mantra to protect you
in all circumstances and chant accordingly at all times without offence. Then
advancement will be swift and you will gradually come to see everything
clearly so that you may act for the pleasure of the Lord without uncertainty.
When one is spontaneously engaged in this way, always in the service of the
Lord and anxious to avoid all mundane activities, he is actually experiencing
the taste of bliss in Krsna consciousness.
(Letter to Damodara - January 10, 1971, Allahabad)
You are happy because you are chanting, dancing, reading Srimad-
Bhagavatam and all the books. If you do these things regularly, then your
life is a success. Anyone who chants and follows the rules and regulations,
where is there room for anxiety for him?
(Letter to Revatinandana – November 7, 1975, Bombay)
Holy Name
The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even if one unconsciously or
consciously chants, say they have no intention to chant the holy name of
Krsna, but they imitate or criticize, “Hare Krsna.” That also has effect.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – January 10, 1971, Calcutta)
(Original unedited quote)
52 | P a g e
“The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even one unconsciously or
conscious... Sometimes they imitate: "Hare Krsna." They have no
intention to chant the holy name of Krsna, but they imitate or criticize,
"Hare Krsna." That has also effect.”
Vapu & Vani
One should have complete faith in the guru, who helps the disciple make
progress in spiritual life. As soon as the disciple thinks independently, not
caring for the instructions of the spiritual master, he is a failure
(yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi).
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 8.17.1)
The training is, according to sastra and the instruction of the spiritual master,
that: rise early in the morning. There are thousands and millions of men at
the present moment who have got attachment for the family and rise at four
o’clock and prepare himself to take this trouble of going so many miles away
for office. Why he is taking so much trouble? Family attachment. Not that he
has no attachment. But the same four o' clock, rising early in the morning,
for Krsna's mangala-arati is a better diversion. But he'll not agree. When he
53 | P a g e
has got to go to office for earning his livelihood, he will automatically rise
up and go to the office, because the attachment is strong. But in the temple,
the rule is that you must get up before four and prepare yourself. So this has
to be practiced. This has to be practiced if you want to divert your attention.
Because we have no attachment for Krsna, we have to be forced. Never
mind. Still we have to continue this, to increase attachment for Krsna, mayy
asakta manah partha. We have to train our mind how to become attached to
Krsna. This is bhakti process. The business is the same, but we have to be
trained up for increasing our attachment for Krsna. Not that we have to bring
a separate attachment. It has to be cleansed.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – December 10, 1975, Vṛndavana)
(Original unedited quote)
“The training is, according to sastra and the instruction of the spiritual
master, that (indistinct): rise early in the morning. Just like a man... Not
one man, there are thousands and millions of men at the present moment,
because he has got attachment for the family he rises at four o'clock and
prepares himself to catch the train at six o'clock to reach Calcutta,
Bombay at ten o'clock and attend the office. So from four o'clock to ten
o'clock, he has taken so much changing. I have seen in New York also,
they are coming in from the other island and waiting for the bus, waiting
for the ferry steamer, and so many hours wasted to reach the office. And
he works in the office for four or five hours, then again he takes this
trouble of going so many miles away. Why he is taking so much trouble?
Family attachment. Family attachment. So the people are... Not that he
has no attachment. He has got attachment, but this attachment, the same
four o' clock, rising early in the morning, for Krsna's mangala-arati. This
is diversion, a better. But he'll not agree. When he has got to go to office
for earning his livelihood, he will automatically rise up and go to the
office, because the attachment is strong. But in the temple, the rule is that
you must get up before four and prepare yourself, and we have to ring the
bells three hundred times, and still you are sleeping. Just see.
So this has to be practiced. This has to be practiced if you want to divert
your attention. The same process. But because we have no attachment for
54 | P a g e
Krsna, we have to be forced. Never mind. Still we have to continue this,
mayy asakta..., to increase attachment for Krsna, mayy asakta manah
partha. We have to train our mind how to become attached to Krsna. This
is bhakti process. The business is the same, but we have to be trained up
for increasing our attachment for Krsna. Not that we have to bring a
separate attachment. It has to be cleansed.”
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Krsna." You are seeing Krsna.
The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally you can
see. Simply we have to continue the enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means to take
things very seriously, utsahad dhairyat, and patiently. Although we are
determined to go back to home, back to Godhead, so we should patiently
follow the rules and regulations. So these are the six principles: endeavour...,
mean, enthusiasm, and firm determination, and patience, and executing the
regulative principles, tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, and sato vritteh, means
behaviour must be very honest, no duplicity, and... Utsahad dhairyat
niscayat tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, and sato vritteh, dealing must be very
honestly, no hypocrisy, tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, sadhu-sanga, and in the
association of devotees. If you follow these six principles, namely
55 | P a g e
enthusiasm, determination, patience, and executing the regulative principle
and keep yourself honest and in the association of devotee, if you follow
these six principle, then your success is sure.
(Departure Lecture – February 25, 1975, Caracas)
Krishna is the supreme controller.
Without tapasya you cannot be purified. That little tapasya we have
prescribed, that "Rise early in the morning at half past three," but they are so
downtrodden, they cannot do it. "Let me sleep five minutes more. I'll enjoy."
Just see how much we are fallen. We cannot sacrifice, say, fifteen minutes or
half an hour's sleep. We consider, "Sleeping is very good enjoyment." "I
have slept so much. That is my life's success." The rascal does not know that
he is becoming implicated for the next birth. If you are sleeping too much,
then you become owl. Nature is prepared to give you facilities. The owl can
sleep for the whole day.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – September 20, 1975, Vṛndavana)
57 | P a g e
(Original unedited quote)
Without tapasya you cannot be purified. That little tapasya we have prescribed, that "Rise
early in the morning at half past three," but they are so downtrodden, they cannot do it.
"Let me sleep five minutes more. I'll enjoy." You see? Such downtrodden. They were
performing austerities, standing in the water in winter season, and we are recommending,
"Please rise early in the morning at half past three. Be prepared for mangala-arati," it is
very difficult job. Just see how much we are fallen. We cannot sacrifice, say, fifteen minutes
or half an hour's sleep. We consider, "Sleeping is very good enjoyment." I have seen in the
Western countries, they want to sleep so much. That is enjoyment. Up to twelve o'clock in
daytime. There are many Indians also, they sleep up to twelve o'clock, and then they prepare
for going to the office, big man. He goes to the office at four o'clock when the office is
going to be closed. That is their enjoyment. "I have slept so much. That is my life's success.
I have eaten so much. That is my enjoyment. I have enjoyed sex life so much. That is
enjoyment." He does not know... The rascal does not know that he is becoming implicated
for the next birth. If you are too much sleeping, then you become owl.You know? The whole
day they can sleep, the owl. If you want to be naked, all right, you become a tree. Stand five
thousand years naked. If you want sex, all right, become a hog or a monkey. Nature is
prepared to give you facilities.
Chanting Quality
One must strictly chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra twenty-four hours
daily. One may have other duties to perform under the direction of the
spiritual master, but he must first abide by the spiritual master’s order to
chant a certain number of rounds. In our Krsna consciousness movement, we
have recommended that the neophyte chant at least sixteen rounds. This
chanting of sixteen rounds is absolutely necessary if one wants to remember
Krsna and not forget Him. Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual
master’s order to chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-līla Purport 22.113)
Everyone wants that "I am very honorable man, prestigious man. And you
should respect me." That is our material disease. "I do not want to respect
you, but you should offer me respect." This is the position. Therefore our
58 | P a g e
system is to call another Vaishnava as prabhu. But if we call prabhu, but
think, "No, you are not prabhu; I am prabhu. You are servant", that cheating
process will not help us. Actually, we should believe that he is prabhu. "He
is servant of Krsna; therefore he is my prabhu." This is Vaishnava mentality.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – October 23, 1976, Vṛndavana)
Vapu & Vani
Reporter: Who will succeed you when you die?
Srila Prabhupada: I will never die!
Devotees: Jaya! Haribol!
Srila Prabhupada: I will live forever from my books and you will utilize.
(Press conference – July 16, 1975, San Francisco)
59 | P a g e
When we are advanced in spiritual consciousness, then we can see God
everywhere. maya tatam idaà sarvaà jagad avyakta-murtina. The Lord is
everywhere, and He is not everywhere also. Just like you have got this post
box. When you put your letter. It will go to the destination because it is
authorized. Similarly, the Deity established in a temple is authorized.
(Bhagavad-gīta Lecture – November 24, 1966, New York)
(Original unedited quote)
“When we are advanced in spiritual consciousness, then we can see God everywhere.
Maya tatam idaà sarvaà jagad avyakta-murtina [Bg. 9.4]. So He is everywhere, and
He is not everywhere also. Just like you have got this post box. The post box means
the Post Office. You put your letter. It will go to the destination because it is
authorized. Similarly, the authorized Deity, established in a temple.”
Krsna will never tolerate insult on a devotee. He will never tolerate. The
devotee may excuse, trinad api sunicena taror api sahishnuna. Just like
Prahlada Maharaja, he was suffering. His father was torturing him. But
Krsna never tolerates. Even if you insult Krsna, He will tolerate. But if you
insult His devotee, He will never tolerate. Then you are finished. Just like a
big man. If you insult him, he may think "All right, let him." But if you insult
or do some harm to his child, he will never tolerate. Similarly, a devotee who
is dependent on Krsna in everything, and if somebody does harm to him or
insults him, Krsna will never tolerate. That is explained in the Caitanya-
caritamrita. Tara madhye Vaishnava-aparadha hati matta. So we should be
very careful not to offend Vaishnava devotees. This is greatest offense.
Therefore it is said vipra-sapa-vimudhanaà. vimudhanaà. Those who are
rascal, fools, they will want to try to insult real brahmana, Vaishnava. Then
they are finished. A Vaishnava never curses but tolerates. But Vishnu never
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – December 2, 1973, Los Angeles)
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“Krsna will never tolerate insult on a devotee. He will never tolerate. The
devotee may excuse, trinad api sunicena taror api sahishnuna. He may
suffer. Just like Prahlada Maharaja, he was suffering. His father was
torturing him. He was suffering, "All right." But Krsna never tolerated.
"Oh, you have done so much. Now it is the time to kill him." This is the
process. Krsna will tolerate. Even you insult Krsna, He will tolerate. But if
you insult His devotee, He will never tolerate. Then you are finished. Then
you are finished. Just like a big man. If you insult him, he may think "All
right, let him." But if you insult or do something harm to his child, he will
never tolerate. He will never tolerate. Similarly, a devotee who is
dependent on Krsna in everything, and if somebody does harm to him,
insults him, Krsna will never tolerate. That is explained in the Caitanya-
caritamrita, vaishnava-aparadha. Tara madhye vaishnava-aparadha hati
matta. So we should be very careful not to offend Vaishnava devotees. Not
to offend. This is greatest offense. Therefore it is said vipra-sapa-
vimudhanam. Vimudhanam. Those who are rascal, fools, they will want to
try to insult real brahmana, Vaishnava. Then they are finished. Of course,
a Vaishnava never curses. Tolerates. Trinad api sunicena taror...
Vaishnava tolerates, but Vishnu never tolerates.”
As soon as one discontinues his staunch following of the regulative
principles such as no meat eating, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling,
rising early before 4 AM coming to mangala arati, chanting at least 16
rounds, etc., then his spiritual life is hampered and there is a chance that at
any time he may become a victim of maya.
(Letter to Revatinandana – December 15, 1974, Bombay)
61 | P a g e
Chanting Quality
You must practice how to love Krsna. First you have to rise early in the
morning. You may not like to do that, but you think, "I will rise early to
satisfy Krsna." This is the beginning. Then, "I have to chant sixteen rounds
of the Hare Krsna mantra on my beads." You may be lazy, you may not
want to do it, but if you want to love Krsna you must do it. You must do it.
In the beginning you have to learn how to love Krsna, but when you actually
come to the state of love of God there is no question of "have to." You will
spontaneously follow the regulative principles.
(TQE 7a: The Yoga of Pure Attachment)
62 | P a g e
Guru Issue
An acarya must always be eager to deliver the fallen souls. A person who
establishes a temple or maTha to take advantage of people’s sentiments by
using for his livelihood what people contribute for the worship of the Deity
cannot be called a Gosvami or acarya. One who knows the conclusion of the
sastras, follows in the footsteps of his predecessors and endeavors to preach
the bhakti cult all over the world is to be considered an acarya. The role of
an acarya is not to earn his livelihood through the income of the temple.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say that if one earns his
livelihood by displaying the Deity in the temple, he is not an acarya or
Gosvami. It would be better for him to accept service even as a sweeper in
the street, for that is a more honorable means of earning one’s living.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Antya-līla Purport 3.223)
Holy Name
The basic principle of advancement in our Krsna consciousness is stressed
by Caitanya Mahaprabhu that if one simply chants the Hare Krsna
Mahamantra without offense and has firm faith in Krsna and Spiritual
63 | P a g e
Master then he will advance and he only can understand the deep import of
Krsna consciousness.
(Letter to Stephen – January 4, 1971, Bombay)
Holy Name
One who is engaged in Lord Krsna's devotional service lives in a direct
relationship with the Supreme Lord, so there is no doubt that his position is
transcendental from the very beginning. A devotee does not live on the
material plane-he lives in Krsna. The holy name of the Lord and the Lord are
non-different; therefore when a devotee chants Hare Krsna, Krsna and His
internal potency are dancing on the tongue of the devotee.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 12.8)
Even the third-class devotee-who is not advanced in knowledge of the
Absolute Truth but simply offers obeisances with great devotion, thinks of
the Lord, sees the Lord in the temple and brings forth flowers and fruits to
offer to the Deity-becomes imperceptibly liberated. Sraddhayanvitah: with
great devotion the devotees offer worshipful respects and paraphernalia to
the Deity. The Deities of Radha and Krsna, Lakshmi and Narayana, and
Rama and Sita are very attractive to devotees, so much so that when they see
the statue decorated in the temple of the Lord they become fully absorbed in
thought of the Lord. That is the state of liberation.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.25.36)
64 | P a g e
Apani acari prabhu jiveri sikshaya. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's
movement. He teaches others by behaving Himself. "Example is better than
precept." If you cannot rise early in the morning, then how can you ask
others to rise early in the morning? What is the effect? We have got business
early in the morning, to attend mangala arati. And if you sleep yourself and
teach others, so who will take it?
(Morning Walk – April 23, 1974, Hyderabad)
(Original unedited quote)
Apani acari prabhu jiveri sikshaya. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's
movement. He teaches others by behaving Himself. "Example is better
than precept." If you cannot rise early in the morning, then how can you
ask others to rise early in the morning? What is the effect? There is no
effect. We have got business early in the morning, to attend mangala arati.
And if you sleep yourself and teach others, so who will take it?
Holy Name
Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends, kirtaniyah sada harih, always chant.
That is the principle. But we cannot do that because we are so much
overwhelmed by the influence of Kali. So we have to chant at least sixteen
rounds. Don’t miss this.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – January 23, 1974, Hawaii)
65 | P a g e
(Original unedited quote)
Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends, kirtaniyah sada harih [Cc. Adi
17.31], always chant. That is the principle. But we cannot do that because
we are so much overwhelmed by the influence of Kali. So at least sixteen
rounds. Don't miss this.
Try to always study our books and see our philosophy from different lights
of directions, become convinced yourself of this knowledge and without a
doubt all of your difficulties of mind will disappear forever and you will see
Krsna face-to-face.
(Letter to Bhagavatananda – July 8, 1972, New York)
I have received also one letter from Upendra today and I am so glad he is
released within 10 days. That was my expectation when he came to see me,
that he couldn't be incarcerated for more than a week. This instance of
suffering by a devotee should be carefully noted. As Upendra was in the
beginning incarcerated for 3 months, it was reduced to one week. Similarly,
when a devotee is seen in trouble, it should be accepted as Gods mercy. Just
like Upendra's suffering was destined for 3 months by the law, but by the
mercy of God the suffering is reduced to one week only. So a devotee always
accepts his distress as minimized by God's mercy, although he would have to
suffer many more times the suffering. Anyone who accepts this philosophy
of God's mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krsna
consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to home, back to Godhead.
(Letter to Gurudasa – February 13, 1968, Los Angeles)
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The Vishnu forms of worship in great temples of India are not, therefore,
arrangements of idol worship, as they are wrongly interpreted to be by a
class of men with a poor fund of knowledge; rather, they are different
spiritual centers of meditation on the transcendental limbs of the body of
Vishnu. The worshipable Deity in the temple of Vishnu is identical with
Lord Vishnu by the inconceivable potency of the Lord. Therefore, a
neophyte's concentration or meditation upon the limbs of Vishnu in the
temple, as contemplated in the revealed scriptures, is an easy opportunity for
meditation for persons who are unable to sit down tightly at one place and
then concentrate upon pranava oàkara or the limbs of the body of Vishnu, as
recommended herein by Sukadeva Gosvami, the great authority. The
common man can benefit more by meditating on the form of Vishnu in the
temple than on the oàkara, the spiritual combination of a-u-m as explained
before. There is no difference between oàkara and the forms of Vishnu, but
persons unacquainted with the science of Absolute Truth try to create
dissension by differentiating between the forms of Vishnu and that of
oàkara. Here it is indicated that the Vishnu form is the ultimate goal of
meditation, and as such it is better to concentrate upon the forms of Vishnu
than on impersonal oàkara. The latter process is also more difficult than the
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.1.19)
Chanting Quality
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Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if one
properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of hari-nama, he
is elevated step by step to the highest platform, uttama-adhikari.
(The Nectar of Instruction Text 5)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
A living entity cannot stop acting. So when he is forbidden to become
enthusiastic about material achievements, he should at once be encouraged to
be enthusiastic about spiritual achievements. Enthusiasm is a symptom of the
living entity; it cannot be stopped. It is just like a powerful engine: if you
utilize it properly, it will give immense production. Therefore enthusiasm
should be purified. Instead of employing enthusiasm for attaining material
goals, one should be enthusiastic about achieving the perfectional stage of
devotional service. Indeed, enthusing His devotees in devotional service is
the purpose for which Krsna descends to this material world.
(Narada-bhakti-sutra Text 5)
When one thus criticizes a pure devotee, he commits an offense (Vaishnava-
aparadha) that is very obstructive and dangerous for those who desire to
advance in Krsna consciousness. A person cannot derive any spiritual benefit
when he offends the lotus feet of a Vaishnava. Everyone should therefore be
very careful not to be jealous of an empowered Vaishnava, or a suddha-
Vaishnava. It is also an offense to consider an empowered Vaishnava an
object of disciplinary action. It is offensive to try to give him advice or to
correct him.
(Nectar of Instruction Text 6)
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If the regulative principles are strictly followed there is no chance of maya's
dangerous influence to come in and cause some havoc. Maya is always
peeping, ready to take advantage of our any lapse from devotional standard,
so everyone should be continuously engaged in either chanting, studying or
working or preaching. This full schedule will save you from engagement
elsewhere. Maya and Krsna are always side by side. Either one is serving
Krsna or he is serving maya.
(Letter to Rsabhadeva, November 16th, 1970)
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Vapu & Vani
Today, Sunday, November 10, 1974 ... we have now finished the English
translation of SHrī Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvamī's SHrī Caitanya-
caritamṛta in accordance with the authorized order of His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭ hakura Gosvamī Maharaja, my beloved spiritual
master, guide and friend. Although according to material vision His Divine
Grace SHrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭ hakura Prabhupada passed away
from this material world on the last day of December, 1936, I still consider
His Divine Grace to be always present with me by his vaṇ ī, his words.... I
think that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭ hakura is always
seeing my activities and guiding me within my heart by his words. As it is
said in SHrīmad-Bhagavatam, tene brahma hṛda ya adi-kavaye [SB 1.1.1].
