Online Blood Bank System 2
Online Blood Bank System 2
Online Blood Bank System 2
A blood Bank can be defined as a bank or storage place where blood is collected, preserved and used whenever needed or demanded. Everyone is
aware that the traditional blood bank management system includes paperwork. Its way of working is not efficient enough at the time of emergency
situations. The main aim of creating cloud-based blood bank system is to make the blood available on time to the people, even in emergency situations.
With the help of this project, the user can be able to view information about every entity related to blood bank i.e. hospitals, donors, a location of
another blood bank etc. The security factor is maintained properly. Every time the new user accesses the system as a donor, h e/she has to register
himself/herself and provide a proof of their identity like license or government document on which the blood group of the person is mentioned. This
project will consist of the android application which can be used in the smart phones; it will contain all the information of the donor and nearby
hospitals. The application will also contain a GPS (Global Positioning System) system to track the location of the nearby blood banks or hospitals.
Every registered user will get the notification regarding health checkup drives, blood donation camps in particular area etc. As the person did not need
to go out far, for the search of the blood banks and hospitals, this application helps to save the time to a great extent. Th is also helps in correct and
quick decision making.
Blood is the necessity of everyone .Blood contribute to 7% of total body weight, so to maintain the specific amount of blood in the body is
necessary for a human to survive. Studies show that for every moment, to save their life someone needs blood .In every area specially in a rural area
because of the lack of facilities of conventional blood bank management system available in the rural area It is healthy donating blood. So, we have
created an application to simplify the blood donation process .The main aim of creating this web application is to make the blood available on time to
the people, even in emergency situations. The main idea behind this is , to improve the blood bank system working, management etc, with the help of
cloud computing technology. The project provides a platform using which the information about the donor, its location, nearby blood bank etc .are
available for the requester requesting it. This web application contains different modules to maintain blood and blood donors. A large number of blood
donors are attracted using web application. The entities involved in the cloud-based blood bank management system are requester/receiver, blood
donor, administrator blood banks, hospitals etc.
1) P. PriyaV. Saranya, S. Shabana , Kavitha Subraman (2014) proposed the Technopedia Geographic Information System Blood bank and Push
technology and their advantage on they are efficient and reliable blood donor information and management system using Android mobile
2) Deepak Pandey ,Achal Umare and Dr.R.S.Mangrulkar (2018) study on Authenticated Logins with Encryption scheme with Data Upload and
Dataset Generation Modules.Mining Engines for Blood Distribution. Email Services for user verification and forgot password services. And
they have support of E-Blood Bank System based on latest technology of cloud computing is proposed but they have not support of existing
system is that there is a concern of many discomforts in immediately following the process.
3) T.Hilda Jenipha and R.Backiyalakshmi (2014)they work on cloud system for Data storage and GPS tracking ,Web Technology for online
blood bank and Android Application for smartphone .They get the help of help to control donor service and create a database which holds
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 1840-1843, April 2022 1841
data of the blood in each area using the cloud. To overcome the drawback of offline blood bank system we have proposed the sy stem using
Cloud Computing in which the users can view the information of nearby donors, hospitals, blood banks.
4) Alimentally M. Mostafa, Ahmed E. Youssef and Gamal Alshorbag (2014) they work on Ontology interface system Emergency Service
provided by national/ regional donors database Blood donation campaign service Blood Donation Registration Service Blood Donation
Reservation Service and they get the help to communicate with blood donors and blood donation centers so that patient can get the blood on
5) Akshay V and Jain Khanter (2009) proposed the management information system application that covers some of the blood bank
management issues related to a particular region ad they get the help of the error in a particular region this work could be helpful .
a) admin
b) donor
c) acceptors
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 1840-1843, April 2022 1842
Admin-This module focuses on the both donors and acceptors. Each member in a donor &acceptor is given a user id and password, which identifies
him uniquely. The member is given a login form. he enters the login details user id and password. The options given to
View Experiences
Change password-Whenever a user wants to change his/her password he can select the change password option The system displays the form, which
asks him for old password and new password. The system then compares the old password with the existing password in the database.
Donor - Donor is given a user id password .Which identifies him uniquely .The member is given a long form, he enters the login details user id and
password. The option given to a each member in a staff are change password
Find a Donor
Refer a friend
Acceptor-In this module you can store the information about Acceptors.
Change password
The application contains modules like registration, search donors, search blood banks, search hospitals, make online request for blood
Registration:-For registration, first of all user has to enter full details (address, name, blood group, contact details etc.)For registration. If user details
are not valid then it returns to user and if user details are valid then it goes to database where details of the user are safely saved.
Search donor:-For searching donors,user has to select volunteer donors from user interface system then the system opens donors list.User ha s to search
donors record by their city, blood group which is saved in database if record found in user interface system then it displays record od donors to the user.
Search blood banks:-For searching blood banks,user has to select blood bank from navigation panel in UI system.It gives options menu ,select vi sit
blood banks which opens blood banks list from UI system.Search blood bank record by city name which is saved in database if r ecord found then UI
system displays the record to user.
Search hospitals:-For searching hospitals,user has to select blood bank from navigation panel in UI system.It gives options menu ,select hospitals list
from UI system.Search hospital record by city name which is saved in database if record found then UI system displays the record to user.
Make Online Request:-For online request, user has to select type if it was a donor or receiver then UI system displays the screen as per requirement.
Select request button from action bar which opens request form as per user type(donor or receiver)then enter request details which goes to UI system if
details are not valid then it returns to the user and if request details are valid then it goes to database where details are saved gives success
message if making request goes successful otherwise it gives failure message.
Update Stock:-For updating stock, user has to select blood bank from navigation panel which opens options menu for users. Click on login screen
,enter username, password to login screen. Insert login information if information is valid then it gives success/failure message from Ui system as per
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 1840-1843, April 2022 1843
validity of information. UI system displays next activity to user which is blood stock register. In blood stock screen enter stock details which goes to
database via UI system .If stock details are saved successfully then it gives success message otherwise failure message to the user.
a) Less security.
b) Technical complexity.
c) Without integrating the blood banks will lead to time consuming while searching of a particular group of blood.
d) Without having proper information it is very difficult to supply the blood to the required people.
This project consist of an web application which will help to provide an emergency services to the needy blood requester seeking people for
donating blood and it also uses cloud services for keeping data of donors safely. Latest technology and information system plays a vital role in blood
bank system and its services, as its quality improves. The system is beneficial for both requester and donor too. Due to this System, the bridge between
donor and the requester is reduced and their Communication improves. The health sector will be definitely benefited by the services provided by the
system as patients safety and life is considered valuable.
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