Spiritual inspiration comes from within the heart, wherein the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, in His Paramatma feature, is always sitting with all
His devotees and associates. It is to be admitted that whatever translation
work I have done is through the inspiration of my spiritual master because
personally I am most insignificant and incompetent to do this materially
impossible work. I do not think myself a very learned scholar, but I have full
faith in the service of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace SHrīla
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭ hakura. If there is any credit to my activities of
translating, it is all due to His Divine Grace.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Antya-lila - Concluding Words)
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If you become anxious how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely,
that will develop your anxiety for Krsna. Therefore, Deity worship is
essential. Exactly in time to get up, to offer mangala-arati, to dress, this
anxiety is the beginning of Krsna anxiety. Then, when you become perfect,
you'll always be anxious for Krsna. And that is perfectional stage. Therefore,
by the injunction of the sastra, it is a way of creating that anxiety. So we
must follow it. Then we'll come to the real anxiety.
(Morning Walk – April 26, 1976, Melbourne)
(Original unedited quote)
If you become anxious how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely,
how to do, if you remain, that will develop your anxiety for Krsna.
Therefore Deity worship essential. Exactly in time to get up, to offer
mangala-arati, to dress, this anxiety is the beginning of Krsna anxiety.
Then, when you become perfect, you'll always be anxious for Krsna. And
that is perfectional stage. Therefore, by the injunction of the sastra,
regulative, it is a way of creating that anxiety. So we must follow. Then
we'll come to the real anxiety.
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The devotee should patiently follow the rules and regulations of devotional
service so that the day will come when he will achieve, all of a sudden, all
the perfection of devotional service. He should not lament for any loss or any
reverse in his advancement in spiritual life. This patience (dhairya) is the
third positive item for advancing in devotional service.
(Narada-bhakti-sutra Text 5)
72 | P a g e
Demons are very much disturbed when devotees worship the Lord in the
prescribed ways recommended in the scriptures. In the Vedic scriptures, the
neophyte devotees are advised to engage in nine kinds of devotional service,
such as to hear and chant the holy name of God, to remember Him always, to
chant on beads Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare
Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, to worship the Lord in the form
of His Deity incarnation in the temples, and to engage in various activities of
Krsna consciousness to increase the number of godly persons for perfect
peace in the world. Demons do not like such activity. They are always
envious of God and His devotees. Their propaganda not to worship in the
temple or church but simply to make material advancement for satisfaction
of the senses is always current.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.18.5)
Vaishnava-aparadha is never tolerated by Krsna. Just like the Pandavas,
they were Vaishnavas, and the Duryodhana and company, actually they were
not Vaishnava. So they insulted. They put them to trouble in so many ways.
They banished them in the jungle. They insulted their wife and so many
ways by clique. So Krsna could not tolerate that. So therefore the Battle of
Kurukshetra took place. So Vaishnava is kind. Arjuna, he said, "My dear
Krsna, whatever they have done, that doesn't matter. I cannot kill my family
men. Please excuse." So just see. Arjuna is kind because he is Vaishnava.
But Krsna cannot tolerate. Krsna said, "You must kill them. That is My
order. You must kill them."
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – December 2, 1973, Los Angeles)
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They put to trouble so many ways. They banished them in the jungle. They
insulted their wife and so many ways by clique. So Krsna could not tolerate
that. So therefore the Battle of Kurukshetra.
So Vaishnava is kind. Arjuna, he said, "My dear Krsna, whatever they
have done, that doesn't matter. I cannot kill my family men. Please
excuse." So just see. Arjuna is kind because he is Vaishnava. But Krsna
cannot tolerate. Krsna said, "You must kill them. That is My order. You
must kill them."
Chanting Quality
Devotee: When chanting our sixteen rounds, we are not sure if these rounds
are sincere. How can we make the quality the best?
Prabhupada: You will understand quality when you first of all come to the
quality. Without having quality, how will you understand the quality? You
follow the instruction of your spiritual master and sastra. That is your duty.
Quality or no quality-that is not your position to understand. When the
quality comes there is no force. You will have a taste for chanting. You will
desire at that time, “Why sixteen rounds? Why not sixteen thousand
rounds?” That is quality.
(Morning Walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi)
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Devotee (8): How can we be sure?
Prabhupada: There is beads.
Brahmananda: No, he's saying that when we chant our rounds, how can
we be sure that when we chant the round that the round is a perfect,
attentive round, sincere?
Prabhupada: Therefore it is sastra, "You must." There is no question of
Brahmananda: The quality of the chanting he's asking. How can we make
the quality the best?
Prabhupada: Quality, you'll understand first of all come to the quality.
Without having quality, how he'll understand the quality? You follow the
instruction of your spiritual master, of the sastra. That is your duty.
Quality, no quality—it is not your position to understand. When the
quality comes there is no force. You will have a taste for chanting. You will
desire at that time, "Why sixteen round? Why not sixteen thousand
rounds?" That is quality.
A devotee must therefore be completely free from envy, especially of other
devotees. To envy other devotees is a great offense, a Vaishnava-aparadha.
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A devotee who constantly engages in hearing and chanting (sravana-kirtana)
is certainly freed from the disease of envy, and thus he becomes eligible to
go back home, back to Godhead.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 9.11.23)
Keep yourselves strong in Krsna Consciousness by following all of my basic
principles. That is of the utmost importance. Do not fail to chant 16 rounds
daily, rise early, come to mangala-arati, come to classes and follow the 4
regulative principles. In this way your life will become free from all
(Letter to Sons – December 28, 1974, Bombay)
Everyone can become first-class sura. They have to be trained. Therefore it
is said that pravrittià ca nivrittià ca jana na vidur asurah [Bhagavad-gīta.
16.7]. The fault is, asuras, they do not know how to live a very happy and
clean life. Na saucaà napi cacarah. They have no cleanliness and good
76 | P a g e
behavior. So therefore we are teaching cleanliness. So he rises early in the
morning, takes his bath, immediately becomes cleansed. These are the
qualification of brahmana or the suras. Therefore we are training, "Rise
early in the morning. Chant Hare Krsna. Have mangala-arati." This is
acara. By practicing this, you can see the distinction between ordinary men
or our men.
(Bhagavad-gīta Lecture – January 27, 1975, Tokyo)
I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and
skepticism. That is the process. Even there may be doubts and skepticism,
but if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and
77 | P a g e
real knowledge will be revealed by the grace of Krsna. There is an example
given of the jaundice patient. He is suffering from disease, and when given
sugar candy, which is the cure, he finds it very bitter and distasteful. But that
does not mean the sugar candy is not very sweet and delicious, it is simply
due to his diseased condition that it seems bitter. In order to be cured from
his disease, he must take the medicine of sugar candy, despite the apparently
bitter taste, and as he will become cured, the real sweet taste of the candy is
gradually revealed. Similarly, we are diseased, and only if we take to this
chanting process may we be cured. Maya may put so many doubts and
worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the
curing process will go on, never mind the doubts, and gradually we will get a
taste of that sweet nectar of Krsna nama-sankirtana. That is the process, and
you may explain it to all your friends, so they may understand the nature of
their doubts and skepticism and be benefited.
(Letter to Terry and associates – March 22, 1968, San Francisco)
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that by offending a Vaishnava, one
finishes all his spiritual activities. Offending a Vaishnava is considered the
mad elephant offense. A mad elephant can destroy an entire garden which
has been developed with great labor. One may attain the topmost platform of
devotional service, but somehow or other if he offends a Vaishnava, the
whole structure collapses. Unconsciously, King Rahugana offended Jada
Bharata, but due to his good sense, he asked to be excused. This is the
process by which one can be relieved from a Vaishnava-aparadha. Krsna is
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always very simple and by nature merciful. When one commits an offense at
the feet of a Vaishnava, one must immediately apologize to such a
personality so that his spiritual advancement may not be hampered.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 5.10.24)
In this Krsna consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in
the morning, by four A.M., and attend mangala-arati, or morning worship,
then read Srimad-Bhagavatam, perform kirtana, and so forth. Thus we hold
continuous activities in devotional service twenty-four hours daily. This is
called sato vritti, or following in the footsteps of the previous acaryas who
expertly filled every moment of time with Krsna conscious activities.
(Nectar of Instruction Text 3)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
One should not be impatient in Krsna Consciousness. Indeed, this Krsna
Consciousness movement was started single-handedly, and in the beginning
there was no response, but because we continued to execute our devotional
activities with patience, people gradually began to understand the importance
of this movement, and now they are eagerly participating. One should not be
impatient in discharging devotional service, but should take instructions from
the spiritual master and execute them with patience, depending on the mercy
of guru and Krsna.
(Morning Walk Conversation – December 5, 1976, Hyderabad)
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Pure consciousness can be revived by the process of sacrifice, charity, pious
activities, etc., but when one pollutes his Krsna consciousness by offending a
brahmana or a Vaishnava, it is very difficult to revive. Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu has described the Vaishnava-aparadha, or offense to a
Vaishnava, as "the mad elephant offense." One should be very careful not to
offend a Vaishnava or a brahmana. Even the great yogi Durvasa was
harassed by the Sudarsana cakra when he offended the Vaishnava Maharaja
Ambarisha, who was neither a brahmana nor a sannyasi but an ordinary
householder. Maharaja Ambarisha was a Vaishnava, and consequently
Durvasa Muni was chastised.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.26.24)
Guru Issue
One should not be eager to become a spiritual master cheaply for the sake of
profit and fame. The Lord never tolerates the impertinence of maryada-
vyatikrama. One should never pass over the honor due to an elderly spiritual
master in the interests of one's own personal gain and fame. Impertinence on
the part of the pseudo spiritual master is very risky to progressive spiritual
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.4.26)
Vapu & Vani
The spiritual master is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and
therefore one who is very serious about spiritual advancement must regard
80 | P a g e
the spiritual master in this way. Even a slight deviation from this
understanding can create disaster in the disciple's Vedic studies and
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 7.15.27)
It is most important that our activities be regular or, in other words, on a
schedule. Everyone should chant on his beads sixteen rounds daily without
fail and follow the regulative principles strictly. These basic Krsna
Conscious duties are essential to be performed regularly, and they will give
you the necessary strength of spirit to keep always fixed up in devotional
(Letter to Sucandra – 19 February, 1970, Los Angeles)
Even if one is a very learned and intelligent scholar, he cannot understand
the activities of a Vaishnava. A Vaishnava accepts anything favorable for
executing his mission. But foolish persons, not knowing the purpose of such
exalted Vaishnavas, indulge in criticizing them. That is forbidden. Since no
one can understand what a Vaishnava does for the purpose of executing his
mission, to criticize such a Vaishnava is the offense called sadhu-ninda.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-līla Purport 15.22)
Chanting Quality
Here, in this material world, there are three qualities, sattva-guṇa, rajo-
guṇa, tamo-guṇa. So none of these guṇas are pure. There is a mixture. And
because there is mixture, therefore we see so many varieties. But we have to
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come to the platform of sattva-guṇa. And that process is hearing. This is the
best process. SHṛṇvataṁ sva-kathaḥ Krishnaḥ puṇya-shravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 1.2.17). If you hear regularly SHrīmad-
Bhagavatam... We are therefore stressing: "Always hear, always read,
always hear." Nityaṁ bhagavata-sevaya (SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 1.2.18).
Nitya. If you can constantly, twenty-four hours, if you hear and chant Hear
means somebody chants or you chant yourself or hear, or some of your
colleague may chant, you hear. Or he may hear, you may chant. This process
must go on. This is shravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ. Viṣṇoḥ (SHrīmad-
Bhagavatam 7.5.23). That is Bhagavata. Not any other nonsense talks,
gossiping. Simply hear and chant. Then shṛṇvataṁ sva-kathaḥ Krishna. If
you seriously hear and chant, seriously-"Yes, this life I shall engage only for
increasing my love of Vasudeva"-if you are determined, it can be done.
There is no difficulty. And as soon as you do this, you increase fully your
love for Vasudeva, then there is no more chance of contacting material body.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – October 28, 1976, Vrindavan)
Vapu & Vani
"This body is perishable." Nityasyoktah saririnah: "But the proprietor of the
body, that is eternal." vapu means the physical body, and Vani means the
vibration. So we are not concerned about the physical body. Not concerned
means... We are concerned, of course, because the spiritual master, those
who are acaryas, their body is not considered as material. Arcye sila-dhir
gurushu nara-matir. Gurushu means those who are acaryas, to accept their
body as ordinary man's body, this is denied in the sastras. So although a
physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted as the presence
of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard from the spiritual
master that is living.
(Lecture Excerpt – January 13, 1969, Los Angeles)
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"This body is perishable." Nityasyoktah saririnah: "But the proprietor of
the body, that is eternal." [break] ...vani and vapu, and vapu means the
physical body, and vani means the vibration. So we are not concerned
about the physical body. Not concerned means... We are concerned, of
course, because the spiritual master, those who are acaryas, their body is
not considered as materiel. Arcye sila-dhir gurushu nara-matir. Just like
the statue of Krsna, to consider that "This is a stone..." Similarly, arcye
sila-dhir gurushu na... Gurushu means those who are acaryas, to accept
their body as ordinary man's body, this is denied in the sastras. So
although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted
as the presence of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard
from the spiritual master that is living.”
That is the test. Yes. One who cannot rise early in the morning, he is not
spiritually serious. That is test. This hour Brahma-muhurta (one hour before
sunrise), is very auspicious moment.
(Room Conversation – December 13, 1970, Indore)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Enthusiasm, "Yes, we must do it." That is wanted, not theoretically on the
armchair of devotional service. That will not be successful. Armchair theory
will not help you. You must be practical and there must be enthusiasm. Then
83 | P a g e
it will be successful. You are sitting in the same position and you are
thinking that you are making progress. That will fail. You have to come out
with enthusiasm. Then it will be successful. That is required.
(Room Conversation with Yoga Student – March 14, 1975, Iran)
(Unedited original quote)
There is enthusiasm: "Yes, we must do it." That is wanted, not
theoretically on the armchair of devotional service. That will not be
successful. Armchair theory will not help you. You must be practical and
there must be enthusiasm. Then it will be successful. You are sitting in the
same position and you are thinking that you are making progress. That
will fail. You have to come out with enthusiasm. Then it will be successful.
That is required.
In the material world, the Lord is always worshiped as the arca-vigraha, or
Deity in the temple. There is no difference between the arca-vigraha and the
original person, and therefore those who are engaged in worshiping the Deity
in the temple in full opulence, even on this planet, should be understood to
be directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead without a
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 5.17.14)
When one is advanced, he can see the importance of devotees. Advanced
devotees never disobey or disrespect another devotee. Disrespect to another
devotee is a great offense. Vaishnava-aparadha is a very serious offense.
Therefore we teach to address amongst the devotees, "Prabhu", "Prabhu",
and “Such and such Prabhu." This should not be simply spoken by the lips.
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It should be realized. Everyone should think other devotee as his prabhu,
master. Not he should try to become master.
(Nectar of Devotion Lecture – October 23, 1972, Vrindavan)
Vapu & Vani
If a disciple is very serious to execute the mission of the spiritual master, he
immediately associates with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by Vani or
Vani. This is the only secret of success in seeing the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Instead of being eager to see the Lord in some bush in Vṛndavana
while at the same time engaging in sense gratification, if one instead sticks to
the principle of following the words of the spiritual master, he will see the
Supreme Lord without difficulty.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.28.51)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Utsaha, that enthusiasm is the real beginning of determination. Unless you
are enthusiastic, how your determination can continue? So determination,
your enthusiasm, patience, working in the regulative principle. These are the
different function of determination. Determination means one word of all
85 | P a g e
these things, enthusiasm, patience, working hard, with confidence. These are
different features of determination.
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – February 17, 1969, Los Angeles)
This material body; how it can become purified? Yes, it can be: the example
is just like you take an iron rod and put it in the fire and get it warm, it
becomes warm, warm, warmer and at last it becomes red hot. At that time, it
is no longer iron rod, it is fire. You touch anywhere it will burn, similarly if
you chant Hare Krishna mantra regularly according to the principles then
gradually your whole body becomes spiritualised. Then it is apapa-vidham,
no more sin. So you have to make your life completely pure, then you will be
admitted into the kingdom of God, back to Godhead, back to home.
(Lecture on Gaura-Purnima festival - February 29, 1972, Mayapur)
(Original unedited quote)
“This material body how it can become purified? Yes it can be, the
example is just like you take an iron rod and put it in the fire and get it
warm, it becomes warm, warm, warmer and at last it becomes red hot. At
that time it is no longer iron rod, it is fire. You touch anywhere it will
burn, similarly if you chant Hare Krsna mantra regularly according to the
principles then gradually the your whole body becomes spiritualised. Then
it is apapa-vidham no more skin. So you have to make your life completely
pure then you will be admitted into the kingdom of God, back to Godhead,
back to home.”
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Generally, we recommend our disciples to chant at least sixteen rounds on their japa beads daily,
and this should be completed. He must be sure to keep his vow. If he does not strictly follow this
out, then he is sure to be negligent. That is offensive in the service of the Lord. If we encourage
offenses, we shall not be able to make progress in devotional service. It is better if one fixes up a
regulative principle according to his own ability and then follows that vow without fail. That will
make him advanced in spiritual life.
One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with determination and faith and not be deviated
from the path. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of mental
speculation and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind."
The yoga practitioner should be determined and should patiently prosecute the practice without
deviation. One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perseverance,
not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the
rigid practitioner. Regarding bhakti-yoga, Rū pa Gosvamī says:
utsahan nishcayad dhairyat
sanga-tyagat sato vṛtteḥ
ṣaḍ bhir bhaktiḥ prasidhyati
"One can execute the process of bhakti-yoga successfully with full-hearted enthusiasm,
perseverance, and determination, by following the prescribed duties in the association of devotees
and by engaging completely in activities of goodness." (Upadeshamṛta 3)
As for determination, one should follow the example of the sparrow who lost her eggs in the
waves of the ocean. A sparrow laid her eggs on the shore of the ocean, but the big ocean carried
away the eggs on its waves. The sparrow became very upset and asked the ocean to return her
87 | P a g e
eggs. The ocean did not even consider her appeal. So the sparrow decided to dry up the ocean. She
began to pick out the water in her small beak, and everyone laughed at her for her impossible
determination. The news of her activity spread, and at last Garuḍ a, the gigantic bird carrier of Lord
Viṣṇ u, heard it. He became compassionate toward his small sister bird, and so he came to see the
sparrow. Garuḍ a was very pleased by the determination of the small sparrow, and he promised to
help. Thus Garuḍ a at once asked the ocean to return her eggs lest he himself take up the work of
the sparrow. The ocean was frightened at this, and returned the eggs. Thus the sparrow became
happy by the grace of Garuḍ a.
Similarly, the practice of yoga, especially bhakti-yoga in Krishna consciousness, may appear to be
a very difficult job. But if anyone follows the principles with great determination, the Lord will
surely help, for God helps those who help themselves.
(Bhagavad-Gita Purport 6.24)
Chanting Quality
Thakura Haridasa was the living example of how to follow the regulative
principles. Similarly, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was also such a living
example. In the SHad-gosvamy-ashTaka it is stated: sankhya-purvaka-nama-
gana-natibhih kalavasanikritau. The Gosvamis, especially Raghunatha dasa
Gosvami, strictly followed all the regulative principles. The first regulative
principle is that one must chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra loudly enough
so that he can hear himself, and one must vow to chant a fixed number of
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Antya-lila Purport 11.24)
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The first teaching is a brahmacari should rise early in the morning. That is
the general education. It doesn't require that you have to learn some book
immediately. First of all build your character. Otherwise what is the use of
taking degrees if you have no character? Yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty
akincana sarvair gunair tatra samasate surah [SHrīmad-Bhagavatam
5.18.12]. Just like in our institution they are being trained up as devotee, he
has to rise early in the morning for offering mangala-aratika, and you have
got our order that everyone must attend the mangala-arati.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – April 13, 1976, Bombay)
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Holy Name
If there is an arrangement for the constant chanting of the holy names,
qualities, etc., of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no chance at
all for the personality of Kali to enter. That is the technique of driving away
the personality of Kali from the world.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 1.18.6)
My advice is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four
regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise
they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere, but stick to the principles.
My disciples must follow these principles living either in heaven or hell.
(Letter to Raja Laksmi – February 17, 1976, Mayapur)
(Unedited quote)
My advice is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four
regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise
they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere, but stick to the principles.
Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a
suitable place, but one must follow these five principles. My disciples must
follow these principles living either in heaven or hell.
90 | P a g e
Chanting Quality
I thank all of you very much for accepting me as your spiritual master, and I
promise that I will take you back to home, back to Godhead. I ask you all to
promise me to always chant at least 16 rounds, follow the regulative
principles, read our books and try to preach this Krsna Consciousness
Movement all over the world.
(Letter to Nityananda – November 12, 1971, Delhi)
Holy Name
Simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna-Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna
Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare-a
devotee of the Lord can approach the supreme destination easily and happily,
but this destination cannot be approached by any other process of religion
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 12.6-7)
I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their
reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of
vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become
practiced in seeing things like this. If we are selling the books but we do not
know what is inside the book that will be a farce.
(Letter to Tribhuvanatha – June 16, 1972, Los Angeles)
Vapu & Vani
Never think that I am absent from you. Physical presence is not essential;
presence by message (or hearing) is real touch. Lord Krsna is present by His
message which was delivered 5,000 years ago. We always feel the presence
of our past acaryas simply by their immutable instructions.
(Letter to Students – August 2 1967, Vrindavan)
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Holy Name
A person who is chanting the holy name, although born of a low family like
that of a candala [dog-eater], is situated on the highest platform of self-
realization. Such a person must have performed all kinds of penances and
sacrifices according to Vedic rituals and studied the Vedic literatures many,
many times after taking his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage. Such a
person is considered to be the best of the Aryan family.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.33.7)
If one practices the rules then that is sufficient examination. One of the items
is that he has to rise early in the morning. So if one is doing all these
practical things, rising early in the morning, attending the mangala-arati,
sitting in the class and reading Bhagavad-gita, chanting Hare Krsna, there is
no need of examination. If he is doing, then he has passed the examination.
(Roof Conversation – January 5, 1977, Bombay)
(Unedited original quote)
Examination or no examination, if you, they practice the rules, that is
sufficient examination. Suppose one of the items, that one has to rise early
in the morning... So if one is rising early in the morning, then what is the
examination? That is already examined. If one has to rise early in the
morning, attend the mangala-arati, sitting in the class and reading
92 | P a g e
Bhagavad-gita, chanting Hare Krsna... These are all practical. There is no
need of examination. If he is doing, then it is examination passed.
A Vaishnava should be ready to give respect to anyone, all living entities,
because all living entities are part and parcel of Krsna. They should offer
respect to everyone. Just like this finger is a part and parcel of my body. If
you respect my body and cut my finger, shall I be happy? No. Therefore
Vaishnava knows this, that "Even a small ant, he is the part and parcel of
Krsna. So if I kill this ant, Krsna will be unhappy."
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – June 30, 1973, Calcutta)
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Chanting Quality
We have to make a regulated program that we must chant Hare Krsna so
many times because we are not offenseless. Otherwise one chanting of
Krsna is sufficient to make you liberated. Just like Ajamila. Once he chanted
Narayana. He became immediately liberated because he was offenseless.
But since we cannot do that we have to make a prescription.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – January 16, 1971, Allahabad)
Everyone should offer respect to a Vaishnava without considering his source
of birth. Vaishnave jati-buddhih. No one should consider a Vaishnava in
terms of birth. The Vaishnava is always the best of the brahmanas, and as
such one should offer all respects to a Vaishnava, not only as a brahmana
but as the best of the brahmanas.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 4.22.12)
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Vapu & Vani
The disciple and spiritual master are never separated, because the spiritual
master always keeps company with the disciple as long as the disciple
follows strictly the instructions of the spiritual master. This is called the
association of vani (words). Physical presence is called vapuh. As long as the
spiritual master is physically present, the disciple should serve the physical
body of the spiritual master, and when the spiritual master is no longer
physically existing, the disciple should serve the instructions of the spiritual
(Purport SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 4.28.47)
When a boy goes to school, he has to follow the rules and regulations, but
after a while he becomes accustomed to them and does not have to be taught.
In other words, he learns automatically to come to school at a certain time,
take his seat and study nicely. Similarly, in this Krsna consciousness
movement, we have certain rules and regulations. We must rise early in the
morning for mangala-arati, chant sixteen rounds of Hare Krsna daily, and
execute all the functions of bhakti-yoga. In this way, we become attached to
rendering service to Krsna, and we become practiced in this science. When
we attain this stage, we immediately become self-realized.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verse 17)
95 | P a g e
If the devotee knows perfectly that the arca-vigraha, or Deity form of Lord
Krsna in the temple, is exactly the same sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah as Lord
Krsna Himself, then his service to the temple Deity becomes direct service to
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, the temple itself, the temple
paraphernalia and the food offered to the Deity are also not separate from
Krsna. One has to follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the acarya,
and thus, under superior guidance, Krsna realization is fully possible, even in
this material existence.
(Krishna Book Chapter 82)
I have already answered the most important question. “How to please
Krsna?”-by following all the regulative principle that I have given you,
chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do
these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krsna Consciousness.
(Letter to Adi-kesava – January 16, 1975, Bombay)
Holy Name
One who is not self-controlled and whose mind is not undisturbed cannot
practice meditation. Therefore, in the Brihan-naradiya Purana it is said that
in Kali-yuga (the present yuga, or age), when people in general are short-
lived, slow in spiritual realization and always disturbed by various anxieties,
the best means of spiritual realization is chanting the holy name of the Lord.
"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is
chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other
way. There is no other way."
(Bhagavad-gīta 6.11-12)
96 | P a g e
Simply if you will rigidly follow the regulative principles and chant 16
rounds of beads daily without fail and engage whole-heartedly in devotional
service, your rapid advancement in Krsna Consciousness will be certain.
(Letter to Gurukrpa – March 30, 1971, Bombay)
Vapu& Vani
A devoted disciple of the spiritual master would rather die with the spiritual
master than fail to execute the spiritual master's mission. As the Supreme
Personality of Godhead comes down upon this earth to re-establish the
principles of religion, so His representative, the spiritual master, also comes
to re-establish religious principles. It is the duty of the disciples to take
charge of the mission of the spiritual master and execute it properly.
Otherwise the disciple should decide to die along with the spiritual master. In
other words, to execute the will of the spiritual master, the disciple should be
prepared to lay down his life and abandon all personal considerations.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 4.28.50)
97 | P a g e
Ms. Nixon: One of the most difficult aspects of Krsna consciousness for an
outsider to accept is the Deity in the temple-how it represents Krsna. Could
you talk a little bit about that?
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. At the present moment, because you have not been
trained to see Krsna, He kindly appears before you so you can see Him. You
can see wood and stone, but you cannot see what is spiritual. Suppose your
father is in the hospital, and he dies. You are crying by his bedside, "Now
my father is gone!" But why do you say he is gone? What is that thing which
is gone?
Ms. Nixon: Well, his spirit is gone.
Srila Prabhupada: And have you seen that spirit?
Ms. Nixon: No.
"Srila Prabhupada: So you cannot see spirit, and God is the Supreme Spirit.
Actually, He is everything-spirit and matter-but you cannot see Him in His
spiritual identity. Therefore, to show kindness toward you, He appears out of
His unbounded mercy in the form of a wooden or stone Deity so that you can
see Him.
(Science of Self Realization Chapter 1b)
Vapu & Vani
98 | P a g e
Revati-nandana: Sometimes this question comes up, with the devotees
especially, that sometimes the spiritual master is far away. He may be in Los
Angeles and somebody may be in Hamburg temple. So he thinks, “How will
the spiritual master be pleased?”
Prabhupada: Just follow his order. Spiritual master is along with you by his
words. Just like my spiritual master is not physically present, but I am
associating with him by his words.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – August 18, 1971, London)
99 | P a g e
Unless there is vairagya, there is no question of happiness. But we cannot
attain vairagya immediately; therefore the vidhi-marga, to rise early in the
morning, to attend mangala arati, to offer flowers, fruits to the Deity and in
this way we shall be engaged twenty-four hours. Then vairagya-vidya will
gradually develop. Anarthopasamaà sakshad bhakti-yogam adhokshaje
[SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 1.7.6]. We do not say that you starve, don't eat
anything, don't sleep at all. It should be regulated. Anasaktasya vishayan
yathartham upayunjatah. Don't be attached to eating, sleeping. That is not
good. But you must eat, you must sleep as little as possible, and try to conquer
over it. My mind is dictating, "Sleep seventeen hours." But ‘No’. Tapasa
brahmacaryena [SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 6.1.13]. Why shall you sleep more than
four hours or five hours, or utmost six hours? That is vairagya-vidya. We have
to learn it. That is devotional service.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – November 28, 1976, Vṛndavana)
(Original unedited quote)
So unless there is vairagya, there is no question of happiness. But we cannot attain
vairagya immediately; therefore the vidhi-marga, vidhi-marga-bhakti, to rise early in
the morning, to attend mangala arati, to offer Deity flowers, fruits, and in this way we
shall be engaged twenty-four hours. Then vairagya-vidya will gradually develop.
Anarthopasamaà sakshad bhakti-yogam adhokshaje [SB 1.7.6]. Then the anartha...
This material life is simply anartha, has no meaning, because we are creating another
life. Without any spiritual knowledge, if we simply give ourself to the action and
reaction of material nature, then we are making progress on the path of mrityu-saàsara
vartmani [Bg. 9.3]. And if we attain Krsna, then mam upetya kaunteya duhkhalayam
asasvatam, napnuvanti [Bg. 8.15]. The two ways.
So our request is that you have taken to this vairagya-vidya. So vairagya-vidya, we do
not say that you starve, don't eat anything, don't sleep at all. No. It should be regulated.
Anasaktasya vishayan yathartham upayunjatah. Don't be attached to eating, sleeping.
That is not good. But you must eat, you must sleep as little as possible, and try to
conquer over it. My mind dictating, "Sleep seventeen hours." No. That is tapasya.
Tapasa brahmacaryena [SB 6.1.13]. Why shall you sleep more than four hours or five
hours, or utmost six hours? That's all, not more than that. That is vairagya-vidya. We
have to learn it. That is devotional service.
100 | P a g e
If someone becomes attached to the Sri-murti, or Deity of Krsna, then he
will forget his relationships of so-called friendship, love and society. One
must see the form of Govinda if one at all wants to forget the nonsense of
material friendship, love and society.
(Nectar of Devotion Text 13)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The practice of yoga, especially bhakti-yoga in Krsna Consciousness, may
appear to be a very difficult job. But if anyone follows the principles with
great determination, the Lord will surely help, for God helps those who help
(Bhagavad-gita Purport 6.24)
As the temple is growing more and more, so can your service expend also.
So stay strong in Krsna's service by strictly following the regulative
principles, chanting 16 rounds daily, without fail, reading all our literatures,
and engaging whole-heartedly in devotional service, 24 hours. Then you will
be happy and Krsna will be pleased.
(Letter to Anandini – March 30, 1971, Bombay)
If you want to study, there is much time in the day for studying, but you must
go also on Sankirtana party, that is the result or practice of your studying.
Simply studying is dry and useless without chanting.
(Letter to Sankarasana – July 23, 1972, Paris)
Holy Name
101 | P a g e
If you always chant Hare Krsna mantra & be in touch with Krsna, then you
are secure. Maya will not be able to touch you. And if we can somehow or
other pass our days, then at the time of death we remember Krsna, then the
whole life is successful.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – April 19, 1973, New York)
There are two kinds of impediments to devotional service. The first is an
offense at the lotus feet of a Vaishnava. This is called Vaishnava-aparadha.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu warned His devotees not to commit Vaishnava-
aparadha, which He described as the mad elephant offense. When a mad
elephant enters a beautiful garden, it destroys everything, leaving a barren
field. Similarly, the power of Vaishnava-aparadha is so great that even an
advanced devotee becomes almost devoid of his spiritual assets if he
commits it. Since Krsna consciousness is eternal, it cannot be destroyed
altogether, but advancement may be checked for the time being. Thus
Vaishnava-aparadha is one kind of impediment to devotional service.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 5.1.5)
Guru Issue
To approach a bona fide guru, or spiritual master, is essential. The bona fide
spiritual master is he who has received the mercy of his guru, who in turn is
bona fide because he has received the mercy of his guru. This is called the
102 | P a g e
parampara system. Unless one follows this parampara system, the mantra
one receives will be chanted for no purpose.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 8.16.24)
Chanting Quality
Brahmananda: I think sometimes we recommend the devotees to chant their
rounds in the temple rather than walk in other places.
Prabhupada: Why should one walk to other places? Who has said that you
go out? I never said. You should chant in the temple. Unless one has got
103 | P a g e
some important business for the temple, why should he go outside? There is
no need. That is the chance of falling down.
I have explained, chanting outside the temple and chanting in the temple, it
increases the value thousand times.
(Morning walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi & Morning Walk - April 15,
1976, Bombay)
(Original unedited quote)
Brahmananda: I think sometimes we recommend the devotees to chant their
rounds in the temple rather than walk in other places.
Prabhupada: Why one should walk other places? Who has said that you go
out, walk other places? Never said.
Devotee (7): It may not really be necessary.
Prabhupada: No. You should chant in the temple. Why should you go to
other place?
Devotee (7): So there is no difference someone chanting out of the temple, in
the temple.
Prabhupada: Why you should go outside? Who has allowed him to go
outside? Unless he has got some important business for the temple, why one
should go to outside? There is no need. That is the chance of falling down.
Why you should go outside?
(Morning walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi)
Prabhupada: Yes. [break] And this night I have explained, chanting outside
the temple and chanting in the temple, it increases the value thousand times.
That I have explained, this evening, this last night.
(Morning Walk - April 15, 1976, Bombay)
Vapu & Vani
Whenever the acarya comes, following the superior orders of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead or His representative, he establishes the principles of
religion. Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and non-
devotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized
principles. The acarya, the authorized representative of the Supreme Lord,
104 | P a g e
establishes the principles of religion, but when he disappears, things once
again become disordered. The perfect disciples of the acarya try to relieve
the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam purport 4.28.48)
Holy Name
Simply our prayer should be, ‘My dear Krsna, please remind me to always
chant Your Holy Name, please do not put me into forgetfulness. You are
sitting within me as Supersoul, so you can put me into forgetfulness or into
remembering You. So please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always
remind me to chant, even You send me into the hell, it doesn't matter, just so
long as I can always chant Hare Krsna’.
(Letter to Devananda – November 23, 1968, Los Angeles)
Missionaries Qualities
Suppose you are engineer. You are doing duty very nicely. Or a medical
man, or a business man, or anyone-everyone has to do something. You
cannot sit down idly and you'll get your livelihood. Even if you are a lion
you have to work. Na hi suptasya siṁhasya pravishanti mukhe mṛgaḥ. This
is... The material world is like that. Even if you are as powerful as a lion, you
cannot sleep. If you think, "I am lion, I am the king of the forest. Let me
sleep, and the animal will come and enter in my mouth." No, that is not
105 | P a g e
possible. Even if you are animal, you have to catch up an animal. Then you'll
be able to eat. Otherwise you'll have to starve. Therefore Krishna says,
niyataṁ kuru karma tvaṁ karma jyayo hy akarmaṇaḥ (Bhagavad-gīta 3.8).
"You must do your duty." SHarīra-yatrapi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmaṇaḥ.
Don't think that the Krishna consciousness movement is teaching people to
escape. No, that is not Krishna's instruction. We do not allow any lazy man.
He must be engaged. That is Krishna consciousness movement. That is
Krishna's order. Niyataṁ kuru karma. Arjuna was refusing to fight. He was
trying to be nonviolent gentleman. Krishna did not allow him. "No, no, you
cannot do that. That is your weakness." Kutas tva kashmalam idaṁ viṣame
samupasthitam (Bhagavad-gīta 2.2): "You are proving yourself rascal. It is
anarya-juṣṭam. This kind of proposal is for the anarya, uncivilized man.
Don't do that." That is Krishna's (instruction)... So don't think that those who
are Krishna conscious, they'll become lazy and imitate Haridasa Ṭhakura.
That is not Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness means, as
Krishna instructs, you must be very, very busy, twenty-four hours. That is
Krishna consciousness. Not to become a lazy fellow, eat and sleep. No.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture – September 21, 1976, Vrndavana)
(Original unedited quote)
You are doing your duty very nicely. Your dharma means your occupational
duty. Suppose you are engineer. You are doing duty very nicely. Or a
medical man, or a business man, or anyone—everyone has to do something.
You cannot sit down idly and you'll get your livelihood. Even if you are a
lion you have to work. Na hi suptasya siàhasya pravisanti mukhe mrigah.
This is... The material world is like that. Even if you are as powerful as a
lion, you cannot sleep. If you think, "I am lion, I am the king of the forest. Let
me sleep, and the animal will come and enter in my mouth." No, that is not
possible. Even if you are animal, you have to catch up an animal. Then you'll
be able to eat. Otherwise you'll have to starve. Therefore Krsna says,
niyataà kuru karma tvaà karma jyayo hy akarmanah. "You must do your
duty." Sarira-yatrapi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmanah. Don't think... The
rascal says that "Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people to
escape. They've become..." No, that is not Krsna's instruction. We do not
allow any lazy man. He must be engaged. That is Krsna consciousness
106 | P a g e
movement. That is Krsna's order. Niyataà kuru karma. Arjuna was refusing
to fight. He was trying to be nonviolent gentleman. Krsna did not allow him.
"No, no, you cannot do that. That is your weakness." Kutas tva kasmalam
idaà vishame samupasthitam: "You are proving yourself rascal. It is anarya-
jushTam. This kind of proposal is for the anarya, uncivilized man. Don't do
that." That is Krsna's... So don't think that Krsna consciousness movement,
those who are Krsna conscious, they'll become lazy and imitate Haridasa
Thakura. That is not Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness means, as
Krsna instructs, you must be very, very busy, twenty-four hours. That is
Krsna consciousness. Not to become a lazy fellow, eat and sleep. No.
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Please do therefore everything with enthusiasm. That will satisfy me, and
Krsna also, and as a result of which you will be satisfied transcendentally,
this is our position.
(Letter to Bali-mardana – May 25, 1970, Los Angeles)
Vapu & Vani
If there is no chance to serve the spiritual master directly, a devotee should
serve him by remembering his instructions. There is no difference between
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the spiritual master’s instructions and the spiritual master himself. In his
absence, therefore, his words of direction should be the pride of the disciple.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi Lila Purport 1.35)
Guru Issue
Krsna is the spiritual master because He originally gave the Vedic
instructions to Brahma, and presently He is also instructing the Bhagavad-
gita to Arjuna; therefore He is the original spiritual master, and any bona fide
spiritual master at the present moment must be a descendant in the line of
disciplic succession stemming from Krsna. Without being a representative of
Krsna, one cannot become a teacher or spiritual master of transcendental
subject matter.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport11.43)
In my books the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is explained fully, so
if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to
read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to
you....You may please me the most by reading my books and following the
instructions therein.
(Letter to: Bahurupa—Bombay,22 November, 1974)
(Original unedited quote)
In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if
there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read
again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you and
by this process your spiritual life will develop.
108 | P a g e
You may please me the most by reading my books and following the
instructions therein and by becoming fully Krishna Conscious in this life
Just like you have a nice garden and you are watering, giving manure and
protecting and if in that garden a mad elephant enters, then it will destroy
everything, all your labor will go to hell immediately. It will destroy
everything. Similarly, you may do anything very nicely; but if you commit
offense at the feet of a pure Vaishnava, then all your assets will be
immediately vanquished. Because Krsna is very angry. Those who are
envious upon Vaishnava and Vishnu, the more dangerous position is to be
envious of a Vaishnava. Vishnu aparadha can be excused, God is very kind.
But He never excuses Vaishnava-aparadha. That is His vow.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – March 5, 1972, Calcutta)
109 | P a g e
Just like you have a nice garden, very good garden, you are watering, you
are giving protection, giving manure, everything. But if in that garden a mad
elephant enters, then it will destroy everything, all your labor will go to hell
immediately. It will destroy everything. Similarly, you may do anything very
nicely; but if you commit offense at the feet of a pure Vaishnava, then all
your assets will be immediately vanquished. Vaishnava aparadha. Because
Krsna is very angry. Tan ahaà dvishatah kruran kshipamy ajasram yonishu
[Bg. 16.19]. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, Krsna said, dvishatah kruran.
Dvishatah, those who are envious upon Vaishnava and Vishnu, the more
dangerous position is to be envious of a Vaishnava. Vishnu aparadha can be
excused, God is very kind. But He never excuses Vaishnava aparadha. That
is His vow.
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The more you engage yourself in the service of the Lord, the more you
become enthusiastic. There is no question of becoming tired. Just like I am
old man. I have come from India. My age is seventy-six years. So still I am
enthusiastic. Still I am going everywhere, all over the world. Why? Krsna’s
service is so nice. Even an old man like me gets energy to work. And that’s
also without any salary. Krsna’s service is so nice that you try to engage
yourself more and more then you’ll get more and more Krsna consciousness,
more enthusiasm. And this is spiritual.
(Arrival Lecture – July 29, 1971, Gainesville)
110 | P a g e
Guru Issue
Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, if the knowledge was handed down by the
saintly kings, evaà parampara-praptam, how is it that the knowledge was
Prabhupada: It is lost when it is not handed down but simply understood by
speculation or if it is not handed down as it is. Either they might have made
some changes or they did not hand it down. Suppose I handed it down to
you, but if you do not do that, then it is lost. Now the Krsna Consciousness
movement is going on in my presence. Now after my departure, if you do not
do this, then it is lost. If you go on as you are doing it now, then it will go on.
(Room Conversation – May 9, 1975, Perth)
(Unedited original quote)
Ganesa: Srila Prabhupada, if the knowledge was handed down by the saintly
kings, evaà parampara-praptam [Bg. 4.2], how is it that the knowledge was
111 | P a g e
Prabhupada: When it was not handed down. Simply understood by
speculation. Or if it is not handed down as it is. They might have made some
changes. Or they did not hand it down. Suppose I handed it down to you, but
if you do not do that, then it is lost. Now the Krsna consciousness movement
is going on in my presence. Now after my deparature, if you do not do this,
then it is lost. If you go on as you are doing now, then it will go on. But if
you stop... (end)
You should try very sincerely to become a pure devotee of Krsna by
following all of the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds
daily, as well as rising early, attending mangala arati, attending classes, etc.
By this simple method, you will be very strongly fixed in spiritual life and
whatever problems you may have will seem insignificant.
(Letter to Pancananda – February 15, 1975, Mexico City)
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Chanting Quality
The spiritual master has given you so many things to do. Do it. First of all
finish that. First of all finish sixteen rounds, observe the regulative
principles. First of all finish this duty. And neglecting this duty, what you
can do further? If you cannot finish sixteen rounds chanting, you cannot
observe the regulative principles, then what else you can do? First of all
finish this duty. Be expert in finishing, executing these duties. Then ask for
another duty. And if you finish these duties, automatically Krsna will give
you intelligence.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – February 22, 1973, Auckland)
(Original unedited quote)
The spiritual master has given you so many things to do. Do it. First of all
finish that. First of all finish sixteen rounds, observe the regulative
principles. First of all... First of all finish this duty. And neglecting this
duty, what you can do further? If you cannot finish sixteen rounds
chanting, you cannot observe the regulative principles, then what else you
can do? First of all finish this duty. Be expert in finishing, executing these
duties. Then ask for another duty. And if you finish these duties,
automatically Krsna will give you intelligence.
113 | P a g e
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
We must be enthusiastic that “I shall engage myself very nicely in Krsna
Consciousness movement.” That is first qualification, enthusiasm. Dullness
will not help you. You must be very enthusiastic. My Guru Maharaja used
to say, prana ache yara sei hetu pracara. A person can become a preacher if
he has got life. A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very
enthusiastic that “I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity.”
It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher.
Simply it requires enthusiasm, “My Lord is so great, so kind, so beautiful,
and so wonderful. So I must speak something about my Lord.” This is the
qualification, enthusiasm.
(Nectar of Devotion Lecture – October 20, 1972, Vṛndavana)
(Original unedited quote)
We must be enthusiastic that we... "I shall engage myself very nicely in
Krsna consciousness movement." That is first qualification, enthusiastic.
Dullness will not help you. You must be very enthusiastic. My Guru
Maharaja used to say, prana ache yara sei hetu pracara. A preacher can, a
person can become a preacher if he has got life. A dead man cannot become
a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that "I shall preach the glories
of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very
learned scholar to become a preacher. Simply it requires enthusiasm, "My
Lord is so great, so kind, so beautiful, so wonderful. So I must speak
something about my Lord." This is the qualification, enthusiasm.
Holy Name
Highest benefit is derived from the Mahamantra, or Hare Krsna Mantra,
because this is said by authorities. Compare what you were before to what
you have become, now challenge any other mantra to produce such effect.
You know it. Now try to realize it yourself and convince others. That is
Krsna Consciousness.
(Letter to Madhavananda – April 25, 1972, Tokyo)
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I am pleased also that you are decorating your temple nicely. The more you
decorate the temple beautifully the more your heart will be beautiful. The
example is that the more you decorate the original the more the reflection
automatically is decorated. So our heart is the reflection of the Original
Consciousness, Krsna, and the more Krsna and His paraphernalia are
decorated the more this will be reflected in our heart and we will feel
transcendental bliss.
(Letter to Upendra – October 27, 1969, Tittenhurst)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Dhairya means patience. Because you have begun devotional service with
great are already on the perfectional platform, but if you
become impatient that "Why I am not becoming perfect? Sometimes why
maya is kicking me?" Yes. That is habitual. That will go on. It will stop.
Dhairyat, niscayat, that "When Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam
ekaà saranaà vraja [Bg. 18.66], now I have given up everything. I have no
other occupational duties. Simply to serve Krsna. So when I have taken to it,
then niscaya, Krsna will surely give me protection." That is called niscaya.
Don't be disappointed. Krsna is not a false speaker.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture, January 7, 1975, Mumbai)
Holy Name
It is not possible for the common man in this age to follow all the rules and
regulations of the Vedic rituals, nor is it possible to study all of the Vedanta
and the Upanishads thoroughly. It requires much time, energy, knowledge
and resources to execute the purposes of the Vedas. This is hardly possible in
this age. The best purpose of Vedic culture is served, however, by chanting
the holy name of the Lord, as recommended by Lord Caitanya, the deliverer
of all fallen souls.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 2.46)
Vapu& Vani
You are asking me if I am present in my picture and form. The answer is yes.
In form as well as in teachings. To carry out the teachings of guru is more
important than to worship the form, but none of them should be neglected.
Form is called Vani and teachings is called Vani. Both should be worshiped.
Vani is more important than Vapu.
(Letter to Tusta Krsna – December 14, 1972, Ahmedabad)
Chanting Quality
Our request to all our students is that they daily chant at least sixteen rounds
of this harer nama maha-mantra offenselessly, following the regulative
principles. Thus their success will be assured without a doubt.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi Lila Purport 17.23)
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The two stages of executing devotional service are, first, the stage of
practicing devotional service with our present senses under the regulations of
the recognized scriptures, and second, attaining sincere attachment for
serving the particles of the dust of the lotus feet of the Lord. The first stage is
called sadhana-bhakti, or devotional service for the neophyte, which is
rendered under the direction of a pure devotee, and the second stage is called
raga-bhakti, in which the mature devotee automatically takes to the various
services of the Lord out of sincere attachment.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.7.14)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Ordinarily, we have to try our best…. to our best capacity to achieve
something, and by Krsna's Grace, all of a sudden we shall see everything is
there. This sort of help from Krsna is transcendental happiness. Our principle
should be therefore, that we should work for the mission with great
enthusiasm, with certainty for its success, and patiently follow the regulative
principles, and associate ourselves with pure devotees, and work being
completely in Krsna Consciousness, that will make us happy and successful.
(Letter to Brahmananda – February 20, 1968, Los Angeles)
Please follow the regulative principles strictly, and chant daily sixteen
rounds of beads regularly without fail. This is the essential process for
dissolving the clouds of illusion or Maya; and when the cloud of illusion is
removed, then we can understand Krsna Consciousness perfectly
(Letter to Nityananda – March 6, 1970, Los Angeles)
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Actually these books are the foundation stone of our movement. Whatever
we are is resting on these books. Reading and distributing them-this should
be our only motto.
(Letter to Hridayananda – October 31, 1974, Bombay)
Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very
soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the
spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened. Lord Caitanya has
written: ananda ambudhi-bardhanam. This means the ocean of bliss is
always increasing. So continue to execute your duties with enthusiasm and
patience, and I am certain Krsna will be pleased to make you successful on
all accounts.
(Letter to Aniruddha – December 7, 1969, London)
Guru Issue
One should try to cooperate with the Lord in His outward activities for
correcting the fallen souls. By His order only, one should become a spiritual
master and cooperate with the Lord. One should not become a spiritual
master for one's personal benefit, for some material gain or as an avenue of
business or occupation for earning livelihood. Bona fide spiritual masters
who look unto the Supreme Lord to cooperate with Him are actually
qualitatively one with the Lord.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 1.13.48)
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When you become fully Krsna conscious by worshiping the Deity regularly,
as we have got prescription to rise early in the morning, offer mangala-arati,
then kirtana, then class, in this way when you practice and become advanced
in Krsna consciousness, then your natural tendency will be how to preach.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – February 11, 1976, Mayapur)
The worship of the Deity in the temple is essential to reduce one’s
restlessness due to the contaminations of conditioned life. Thus Narada, in
his pancaratriki-vidhi, and other great sages have sometimes stressed that
since every conditioned soul has a bodily concept of life aimed at sense
enjoyment, to restrict this sense enjoyment the rules and regulations for
worshiping the Deity in the temple are essential.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi Lila Purport 7.76)
Holy Name
The name of Krsna is non-different from Krsna. Therefore, the name of
Krsna is as powerful as Lord Krsna Himself. There is no difference at all.
Anyone, therefore, can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Sri Krsna
even in the midst of greatest dangers. The transcendental name of Krsna,
even though uttered unconsciously or by force of circumstances, can help
one obtain freedom from the hurdle of birth and death.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 1.1.14)
Vapu & Vani
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Disciple: Can a Christian in this age, without a spiritual master, but by
reading the Bible and following Jesus’s words, reach the spiritual sky?
Prabhupada: When you read Bible, you follow spiritual master. How can
you say without spiritual master?
Disciple: I was referring to a living spiritual master.
Srila Prabhupada: There is no question of whether the spiritual master is
“living.” The spiritual master is eternal.
(General Lecture – October 2, 1968, Seattle)
(Original unedited quote)
Tamala Krsna: Can a Christian in this age, without a spiritual master, but
by reading the Bible and following Jesus's words, reach the...
Prabhupada: When you read Bible, you follow spiritual master. How can
you say without? As soon as you read Bible, that means you are following
the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ, that means you are following spiritual
master. So where is the opportunity of being without spiritual master?
Madhudvisha: I was referring to a living spiritual master.
Prabhupada: Spiritual master is not the question of... Spiritual master is
eternal. Spiritual master is eternal. So your question is without spiritual
master. Without spiritual master you cannot be, at any stage of your life.
We should follow two important lines, namely the pancaratriki-vidhi as well
as bhagavata-vidhi. The bhagavata-vidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana,
and pancaratriki-vidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple
worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure
heart, the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to follow the
two parallel lines simultaneously for successful execution of devotional
(Letter to Gurudasa – March 15, 1970, Los Angeles)
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Guru Issue
Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, amara ajshaya guru hasha (Sri
Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 7.128), and “You become a spiritual master
under My order." So if you carry out the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
Krishna, then you become guru. amara ajshaya guru hasha. Unfortunately,
we do not wish to carry out order of the acaryas. We manufacture our own
ways. We have got practical experience how a great institution was lost by
whimsical ways. Without carrying out the order of the spiritual master, they
manufactured something and the whole thing was lost. Therefore,
Vishvanatha Cakravartī Ṭhakura stresses very much on the words of the
spiritual master. Vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana (Bhagavad-
gīta 2.41). If you stick to the order of spiritual master, without caring for
your own convenience or inconvenience, then you become perfect.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – October 22, 1972, Vṛndavana)
The highest stage is called prema-bhakti, but this stage is attained by
executing sadhana-bhakti. One should not try to elevate himself artificially
to the stage of prema-bhakti without seriously following the regulative
principles of sadhana-bhakti. Prema-bhakti is the stage of relishing, whereas
sadhana-bhakti is the stage of improving in devotional service.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi Lila Purport 13.39)
Srimad-Bhagavatam is so scientifically presented that any sincere student of
this great science will be able to understand the science of God simply by
reading it with attention or simply by regularly hearing it from the bona fide
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(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 2.7.52)
Chanting Quality
Simply be serious in following the rules and regulations and chant 16 rounds.
These things will constantly give you strength and spirit and I am sure that
wherever you go in your preaching program there you will be successful.
(Letter to Danavir – August 24, 1971, London)
Be very conscientious and hard-working and Krsna will give you the ability
to do everything nicely. There is no difference between chanting Hare Krsna
or Sankirtana and doing one's assigned work in Krsna Consciousness.
Sometimes we have to do so much managerial or office work, but Lord
Caitanya promises us that because in the Kali-yuga this is required for
carrying on our preaching mission. He gives assurance that we will not
become entangled by such work. When the work has to be done, do it first,
then chant. But you must fulfil at least 16 rounds daily. So if necessary sleep
less but you have to finish your minimum number of rounds.
(Letter to Kirtiraja – January 2, 1972, Bombay)
(Original unedited quote)
“Be very conscientious and hard-working and Krishna will give you the
ability to do everything nicely. There is no difference between chanting Hare
Krishna or Sankirtana and doing one's assigned work in Krishna
Consciousness. Sometimes we have to do so much managerial or office
work, but Lord Caitanya promises us that because in the Kali Yuga this is
required for carrying on our preaching mission. He gives assurance that we
will not become entangled by such work. When the work has to be done, do it
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first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily. So if necessary
sleep less but you have to finish your minimum number of rounds.”
Holy Name
The sixteen word Mahamantra is nobody's invention. There are authorized
mantras in the different Puranas which are Vedic authorities. Especially in
the Kali Santara Upanisad it is stated that this sixteen word Mahamantra is
the Holy Name of the Supreme Brahma for the deliverance of the fallen
souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted, Haridasa Ṭhakur chanted 24 hours,
all the Gosvamīs and Acaryas chanted, my Guru Maharaja chanted, and
following all these footsteps we are also chanting. So they are authorized by
disciplic succession, and all of us must chant at least 16 rounds daily to keep
us fit on the Krsna Consciousness transcendental platform.
(Letter to Ranadhira – January 24, 1970, Los Angeles)
Guru Issue
The words daivera karana indicate that by dint of providence, or by God’s
will, the followers of Advaita Acarya divided into two parties. Such
disagreement among the disciples of one acarya is also found among the
members of the Gaudiya MaTha. In the beginning, during the presence of
Oà Vishnupada Paramahaàsa Parivrajakacarya AshTottara-sata Sri Srimad
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, all the disciples worked in
agreement; but just after his disappearance, they disagreed. One party strictly
followed the instructions of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, but another
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group created their own concoction about executing his desires.
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, at the time of his departure, requested
all his disciples to form a governing body and conduct missionary activities
cooperatively. He did not instruct a particular man to become the next
acarya. But just after his passing away, his leading secretaries made plans,
without authority, to occupy the post of acarya, and they split into two
factions over who the next acarya would be. Consequently, both factions
were asara, or useless, because they had no authority, having disobeyed the
order of the spiritual master. Despite the spiritual master’s order to form a
governing body and execute the missionary activities of the Gaudiya MaTha,
the two unauthorized factions began litigation that is still going on after forty
years with no decision. Therefore, we do not belong to any faction. But
because the two parties, busy dividing the material assets of the Gaudiya
MaTha institution, stopped the preaching work, we took up the mission of
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Bhaktivinoda Thakura to preach the
cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world, under the protection of all
the predecessor acaryas, and we find that our humble attempt has been
successful. We followed the principles especially explained by Srila
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura in his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita
verse beginning vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana. According to
this instruction of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, it is the duty of a disciple
to follow strictly the orders of his spiritual master. The secret of success in
advancement in spiritual life is the firm faith of the disciple in the orders of
his spiritual master.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi Purport 12.8)
Holy Name
The age we live in is called Kali-yuga, the age of forgetting God. It is an age
of misunderstanding and quarrel, and the people’s hearts are filled with dirty
things. But God is so powerful that if we chant His holy name we become
purified, just as my disciples have become purified of their bad habits. Our
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movement is based on this principle of chanting the holy name of God. We
give everyone the opportunity, without any distinction.
(The Science of Self-Realization)
Living Entities’ Original Nature
You do not think that only woman is woman. The man is also woman. Don't
think that the woman is condemned; man is not. Woman means enjoyed, and
man means enjoyer. So this feeling, this feeling is condemned. If I see one
woman for enjoyment, so I am man. And if woman also sees another man for
enjoyment, she is also man. Woman means enjoyed and man means enjoyer.
So anyone who has got feeling of enjoyment, he is considered to be man. So
here both sexes meant for... Everyone is planning, "How I shall enjoy?"
Therefore he is puruṣa, artificially. Otherwise, originally, we are all prakṛti,
jīva, either woman or man. This is outward dress.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – September 1, 1975, Vṛndavana)
Vapu & Vani
We are not separated actually. There are two – vani or vapu. So vapu is
physical presence and vani is presence by the vibration, but they are all the
same. So Krsna when He was physically present before Arjuna is the same
when He is present before us by His vani of Bhagavad-gita. So far I am
concerned, I do not factually feel any separation from my Spiritual Master
because I am trying to serve Him according to His desire. That should be the
motto. If you kindly try to fulfil my mission for which you have been sent
there, that will be our constant association.
(Letter to Hamsaduta – June 22, 1970, Los Angeles)
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Srimad-Bhagavatam is the transcendental science not only for knowing the
ultimate source of everything but also for knowing our relation with Him and
our duty toward perfection of the human society on the basis of this perfect
knowledge. It is powerful reading matter in the Sanskrit language, and it is
now rendered into English elaborately so that simply by a careful reading
one will know God perfectly well, so much so that the reader will be
sufficiently educated to defend himself from the onslaught of atheists. Over
and above this, the reader will be able to convert others to accepting God as a
concrete principle.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Preface)
Your regular chanting of Mahamantra and reading of books will keep you
always fit for pushing on this movement. This formula should be rigidly
followed by everyone of us.
(Letter to Tamala Krsna – May 1, 1970, Los Angeles)
Guru Issue
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Devotee: How important is formal initiation?
Srila Prabhupada: Formal initiation means to accept, officially, to abide by
the orders of Krsna and His representative. That is formal initiation.
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture – February 22, 1973 Auckland)
You should always be alert to see whether you are committing some offense.
In rendering service to Lord Krsna and His representative, the spiritual
master, we should always maintain this fearful attitude, which means careful
attention. This attitude will advance you progressively in Krsna
(Letter to Gopala Krsna – April 21, 1970)
Sri-vigraha is the arca, or suitable worshipable form of the Lord, and the
disciple should be engaged in worshiping the Deity regularly by sringara, by
proper decoration and dressing, as also by mandira-marjana, the matter of
cleansing the temple. The spiritual master teaches the neophyte devotee all
these kindly and personally to help him gradually in the realization of the
transcendental name, quality, form, etc., of the Lord.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.3.22)
Vapu & Vani
So far personal association with the guru is concerned, I was only with my
Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not
even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt
any separation. There are some of my Godbrothers here in India who had
constant personal association with Guru Maharaja, but who are neglecting
his orders. This is just like the bug who is sitting on the lap of the king. He
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may be very puffed-up by his position, but all he can succeed in doing is
biting the king. Personal association is not as important as association
through service.
(Letter to Satadhanya – February 20, 1972, Calcutta)
As long as the body will be there, there will only be pain. Pleasure is only a
misconception. Do not be sorry if you are in an "unfortunate" situation. It can
also be fortunate if you take advantage by becoming serious to become
Krsna consciousness. Follow the regulative principles, chant 16 rounds and
as far as possible render service and study my books. Success is sure.
(Letter to Krsna Vilasini – October 25, 1976, Vrindaban)
Clearly, those who have the eyes to see Krsna will see Him. When Caitanya
Mahaprabhu entered the temple of Jagannatha, He immediately fainted
upon seeing the Deity. He said, "Oh, here is My Lord! Here is My Lord!" In
order to see, one has to become santah, and one becomes santah by culture.
When we develop love of Krsna, we will immediately see Krsna and faint,
saying, "Oh, here is my Lord!" However, those with no faith, those who are
always trying to deny Krsna, will simply say, "Oh, this is an idol. This is
simply a piece of stone."
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verse 35)
Vapu & Vani
There are two ways of associating, by vani and by vapu. Vani means words
and vapu means physical presence. Physical presence is sometimes
appreciable and sometimes not. Therefore we should take advantage of the
vani, not the physical presence, because the vani continues to exist eternally.
Bhagavad-gita for example is the vani of Lord Krsna. Although Krsna was
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personally present 5,000 years ago and is no longer present physically from
the materialistic viewpoint, still Bhagavad-gita continues.
( Letter to Suci – November 4, 1975, Bombay)
Chanting Quality
There is no formula of quality. It is to be understood by oneself. Just like if
after eating something you feel refreshed and get strength. You haven't got to
take certificate. You'll understand whether you have eaten or not. That is
quality. When you will feel so much ecstasy in chanting Hare Krsna that is
quality. To come to that quality requires time and sincerity. It will be
awakened naturally and not by force.
(Morning Walk – November 2, 1975, Nairobi)
As our devotees become more devotional, the non-devotees also come to
hear. To become advanced in spiritual life of devotional service to Krsna
means to acquire spiritual strength, and this spiritual strength is for
impressing devotional service into the hearts of the fallen souls. Also you
must all become expert preachers and show the exemplary life of a devotee
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you must keep yourself spiritually fit by observing the regulative principles
(Letter to Jananivasa – July 7, 1970, Los Angeles)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Every devotee should be determined that in this life he will be able to satisfy
the Supreme Personality of Godhead and by that process go back home, back
to Godhead. That is the perfection of the highest mission of life.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.8.69)
Guru Issue
In the mundane world, anyone possessing his master’s power of attorney can
act on behalf of his master. Similarly, a spiritual master empowered by
Krsna through his own bona fide spiritual master should be considered as
good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. That is the meaning
of sakshad-dharitvena.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya Purport 10.136)
Chanting Quality
Pancadravida: What if the person cannot chant sixteen rounds a day. He
says, "I can't..."
Prabhupada: Then he is not even a human being. He is a rascal. That's all.
He is not a human being. He is animal. Don't talk about him if he cannot
chant sixteen rounds.
(Morning Walk – April 20, 1974, Hyderabad)
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(Original unedited quote)
“Pancadravida: What if the person cannot chant sixteen rounds a day. He
says, "I can't..."
Prabhupada: Then he is not even a human being. He is a rascal. That's all.
He is not a human being. What to consider of talking...? Don't talk about
him if he cannot chant sixteen rounds. He is not even a human. He is
Holy Name
Vedanta is the last word in Vedic wisdom, and the author and knower of the
Vedanta philosophy is Lord Krsna; and the highest Vedantist is the great
soul who takes pleasure in chanting the holy name of the Lord. That is the
ultimate purpose of all Vedic mysticism.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 2.46)
Those who are actually engaged in Krsna consciousness, in devotional
service, associate with them. Don't think that at home you will be perfect.
That is not possible. At home there is no such facilities. Here you will get the
facilities. At home you will think, "Oh, what is this early in the morning? Let
me enjoy sleep." So there is no such facilities at home. Therefore this
institution is started. If you are serious about Krsna consciousness, if you are
serious about increasing attachment for Krsna, then you should come and
live with the devotees. Now they are chanting, they are having mangala-
arati, they are decorating the Deity, and so many things.
(Bhagavad-gīta Lecture– London, March 9, 1975)
(Original unedited quote)
Those who are actually engaged in Krsna consciousness, in devotional
service, associate with them. Don't think that at home you will be perfect.
That is not possible. At home there is no such facilities. Here you will get the
facilities. Here the devotees, they are actually following the instruction of
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mad-asrayah, one who has taken the shelter. They are rising early in the
morning. And at home you will think, "Oh, what is early in the morning?"
(laughter) "Let me enjoy sleep."
So there is no such facilities at home. Therefore this institution is started. If
you are serious about Krsna consciousness, if you are serious about
increasing attachment for Krsna, then you should come and live with the
devotees. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah [Cc. Madhya 23.14-15]. And
atha bhajana-kriya. The sadhu-sanga... [Cc. Madhya 22.83]. Now they are
chanting, they are having mangala-arati, they are decorating the Deity, and
so many things.
Only an empowered personality can distribute the holy name of the Lord and
enjoin all fallen souls to worship Krishna. By distributing the holy name of
the Lord, he cleanses the hearts of the most fallen people; therefore he
extinguishes the blazing fire of the material world. Not only that, he
broadcasts the shining brightness of Krishna's effulgence throughout the
world. Such an acarya, or spiritual master, should be considered
nondifferent from Krishna—that is, he should be considered the incarnation
of Lord Krishna's potency. Such a personality is kṛṣṇalingita-vigraha—that
is, he is always embraced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.
Such a person is above the considerations of the varṇashrama institution. He
is the guru, or spiritual master, for the entire world, a devotee on the topmost
platform, the maha-bhagavata stage, and a paramahaṁsa-ṭhakura, a
spiritual form only fit to be addressed as paramahaṁsa or ṭhakura.
(Purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 25.9)
Even if Krsna is prepared to give us more, we should not accept anything
from Him for our sense gratification. If anything is offered by Him, we
should accept gladly for His service only. For our sense gratification or
personal benefit we shall never ask any favor from Krsna, although He is
always willing to deliver such favor to anyone amongst His devotees.
(Letter to Brahmananda – February 20, 1968, Los Angeles)
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Holy Name
The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any
sense gratification or professional purpose. If this pure mentality is there,
then even though a person is born of a low family, such as a dog-eater’s, he
is so glorious that not only has he purified himself, but he is quite competent
to deliver others.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.33.7)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The standard of devotional practice should be kept very high by strictly
observing the regulative principles and executing devotional activities with
determination and enthusiasm. If the standard practices are followed then the
atmosphere will naturally be joyful and enthusiastic for working
cooperatively for the satisfaction of Krsna.
(Letter to Krsnakanti – November 29, 1970, Bombay)
The devotees have to maintain the devotional practices. This is the secret to
success. Therefore I am stressing it. And, if you also stress it and show
yourself as an ideal Vaishnava, then you are my representative in fullness.
We are not after titles and designations. Lord Caitanya made it a principle
that we must teach by personal example. This is what I have tried to do. So if
all of you my disciples do this, then the future of our movement will be
133 | P a g e
(Letter to Hrdayananda – October 31, 1974, Bombay)
Holy Name
Chanting of the holy name of the Lord should be loudly done, and it should
be performed offenselessly as well, as recommended in the Padma Purana.
One can deliver himself from the effects of all sins by surrendering himself
unto the Lord. One can deliver himself from all offenses at the feet of the
Lord by taking shelter of His holy name. But one cannot protect himself if
one commits an offense at the feet of the holy name of the Lord.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.1.11)
How you can avoid karma? Bhakti is also karma. What is this bhakti? Just
like we are engaged in devotional service. That service means karma. So
they're also rising early in the morning at four 'o clock, offering mangala-
arati, and then reading books, then chanting Hare Krsna mantra, then taking
the class and taking prasadam, then going outside for performing sankirtana,
to distribute books. All day, twenty-four hours karma. So therefore outsiders,
they cannot understand, what is bhakti. They think bhakti means "Close your
eyes and make some murmuring sound that is good." But bhakti is not like
134 | P a g e
(Room Conversation– July 24, 1973, London)
(Unedited original quote)
How you can avoid karma? Bhakti is also karma. Bhakti is also karma.
Bhakti, what is this bhakti? Just like we are engaged in devotional service.
That service means karma. So they're also rising early in the morning at four
'o clock offering mangala-arati, and then reading books, then chanting Hare
Krsna mantra, then taking the class and taking prasadam, then going to
outside for performing Sankirtana, to distributing books. All day, twenty-
four hours karma. So therefore outsiders, they can not understand, that
"They're also working like us, they're also selling books, they're going to the
press, they're also eating, they're riding motorcar, they're typing, what kind
of bhakti it is?" They cannot understand what is bhakti. They think bhakti
means, just like "Close your eyes and make some murmuring sound, that is
good." Bhakti is not like that
The spiritual master prescribes standard literature for the prosecution of the
yoga of devotional service, and he himself speaks only from scriptural
reference. Therefore, reading standard scriptures is necessary for executing
yoga. Practicing yoga without reading the standard literatures is simply a
waste of time.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.28.4)
Vapu & Vani
135 | P a g e
This is the secret of success. After being initiated and receiving the orders of
the spiritual master, the disciple should unhesitatingly think about the
instructions or orders of the spiritual master and should not allow himself to
be disturbed by anything else. This is also the verdict of Srila Visvanatha
Cakravarti Thakura, who, while explaining a verse of Bhagavad-gita
(vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana, Bhagavad-gīta. 2.41), points
out that the order of the spiritual master is the life substance of the disciple.
The disciple should not consider whether he is going back home, back to
Godhead; his first business should be to execute the order of his spiritual
master. Thus a disciple should always meditate on the order of the spiritual
master, and that is perfectional meditation. Not only should he meditate upon
that order, but he should find out the means by which he can perfectly
worship and execute it.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam 4.24.15)
Guru Issue
The conclusion is that an empowered spiritual master is authorized by Krsna
and his own guru and should therefore be considered as good as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead Himself.
Govinda (a disciple of Srila Isvara Puri) came from a sudra family, but
because he was initiated by Isvara Puri, he was certainly a brahmana.
Sarvabhauma BhaTTacarya here asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu why
Isvara Puri accepted a disciple from a sudra family. According to the smriti-
sastra, which gives directions for the management of the varnasrama
institution, a brahmana cannot accept a disciple from the lower castes. In
other words, a kshatriya, vaisya or sudra cannot be accepted as a servant. If
136 | P a g e
a spiritual master accepts such a person, he is contaminated. Sarvabhauma
BhaTTacarya therefore asked why Isvara Puri accepted a servant or disciple
born of a sudra family.
In answer to this question, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied that His
spiritual master, Isvara Puri, was so empowered that he was as good as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. As such, Isvara Puri was the spiritual
master of the whole world. He was not a servant of any mundane rule or
regulation. An empowered spiritual master like Isvara Puri can bestow his
mercy upon anyone, irrespective of caste or creed. The conclusion is that an
empowered spiritual master is authorized by Krsna and his own guru and
should therefore be considered as good as the Supreme Personality of
Godhead Himself. That is the verdict of Visvanatha Cakravarti: sakshad-
dharitvena. An authorized spiritual master is as good as Hari, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. As Hari is free to act as He likes, the empowered
spiritual master is also free. As Hari is not subject to mundane rules and
regulations, the spiritual master empowered by Him is also not subject.
According to the Caitanya-caritamrita (Antya-lila 7.11), krsna-sakti vina
nahe tara pravartana. An authorized spiritual master empowered by Krsna
can spread the glories of the holy name of the Lord, for he has power of
attorney from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the mundane world,
anyone possessing his master’s power of attorney can act on behalf of his
master. Similarly, a spiritual master empowered by Krsna through his own
bona fide spiritual master should be considered as good as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead Himself. That is the meaning of sakshad-dharitvena.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore describes the activities of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead and the bona fide spiritual master as follows.
(Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya Purport 10.136)
You must read Bhagavad-gita at least a few verses every day and think about
them throughout the day. The best thing is to read one chapter daily, but if
you can meditate upon a few verses of Bhagavad-gita every day, that is
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better than reading for simply one hour and then forgetting the topics until
the next reading.
(Letter to Paramananda – July 29, 1969, Los Angeles)
Holy Name
In this Age of Kali, most of the population is foolish and not adequately
educated to understand Vedanta philosophy; the best purpose of Vedanta
philosophy is served by inoffensively chanting the holy name of the Lord.
Vedanta is the last word in Vedic wisdom, and the author and knower of the
Vedanta philosophy is Lord Krsna; and the highest Vedantist is the great
soul who takes pleasure in chanting the holy name of the Lord. That is the
ultimate purpose of all Vedic mysticism.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 2.46)
Vapu & Vani
Disciple: But how do the disciples know that they are pleasing you?
Srila Prabhupada: If you actually follow the words of guru, that means he is
pleased. And if you do not follow, how can he be pleased?
(Morning Walk – July 21, 1975, San Francisco)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
138 | P a g e
Determination means continuing to practice Krsna Consciousness with
patience and perseverance. If one does not immediately attain the desired
results, one should not think, “Oh, what is this Krsna Consciousness? I will
give it up.” No, we must have determination and faith in Krsna’s words.
(Path of Perfection Chapter 5)
Guru Issue
Guest: “When did you begin to become the spiritual leader of Krishna
Brahmananda: “He’s asking when you became the spiritual leader of
Krishna Consciousness.”
SHrīla Prabhupada: “When my Guru Maharaja ordered me. This is the
guru parampara. Try to understand. Don’t go very speedily. A guru can
become guru when he’s ordered by his guru. That’s all. Otherwise nobody
can become guru.”
(Bhagavad-gīta Lecture – October 28, 1975, Nairobi)
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Brahmananda: He's asking when did you become the spiritual leader of
Krsna consciousness?
Prabhupada: When my Guru Maharaja ordered me. This is the guru-
Indian: Did it...
Prabhupada: Try to understand. Don't go very speedily. A guru can become
guru when he's ordered by his guru. That's all. Otherwise nobody can
become guru.
Study my books and reproduce the purports in your own language. We
haven't got to invent something by our fertile brain for preaching. Everything
is there. One who is expert for presenting these things before the audience so
that they can conveniently understand is a successful preacher. You have to
speak only what Krsna has said. Then you become a preacher.
(Letter to Jagadisa – November 9, 1975, Bombay)
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A Vaishnava always feels compassion for others' distress. He is very
afflicted by the miseries of others. When Lord Jesus Christ presented
himself, for instance, he was greatly afflicted by the miserable conditions of
the people. Regardless of which country or sect they belong to, all
Vaishnavas, or devotees-people who are God conscious or Krsna conscious-
are thus compassionate. Therefore, to blaspheme a Vaishnava, a preacher of
God's glories, is a great offense. Krsna, God, is never tolerant of offenses
committed at the lotus feet of a Vaishnava.
(Science of Self Realization - Chapter 7c)
Just like machine works systematically. The machine of the watch is working
very systematically, correctly. Similarly, every student, every disciple must
work very correctly, like the machine. There is no question, "Why you did
not attend the class?" As machine work, everyone should attend the class,
rise early in the morning, attend mangala-arati. This is called suyantritah,
working like machine, no discrepancy. That is wanted.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture – April 14, 1976, Bombay)
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arati. This is called suyantritah, working like machine, no discrepancy. That
is wanted.
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The sound of the holy name – Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare
Hare, everlastingly increases the enthusiasm of the chanter. If one repeats
monotonous material words, he will feel exhausted, but if he chants Hare
Krsna twenty-four hours a day, he will never feel exhausted; rather, he will
feel encouraged to continue chanting more and more.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 3.21.22)
Second Initiation
Somebody, after initiation he promises, "Yes, I shall follow these rules and
regulations. I shall chant sixteen rounds," before the fire, before the Deity,
before the guru, and if he does not follow, then he is a cheater. What to
speak of his becoming a Vaishnava, he is a cheater. He breaks all his
promises. Therefore after seeing, observing a person is doing everything,
then say second initiation, or then he should not be recommended for second
(Morning Walk – April 20, 1974, Hyderabad)
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not be recommended. If he is recommended, that is also another
So if you don't read, then you will feel restless. You are restless because you
don't read. I am laboring so hard for you, but you don't take advantage. Don't
take advantage of eating and sleeping. Take advantage of these books. Then
your life will be successful. My duty—I have given you so valuable things,
day and night trying to convince you, each word to word. And if you don't
take advantage of this, then what can I do for you?
(Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture 2.9.6-14 - May 2, 1972, Tokyo)
(Unedited original Quote)
You should read all this. You don't read. In the first volume of Bhagavata
these things are explained. But I don't think you read all these things. Do you
read? So if you don't read, then you will feel restless: "Oh, let me go from
Japan to India, from India to Japan." You are restless because you don't read.
I am laboring so hard for you, but you don't take advantage. Don't take
advantage of eating and sleeping. Take advantage of these books. Then your
life will be successful. My duty—I have given you so valuable things, day
and night trying to convince you, each word to word. And if you don't take
advantage of this, then what can I do for you? All right.
Vapu & Vani
We put so much stress on seeing, but when Krsna was present on this earth,
so many people saw Him and did not realize that He is God; so what is the
advantage of seeing? By seeing Krsna, we will not understand Him, but by
listening carefully to His teachings, we can come to the platform of
understanding. We can touch Krsna immediately by sound vibration;
therefore, we should give more stress to the sound vibration of Krsna and of
the spiritual master-then we’ll feel happy and won’t feel separation.
(Elevation to Krsna Consciousness)
143 | P a g e
I want you to become absorbed in the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-
Bhagavatam, and become yourselves completely convinced and free from all
doubt. On this platform you shall be able to carry on the work satisfactorily,
but if there is a lack of knowledge or if there is forgetfulness, everything will
be spoiled in time. So especially you must read our books throughout the
day, as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand
the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view.
Chanting Quality
You are thinking that there are many problems in your life; I assure you that
if you follow the regulative principles of chanting 16 rounds, observing
strictly the prohibitive injunctions, keep association with pure devotees, plus
taking care of the Deities in the Temple, surely all your problems will be
solved without any difficulty.
(Letter to Kulasekhara – January 11, 1970, Los Angeles)
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Our policy is to have shaven head, wear robes, chant 16 rounds of beads,
follow the regulative principles, take prasadam only, etc. If they can follow
all these principles then only it is all right. If a doctor prescribes a medicine
and a diet and if the patient follows both, he will get well. If he just follows
in part, then he may not. So all these principles must be followed in order to
derive spiritual benefit. That is our method.
(Letter to Nayanabhirama – April, 1971, Bombay)
You are experiencing some doubts that you cannot believe that the Krsna
from Krsna book can be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that it must be
like some fairy tale. To clear up these things the best remedy is to discuss
amongst yourselves and all members regularly all our books in classes, then
these doubts will be killed. Without reading books it becomes hackneyed and
such obnoxious ideas trouble us. Our thoughts are always changing; that is
the nature of the mind. So you cannot expect that even the great saintly
persons are free from thoughts, coming and going. But after thinking there is
feeling and willing; willing being the stage of putting the thoughts into
action. So if we are able to employ our intelligence, then we will kill the
thoughts before they become manifest in activity. But because we are so
much inclined to enjoy something unintelligently, we have to therefore
sharpen our intelligence daily by reading and discussing, and preaching to
others. In this may, we are able very easily to defeat all challengers to our
philosophy, and everything becomes very clear as it is revealed from
different angles of vision. Krsna makes a promise to one who is striving to
serve Him sincerely that He will give such devotee the intelligence by which
he may come to Him. Therefore, we should always pray that Krsna kindly
provide me the intelligence to kill all demons of doubt, and because He
understands the heart of His sincere devotee, immediately He gives
assistance." (Letter to Satyabhama, February 28, 1972)
145 | P a g e
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
You must voluntarily agree, not hackneyed, mechanical. “Spiritual master
says like this. All right let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely.
Teshaà satata-yuktanaà bhajataà priti-purvakam [Bg. 10.10]. Priti, with
love. When you work for Krsna with love and enthusiasm that is your Krsna
conscious life. If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what
can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna
consciousness. You have to do it voluntarily and with great pleasure.
(Bhagavad-gīta Lecture – July 23rd, 1973, London)
(Unedited original quote)
“You must voluntarily agree, not hackneyed, mechanical. “Spiritual master
says like this right. All right let me do it." No. You have to understand very
nicely. Teshaà satata-yuktanaà bhajataà priti-purvakam [Bg. 10.10]. Priti,
with love. When you work, when you work for Krsna with love and
enthusiasm that is your Krsna conscious life. If you think that "It is
hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do
it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness. You have to do it
voluntarily and with great pleasure.”
Vapu & Vani
As far as my blessing is concerned it does not require my physical presence.
If you are chanting Hare Krsna there and following my instructions, reading
the books, taking only Krsna prasadam etc., then there is no question of your
not receiving the blessings of Lord Caitanya whose mission I am humbly
trying to push on.
(Letter to Bal Krsna – June 30, 1974, Melbourne)
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Instead of suffering this repeated birth and death, sacrifice in this one life….
What is that sacrifice?... What is the inconvenience to live nicely, avoiding
these four rascal habits, taking Krsna prasadam, and chanting Hare Krsna
mantra and reading all these nice books? Where is the difficulty? Nice first
class life. Wherever you will go you will be respectable. Anyone will
worship you.
(Room Conversation – August 15, 1971, London)
Utilization of Time
The body is just like an instrument by which the living entity moves
according to false desires for happiness and thus suffers the pangs of birth,
death, old age and disease in different standards of life. Everyone begins his
activities with some plan and ambition, but actually, from the beginning of
one's plan to the end, one does not derive any happiness. On the contrary, as
soon as one begins acting according to his plan, his life of distress
immediately begins. Therefore, one should not be ambitious to dissipate the
unhappy conditions of life, for one cannot do anything about them.
Ahankara-vimūḍhatma kartaham iti manyate (BG 3.27). Although one is
acting according to false ambitions, he thinks he can improve his material
conditions by his activities. The Vedas enjoin that one should not try to
increase happiness or decrease distress, for this is futile. Tasyaiva hetoḥ
prayateta kovidaḥ . One should work for self-realization, not for economic
development, which is impossible to improve. Without endeavor, one can get
the amount of happiness and distress for which he is destined, and one
cannot change this. Therefore, it is better to use one's time for advancement
in the spiritual life of Krishna consciousness. One should not waste his
valuable life as a human being. It is better to utilize this life for developing
Krishna consciousness, without ambitions for so-called happiness.
(Purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam7.7.42)
Try to always study our books and see our philosophy from different lights
of directions. Become convinced yourself of this knowledge, and without a
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doubt all your difficulties of mind will disappear forever and you will see
Krsna face to face.
(Letter to Bhagavatananda, July 8, 1972)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
So far attaining enlightenment according to one's rate of development; that
development depends on your enthusiasm; how far you are serious. But one
should become very serious. That is the law in every sphere of achievement.
So for attaining to the perfectional stage of Krsna consciousness, one should
be very much enthusiastic. And then one should be patient also. Enthusiasm
does not mean if I attain something immediately the result is immediate. No.
The result may be delayed but we should not be disturbed. But we must go
on working with enthusiasm. This is called patience. Enthusiasm, patience
and confidence. Because we believe in Krsna. Krsna says that if you do this
you get this result. Therefore, we must have confidence.
(Interview – March 9, 1968, San Francisco)
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consciousness, one should be very much enthusiastic. And then one should
be patient also. Enthusiasm does not mean if I attain something
immediately the result is immediate. No. The result may be delayed but we
should not be disturbed. But we must go on working with enthusiasm. This
is called patience. Enthusiasm, patience and confidence. Because we
believe in Krsna. Krsna says that if you do this you get this result.
Therefore, I must have confidence.
(Interview – March 9, 1968, San Francisco)
Guru Issue
Unless one is a resident of Krsna Loka, one cannot be a Spiritual Master.
That is the first proposition. A layman cannot be a Spiritual Master, and if he
becomes so then he will simply create disturbance.
(Letter to Mukunda – June 10, 1969, New Vrindaban)
Holy Name
“You have to remain uncontaminated. And that is punya-sravana-kirtanah.
If you hear about Krsna, then punya, you will be always in pious position.
Punya-sravana-kirtanah. Therefore, our recommendation is always chant
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare
Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So we should be careful about our slipping
down again into the sinful activity. Everyone should be careful and keep
oneself in the chanting process. Then he's all right.”
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – June 1, 1972, Los Angeles)
The entire Bhagavatam is glorification of Krsna, and Sukadeva Gosvami
says that one can be perfectly purified if one either glorifies Krsna, meditates
upon Him, or simply sits before the Deity of Krsna and sees Him, thinking,
"How nicely dressed is Krsna. How nicely dressed is Radharani." If one has
no ability to chant or if one's mind is so disturbed that one cannot fix it upon
Krsna, one is given this chance: "Here is the Deity. Simply see Him." If one
is engaged in the service of the Deity, there is a good chance of always
seeing Him, twenty-four hours a day. While cleansing the floor of the
temple, while dressing the Deity, while bathing the Deity, or while offering
Him food, one will always see Him. This is the process of devotional service.
(Teachings of Queen Kunti Verse 18)
150 | P a g e
One may be supposed to be intelligent or a scholar but if he does not read my
books, his knowledge has no profit. That's a fact. Asampurna. He remains
still in darkness.
(Letter from Yugoslavia – June 30, 1977, Vṛndavana)
Unedited Original Quote
One may supposed to be intelligent or scholar but if he does not read my
books, his knowledge has no profit. That's a fact. Asampurna. He remains
still in darkness.
Guru Issue
When one has attained the topmost position of maha-bhagavata, he is to be
accepted as a guru and worshipped exactly like Hari, the Personality of
Godhead. Only such a person is eligible to occupy the post of a guru.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila Purport 24.330)
Your first duty is to read my books. Otherwise, how will you preach? In
order to remain steadily fixed in Krsna consciousness there must be a sound
philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment.
Whenever you find the time, please read my books.
(Letter to Satsvarupa dasa Goswami, January 5, 1976)
(Unedited original quote)
"Yes, as a sannyasi and G.B.C. your first duty is to read my books.
Otherwise, how will you preach? In order to remain steadily fixed in Krsna
consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding.
Otherwise it will become only sentiment. Whenever you find the time,
please read my books."
(Letter to Satsvarupa dasa Goswami, January 5, 1976)
151 | P a g e
The important thing is to see that everyone is following a regulated schedule
of chanting 16 rounds, reading, Sankirtana, and temple worship. Any
breakage in the performance of one's duties will surely be a hindrance in
one's advancement.
(Letter to Vrindaban Candra – November 9, 1970, Bombay)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Dhairyat means perseverance, patience. Niscayat means with firm
determination. “Yes, I have begun chanting. Maybe there are offenses, but if
I continue, Krsna will be pleased to place me on the transcendental platform,
when I shall relish what this chanting Hare Krsna is.” Just like Visvanatha
Cakravarti has given this example that the mango in the ripe stage and
unripe stage. Unripe stage, it is bitter, but the same mango, when it is fully
ripe, it is sweet. We shall have to wait for this stage, and we shall have to be
careful that we may not commit offenses. Then, surely, we shall come to that
stage. Just like a diseased patient, if he follows the regulations given by the
physician and takes the medicine, then surely he’ll be cured.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – June 10, 1969, New Vṛndavana)
(Unedited original quote)
dhairyat means perseverance, patience. Utsahat. Niscayat. Niscayat means
with firm determination: "Yes, I have begun chanting. Maybe there are
offenses, but if I continue, Krsna will be pleased to place me on the
transcendental platform when I shall relish what is this chanting Hare
Krsna." Just like Visvanatha Cakravarti has given that the mango in the ripe
stage and unripe stage. Unripe stage, it is bitter, but the same mango, when
it is fully ripe, it is sweet, the sweetness. We shall have to wait for this stage,
and we shall have to be careful that we may not commit offenses. Then we,
surely, we shall come. Just like a diseased patient, if he follows the
regulations given by the physician and takes the medicine, then surely he'll
be cured.
152 | P a g e
Guru Issue
Without being empowered by the direct potency of Lord Krsna to fulfill His
desire and without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being
can become the spiritual master of the whole world. He certainly cannot
succeed by mental concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya Purport 25.9)
The most important things are that you follow very carefully all of the rules
and regulations such as rising early, and having mangala-arati and classes
etc. and that you chant at least 16 rounds daily without fail. These things are
most essential for your spiritual advancement and then everything will be
(Letter to Tirthanga – March 14, 1975, Tehran)
Holy Name
The powerful holy name of the Lord can certainly deliver one from sinful
effects, but one who desires to utilize this transcendental potency of the holy
name of the Lord in one’s sinister activities is the most degraded person in
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the world. Such persons are never excused by the Lord or by any agent of the
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 2.1.12)
We should know that vipra-sapa-vimudhanam: if any person is cursed by
vipra, brahmana, Vaishnava, then they are finished. Therefore according to
the Vedic civilization, brahmanas and Vaishnavas are always honored so
that they may not be dissatisfied. This is the rule. Veda-paThad bhaved vipro
brahma janatiti brahmanah. Those who are spiritually advanced, such
persons should not be offended.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Lecture – December 2, 1973, Los Angeles)
If you always chant Hare Krsna, read my books, and preach this philosophy
sincerely, then Krsna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall
down into material entanglement.
(Letter to devotees – March 30, 1967, San Francisco)
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Chanting Quality
If somebody says, "Now I'll chant sitting down. Who is going to see me? I'll
doze and people will know I am chanting." This kind of cheating will not do.
For all those who are interested in Krsna consciousness we have given time,
sixteen rounds. You are not Haridasa Thakura that you'll be able to chant
whole day and night. If without working, if you chant, that is, the highest
state. That you cannot do. Then you will sleep. So the minimum quantity
chant sixteen rounds, and that will take not more than two hours. And other
twenty-two hours, you always be busy in Krsna's activities. That is required.
(Bhagavad-gita Lecture – February 5, 1975, Hawaii)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
The process of bhakti-yoga is simultaneously very difficult and very easy to
perform. For a sincere person devotional service is very easy. But for one
who is not determined and sincere, this process is very difficult.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.8.30)
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Krsna is so sublime and transcendental that He cannot be realized by mental
speculation or by personal endeavor, education or material acquisition. He
can only be approached and understood clearly by our service attitude,
engaging all our senses in His service. The beginning of service is to engage
our hearing organs and receive the transcendental message by aural
reception. And whenever we are mature in receiving the transcendental
message from books like Bhagavad-gīta and SHrīmad-Bhagavatam, via
media the transparent bona fide spiritual master then we are able to chant or
engage our tongue in the service of the Lord, being engaged in the service of
the Lord. The material covering of our senses becomes inactive and actual
spiritual form of activity becomes manifest.
(Letter to Purusottama – February 2, 1968, Los Angeles)
The more one feels imperfect in Krsna's service, the more he is advancing in
Krsna consciousness. Even the topmost devotees feel they are inadequate in
their service to the Lord. So it is good to feel inadequate and to try harder to
please Krsna with better service. But one should never feel, “Oh! I have seen
Krsna, and so I have reached perfection”-this is not Krsna consciousness.
(Letter to Hamsaduta and Himavati – March 3, 1968, Los Angeles)
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When you come to the bhakti-yoga, that is the perfection of life. Bhakti-yogena
manasa samyak praṇihite amale (SB 1.7.4). Bhakti-yogena amala: "The mind
becomes cleansed." Ceto-darpaṇa-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12). That is the direct
effect of bhakti-yoga. Because the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation
of senses and sense activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas, and we
become entangled in that idea. We have to accept millions and trillions of body and
then go on in the cycle of birth, death, old age and disease. This is the implication.
So purify the mind. That is the chanting of Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Ceto-
darpaṇa-marjanaṁ bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapaṇam. When our mind is
cleansed... This is maha-davagni. This expansion of mental ideas, thousands and
millions, that is bhava-maha-davagni. So it is the duty of guru to get out his disciple
from the bhava-maha-davagni. Saṁsara-davanala-līḍha-loka-traṇaya karuṇya-
ghanaghanatvam. Karuṇya, karuṇya.
So what is the guru? Guru has received the karuṇ ya. Karuṇ ya means just like the
cloud has received water from the sea, similarly, a guru, spiritual master, receives the
cloud of mercy from the ocean of kindness of Krishna. Ghanaghanatvam. And it is
only the cloud that can extinguish the forest fire, saṁsara. No other watering system
will be helpful. If there is fire in the forest, your fire brigade or buckets of water will
not help. It is impossible. Neither you can go there; neither you can render any
service by your fire brigade and bucket. Then how the fire can be extinguished?
Ghanaghanatvam. If there is cloud in the sky and if there is rainfall, then the
expansive forest fire can immediately be extinguished. So that cloud is supposed to
be the spiritual master. He pours water. SHravaṇa-kīrtana-jale karaye secana (CC
Madhya 19.152). What is that water? The water is this shravaṇ a-kīrtana. Bhava-
maha-davagni, the fire, the forest fire of material existence, is blazing continually.
So you have to extinguish it by the rainfall from cloud, and that rainfall means
shravaṇ a-kīrtana. SHravaṇ a means hearing, and kīrtana means chanting. This is the
only way. SHravaṇa-kīrtana-jale karaye secana.
(Lecture on SB 3.26.39 - January 14, 1975, Bombay)
Note: For unedited original quote please turn over
(Unedited original quote)
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When, when you come to the bhakti-yoga, that is the perfection of life.
Bhakti-yogena manasa samyak praṇihite amale (SB 1.7.4). Bhakti-yogena
amala: "The mind becomes cleansed." Ceto-darpaṇa-marjanam (CC
Antya 20.12). That is the effect of..., direct effect of bhakti-yoga. Because
the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation of senses and sense
activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas and become
entangled in that idea. We have to accept millions and trillions of body and
then go on in the cycle of birth, death, old age and disease. This is
implication. So purify the mind. That is the chanting of Hare Krishna
maha-mantra. Ceto-darpaṇa-marjanaṁ bhava-maha-davagni-
nirvapaṇam. When our mind is cleansed... This is maha-davagni. This
expansion of mental ideas, thousands and millions, that is maha..., bhava-
maha-davagni. Bhava-maha-davagni. So it is the duty of guru to get out
his disciple from the bhava-maha-davagni. Saṁsara-davanala-līḍha-
loka-traṇaya karuṇya-ghanaghanatvam **. Karuṇya, karuṇya.
So what is the guru? Guru has received the karuṇya. Karuṇya means just
like the cloud has received water from the sea, similarly, a guru, spiritual
master, receives the cloud of mercy from the ocean of kindness of Krishna.
Ghanaghanatvam. And it is only the cloud that can extinguish the forest
fire, saṁsara. No other watering system will be helpful. If there is fire in
the forest, your fire brigade or buckets of water will not help. It is
impossible. Neither you can go there; neither you can render any service
by your fire brigade and bucket. Then how the fire can be extinguished?
Ghanaghanatvam. If there is cloud in the sky and if there is rainfall, then
the expansive forest fire can immediately be extinguished. So that cloud is
supposed to be the spiritual master. He pours water. He pours water.
SHravaṇa-kīrtana-jale karaye secana (CC Madhya 19.152). What is that
water? The water is this shravaṇa-kīrtana. Bhava-maha-davagni, the fire,
the forest fire of material existence, is blazing continually. So you have to
extinguish it by the rainfall from cloud, and that rainfall means shravaṇa-
kīrtana. SHravaṇa means hearing, and kīrtana means chanting. This is
the only way. SHravaṇa-kīrtana-jale karaye secana.
158 | P a g e
So we should consider that when you get such a chance of spiritual
cultivation—may be ten percent, five percent, fifty percent—we should
know that "Now we should finish the balance percentage of cultivation. We
must finish in this life. I shall not take chance of another birth." That should
be our determination. Paurva-dehikam. "When I have come to this point, it
must be understood that I had some asset in my previous life. So Krsna is
giving me chance to make further progress. Now, in my past life I could not
finish the job some way or other, but that doesn't matter. Now this life I shall
not allow to miss this opportunity." That should be our determination as soon
as we begin some spiritual culture.
(Bhagavad-gita 6.40-43 - September 18, 1966, New York)
(Unedited original quote)
So we should consider that when you get such chance of spiritual
cultivation—may be ten percent, five percent, fifty percent—we should
know that "Now we should finish the balance percentage of cultivation.
We must finish this life. I shall not take chance of another birth." That
should be our determination. Paurva-dehikam. "When I have come to this
point, it must be understood that I had some asset in my previous life. So
Krsna is giving me chance to make further progress.
Now, in my past life I could not finish the job some way or other, but that
doesn't matter. Now this life I shall not allow to miss this opportunity."
That should be our determination as soon as we begin some spiritual
159 | P a g e
Krsna consciousness is a transcendental science which can be revealed to a
sincere devotee who is prepared to render service to the Lord. Krsna
consciousness is not achieved by dry arguments or by academic
qualifications. Our senses are all blunt in the matter of receiving
transcendental subject matter, but they are purified in due course of time by
constant engagement in the service of the Lord.
(Letter to Subala – September 29, 1967, Delhi)
So, reading of the literature and hearing of the chanting is the medicine, and
prasadam is the diet. So, if diet and medicine are properly administered the
disease of maya will be cured.
But the physician must be always healthy. People may not say, physician is
ill thyself. That means the preachers must be of highly elevated character,
following strictly the rules and regulations and chanting regularly in the
temple. There may be so many odds in the progressive march of Krsna
consciousness, but if we pin our faith in Krsna, everything will come out
successful in due course.
(Letter to Satsvarupa – June 27, 1968, Montreal)
A devotee should always remain humble and meek, especially to the
authorities and devotees. Lord Caitanya's philosophy is not to become God
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but to become servant, servant, and servant of God. The more one becomes
the lower grade servant of the Lord, the more he is devoted nearer to the
Lord. This is our philosophy. I have all my hearty blessings upon you, please
do your duties nicely and Krsna will be pleased to shower His blessings
upon you. He is very kind to sincere souls, and He gives intelligence from
within to sincere devotees. We require only to become sincere in the service
of the Lord, then everything is there ready for our convenience.
(Letter to Jaya Govinda – February 8, 1968, Los Angeles)
Everyone is neophyte. He should practice determination, that's all. If he
cannot practice, then why should he enter into this association? Let him
remain aloof. One who has entered with the determination that "I must
practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong to
Krsna consciousness movement….. I am initiated." Why this farce? He must
practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be successful." That is
wanted. If he has no determination, why should he make a show? Bhajante
maà dridha-vratah…. Dridha-vrata, determination, that is wanted. When
one is determined, his success is assured.
(Garden Conversation – June 23, 1976, New Vrindaban)
(Unedited original quote)
Everyone is neophyte. He should practice determination, that's all. If he
cannot practice, then why should he enter into this association? Let him
remain aloof. One who has entered with the determination that "I must
practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong
to Krsna consciousness movement….. I am initiated." Why this farce? He
must practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be success." That
is wanted. He has no determination, why should he make a show? Dridha-
vrata. Bhajante maà dridha-vratah. Dridha-vrata, that is wanted,
determination. Hmm, go on. When one is determined, his success is
assured. If he's not determined, then success or failure.
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Sense Control
The only process for perceiving Krsna and His name, qualities, form, is our
sincere service attitude with our senses. Beginning from the tongue, all our
senses are practically led by the tongue sense, whose business is to vibrate
and to taste. If we can change the materialistic nature of the tongue, by
changing of taste and vibration, then automatically the other senses become
purified. And we can render service to Krsna with purified senses. As such
we should try to chant and eat Krsna prasadam as much as possible.
(Letter to Upendra – July 4, 1968, Montreal)
Number one engagement is that you must chant at least 16 rounds Hare
Krsna mantra daily; the four regulative principles are most important and
must be observed rigidly in temple life; you should speak according to the
sastras and be compassionate to all conditioned souls and try to convince
them about the real truth.
(Letter to devotees – June 29, 1971, London)
So cleanliness is next to godliness. So the... Actually, our material
conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty
things. That is the disease. When we are in the lower stage of tamo-guṇ a and
rajo-guṇ a, these dirty things are very much prominent. Therefore one has to
raise himself from the position of tamo-guṇa and rajo-guṇa to sattva-guṇa.
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The process is recommended, how to cleanse the mind: shṛṇvataṁ sva-
kathaḥ Krishnaḥ puṇya-shravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ (SB 1.2.17). One has to hear the
Krishna-katha. (Lecture on SB 3.25.16 - November 16, 1974, Bombay)
(Unedited original quote)
So cleanliness is next to godliness. So the... Actually, our material
conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty
things. That is the disease. When we are in the lower stage of tamo-guṇa and
rajo-guṇa, these dirty things are very much prominent. Therefore one has to
raise himself from the position of tamo-guṇa and rajo-guṇa to sattva-guṇa.
The process is recommended, how to cleanse the mind: shṛṇvataṁ sva-
kathaḥ Krishnaḥ puṇya-shravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ (SB 1.2.17). One has to hear the
While describing the system of protection for the creeper of devotional
service, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has especially stressed protection from
offenses unto the lotus feet of Vaishnavas. Such offenses are called
Vaishnava-aparadha. Aparadha means "offense." If one commits
Vaishnava-aparadhas, all of his progress in devotional service will be
checked. Even though one is very much advanced in devotional service, if he
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commits offenses at the feet of a Vaishnava, his advancement is all spoiled.
In the sastras it is found that a very great yogi, Durvasa Muni, committed a
Vaishnava-aparadha and thus for one full year had to travel all over the
universe, even to VaikunThaloka, to defend himself from the offense. At last,
even when he approached the Supreme Personality of Godhead in
VaikunTha, he was refused protection. Therefore, one should be very careful
about committing offenses at the feet of a Vaishnava.
(SHrīmad-Bhagavatam Purport 4.21.37)
Enthusiasm, Patience & Determination
Acapalam, determination, means that one should not be agitated or frustrated
in some attempt. There may be failure in some attempt, but one should not be
sorry for that; he should make progress with patience and determination.
(Bhagavad-gīta Purport 16.1)
Guru Issue
Caitanya Mahaprabhu authorized Sanatana Goswami to become guru. This
is parampara system. Nobody can become guru all of a sudden. Self-made
guru is not guru. Unless Sanatana Goswami has got the power to receive the
instruction, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not going to waste His time. He has the
power. So He is empowering Sanatana Gosvami to take this task and spread
Krsna consciousness. Just like even if one is a qualified lawyer, he must get
the power of attorney from his client, and then he can speak. That is the law.
Similarly, without being endowed with the power of attorney from Krsna, it
is not possible to preach. Because we are preparing ourselves to preach
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Krsna consciousness, we must be qualified to get the power of attorney.
Sometimes we speak that "I'll preach." What will you preach? First of all, get
the power of attorney; then preach. Preaching is not so easy that anyone can
preach. Krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana. So to get that power of
attorney one has to qualify himself, not that the power of attorney is hanging
in the tree and you can take it.
(SHrī Caitanya-caritamrta Lecture – July 11, 1976, New York)
(Unedited original quote)
“Caitanya Mahaprabhu is authorizing him to become guru. This is
parampara system. Nobody can become guru all of a sudden. Self-made
guru that is not guru. Here Caitanya, er, Sanatana Gosvami is presented as
the disciple, ideal disciple. He is asking, ke ami kene amaya jare tapa-traya,
process how to approach guru, how to ask him question. Tad viddhi
pranipatena pariprasnena [Bg. 4.34]. Pariprasna means question. That is
also required. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu is authorizing him. Therefore He
says, krsna-sakti dhara tumi [Cc. Madhya 20.105]. Here Krsna, Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, He is authorizing Sanatana Gosvami. Unless he has got the
power to receive the instruction, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not going to waste
His time. He has the power. He is empowered. Krsna Caitanya
Mahaprabhu's mission is that to preach Krsna consciousness all over the
world. So He is empowering Sanatana Gosvami to take this task and spread
Krsna consciousness. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. There is...
You'll find in the Caitanya-caritamrita the verse, krsna-sakti vina nahe nama
pracarana. Without being empowered by Krsna, nobody can preach the holy
name of the Lord. Krsna-sakti vina nahe nama pracarana. So without getting
the power of attorney... Just like even one is qualified lawyer, he must get the
power of attorney from his client, and then he can speak. That is the law.
Similarly, without being endowed with the power of attorney from Krsna, it
is not possible to preach.
So our business is... Because we are preparing ourselves to preach Krsna
consciousness, we must be qualified to get the power of attorney. Sometimes
we speak that "I'll preach." What you will preach? First of all get the power
of attorney; then preach. Preaching is not so easy that anyone and anyone
can preach without... Krsna-sakti vina nahe nama pracarana. So to get that
165 | P a g e
power of attorney one has to qualify himself, not that the power of attorney
is hanging in the tree and you can take it.”
Following Krsna's orders means chanting daily 16 rounds, following the four
rules and regulations, rising early, associating with devotees, like that.
Unless these principles are followed, we cannot expect Krsna's protection.
(Letter to Jayadeva – 23 July, 1972, Paris)
Guru Issue
Don’t become premature acarya. First of all, follow the orders of acarya,
and you become mature. Then it is better to become acarya. Because we are
interested in preparing acarya……But the etiquette is, at least for the period
the guru is present, one should not become acarya. Even if he is complete,
he should not, because the etiquette is, if somebody comes for becoming
initiated, it is the duty of such person to bring that prospective candidate to
his acarya.
(Sri Chaitanya caritamṛta Lecture – April 6, 1975, Mayapur)
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Spiritual master
I have accepted you as my disciple and you have accepted me as your
spiritual father. This relationship cannot be ended anymore. It is eternal.
(Letter to - Rayarama - Los Angeles, 8 July, 1969)
Chanting Quality
The Krsna consciousness movement prescribes sixteen rounds daily because
people in the Western countries cannot concentrate for long periods while
chanting on beads. Therefore, the minimum number of rounds is prescribed.
However, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say that unless one chants
at least sixty-four rounds of japa (one hundred thousand names), he is
considered fallen (patita). According to his calculation, practically every one
of us is fallen, but because we are trying to serve the Supreme Lord with all
seriousness and without duplicity, we can expect the mercy of Lord Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is famous as patita-pavana, the deliverer of the
(The Nectar of Instruction Verse 5)
Just keep this attitude of sincere service and without a doubt Krishna will
give you all intelligence to serve Him nicely. Krishna is not ungrateful but
rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service. Krishna is
interested in how we engage our energies in His service.
(Letter to Devananda – 23 November 1968, Los Angeles)
Unedited Original Quote
167 | P a g e
Just keep this your attitude of sincere service and without a doubt Krishna
will give you all intelligence to serve Him nicely. Krishna is not ungrateful
but rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service.
Krishna is interested in how we engage our energies in His service.
Actual Happiness
The material world is but a shadow of reality. In the shadow there is no
reality or substantiality, but from the shadow we can understand that there
are substance and reality. In the desert there is no water, but the mirage
suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no
water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in
the spiritual world.
(Bhagavad-gīta Introduction)
By chanting Hare Krishna gradually the soul revives its identity or it comes
out from the forgetfulness. This is not exactly development, but it is reviving
one's consciousness. Everything will be gradually clear as you go on
chanting Hare Krishna. Please try to chant at least 16 rounds of the beads
and while chanting try to hear each and every word. That will make you
advanced in every respect.
(Letter to Ballabhi – May 5, 1967, San Francisco)
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The difficulties of life may come as seasonal changes but we should not be
disturbed by all those difficulties. Our process is to chant and that process
will gradually clear everything in due course. There is nothing to be
disrupted–you should go on with your work, with enthusiasm and everything
will be solved. We are on the sound footing of Krishna consciousness.
(Letter to Mukunda – June 6, 1967, New York)
In this connection, Follow the rules and regulations according to schedule
and execute your duties in Krsna's service and everything will be alright.
These regulative functions of chanting the rounds sixteen daily, rising early
in the morning to attend Mangala Arati, holding classes for studying our
scripture and gong on Sankirtana, these items must not be neglected. They
will quickly advance us in Krsna Consciousness and clear up all doubtful
activities which have been causing mischief in our Society.
(Letter to: Revatinandana – Tokyo 27 August, 1970)
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Sense Control
Yes, the point is that we should not eat more than required. Eating, sleeping,
mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is
good, but not at the risk of health. Because we have to work for Krishna, so
we must maintain our health nicely. But we should not eat more than is
required for maintaining body and soul together. That is the principle. It does
not mean, however, that if one's body requires more food for maintaining it,
that he should imitate someone who requires less food. The real point is that
eating is for maintaining the body, not for luxury or for satisfying the
demands of the tongue. In the beginning of devotional service one can only
see Krishna in the Deity and the prasadam that is offered to Him.
(Letter to Unknown -- August 23, 1968, Montreal)
Unedited Original Quote
Yes, the point is that we should not eat more than required. Eating, sleeping,
mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is
good, but not at the risk of health. Because we have to work for Krishna, so
we must maintain our health nicely. But we should not eat more than is
required for maintaining body and soul together. That is the principle. It
does not mean, however, that if one's body requires more food for
maintaining it, that he should imitate someone who requires less food. The
real point is that eating is for maintaining the body, not for luxury or for
satisfying the demands of the tongue. Yes, you are right in saying that in the
beginning of devotional service that one can only see Krishna in the Deity
and the prasadam that is offered to Him.
170 | P a g e
Now here is Lord Caitanya's order. Whether we do understand or not
understand, if we simply submissively give aural reception to these messages
of Krishna, then gradually we shall understand the whole philosophy and
science of Krishna consciousness. This is the summary. You may not
understand at the present moment about the extensive constitutional position
and philosophy of Krishna. Still, if we submissively give aural reception to
these messages, as it is described in the Caitanya-caritamṛta by Lord
Caitanya, that will help us—Bhagavad-gīta, SHrīmad-Bhagavatam,
Caitanya-caritamṛta. This hearing process is very nice. That is recommended
by Lord Caitanya. Simply by hearing. We do not require to be very highly
educated or very good scholar in Vedanta philosophy. Whatever you are, you
remain in your place. That doesn't matter. Simply try to hear, and by hearing
everything will be... Svayam eva sphuraty adaḥ . Because the process is that
we cannot understand God or we cannot see God unless He reveals. So this
revelation will come if we submissively hear. We may not understand, but
simply by hearing, we can achieve that stage of life.
(Lecture on CC Madhya-lila 20.391-405 - January 2, 1967, New York)
Spiritual Activities
Krishna consciousness is so nice that one aspires for still more work. That is
the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our
171 | P a g e
activities and take rest more, but in the spiritual world there is no rest and
there is no limit of activities. Krishna is unlimited, His service is unlimited
and the energy of His servants is unlimited. Although we are in the midst of
ignorance, still if we keep ourselves alert there is no place of ignorance.
(Letter to Tamala Krishna – March 18, 1969, Hawaii)
Unedited Original Quote
Krishna consciousness is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work.
That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize
our activities and take rest more, but in the spiritual world there is no rest
and there is no limit of activities. Krishna is unlimited, His service is
unlimited and the energy of His servants is unlimited. Although we are in the
midst of ignorance, still if we keep ourselves alert there is no place of
Devotional service
The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form, is
our sincere service attitude with our senses, beginning from the tongue. All
our senses are practically led by the tongue sense, whose business is to
vibrate and to taste. If we can change the materialistic nature of the tongue
by changing of taste and vibration, then automatically the other senses
become purified. And we can render service to Krishna with purified senses.
(Letter to Upendra, July 4, 1968, Montreal)
Association of devotees
Our relationship is eternal. But if somebody lags behind, so in spite of our
eternal relationship one may not meet others at the destination. Just like a
flock of birds--although very intimately related, every one of them has to fly
in the sky by individual strength. If one is less strong, the others cannot keep
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him in the sky. That is the law of nature. So long every one of us is strong in
Krishna consciousness, there is no doubt you can fly in the spiritual sky and
meet together without failure. Therefore, individual strength is most
important and that individual strength is achieved in the association of
devotees also.
(Letter to Satsvarupa – September 20, 1968, San Francisco)
Quality of Devotees
Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the
material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he
takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some
fault, no. Devotee means very liberal and kind to everyone, always
gentleman under all kinds of conditions of life.
(Letter to Hansadutta – December 10, 1972, Ahmedabad)
So when you may feel morose, chant Hare Krsna Mantra loudly and hear it.
That will reestablish you on the platform of transcendental bliss. Sometimes
it appears that the devotee is put into some difficulty unreasonably, but the
devotee does not take even this adverse circumstance as anything other than
a manifestation of the Lord's Supreme Mercy. Anyway, such feelings come
and go like seasonal changes and we should not deviate for that reason from
our prescribed duty.
173 | P a g e
(Letter to Visnujana – January 8, 1971, Allahabad)
Unedited Original Quote
So when you may feel morose, chant Hare Krsna Mantra loudly and hear it.
That will reestablish you on the platform of transcendental bliss. Sometimes
it appears that the devotee is put into some difficulty unreasonably, but the
devotee does not take even this adverse circumstance as other that a
manifestation of the Lord's Supreme Mercy. Anyway, such feelings come and
go like seasonal changes and we should not deviate for that reason from our
prescribed duty.
Deity Worship
It is the sole aim of life to be constantly absorbed in thoughts about
Radharaṇī and Krishna, and because you are so determined to become fully
Krishna Conscious, Krishna has given you this opportunity to realize that
aim by serving Him directly. I have always instructed that the standard of
arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every
other temple activity will also flourish.
(Letter to Himavati – November 17, 1971, Delhi)
Chanting and the spiritual platform
Kirtana is the universal principle, therefore, if you chant Hare Krishna
offenselessly, that is to say, avoiding the 10 kinds of offenses, the vibration
is sure to act. And anywhere this vibration is made, it will be liked because it
is done on the spiritual platform. And on the spiritual platform, there will be
certainly agreement. So long one is on the material platform, there is no
agreement. So our movement is directly taken to the spiritual platform. So do
it nicely, offenselessly, and it will be successful anywhere.
(Letter to Gurudasa -- December 14, 1968, Los Angeles)
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Devotional Service
Sometimes pressure is required, especially when one is not so advanced. Of
course it has to be applied properly, otherwise there may be some bad taste.
But spontaneous service can only be expected from advanced devotees. Just
like a child by pressure goes to school and is made to read. Then after some
time he wants to read, even without pressure. We have all got experience of
this. It is vaidhi bhakti–vaidhi means "must.'' Sometimes devotees are
promised a plate of maha-prasadam for the biggest book distributer. There is
175 | P a g e
no harm. Actually one should try to serve Krishna to his or her full capacity
without thought of reward–service is itself the reward. But this takes time to
actually realize and until that platform is achieved some pressure or
inducement is required.
(Letter to Tusta Krishna – January 9, 1976, Bombay)
Regarding the things that Krishna is giving you, everything belongs to
Krishna and He is giving everything, even to the nondevotees, even to the
animals who have no consciousness of Krishna; and what to speak of His
devotees. Just like the father maintains all his children without any grudge,
but the child who is very faithful to the orders of the father is given specific
care by the father. Similarly, Krishna being the Father of all living entities,
he is supplying the bare necessities of their life; but for His devotees He has
got special attention. So depend on Krishna, chant regularly Hare Krishna
and you will find that He is talking with you face to face, what to speak of
supplying your necessities.
(Letter to Jayasri – November 13, 1969, London)
It is simply out of love that I chastise any of my students. It is a father's duty
to raise his son to be a strong, useful citizen, and sometimes he must
reprimand him for some mistake in order to teach him. But this harshness is
only for his son's benefit. Similarly, you are all my spiritual children, and my
only concern is to see that you all become strong in your devotion to Lord
Krishna, so sometimes scolding may be there, but you should always
remember that it is done with love and it is only for your benefit.
(Letter to Niranjana – April 12, 1972, Sydney)
Unedited Original Quote
176 | P a g e
So far my chastising you at Mayapur for your questions; it is simply out of
love that I chastise any of my students. It is a father's duty to raise his son to
be a strong, useful citizen, and sometimes he must reprimand him for some
mistake in order to teach him. But this harshness is only for his son's benefit.
Similarly, you are all my spiritual children, and my only concern is to see
that you all become strong in your devotion to Lord Krishna, so sometimes
scolding may be there, but you should always remember that it is done with
love and it is only for your benefit.
Krishna consciousness means to increase the number of persons in Krishna
consciousness. Therefore, it is the duty of a Brahmacari to go door to door as
beggar and enlighten people in Krishna consciousness. Whenever you go to
some person he will hear something from the devotee about Krishna
consciousness and that will be very much beneficial for both the devotee and
the person who hears the devotee.
(Letter to Kirtanananda – April 13, 1967, New York)
If you all carry these words successively, then the transcendental parampara
system will be exactly maintained and people in general will be benefited. I
am very much obliged to my disciples because they are realizing the
importance of Krishna Consciousness Movement and it is very much
encouraging to me. Please, therefore, continue the standard of understanding.
Read regularly our books and try to expand and preach the philosophy as far
as possible.
(Letter to Bhagavan – January 10, 1970, Los Angeles)
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Reserved and perseverance
When a person is undisturbed even in the presence of various causes of
disturbance, he is called reserved and perseverant. An example of this
perseverance and reservation is found in the behavior of King Pariksit, as
described in the First Canto, Nineteenth Chapter, verse 15, of Srimad-
Bhagavatam. The King says there to all the sages present before him at the
time of his death, "My dear brahmanas, you should always accept me as your
surrendered servant. I have come to the bank of the Ganges just to devote my
heart and soul unto the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. So please bless me, that
mother Ganges may also be pleased with me. Let the curse of the brahmana's
son fall upon me - I do not mind. I only request that at the last moment of my
life all of you will kindly chant the holy name of Visnu, so that I may realize
His transcendental qualities."
This example of Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at
the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of
reservation. This is one of the characteristics of a devotee who has developed
ecstatic love for Krishna
(Nectar of Devotion 18: Character of One in Ecstatic Love)
So prasanna-vaktra aruṇ a-locanani. Prasanna-vaktra. Prasanna means
pleasing. Somebody was talking that, "Your Deity is just like trying to talk
with me." Prasanna-vaktra. Yes. He is here to talk with you, but He is
waiting whether you're interested to talk with Him. That's all. Krishna says
that teṣaṁ satata-yuktanaṁ bhajataṁ prīti-pū rvakam, buddhi-yogaṁ
dadami tam (BG 10.10). He talks, but with whom? Teṣaṁ satata-yuktanam.
One who is twenty-four hours engaged with love and faith in the service of
the Lord. To whom. Just like if you want to talk with some big man, then
you must have qualification. Is it possible that if you want to talk with the
big man here, immediately you like? No. You cannot talk. You must be fit to
talk with him. Similarly, Krishna is ready to talk with you. He has come. He
has descended in arca-mū rti to talk with you, to be visible by you. Now you
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make yourself ready and fit to talk with you; then He will exchange
conversation. Santaḥ sadaiva hṛdayeṣu vilokayanti. This is possible. This is
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.35 - December 4th 1974, Bombay)
Any friend in any part of the world that you may contact, try to infuse him
with this Krishna Consciousness idea. Never waste your time in any other
talks. I think our students have already developed this attitude and they are
not interested in idle talks. Ambarisa Maharaja, he set very nice example by
engaging his mind always on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, and talking always
about him. We should follow the same example.
(Letter to Upendra – July 4, 1968 Montreal)
Deity Worship
We have to make our steady progress, keeping both sides in balance; namely
the Pancaratriki Biddhi and Bhagavat Biddhi. The Pancaratriki Biddhi is
Arcana or Temple worship, and the Bhagavat Biddhi is to preach by
chanting and distributing literature. Although chanting is quite sufficient to
cover all the Biddhis, still to keep ourselves pure and sanctified, we must
observe the rules and regulations of Pancaratriki Biddhi.
(Letter to Hamsaduta – March 12, 1970, Los Angeles)
What pleases Srila Prabhupada the most?
Bahulasva: What is the thing that would please you the most?
Prabhupada: Chant Hare Krishna.
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Devotees: Hare Krishna!
Prabhupada: That is the simple thing. You are chanting. I am very much
pleased. That’s all. I came to your country to chant, that “You chant also
along with me.” So you are helping me by chanting. So I am pleased.
(Lecture - July 16, 1971, Detroit)
Quality of a devotee
Although the King Indradyumna was cursed by Agastya Muni, he welcomed
the curse because a devotee is always aware that nothing can happen without
the desire of the Supreme Lord. Although the King was not at fault, Agastya
Muni cursed him, and when this happened the King considered it to be due to
his past misdeeds. Tat te 'nukampaṁ susamīkṣamaṇ aḥ (SB 10.14.8). This is a
practical example of how a devotee thinks. He regards any reverses in life as
blessings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, instead of being
agitated by such reverses, he continues his activities of devotional service, and
Krishna takes care of him and enables him to be promoted to the spiritual
world, back to Godhead. If a devotee has to suffer the reactions of his past
misdeeds, the Supreme Lord arranges for him to be given only a token of these
reactions, and very soon he is freed from all the reactions of material
contamination. One should therefore adhere to devotional service, and the Lord
Himself will very soon see to one's promotion to the spiritual world. A devotee
should not be disturbed by unfortunate circumstances, but must continue his
regular program, depending on the Lord for everything.
(Purport Srimad-Bhagavatam 8.4.11-12 )
180 | P a g e
Original unedited Quote:
Although the King Indradyumna was cursed by Agastya Muni, he welcomed the curse
because a devotee is always aware that nothing can happen without the desire of the
Supreme Lord. Although the King was not at fault, Agastya Muni cursed him, and when
this happened the King considered it to be due to his past misdeeds. Tat te 'nukampaṁ
susamīkṣamaṇaḥ (SB 10.14.8). This is a practical example of how a devotee thinks. He
regards any reverses in life as blessings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Therefore, instead of being agitated by such reverses, he continues his activities of
devotional service, and Krishna takes care of him and enables him to be promoted to
the spiritual world, back to Godhead. If a devotee has to suffer the reactions of his past
misdeeds, the Supreme Lord arranges for him to be given only a token of these
reactions, and very soon he is freed from all the reactions of material contamination.
One should therefore adhere to devotional service, and the Lord Himself will very soon
see to one's promotion to the spiritual world. A devotee should not be disturbed by
unfortunate circumstances, but must continue his regular program, depending on the
Lord for everything.
Devotees should be ideal
Madhudviṣa: Is it possible for a dog-eater to become a first-class man?
Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Engage this tongue for these two business: chant Hare
Krishna and take prasadam. He will forget dog-eating. (laughter) There is no
exception. Everyone can become Krishna conscious if he follows, beginning,
these two rules: chant Hare Krishna and take prasadam. That's all. Test it.
Make a trial. The temple is here. We are inviting. Come here. Do these two
business. And our Madhudviṣa Maharaja is ready to give you prasadam and
chance for dancing and singing. That's all. Where is the difficulty? You
haven't got to pay for it. No loss. If there is any gain, why don't you try it?
Madhudviṣa: SHrīla Prabhupada, why is it necessary for someone to come
here and chant Hare Krishna and take prasadam?
Prabhupada: Everything is being done properly. You will learn. Just like
you have to go to school or college to learn. So just similarly, if you have to
take the education of spiritual life, they will come here and see how people
are doing, ideal. And you should be ideal. If you are not ideal, then it will be
useless to open center. You behave nicely, they will come, they will see, and
they will learn. If you go to some school and the professors are rascals, then
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what you will learn? It is both, reciprocal. You shall act as professor, teacher.
Your life should be ideal, and they will come and see, and they will learn.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture—Melbourne, May 19, 1975)
Note: For unedited original quote please turn over to the next page.
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reciprocal. You shall act as professor, teachers. Your life should be ideal,
and they will come and see, and they will learn.
Regulative Principles
There is the story of the bed bug. In the winter season the bed bug appears to
be only skin, but in summer season as soon as it gets the opportunity of
biting and sucking blood, it becomes fatty. Sometimes we may artificially
renounce the world, but as soon as the opportunity of sucking blood is there,
we turn again into a bed bug. Therefore it is said in the Bhagavad gīta:
daivi hy esa gunamayi
mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye prapadyante
mayam etam taranti te
[Bg. 7.14]
"This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material
nature, is difficult to overcome. But, those who have surrendered unto Me
can easily cross beyond it.''
Unless everyone of us sticks to the regulative principles of chanting, there is
no other alternative than fall-down. That is a fact.
(Letter to Karandhara – October 19, 1973, Bombay)
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Association of Devotees
Regarding your question about faith in devotees, faith must be there. But we
should always take instruction from devotees who are considered to be
elevated. A preacher's position is like this: He should have firm faith and
love for Krishna. He should make friendship with devotees. He should be
very much charitable and kind to the neophytes and he should avoid the
company of nondevotees. This program suggests, of course, that a devotee
who is not in the neophyte stage can discriminate what is Krishna, what is
devotee, what is neophyte and what is nondevotee. Unless one is able to
discriminate, he is to be considered to be in the neophyte stage. In the
neophyte stage the position is that the neophyte devotee worships the Deity
in the temple with great awe and reverence, but he cannot discriminate who
is devotee, who is nondevotee and who is neophyte. I think you must be in
the second stage and should try to discriminate as above. Any devotee
wanting to see you should be welcomed, but your treatment should be
according to his position.
(Letter to Hamsaduta – September 28, 1969, Tittenhurst)
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When Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing
attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna consciousness
and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness. Just as when the
light and darkness come together, the darkness cannot stand before the light,
so maya cannot remain in the presence of Krishna. Always remember
therefore to chant Hare Krishna, at least 16 rounds daily, and that will save
you in all circumstances without any doubt.
(Letter to Rupa Vilasa , Candrika, Bhavatarini, Bhanutanya – June 20,
1972, Los Angeles)
So you continue this book distribution program very nicely, and at the same
time take advantage of these books yourselves. Not that you just distribute
but neglect reading them yourself. Always read them, especially Krishna
book. Every time you have a spare moment, you should read. This will help
you to advance in Krishna consciousness, and will give you the ability to
convince others also.
(Letter to Trai – May 5, 1972, Hawaii)
ISKCON standard
Make certain that the daily routine program is held nicely and to the regular
highest ISKCON standard, that is, you should see that our rising early,
holding mangala arati, chanting 16 rounds, reading books, having classes,
street sankirtana, etc., go on just to the highest standard and are never for any
reason neglected. In this way your success is assured, but if we neglect even
for a moment our routine, work, if we allow the regular program to become
slack then everything else we may try will fail.
(Letter to Rudra, Radhika – Calcutta 20 February, 1972)
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Devotional Service
Regarding your question about annamoya, pranamoya, etc. Yes, they are
different stages of consciousness. Different living beings are situated in
different consciousness, some are satisfied in the matter of eating and
sleeping, they are on the annamoya stage. Pranamoya means those who can
simply survive in the struggle for existence. Manomoya means philosophical
speculation. Jnanamoya means self-realization, vijnanamoya means
application of that stage in practical life, and when there is the right
perfection of life that is anandamoya stage or Krishna Consciousness.
So by the grace of Lord Caitanya, in this age our movement is giving directly
the anandamoya stage, and anyone can visit our Temple and see how our
students are in blissful life. Naturally they are in jolly mood by chanting,
dancing, and taking Prasadam. Your regular chanting of Mahamantra and
reading of books will keep you always fit for pushing on this movement.
This formula should be rigidly followed by everyone of us.
(Letter to Tamala Krishna – May 1, 1970, Los Angeles)
186 | P a g e
Only fools give up the service of the spiritual master and think themselves
advanced in spiritual knowledge. In order to check such fools, Caitanya
Mahaprabhu Himself presented the perfect example of how to be a disciple.
A spiritual master knows very well how to engage each disciple in a
particular duty, but if a disciple, thinking himself more advanced than his
spiritual master, gives up his orders and acts independently, he checks his
own spiritual progress. Every disciple must consider himself completely
unaware of the science of Krsna and must always be ready to carry out the
orders of the spiritual master to become competent in Krsna consciousness.
A disciple should always remain a fool before his spiritual master.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Purport Adi 7.72)
187 | P a g e
Devotional service which is based on the foreground of full knowledge
combined with detachment from material association, and which is fixed by
dint of the aural reception of the Vedanta-shruti, is the only perfect method
by which the seriously inquisitive student can realize the Absolute Truth.
Devotional service is not, therefore, meant for the less intelligent class of
transcendentalists. There are three classes of devotees, namely, first, second
and third class. The third-class devotees, or the neophytes, who have no
knowledge and are not detached from material association, but who are
simply attracted by the preliminary process of worshiping the Deity in the
temple, are called material devotees. Material devotees are more attached to
material benefit than transcendental profit. Therefore, one has to make
definite progress from the position of material devotional service to the
second-class devotional position. In the second-class position, the devotee
can see four principles in the devotional line, namely, the Personality of
Godhead, His devotees, the ignorant and the envious. One has to raise
himself at least to the stage of a second-class devotee and thus become
eligible to know the Absolute Truth.
(Purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Adi 7.102)
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Love of Godhead
Now increase that sincerity more and more by engaging yourself whole-heartedly
and with great enthusiasm for serving Krishna and very soon love of Godhead
will fructify. You will become more and more happy in this life and in the end go
back to home, back to Krishna, to enjoy eternal life, full of bliss and knowledge
and in association with the supreme lovable object, Krishna. And our process for
obtaining to such a wonderful existence is not at all difficult. Following the
regulative principles strictly, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily and always
think of Krishna.
(Letter to Ksama – November 6, 1971, Calcutta)
Spiritual master
As from wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so
also the presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of
legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects which are
especially treated in the Vedic literatures like the Upaniṣads and Vedanta.
SHrīmad-Bhagavatam is the bona fide explanation of these Vedic literatures. The
Lord can be realized through the aural reception of the transcendental message,
and that is the only way to experience the transcendental subject. As fire is
kindled from wood by another fire, the divine consciousness of man can similarly
be kindled by another divine grace. His Divine Grace, the spiritual master can
kindle the spiritual fire from the woodlike living entity by imparting proper
spiritual messages injected through the receptive ear. Therefore one is required to
approach the proper spiritual master with receptive ears only, and thus divine
existence is gradually realized. The difference between animality and humanity
lies in this process only. A human being can hear properly, whereas an animal
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(Purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.32)
Lord’s Protection
To spread the Krishna consciousness movement, devotees have to face many
dangers and impediments all over the world, but a faithful servant who
preaches with great devotion to the Lord must know that Lord Nṛsiṁ hadeva
is always his protector.
(Purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.8.51)
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Mercy of Pure Devotees
A maha-bhagavata Vaiṣṇava has the transcendental eyes to see who is
sleeping under the spell of maya, and he engages himself in awakening
sleeping conditioned beings by spreading the knowledge of Krishna
consciousness. He opens eyes that are closed by forgetfulness of Krishna.
Thus the living entity is liberated from the dullness of material energy and is
engaged fully in the service of the Lord. The madhyama-adhikarī Vaiṣṇava
can awaken others to Krishna consciousness and engage them in duties
whereby they can advance. It is therefore said in the Caitanya-caritamṛta
(Madhya-līla, Chapter Six, verse 279):
lohake yavat sparshi' hema nahi kare
tavat sparsha-maṇi keha cinite na pare
"One cannot understand the value of touchstone until it turns iron into gold."
One should judge by action, not by promises. A maha-bhagavata can turn a
living entity from abominable material life to the Lord's service. This is the
test of a maha-bhagavata. Although preaching is not meant for a maha-
bhagavata, a maha-bhagavata can descend to the platform of madhyama-
bhagavata just to convert others to Vaiṣṇ avism. Actually a maha-bhagavata
is fit to spread Krishna consciousness, but he does not distinguish where
Krishna consciousness should be spread from where it should not. He thinks
that everyone is competent to accept Krishna consciousness if the chance is
provided. A neophyte and an intermediate devotee should always be eager to
hear the maha-bhagavata and serve him in every respect. The neophyte and
intermediate devotees can gradually rise to the platform of uttama-adhikarī
and become first-class devotees.
(Purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 16.74)
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Devotional Service
So in the beginning, if you take to Krishna consciousness, there will be so
many disturbances by maya. Maya will test you how far you are fixed up.
She will test you. She is also agent of Krishna. She does not allow anyone
who is meant for disturbing Krishna. Therefore, she tests very rigidly
whether you have taken to Krishna consciousness to disturb Krishna, or you
are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the
beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making
progress in Krishna consciousness. But if you remain steady... Steady means
if you follow the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds, then you
will remain steady. And if you neglect, then maya will capture you,
immediately. Maya is always ready.
(Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.20 - April 12, 1973 New York)
That is the only requirement for successfully completing the perfection of the
living condition, that you should always be enthusiastic to perform services
unto the Lotus Feet of the Lord despite all obstacles, and then you can be
assured that all of the other qualities or necessities for pure devotional
service will be met, such as patience, determination, etc. and then without
doubt you shall be delivered to the realm of unlimited bliss, freed from all
(Letter to Hamsaduta – January 20, 1972, Jaipur)
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If you pat your subordinates it will increase their faulty habits and if you
chastise them, they will improve. Therefore, it is advised that either your son
or disciple, you should always chastise them, never give them leniency. So a
little leniency, immediately so many faults will grow. Now for our practical
life we are known all over the world as shaven headed, is it not? Now we are
becoming hair-headed, we are forgetting shaving. Because there is a little
leniency, immediately faulty things are creeping in.
(Letter to Ramesvara – November 26, 1976, Newsletter)
Studying the Philosophy
So by study of SHrīmad-Bhagavatam under the bona fide spiritual master,
one becomes aware of the full value of life, and then he revives his original
Krishna consciousness. That is the perfection of life. The individual soul is
already under specific material nature, and the process is going on in lower
grades of life, but in the human form of life by advancement of education,
one can become above the modes of material nature. That chance is given to
him. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gīta: "yanti deva vrata devan [Bg.
9.25].'' So if he likes he can go back to Godhead, "yanti mad yajino 'pi
mam,'' and stop this transmigration process. Then he comes again perfect in
Krishna consciousness. We are trying to bring the human society to this
stage of life.
(Letter to Svarupa Damodara – August 31, 1975, Vrindavan)
Association of devotees
193 | P a g e
It would be better to set the example rather than to criticize the defects of the
devotees. We should always remember that we recruit members from people
in general. It is not expected that every one of our members should be
immediately to the standard qualification. The best thing for you is to set the
example by your personal behavior and try to reform the others, not by
criticizing but by friendly behavior. If sometimes there are any
disagreements, we should try to forget such incidences and be always in
friendship with each other.
(Letter to Vrinda – October 14, 1971, Nairobi)
Relationship with Srila Prabhupada
I thank all of you very much for accepting me as your spiritual master, and I
promise that I will take you back to home, back to Godhead.
(Letter to: Nityananda Delhi 12 November, 1971)
194 | P a g e
In the beginning it has been said that you make your determination that: "In
this life I shall execute Krsna consciousness in such a way that after leaving
this body I enter into the spiritual world and go directly to Goloka
Vrindavana, Krsnaloka." This is called vyavasayatmika buddhih.
Niscayatmika means determination.
But He says that persons who are attached to bhoga - material enjoyment,
aisvarya - material opulence: bhogaisvarya-prasaktanam [Bg. 2.44]. Those
who are too much attached to material enjoyment and material sense
gratification, material opulence, and those who have become bewildered or
mad after it, tayapahrita-cetasam, they cannot have such determination.
They will fail to have such determination.
(Bhagavad-gita 2.40-45—Los Angeles, December 13, 1968)
Unedited Original Qoute
In the beginning it has been said that you make your determination that "In
this life I shall execute Krsna consciousness in such a way that after leaving
this body I enter into the spiritual world and go directly to Goloka
Vrindavana, Krsnaloka." This is called vyavasayatmika buddhih.
Niscayatmika means determination. But He says that persons who are
attached, bhoga, material enjoyment, aisvarya, material opulence:
bhogaisvarya-prasaktanam [Bg. 2.44]. Those who are too much attached to
material enjoyment and material sense gratification, material opulence,
tayapahrita-cetasam, and those who have become bewildered or mad after it,
tayapahrita-cetasam, vyavasayatmika buddhih, they cannot have such
determination. They will fail to have such determination.
(Bhagavad-gita 2.40-45—Los Angeles, December 13, 1968)
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